#I Wanna be Tracer
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pipythecat206 · 11 months ago
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*Insert “I Wanna be Tracer” here*. Mainly some sticker remakes and such. From left to right: Sushi Tacroach, Banana Split Tacroach, Sweepoof, Cheesecake Incherrito, Preying Escantis (Made up of Creamy Tacroach, Sweepoof and Cheesecake Incherrito. Also the name derives from the Spanish word for Frosty, being “Escarchada”/“Escarchado”. I mean I think it is lmao), Starfly, and Cranegosteen.
Both Starfly and Cranegosteen utterly despise each other btw, and they’re both based off of Crane flies, which can’t fly too well.
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puke-ur-gutz · 5 months ago
"the artist watermarked their art so i dont have to!"
- not everyone can read other peoples handwriting well
- not every watermark is big enough to read
- not every watermark is the artists URL
- some people have different URLs on different platforms
- some people dont always notice watermarks
- some people use screenreaders
- you suck
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 5 months ago
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idk back on some bs. no idea if I'll do anything w this
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avianii · 2 years ago
saw a couple of avengers/top gun mood boards by @desert-fern and was reminded of these really old sketches I made of a (currently very dead bc I suck at character design) superhero AU
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nether-moth · 3 months ago
Smitty needs a traumatic Backstory, so does Randy. They're too silly to not be traumatized
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neurunique · 1 year ago
I think secret lab should release a Ramattra themed gaming chair, that would be very neat…
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buraikans · 2 years ago
overwatch twitter memes 👍
heres the spiderverse version i made
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tentakilly · 1 year ago
Blizzard can suck my metaphorical cock but god damn are the Overwatch characters so fun to think about.
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givemedamage · 11 months ago
why did i just look up how to draw sprites
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termagax · 1 year ago
any favorite roadhog and junkrat brotps? like weird friendships with certain ow characters you wouldn't expect (like for instance dva and roadhog have a friendly interaction which i think is really fun and i love the idea of 21 pro gamer being bffs with a 50 year old wanted criminal)
i really do like the idea of hog and dva being buds, ditto for lucio, their interactions are so cute! i also really like hogs dynamic with ana its very cute and sweet to me i love their interaction... i think with junkrat it seems like most of the cast is iust kind of perpetually annoyed with him even though he acts like hes besties with everyone? but i like his interactions with zenyatta i think the idea of them being buds is very very funny. also hanzo is a go-to for me because i think she could play an excellent straightman to the hijinks and whatnot and i hate her and want to annoy her as much as possible. i like the interactions he has with lucio and baptiste where theyre both like, tryiiiiing to be polite to him but they dont really know. what to say to all that. i think hes just weird. OH THOUGH YKNOW... tracer is one of the only characters who interacts with him without giving the vibe that she wants him to stop talking to her, and i think they could have a beautiful friendship....
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sadiecoocoo · 1 year ago
I think I need a new charger, my iPad has been charging for an hour and it’s only on 29%
I’m just trying to play Minecraft man 🥺
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stonedscully · 1 year ago
I just want a book as smutty as a Lucy Score novel with a more of a crime element. Is that so much to ask for 🙄!? I read the first Tracers book by Laura Griffin and the mystery was good but the slow burn was way too slow and the sex was only a page and a half, and I just need more payoff than that. Any recommendations would be super appreciated ♡♡
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lovphobic · 2 years ago
on one hand that song is so fucking annoying but on the other hand i really cant complain because sometimes i do feel like that BAKSNAKAJNXZKZJ
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mysticdreamdrafts · 29 days ago
Satoru Gojo | Boyfriend Headcanons
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Here we are again with more headcanons. I know, it's like all I do, shudDUP YOU DON'T NEED TO TELL ME BUT I LIKE IT. Here's some Gojo today because i wanted to. As always it's Pre-Trauma but my boy always has trauma ya feel? ---- -Shows up literally outta no where -Like you thought you had privacy? Not with him ya don’t -And I don't mean like invasion of privacy -- he's respectful -But outta everyone in the world, he chose you as his person so you're IT ya feel me? -He's sorta standoffish at first. I think because he doesn't really know how to be a boyfriend really -He thinks it's a homie but more -Be ready to teach him a lil bit -You like flowers? oh okay, here's flowers all the time -You like music? Okay, he bought you this vinyl of your favorite artist -Don't have a vinyl player? Let's go shopping for one -honestly it's cute i wanna throw up -He's very handsy - skinship is everything to him -He loves to hold your hand in public -Arm draped over you because look at his ass, he's tall so you're the PERFECT height for him to just hang off of -If you're tall, also a plus because seeing eye-to-eye would be just everything to him -Cute lil photos -Selfies out the ass bro be ready to have to pose every 20 seconds dawg -Ya'll can't go anywhere without his phone being out for a photo or to update the world on what yall are doing -He just loves you okay? -When he's away he wants to see your face -You're literally his lock screen -Idk he just always wants to feel you're close, seeing it isn't enough -Speaking of, his eyes linger a whole lot -Those beautiful ocean-eyes want to see you in full -No glasses, no bandages, no blindfold -Your beauty is worth every second his eyes might get a little overworked -He just needs to know you're real -Doesn't understand why you chose him, so looking into your eyes, and just being able to see you means a lot to him -He's a face tracer -NOW HOLD ON HEAR ME OUT LOL -Delicate fingers tracing every dip and curve of your beauty is important for him -Reminds him you're real -You're his -You chose to be his, even throughout this world -Sure, he has pride -But having pride is nothing to having love -And having you is something he never knew he needed -But found that, after everything he's been through, it's everything he ever wanted -And more.
