#I adore this drawing regarding this ship!!
spectrayus · 4 months
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leggalese · 7 months
draw happy edgewotrh bc he needs to experience joy and whimsy at some point in his lfie
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Wanted to show different kinds of happiness: joy, mischief, contentment and finally a happiness so great it can be mistaken for grief. I hope you enjoy this Anon, sorry if it got heavy.
One with Nick, Pess and Miles can be interpreted anyway you want, if you ship it, it can be seen as a couple thing and if you don't it can be just two buds messing around. Either one is fine, whatever your heart wishes it will be so.
Ice cream one is inspired by this post: https://prozdvoices.tumblr.com/post/93211284060/anonymous-said-could-you-voice-edgeworth except Edgeworth is completely shameless regarding his Steel Samurai adoration.
I also like thinking that at some point Maya and Edgeworth become close enough friends that would lead to the last one happening. It seems like an interesting idea.
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missterious-figure · 4 months
Soooo I caved in pretty hard when it came to your wine and feathers au (I adore them all! Just so so cute!!) 😭 I surprisingly had the perfect little bird to use and sketch designs of! (Also note I don't know how to draw birds... yeahhhh)
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So here they are!! (with different color varieties) they are inspired by the Indian Fantail pigeon so they are a little lady OH! They also go by she/they! I currently do not have a name for her just yet. Anyways despite her "professional" appearances she is a motherly sweetheart she adores children and loves being a fandancer, at her old job (which will be redacted) she tended to children and wishes to have some of her own day. She was removed from her job due to certain complications regarding her species and now resides at the casino as a performer! (very original) Also last little note as much as I love the brothers and favor them HEAVILY, I love cowboys more! 🫶 so I wanna ship them with Toby so badlyyyyyy he needs more love too! So names recommendations would be lovely! And that's it! Have a great day/night! Thanks for reading my little dabble.
Whoa. Whoa! WHOA!!! PRETTY!!!! Love the design and story!! Such BEAUTIFUL color schemes, too!! Hope this doesn't come off rude, but I think I like brown and green one best! Not saying the other isn't gorgeous, but I'm just a sucker for brown+green palettes!! Just look at Toby!
Speaking of Toby, you can ship your oc with him! I love seeing other people's headcanons for these birb goobers!!! (anybody is allowed to ship their ocs with any of the silly peacock boys. Including one I'm working on rn...)
(Sorry I've been so slow lately)
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maliciousalice · 5 months
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@thresholdbb omg tumblr ate your ask but thankyou for asking!!!!
👕Character whose fashion you like.
Phoar! Startrek really isn't a show I associate with being fashionable. It's very camp isn't it? In theory a lot of the wardrobe is really cool and they wanted to gain that retro-future aesthetic. Did it work? I'm not sure. However it does make a statement. The Startrek aesthetic is really recognizable and that's important! I think that's where modern trek kind of looses the plot. It's not as careful about the unique visual design as a whole anymore and as a result it doesn't settle in our minds. Is it bad artistry? No but it's not as stringent. What I mean by that is older trek cared about nuance. For example every haircut was done the same way on men, or suits were tailored in a way to look sleek but practical (they weren't). Gaudy patterns were important to denote things like status. It looks ugly on the outside but when you're watching the show it envelops you and makes you feel welcomed into the universe.
I digress.
To answer this, the most fashionable character, hands down, is Quark! That mfer always looks good, and has the finest drip in the galaxy. Love that.
🥲 ST moment that makes you cry.
There are two moments that make me particularly sad. Kate's acting in the climax of Resistance is incredible. I read somewhere she had a special-wink-wink- relationship with the Director in the early seasons and she was being tested by this episode in some regard. I think it paid off. I treasure any time her captain-hood is removed, and the extreme vulnerability of Janeway is on display-MWAH MWAH poignant. This episode is beautifully intimate, particularly this scene. It's overall gorgeous and unique in how she whispers to him, as if there is nothing more important than to secure his peace of mind as he dies, and it's heart rending when it ends with her just crouching there, emotionally alone. I love how Janeway is forced into the father-daughter dynamic between her and Caylem, one that she would ordinarily resist (heh themes) because I think it inherently weakens her status. The back and forth throughout the episode of them taking care of each other's welfare is so it's terribly sad when it's torn down and we discover the truth behind Caylem's family. If you've dug around her character you know that her Admiral-Father has had impact on her life. She's haunted by him in both a figurative way by being a Captain, and literal sense later on in Coda. Much like Caylem, she looses her father in a violent manner that she has to carry around while she forges ahead. It also reflects well on Kate's relationship with her actual father, she recently revealed that she was never able to get him on her page, but in spite that she adore him with all her might. So a scene like this is really revealing-I believe she was able to draw upon those feelings and that's kinda neat to be so raw as an actor. SIGH.
This one just straight up made me cry fr because Prodigy s1 is a really mature, well done piece of (Startrek) media. Holo Janeway has an irony about it where in the end she is program designed to be a teacher, and she didn't expect to develop a strong bond with the crew. Her final moments are of displaying a huge amount of selflessness and courage to help the kids get out of trouble, similarly to how Janeway would approach dire circumstances. The music swelling and the ship activating is just OOOOF!!! I love how it parallels Dal's initiation of the first Protojump in a Moral Star. By that means It suggests how proud she is to get to do this for them. As a character she is really interesting to think about, in a way I can't entirely articulate. A lot of her moments are quite sad in general, she has to keep an active role so she isn't ignored, and help where help is needed, but at the same time she has constraints, one being that she manipulated by the antagonists. And In contrast to that, the kids do their best to help her feel like she is important and more than a command program to be used insincerely. She grew to love the Protostar crew, that's evident in her body language in this scene. She has a lot of depth overall. Equal to the real Janeway she deeply feels love, guilt and pain, but importantly she is transformed by the her time on the Protostar and while active, learns and grows with Dal, Rok-tak, Zero, Jankom and Gwyn. It's REALLY sweet that they care all care about each other.
I love her and I love JANEWAY!!!!
🥹 Favourite behind the scenes picture.
Ooooh I love all behind the scenes stuff. My brother in Christ It's super difficult to just name one thing and I'm very greedy!! I wish we had more BTS content for Voyager but sadly, it's a matter of grab what you can, however you can. Anyway, I have an inherent interest in seeing the cogs behind the wheel. I chose these samples because I think they're charming.
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The continuity polaroid's are so fun and a lost technique, I like to think about assistants having to pull the actors aside and asking them to take those. How daunting! Kate's grin in the one where she is offset is SO cute. So she must have been in a good mood, super Cheeky!
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Following that is a screenshot from a video of her having her makeup done. A rare catch. I like this because she often sooks about how much time hair and makeup was spent on her to become Captain Janeway. I get it's a huge time-sink, but love or hate it, the full irony is that her early season appearance is really iconic and in it's own right adds to Captain Janeway's sensibility. Silly goose Kate! Besides that, she looks hot checking herself out, haha.
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Moreover, I love on-set editorial photos of actors in costume. While we did have heaps of them in the Starfleet uniform, I wish we had a larger collection with clearer releases, it would have given an opportunity to see in things of interest better detail. Particularly the lower half of unique costumes. For whatever reason special outfits weren't often established or framed for us to see the legs in the show, so a nice big photograph would have solved that. Also I love that these style of pictures capture an impression of an episode without giving it away.
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Similarly, fly on the wall on-set photos are cool. They're way more intimate and candid than anything else and it makes me feel as though I am spying on the actors, but they're also a good way to document how things might have been on set.
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The Timeless one is interesting too because it's of a deleted scene, we never see Chakotay look at a dead Janeway (how deliciously macabre!), but at some point in time it was in the script and they filmed it.
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Hmm this bts picture of Janeway in the Cardigan is adorable! I believe it was worn by Kate for a Charity but look how cute she looks? Makes me wish we saw her mess around with things like that more because 7 Years is a long ass time to be in uniform everyday ( coming from someone who went to school in a Uniform and enjoyed it for the most part). Casual Fridays anyone?
