#I Sincerely Hope The Read More On This Post Works And If Not I Apologize I Just Dont Know How To Shut Up
wonyowonyo · 2 months
Between Us (A. Yujin x M! Reader)
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This one is actually a request that is long overdue, this was suppose to be posted earlier but I messed up and accidentally deleted the Ask of the anon requester. So if you're reading this anon I'm really sorry TOT. Anyways let's get started! Hope you enjoy this one.
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Life as an idol was a whirlwind of practice, performances, and public appearances. As a member of the popular boy group Zenith, you have experienced it all—the adoration of fans, the pressure of maintaining a perfect image, and the relentless demands of the industry. Despite the chaos, you loved every moment, especially because it had brought you closer to someone special: Yujin from the girl group IVE.
You and Yujin had first met at a music show where both your groups were performing. During the chaos of backstage preparations, you had accidentally bumped into her, almost knocking over her makeup kit. Apologizing profusely, you had helped her gather her things. Yujin had laughed it off, her warm smile instantly putting you at ease.
"It's okay, really," she had said. "These things happen."
From that moment, a friendship had blossomed. Despite your busy schedules, you found time to support each other, often running into each other at award shows, music festivals, and variety programs. You admired Yujin's dedication and talent, and she appreciated your kindness and sincerity. Slowly but surely, your feelings for her grew, and you couldn't help but wonder if she felt the same.
One evening, after a particularly grueling day of rehearsals, you received a message from Yujin.
Yujin: Hey, do you have a moment to talk?
You smiled at your phone, glad to hear from her.
You: Of course. What's up?
Within minutes, Yujin called you. Her voice, though usually full of energy, sounded tired and strained.
"Hey, are you okay?" you asked, concern evident in your tone.
"I'm fine, just exhausted," she admitted. "Sometimes it feels like there's no end to all the work, you know?"
You understood all too well. "I know exactly what you mean. But remember, you're not alone. We all go through it."
"Thanks," she said softly. "It's good to hear that. By the way, are you free this weekend? I was thinking it might be nice to take a break and hang out, just the two of us."
Your heart skipped a beat. "That sounds great. I'd love to."
On Saturday, you met Yujin at a cozy café tucked away from the bustling city. It was a place where you both could relax without the fear of being recognized by fans. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, with soft music playing in the background.
Yujin was already seated when you arrived, her face lighting up as she saw you. You joined her at the table, and for the first time in a long while, you both let go of the pressures of being idols.
"I ordered your favorite coffee," Yujin said with a smile.
"Thanks, you always remember," you replied, touched by the gesture.
As you chatted about everything from music to hobbies, you noticed how comfortable you felt around her. Yujin had a way of making everything seem lighter, her laughter infectious and her presence soothing. You cherished these moments, knowing how rare and precious they were.
"Have you ever thought about what you'd do if you weren't an idol?" Yujin asked suddenly.
The question caught you off guard. "I guess I haven't really thought about it. This life is all I've known for years. But maybe I'd do something related to music, like producing or songwriting. What about you?"
Yujin pondered for a moment. "I've always wanted to travel, see the world beyond the stages and studios. Maybe I'd become a travel blogger or a photographer."
"That sounds amazing," you said, imagining her exploring exotic locations and capturing beautiful moments.
There was a brief silence before Yujin spoke again, her tone more serious. "Do you ever wonder about what it would be like to date someone in the same industry?"
Your heart raced at the unexpected question. "Sometimes," you admitted, trying to gauge her expression. "It would be difficult, with all the secrecy and the scrutiny from the public. But it could also be really special, having someone who understands what you're going through."
Yujin nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, I've thought about it too. It would be nice to have someone who truly gets it."
You looked into her eyes, searching for any hint of what she might be feeling. "Yujin, is there something you want to tell me?"
She hesitated, her eyes flickering with uncertainty before she finally spoke. "I… I've been thinking about us. We've become really close, and I can't deny that I have feelings for you. But I'm scared, scared of what it could mean for our careers and our friendship."
Your heart swelled with emotion as you reached out to take her hand. "Yujin, I've felt the same way for a long time. I care about you deeply, and I've been afraid too. But I believe that if we both want this, we can make it work. We'll face whatever challenges come our way, together."
