#I actually have a leftover 1ft light I'm gonna stick on there for a boost
prince-liest · 2 months
I purchased a number of African Violets and Cape Primrose a little over a month ago, and for the most part they have all been growing absolutely great and also quite prolifically - two of them are already flowering and some others have buds coming up - EXCEPT the very first one that I considered...
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My PT Wild Plum has been growing a lot, but in a really weird shape! And it turns out that what it is doing is growing a bunch of suckers, presumably because of the stress of getting mailed and then repotted. I dug out an old disposable scalpel I had in my bathroom cabinet and did some plant surgery on it.
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I mangled one of the suckers beyond repair, but I managed to get four intact ones off of her, and since I didn't realize what they were and left them on so long, they all have little crowns of their own and will probably be able to root! As advised I stuck them in damp soil and then put them in a ziplock bag (with a little plant tag propping it up so the plastic doesn't rest on the leaves) to retain as much moisture as possible while they are still lacking in roots, and hopefully in about 1-2 months I'll have me some nice little mini violets to give away to friends and family!
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Using an egg carton for this brings me back to elementary school, haha. I actually shifted around some eggs to be able to use this. x)
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