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I love this gif. It's from the first shoots of Caretaker and Kate looks so radiant! Her smile is is breathtaking! Whenever I see this gif I get a sense of delight. Poor thing had no idea what she was getting herself into, haha. Really though, check out the original Caretaker photos, they're super-cool. The history behind it is fascinating; I'd love to see more footage from that version of the pilot episode. Unfortunately, it's probably not preserved well, much like lots of Paramount's historical material.
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On a similar trend, it's fun to see this set of pictures too. It's for the First Contact film / maybe the Universal studios ride, when she reprised her role as Vice AdmiralJaneway. Kate was genuinely delighted to do this cameo and it shows. As per her operandum she put her whole self into this small segment and that's so darling. It makes me wish we had more of this Janeway at that point in time. I love post Endgame chubby-Janeway. In a fictional sense it denotes that she is comfortable or stressed to be an Admiral (sadly it's the latter in real life) or whatever and I love that for her.
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These kind of pictures are fun because it's been said that at times it was the most playful set to be on. There are tales that the cast were not that serious all the time. You get that impression here, and it's probably why the majority of them are still good friends to this day. They're like a family bros!!! Having worked in media I know that wrapping up after working on something for a long time is really rewarding and I bet they had a good time at parties.
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Apropos previous, the opposite can be said. While they had fun, the hours were long and the scripts intensive. Kate was around for all of the episodes of Voyager in one way or another, and still managed to bring her A-game each time. She is truly admirable! Seeing her so exhausted is charming. She had a lot of weight to carry for the franchise and did an exemplary job performing her way through 7 years of weird and wonderful material. I wonder how often they fell asleep on set? I know I would. Get some rest queen!
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Finally, I've been following Prodigy bts as best I can, and because of my career in animation I get pretty interested in Production art. I love seeing the fast metamorphosis of a visual style. It's really impressive how much attention they applied to the designs, maintaining the older stuff, while adapting a new frontier. One of the lead artists made some pretty neat observations to get Kate's appearance right. It's so cool that they documented that journey, because from my dabbling I know she has a very beautiful, distinct face that isn't easy to capture.
ANYWAY Thankyou for reading my fat thesis fellas. tl;dr i love this stinky Startrek Voyager and by extension the franchise.
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amerricanartwork · 8 months
True Love Conquers All (Lilypad Essay cont.)
Ever since I realized the fairytale parallel was one of the main reasons I ship Lilypad, I've wanted to draw this, so here it is! Sig and Moon as Prince Phillip and Princess Aurora!
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Actually, though, besides the drawing I'm also making this because I wanted to expand on that point from my Lilypad essay; there's still more I wanna gush about regarding the fairytale parallel!
I was too nervous to say it before, because it's derived largely from my personal tastes. However, I really wanna just write about my opinions on it now. Much of it's actually the feelings I've had about several ships before in various other fandoms, yet I've never really had the courage to express these feelings openly because I have yet to find even one person in any of these fandoms who feels the same way. However, I started thinking about it again, and I think it's about time I get it out somehow, at the very least to express these feelings in some tangible way so they don't stay bottled up forever. And maybe, just maybe, to find someone who likes these themes as much as I do!
Again, it's definitely very personal, so I don't mind if you completely disagree with all of it. But with that being said, if you want to read an additional 1,846 words on Lilypad fantasies, it's just below the cut!
To elaborate on why I love ships with fairytale parallels so much, it has to do with the poetic feeling stories like Sleeping Beauty seem to carry. I must preface that I don’t know the original fairytale, I’m pretty much entirely going off the 1959 animated Disney film, but even so I still love various themes within it and how they can be applied to other stories. Sleeping Beauty isn’t the only old Disney movie where I interpret these themes, or even the only animated story in general where these themes can be interpreted, but I think it’s overall the most similar to Lilypad specifically because of the whole “fair maiden dies and gets revived by the prince’s love” dynamic.
Something I’ve come to realize, especially upon developing a love for Rain World specifically, is that I adore stories about accepting one’s own nature and learning how to have it coexist with your personal goals rather than conflict with it. Sleeping Beauty has this not only through the eternal bond between Aurora and Phillip (I mean, “Once Upon a Dream” literally seems to be about how the singer will always love the person they fell for even if their love seemed too good to be true), but in the whole curse put on Aurora and the “true love conquers all” message. The conflict is all about how to ensure Aurora’s safety despite the impending doom of Maleficent’s curse on her, which is made more intense by how the curse can’t really be stopped, only lessened in severity. However, the inevitability of true love’s triumph over all obstacles, and really the inevitability of nature as a whole, is just so beautiful to me because it’s something so universal. As much as we may try to hide it, we humans are still animals, and still a part of nature as much as any other animal is, so the idea that forces as powerful and omnipresent as natural phenomenon could just as easily be on your side and working to help you reach your goals instead of trying to hurt you and keep you from them is very comforting specifically because of how powerful and inevitable these forces are. I mean, if forces like those can pose a seemingly impossible challenge when they seem to oppose your goals, what if they could also supply seemingly invincible support if you learned to work with them? Hence, why true love conquers all. It’s basically, “I can’t stop this thing, but maybe I don’t actually need to”. And the fact that both this and the next theme I’ll write about are present in stories which are, by this point, quite old, and can even be interpreted in newer and more recent stories just helps to further support their eternal, everlasting power by adding a sense of real-life timelessness to it all that I just find so beautiful!
Part of my love for stories like this actually comes from a specific natural force I freaking love and have been craving more of ever since I rewatched the old Disney movies and really begun to appreciate the poetic themes of them, and that force is the classic attraction between men and women. I’m not gonna get super into it now because I imagine I’ll have other chances to talk about this (again, Lilypad is far from the first ship I’ve derived this theme from, and I doubt it will be the last), but I’ll provide an intro of sorts to it here. If you’ve seen my full Lilypad essay you already know I’m a BIG fan of “inverses attract” ships, where the characters display opposite sides of the same base trait, conflict, or subject, and when they come together they help balance each other out in ways no one else can by offering each other the benefits unique to the other side of that subject. Well, simply put, if you ask me, what better example of this “inverses attract” dynamic exists in real life than the natural inverses of male and female, where the strong protectiveness and creative nurturing combine to literally create a family, from which all people come? The presence of the inverses attract dynamic is always nice to see in ships regardless of gender, but whether or not it occurs in this way specifically — that being whether or not it showcases the inverse characteristics of men and women and the positive potential when those forces combine as a team — is another major factor that, throughout my fandom experience so far, has determined which pairings I actively ship rather than just mildly smile at from time to time. (And on a side note, now that I have much more skill in art and feel more confident about my art, I figured it’s about time I start acting on that love more openly!)
So what in the WORLD does this all have to do with Lilypad?
Well, even disregarding how this very idea will basically be the major theme of my personal worm-off-the-string AU (I may elaborate on that more later because it’s just SO perfect for these particular characters and can even be interpreted in the base game to some degree), I think Lilypad, at least as I choose to imagine it, is the Rain World ship that best embodies this idea — that nature and instincts can actually help you once you simply stop fighting and accept them — more than any other in the fandom for a variety of reasons.
I’m actually going to start with how Looks to the Moon and No Significant Harassment, as strange as this may sound given who and what these characters are, actually do still display that feminine and masculine energy I love at least when I picture them, especially with Sig being confirmed as a “he” according to the wiki. It’s clear to me that Moon is very feminine (I mean, c’mon, her design in the CGs, how the moon is often associated with femininity and feminine things in real life, how she tries, even after her collapse, to connect with Five Pebbles and nurture their relationship in a very caring way, etc.), but I wanna elaborate on how part of the reason I love Sig as a character and the slag reset keys as a plot point so much is because it perfectly demonstrates that masculine protectiveness that happens in stories like Sleeping Beauty, where a man faces great trials all to rescue the fair maiden. Again, it may not have happened literally because Hunter had to deliver the slag keys, but the sentiment is the same if you ask me! And it’s always so nice to see because, again, he literally brought her back to life! How could it NOT be a sign of deep love and devotion that someone would go through so much trouble just to make sure you’re okay? 
