#I admit part of it is just playing devil's advocate
iddybyddybee · 13 days
I won't say I wasn't disappointed with how Creloise's story ended in Season 3 initially, but after finishing the season and thinking for a bit, I'm a little more neutral on the topic. Why? May I play devil's advocate for a moment and list two things that I got post-Season 3 for future queer representation.
Cressida's spiral in Part 2 reminded me of another Sapphic character's journey: Catra from She-ra. Catra was the main baddie for a long while, but in Season 4, there was a shift in her that made her push EVERYONE away, especially the people who were kind to her. She felt betrayed by the one person she felt the closest to, the one she loved. Catra sank so low and gave into her worst tendencies not only to make other people suffer, but also so that no one would see her suffer. That is what Cressida did, as well. In her final confrontation with Eloise, she wanted their friendship to continue and write as LW (a poor plan in hindsight since Eloise knew full well that she wasn't LW), and when Eloise refused, she immediately fell back on her bullying ways. That was enough for Eloise to end things, leaving Cressida's last good human connection gone and becoming entirely alone. She felt betrayed by someone she cared deeply about, and lashed out because of it. While it's over for now, I'm not quite giving up my hope on Creloise. Like Catra, she can be redeemed. Cressida really did show that Eloise influenced her in a positive way, despite the direction she took being not the greatest one, and Eloise even admitted that she genuinely liked being friends with Cressida during their start. Cressida may not appear next season, but maybe the one after that. Maybe she'll take the time in Wales to mature, come back and try to patch things up with Eloise.
As for not getting a canon WLW ship with a Bridgerton, we just got confirmation of not one, but TWO Bridgerton siblings being somewhere on the queer spectrum. All we wanted was at least one sibling to be queer, and now we have two. That's huge and also realistic! Like, in a family of 8, how can one of them NOT be queer? Even with me and my siblings, we have a collection of straight, ace, bi, and gay (we basically won the queer lottery). So there is still a chance for Eloise to be queer in some manner. Maybe she can be asexual, but find romantic feelings for someone? Maybe a woman? Perhaps... Cressida~? They already flipped the gender of Francesca's love interest, who's to say they can't completely change Eloise's love interest, too?
We're not going to get Season 4 for, like, two more years, so there's a lot of time to stew with what transpired. But I would like to remain optimistic. That's all we can do, for now.
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voidpetrova · 10 months
hard to get — kai parker x reader
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content warnings and genre: swearing, alcohol consumption, clichés — drama
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
synopsis: you were the girl next door, he was the devil's advocate. you liked your russian literature, he liked his women—all of them, in fact.
the parties took place on the front lawn of 4347, mystic falls, every sunday afternoon. despite the supernatural secrets lurked around every corner, it never got in the way of the little girls of your quiet neighborhood. lizzie saltzman wpuld bring the tea set, which was appropriate, since she was the hostess. hope mikaelson provided formal attire from her deceased mother's closet. and josie saltzman invited the additional guests—stuffed animals for each of the girls—some of whom hadn't been to a party in years. of course, it never occurred to the three young girls, that while they were busy playing out their fantasy, one of the older girls in the neighborhood was engaging in a fantasy of her own.
your were the walking cliché embodiment of the good girl next door – quick-witted, kind-hearted, and always ready with a sharp retort. your life had a predictable rhythm until the day you crossed paths with a neanderthal. up until that point, you had a thing going on. you were there, every morning, a book in one hand with a coffee cup in the other, basking in what the day had in store for you on your front porch.
kai, who was an enigmatic playboy with a smirk that could melt hearts and a reputation for leaving a trail of broken promises, set his sights on you the moment he saw you with bonnie bennett. he sauntered over, confidence radiating from every step, and leaned against your picket fence. “hey there, gorgeous,” he purred, blue eyes dancing with mischief. “mind if i join your afternoon?”
you barely glanced up from your book, arching an eyebrow. “is this the part where i'm supposed to swoon and hand you my heart?” your tone dripped with sarcasm as you turned the page, ignoring his presence.
kai chuckled, undeterred. “i like a challenge,” he replied, flashing his signature grin. “so, what's a smart and stunning girl like you doing with a book like that?”
“reading it and wondering how many times i've heard that line,” you shot back, your lips quirking into an amused smile.
undaunted, kai persisted. day after day, he found new ways to engage with you in conversation, each attempt met with a witty retort. it became a dance of words and glances, a tantalizing game you played on the quiet streets of mystic falls.
“i have a feeling you're just waiting for me to sweep you off your feet,” kai teased one afternoon, leaning on the hood of his car as you walked by.
you chuckled, raising an eyebrow. “and i have a feeling you're mistaking me for someone who would willingly fall for that.”
as the weeks went by, kai's relentless pursuit of you showed no sign of slowing. he became a fixture in your life, a presence that simultaneously annoyed and intrigued you. you debated, exchanged barbs, and even shared moments of genuine laughter, all while kai's intentions remained clear.
“when are you gonna stop playing hard to get, sunshine?”
“depends, when are you gonna stop being hard to want?”
but then something shifted. beneath the playful banter and sarcastic jabs, a connection began to form. in between your arguments, you would noticed the way kai's eyes softened when he thought you weren't looking, how he listened intently when you spoke about your passions, and the times when his laughter seemed unguarded and genuine.
one evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, you found yourself seated on your porch swing, just like every other night, lost in thought. kai appeared beside you, surprisingly subdued. “you know, i've never met anyone quite like you,” he admitted, his voice carrying a note of sincerity.
you turned to him, your gaze steady. “is that your way of saying i'm a challenge you can't resist?”
kai's lips curled into a half-smile. “maybe it's my way of saying i'm not sure i want to resist.”
your heart skipped a beat, a mixture of emotions swirling within you. you opened your mouth to respond, but before you could find the words, kai leaned in, capturing your lips in a kiss that was both unexpected and electrifying. in that moment, time seemed to stand still as your connection deepened.
pulling away, kai looked at you with a mixture of uncertainty and hope. “i've wanted to do that for a while,” he confessed, his bravado replaced by vulnerability.
your couldn't help but smile, your walls slowly crumbling, but the hesitation never making a full departure. “of course, it's just a few steps away from sleeping with me, isn't it?” the smile on kai's face slowly faltered, even all the while he knew you were joking, your words couldn't help but sting.
your banter had evolved into something deeper, something that left you both breathless and eager for more. as you continued to explore your feelings, you soon discovered that beneath kai's playboy facade, was a man capable of genuine emotion, while kai found in you a kindred spirit who challenged him in ways he had never experienced before.
“you know,” he began, his hands stuffed in his pockets as he began to wander, as if he was nervous to tell you something. “i haven't slept with anybody since we kissed.” you scoffed, but you couldn't ignore the way his words made you feel. it was what he was known for, yet he was straying away from it just for you.
you raised an eyebrow, giving him a skeptical look. “i should be checking for signs of the apocalypse. the world must be ending if kai parker, the master of fleeting romances, is suddenly turning into a monk.”
he let out a soft laugh, the sound surprisingly genuine. “okay, maybe monk is a bit extreme, but let’s just say i’ve found myself more intrigued by a certain someone’s company than just a quick roll in the hay.”
you feigned surprise, placing a hand on your chest dramatically. “kai parker? interested in more than just a casual fling? this must be a parallel universe or something.”
he shot you a playful glare. “hey, i'm not saying i'm proposing here. just—noticing that maybe there’s more to life than moving from one hookup to another.”
you tilted your head, giving him a thoughtful look. “so, what? you’re saying you’re looking for something real?”
he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “i didn’t say that exactly. i'm just saying that being around you— it’s different. and yeah, maybe i'm curious to see where different could lead.”
a mix of emotions swirled within you. you had spent so long building up your defenses against his advances, and now he was dropping his playboy facade? the irony wasn’t lost on you.
“different,” you echoed, your voice softer than before. “you do realize that ‘different’ for you is still probably light years away from what most people consider normal, right?”
kai smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “who needs normal when you’ve got interesting?”
you couldn’t help but chuckle, his words catching you off guard. “interesting, huh? is that your way of saying i’m a puzzle you’re trying to solve?”
he leaned in, his tone teasing. “nah, puzzles are too much work. more like a mystery i want to unravel, one piece at a time.”
you rolled your eyes, but the corner of your mouth tugged into a smile. “you are ridiculous, kai parker.”
he chuckled softly, the smile lingering on his lips as he looked at you. “and you like it.”
before you could offer a sarcastic retort, he closed the distance between you, his lips capturing yours in a kiss that was surprisingly tender. it was a kiss that held the weight of unspoken emotions, a silent promise of something more.
as he pulled away, he met your gaze with a newfound seriousness. “i just wanted you to know that I’m not playing games here.”
your heart raced as you looked into his eyes, seeing a sincerity that was both unexpected and strangely comforting. “and i just want you to know that i’m not the kind of girl who falls for pretty words and empty promises.”
his fingers brushed against your cheek, his touch gentle. “i wouldn’t want you to be.”
there was a moment of shared understanding between you, a silent agreement that while the journey might not be easy, it was one worth exploring. and as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the two of you, you realized that maybe, just maybe, God had something beautiful in store for you.
but just as your relationship was blossoming, a rumor swept through mystic falls, threatening to tear them apart. it was said that kai had been with another girl, a betrayal that shattered your trust and left you heartbroken.
unbeknownst to you, the rumor was nothing but a cruel lie. kai had remained steadfastly devoted, his feelings for you growing stronger by the day. he had never been with anyone else, consumed by thoughts of you as he gave himself a few days off, attempting to surprise you with days' worth of planning dinner reservations.
as days turned into nights, you found yourself growing more perplexed by kai's absence. the rumor that he had slept with someone else gnawed at you, fueling a mix of disappointment and betrayal. the possibility of a genuine connection seemed to crumble beneath the weight of the gossip, and your heart ached for what you thought had been lost.
seeking solace in a familiar friend, you found bonnie's comforting presence. she listened patiently as you poured out your heart, sharing your confusion and the sinking feeling that the connection you had felt with kai might have been a mere illusion.