Tears glistened in Yujin's eyes as she squeezed your hand. "I want to be with you, more than anything."
With those words, the weight of uncertainty lifted, replaced by a sense of hope and determination. You both knew that the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but you were ready to face it together.
In the weeks that followed, you and Yujin navigated the delicate balance of your secret relationship. You cherished stolen moments, meeting in private places where you could be yourselves without the prying eyes of the public. It was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time, but the love you felt for each other made it all worthwhile.
During a particularly busy month of promotions, you found solace in each other's company. Despite the grueling schedules and the constant pressure, knowing that you had Yujin by your side made everything more bearable.
One evening, after a successful performance at a music show, you managed to steal a few moments alone with Yujin in a quiet corner of the backstage area. Her smile was radiant, and you couldn't resist pulling her into a hug.
"You were amazing out there," you whispered, holding her close.
"So were you," she replied, her voice filled with pride. "I'm so proud of you."
As you held her, the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in your own little bubble of happiness. It was in these moments that you realized how much you cherished your relationship, how much you needed her.
"I wish we could always be like this," Yujin murmured against your chest.
"We will be," you promised, kissing the top of her head. "No matter what happens, we'll find a way to be together."
However, the reality of being idols soon caught up with you. Rumors began to swirl, fueled by fans who noticed the subtle interactions between you and Yujin. The pressure to keep your relationship a secret intensified, and you both knew that it was only a matter of time before the truth came out.
One day, as you were preparing for a concert, your manager approached you with a serious expression.
"We need to talk," he said, leading you to a private room. "There are rumors about you and Yujin. They've started to gain traction, and the company is concerned."
Your heart sank at the news. "What are we going to do?"
The manager sighed. "For now, we need to deny everything. Focus on your work, and avoid any situations that could fuel the rumors. We can't afford a scandal right now."
You nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. But as you walked back to the dressing room, you couldn't shake the feeling of dread. The thought of losing Yujin, of being forced apart by the industry, was unbearable.
That evening, you met Yujin in a secluded park, far from prying eyes. She looked worried, her usual brightness dimmed by the weight of the situation.
"I heard about the rumors," she said quietly. "What are we going to do?"
"We'll deny everything," you replied, taking her hands in yours. "But Yujin, I don't want to lose you. We'll find a way to make this work, no matter what."
She nodded, tears brimming in her eyes. "I don't want to lose you either. We'll be careful, but we have to stay strong."
In the days that followed, you and Yujin maintained a facade of normalcy, focusing on your work and avoiding any interactions that could draw suspicion. It was a difficult and painful period, but you held onto the hope that you would get through it together.
As the months passed, the rumors slowly died down, replaced by new scandals and gossip. The industry moved on, and you and Yujin breathed a sigh of relief. But the experience had left its mark, making you both more cautious and aware of the challenges you faced.
Despite the hardships, your love for each other only grew stronger. You found solace in the moments you could steal away together, in the quiet conversations and the shared dreams of a future where you could be open about your relationship.
One evening, after a particularly grueling day of rehearsals, you and Yujin met at your favorite spot in the city—a secluded rooftop garden that overlooked the twinkling lights below. It was a place where you could be yourselves, away from the pressures of the idol world.
As you sat together, the cool night air wrapping around you, Yujin rested her head on your shoulder.
"Do you ever wonder what it would be like if we could be open about us?" she asked softly.
"All the time," you admitted, running your fingers through her hair. "But I believe that one day, we will be. We'll find a way to make it happen."
Yujin looked up at you, her eyes filled with hope and determination. "I believe that too. We'll make our own path, no matter what the industry says”
You smiled, feeling a surge of determination. "Exactly. We just need to be patient and stay strong. We have each other, and that's what matters."
As the night wore on, you both talked about your dreams and aspirations, about the future you hoped to build together. The conversation flowed easily, and the connection between you deepened. You felt a sense of peace and happiness that you hadn't experienced in a long time.
In the weeks that followed, you and Yujin continued to navigate the challenges of your secret relationship. You became experts at hiding your affection in public, communicating through subtle gestures and stolen glances. Despite the difficulties, the bond between you grew stronger, and you found comfort in knowing that you had each other's support.