It’s also great because I imagine the local group would have a tendency to not always take Sig seriously because he’s so careless about their purpose, so I’m sure the slag key stunt would also warrant a lot more respect for him from the other iterators. This is another thing I love seeing — both when the character everyone else overlooks finally uses their full power and their peers have to re-evaluate their impression of them, but specifically when men feel inspired to use their full power and skills to help the women they love! I love it because it demonstrates just how powerful and valuable femininity can be, shedding light on a more subtle kind of power, that being power through influence and aura rather than raw strength and stubbornness. Heck, I like to imagine wanting to protect Looks to the Moon and make sure she lasts as long as possible is a major reason why, in my AU, their physical interactions are when Sig and Moon finally begin to act on their love despite it having existed almost since Sig came online. Moon’s collapse would’ve shown both of them directly that she won’t be around forever, and if you ask Sig, someone as beautiful, kind, intelligent, noble, and all-around beloved as Looks to the Moon deserves to at least enjoy her life a little more before she fades (again), even if all the iterators falling apart is inevitable. But, coming back to what I said about nature, the inevitability of the eventual end is what makes the time they have left all the more precious!
And that’s the next part of Sleeping Beauty and fairytale-esque stories I see in Lilypad — there’s also the inevitability of this dynamic, which hits hard with Rain World iterators specifically because their whole purpose is fundamentally opposed to natural phenomena. Solving the Great Problem is, as far as I know, all about trying to escape the natural cycle of life, death, and reincarnation, and likely about escaping all natural cycles as a whole. And the iterators exist specifically to facilitate this rejection on a massive scale. So think about how poetic it would be that even they, seemingly so far detached, so far above these things, STILL fall in love and embrace these forces despite every attempt by the Ancients to prevent them from doing so! It’s made better by the fact that the iterators are machines and, even though they’re very much biomechanical ones (a big example of natural phenomena still manifesting in them despite their attempts to separate from it), one can argue they’re therefore somewhat detached from nature inherently, especially that bond between masculinity and femininity I discussed. So again, the fact it still finds a way to show up in them despite seemingly having much less reason to exist and the iterators themselves likely having much less desire to possess it just re-emphasizes how eternal it is. But once again, are they (and by extent, we the audience) sure that’s such a bad thing? 
Lilypad in an ideal scenario, to me, is of all the Rain World ships the strongest embodiment of “true love conquers all, and that’s not a bad thing after all!”
And it makes me more eager to develop my worm-off-the-string AU because I imagine that’s where their relationship really gets to flourish. Moon and Sig can finally enjoy that physical aspect of romance, and Moon in particular would, by that point, more confidently join him in rejecting the Ancients’ ascensionist philosophy. Not to mention how cute it would be to see them drawing parallels between their relationship and the love the Ancients used to feel for one another long ago, once again supporting true love as a truly timeless phenomenon. And it would branch off to not just embracing their romance that existed for so long but could never fully go anywhere, but learning to enjoy and partake in all the aspects of the world that were denied to them and that they were told to deny for who knows how long! And when it comes to not just for Sig and Moon, but the local group as a whole, what could be more poetic than that?
Man, a HUGE thank you to anyone who made it to the bottom of all this! To know that anyone bothered to at least consider what I have to say in this fandom is always nice, but with this in particular I greatly appreciate anyone who read it all! And again, PLEASE let me know if you agree with any of this, especially the parts about masculine-feminine teamwork. I'd love to know even one other person in one of my fandoms who's into that as well, and maybe even hear possible additions to it!
Regardless, I've gone on about this for so many words already. I hope you enjoyed the ideas, or at least the art! Thanks again for reading!
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time-woods · 8 months
I would like to say how much Ive enjoyed all of your prohibitedwish rot. It has genuinely made me the happiest person to just see characters i adore dearly.. be PAIRED up with the amount of devotion and thought youve poured into it from making the fic, the music— AND EVEN DRAWING FOR THE FIC?? IS INCREDIBLE!? and— im so biased.. I loved the set of comics of prohibitedwish and experimental touch with one another— that is my favorite thing to explore in ships is just how are the people, PRESENT for eachother. And i just love how you— just— are writing and doodling all these incredible things- esp in regards to Scarab, youre like— ur adding so much juice to him but it is so FITTING as if it was canon-. So like you are- incredible and thank you so much for all the incredible art you do— THOUGH IVE LOVED FOLLOWING YOUR BLOG OVER THE YEARS- this is just- so fucking awesome I needed to liek submit and ask and tell u—
While also being curious! Are you going to incorporate orbo into Chasing Stars?
thank you so much ! !
also i do not know yet , , mayhaps , ,
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shaniartss · 9 months
Don't you think kick and kendal will end up pretty happily in future?, scarlet was in only one episode plus she is a teen( kick is a kid) , Jacky is too wacky and her crazy obsession with kick is pretty problematic! Plus Kendall is pretty attractive as per the show standards ,don't you think? Plus kick might admire Kendall beauty when he thinks about her! Plus she has a thing for stunts ( as in hand in hand)and kick has a awesome memory plus he is smart (as seen morning rush). I don't like Kendall and Ronaldo togather , he was a jerk to kick in frame story and in stand and delivery :/
Hey can draw Kick holds Kendall after their dance routine in dancing with the enemy 😍? Please🥀
Btw loved your arts😊
In my honest opinion, both would have happy endings, with Kendall using her strong intellect to advance her career and Kick being recognized as the world’s greatest daredevil. Despite my fondness for the Kindall ship, there remains a possibility that Ronaldo and Kendall will end up together because, well, they are dating (A Quite toxic one , actually hszbsijdxj).
Also hey! Scarlett’s cool! :DD Though he made an effort to downplay his admiration for Scarlett's train stunt, I really thought that his little crush on her was adorable xD Like, really, those two stared at each other while they drank like a barrel-sized cheetah chug.
Regarding Jackie, she is, in my opinion, the biggest fan of Kick (literally), even though her kick obsession is getting a little out of hand. Still, I think she is great, baby is so underappreciated, along with Cousin Kyle.
Furthermore, one thing I enjoy about Kendall is that, to be honest, she is the kind of girl you want to get to know because she is full of surprises. It is great that, despite their differences, they have a small appreciation for each other's interests. Both she and Kick possess an inner sense of adventure and intelligence. I like it :DDD
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Honestly Backgrounds are the worst.
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fhs-event-week · 6 months
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Propaganda for Goldami (under the cut due to lenght):
They have so much in common and yet they're so different at the same time. They both struggle with loneliness and repressing their feelings as a response, they would understand each other, and help each other, like no one else could. But their personalities are so different, Golden is a romantic craving real love and clinging to anyone who will give it to him, prone to helping anyone around him, while Cami separates herself from anything of the sort and is literally in the villain squad. They also have some drama to deal with, regarding Cami hypnotizing him, literally taking away his agency: Golden's biggest fear. And yet he doesn't recognize her as the one who did that. Oh, I wonder how that could go! (Submitted by @chocottang)
The name of the game here is POTENTIAL! The mere idea of the girl who once brainwashed the person she will later develops feelings for, and be romantically involved with, is very intriguing on its own.
How their turbulent first interaction (mind control) could ever evolve into something like friendship or romance. Does Cami regret having brainwashed Golden? Does she view it as an obligation she had to fullfill? Do the two talk about it? Does Golden remember the mind-control/ know it was Cami and if so, is there a lingering weariness toward Cami? Does she pick up on this, and if so how does she grapple with someone fearing her. Later down the line with someone she has feelings for/is dating, still "fearing" her, whether its on a conscious or subconscious level?