“i just can't believe he'd do this,” you lamented, your voice tinged with sadness. “after all the time we spent together, the conversations, the moments.”
bonnie placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “i know how much you've been through already. it's okay to feel hurt. but remember, rumors aren't always true. maybe there's more to the story than you know.”
still, the pain lingered, and in an attempt to take your mind off things, bonnie suggested a night out at a club. she wanted you to let loose and forget your worries, even if just for a little while. she knew you were a gorgeous girl and, despite not treating sex like a playtoy, you had a few tricks up your sleeve. you knew just the way to curl your hair, you knew just the dress to put on to get everybody's attention—just the perfume to wear to turn heads, and just the makeup to put on to capture as many compliments as you knew how.
the club was alive with pulsating music and vibrant lights as you and bonnie danced your cares away. in the midst of the throbbing crowd, you found solace in the music's rhythm, allowing it to drown out the doubts and uncertainties that had been plaguing your mind. as the vibrant lights of the club danced around you, the beat of the music pulsed through your veins. her idea to let loose was working, and the worries that had been consuming your mind were beginning to fade. you swayed to the rhythm, feeling the music's energy wrap around you like a warm embrace.
bonnie leaned in close, shouting over the music. “you look stunning tonight!”
you laughed, the sound lost in the cacophony of the club. it was liberating to let your guard down and simply enjoy the moment. as you and bonnie chatted, the conversation turned unexpectedly towards your feelings for kai. it was a subject you hadn't discussed openly with anyone before, but the club's pulsating atmosphere seemed to encourage honesty.
“okay, fine,” you admitted, a blush rising to your cheeks. “maybe i've started to feel differently about him. but with all these rumors going around, i don't even know what to think anymore.”
her eyes glinted mischievously. “well, if you ask me, rumors are just noise. i told you once and i'll tell you again—you should follow your heart and see where it leads.”
before you could respond, a deep voice interjected, sending a shiver down your spine. “wise words, indeed.”
you turned to see klaus mikaelson, his gaze fixed on you with an intensity that made your heart race. his presence was magnetic, his charm a force to be reckoned with. the combination of the club's energy and his undeniable allure created a heady mix of emotions.
“klaus,” you greeted, trying to maintain your composure despite the butterflies that had taken up residence in your stomach. “didn't expect to see you here.”
he offered you a smoldering smile, his eyes never leaving yours. “life is full of surprises, my dear,” he smiled, and you couldn't help but follow his footstepw away from the dance floor. “can i buy you a drink?” normally, you wouldn't have accepted, but tonight was about letting loose. you nodded your head, earning a smile from him.
as hw engaged you in conversation, his words laced with innuendo and flirtatious undertones, you found yourself both flattered and slightly uncomfortable. his attention was like a spotlight on you, and though you were no stranger to attention, there was something different about the way klaus looked at you.
his words were magnetic, drawing you in with their subtle promises and unspoken desires. you laughed at his jokes, allowing yourself to be swept up in the whirlwind of the night. it was both exhilarating and overwhelming, a whirlwind encounter you hadn't anticipated.
amid the laughter and exchanged glances, you couldn't help but notice a shift in the atmosphere. people around you were suddenly casting curious glances towards the entrance, and your heart skipped a beat when you followed their gaze.
there he was, kai parker, standing at the entrance of the club. his piercing blue eyes were fixed on you, and a whirlwind of emotions crossed his face – surprise, disbelief, and something else you couldn't quite identify.
as if drawn by an invisible force, your gaze locked onto his. time seemed to slow as the space between you and him was filled with unspoken tension. it was as if the world had fallen away, leaving just the two of you in an electric bubble of awareness.
bonnie nudged you playfully, breaking the spell. “seems like someone's here to join the party.”
you tore your gaze away from kai, the intensity of the moment leaving your heart racing. your cheeks were flushed, a mix of emotions swirling within you. as you turned back to klaus, his expression held a knowing glint.
“ah, young love,” he mused, his tone suggestive.
you shot him a look, half-amused and half-embarrassed. “it's not like that.”
he chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “isn't it, now?”
but as klaus's attention remained on you, kai approached with determined steps, his eyes locked onto yours. the atmosphere around you shifted once again, this time with a palpable sense of tension and uncertainty.
his arrival had disrupted the easy dynamic you had shared with klaus, leaving you in a whirlwind of emotions you struggled to understand. the club's vibrant energy seemed to mirror the storm of feelings raging within you, and you knew that the moment kai reached you, everything was about to change. as he closed the distance between you, the anticipation was almost suffocating. jis eyes bore into yours, a mixture of emotions swirling within them – surprise, confusion, and something else that sent a shiver down your spine.
“hey,” he said, his voice softer than you had expected. it was as if the whirlwind of the club's atmosphere had transformed into a bubble that contained just the two of you.
“hey,” you replied, your own voice catching slightly. his presence was overwhelming, and you felt a mix of nerves and a strange fluttering in your chest.
kai's gaze lingered on you for a moment longer before he turned to bonnie, his tone casual. “mind if i borrow her for a minute?”
bonnie glanced between the two of you, a knowing smile tugging at her lips. “of course not. i'll be right here.”
as you followed kai away from the club, the silence was heavy with unspoken tension. the music seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the sound of your heart pounding in your ears.
“i heard there was a rumor going around,” he began, his voice a mixture of curiosity and something you couldn't quite decipher.
you sighed, your gaze dropping to the floor for a moment. “yeah, about you and someone else.”
he let out a frustrated huff, running a hand through his hair. "i knew these rumors would start eventually, but i didn't think they'd mess with your head like this."
you looked up, meeting his gaze. “kai, i thought—”
he reached out, gently lifting your chin with his finger. his touch was electric, and his eyes held a sincerity that took you by surprise. “you thought i was different. and i am, (y/n). i haven't been with anyone else since that night we kissed.”
your heart skipped a beat, his words resonating deeply within you. “how do i know you're telling the truth?”
kai's expression softened, his fingers brushing against your cheek. “you can trust me, (y/n). i know i've made mistakes in the past, but this... what we have, it's real.”
your breath caught in your throat as his words washed over you. there was vulnerability in his gaze, a side of kai you hadn't seen before. the emotions that had been swirling within you since you met him were suddenly overwhelming, and you felt a lump forming in your throat.
kai's thumb brushed against your lips, his gaze locked onto yours. “can i prove it to you?”
before you could respond, his lips met yours in a kiss that was both gentle and intense. it was a kiss that held all the unspoken emotions between you – the doubts, the longing, and the newfound realization that maybe, just maybe, you had both been wrong about each other.
as the kiss deepened, the world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you lost in the moment. the whispers of the club's music echoed in the background, a haunting melody to the story unfolding between you and kai.
and just when you thought nothing else could possibly matter, a new voice cut through the haze. “am i interrupting something?”
you pulled away from kai, turning to see klaus leaning casually against a nearby pillar, a smirk playing on his lips. the mischievous glint in his eyes told you that he had been watching, his presence a reminder that the supernatural world had a way of turning even the most intimate moments into a spectacle.
kai shot him a glare, his arm protectively wrapped around your waist. “actually, you are.”
klaus chuckled, raising his hands in mock surrender. “my apologies, young lovers. i'll leave you to it.”
as klaus walked away, a mix of embarrassment and amusement flooded your cheeks. kai's fingers squeezed your waist, and you looked up at him, the tension from moments ago replaced by a newfound warmth.
“you know,” he said, his voice a playful whisper, “i think i'm okay with people knowing we're not just friends.”
you smiled, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. as you looked into his eyes, you realized that sometimes rumors were just that – empty words that held no power over the truth.
“me too,” you replied, your voice filled with a newfound confidence.
and as you leaned in for another kiss, the club's vibrant energy seemed to swell around you, a backdrop to the unexpected twist in your story. with kai by your side and the promise of a real connection between you, the night held endless possibilities, and you were ready to embrace every one of them.
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cryptidorchid · 1 month
I’ve seen a lot of people call out Scott’s lack of care for Jimmy’s life in Third Life. (Usually, this is part of their explanation for why they think flower husbands is toxic) And I think these points are interesting but kind of miss that the lack of care is reciprocated by Jimmy.
In Scott’s case, the moments I see pointed out the most are the two times Scott treated Jimmy dying like it was a spectator sport. Like when Jimmy got attacked by the enderman or Jimmy played the Tango’s lava minigame and Scott was like “I’m just here to see if Jimmy dies” and when he told Grian that “once our husbands die, we can be free.” 
I will play devil’s advocate for a moment here and say that in all of these moments, regardless of what Scott was saying about it, he took action to try to keep Jimmy alive. In the first two instances mentioned, he gave Jimmy advice to help him survive and in the last one with Grian, he suggested Jimmy should stay in the bunker so he could be safer. But I will admit that Scott acts very apathetic about Jimmy dying.
In Jimmy’s case, he’s less verbally apathetic but his actions seem strange for someone who should want Scott to stay alive. Like that time where Grian and Scar let their enderman free to attack Scott and Jimmy scolded Scott for killing the enderman because it upset Grian and Scar. And even when Scott was being attacked, Jimmy’s response was just yelling that he wasn’t the one who looked at the enderman and then watching as Scott gets attacked. And there was that time when they found the enchanting table outside of Renchanting and Jimmy (correctly) guessed that it might be a trap so he told Scott to mine it.  For the second one, Jimmy says it’s because he’s just died so he doesn’t want to die again which would be fair, except neither of them have any motivation to mine the enchanting table in the first place, so the reasonable response would be “it might be a trap so neither of us should mine it”
Which made it really weird when the Dogwarts confrontation happened and suddenly, they’re all protective over each other. Suddenly, they’re like “Jimmy, don’t go near the scary red name!” and “Scott, what if they sacrifice you on their altar?” 