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amphibiahawks321 · 1 year ago
Can you do Widowmaker x Male Reader pls?
Widowmaker : Niiiice~
Tracer : Hey widowmaker!
Widowmaker : Huh?! What?! Oh yes Tracer?
Tracer : What are you looking at? You've been using your scope to look at something for the past 10 minutes
Widowmaker : W-whaaaaaa? I was just testing my scope that's all!
Tracer : Oh okay..... Oh! By the way! Winston wanted to talk to you about something in the headquarters
Widowmaker : Really? Okay
Tracer : I'll guard your sniper for you!
Widowmaker : Oh okay thanks tracer
Tracer : No problemo!
[Widowmaker leaves the scene]
Tracer : Yeah I definitely wanna know what she was looking at...
[Took a peek on the scope]
Tracer : Let's see what she was looking at-.....
Tracer : .....
[Reveals in the scope to be Y/N jogging]
Tracer : widowmaker you absolute-
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valscodblog · 2 months ago
"Now I see You."
Phillip Graves X OC
WELLLLLLLL, lets hope none of the ask blogs find this or im done for. I will forver be loyal to Los Vaqueros however-once the Graves worms start...they cannot be stopped.
Tags: @skauni @thebunnednun @writing-with-moss @karlachismylife @2econd-of-1sts <33
TW: SHORT ASF, sorry gang. No inspo day but had to push sum out bc its been a while </3, Graves is hurt (DESERVED), slight description of blood, cursing, pretty much nothing else. Mostly fluff. Meh :p
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Graves held her by the wrist and asked, "Why the fuck do you always choose Them over Me, Tracer?"
She didn't respond. She just looked at her boots.
"Tracer-I'm talkin' ta ya-" "I choose them because they didn't double cross me as many times as you have-and I'm not just talking war crimes, Graves."
and with that he let go of her and let her walk out of his life. For good.
or so he thought.
"Tracer-?" he muttered under his breath, eyeing a new shadow rookie. "Tracer-" "It's shadow one one Two Sir. Or just Two for short. Who's Tracer?" He looked at the-fuck they had blue eyes not green. "...an old friend I lost years ago...sorry for confusin' ya. Carry on."
Fuck. Get it together, Graves, he scolded himself as he walked away from the rookie. Ya miss 'er sure, but damn...it's been ten years.
"One down, two to go, Sir!" a Shadow shouted, Graves nodded but didn't truly register the words. "Right." Where was she? Shepard has said...Fuck. Fuck he was shot. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck-"Graves!" and he felt someone pulling him away from the battlefront. He groaned and opened his eyes-when had he shut them?- and saw Her. A little older, sure, but her nonetheless. How old was she now? ...Twenty nine, right? "Tracer...Good ta see ya, Kid." Tracer rolled her eyes.
"Shut it or I'll make you." and Graves sighed deeply in comfort. Despite his leg bleeding out from the bullet wound. Tracer quickly wrapped his leg and said, "Cant risk taking the bullet out right now-we have to move ASAP. C'mon-" and Graves let her help him up. She supported most his weight, Graves using his good leg to help every now and then. "So...how was Mexico-" and he got a pistol barrel in the mouth. "Told ya. Shut it or I'll do it for ya."
Mya sighed heavily and took her gun out of his mouth, "Why do you call me Tracer? You know my Callsign's Fuckup." Graves shrugged, limping slowly, leaning onto her. "I dunno, cuz it suits ya? And I for once think that the higher-ups shoulda done a better job at namin' ya?" Phillip mumbled softly, and que the side eyeing he's missed for so so long now.
Mya groaned and took of the standard balaclava all shadows wore. "Look. Phil, i was stupid and dumb back then." "Back when?" "ten years ago." "Past is past. It's f-" "No it's not. Im sorry. Okay? I'm sorry, Boss." And Graves smirked. "So does this mean i get to take you out on a first date?" Mya looked over to him, "What, bombing forty sum places with me back in the day not good enough of a date for you?"
Phillip shook his head and laughed, "Now I see you..." he started, "I don't think I ever wanna look away."
"...You got that from a book." "Sure did, Sugar." "Ugh. Men."
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