What does she think of Golden remembering, or not remembering? Is it guilt? How does she react as she realizes someone who was "simply a tool for bigger plans", becomes a real person to her? An individual person. Cami's view shifting from a how she previously saw Golden, or how she thought she saw them, possibly how she convinced herself to see them? Has she convinced herself she saw Golden as a simple tool in order to not think about the weight of mind control, of having the power to take peoples autonomy? There is just no way Cami sits in this relationship without wondering if she is somehow "brainwashing golden again" into "doing as she says again. Even if her brainwashing/mind-control abilities are something she has to fully intent for them to function, the inking of doubt, and the self-demonetization is a turbulence worth exploring.
Then there's Golden and how his whole personal struggle in life is being controlled and bossed around by family, drowning in work to do. Would he even be allowed to date someone in the first place? Regardless of whether or not he is allowed to, does he have the time for one? How much guilt does he feel over not being able to be there for extended periods of time, dates having to be planned in advance, and even being unable to respond to a simple text in a timely manner because hes so busy? How does it feel to have adoring fans, your name known, then have your own attention set on one person? Do her eyes on him blur and blend with the masses, can he distinguish surface level adoration and true deep feelings? If he can, can he believe it, can he believe anyone knows him enough to develop such feelings? How hollow does that make affection feel? Does he take certain gestures for granted, view them as normal, or do they maybe make him uncomfortable due to their semblance to fan culture? There are so many questions to ask and think about between them. (Submitted by anonymous)
Propaganda for Joysagi:
My only and best defense it's that one drawing and that they were GOING TO BE REAL BUT EDDO CHANGED IT AHHGGG They're literally took it away from us. 2016 was too afraid of wlws it seems They're sun/moon themed in my brain. The girlies ever. I wish eddo showed something more abt usagi that isn't related to loon and thus inmediatly forgettable so I could defend it from her side u_u From Joy's- considering the way her family treats her i just think having a more brave and adventurer gf is so nice for her,,,, like- almost two worlds meeting --- also i hc they both know karate and i love that for them. They kick people together ♡ They're just my princesses . Joysagi for the win (Submitted by anonymous).
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strawberryshineart · 1 year
Riddle x Malleus Fanart <3
My favourite twst ship, Riddle x Malleus! ❤️💚 
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I adore these two so much, and I've been dying to draw some art of them since I got into twst! Seriously underrated, these two have an interesting dynamic, and I love all the ways it could be explored. 
Riddle's Ghost Bride vignette is my favorite vignette out of them all, the trust Malleus puts in Riddle to rescue everyone by the end of their talk speaks volumes, and I love how freely Riddle speaks around Mallues, clearly not fearing him but admiring his strength. He is surprised, in Malleus's birthday jacket vignette, when Malleus admits to his natural strength and abilities but in the same vignette still dares him to try and beat him for the leadership position of Heartslabyul. Because that layer of fear that others have isn't really there with Riddle, I feel like he would talk more freely with Malleus. 
Riddle's admiration of Malleus is also really adorable, and Malleus seems to think pretty highly of Riddle in turn. I also think it'd be funny for Riddle to end up with someone who goes against his whole "I won't be with someone who can't arrive for things on time!" statement 🤣. Their personalities complement each other really well, and they have some good interactions, so I am surprised more people don't ship them!
Sorry for the ramble, I try to keep these descriptions short, but man, I could talk about these two for hours 😅. 
In regards to the artwork itself, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out as it was my first real attempt at lineless art! Otherwise, the background is still kinda meh, I spent so long trying to figure out what to do, and everything just looked too simple or busy. I landed on this background, it still feels a Lil busy idk, I really spent way too long on this, so I just decided to go with it instead of fiddling with it any longer. 
Speedpaint can be found on my Instagram reels! Link.
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kulai · 9 months
I don’t know if it’s just me but I noticed a lot of artist will make Wednesday shades darker almost as to not make her seem to pale and risk being accused of “white washing”. To me as a Latina, the actress that plays Wednesday (Jenna Ortega) is on the lighter side of skin tones for Hispanics.
Also, Jenna is such a cutie and it makes drawing her as Wednesday so adorable to me. People will try to make her look completely different as in rugged but I wish people could draw her up as more feminine. At the end of the day she does have the cute nose, big brown eyes, and a beautiful smile. (Don’t get me started on the dimples) It’s damn near canon that when Wednesday lets her hair out of those braids she damn near makes Enid want to faint.
I love your art btw I just wanted to let my opinion out there and see if others agree without getting attacked.
omg thanks for loving my art!! your opinion on this is valid, and id like to share my own art in regards to how i personally draw wednesday and her colors bc i dont get asks often LMFAO PLS ask more (yapping ahead!!!!)
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if you see all my fanart of wednesday side-by-side, i would say i have an inconsistent art style bc i heavily rely on visual iconic cues (her braids, dark clothes, glare) to draw wednesday!
and thats bc i dont heavily base wednesday off of jenna ortega. i don't really associate characters with their actors, i see a character they portray and then when drawing, i take the most basic elements. (costume, color scheme, overall character design)
this doesn't mean i don't draw weds based on Jenna Ortega at all. while i do draw her skin tone tanner than Jenna's (some will draw her darker, some maybe even very lighter) i still draw her relatively close to her shade as well as Jenna's dimples Jenna's height too lol
It's what makes drawing fun! I'm here for the concept of wenclair, wednesday and enid. this makes having headcanons less stressful and more freeing! it's also why im not comfy shipping jenna and emma T__T
thank you for sharing your opinion!! id like to hear what others think of this as well, from artists n the fellow fans :DD
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doodlesooup · 19 days
Your jamikali art really makes me wish I shipped them since it's so scrumptious, love to see the way you draw both of them. Just, some peak renditions right here.
awww, thank you so much!! it's very very flattering to hear such words!! <333 i've already had something similiar being said to me multiple times before actually! as much as it warms my heart to hear people enjoy my art even though they don't really like jamikali it's always a little bittersweet because i sincerely adore this ship to no end 😭😭😭 i finally got out of the artblock i was stuck in for YEARS when i started sketching them regularly so they're very special to me in that regard as well anyway, sappy babble aside, i hope your day is going wonderful, dear anon!! you're very sweet and i highly appreciate it!!
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Ivy & Stone, Chapter Twelve: An Arrival In The Countryside
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pairing: victorian au!javi gutiérrez x oc (Florence Bell)/victorian au!frankie morales x Florence
rating: M (lots and lots of pining and angst, one mild steamy moment but nothing explicit, a whole lotta these three breaking my heart)
wc: 3.2k
series masterlist
“Oh, look, my love!” called Poppy as she stood near the window beside their seats on the ship, her button nose practically pressed up against the glass. “I think that’s the harbor.”
Frankie closed the book in his lap and set it in the seat beside him before standing behind her to look out of the window, the sight of England so close stirring feelings of nostalgia and guilt in his gut.
“You’re quite right,” he said, swallowing down the worry that crept up his throat. Poppy turned to look at him, their bodies so close that one rock of the ship would have them sharing a kiss, and pressed a hand against his chest.
“Are you excited to be home?” she asked in a shaky whisper, her focus clearly on the soft bow of his lips.
“I am,” he answered truthfully. “But I must admit that I am also a bit nervous to see how things have changed, how…how my home has changed.”
“It hasn’t been that long since you’ve gone away, my love,” she smiled, lifting her eyes to meet his. “I am sure everything is just as you left it.”
“I don’t think it could ever be,” he said, though she had little idea as to what he really meant.
“Mr. Morales, do you have a moment?” Mr. Bell stepped over with a glass of whiskey in one of his hands. Poppy stepped away from both of them with a polite nod, choosing to sit beside Anna and her betrothed while the men chatted. Frankie resumed his spot at his seat while Mr. Bell sat in front of him, crossing one leg over the other. “I wanted to speak with you for a moment before our journey concludes.”