What? Where did this come from? At least in Scott’s case, I can guess it was because Jimmy’s now a red name so if Jimmy dies, it’s permanent. I don’t know what was up with Jimmy in that moment.
And, as far as them continuing to be protective after that? On Scott’s end, he was pretty consistent and explicit about wanting to keep Jimmy safe after that (except for him being weirdly happy about the idea of being a widow, don’t know what was up with that). 
On Jimmy’s end, after this, as far as I can tell, he went back to using Scott’s green life as an excuse to ask Scott to take risks. He finds a cake unexpectedly in his house, thinks it might be a trap, and asks Scott to eat it and tell him if anything bad happens. When they're in a fight with Dogwarts, Jimmy tells Scott that he should "get in there" because he’s a green name. Honestly, I don’t think these are that bad because Jimmy was on red and Scott was on green, but it is a big difference from him burning the Dogwarts banner over just the possibility that they might try to kill Scott (and it implies that Jimmy sees Scott's life as disposable which while pragmatic, is not very kind). Anyway, my main point is that I can’t remember Jimmy ever really being worried about Scott’s life outside of the one moment with Dogwarts.
In conclusion, neither of them seemed to be super concerned about the other one dying (Scott said it. Jimmy acted like it) until Jimmy went to red. Which I think mostly had to do with the fact that they both knew the other had more lives to spare. They really lived their lives like “me and my husband who couldn't care less if I live or die.” My dysfunctional faves.
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horatio-fig · 24 days
My favourite Thrawn moment is when he tries to justify slavery to Eli. Just something about that chapter is so incredible to me and it really explains thrawns character so well, plus the fact it’s from Eli’s perspective is just the cherry on top.
I personally get the sense that Thrawn knows it’s wrong but he’s in the awkward position of playing devils advocate for the empire, and to his closest friend and confidant. The fact he is willing to make excuses for slavery is so powerful, he’s not partaking and he’s not for it, but he’s complicit and willing to justify if for his own needs. I feel like he is not loyal to empire but he’s willing to be if it helps him, which is almost worse.
Unlike other imperials, he’s not part of the empires brainwashing machine, he is actively siding with slavery and genocide for his own benefit and that is such an important moment for his character.
And then he just gives up on trying to find a reason as to why someone would want to be a slave and just admits that yeah it’s fucked up but it’s not his fight. So unlike the rebels who will fight for any cause needed, Thrawn only cares about his people and how it benefits him.
He’s honestly one of the most complex and interesting Star Wars villains and I’m so happy we have him.
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plazmafields · 7 months
It's ramble time because I started another playthrough of cyberpunk and have some Thoughts.
(Spoilers probably)
So I said in a previous post that I don't think Kerry is dating V just because Johnny's in his head, and I still believe that. However, I was also under the impression Johnny was a womanizer and way straight. However, now that they've fixed it so that what Johnny says is effected by your approval with him, Johnny's said some ... things. Things that make me think:
He's jealous of Kerry and V's relationship.
If you have high approval when Johnny gives you the quest Holdin' On, you can ask him why he and Kerry were always at odds. Johnny says something to the effect of: "Kerry could never decide if he wanted to fuck me or kick me out of the band. Problem was he has a dick, so I wasn't interested."
Now in my last 2.0 playthrough, my choices at the end of Phantom Liberty locked me into a low approval with Johnny that I couldn't come back from. With low approval, if you ask him in V's apartment if he's ok with you sleeping with Kerry, Johnny says (paraphrasing): "Sleeping with? He fucked you once. Don't get used to it."
However, with high approval he says: "Yeah. Kind of ironic, Kerry was always trying to get into bed with me and I guess he finally got what he wanted thanks to you."
V responds to this with: "You know, it's not always about you. Thought ever cross your mind?" And Johnny gives a snarky remark.
With low approval, Johnny is very defensive about Kerry sleeping with V. He and Kerry were friends, good friends, but even Johnny admits (while at his grave) that he never let anyone get too close to him. Kerry probably knew him second best after Alt, but how much of that was Johnny truly opening up, verses forced proximity? I really don't feel like Johnny is the type to be all "what are your intentions with my boy?" any time Kerry got a new boyfriend.
With high approval, Johnny still manages to make it about himself (as always), but for some reason his tone of voice sounds like he's not joking, he's genuinely thinking about whether this counts as him having fucked Kerry.
Now this leads me to ask: was it Johnny who had the crush on Kerry, and not the other way around? He brings it up all the time while you're doing Kerry's missions, but after Rebel Rebel, Kerry doesn't talk about Johnny unless you ask. None of the options when you talk to him at home mention Johnny, on the boat when he talks about Samurai, he doesn't bring up Johnny, and when he talks about starting a new chapter in his life you can ask "does this have anything to do with Johnny?" he says No very confidently, then takes a second to think and realize that none of this "rebirth" would have happened without V and Johnny. But (at least to me) he doesn't seem to consider Johnny part of his life anymore.
I think Johnny HATES that. I think Johnny always saw himself as hot shit and the most desirable man on the planet, and the idea that a gay man didn't want him drives him crazy. If Kerry were straight then of course he wouldn't fall victim to Johnny's charms.
If Kerry were bi (see my previous post if you wanna know my feelings on Kerry's sexuality in game vs in lore) then Johnny would have been able to convince himself Kerry just liked women more than men.
But he's not. Kerry's gay and somehow didn't want to ride Johnny seven ways to Sunday.
I don't know if that makes Johnny bi or not, but I really feel that Kerry wasn't the one who wanted to get into bed with Johnny, it was always the other way around.
I'm not convinced by this next part, but here's some tentative evidence to the contrary, if you wanna play devil's advocate:
In Kerry's sex scene, we see he likes something a little rough, and in some texts he mentions that he gets turned on when V is short with him (mainly thinking of the text convo you get if you start Phantom Liberty already dating Kerry).
Maybe Kerry likes when people play hard-to-get and ignore him, maybe he's got a bit of a humiliation kink going on, and maybe he got turned on by the way Johnny was always mean to him.
I feel like that's stretching things tho, we don't have a lot of evidence for that, just a text that was added after the initial release of the game, and a single slap in a cut scene.
Another thing to mention because I feel like I can't NOT mention it: why the fuck does Kerry look DIRECTLY into Johnny's eyes as he gets head from a fan on the stairs??? That kinda throws a curve ball into all of this and I'm not sure what to make of it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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pallastrology · 1 year
aquarius: venus vs. mars
venus in aquarius is more mellow. there's a silkiness to venus in aquarius that just isn't really there for any other placement. they aren't soft, by any means, but there's an elegance and lightness to them. they are less brusque and tend to get along with people more easily, but they can sometimes feel like they have to hide a part of themselves to do this
they are more self-conscious. the brilliant nature of aquarius, when combined with social venus, can lead to the native being self-aware to a fault. they can feel they're watching themselves from the outside, they have a harsh inner critic, and they can get stuck wondering if they present on the outside, how they feel on the inside
they often dislike conflict. as part of being social and more agreeable than most aquarians, venus in aquarius doesn't find arguing fun, the way a lot of their aquarian cousins do. they aren't afraid of conflict, but they see it as a necessary evil, rather than an intriguing social experiment or a chance to change someone's opinion, or a situation
they are more stubborn. with mars in aquarius, the native has a lot of staying power. they aren't particularly quick to make up their mind, and they do consider all avenues, but once it's made up, it takes a lot to change it. they're the type to need evidence and a strong argument before they'll rescind their opinion. that being said, a nice thing about mars in aquarius is they aren't afraid to admit to being wrong, and they don't have any stigma about changing their opinions when shown why they should
they like to argue. they often find debates and conflict exhilarating, and can find it hard to stay away from drama because of this. they aren't trolls, though they do have a great sense of humour. but they almost never shy away from a chance to argue with someone, and can sometimes be guilty of playing devil's advocate, just to prolong the fun
mars in aquarius is busier. where venus in aquarius is very active internally and socially, mars is more physically active. they can be fidgety like an aries, but aren't always; what you do tend to see, are physical hobbies and pastimes. they may be traditionally physical, like a sport, or something a little more unconventional, like building, creating or growing. either way, we see a lot of activity and growth from the native, and they need both their minds and bodies to be stimulated to stay sane
aquarius placements are genuine. they don’t play games, and they don’t make a show of things. although there’s a lot of nuance to the sign that isn’t always easily understood, what you see is what you get with aquarius. they are honest, and they value honesty in all parts of life, too
aquarius is loving. an often-overlooked trait in the native, they are deeply compassionate and loving; they are of the people, for the people. they work hard to improve things for their community, and while they can find one-on-one relationships a strain at times, there is nobody better suited to being part of a loving community than aquarius; they love the world deeply
they are eye-catching. any aquarius placement has this affect, though it’s more obvious with some. it’s not quite otherworldly, it’s something more grounded. they have a way about them that draws people in, and they are more charismatic than given credit for at times. i think it’s the quietly unapologetic way they go through life, never altering who they are for any system. it’s a highly attractive trait, to be relentlessly, shamelessly one’s own self
they are misunderstood. i think they may be one of the most misunderstood signs. aquarius gets a reputation for being kooky, clever and quirky, and these things aren’t exactly untrue. they are a little kooky, unorthodox, and often very intelligent. but this view of aquarius is a shallow one in my opinion; the sign is kind, and altruistic, and questioning, and while impulsive, they aren’t thoughtless in the slightest
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scarletwitching · 1 year
Do you have any opinions/meta on the portrayal of Doctor Doom's dictatorship in Marvel comics? As someone who is somewhat knowledgeable on the horrors of dictatorship, it always makes my skin crawl when writers unironically portray Latveria as this "benevolent dictatorship utopia" without bothering to put in the two seconds of thought/research that would immediately lead to the conclusion of why that is a wildly offensive, irresponsible, nonsensical, and logically unattainable concept to promote
I have to preface this by saying that I prefer the nice, likeable version of every character. Even characters I have no particular interest in, whatever the softer version of them is, that's how I think they should be written. I'm not saying this is a good thing or some kind of moral judgment. It's a matter of taste. Like, I can't handle Harry Potter because it's so mean, both in terms of the books themselves and a lot of the characters. People are always like, "Give us a Marauders show," and I'm like, why on Earth would anyone want to watch a television show about high school bullies? Are people okay?