One day, while you were at a photoshoot, you received a message from Yujin.
Yujin: Can we meet tonight? There's something I want to talk about.
You: Of course. Same place?
Yujin: Yes. See you at 8.
As the day went on, you couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation. You wondered what Yujin wanted to discuss, hoping it was something positive. When the photoshoot finally ended, you quickly made your way to the rooftop garden, arriving a few minutes early.
Yujin was already there, leaning against the railing and gazing out at the city lights. She turned as she heard your footsteps, a smile spreading across her face.
"Hey," she greeted you warmly.
"Hey," you replied, walking over to her. "You wanted to talk?"
She nodded, her expression turning serious. "I've been thinking a lot about our situation. I love you, and I don't want to hide it anymore. I know it's risky, but I believe that we can handle whatever comes our way."
Your heart raced as you took in her words. "Are you sure? The backlash could be intense, and I don't want you to suffer because of me."
Yujin reached out and took your hands in hers. "I'm sure. We've been careful for so long, and I think our fans deserve to know the truth. Besides, I don't want to keep living in fear. I want to be able to hold your hand in public, to support each other openly."
You felt a swell of emotions, a mixture of love, fear, and hope. "I want that too. If you're ready, then so am I. We'll face this together."
She smiled, a look of determination in her eyes. "Together."
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In the days that followed, you and Yujin prepared to go public with your relationship. You discussed the best way to approach the situation, deciding to make a joint statement through your respective companies. You knew that the announcement would come as a shock to many, but you hoped that your fans would support you.
The day of the announcement arrived, and you found yourself filled with a mixture of nerves and excitement. As you watched the statement go live, you held Yujin's hand tightly, drawing strength from her presence.
"We're in this together," she whispered, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze.
The response was immediate. The news spread like wildfire, and social media was flooded with reactions from fans and the media. While there were some negative comments, the overwhelming majority were supportive, expressing happiness for both of you.
As the days passed, you were relieved to see that the backlash was not as severe as you had feared. Your fans rallied around you, showing their love and support in countless ways. The industry, too, began to adapt, recognizing that love and relationships were a natural part of life, even for idols.
With the truth out in the open, you and Yujin finally felt a sense of freedom. You no longer had to hide your affection, and you could openly support each other in your careers. Your relationship flourished, and you both grew stronger, both as individuals and as a couple.
One evening, as you sat together in your favorite spot, you looked out at the city lights and reflected on your journey. You had faced countless challenges, but you had done so together, and that made all the difference.
"I'm so proud of us," Yujin said softly, resting her head on your shoulder.
"Me too," you replied, wrapping your arm around her. "We've come a long way."
She looked up at you, her eyes shining with love. "And we'll go even further. No matter what, we'll always have each other."
You smiled, feeling a deep sense of contentment. "Always."
As you held Yujin close, you knew that your love would continue to grow, transcending the obstacles that came your way. Together, you were unstoppable, and the future was yours to shape.
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kittycatasaurus · 7 months
Love Flavoured Chocolates (2023 Willy Wonka/Reader)
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(Cross posted to my AO3, I'm obsessed with Wonka and wanted to share this purely self indulgent reader insert because there simply isn't enough out there and hey it might encourage me to write some more if other people can also enjoy my writing!)
Word count: 3.2k
Willy had come to the Galéries Gourmet with nothing but his love for chocolate making, a wish to once more see his mother, and a hat full of dreams. One thing he certainly hadn’t accounted for was falling in love. He’d first had the pleasure of meeting you the first time Noodle smuggled him out of Scrubitt’s.
