#I actually kinda love mirios new hair he’s so silly
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littledevilmobby · 3 months ago
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timeskip miritama to cleanse the soul bc the new year is terrible so far
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toosweetfiddlesticks · 4 years ago
Can I request something with Mirio Togata x male intimidating reader? So like the reader is really tall and scary looking but is a totally sweetheart when you actually talk to him. So even Mirio was a little wary at first but as soon as they actually talk he immediately falls for him.
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Paring: Mirio x Male! Intimidating! reader
Summary: Mirio’s usual friendly demeanor was tarnish by the freakishly tall y/n. He always seem to be a bit solemn and cold. But, with just one little introduction, Y/N’s sweet and warm personality caught Mirio by surprise and his heart.
Side note: tysm for the request, I really appreciate it! 💕
Mirio’s eyes hastily glanced away from the lingering and spine-chilling stare of Y/N. Now, Mirio wasn’t the type to hesitate in social interactions. His many classmates could agree that he had a bright and sunny personality. He could talk to the most awkward, weirdest, grumpiest person in the world and crack at least a smile on their face. He was friendly and socialized with everyone.
But when Y/N came into the classroom, Mirio would feel a bit daunted from his mere presence.  
He almost resembled a giant, towering over all his other classmates and colleagues. And his face was devoided of humor. Mirio would say he’s was quite dignifying, if it weren’t for the chilling stare he gave people almost if not all the time. But besides the chilling eerie expression, Mirio would have to admit that Y/N was a good looking guy. Y/N has stolen a couple of Mirio’s glances, peeks, or stares. He just seemed a little...ya know, scary. 
Once class was over, Mirio caught another peek of Y/N once again before focusing back on packing his bag once Y/N glanced his way. Mirio hummed a little as the quick taps of Nejire’s shoes and the dragging feet of Tamaki came towards him. Nejire’s long light blue hair pushing and rubbing around the anxious boy’s flustered cheeks and eye. A broad smile wore on her face.
“Mirio!” She waved a hand towards Mirio, catching his attention. His face had the iconic Mirio smile painted all over it as Tamaki struggled to pull Nejire’s hair out of his face. He felt his cheeks burn from embarrassment as people were already staring at the two cause of her call towards Mirio. “You doing anything today?” Nejire asked. Mirio rubbed his thumb and pointer finger against his chin in thought. Besides some studying, he’s schedule for the complete day was empty.
“Nothing besides studying to night.” Nejire smiled and clapped her hands together at Mirio’s reply. The two completely ignoring the still struggling Tamaki.
“Great!” She cheered, “Y/N-” Tamaki, who was able to swim and free himself from the sea of Nejire’s hair, cut Nejire off before she could finish. He eyes staring intensely at the enormous student leaning on the wall through window.
“Is scary.” Tamaki remarks, making Mirio nod in agreement. 
“No silly!” Tamaki winced at the loud laugh that bubbled up in Nejire’s voice. “Wanted to know if he could hangout with us today at the mall.” She explained, “He’s been really wanting to talk to you guys.” The boys reaction made it seem like she was talking about cannibalism. Their eyes nearly bludged out of their skulls, earning a small look of puzzlement at the two.
Y/N, the guy that gives the most deadliest death stares...Wanted to hang out with us?
“Come on guys, he’s super nice once you give him a chance.” Mirio internally questioned her statement. Super nice? Maybe he was being a little too judgmental. “Mirio, you always love meeting new people.” Mirio couldn’t argue with that. 
“You do have a point.” Tamaki concerningly stares at Mirio and worries at his words. But no matter how much he wanted to protest, the two had their minds made up. He mumbled a few words along the lines of agreement, his hand clinching the arm of his other.
“As long as he is as nice as you say..” Mirio heard mutttered under Tamaki’s breath. Seconded that.
Nejire cheerfully hopped along to Y/N with the other two weary behind her. Y/N’s back leaned on the exposed brick wall, his expression the usual blankness besides the cold stare he was giving his phone. As the other two behind her were a bit confused on why Y/N was giving his phone the death stare, Nejire swung her hands high in air as the reached him closer, catching his attention. She chirped up, yelling his name with a smile.
“Y/N!” she yelled. While Nejire jogged over to Y/N, Tamaki and Mirio’s pace only seemed to increase by alittle. A shiver were crawling down both of their spines. Wow, how is he able to be leaning against a wall look intimidating, pretty impressive, scary, but impressive.
The more they got closer, the more of the sense of anxiousness snaked around Mirio. He looked at Nejire, she was excited to see him. And she really wanted them to meet Y/N. It would be mean to hurt Nejire’s feelings Mirio swallowed his anxiety.