Which is weird because I love Emma Frost. But I don't want Emma to be a villain. I don't know how to explain it. I guess I just prefer for characters to be well-intentioned. Characters can be prickly. They can have conflict, but when a character feels malicious, I lose interest in them.* I find it so much more compelling when characters are clashing but nobody is being cruel or monstrous, they just have their own viewpoint. So, on a purely character level, I do prefer for Doom to have good sides to him.
All that said, man, politics in superhero comics is tricky. It's a minefield. To play Devil's Advocate for the people writing these stories you dislike, what they're trying to convey is that the superhero perspective is not the only one, which is a sentiment I appreciate. I like when we admit that other people in this world do not have the views or experiences of the average superhero. I think that, theoretically, that complexity is a positive, but I don't think it's handled with much nuance or consistency within the stories themselves.
Where does Latveria fit on a left-right spectrum? What countries are they allied with? Who do they trade with? What are the internal politics? What real life country, past or present, is the best comparison point? Whomst can say. This is part of why politics in superhero comics is tricky. Because they don't really get into details. They just make broad gesturings at real life things and then the next writer contradicts that, and it all depends on what real world thing is trendy to reference. When you are Genosha, sometimes, you are South Africa, and sometimes, you are Yugoslavia. So it goes.
The flip side of all of this is, of course, that Doom is Roma, and the people who created him did not understand the sociopolitical implications of the character they created. What does it mean to be a "nationalist" when you are a Roma man from Eastern Europe? Sometimes, as a writer, you don't know that much about other cultures, and you write something with weird implications that you aren't aware of, and one day, it's 60 years later and that shit's still canon and we all just have to deal with it.
Like with a lot of dilemmas of superhero characterization, there's really no perfect answer because, no matter what angle you come at it from, there is the possibility of finding something questionable about it. If you get too far into trying to depict Latveria as a realistic dictatorship, there is weirdness/uncomfortable stuff on that end too.
Part of why our (read: USian) culture's current fixation on nostalgia is troublesome is that it is much more complicated to "fix" old canons than people think and often, it is impossible. We're stuck with all our movies being about characters created 60+ years, and they come with that baggage. A lot of times, it is the concept of the character where the problems lie, and the degree to which you can ever remedy that is... Well, it doesn't usually work 100%. And you can create other problems by trying to get rid of the old ones. Which is what you're complaining about, right? So, my tl;dr Doom take is that there is always going to be this weirdness to the character because of the nature of superhero comics. I get where you're coming from, but I also get the opposite argument. A true centrist, wow.
*Except, of course, for Zaladane, the only good supervillain ever created.
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smoqueen · 7 months
Played wow pretty religiously for like a decade, finally quit a few years back. Mechanically, I enjoy combat rotations. Managing random procs/cooldowns/fight mechanics/etc. I do think that side of the game is a lot less interesting to me as I've picked up pvp games like dota or street fighter, altho if there was a single player game that really did combat rotations well I'd try it.
The real thing that keeps you there is community. Just becomes like a thing you do, and I did it because if I didn't play wow there was huge swaths of time I would have completely avoided any human contact. Different feeling from chatting with someone online. Running across a guildie in a main city and spamming emotes at them has a particular feel to it
im going to play devils advocate and be combative with you here. random procs, cooldowns, etc is just a matter of 'rotation,' and if you are doing your 'rotation' properly/perfectly in dps, it is extremely rote and boring - there is a 'skill' to creating a priority list of things to do to maximize dps, but in practice, doing things in order doesn't exactly test my skill and it isn't fun to me.
managing that while doing fight mechanics is fun, i admit -- but only in the highest level of M+ and mythic raiding where you are a) severely punished for making mistakes and theres b) more mechanics that force you to make more mistakes. my original post did actually recognize the fact that the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of players do not engage with this content whatsoever.
the second part being community - the thing that 'hits different' about spamming emotes with your guildie is that you met randomly, dans le World of Warcraft, but just like any 'fun with friends' game, that could have been any game - wow doesn't exactly do this well, and there's very few ways to interact with another player besides, well, spamming emotes, or toys, or summoning random mounts.
so wow is there to fill a void of social interaction for people, as you admit - with no wow, its just an empty space, its a void filler. but i can get that anywhere, i can get that from a twitch chat
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bobathirstaccount · 1 year
Extra Credit: Slow burn + Sharing a bed Prompts
Boba x fem!reader, vague plot w porn 2nd part, feels, fluff, more spaceship talk than I was prepared to research, slight action/adventure moment
2 Parts
Boba POV 1st part, Reader POV 2nd part
Boba side eyed you from under his helmet. Impossible. But yet. You were bringing him to his knees, and you didn’t even know it. Desire filled his mouth, the feel of it heavy and thick. The air in his helmet felt stuffy. He huffed in discomfort.
It’d be night soon. That meant… well. He swallowed hard. Another night next to you, so close your bodies touched. Fire licked at his body at the thought of it. Body tingling, he tried to stop thinking about the near future.
Thoughts of you lightly snoring in your sleep came to mind. He smiled slightly despite himself. But they quickly turned to thoughts about how you would roll over and smoosh yourself into him. He had to sleep with his back to you to avoid you noticing his nightly erections.
“I’m tired, gonna turn in early,” he heard you say. He sighed quietly, thinking of slipping into bed next to you later. Platonically, he reminded himself. He huffed again.
“You okay?” He had accidentally woken you up.
“Yeah, sorry,” he felt awkward, but excited you were awake and paying attention to him.
“‘Kay,” you laid down again and pulled the sheet up. Boba slid in next to you, rolling over so his back was to you. After a brief pause, you predictably rolled over to face him. You snuggled into his back.
Boba held back a sigh. He wasn’t even tired. It was going to be a long night. He closed his eyes and tried to relax his muscles to at least rest his body.
“You awake?” He heard after awhile. He opened his eyes, “Yeah.”
“I can’t sleep either,” you whispered. Boba turned his head slightly to hear you better. “I just, I don’t know. I thought we could talk since we’re both awake.”
Talk. Yes. That’s what he wanted to do right now with you, Boba told himself. “About what?”
“I dunno. Anything. I just like talking to you.”
He smiled. “Well, okay. What do you think about the latest X-38 Landspeeder?”
“I think it’s overrated. They only upped the fuel intake incrementally.”
“Hm. That’s true. So what would you choose instead?”
“Totally an XJ-6 Airspeeder. Way more efficient fuel-wise,” you reasoned.
Boba laughed, “Also, like, way more likely to get you noticed by local authorities with its appearance.”
You shrugged, “Still way better choice. You could outrun the law if they did decide to notice you.”
Boba grinned, smitten with your answer.
“Anyway, I could repaint it something neutral I guess,” you contemplated.
“That’s true… but it’s still way more expensive,” he played devil’s advocate.
“You can’t put a price on style though,” you countered.
He snorted a soft laugh.
You lightly pinched his shoulder, “Don’t laugh at me!”
“Am not,” he denied, “I just want you to consider everything.”
“Mmhm, suuure,” you pinched him again, slightly harder.
“Ow,” he faked.
“Ooh, big bad bounty hunter can’t take a pinch. Hm.”
Smiling, he returned, “Bounty hunters have feelings too.”
You hushed a laugh.
“Now who’s laughing?” He whispered.
“Oh, you got me there,” you snuggled into him.
Boba’s eyes widened momentarily. After a minute or so, he asked, “You okay?”
“Mm, mmhm,” you answered, sounding sleepy.
“Uh, g’night,” he said, feeling vaguely silly.
“Mmhmmm,” you murmured.
Boba swallowed hard as you fidgeted a bit before settling down again. You were all smooshed against him, so tantalizingly. He admitted to himself that he wanted nothing more than to pound into you right now.
You sighed quietly, then started breathing evenly. He let out a very quiet sigh. What would you feel like, wrapped around him? His cock throbbed. Fire crept up from his groin until it filled his body. He laid there suffering while you peacefully slept, drooling slightly on him.
He blinked. Boba was so sleep deprived. He brought to mind his sleep deprivation training and popped a caffeine pill. Someone said something to him. “Hrmm,” he answered angrily.
He kept to himself while he regained semi consciousness. Grouchy, he returned to the group. You were there, clear eyed and joking with someone. He grumbled, jealous, but didn’t go over to you. He reminded himself he was being lowkey.
Sitting down, he let himself be engaged in conversation with someone he didn’t particularly care for.
Boba held his breath as he slid into bed next to your sleeping form. He needed sleep tonight. He had to get into bed without waking you. Settling down, he felt triumphant. You were still asleep. He closed his eyes.
“You up?” Your whisper woke him up. Groggy, he murmured something about being asleep.
He tried to go back to sleep, but his mind started working. “What is it?” He finally asked.
“You wanna talk some more?”
Exhausted, he found himself answering, “Yeah.”
“Cool, so like, what do you think about me getting an old CR90 corvette?”
“Huh.” He considered. “Kinda clunky.”