“What would you like to speak about?” Frankie asked, his thumbs anxiously brushing over the expensive material of his trousers, a luxury he could only afford thanks to the employment of the man in front of him.
“Well, as you know, I’ve heard all about the situation at the Bell House, and unlike my brother who has little sympathy in regards to matters of the heart, I am a romantic,” he smiled. “And as a romantic, I feel overwhelmed by the thought of you and my niece reuniting only for her to find that you’ve already promised yourself to another, but it isn’t my feelings on the matter that I wish to discuss. No, I’m much more concerned with your feelings.”
Frankie took in a deep breath and flashed his eyes over to Poppy who sat laughing with her hand over her mouth at a crude drawing of Anna’s, her poise and beauty a stark contrast to everyone around her. He found himself wishing that this radiance she exuded was enough to rid him of all thoughts of Florence, but no matter how hard he willed it, he could not stop his thoughts.
“I suppose I’m feeling overwhelmed as well,” Frankie said. “I…have the ability to comprehend that Poppy is the best thing for me, that this life I’m living in America is the most luxurious I’ve ever lived, but deep inside, I still feel like that orphan boy from the countryside who’s sick in love with a woman I can never have. A woman that I’m not even sure thinks of me. And all I do is think of her, day and night. She…has affected everything. If the air is warm, the clouds are gone, the sky is blue, I can almost feel myself in that garden again. I can almost feel her skin beneath my fingertips. It’s…a sickness I cannot shake or treat.”
“And your solution to rid yourself of this sickness, as you call it, is to promise your life away to a woman? A perfectly fine woman that still has time left to find a man who adores her like you do my niece?” he chuckled. “I thought you were a smarter man than that, Mr. Morales.”
“Florence is moving on with her life,” Frankie shrugged. “It’s only fair that I should move on with my own.”
“Ah, that would be true if my niece was indeed moving on as you say, but I have yet to receive an invitation to any ceremony,” he countered. “How many engagements have you known to go on for nearly half a year in these times? I can’t say I’ve ever met a couple who lasted longer than three months before wedding.”
“I believe that she loves him, and that she will marry him,” Frankie said in a hushed voice, as though he could hardly will himself to say it. “And even so, Lord and Lady Bell would never allow it—“
“Not to a poor man,” Mr. Bell smirked. “You’re no longer a poor man.”
“To Lady Elizabeth, I will always be a poor man,” Frankie argued.
“Perhaps,” Mr. Bell weighed his head to the side. “Perhaps her opinion will change once she sees what you’ve made of yourself.”
“Even so—“
“I’ve never seen a man so in love and so afraid of it being reciprocated,” Mr. Bell noted. “Let us imagine for a moment, shall we? If my dear niece were to show up at this wedding and lay eyes on you, would you run to her or from her?”
“I’d hide before she can see me,” he quipped.
“Be serious, now,” Mr. Bell scolded. “What would instinct have you do?”
“I suppose I’d stand still,” he said. “I’d give her the chance to decide whether or not she wanted to acknowledge me.”
“And then?”
“And then,” Frankie shook his head and let out a chuckle. “And then I’d ruin myself over her. A million times over if that’s what she’d ask of me.”
“And then you’d tell her of your engagement? After you’ve allowed her to ruin you?” he asked.
“If I allowed her to ruin me, there would be no engagement,” he said simply, as though there was no room for any other possibility.
“If all it takes is one look, one moment of her acknowledging your existence to leave Miss Poppy, do you really think this engagement will last the rest of the summer?”
Frankie looked at him for a moment, stunned by his question, before shaking his head in puzzlement.
“I do not know,” he said defeatedly. “I hope.”
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“I certainly haven’t missed England,” Javi commented, glancing out of the window of the carriage as he sat in front of Florence, Leo at his side coloring. “At least the weather is favorable.”
Florence sighed, her behind aching from the long and bumpy ride that’s taken them a week so far. The only reprieve the trio had was in the evenings when they’d check into their respective rooms at various countryside inns, the watchful eyes of the old innkeepers forcing Javi and Florence from sneaking into each other’s rooms.
“I will go mad if I stay in this carriage another day,” she declared, laying across the padded bench dramatically. “Please tell me this is our last day of travel?”
An empathetic frown grew on Javi’s face as he turned to look at her in all her agony and boredom.
“The footman thinks it’ll take another day at the very least,” he said. “I apologize, mi vida. I wish I could simply snap a finger and have us there at your family estate.”
“Can’t we stay at your home?” she asked.
“I suppose, but—“
“I don’t care to spend a single evening under the same roof as my entire family,” she continued, sitting up.
“Anna will be distracted with her fiancé,” Leo chimed in, a hopeful lilt to his voice. “Please, Flo, stay with us.”
“Leo, it’s not as simple—“
“Is it Mr. Frankie you’re worried about?” he asked, too young to realize the extent of the valley between Florence and Frankie, not to mention the animosity between him and Javi.
“I have no thoughts or opinions on Mr. Morales,” she said full of pride, her arms crossing over her shoulders. “Besides, I doubt very seriously that mother will let him into the home after everything.”
“Well, I cannot wait to see him. I want to ask him about America, about the ship he took, about the ocean, about—“
Javi cleared his throat as jealousy crept up from his chest, pulling Florence’s gaze to his.
“Perhaps we should stop for the evening,” she suggested, reaching her hand across the space between them to touch his knee. “Where are we?”
“If I had to take a guess, I’d say we’re just south of London, but I’m not certain,” he said, resting his hand over hers and lifting it to his lips to kiss her knuckles. “I’ll ring for the footman to stop.”
“Thank you, my sweet love,” she whispered, her eyes never leaving his.
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“My darling!” Lord Bell called as Anna stepped out of the carriage with an uncharacteristic smile, her arms thrown over his shoulders as she welcomed him in for a hug. “How was your journey?”
“It was wonderful, father,” she beamed, letting go of him to turn around and meet her fiancé’s eyes. “I’d like you to meet my fiancé, Andrew York.”
“Hello,” Lord Thomas greeted the young man, holding his hand out for him to shake. “I heard you’re an Ivy League man.”
“I am, indeed,” Andrew smiled. “I graduated just last year and have begun working at my father’s firm.”
“Finance,” he clarified. “Mr. Bell introduced us.”
“Ah, yes, where is my dear younger brother?”
Joseph climbed out of the carriage after Frankie, the two of them helping Poppy out before Joseph made his way over.
“Tommy,” Joseph grinned, tugging his brother in for a tight, albeit rough, embrace. “How’s Lizzie?”
“She’s inside with Benjamin and Maribel,” Lord Thomas replied, his eyes trained on Frankie as he remained by the carriage, clearly on edge being back at the estate. “I wasn’t aware you were bringing…guests.”
“Oh, Mr. Morales? He’s proven to be quite a good friend to me,” Joseph said, pulling away from his brother to give him a warning look. “He’s my guest, Thomas. More than that, he was a fine employee to you and your family.”
“Fine is an interesting word to use,” Thomas chided before looking back at Frankie and Poppy, forcing a smile onto his face. “Mr. Morales, what a pleasure to have you back.”
“Thank you, sir,” Frankie nodded politely.
“And who is this?”
“This is my…fiance,” Frankie managed, the word feeling strange on his tongue now that he was back home. “Poppy Greenier.”
“French?” Thomas asked.
“My grandfather was a frenchman, yes,” she smiled, unaware of the tension. “Though by now, I would say we’re all very American.”
“Charming,” Thomas forced a chuckle. “Well, Mr. Morales, I’m afraid we have quite a full house. Would you mind staying in the cottage?”
“Of course not,” he answered quickly, the thought of being back in his home acting as an anchor in this turbulent sea of tension and nostalgia.
“Very good,” he nodded. “Miss Greenier, I’ll have one of our maids show you to your room. Dinner will be served within the hour.”
“Thank you dearly for your hospitality,” she choked. “Your home is the loveliest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“You can thank my wife for that,” Thomas laughed sincerely, taken by Poppy’s warmth just like everyone else she came in contact with.
