randomalistic · 2 years
Obsessed with this stone ocean clip . it’s like the most satisfying beatdown of the part GGHGRRRRGGAAAARGGHGR AND THE BINARY PRINTING MY GODDD I LOVE THE BUILDUP TO THIS MOMENT SO MUCH ITS SO COOL
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dyns33 · 4 years
The pact
... Let me dream about demon Michael !! 
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        He must have thought it was a joke, or that she was crazy. Did demons have the right to take the souls of fools ? (Y/N) hoped not, already regretting what she had done. It was certainly crazy, totally stupid, to draw a satanic circle with her blood, to read aloud an incantation to summon a demon, and not to run away seeing that it worked and that an infernal being was appearing in her room. And all that because she felt alone. Not close to her family, having no friends, too shy to talk to strangers on the internet, unable to flirt, she had had no one in her life for several years and it was starting to depress her. So when she found that spell book, which said she could make a pact with a demon to ask for whatever she wanted, absolutely anything she wanted, (Y/N) didn't hesitate. In her defence, she didn't really think it would work. Now she was looking at the thing that stood in the middle of the circle. He almost looked human. A very handsome man. Tall, muscular, blond hair. His face remained as attractive, despite his dark eyes and his grumpy expression. No, this demon must not be happy at all to have been disturbed by an idiot like her, and it was worse when she opened her mouth.
           "H... Hello."
           "... Hello ? Really ? First time ?"
           "Um yes."
           "... That was a rhetorical question, little one, if you had already sold your soul, I would know and I would not have come."
           "Oh, sorry... I don't really know the procedure actually, I didn't read the entire book before doing this and…"
           "It doesn't matter." sighed the demon. "What do you want ?"
           "... someone who loves me ! Please."
This time the demon looked really tired. A little surprised too, it must have been the first time that such a thing had been asked of him. Partners to fuck, it was quite common. But fucking and loving were two different things. He asked her to clarify, and seeing that he had understood her request the first time, he sighed again.
           "So you want me to hypnotize someone into loving you ? Anyone in particular or a random guy ? Girl ? Or do you want everyone to love you ?"
           "I don't want them to be forced ! I want someone who loves me and whom I love back."
           "Ah, it's even worse... So you ask me to create a human, that you will love, and who will love you too, but without being forced ? Impossible."
           "... What ? Why ?"
           "First, because I don't create humans. There is only one being in the Universe who can do that, and we are not really friendly. Then, even if I could, they would be a normal human, that you should seduce, and if you called me, I assume you don't know how to do that. So, impossible."
(Y/N) was outraged by this answer, and despite her shyness, she let the demon know, showing him the book, which said she could ask anything she wanted. It wasn't fair, it was a scam. When the demon told her he was going to leave, she panicked.
           "Wait... And... What about you ? Could you love me ?"
           "Ah ! Nice try, little one."
           "Why do you say that ?" she asked, pouting.
           "If I love you, then I wouldn't want to kill you anymore, take your soul and torture you for all eternity. I will fulfill all your wishes without asking for anything in return. I will make you immortal. That's smart, but it will not happen."
           "I hadn't thought of that... But... You can't go yet ! I'll find something else !"
           "Hurry up then." muttered the demon.
Except that she had no other ideas. (Y/N)'s only real desire was to be loved, otherwise she couldn't see how to be happy. The ridiculous self-help mantras said to love yourself and that would be enough, but those who wrote the bullshit had probably never been alone for as long as her, to the point that she was pathetically hugged her pillow at night, imagining it was someone. In fact, the mere presence of this demon pleased her and the thought that he already wanted to leave hurt her deeply. She had to find something to keep him a bit. But she had no idea, so (Y/N) began to sob, which made the demon uncomfortable.
           "... Why are you crying ?"
           "I… I don't know what to ask, but I don't want you to go."
           "So call me back later, I have other humans to tempt and rip off."
           "No... If you go, I go too !"
           "What ? What do you... Oh."
The demon understood what she meant, and while she thought he wouldn't care, since she would go to Hell anyway, he seemed sorry for her. It was the first time in a long time that she had been looked at with a little compassion. In his dark eyes, (Y/N) could see he shared her pain. The book said that demons were tortured in Hell too. So she knew what she wanted.
           "I want a hug."
           "... What ?"
           "I want a hug." she repeated. "On the bed. Until I fell asleep. You can pretend you like me, but you don't have to. Just a hug, that's all."
           "... Are you sure ?"
Slowly, the demon came out of the circle to lie down on the bed, where she joined him, lodging in his arms. His body was warm, a real living hot water bottle. She didn't remember is human body was that hot. She hugged him, her face hidden in his neck and her arms wrapped around him. For a few moments, he seemed to hesitate, as if he didn't know what to do, then he patted her back with one hand, stroking her hair with the other.
           "Just a hug ?" he asked again.
           "Yes. We both need it."
           "Not at all, I..."
           "Shhh. It's time to sleep. If you could do this afterwards, without me feeling a thing, that would be nice."
She really hadn't read the entire book, so (Y/N) wasn't sure how it worked. He could kill her in her sleep, or he would just go away, and when she died, later, he would come and get her soul. She wasn't sure she liked the second option, because it meant she would be left alone for a very long time again, knowing that she would end up in Hell. In the end, this hug would perhaps be a bit expensive to pay, but she didn't regret it. It was really nice to be cajoled by someone, even a demon. In silence, she cried until the fatigue and sleep were too strong, while the demon was whispering sweet things in her ear. And, unfortunately, she woke up, alone in her bed. But the demon hadn't left yet, waiting near the circle.
           "Is it time to pay ?" she asked timidly.
           "Pay ? Pay for what ?"
           "For the hug."
           "I don't know what you're talking about. I don't remember that you signed my contract, that we clearly talked about a contract elsewhere, that we shook hands, with the old saying."
           "... I do not understand."
           "No contract. No payment."
           "But... the hug ?"
(Y/N) was lost. Was it a dream ? An illusion ? She was sure that he was holding her when she felt asleep. It didn't make sense, a demon wouldn't give anything without getting something in return, never. Seeing her bewilderment, he smiled sadly, approaching her.
           "Let's say that, maybe, I needed that hug a little bit. So it's a gift, this time."
           "Oh. Well, thank you..."
           “I guess that's not enough to fill your void, so I suggest you take a cat or a dog. Or any pet you want. These creatures are full of love and way smarter than most humans. However, if it still didn't suit you..."
The demon then handed her the spell book, winking when she took it.
           "Call me. I'll see what I can do. Ask for Michael. Goodbye little (Y/N)."
So he was gone as he had come, but Michael left something behind, like a warm, reassuring presence, whispers when her mood was low, the feel of a hand on her neck when she cried, lips on her forehead when she fell asleep alone. Maybe, finally, there was someone who loved her now, and who she loved too, even if that didn't follow the rules of summoning. But he was a demon and she was crazy, so it didn't really matter.
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