“Ok, but. I found one retrofitted with extra turboblasters, better fuel intake, larger throttle body, and a sick paint job.”
“Hm, still doesn’t change the fact it’s a CR90. What about an H-type Nubian yacht? Kinda bourgeoise, but its got a strong deflector shield, a great hyperdrive, is already fast, and can easily be retrofitted with weapons.”
“Okay, sure, find me one for less than 100,000 credits and I’m onboard.” You sounded skeptical.
“Hm..” he thought about it. “I know a couple dealers. I could put out some feelers.”
“Would you?” You grabbed Boba’s upper arm. He started to sweat. “Yeah, not a big deal.”
“You’re really great,” you squeezed his arm.
“Hrmmble,” he murmured, getting hotter.
“So now what you wanna talk about?”
He desperately needed sleep. But. “Uh, maybe tell me which manufacturer I should get a new stingbeam from. I messed mine up during my last job.”
“Oh that sucks. Hm, well. Brea Blasters is a boutique manufacturer that I really like. Very sleek models, and they do customs.”
“Hfmmm, sounds good,” Boba tried to stop himself from falling asleep.
“You sleepy?”
“Sort of…” he yawned.
“Let’s get some sleep, then.” You snuggled into him. Relieved, he allowed himself to pass out.
Finally the day of the job arrived. Tired, Boba tried to ready himself.
“So you ready?” Your voice broke into his thoughts. Alarmed, he looked at the time. Somehow, several hours had passed. “Yeah, uh, right, yeah. Yes,” he mumbled.
Smiling at Boba, you nodded once. You put your helmet on. Tilting your head slightly, you said, “Let’s get into position.” He followed behind you to the cargo bay. The two of you along with three others were being dropped behind enemy lines to avoid detection. Boba readied himself mentally. The guard post had to be taken out with precise timing so the ship could land directly inside the hangar.
You jostled him, “Good luck.”
He felt soft and fuzzy for a moment before hardening himself. “Mm,” he commented.
The red light turned on and the cargo bay door opened to the outside wind and nighttime sky. He watched you and another go first, disappearing into darkness immediately. He realized he was vaguely worried about you.
Jumping out of the ship, he resolved to put that out of his mind. You could take care of yourself.
He landed hard, “Oofmphhh!” Pain dully thudded in his body as he hung upside down from the tree. He detected movement below him and tiredly trained his blaster on it.
“It’s me!” He immediately pointed his weapon elsewhere as you continued to talk, “we got dumped a quarter klick off target. In the forest.”
Boba grumbled as you cut him free. He flipped in the air and landed gracefully on his feet. You looked good, he thought. Shaking his head, he asked, “The others?”
“Up ahead, c’mon,” you turned and set off into the night. Boba tiredly trotted behind you until you reached the small group. Once reunited, the group took off as one.
Boba stopped short to avoid running you down. The team fanned out, getting into position. Boba focused on the task at hand. He laid down suppressing fire with you as the other three approached the target rapidly.
Soon the deflector shield was down. Boba ran to catch up with the other three. They waited for you. You hurried along after a moment. Boba tamped down his emotions.
“Time to go to the rendezvous point,” you all took off through the foliage under the dark sky. Boba followed you to ensure you stayed with the team. He caught himself staring at your ass and looked up and around, trying to be alert.
The route was a long one. An hour later, you were closing in. The mission looked to be a success; the ship was waiting in the open hangar with no visible resistance. Scorch marks on the concrete were the only evidence something violent had happened.
Boba stopped short. It was too quiet. “Stop-“ an explosion bloomed in the middle of the team. Everyone went flying. Boba lost sight of you. He checked his HUD. One of his teammates had redlined.
Fuck. He focused further. It wasn’t you. Okay. He oriented himself and ran to your position. You were sitting up, but seemed unable to stand. “I’m okay,” you started, sounding pained.
“Then why aren’t you standing?” Boba shot back, eyeing the horizon for enemies.
“Look, I might have a tiny boo-boo,” you admitted.
“What?” He saw someone pop their head out and shot it off. Kneeling to be out of sight, he glanced at you. You nodded at your leg. There was a substantial piece of shrapnel embedded in your thigh. Boba gasped.
“I’m gonna be fine, you just gotta go on without me and take these fuckers out. Then, you know… if you could take me to the med droid on the ship, that’d be really great of you.”
He grumbled about leaving you, but you stopped him. “If our positions were reversed, what would you tell me?”
He grumbled, “Fine. You’re right. But I don’t have to like it.”
You nodded at him, “Go.”
He took one last look and then turned away from you. Moving quickly, he penetrated the forces surrounding the hangar. He had no idea where the others were. But he had to take care of you. He hammered through another layer of private security. Once he was in the ship, he closed her up and took off. Hovering just above the hangar, he blew up the rest of the opponent. He circled once before setting the ship down again; then he ran to where he’d left you.
You were there, laying down now. “C’mon, let’s go,” he delicately knocked your helmet. “Nnngh, I’m fine,” you argued. He shushed you, “Of course you are, but we need to go now.”
He tenderly helped you to your feet and put your arm around his neck. Holding on to you, he carefully took you to the med droid. It shooed him away.
He met up with his remaining two teammates and they made new plans to head off world to their destination.
Boba curled up in bed, alone. You were still in the med bay. He was finding it hard to sleep without you. Finally he gave up and went to check on you.
You were sound asleep, your face a picture of peace. He stood over you for a moment before dragging up a chair and sitting next to your bed. Crossing his arms, he settled in for a long night. He was asleep within minutes.
“So, I guess this is goodbye,” you toed the ground in front of you. The other two teammates had already left with their payment. You were lingering. Boba was too, he realized.
“Yeah, well gimme your contact info… in case I find you an H-type.”
“Oh yeah! Okay.” You reached for your datapad. He scanned your code and after confirming he’d gotten your info, nodded once at you and turned away. “Bye,” he tried to have his tone neutral.
Pt 2
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strawberri-uyu · 2 years
"10 things i hate about gyu" - behind the casting #1
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ masterlist / next
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im yn - nayeon’s adopted younger sibling, and junior at hybe-tech. if you ordered them off a menu it would be like a combo of bitchy, blunt, and everything fun! you definitely won't like them! likes kpop surprisingly?? casted as katarina "kat" stratford
im nayeon - senior at hybe-tech who wants to transfer to a university in new york. a sweetheart at the end of the day who wishes the best for yn. she wants them to be on better terms, made yn match twitter names. casted as bianca stratford
hong joshua - senior at hybe, childhood friend and neighbor of nayeon and yn. he’s a resident simp for y/n (he has feelings for them). his daily activities include annoying yn or flirting with them. (second lead syndrome)
xu minghao - senior at hybe and the biggest yn anti on the planet, (their his honorary little sibling) he has his own art and fashion exhibits from time to time. participates in the school’s dance team as well as the school’s yoga club or whatever that is. yn is like his honorary little sibling and his favorite but he won't admit that.
jeon wonwoo - senior at hybe, woowoo as yn calls him. he has been the only one to fight with yn and win. (he almost lost) he tends to stay neutral in the chaos yn brings, but he does like to play devil’s advocate just to see them do stupid shit. they do play video games together and wonwoo doesn’t let yn win.
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lee chan - part one of the sophomore trio, yn’s self proclaimed best friend. they met because yn beat up a dude for trying to bully chan. (they just wanted to fight the guy). likes to show off his danceology skills to yn and he has taught them choreography before. 
boo seungkwan - part two of the trio and captain of the badminton club, he is an yn apologist and best friend second, and has been friends with yn since the first grade. #1 nag in the group, also fights with chan over who really is yn’s bestie 
choi hansol - vernon pull up on you.... anyways the final part of our trio, vernon! another self named best friend of yn. funny enough y/n has one fear and its hansol idk why? i think it had something to do with his headphones (don't ask me). he’s tired of his bestie acting dumb, fun fact: he doesn’t attend classes and the group doesn’t know how he’s passing tbh… 
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sunflowersoldat · 2 years
All is Fair in~
Vendettas & Verity
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Chapter 13: All is Fair in Vendettas & Verity
Previous Chapter
Main Master List
Series Master List
Series Summary: Family is important, but so is the Family business. Everyone has secrets, some are deadly. Your the best in the business, but no one knows who you are. Tensions are high, will you raise the stakes or fold under pressure?
Series Warnings: 18+! Mentions of blood and violence, bad language words, smut, manipulation, gaslighting, death, trauma, please follow the warnings for each chapter.
Chapter warnings: 18+ Only! violence and threats. Emotional trauma, Bad language words, mentions of death and physical trauma, Stalking.
Pairing: Mob!Steve x Assassin!Stark!reader
Word count: approx. 3.3K
A/N: We get to have a small reprieve in this chapter, but I don't know how long that's gonna last. ;) I really hope y'all enjoy it! feedback is always welcome, let me know your favorite part.
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Peter watched Bucky and Steve the whole way back to the penthouse, he could feel the anger rolling off Steve in waves. Steve had been upset earlier, after Peter confessed to allowing Erskine to experiment on him, but this was a new wave of rage. Tony had done or said something at that meeting to set him off again.
When his voice cut through the silence, Peter nearly jumped out of his suit, “Tony didn’t hire her.”
Bucky screwed up his brows, “Bullshit, who else would have hired her?”
Steve shook his head as he stared out the window, Peter scowled across from them as he processed the new information, 
“Don’t know. He had no idea she had been an Ace.” Steve countered.
“You don’t think we made a mistake in killing her do you? Are we even sure she was sent to kill you?” Peter’s voice was quiet, but unwavering, there was a hardness in Bucky’s eyes as they glanced at each other that chilled Peter to his core. He wouldn’t lie, the thought had crossed his mind, what a mess that would be if they had killed her, only for it to be meaningless.
