#I also forgot how cute their dynamic is. sucks that the writers never committed to any of these romance storylines lol
smol-blue-bird · 2 months
TNG "Attached" is unironically one of my favorite Star Trek episodes, because it's slightly absurd in that uniquely Star Trek way, where it's not tonally inconsistent with the rest of the series, but it also 100% sounds like fanfiction. The entire premise could've been ripped straight off of Ao3. It's "aliens made them do it," but instead of "doing it," the aliens force them to confess their feelings about each other via technobabble brain implants that make them read each other's minds. Neither Picard nor Crusher seem especially concerned about these implants, which is insane, given that they were kidnapped by aliens who then performed brain surgery on them??! Beverly is stranded on a hostile alien planet with foreign cybernetics jammed into her brainsteam, and she spends half of the episode thinking about soup. I love this show
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thickenmyblood · 4 years
I love how you really put a lot of thought into how you regard and read fanfic as well as how you respond to questions about how you feel aout it. Can I ask what are some parts/ideas in fics that really made you go wow, this is well planned or like I never would have thought about this or I forgot that this plot point and device were even a thing! I hope this makes sense
I love you, kind stranger. Thank you for reading my delirious posts and giving me the chance to scream about fics, which is always a pleasure. 
Note: If your fic is in this post and you don’t want it to be, let me know and I’ll take it down. 
Zeitnot by thereshaegoes
I love the idea of time travel, so when I read this fic’s summary I bookmarked it instantly. At first, I thought it was going to be eight chapters of Laurent waking up the day of the battle of Marlas, but the author really surprised me.
I loved that someone died at the end of each chapter (at first, at least) but what really made me go ‘oh’ is when Lauret realizes the Damen from “this new reality” is, in fact, his Damen! 
Damen not being with Jokaste was weird to me, but I shrugged it off as a personal choice the author had made. Then, when Damen was talking about abolishing slavery, I was still in denial. ‘Oh, well, some people don’t like to write Damen as a slave owner, which is cool’. And then, when the big reveal finally came, I was just… amazed. I literally put my phone down and went, ‘okay, this person really knows what they’re doing when it comes to writing’. 
I love the little plot twists. In my head, a plot twist most basic example is ‘oh, X is a traitor’ but… this? This is so much better.
Between the Shadow and the Soul by Anonymous
This work was… insanely refreshing, innovative, transgressive, and outrageously good. It does feature a lot of sex scenes, but at the same time, it felt like sex was the least important part of the story. I don’t know how to explain myself when it comes to this fic (and God knows I’ve tried) but… The sex scenes aren’t there just for the smut of it all, if that makes any sense. 
Auguste as a narrator is so unusual, and yet it made the fic so painful and enjoyable! I loved the way it left you wondering just how accurate his POV was. I loved the sex scenes with actual characterization. This author never, not even for one second, stopped focusing on the dynamic between Laurent, Auguste, and Damen. It could be argued that the Laurent/Auguste bit weighted more than the overall OT3 bit, but still… I had literally forgotten what sex scenes were for until I read this fic.
Sex scenes, especially in this particular work, are not parentheses in the story. They’re not there for the reader to take a break from the “actual plot” or “narration”. They are what holds the story together, and they’re opportunities for the reader to learn more about the characters
Cherry Wine by SteeleStingray
Yes, I’m back on my bullshit. Yes, I’m talking about CW again. But I’ll make it short because there is no way you don’t know how I feel about this work. If you don’t, check out this comment (which, by the way, is not even a fraction of what I wanted to say to the author when I read the fic). 
What I found innovative and made me go “is this allowed?” about CW is not the idea of an OT3, but rather this particular take on a relationship that consists of three people. I’ve read a few published books that feature similar couples (all of them suck, and when I say they suck I mean it) so I was very hesitant to read this because of that reason. 
Usually, when people write OT3 they pepper in a lot of stuff I don’t like to read about: extreme jealousy, misunderstandings, cheating, weird dynamics that feel stilted, awkward sex scenes where one of the three just sits in a chair and watches the other two like some voyeur from Juan José Saer’s stories. Guess what doesn’t happen in CW? 
Another thing I liked about this work is that it reminded me that themes in fiction aren’t limited to one specific work. This author really likes nicknames. At the time, when I had only read CW, I thought it was just a one-time thing. Turns out, it’s not. An emerald-coloured nightmare also features nicknames. I like this idea that you can tell who wrote something based on little details and narrative choices. It’s like the author is winking at you, going ‘ha, did you get it?’
Ink on Paper by deripmaver
I don’t usually like fics with non-linear narrative because I’m a lazy bitch who can’t keep up. I’d never really seen the point in using flashbacks, scenes from the past, or anything like that because my writing style (oh, fuck off, my writing style, who the fuck do I think I am) is more about references. And then I read this fic. And I was like, ‘okay, I’ve seen the light of not writing everything linearly like an idiot’. 
The Mannequin Gallery by marrieddorks
Yes, I realize I’m talking about all my favorite fics. I feel no shame.