Frankie placed a kiss onto Poppy’s hand and bid her goodbye before making his way through the overgrown and under-watered garden, the sight alone stinging his chest like a stab wound to the heart, to his little cottage that rested on the edge of the property. He sighed at the state of the place he used to call home, the ivy leaves he’d take care to manicure now growing wildly over the dusty window. With a gentle shove to open the creaky, wooden door, Frankie let his eyes close as the familiar smell of wood and linen flooded his nostrils, the scent taking him back to the summer previous when he’d spend every single night reading to Florence after carefully taking her apart, only to do it all again.
A lump grew in his throat as he ran his fingers over the mantle of the fireplace, his fingertips turning black with dust and soot, much like how he imagined the state of his heart would be if he could take it out and hold it in his hands.
All the nights spent here, before and after her, it all came back to him in an instant.
This was his home, this was where he longed to be, this was the life he wanted to live.
America had given him plenty, and any normal man would’ve been satisfied with wealth and freedom and a beautiful, gentle woman on their arm, but Frankie had never considered himself a normal man. He was too gentle, to solemn, too introspective to crave anything but the green around him and that complicated and beautiful woman he once knew.
Sighing again, he slouched down onto the beat up sofa, his elbows on his knees and face in his hands as he thought hard about the last year and the choices he’d made. If only he would’ve pressed harder, he would be with her now. Perhaps not here, but somewhere they could call their own. A tiny cottage in the woods where they could stay up all night talking if they wanted, a garden that they could share without fear of being caught, perhaps even a family of their own that could be raised away from all of the classism and societal pressures that drove Florence away in the first place.
Needing a moment to himself before having to put on a brave face, Frankie got up and crawled into his old bed, the sheets and blanket a little less than clean, but he didn’t mind. If he pressed his nose into the pillow he swore he could smell her rose scented perfume, and when he hugged his blanket to his body, it almost felt like he was holding her. For now, this would have to do. A fantasy would have to get him by, because what else could? Certainly not the people inside the manor an acre away, not even the person he impulsively chose to spend the rest of his life with.
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Florence, Leo, and Javi had all gotten settled at their inn for the night in Swanley, their stomachs filled with a potato soup cooked by the wife of the innkeeper. Florence and Leo shared a room while Javi slept by himself, tossing and turning with the thought of Florence and Frankie’s reunion.
Florence couldn’t sleep either, her little brother’s snoring and the large oak tree outside of the inn scraping against the window keeping her from finding any real rest. Turning to her brother in the next bed, she waited a moment before whispering his name to make sure he was fast asleep, and when she was met with no response, she carefully and quietly peeled her blanket back and stood up, creeping towards the door and opening it. With a watchful eye, she looked down the hallway and staircase for any sign of the innkeeper, but it seemed both he and his wife were fast asleep. Tiptoeing across the hall to Javi’s room, she slowly turned the knob and peeked her head in, finding him wide awake, sitting at his desk sketching.
“Javi,” she whispered, watching as his head snapped over in her direction, his eyes widening as she let herself in and walked to where he sat.
“My love,” he whispered back. “What if the innkeeper—“
“No one’s awake,” she assured, lifting her nightgown to sit around her thighs as she threw one leg over his lap, straddling his thighs. “I couldn’t sleep.”
Javi’s hands rested on her hips, pulling her closer as she leaned in and kissed his neck.
“I want you,” she whispered, kissing her way up to his lips, her hips rocking against his. “No…I need you, Javi.”
Javi wanted to reciprocate, but his worries kept him from enjoying the moment, and when she reached down between their bodies, she found him soft. Pulling back, she studied his eyes with a furrow in her brow.
“I—I’m sorry,” he said, his voice hardly audible. “I want to, but—“
“No,” she nodded and climbed off of him, her eyes fixing on the hardwood beneath her feet as she nervously combed her curls behind her ear. “It was wrong of me to assume—“
“Florence,” Javi said, standing and settling his hands on either side of her face. “Believe me, I would love nothing more than to touch you, but…I have too much on my mind.”
“Such as?” she asked, lifting her eyes to meet his round, chocolate orbs. Javi shook his head and pursed his lips, unable to voice his fears to her.
“I don’t wish to burden you as well,” he said.
“If I’m to be your wife, aren’t I meant to share the burden?” she asked, her brows lacing together in mild irritation at his constant need to shield her. “Javi, I am a grown woman, I can handle the realities of the world we’re in. Is it your art? Your finances? Your father? I can take some of this weight off you if you let me—“
“It’s not yours to bear,” he said, pulling away from her and walking to the bed to settle into it. “You can stay with me if you’d like, but—“
“If I’d like?” she laughed incredulously, shaking her head at him. “I think I’d rather sleep alone.”
“As you wish,” he managed, though his heart ached with hurt caused by his own internal war.
He watched her as she rolled her eyes and walked out of his room, gently shutting the door behind her. He almost would’ve preferred if she’d slammed it, her gentle resignation stabbing him in the chest. Standing back up, he walked over to the desk, opening his sketchbook to stare at his drawing—Florence’s face sketched in charcoal. He wondered how many pages of his notebook were filled with her likeness, how many hours he’d spent drawing and imagining her. Sometimes he worried that he knew those images better than he knew her as a person, but it was easier to fall in love with a two-dimensional imagining than it was proving to be with the real thing. Those drawings would never leave him, never betray or lie to him, but Florence could. One look at Frankie and she might be lost forever.
Only time could tell.
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hakucho-art · 2 months
can we get a recap of your favourite experiences the past year???🥺🥺🥺🥺
Uhmmm uhm, DEFINITELY finishing that My R animatic is one of them. Ive been wanting of making one before I even really started drawing. I was really happy that I finally made it wjdvjwvd
Hyping up about the tg countdown was fun, I didnt mind what the reveal was that much wjdvwjvd
COMIC CON WITH YOU WAS GREAT, as it is every year, duh. Visiting you is always a highlight ♥️
Meeting Leila as well 💕 Meeting online friends for the first time is always special, I feel so privileged and happy that Ive been able of doing that
Comic con germany with my friend was also amazing because that was the first time I made a trip with her and really enjoyed it
Generally so grateful for my irl friends and online friends (all equally my friends for all I care) because you guys always cheer me up and bring me joy.
Also my mum, the most important person in my life, I'm so glad I have her. I love her so much.
The concerts I went to: mother mother (BANGER), olivia Rodrigo (magical), the Rose (made me understand Kpop fans so deeply), the nier concert (I may have cried a little), TOUCHED (THE GAY PANIC I HAD), Lordi (I wouldnt do it again but hearing metal music live is a really cool experience)
Being able to visit my grandpa again in azerbaijan and celebrating his birthday 🤲💕
It was also cool to have my first job but to be real. Best part was ofc receiving money KWVDJJWD my colleagues were kind but my superior with whom I interacted the most had such a... idk heavy, stressed, negative aura. I hope she is doing well but god, that made me so anxious. Social anxiety was NOT helping. So yeah, quitting felt also amazing uwu
UHHH, ALL THE ZINES I WORKED ON, now that is truly one of the highlights. I love working on zines (even tho I'm a chronic procastinator, god help me) but yh, the 9S2B zine was especially a joy to work on as a Mod ♥️
Every single time making and Posting touken art, god I love them. A big contributor to the joy in my life, I love being obsessed with ships JWVFJVW Ive always been that way and im probably never going to change in that regard. When I dont have characters to ship, I will (literally, I used to do that as a child) ship colors. I am unstoppable
Its really shitty that negative experiences stay much stronger in our minds, I first needed a moment to remember the good stuff because my mind first went to all the bad stuff. Thank you for the question my wife, I really needed that 🤲
Makes me realize how much there was to smile about
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ennawrite · 4 months
Thanks for the tag @sonics-atelier (& someone else but i can’t find the post😭)!!