“Don’t blame yourself, she admitted it.” The pain in Steve's voice made Peter’s gut churn.
“Admitted it? How so?” Peter knew he was pressing, but Steve hadn’t even mentioned anything you had revealed when he went into the basement.
“‘You were just a job’ her words exactly, kid. Nothing that happened between all of us meant anything, so stop badgering yourself. She isn’t worth it.” Steve continued to stare out the window, his head resting on his fist.
Peter’s eyes narrowed at Steve’s choice of words, isn’t, not wasn’t… maybe he was reading too much into things, or maybe he was too naïve, holding onto a hope that was pointless. But he had seen the emotion in your eyes when you went after Steve, there was more to the story than anyone was willing to admit. If Steve had been just a job, as a trained assassin, she would have killed him easily… Why did she wait?
Both Bucky and Steve were quiet the rest of the way, a far away look in Bucky’s eyes, deep in thought. Peter knew you had hurt him, really hurt him, you had broken that icy exterior and forced yourself in, became his friend, that wasn’t an easy feat. But he also saw the haunted look in Buck’s eyes. 
Bucky could lie to everyone else, but Peter knew he may be pissed and hurt, and yeah he took a lot of that out on Ace, physically. But he didn’t enjoy it, not really. Peter knows that’s what Bucky tells himself at his low moments. The look Peter saw in Bucky’s eyes all those years ago wasn’t the same look the night you died… no instead of the determined bloodthirsty look from all those years ago, it was pain, and betrayal, it cut him deeply.
Peter was fairly sure he was the first to forgive you, aside from Wanda, she always plays devil's advocate, she tried so hard to see it from your point of view. Steve wouldn’t hear it anymore, it’s why he hasn’t been back to the mansion since it happened. Then he was sure Scott had forgiven you, and Sam, the rest of the commandos didn’t really know you, so they didn’t need to. 
He didn’t want to hear Scott, Wanda, or Sam reprimand him, or question his choices. Peter tried to understand, but it didn’t stop the way his heart ached and cracked when he thought about you; his big sister, the sister who chose him. He missed you, you were the big sister he never had, you were family. He may have forgiven you, but he still held it against the others, he wasn’t ready to let your memory go just yet. Steve and Bucky, held onto it, onto any hatred Peter or the others had towards them, anyone could see they carried the guilt upon their shoulders, the weight of your betrayal and what could have been pulling them down.
They didn’t even have a funeral for you, he understood why, but it still pained him to know your body was laying out in the middle of the woods. The rest of the city thought you were traveling, the world gathering pieces for the new museum your brother supposedly began construction on. 
When they returned to the penthouse, Steve and Peter headed for the doors, but Bucky split off, grumbling about some unfinished business and that he would see them later tonight, if not tomorrow. He was doing a lot of that lately, disappearing and avoiding Steve. Peter shrugged, everyone handles loss differently, it was best to leave Bucky to his devices.
The curtains are drawn, little spears of light seep through, stretching across the mahogany floors just like every morning, another dream of dying each time it's a different way, but it all ends the same; Steve standing over you while your last breath leaves you.
You can’t say you blame him for everything he’s done, if you were in his shoes you’d have done a lot worse; you have, and for a lot less. 
Groaning you meander out of bed, going straight to your bathroom, the cold wood floors against your feet send a shiver up your spine as you flicked on the light, turned the shower on and peeled your clothes off. You stepped into the warm water, letting it stream down your aching body littered in so many bruises, you had tried to count when you were first able to walk on your own again, but quickly lost count.
Your doctor, Stephen, ‘with a ph.’ he had told you when he first looked at your wounds. You huffed a laugh, telling him there were too many Steven’s with or without phs in your life. To which he responded by telling you he also had a PHD, you had rolled your eyes, ripping the bottle of vodka from your brother’s hand, taking a long drink. The familiar burn in your throat, a comfort compared to the piercing pain you felt every time the doctor stitched a new wound. They had offered you an anesthetic, but you refused, you wanted to feel it, needed to feel it. Tony didn’t like it, he knew you were punishing yourself, but he didn’t fully understand why; he was partly right. 
In the past, all the Aces always patched each other up after an assignment, we didn’t have anesthetics at The House, we felt the pain of each wound and buried it in just enough liquor to dull the pain.
You stepped out of the shower, catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, your nose had been crooked before from the endless breaks, but damn, this looked so much worse. Most of the cuts were healed, only some bruises and scars remained, just add to the damn collection. Rolling your eyes you stalked into the closet, putting on some loose fitting joggers and a long sleeve tee, early winter had begun to blow in, and everything was fucking cold. You slipped back into the bathroom to continue your routine, as you finish brushing your teeth, you meet your own gaze in the mirror; stupid fucking bitch. —
You woke up in the passenger seat of Steve’s car.
Panic surged through you, jolting upward, every muscle fiber screaming. Turning your head, you looked out the window, a thick fog hung in the air, the icy chill of the late autumn air seeped into the car. The car was parked on the side of the road, the trunk popped open, but you couldn’t see or hear Steve, you weren’t sure where you were. 
Your head was fuzzy, the last thing you remember was the barrel of Steve’s gun under your chin, the gun going off, a sharp pain in your neck, then it all went black. Sitting farther up in the seat, you scanned your surroundings. The road was empty, save for Steve’s car, the woods that surrounded both sides of the road seemed quiet, empty… There, in the rearview mirror, a figure emerged from the misty woods, his white shirt covered in blood, your blood.
You needed to leave, you weren't sure why you weren’t dead yet, but you weren’t going to stick around and find out. Reaching for the door, you stopped, taking a deep, calming breath, if he wanted you dead, you would be… —
You sighed, resting your head against the cold glass, letting your eyes droop closed for a moment. You were tired, no matter how much rest you got, it never seemed to be enough. When your stomach growled, you removed your forehead from the mirror, not daring another glance at yourself, you left your room. 
You could hear Tony, Pepper and their waitstaff bustling through the house, the smell of cinnamon rolls filled your senses, a smile lifted your lips. You followed the smell into the dinning room, where Tony, Pepper, and a couple of men you didn’t recognize were sitting, their conversation cutting off as you entered the room. Stopping you lifted your brow, “Keeping secrets are we?”
Immediately Tony shook his head, “Just business.”
You hummed, stalking into the kitchen grabbing a cinnamon roll from the stove, giving the family cook, Sammy, a sweet smile and a wink as you slipped back into the dining room, plopping down in a chair away from everyone else. Three men sat across from Tony, the one in the middle stood, offering you his hand, 
“Colonel Akerly ma’am.” 
Your gaze flicked from his outstretched hand to his young face, adorned with an 80’s porn stache. You accepted his hand, “I’m his–” you nodded to Tony, “sister.”
He smiled softly, sitting back in his seat, the oldest of the three turned in his seat, “Aren’t you the curator of that museum that burned to the ground a month or two ago?”
You swallowed, it was still a touchy subject, “Was. I was the curator, you can’t be the curator of something that doesn't exist anymore.”
Tony gave you a pointed look, “Gentleman, this is my sister, the better of the two of us at business, whereas I'm more of the technical guy.”
You rolled your eyes, “Modesty doesn't look good on you Tony.” you looked to the other men, “He’s a genius and not a modest man, don't let him lie to you.” you threw them a wink, before digging into your food.
They continued on with their conversation, ignoring your existence, occasionally, Akerly threw you a curious glance, his eyes landing on the bruises, new and old scars adorning your face. He paused once, his eyes landing on the faded bruise around your neck; the palm and five fingers you knew others could make out. That was the last time he looked in your direction, the others couldn't care less, but their conversation piqued your interest when it veered toward chemical treatments for physical enhancements. You kept quiet until the men left, following Tony as he led them out of the mansion.
“What the fuck was that about?!” you wanted to keep your cool, but your mind was reeling, you had to have misunderstood their conversation.
He stared at you, “That was a business meeting, like I told you it was.”
“No shit. What about?”
He huffed, “You were sitting in the room squirt, you know what it was about.”
“Yeah, the same fucking thing Steve killed dad over. And now you are working with that bastard!”
He stepped back, raising his hands, “Whoa, whoa, whoa… easy, take it easy kid.”
“No! He killed our father so he could continue those dastardly experiments!”
Tony’s eyes widened, then relaxed, “Squirt… I never said dad was against the experiments…”
The realization hit you like a freight train, Steve’s confused expression flashing across your mind, it made sense now, he had no idea they were happening… “You are continuing the experiments?!”
He shrugged, “Well, yeah. That research could save millions of lives–”
“You are experimenting on children!”
“Take it easy, kid, I didn’t know he was using minors. I only found out right before that damn Ace of Spades killed him. They trashed his computer and lab, but he had backups sent to me in case of emergencies. I was going to put a stop to the minors, but he died before I could, okay?”
That made you feel a little better, you had killed him because it was the mission, but the research was destroyed because you were pissed. “Tony, you know that treatment is volatile, you put that shit in someone’s body, it’ll tear them apart.”
“Yet Barnes and Rogers handled it just fine…” he had schooled his expression, but you could still read him, that jab was meant to sting a little.
You stopped, taking a deep breath, “They chose that.”
He sighed, “I know. Trust me I will perfect it before it goes anywhere near another human body…” his eyes scanned your body, “How are you feeling?”
You shrugged, “Better.”
He nodded, “Per the agreement, you aren’t to leave the mansion or the grounds. Rogers was clear on the terms for letting you live…”
“You can’t be serious, this is a fucking cage, I’m not a dog you can tell to sit, stay or do a goddamn trick.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose, “Don't be a brat, you are in a mansion. It’s just until we can figure something else out.”
“A gilded cage is still a cage, Stank.”
The use of his nickname had him relaxing just a smidge, “Yeah, I know. I’ll get you outta here as soon as I can, send you anywhere in the world you wanna go. Just behave for now, please.”
