#I actually drew this before I even wrote that chapter 😭😭
ritz-writes Β· 4 months
πŸ₯,πŸ“š ,☁️,πŸ₯€
πŸ₯ β‡’ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
I looked thru a vine comp cuz i knew it was gonna be a vine, and IT IS. "Road work ahead? Uh, yeah. I sure hope it does." its a classic and i will never not say it when i see a road work sign πŸ˜‚
πŸ“š β‡’ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?Β 
ohhh i know what it is without even looking. it was like 4am and i was getting food but i came up with a paragraph i wanted in the fic i was working on. i dont wanna share it tho since the fic hasnt been uploaded, but i can share the one i wrote before it. "Solitary confinement. Small room with endless ceiling. Trying to fly out." I was watching a youtube video and got inspired for an aziraphale whump fic hehe
☁️ β‡’ what made you choose your username?
I actually used to go by smth else, but wanted a name change online. I was looking thru my old sketchbook and found a character i drew once and named Ritz. put it in my bio and almost changed it when one of my mutuals tagged me in smth and said "ritz" so i was like oh okay ig its my name now. so im ritz and i write. so ritz-writes :)
πŸ₯€ β‡’ recommend an author or fanfic you love
IMMEDIATELY gonna yell about @mrghostrat and his amazing good omens fics. very in character humans aus and SO MANY LIL DETAILS. so very gay and so very good. i now record my reaction for every chapter and send it in bilv's discord cuz the fics r that good. currently obsessed with Big Name Feelings and can't even put into words how much i love it 😭😭
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blackhairedjjun Β· 3 months
I'm honestly speechless. Your reply makes me wanna tear up BHJ.😭❀️ And... I will make sure to keep that in mind to ask you about things. Will I seem strange to say that I always pause and gather myself for a moment before I could read flowers of every colour? Yeah, I have to read the 5th part. I read till Oc and Jun have had danced together. I really like the way you described the dance though. I highkey had the butterflies I never expected myself too. 🀭
I felt even more exhilarated when Jun pulled oc into a hug when all Choi siblings had met. The letters piling up could be the best thing! The banter? I live for it!
How do we write some good description about outfits? I love the way you decsribed Yeonjun's outfit. Also, I wanna know how you describe the ancient settings and the dance as well. Of course, any way we can just pour life into writing small gestures and actions?
hi butterfly anon! no, it's not strange at all <3 i'm always flattered when people tell me how they react reading to foec, especially when they get emotional or feel butterflies in their stomach like yes! that's what it's supposed to make the reader feel so my writing is working 🀭 i'm so so happy that you love the scenes i wrote! chapter 4 was one of my favorites to write, and for the soogyu banter in chapter 3 i drew a lot of inspiration from watching them in to do hehe.
i'll put my writing thoughts under a read-more since they're long:
part 1: writing descriptions!
for outfit descriptions i assume you mean this part right?
you turn in the direction of his voice, but any reply you had in mind evaporates at the sight of him. yeonjun is standing at the gazebo entrance and your jaw goes slack from just how beautiful he looks. the dark emerald green jacket he wears hangs well on his shoulders, and the gold embroidered details on the front shine in the moonlight. his hair has been slicked back, with a few strands left in front of his forehead, framing his face. even in the evening dimness you can make out his features: his shining eyes, his plush lips.
his outfit here is actually based on his first costume in the act sweet mirage tour:
Tumblr media
i don't always have a reference when i describe things in my fic, but it can be very helpful! so at least i have an idea in my head of what exactly i'm describing. searching for references on pinterest helps a lot!