This fic is a Modern AU. Everyone who has ever written a Modern AU knows that one of the trickiest parts is finding characters professions that make sense with who they are/what they like/what they’re good at. This story features Damen as an influencer. That’s it, that’s my whole tweet. 
It reminded me that even when you’re writing a Modern AU (or any sort of AU, really) it’s important to know what the essence of the characters you’re writing is. The way even Jord’s job makes sense… And how it feels like the author didn’t just steal the characters’ names and use them to create a random story (which is valid, too)... and… Okay, this has nothing to do with a plot twist or a narrative device but have you read this Nicaise? Have you? You haven’t read Nicaise until you’ve read this fic.
(and that's why) you're so beautiful now by iwasgonegonegone
This fic is 612 words. It has no plot. One of the tags reads, “listen they're in love and they're cute and that's all i have to say” and I… yes. This fic inspired me to write plot-less stories again. Not only that, it made me enjoy writing them. 
Lately, I’ve been talking to a friend of mine about a new pairing we both like a lot. We go back and forth for hours sometimes just talking about what they’d do, details about the worldbuilding, a billion ‘what-ifs’... and I love it. If one of us sat down to write a story based on all our conversations, it would be a character study fic. It would have, maybe, some plot to it, but… Plot would feel like an excuse to talk about their relationship. And I love that. I fucking hate plot, I hate it, and this… Yes. This fic is like a little slice of life. The author has mentioned before that they enjoy writing poetry (more than longer pieces of fiction) and this story reads like a poem. You know when you read a poem and you get this weird tingly feeling? Read this and feel that, you’re welcome.
The Life We Live by homewithyou
I’ve said before that I don’t go looking for mpreg. Sometimes, mpreg has come looking for me, and I’ve closed my door on its face. I read this fic mainly because I never pay attention to the tags on AO3 (healthy, I know) and I was too busy making myself toast to read the summary. 
I was five paragraphs in and this bit hit me like a fucking electric hammer to the head: “...which had been going haywire more often than not since the pregnancy began five months ago.” I was like, ‘wait, did I—am I reading—why am I—’ and then I just shut my mouth and continued reading. I’m glad I did. I’m glad I didn’t let my narrowmindedness stop me from giving this fic a try. I’m glad people out there are writing stories that they enjoy, about topics a few others would deem controversial. 
This also applies to the Lamen/Auguste fic I mentioned above. What’s the point of writing if you’re not going to take risks and be honest about what you like to write about? It takes honesty and commitment to write anything that strays from the norm. And so I’m glad this person posted this story, because it changed me in a small way (‘what if I shut the fuck up and read more mpreg instead of instantly clicking out?’).
This is another perfect example of how plot is poison and you don’t need it in your life (unless you enjoy poison. In that case consume the plot, write the plot, sniff the plot. And die). A morning in bed, just nuzzling and talking… living life… Again, this made me realize that you can say a lot about two characters just from a morning in bed. It made me want to write 25 pages of dialogue in bed (this and Manuel Puig’s book titled Kiss of the spider woman, which I recommend fervently). 
Plot? In this house? We don’t know her. You’re a strong, independent writer. You don’t need no plot.
For a more general response, I’d say that Steele’s worldbuilding is impeccable and made me look at the setting of stories differently. 
Foreshadowing is always amazing, but I haven’t read a lot of fics where it’s a prominent element (which is not to say authors aren’t good at it, I just don’t read enough fics to give you a good example of this). 
I really like oxymorons and when writers use funny adverbs. GallaPlacidia’s adverbs are to die for, so definitely check out her stories if you’re interested in that. 
I also love the way xlydiadeetz writes archs. She does this thing where she divides the story into different… timelines? archs? I… don’t even know. Amazing.
I hope this answer made sense. 
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getyourvitamin-bri · 5 years
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Okay so I did one of these last season and I once again felt the urge to rant about how much I love each and every character on this show. 
Eleven // El // Jane who continues to be my personal favorite character on this show. God this season she reached new levels of being a badass. Can we take a moment to just appreciate how strong and brave she is, she just keeps going even when she is scared. And those fight scenes were just phenomenal, they didn’t make her seem invincible which I love cause its her tenacity that really makes her so strong and interesting. I loved the story line where she basically is becoming a normal kid discovering new “rules”, her own style, her personality, we get to see the type of person she’s becoming on screen and its done so well. 
Mike Wheeler Okay I’ll be honest I always liked mike but it was always more aww he and El are so cute together not mike individually. But I felt this season fleshed out his character a little more. We get to see him just being a normal dumb teenager. That opening scene where he starts singing and being a dork really made me love his character, also him and Lucas ranting about girls was hilarious. Most of all though you could see how much he cares about El is taken into account in all his actions even when they were wrong. Overall I though he was really adorable and compared to my younger cousins a realistic teenage boy. 