You nodded, “I hate to ask, but do you have an extra phone? There are a few calls I need to make.”
He nodded, turning around to leave, “Yeah there should be a new one on your bed upstairs. Remember, you are traveling Europe if anyone asks!” he hollered as the door shut behind him. You rolled your eyes, turning around, almost running smack into Pepper, who was very pregnant, and typing on her phone. It looked like she had swallowed a watermelon.
“Oops, sorry hun…” she apologized absentmindedly, continuing on her way into the lounge.
Shrugging you made your way back upstairs, sure enough a brand new phone sat on your bed, the contact list was empty, but you remembered the important numbers, making the first call.
It rang for what felt like hours before he picked up, he took a deep breath,
“Identity check- All is fair ”
You smiled wickedly, “Response - In death and resurrections.”
A soft laugh left his lips, “It’s good to hear from ya Death.”
“Likewise sir, mission?”
“None for now, rest. I’ll be in touch.”
The line ended. You cracked your neck and dialed again, 
“This is Wilson Enterprises, you nab ‘em I’ll stab ‘em”
You stifled a laugh, “That’s a new one.”
The line went quiet, “Смерть? (smert-death)”
“The one and only.”
“I… we thought you were…”
“Nah, just extremely pissed off…and supposedly I’m traveling the world…” you huffed a laugh, “a girl can dream right?”
The line went quiet again, several moments passed before he spoke again, “It's good to hear from you again.”
His voice squeezed your heart, they were probably worried sick, they may be bastard assassins, but they were family, and they had no idea what had happened, let alone that you were alive. “You too Wade. Listen I left you with a phone–”
“Yeah! Hey good news, I broke into it. If you would like we can meet up and I can fill you in?”
“Just tell me when and where.”
“I’ll text you the info. See you there.”
When the call ended, Wade immediately dialed his phone again,
“What the fuck do you want Wilson?! This is the third time you have bothered me—”
Grumpy old fuck, why he was never happy to hear from Wade, he would never understand, he usually only called with good news… most of the time, “Death is alive.”
On the other end, he could hear Jake choke on what he assumed was his twentieth cup of coffee,  
“Ex-fucking-scuse you?!”
Wade always loved surprising the grumpy bastard, it was his favorite pastime actually, and for once, Wade knew more than he did, and he was definitely going to rub that shit in. “What she didn't call you? Huh, that's odd, I figured she would have called you first, being that you are her best–”
“Shut up Wade, are you sure?”
Wade smiled, as much as he liked to tease Jake, he understood how crazy it sounded, he hadn’t actually believed it when he first heard your voice either. “Yeah, I’m supposed to meet up with her in a few days, give her the intel from the phone…”
A long moment of silence passed, Wade wondered if he was crying and had muted his phone, wouldn’t blame him if he had. “If you want, you can join me, I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you.” But when Jake responded, he sounded like his normal grouchy self, 
“Send me the address, I’ll be there.”
Wade typed the address, sending the text.
“Thanks Wade.”
“Anytime big guy.”
You didn’t have much to gather around the mansion, all of your belongings were at home. Nonetheless, you picked up the items you did have, a few pairs of clothes, a baseball cap, some trinkets, and keys to your old bike.
Walking down the stairs and through the foyer, you noticed Pepper sitting at the piano, a melancholy tune swirling from her fingertips. Quietly you reached the front door— the playing faded away, and her voice broke the new silence, 
“Notice anything?”
Your head snapped to her, she was still facing away from you, her long strawberry blonde hair tumbling down her back. “No security.”
She nodded, still not looking at you, “I didn’t see you leave.”
Your name leaves her lips in a whisper, “sometimes a cage is a way to keep you safe from others, and sometimes it is to keep others safe from you.” A beat of silence stilled the air, “You get to choose its purpose.”
Without another word, she began to play again, never once looking in your direction. 
As you open the front door you are greeted with a gust of icy winter air, the sun was shining brightly, but the air was bitter and held no warmth for you. Walking towards the garage, you opened the keypad and typed your code, moments later the door opened, a few cars dotted the garage, and one older motorcycle; the fist bike you had ever bought yourself, your Kawasaki Ninja 300. She was as beautiful as the day you had bought her, candy apple red paint and black stripe detailing. 
You smiled as you ran your fingers over the seat and handles. Picking up your helmet, you swung your leg over, bringing her to life, exiting the garage, and into the cold air again.
As you neared the gate it creaked open.
The wind whipped around you, the icy bite cutting though your clothes and jacket, you had forgotten what it felt like, what freedom felt like.
Celebrations could wait, there was work to do, you could rest when you were dead. 
He bided his time, waited for you, he hadn’t believed it at first, he thought he was seeing things when he watched Steve drop you off at your brother’s mansion. But then he saw you leave, speeding through the night on that old Kawasaki. 
He growled, Fuck, if you want something done right you gotta do it yourself.
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@dontbescaredtosingalong @texan-tazzy @tianamontag @daiseychaindisaster @silently-killing-you @buckyfan12 @leyannrae @justlovelifeblog @austynparksandpizza @captainson-of-coul @betareader7 @vicmc624 @bigphattygyal
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cinamun · 1 year
Just wanna play devils advocate cuz I was lurking in the other comments section…who’s to say JAYCE won’t flip the script on Hope with all the stress and mental turmoil he’s going through? What if something happens to Mercy? Or what if something “happens” to the store knowing how Bishop feels about it? Or he crosses paths with Kenji on the wrong day while he’s helping Hope with skiing or something? I know when I went through real deep depression at one point and I was not the most ideal partner and it’s not even because I didn’t want to be. I would try my hardest and I just couldn’t bring myself to be. Everything started feeling like a personal jab towards me even though it might’ve been something small and unintentional. I started with the whole “you’re the only thing keeping me sane” but eventually I had no energy to do anything other than fall deeper into myself and couldn’t even provide affection to my partner or even ask how their day was. Not saying AT ALL that I want our sweet Hope OR sweet JayJay to go through any of those things and I do agree that they shouldn’t have to especially after what their parents deal with. But just wanted to throw that in for discussion and get your thoughts if you can give them without spoiling. And Aunties don’t kill me lmao I just like hearing everyone’s opinions on different scenarios. That’s just how my brain is wired 😂 if it rains purple rain, I’m writing a dissertation about it. I’m a HUGE let’s have a discussion person.
And let's admit it: Sure he has a 7 inch tongue and previous "pets", but we've made A LOT of assumptions about Kenji, haven't we? Just like we made assumptions about Jayce at first... Let's be honest here LOL
And we all know Darren needed several chapters, a therapist and some wrinkles on his forehead to rid himself of the most toxicious of toxicity.
ANYWAY! I've said before that the commentary is the best part of writing this and probably a big part of why I dive right in to really hard topics (I will not ever forget the arm grab felt around simblr lmfao).
I say we let it play out. Hope is young but she's equipped. Jayce is young and, unfortunately going through a lot of shit that he doesn't deserve. He's a good brotha who lost the light of his life, found healing through the wrekka sto and beautiful girl named Hope Diamond, but the one piece of family he has left decided to meat-swap (who remembers that?) with the devil.
Let's also not forget that the pre-frontal cortex (good decision making skills) doesn't fully develop until the age of 24. Hope and Jayce aren't 24 yet, is all I'm sayin.
And with that....
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smokingtiger · 11 months
Hi! I was wondering if you have any thoughts about jungkooks outfits for his promotion and his concept photos being very similar or even the same as jimins photos and outfits for face? Like with jungkooks inkigayo performance, his outfit was very similar to jimins outfit for his inkigayo performance. I’ve seen some say he’s trying to tell us/hint at something with jimin (jungkook was the one who picked out the outfits for the photo shoot) but I don’t know what that would be.
I’ve also seen shippers try to say that jungkooks stage for his performance was very similar to the restaurant that the two went to eat at because of all of the flowers and how it’s New York themed. I can agree that it’s New York themed (I’m not sure if it being this theme has anything to do with jikook), but I’m not so sure about the restaurant part. What do you think? I’m not even sure if he was the one who picked the design for the stage, but he could have given his opinion.
Thank you! 💜
In my opinion, I personally don't believe that Jungkook would base his debut solo project around another member or use it as a way to promote future collaborations. I would like to be hopeful and dream of a Jungkook/Jimin subunit or feature on any of their albums (after all jungkook is my bias and jimin is my bias wrecker), whether it be group or solo works, but I won't be quick to 'connect the dots' through a singular project or an Inkigayo stage. One should never prioritize one interpretation of constellations when it comes to a sea of stars. However, I will not deny the similarities between their outfits and concepts, after all, let's take a look at them...
Honest Coincidence or Malicious Matching?
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Inkigayo: A nice white tank (sort of for Jimin, his chest is just... out) with a leathery black pant and white jacket combo. Nothing too crazy, it's a pretty simple outfit combination.
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Face and Seven concept photos: Open chest blueish-gray blazer with a necklace combo. The suit lapels are different and Jimin's pants are more on the matching side, but both have a pretty similar build. One could argue that their hair is even matching, but the short bang mullet(ish) combo has been a trend among K-idols for the past year and a half now.
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Honorable mention: Matching pants and shirt set. Also, the editing on Jungkook's photo will never not be funny.
Whether or not this was intentional by the stylists or the boys themselves, I'm not sure. Logically, I'd like to think that it's not. But I will admit that they're pretty similar -- though, it's not like some of these sets are revolutionary or super-unique-never-been-done-before (although it feels that way when you look at them </3). That's not a dig at Jimin or Jungkook, but at the end of the day, it's really just a blazer combo with some slacks or a white tank and some black leather pants. Both of them look incredible and they really capture the essence of both SEVEN and FACE as a whole.