so i know what yeonjun's outfit looks like, now i want to describe it from the point of view of the reader character (y/n). i'm writing in second person POV so i want readers to see what y/n sees! since yeonjun is y/n's love interest and close friend, they would see him and his outfit in a way that enhances how attractive he is, while also showing that y/n is starting to develop feelings for him. so i describe how his outfit complements his natural features ("the dark emerald green jacket he wears hangs well on his shoulders"; "his hair has been slicked back, with a few strands left in front of his forehead, framing his face"), and i also add in elements of the setting to set a romantic mood and make the overall atmosphere more vivid (" the gold embroidered details on the front shine in the moonlight", "even in the evening dimness you can make out his features: his shining eyes, his plush lips").
a few chapters later i introduce another character and also describe what she is wearing, but this time i want this character and her outfit to intimidate y/n rather than feel attraction. i won't spoil it but let me know when you find where that part is and how i wrote it!
generally when it comes to descriptive writing - things like what a character is wearing, the room they are in, even things like dancing, etc. - i find it more important to tie my descriptions to the story and the characters than to make it super precise and detailed. my readers don't need to know every detail of a room or of a piece of clothing or a dance, they need just enough to clearly follow what's going on. once i have that level of enough, i focus on answering these questions: how does the thing i'm describing make my characters feel? how can my description show that feeling?
part 2: pouring life into small gestures and actions!
personally, i like putting a LOT of little gestures and facial expressions and body language in my writing! which won't be everyone's cup of tea but that's my own writing style. honestly i'm not entirely sure how to teach this bc this is something i do naturally when i write...
first step would probably to just be very observant and notice people's body language! even noticing your own helps :) for txt specifically, it helps that i follow their content a lot (variety shows, interviews, lives, etc) because i start to notice the little reactions that each member has, especially when they react differently to the same thing!
i'll use this bit from foec chapter 4 as an example:
β€œyou look…” stunning. wonderful. beautiful. β€œβ€¦good.” it’s not the compliment you wanted to give, but yeonjun gets the message anyway. he lets out an awkward laugh and he turns his head away, covering his mouth with one hand. "when he recovers, he turns to you with a small smirk. β€œand you look amazing too.”"
so i know that yeonjun is the type who gets flustered easily, but also the type who flirts and wears his heart on his sleeve around people he likes. as a writer, i also know that he has a little crush on y/n at this point and those feelings are about to become deeper, even if yeonjun himself hasn't realized it yet.
my goal here is to translate his thoughts and emotions into visible actions, using his character quirks as a guide. he likes y/n a lot and getting complimented by them made him feel all giddy, but he also genuinely enjoys their company and is really happy to see them outside the ball. so i convey his giddiness and his little crush through actions that show how easily flustered he can get ("he lets out an awkward laugh and he turns his head away, covering his mouth with one hand") but i also show his genuine care for y/n + him testing his feelings through his flirtiness ("when he recovers, he turns to you with a small smirk. 'and you look amazing too.'")
when i write little actions i'm always thinking of 1) the character's overall personality and how they normally behave, and 2) what they're thinking or feeling in that particular moment. their actions should show how they're thinking or feeling, but do so in a way that also reveals who they are as a person! i hope this makes sense slkdfjksdlfj i'm not really sure how to explain what i do here
i hope this helps, butterfly anon! if you're unsure of anything i said, please let me know and i can try to explain <3 happy writing!
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need1etail Β· 2 years
Thank you for answering my questions :D I liked reading up on your thoughts! It's so interesting, because everyone's AUs are obviously different, and you've put a cool spin on everything!
1. I had no clue that Witch was a combo...! I thought they were only replacing Tree, and Zelda kinda just wasn't there at all, but it's so cute how you thought of that, and gave them such a cool appearance as a nod to their original selves. Honestly, I do not blame you for disliking Tree initially, because I had the same thoughts. I wasn't a fan of his throughout all of AVOS...I literally only began liking him when I read his novella, and then liked him even more throughout TBC. I think a poly relationship with Zelda, Tree, and Violet would have been cute, but as odd as it sounds, your Violet (and canon Violet) doesn't give off that vibe, but I do think you could've written it wonderfully...and probably changed my mind on it, just like you changed my mind on Needle and Alder :P I hated any mention of Alder's crush on her in the books, but now I look forward to him thinking about her in your rewrite and how they interact. So Violet being poly most likely would've grown on me as long as you wrote it :D
2. Oh, yay! :3c I'm happy to hear Marsh is okay. I actually went back and reread/did a ctrl+F for him and he IS mentioned, but doesn't have lines. That was me just overlooking him, so you are all good!! ^^ I think it's Cloverfoot who says he mostly stayed in the warriors' den while they were self-exiled :( he's a quiet boi, that's all, and seems to just keep his head down after everything. poor guy...