Lucas Sinclair Lucas always gives some of the best dialogue in my opinion (must run in his family) and I think it kinda gets overlooked sometimes. This season his whole thing about teaching mike about girls was hilarious and something I totally picture a young teenage boy thinking. He’s really quick witted and stubborn and I love him, his and max’s dynamic I think just fits well somehow. 
Dustin Henderson God he is such an adorable marshmallow I want to protect. He just always makes me smile, he’s honestly the perfect mix of smart and adorable. This season once again shows how committed he is to science and finding the truth of things, he’s so determined once he starts a mission and I’m so happy he found a girl to appreciate him. That song they sang together melted me in to a puddle. 
Will Byers I honestly felt we didn’t get enough of will this season I mean I get it, theirs a lot of characters not enough time but we’ve steadily been getting to know him more and I fine myself with more questions about him. He’s so sweet and different than a lot of teenage boys portrayed on television and its this uniqueness that makes me want to get to know him more. I just really feel for him and how he wanted to go back to how things were before. 
Max Hargrove Max is quickly rising in the ranks for me in becoming another favorite character. She is just so stubborn and witty and blunt I love it. Most of all this season I love her and El’s friendship. I though they were gonna hate each other from what happened last season but thank god the writers took it in this direction cause I need more shopping trips and sleepovers. I myself am more of a tom boy and seeing a girl who skates and says whats on her mind just makes me really happy. 
Jonathon Byers I don’t have much new to say about Jonathan this season, I still love him and how much he cares about will, that scene where he and Nancy fight in the car, wow by the end I’ll be honest I felt for both of them cause I could understand both their points.
Nancy Wheeler She continues to be super tenacious and definitely a fighter. Her tenacity can lead to good and bad things but its a constant and I love that about her. She dealt with such sexism and never let it stop her from thinking of big dreams. She's an icon honestly and I love how brave she is, she has the traits of a great reporter.
Steve Harrington I admit I didn’t dig Steve in season 1 but he is now my second favorite character because how can he not be. His whole parent dynamic with the kids, its fucking adorable. His hair is gorgeous. He may not know everything in the world but he’s just unabashedly himself. Adorable, confident and above all caring. You could see how much he just cares about all the other characters, he respects dustin and the other kids and he’s friends with them because he doesn’t just see them as kids he see them as friends. I’m excited to see more of his character as he learns to prioritize things that are actually important not things society tells you are important.
Jim Hopper *SOBS* I always loved hopper but I loved dad hopper the most. Him and El had this unique dynamic that I just wanted more of. He’s wasn’t perfect by any means (anger issues lol) but he cared so fucking much about everyone and he just didn’t know how to express it. I sobbed when El read his speech but it felt like such a good ending though, you finally get to hear what was behind all that frustration about El and mike, he just missed her. I miss him. 
Joyce Byers She fucking mom of the year. I love her so much. You just know she would do anything for those kids. This season continued to showcase how much of a badass she is, she took no shits from people and she did what she had to do to make sure nothing happened to her son. Also this who Joyce and Jim dynamic was beautiful cause they just pushed each other up and if they had the chance I feel like they would have been a awesome team keeping those kids out of trouble.
Billy Hargrove I think seeing into his mind, seeing what makes billy do the things he does, what makes him into who he was, was just done so well. It shows how people and their actions always have reasons. We are made up of our experiences in life and no character shows this more than billy, he was handed an unlucky hard life and under all that attitude he was just a boy who loved his mom. I’m sad we did get to see him grow and learn and I loved how well the actor did this season it was phenomenal.
Murray Bauman He was a more important player this season and I loved his and Alexei’s dynamic. He’s brings some humor into any scenes he is in, seeing him pretend to be a communist was hilarious just all around no complaints, he’s a great character and he like all the characters has compassion for people, he wants to help save people and has flaws that make him well rounded.
Erica Sinclair just give this child a round of applause. Every single word from her mouth made me laugh my ass off and appreciate her. She is the queen of sass on this show. She is confident. She is hella brave. She is so smart. She is a fucking icon and I look forward to seeing everything she said made in to gifs cause I love her with all my soul and look forward to her having an even bigger roll in the next season.
Robin Another newbie, she like max is not the like most teenage girls portrayed on tv, she's the real thing, she’s unique and really funny and true to herself. With every scene I just find myself wanting to know more about her and her past. Her whole “you suck” board was hilarious, she's just incredibly likable you can’t help but root for her.
Dr. Alexei By far the most surprising character for me to like, you first see him and you do not expect to get attached to him, just like barb and bob. Stranger things just gives us these character we never expect to come to love so much and leave us heart broken cause we don’t get enough of them. He just wanted a cherry slushie and its these small things that just bring him down to our level. Like yes Alexei there is a difference between cherry and other flavors, yes it is funny that hopper and Joyce haven’t banged, yes. He’s just adorable and I didn’t expect to be so sad when he died. 
Sorry for the grammar & if I forgot someone I wrote this hella late. Heres link to my thoughts on last season. You might not agree with everything I say and thats totally cool just please don’t be rude. 
stanger things 2
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