emdotcom · 1 month
The implication what with all the fossil pokemon (excluding Galar's, which I'm p sure we can all agree are inaccurate) sharing the rock typing is that extracting thr pokemon from their fossilized remains is resurrecting them in a way that is not entirely faithful, & is likely based somewhat on the interpretation & current understanding of the pokemon at the time of their resurrection. In theory, many fossil pokemon would not have been rock typed in their own times, & may have looked different. While the weight of that difference is impossible to measure until we have an example of a more faithful resurrection is unknowable, wouldn't it have been neat as hell to use the several games with time travel to bring this up in a very relavent way by showcasing even a single fossil pokemon as it existed, when it lived? Like, what if a space-time rift had opened, & the Craniados that stepped out had, like, feathers & a fighting typing? Imagine.
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