Answer the questions below & tag whoever you want, or make it an open tag!!
Who's your favourite ACOTAR character?
Nesta & Lucien. Tamlin is at the top as well :)
Who's your least favourite character?
Amren. She is not interesting to me at all. I can forgive a lot but I draw the line at boring characters.
Say something nice about your least favourite character.
I think she could be a cool character but SJM hasn’t given us much in regards to the IC, even though they’ve been part of the series since the second book. Maybe she can rectify that in the next few books but I’m losing hope, especially after HOFAS🤷‍♀️
Who's your favourite High Lord? (If you picked one for your fav character, then who's your second fav!)
I absolutely adore Tarquin. I think he has the potential to be a really good HL, especially since the bar is so low😭
Favourite MINOR character?
Probably Jurian, if he counts as a minor character lol. The Bone Carver too, though his death was very anticlimactic for being a DEATH god lmao
Favourite ship? (Crackships included!)
Tamsand, Azris, Targwyn when it comes to crackships. Elucien for real ships!!
Favourite court and why?
I loveee the beach so I love the Summer Court, I feel like it’d be so nice there. I also really like Tarquin & Cresseida and I just know they’d be so fun to party with
Make up a brand new court RIGHT NOW, NO PREP JUST VIBES.
I’m making a court for the girlies, gays & theys. No straight men allowed.
What relationship would you have wanted to see more of in the books?
I wanna see more of Tamlin & Rhys rectifying their past friendship. I would also like to see Lucien/Eris & their mother interacting.
What's your unpopular opinion?
I don’t really LOVE any of the mating pairs we’ve gotten so far, but I’m still a ride or die for Elucien. But also, I loved the idea of feysand & nessian until they actually got together and now I’m doubting SJM’s ability to write a good, healthy romantic relationship. Which is a bit ironic.
What's your favourite headcanon/fan canon?
That Tamlin & Rhys had a brief, violently passionate love affair hundreds of years ago and that’s why there’s so much tension between them (outside of the family murders lol). On the flip side, I also like the idea of Tamlin having a romantic relationship with Rhys’s sister and that she didn’t really, but escaped through the Starlight pool w/ her mother and Tamlin glamoured random heads to look like theirs. That HC gives me peace because it actually utilizes the magical element in these books lmao
If you were swept away to Prythian, what's ONE thing you would want to do?
Oh baby I’m going to all of the Soltice parties. Especially in Spring & Summer. I’m avoiding all the warnings and heading straight to the faerie wine. And then I’m gonna stick realllll close to Tamlin during Calanmai 😏
If you could have ONE faerie ability seen in the books, which would it be?
Ooh probably shapeshifting. I know we haven’t seen too much of it from Tamlin or Feyre (which is a shame) but Lysandra from ToG made it seem so badass. I love it. Also, winnowing sounds amazing.
Again, I’m late to the party so consider this an obligatory tag to YOU if you haven’t done this yet :)
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edisacornball · 1 year
What made you fall in love with writing Ed/Noah?
I know you sent in this question forever ago and I've just been going through too many things to deal with my inbox lately, but I was babbling about this ship the other day to my husband because he was talking about how he had never really given it any thought until I apparently "made it adorable in Other Side," so I figured I might as well write those thoughts down, since this ship is on my mind after working on that drawing of the two of them dancing.
So I'll start by saying: I didn't really go into Other Side as a Noah/Ed shipper. I mostly just knew that going to the BH world would make 03 Ed have to deal with letting a lot more people in, which is something he struggles with more than BH Ed, so I figured I could play with that push and pull by adding in Noah as another layer to show that he struggles with letting people in. And then, as I wrote it, it just... struck me how these two fit together so well.
03 Ed has so freaking much trauma. I would honestly go as far as to say that he's more traumatized than BH Ed. The guy's died a couple times, after all. The 03 series as a whole is a lot darker and really dives into some traumatic shit for poor 03 Ed. But it's the sort of trauma where it gets nearly impossible to talk about. How do you even talk to someone about how you saw your brother become the living embodiment of a philosopher's stone? Or how about how you had to kill a being that maybe just wore the face of your mother, or maybe actually was your mother, who really knows because you didn't let her live long enough to find out? How can anyone even relate to the idea of "I died a couple times in a row and ended up stuck in another world where everyone looks like people I once loved, but they don't even speak the same language as me?" There just comes this particular point with trauma where it starts getting so hard for other people to even relate.
But Noah can be one of the few people ever who actually gets the trauma Ed's been through. Because she's able to experience it right alongside him via his memories. Even Al can't get that close, even though he's one of the very few people who will actually get a lot of what Ed's experienced. She can even understand the things that are too hard for him to explain, and he can know that she actually believes him, because why wouldn't she?
And meanwhile, on Noah's end, she's had to face this terrible double whammy of being Roma and also cursed with this supernatural power that a lot of Roma people would have seen as some sort of marking from the devil. And even if people can accept the power conceptually, most people aren't comfortable with the idea of not having any secrets with someone. People hate mind-readers. Poor Noah has had to go through a whole lifetime of everyone around her hating her for things she can't control, whether that's her powers or the color of her skin.
And then along comes Ed, the guy who's seen so freaking much shit that he can't even think of rejecting someone for such a petty reason as that they can read his mind. I think he probably wouldn't even expect anyone to stick around after seeing into his memories, so he doesn't see any point to keeping secrets when it's inevitable that someone would eventually end up getting scared and leave him. So he doesn't flinch away from Noah, because he doesn't even see it as possible that she could ever be scarier than him. And then she surprises him by not leaving. She sees all the darkness and suffering in his past and she also doesn't flinch. Because she's seen into the hearts of people who are so much worse, who have caused so much pain without any regard. She doesn't see Ed as the monster he sees himself as, because she's actually seen what the minds of monsters actually look like, and she knows he's not one of them.
They just... AGH, THEM. ❤️😍🥹 I have a lot of feelings. But there's something about each of their traumas that comes together so freaking perfectly so that they can each support one another so beautifully, and I freaking love it. It constantly reminds me of this one set of lines from Roger and Mimi in Rent:
"I've been trying, I'm not lying. No one's perfect, I've got baggage!"
"Life's too short babe, time is flying, I'm looking for baggage that goes with mine."
(Do I use Roger and Mimi regularly as inspiration for Ed and Noah? ...Maybe.)
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Oh My God It's A Kink Fic
ship: seth x dean myers source: original content word count: 1825
AUGGHHGHGHHGHHHH, I'M SO EMBARRASSEDDDD but I decided that since kink is such a big part of Dean's identity that a D/s fic was inevitable. Due to the nature of our inevitable dynamic.
Anyway, I love expressing how non-vocal of a guy Dean is, him using gestures to portray what he wants just punches me right in the dick.
tag list: @alluredbyalatus @thebeedroomhymns @kylars-submissive @camellias-and-cayenne
It had just been a casual invitation, whether Dean was going to spend the night had remained to be seen. The silence was always comfortable, Dean was a man of few words and Seth was attuned to his mannerisms by now.
As of now, Seth was at his sewing machine, working on a plushie order while Dean was reading one of the horror anthologies strewn about the apartment. 
But after a moment, Dean's attention turned to Seth, regarding him silently with no particular expression before calling out to him flatly. 
Seth's head shot up, blinking in surprise and pushing up his glasses as he turned to look at him.
Making no expression, Dean lifted a finger, shaking it, and then proceeded to make a beckoning motion.
A shiver ran down Seth's spine, his face immediately heating up.
“Y-Yes Sir?” He corrected himself, standing and making his way over to stand in front of where Dean sat on the couch. 
Dean's eyes raking over him felt like an appraisal, and Seth shivered again. When Dean's eyes landed eventually on the cute little varsity shorts he loved seeing Seth in so much, the hand that he gave his non-verbal commands with pointed down. 
Seth was already slick - he knew this, Dean knew this, there was no doubt about it. But the confirmation is what Dean wanted, and it was Seth's role to give it to him.
