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radioduo · 4 years ago
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bubbleteaimagines · 4 years ago
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You tried your absolute best to smooth your hair and clothes out as you and Mika waited in the President of the MSBY Black Jackles office. He requested your presence at exactly ten o’clock am, which was ironic seeing as the bastard wasn’t even there yet — and it was 10:15.
Wait, no you shouldn’t call him that. In fact, you really didn’t care how late he was as long as the man showed — and as long as he liked your designs enough to give you 10 million.
That was the plan. That was the deal and you and Mika had been desperately waiting for this day, desperately waiting for this break that would boost your business to unimaginable heights.
“Ah, ladies, I’m very sorry to keep you waiting!”
At the sound of a deep, rich voice, you and Mika immediately snapped out of your thoughts and hopped up, colliding into each other a little bit as you bowed and quickly introduced yourself.
“Sir! It’s is an honor to meet you!” As the CEO, you went first. “My name is F/N L/N, the CEO.”
“And I’m Mika Brown, the CFO,” Mika introduced, giving a formal nod at the chuckling man.
“Well, I must say. I do like your manners,” He noted, causing you both to smile.
“Well, let’s just hope you like our designs even more,” You grinned, and quickly whipped out your computer. This was gonna be a long meeting.
“He hated them.”
“Calm down Mika, he did not hate them! He was just...indecisive, that’s all,” You tried to reassure her, but the brunette wasn’t having it.
“Indecisive?! That’s a good way of saying he’ll never hire us!” She whined, shoulders dropping as her head hung low. You could tell that she was really down due to the President not immediately making up his mind. Honestly, you were too but as CEO it was your job to keep her in good spirits. You didn’t want her feeling dejected or feeling like the designs weren’t good enough, so you kept a poker face and a positive attitude.
“Mika, you and I both know it’s never that simple. Even we go that too— ask clients to come back so we can refresh our heads. That’s probably all he’s doing and we’ll get a call back any day now!” You reassured her.
Mika sighed. “You really think so?”
You smiled. “Yes. Their designs were amazing— nothing can touch us. Now come on, let’s to celebrate our future 10 million with some Onigiri!”
“Yeah-! Wait, umph!”
Mika’s celebration cheer was quickly cut off when she ran into something, or rather someone, with broad shoulders. A man, by the looks of it, wearing a plain white jersey with the letter SAKUSA 15 written on the back. Upon feeling the impact, he quickly turned around and looked at Mika.
“Hey! Watch where you’re going,” He rolled his eyes, and even under his mask you could tell he was scowling.
Both you and Mika’s jaws dropped.
He’s beautiful, you thought immediately.
“S-Sorry. I’m so sorry!” Mika flushed dark red as she scrambled to pick up the purse she had dropped, and the the fliers of paperwork. His shoulders had been just that strong, but upon seeing you two his face softened.
“Oh,” He blinked, as if he recognized you two weren’t who he thought you were, and quickly bent down to help Mika. “It’s no problem, then. Forgive me- I thought you were someone else.”
“Awe, Omi-Kun! Don’t tell me you’re out here harassing these pretty ladies,” A familiar voice sounded, causing you to instantly scowl and whip around.
Sure enough, when you did, the face of the devil (aka your husband- gross, you hated saying that) greeted you. Oddly enough, he looked like he belonged here with a similar white jersey that had your his last name sprawled on it. However, that didn’t stop you from immediately glaring at him, pointing an accusing finger at him as you shouted out,
“Me?” Atsumu blinked almost innocently as his eyes flashed to your face, and then they narrowed as he took you in. “You!”
“No I said it first!” You cried. “You! What are you doing here?!”
“What am I doing here?! What the hell are you doing here?!” Atsumu cried, stepping back protectively. “Are you stalking me or something?!”
“STALKING?!” You were appalled. “Why the hell would I wanna stalk you? You’re the one that’s the creep! Texting me last night, and now you show up here?! I’m the one that should be worried!”
“What? I didn’t send any texts!” Atsumu scoffed, rolling his eyes. “And for your information, I fucking work here! Which, by the way, still doesn’t explain why you’re here!”
“...You...work here?”
You paused. And then you paused again, swearing your brain was going to short circuit as Mika gasped and looked between you two.
“No way,” She whispered, glancing at you. “This is him?”
“And he’s on the team,” You whimpered as realization suddenly smacked you in the face. A cruel irony that the universe set you up in. “The team...we’re designing for...”
“Oh hell no,” Atsumu’s eyes suddenly went wide as he took in the laptops, all the clipboards and the sample shirts in Mika’s hands. “You’ve got to be joking.”
“Um...” Someone suddenly cleared their throat, causing all three of you to snap your heads towards them. “I’m sorry, am I missing something? Who are you?” The man with the SAKUSA jersey questioned, looking extremely lost.
Atsumu sighed dramatically. “You remember how I told you I uh...got married in Vegas?”
Sakusa paused. Hesitantly, he looked at your face. “...And let me guess, this is her?”
“Yep. That’s my fucking wife.”
“In the flesh,” You smiled at Sakusa before going back to glaring at Atsumu, “And don’t call me that. I’m not your wife.”
“Fine then how about...let’s see...my rejected one night stand?”
“I hate you.”
“That’s not what you said when we- OUCH!”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” You smirked at a groaning Atsumu while Mika just giggled. “Take that, you piss-haired rat!”
“God I can’t fucking wait to divorce.”
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