tumblunni · 7 years
is it weird that i get salty when the obvious pokemon bad guys end up being obvious pokemon bad guys? like.. it just.. KEEPS HAPPENING whichever villain is my favourite and was usually at least 90% harmless and comic relief in the original game will suddenly become deplorable and horrid and everyone was right for hating them and i’m a bad prson for ever liking them and MAN I should have seen it coming because they ~looked bad~ but yknow maybe i was just fuckin hoping for not stupid ugly = evil stereotypes, especially in a genertaion where the main villain is supposed to mislead you by looking pretty and all and its always this REALLY SPECIFIC THING where in the adaptation or sequel or whatever they’ll be all like ‘hey specifically the one guy bunni liked is gonna be used as the Prime Example Of A Worse Villain To Make The Other Villains Look More Redeemable’ charon got used as that in two separate mangas, and it was like a stab in the face cos thats the only time he ever got significant screentime thus it kinda overpowers his original game self amoungst the fandom >_> and now same for faba but he’s got WAY more screentime in the anime devotd to making it clear he’s The Worst and also hey lets have a canon sequel game where we take back the sequel hook we seemed to give about him being redeemed and nope instead he’s Even Eviller Than Lusamine and will join the New Villain Guys while you team up with wicke to take him down because like friggin OF COURSE the sexy mom lookin lady would be the one good admin of the two admins when the other one happened to have a grumpy face and a hunch. ITS ALWAYS THIS ONE ART STYLE. THEY LITERALLY HAVE AN ART STYLE FOR IT. I love nanu cos he’s literally the first character they’ve ever drawn with That Face who hasn’t been a villain. And like Petrel is kinda a bit less stereotypical too cos he’s JUST the comic relief and he never got any big ‘worse than the other three’ moment but im really reluctant to start liking him in case they suddenly do it >_> WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST GRUMPY EYES, GAME FREAK?? also why has it twice been a science grump in particular also like this has happened to me in a whole bunch of other fandoms even when i pick completely different things as my favourites, i guess i just have REALLy bad luck.. I just.. like.. if that was what you intended with faba then you should have MADE IT MORE CLEAR like yes he’s still comical in his more evil anime incarnation and yes he was still evil either way. but in the games he wasn’t like.. unforgiveable horrible hateable nobody is allowed to have him be their favourite evil. He was pathetic and harmless and even the reveal of him taking part in making Type:Null was done in kind of a comedic way, like i know people drew a load of fanart of him being this crazy mad surgeon who abused this thing and kept it in a cage but seriously ingame you find out via HIS SELF HELP BLOG! he’s an egotistical selfish dumbass but he just felt like some sort of yes man who went along with all this evil shit cos he likes money and fame, not a guy who was like.. even smart enough to think of his own damn evil plots on his own. And he never had any scenes of abusing somebody’s pet owl or kidnapping lillie or Oh Man He’s Specifically So Bad That Even Team Rocket Hates Him. he was funny evil and now he’s just hate evil that happens to have some funny scenes. And I mean I know the problem is just that i didn’t predict the character correctly but I’m still salty about it. Cos literally anyone could have predicted it based on his appearance alone, and its like a punishment for daring to try and stay semi optimistic about a non stereotype existing. Everyone could have predicted this entire thing the instant that they showed faba and wicke’s concept art, AND THEY DID, and I had to endure a whole bunch of faba hate posts for months until the game came out, and I was like At Least Mildly Pleasantly Surprised that he was still evil in the game but he was harmless comic relief and Actually Pretty Funny and then people didnt have all that many reasons to outright despise him even if he still wasnt very liked. And I was super happy that there’s that easter egg of him appearing as a league challenger on certain days of the month, and I was hoping that maybe he’d get his act together in the sequel! just cmon nintendo, if you didnt give this to charon and now you’re taking it back from faba then can you please say at least next generation the ‘ugliest villain’ won’t also be the ‘so evil that even the other evils hate him’ archetype? I mean i’m not asking much, ive given up on asking for one of these characters to be the one who gets redeemed.. siiiiiigh
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