Also, let me play devil's advocate here for a minute, and by devil's advocate, I mean an overly sensitive (and nonsensical) solo looking for blood: Taehyung wore an open-chest blazer set but nothing was really said given that it was a striking red pigment. If it had been this blue-grey, then one could have made the argument that it was similar as well.
Some solo stans have accused Jungkook of attempting to rip Jimin off or to ride the success of Like Crazy by copying his looks. After sifting through argument after argument, I don't necessarily think Jungkook was ripping FACE's concept off or that he was planning on using similar aesthetics to promote a rumored Jikook collab. But these are two members of BTS that we're talking about... why would either one of them have to rely on another member to gain traction? It just doesn't make any sense. Also, in terms of aesthetic execution of both SEVEN and FACE/Like Crazy, the two are very different. In terms of fashion periods, Jimin emulated the late eighties/early nineties (I mean, Like Crazy was literally synth-pop with an artistic touch from Mapplethorpe), whereas Jungkook stuck to the nineties to the early 2000s in all its reduced-aspect-ratio glory. Of course, there were modern pieces stitched in here and there, but the two had eras that shared similar fashion trends, so it's to be expected that some aspects of each period would overlap.
Also when it comes to certain clothing pieces or matching sets, you can look up 'Kpop idols wearing the same clothes' on YouTube... there are several compilations to behold. I always think about that one tweet format where someone posts two people (usually kpop idols) wearing similar/the same clothes and caption it "This only means one thing in Korea.." and it never gets less funny every time I read it. For those who are reading this and don't know what this means, essentially it's the whole 'they're-wearing-the-same-clothes-so-they-must-be-dating' schtick. But before I wrap this section up, another point that I'd like to make is that Jimin and Jungkook tend to gravitate toward the same styles/brands from time to time. We've seen it many times before, whether it be in behind-the-scenes content or airport fashion runs. They're definitely not twins in the fashion department, but they do tend to share some pieces.
Inkigayo Set or Antoya Date?
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Well, it's no secret that Jimin and Jungkook went to Antoya, a Korean-Italian fusion restaurant in NYC. There were several eyewitnesses who saw the pair around the area, so there's no denying that they actually went. You know me, I don't really like candid videos or photos of the BTS members, so I will not be utilizing any of those photos/videos of Jimin and Jungkook. One cannot simply state nor confirm that the two actually went on a date, they could have been grabbing a simple dinner together. Many arguments saying that it was a date draw attention to the romantic atmosphere of the restaurant or the fact that they allegedly rented out the entire place to themselves. The reason why I say allegedly is because someone who was there and claimed that they saw Jikook posted a screenshot of their own reservation at the restaurant that night as proof, so I'm not sure if they had entirely rented it out or if they had rented it out only for a short while. Who knows, who cares, it doesn't really matter in the grander scheme of things, blah blah blah.
Antoya is a restaurant not just for couples, there are tons of reviews online of friend groups heading to the restaurant or of families getting together; it's like what I said about the GCF in Tokyo (lord pray for me) hotel, that yes, on some travel websites, they list the hotel as a 'good place for couples' but on others, it's just a standard hotel. Both possibilities of it being a romantic hot spot for couples or a simple dining experience are equally matched. Also, for anyone who reads my posts and follows me knows that I would never outright declare anything a date or anything more unless I have verbal or written confirmation -- it's just who I am. But BTS tend to frequent Korean restaurants abroad whenever they have overseas schedules. Jungkook ate KBBQ during SEVEN's recording so it wouldn't be odd if he and Jimin booked a spot at a Korean joint in a city. If they did rent it out, that also doesn't confirm that it was 100% a date; they're two huge Korean celebrities going into a Korean restaurant, if they went normally, they could have been recognized by many of the staff members or customers. But that brings me back to SEVEN's Inkigayo set... do I think that the staff would spend thousands if not millions of won on a temporary set to recreate an alleged date location that the singer visited only a few weeks ago with another member? No. Of course not. The buildings could represent the city that Jungkook was traveling through in the music video, the same city he walked in when he bought some flowers and nearly got hit by a car. Details, I guess. And like you said, we're not even sure if he had a hand in selecting what the stage would look like.
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For both of these cases, I just feel like these are some people reading waaayyy too into things and drawing conclusions from similar imagery. If Jikookers want to perceive it as a romantic testament of love, I won't stop them, but given the recent events in Jungkook's live, I do implore shippers to be careful on how they go about subjective and objective statements. Ship safely, please do not state things that you don't know are a fact as a fact, that leads to dangerous perceptions that bleed into the nasty Weverse comment section. Be observational and approach each situation from every angle before settling on one viewpoint. Leave room for doubt -- welcome it, even. This will help you remain grounded, and it's okay if you're wrong. People who are so bitter and angry over a ship scare the fuck out of me...
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I'll end this ask how I end most asks like this, whether or not Jimin and Jungkook are dating, I don't know, but what I do know is that overanalyzing things and feeding into the dangerous rhetoric of solos can be quite damaging. I think we should be supportive of both of our boys and think rationally. They wouldn't do anything to hurt one another, they've made that abundantly clear. Jungkook would not throw his precious relationship with Jimin away over some CLOTHES.
Also .... Jungkook + Jimin live soon... really hoping for this one.
Again, I always invite those who have opposing views or die-hard jikookers to come into my ask box and share their opinions respectfully, bc this is what this post is, an opinion. I enjoy hearing everyone and what they have to say.
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fabaceous · 1 year
Feel free to ignore this, I just have some thoughts i want to share with you:
Shauna represses her dark side in contrast to Misty who doesn't. Jackie wants to be loved but she doesn't show it in contrast to Misty who would do anything to get it.
INTERESTING and thank you very much for sharing! Hmm. I think I partly agree and partly disagree with you. let's walk together.
shauna does at least start out trying to hide her dark side from herself as well as everyone else, but eventually in the wilderness i think she sort of gives up, in that she starts allowing herself to act on it more often. i think she also used to act on it sort of unwittingly/instinctively, like fucking jeff was definitely shauna's dark side, but i don't think she was really conscious of it. but she's feeling liberated enough in the wilderness to admit it exists now, like when lottie talks to her about eating jackie and she says "but i wanted it too." but shauna is strange, i think she is capable of simultaneously repressing and acting on her dark side but without either of those things making the other one impossible. know what i mean? kinda doublethink-y. but i agree, misty is more willing to embrace it from day 1 (chopping off ben's leg - although that could be justified as survival so maybe instead lets say that moment where she trips him as he's trying to hop along) and doesn't seem to make any attempts to lie to herself about having this dark side - she seems just fine with it! i actually sort of wonder if she would even consider it a "dark" side? like she seems not to have many qualms about it lol.
as for your second point, i'm going to play devil's advocate and say i'm not so sure it's really "love", per se, that misty wants. i think she wants acceptance and companionship but i'm not sure if she's preoccupied with "love" in the same way that jackie is. jackie wants, like, devotion. I don't think misty really cares about that, she just wants to feel like she's a part of the group and people need her. which is also valid lol and i think jackie also wants those things but i do feel like that is a difference between them. and i think although they are both quite desperate for the thing they want, whether it's acceptance or love or some combination, misty is much more blatant and gutsy in the things she does to try to get that. but even though jackie isn't munchausen-ing people on a daily basis, i dont think shes really hiding that she wants love, or if she does, she's doing a kinda crappy job of it lol.
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nuagederose · 1 year
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My name is Hannah. I’m 30, from California. I’ve been drawing my whole life but the style I’m most known for has been around since 2006. I do a balance of traditional art and digital art.
I guess I’m looking for work? I’m just going to cut to the chase: I have literally never cared about Portfolio Day before because I have never believed that anyone would want me and my world here to be a part of something greater. If I ever had a goal or dream in life growing up (and I often did), it was always shot down by people who claim to be family—you can figure I’ve had serious problems with mental health because of it. There are days I’m surprised I never developed a drug addiction or anything like that, because it’s been that abysmal. I have always wanted to do something with comics or illustration: I’ve tried it solo to very little avail. I’m a guilty pleasure for people, I’ll admit it. I’m sexual. I’m a fan of things. I’m blunt. I play devil’s advocate. I’m emotional. I’m a loner but I’m also a people person. I’m in pain because I want what the other artists keep getting but I don’t know how to get it. My style is different: it’s an odd mishmash of manga, manhwa, emo, goth, psychedelic, art nouveau, cartoons of the 60s, 70s, 90s, and 2000s. It gets overlooked. It’s at the mercy of the algorithms. It gets praise from people like Chris Cornell but civilians turn their nose up at it for the most part once they do see it. I’m lucky to even have one person ask me if I do commissions. It’s a reflection of me.
I don’t expect anything out of this but my portfolio is pretty much here on tumblr (badgalnirvhannah) as well as instagram (badmotorartist).
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thelonesomequeen · 2 years
I hope they stretched before reaching. 🧜🏻‍♀️/:
Just to play devils advocate for a discussion as grown adults, you have to admit the optics don’t favor her in this. She skipped all but one premier for her big break movie into HW; she has done no promotional appearances or even commentary on the show that launched her US career…but she spent 6 weeks getting a yoga certification where her rumored boyfriend lives?
I mean I get it, I can see both sides on this.
We have to keep in mind that we don’t actually know this woman at all. There are plenty of women that give up on their dreams or careers in order to please/serve their man. She very well may be one of them. It couldn’t be me, but I know people like that who exist. We all probably do. One of my college roommates once admitted that the only reason she was in college was to hunt down a husband and she didn’t care about the degree part at all. She’s swimming in student debt for a degree she isn’t using, but she doesn’t work and got the white picket fence life she was after. It’s sad to me because she had HUGE potential to go far in our field, but not all of us have the same life goals. 🤷‍♀️🦎
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