Gulping, Seth hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts, sliding them down his thighs with practically a natural affinity for obedience. Dean's eyes were trained upon the garment all the way until it hit the floor, before reprising their initial fixation upon the sticky mess between Seth's legs. 
Seth's breaths were coming out short and shallow now, practically panting already as he shivered yet again. It felt like an eternity before Dean seemed to be satisfied with his eyefull, leaning back and resting his arms along the back of the couch, but not before giving his lap a few pats.
The way Seth scrambled up to straddle him was adorable in all senses of the word, but that's not something Dean would ever outwardly feel the need to express.
Once Seth was firmly settled in his lap, Dean rewarded him for his efforts thus far.
“Good boy,” he said, his tone flat and neutral.
But oh what a reward it was, the simple vocalization of validation making Seth whimper in delight.
Still, Dean was the type of man to get straight to the point when it suited him, not that he didn't have the patience, and often sadism, to draw things out. He reached past Seth to begin the process of unfastening his pants, unceremoniously freeing his sizeable length from his jeans. 
This was anything but unceremonious for Seth, whose body was wracked by an absolute tremor of need upon feeling the heat of it between his thighs. Breath hitching, he waited for Dean to place a hand on his hip, pulling him down just enough that the tip of Dean’s cock pressed eagerly against his slit.
And ONLY as long as it took, it would seem, as Dean withdrew his hand to place it along the back of the couch opposite the other. Giving him another once over, Dean settled back before his impassible eyes met Seth’s.
“Take care of that,” he said, simple and deadpan.
“Y-Yes Sir!” Seth eagerly replied, taking a second to steady himself, hands braced against Dean’s shoulders as he began to sink himself down Dean’s lengthy cock. Though Seth himself couldn’t bite back a whimper of indulgence, Dean’s was unresponsive as always, though if you were perceptive enough you could probably notice the way his eyelids narrowed by just a margin.
It was always a bit of a stretch, and the depth could be a little uncomfortable depending on how Seth was handling it that particular day, but right now he had given himself over to pure submissive bliss. The very concept of servicing Dean like this was enough to make his eyelashes flutter and his lips part, a few shaky breaths leaving him as he finally bottomed out in Dean’s lap. Opening his eyes to search for any sign of approval, Dean merely gave him a stoic nod, more than a good enough response for Seth.
This process was already familiar, or at least enough that Seth didn’t hesitate to pull himself up that lengthy shaft again and then drop himself back down. The pleasure of being stretched around and filled up by Dean’s cock was paralleled only by the way Dean regarded him with indifference, stoically watching Seth fuck himself on his cock. 
No, that wasn’t quite it, more so it was Dean who was the most important recipient of the pleasure, and Seth was just there to be an automatic fuck toy. Which in its own amount of irony, only brought Seth even more pleasure. He panted loudly, letting out a cry of indulgence every time he buried Dean’s cock deep inside of him. His hands tightly gripped onto Dean’s shirt, unable to keep from vocalizing.
“Ah! Dean!” Seth moaned out his name indulgently. “Dean!”
At this point, Dean had let out a small sigh, probably one of indulgence but who could say, as he closed his eyes and tilted his head back, allowing Seth to continue servicing him. 
The only sounds were Seth’s indulgent cries and moans, whimpering and panting at the pathetic notion of taking pleasure in servicing one. 
“Is it good?” Seth whimpered, his cheek rubbing against Dean’s collarbone. “Does it feel good? Am I making you feel good?” 
Dean said nothing, but his brow furrowed ever so slightly, a low grunt of obvious stimulation painting a pretty good picture. 
“I want to make you feel good, it feels amazing when I service you!” Seth continued to ramble, his panting increasingly rapid. “Please let me make you feel g-”
“Doe,” Dean interrupted, his tone absolutely neutral, conveying nothing.
“Uh?” Seth whimpered, stilling for a moment.
Dean’s eyes remained closed, his head tilted back as he let out a breath through his nose. Seth felt a couple twitches of Dean’s cock inside him, making his stomach flutter. After a hum of some sort of stimulation, Dean continued.
“Just ride my cock,” he said, too unbothered and monotonous to even be considered a scolding.
Seth responded by whimpering and nodding his head, returning his motions at the same pace as before.
“Y-Yes Sir!” he cried out before doing his best to keep his sounds subdued. 
It was a bit of a challenge, restricting himself to soft whimpers and moans from time to time, though the loud panting remained unchanged. It was easy for Seth to get lost in that submissive headspace that had begun to become more familiar to him as time went on with this dynamic. Dean had experience with this where Seth very much did not, and doing a good job was what Seth strived for more than anything. For Dean who had been well experienced in both sides of the scene for quite some time, being his sub was one of the most important things Seth felt he could be. And he was more than willing to express his devotion despite his inexperience. 
Though having slipped up a few times in keeping himself mostly quiet, Seth felt himself beginning to approach the edges of his limitations. He was desperately trying to keep himself from that peak as he continued to bounce up and down on Dean’s lap, the stimulation of taking his cock over and over starting to take its toll.
Thankfully, he seemed as though he wouldn’t have to suffer TOO much, barely taking notice of the way Dean’s fingers gripped the edges of the couch’s back. 
“Fuck…” Dean mumbled, barely audible, but audible enough to make Seth bite back a gasp. 
Seth increased his pace, risking bringing himself to that edge in a sort of gamble to get Dean off as soon as possible. 
“D-Dean!” he couldn’t help but cry out, arching forward and digging his fingers into Dean’s shoulders.
Either the slight amount of pain or the sound of his name on Seth’s lips made Dean let out another sharp breath through his teeth, his cock beginning to throb tellingly deep inside Seth’s cunt. 
Seth was desperate now, unable to keep from crying out anymore as he pounded himself up and down Dean’s length.
“Dean!” Seth squealed his name out again.
“Doe,” came Dean’s mumbled, somewhat strained response.
“Huh?” Seth immediately looked at his face with lust-hazed eyes, taking into account the extremely subtle expression.
Dean let out another breath through his teeth, his cock twitching tellingly.
“Gonna cum…”
This was incentive enough for Seth to let loose, his sharp cries of ecstasy ringing through the otherwise quiet apartment as he began to rock his hips back and forth in an increasingly inconsistent rhythm.
It was such a close neck-and-neck, but eventually, Dean was the first to announce his orgasm with an unceremonious grunt, his hips bucking up into Seth’s as he began to spill himself into his tight, wet fuck hole. And in having his role fulfilled, that was enough to release Seth into his own throes of pleasure, bringing his cunt down on Dean’s twitching cock a few more times before locking himself down to the base. 
Seth kept himself pressed against Dean, his trembling fingers keeping their grip on his shoulders for just a few moments long before going limp, a whine leaving him as he shuddered through his extremely satisfying climax.
Dean was a lot more quiet, practically silent save for his soft huffs, but undoubtedly just as satisfied. As he and Seth both came down from their peaks, breathing shallowly against each other, Dean took the incentive to wrap his strong arms around Seth’s petite frame, bringing a hand up to pet his hair. Letting out a sigh through his nose, he opened his eyes, finally looking down at Seth and regarding the trembling mess.
“Good boy. That was perfect,” he said, his tone still mostly flat, but softer now, with a twinge of audible affection. 
Seth shivered at the praise, snuggling up to Dean’s chest as if trying to steady himself from such an intense effort. Dean was more than happy to reward him for his efforts, stroking his hair and occasionally kissing the top of his head in silent reassurance. 
“Got you to quit working, didn’t it?” Dean finally spoke in earnest, the way Seth tensed in his arms making the barest hint of a smirk twitch at the corners of his mouth. “Taking you to bed now, be a good boy and listen to Sir, yeah?” 
Seth merely nodded into his chest, making Dean huff in a sort of stoic amusement as he effortlessly lifted him.
“Gonna fuck that shitty sleep schedule out of you if it’s the last thing I do.”
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