With a determined look in his eyes, Mirio began to walk more proudly and with confidence. Ok then!, Mirio internally exclaimed, Y/N’s a nice guy, and wants to be friends. It’s time to make a friend.
Mirio gave his most friendliest smile and locked eyes with the taller boy. But unlike the intimidating stern Y/N usually give people, his eyes enlighten with a spark of surprise and happiness just like the rest of his face. It seemed so much brighter than his usual blank expression. Did Mirio see a look of... excitement? Y/N cheeks rised like the sun, his smile being even brighter. With a small laugh, he broke eye contact to hug Nejire and a shocked Tamaki.
“Hi! I hope I didn’t ruin any plans for you guys or anything.” He spoke with cheerfulness. “I don’t really have many friends and you guys seemed friendly.” Nejire waved him off and gave his cheek a soft pinch with a smile as his scratched the back of his head. He turns his attention back to Mirio again, “Hug?” Mirio’s felt a sense of a indescribable feeling in his chest.
“Of course!” Mirio replied. There as no longer a feeling of weary or hesitation, expect embracement. The feeling of Y/N’s hands closing in around Mirio’s shoulders was, warm and soft. His breathing was slow and he squeeze tight, embracing Mirio as much as he could. The feeling was like hugging a big soft teddy bear.
Y/N and Mirio thought. Mirio’s smile was so sweet and his ocean blue eyes were as deep as the seas. He’s touch opened a cage of buttflies in Y/N stomach, swirling around up to his heart
Y/N’s warm touch made Mirio’s heart jump in excitement. His smile shined as bright at the other.Their touches to on another, felt like electricity on each other skins. Their hug lasted longer than it should have, but it didn’t bother each other. (But Nejire and Tamaki was lowkey confused)
Y/N finally let go, with a feeling of warmth on his cheeks.
“They have ice cream that’s really good.” He words were almost fumbled, “Wanna go get some guys, I can pay if you want!”
“You sure you don’t want me to drop you two off?” Y/N concernly ask. Him and Mirio sitting on the sidewalk, finishing up their second ice cream of the day. With bags of clothing in one hand and Tamaki’s hand in another, Neijire waved Y/N’s concerned look.
“Don’t worry.” Her brigths reassurance calmed Y/N worries down a little. “Tamaki and I live close together anyway!” And with that, Tamaki and Nejire began to walk away, Nejire skipping happily off with Takami being pulled along. She waved at them with her bag filled hand once again before skipping away. “Bye!”
“Bye!” Comfortable silence consumed the two boys after waving to Nejire back.
As the sun began to slowly creep away, Mirio’s eyes casually examined his friend. Even now he was surprised at how open and friendly Y/N is. He guessed he never noticed Y/N bright e/c (eye color) eyes with that soft look in it. It always seemed to be so intimidating from far away. Either way, the intimidation is in the past and he’s happy to say that Y/N was his friend now.
Once the sun was completely gone, the boys were about to go separate ways...
“Y’know,” Y/N spoke, “I was always kinda of intimidated by you.” Y/N looked back to see Mirio’s widened eyes with honest ones. His hands shoved down into his pocket as Mirio looked at home with puzzlement. His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes squinted, wondering if he was serious.
“Really?” As mirio approached closer to Y/N again, Y/N in confirmation.
“Yep.” Y/N answered. Sighs left his mouth as he looked at the now appearing stars. He watched them sparkle and gleam back down at him. “You’re strong and you have such a powerful quirk.” He continued. “On top of that, you were always so kind to people. I guess you can say I was kinda jealous of you and the people around you.” He looked back down at Mirio, his head tilted at the h/c (hair color) boy.
“Jealous?” He asked. ”Why jealous?” Y/N approached Mirio closer as he continued, “I mean you have any amazing quirk yourself?” He countered but was only left with a chuckle.
“I wasn’t jealous of your quirk.” Y/N replied, “I was jealous of the people that got to see your beautiful smile, Mirio.”
Y/N smirked at Mirio slowly began to notice how close they were. His high cheeks were began to pour with pink, and his face began to warm. Y/N’s chest filled with a feeling of fuzzy warmness as their noses seemed to almost touch. Their eyes were glued on each other’s lips.
“Y/N..” Mirio slowly said. “Can...” Y/N’s nostrils flared as Mirio inhaled. He mentally prepared himself for this, “can I kiss you?”
Silence engulfed each other. The stars watched the two stand in the thick air of tension. Y/N almost couldn’t even find the words he was looking for cause of excitement. Passionately, he spoke.
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