#I WISH it had finally let me cry testosterone is actually a bastard for this. I used to cry at everything and now it’s like.
candycryptids · 25 days
hello my friend!!! manifesting good vibes and strength for you to persevere the horrors™ while also offering you your fave beverage & stew or soup of choice (if you would like) in these trying times <3 (i've missed seeing you around, so i thought i'd toss a lil ask your way :D)
🥺😭 Thank you, genuinely haha you notice and miss my presence 🥺😭😭😭
Thank you for the soup (tomato soup n grilled cheese my beloved TTATT sippin soup…) and coconut cream Dr Pepper… limited time beverage but it tastes like Dawntrail to me ;0; (the first 5 levels anyways 😂) I’m up n down a bunch but I wanna do stuff… I have ideas…. 🤧😷
It’s a lot to process and I just wanna become a pebble rolled smooth by the river but it’ll improve! And uh, We roll. [Pers/death/etc under the cut I don’t wanna throw that right in peoples mouth. Also DT spoilers for lvl99 quests/final zone]
Cos I’m, a smooth pebble or s/t I dunno. We knew the death was coming, but we didn’t actually think it would be so immediate? When they said days to weeks we thought it wouldn’t be- I mean, we were going to visit him again on Monday, he didn’t look, I mean…. It’s rough, I’m glad we got to see him during his wedding at least.
Also, DT spoilers- it’s super twisting me up to be where I am in Living Memory, we (me n the speece) just got to Yesterdayland or w/e and there’s been this theme of like loving and losing and knowing when to let them go or w/e and it’s not necessarily a mean slap in the mouth but it does feel like one, like, especially after that boat ride with G’Raha? it’s gonna take a while before we can continue anymore MSQ I think, we’re all kinda raw
Anyways that was absurdly heavy- Here’s my family’s dog Miss Sunny Bunny being a blonde worm and asking me for more pets she is such a goober. She does the cutest little tiptaps because she wants to bounce up and put her paws on your thigh so so so bad. But she doesn’t (usually). And thank you for reaching out, again 🥺💦 and sorry for dropping a sack of rocks in answer djcjrcksks I have people I can/should talk to about stuff but I struggle not wanting to scrape my wounds against their wounds etc etc.
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