3. That TOTALLY made me laugh, because yeah, I can DEFINITELY see this happening. I was surprised when canon had so many cats who were horrible to Rowanstar from the start accept Dark, realize he's terrible, be allowed back into ShadowClan, AND THEN CONTINUE TO BE HORRIBLE TO HIM. like...?! literally seems like they learned absolutely nothing. so it makes sense for them to remain with Dark, because he is still alive in your world. SOMETHING clearly drew them to him and they basically had no remorse afterward, since they never showed Rowan any grace once Dark was defeated
4. Speaking of the typos you thought you made, I do think (or maybe I am being a dummy again and misread ^^; very possible) there is a bit of a continuity error in your SS and SD! It's said in SD that Snakepaw disappeared during the battle while fighting alongside Tawny at the end ("The two hadn’t been well since Snakepaw disappeared during the battle. It was said that she was fighting alongside her mentor, Tawnypelt, but they got separated and she was nowhere to be found, even now."). But she actually disappeared way back in chapter 14 of SS ("A few warriors had disappeared in the last quarter moon: Rippletail and Snowbird, then Snakepaw disappeared a few nights before.")
The same confusion is with Ripple, who vanished with her and Snowbird, but then we suddenly see him with the Kin again in the SD prologue ("Rippletail was on the verge of death, covered in scratches and bitemarks."). It doesn't say how or why Ripple is there, when he (presumably) snuck away in the night in SS. He is also still seen in the Kin, though, in chapter 16 ("Thistle, Sap, Ember, Lioneye, Grassheart, Wasptail, Rippletail, the apprentices, Whorlpaw and Flowerpaw, who had their chests puffed out, even Raven and Roach to name a few) and chapter 33 ("while Perchwing and Leafshade pummeled Rippletail.") in SS after he's supposed to be gone. Now that I think about it, could it be that Marshstripe is supposed to be the one who is said to vanish with Snowbird and Snakepaw, and not Rippletail? So that'd explain why Marshstripe is gone and Rippletail is still a Kin cat
Thought you might wanna know, in case it comes up again for them! <3
Y'all are gonna have to be patient with me and my mistaks with cats disappearing BEHXHX I swear I'm as bad as the Erins sometimes 😭. I don't like going back and rereading my stuff (cuz i'm dhwbdux self-concious) so most of the time I live purley based on memory and there are def cats I overlook and forget about (namely, Rippletail cuz I don't like him). So I'll just say that Rippletail came back to the Kin sometime after Violetpaw left and was basically just put on lockdown and was prob just meant to be thrown into the frontlines before the surprise battle. As for Snakepaw, I remember I wanted her to return to ThunderClan but I don't think I had room to mention her edhdhdb, which is very unfortunate. So she came back, fought in the battle, and disappeared afterwards. My poor girl.
I always try to take background characters into consideration but sometimes they get lost in the wave of my favorites lmao. I'll start keeping notes on that stuff tho I swear, I hate when I make mistakes like that, even if it's small. A lot of stuff isn't seen, especially when it comes to the Kin after Violetpaw and Needle leave, so it's both hard to remember who's still there and easy to just come up with excuses bfjedhxu.
THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING ELSE THO <333 I'm so glad you're enjoying it!! Canon AVOS is bad lmao I'm glad I'm making it better.
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