You'd befriended the young girl in passing on the street after she’d bumped into you with her laundry cart while neither of you were paying quite enough attention to where you were going. Though the collision was soft enough to keep you both on your feet, she had knocked the book your face was buried in straight to the ground causing you both to startle. Immediately the pair of you burst into apologies (which had made you laugh, despite the girl’s sincere panic), “You’re alright little missy, that was entirely my fault for not looking ahead of me, I simply can’t put this one down, I’m so close to finishing this new tale of a young detective!” You attempted to ease her worry with a big smile, it seemed to work as the girl’s face shifted from concern to interest. “Is-is that the latest Nancy Drew story?” She asked eagerly, trying to get a better look at the book in your hand. With a simple nod, keeping the easy smile on your face you answered, yes. From there the pair of you spent at least a half hour chattering excitedly about the fantastical feats of the young investigator until a nearby clocktower chimed, making her realise she was falling way behind schedule and would soon have to return to the wash house with a few deliveries still to make their destinations. “It’s been wonderful talking to you miss, but I’m afraid I really must hurry along, I hope I run into you again, my name is Noodle in case you see me before I see you!” The girl, now known to you as Noodle, what an interesting name, jumbled out as she made off to scurry away to wherever she needed to be. “I hope I see you again as well Noodle, you’ve been a delight to talk to! The name is Y/N” You called out after her and continued your stroll once she was out of sight, only somewhat more aware of your surroundings this time.
After that initial encounter you had run into each other a few times, eventually budding a wonderful friendship wherein you shared books and life stories with one another. Gradually you learned of Noodle’s more than unfortunate living situation and provided her comfort and reassurance in any ways you could, be that a book from your collection which she hadn’t yet read or a warm hug and shoulder to cry on, the girl became a younger sister figure to you.
This was where Wonka came into the picture, you and Noodle by this point had been friends for the better part of two years and saw each other frequently so you were understandably concerned when you hadn’t seen her around for the last couple of weeks. Just when the worry was getting to the point of you preparing yourself to storm into Scrubitt’s and demand to know about the wellbeing of your friend you saw her, tucked away from the main roads and pathways, talking to her trolley? Now that is upsetting, such a beautiful young mind lost to the madness of her circumstance. As you were about to approach, rounding the corner of the wall you’d hidden behind, a man emerged from the trolley clearly in conversation with the young girl. If not for your sheer confusion, you would have hastily approached the stranger as instinct kicked in to keep Noodle away from any potential danger. She didn't appear frightened or startled so logic told you this was no stranger to her, and therefore not a threat. Upon the realisation, you called out to your friend whom you’d missed in the two weeks of absence, “Noodle! Where’ve you been, little lady?” Immediately, both heads turned to face you and your breath caught in your throat as the mystery man turned and you finally caught a glimpse of his face. It was a beautiful face too, puppy-like hazel eyes, framed by fluttery long lashes, thick full eyebrows sat above them, complimenting his slender, pale face. Both pairs of eyes were wide upon you but you were still taking in the gorgeous man before you, to the point you failed to hear Noodle as she repeated your name, asking “Y/N? What are you doing here?” At the lack of response, she followed up “Earth to Y/N?” with a somewhat exasperated sigh after. Seeing the man turn to face Noodle shook you from your reverie and you let out a sharp little “Hmm?” “I said, what are you doing here Y/N? Were you following me or something?” Her look caused a twang of guilt for a second until you registered that, no you hadn’t been following Noodle, just actively looking out for her as you’d thought her to be missing. “Of course not you numpty! I heard your voice coming from a sketchy alley and saw you talking to your laundry pile, I only wanted to check you were alright, especially considering I haven’t seen you in a few weeks kid! It’s completely understandable for me to be at least a little worried, even more so after seeing a strange man come out of your trolley,” Your voice was taking on a bit of a scolding tone as you softened it to turn to the aforementioned man “No offence.” He shook his head as though to imply none taken as his eyes flitted between the two of you, the friendly smile never once leaving his face. “I take it this is Y/N, Noodle?” his eyes remained on her this time as she nodded back to him. Well that was unexpected, this mysterious dreamboat knew who you were courtesy of Noodle, and while you were flattered she told this new ‘friend’ about you, you worried over what she said in order for him to deduce your identity.
Together, the pair of them explained their plan to get the money to free themselves of Scrubitt’s unfair debt, going into detail about the wondrous and impossible chocolates made by who you now know to be ‘Willy Wonka, future chocolatier extraordinaire’. In all honesty your mind is positively racing to keep up, but with such bright smiles on their faces you can only nod your support and shoot a smile back, albeit a smaller one.
That had been a while ago, though it felt even longer. By this point, you had collectively put a stop to the chocolate cartel and Scrubitt and Bleacher. Wonka’s chocolates were doing better than ever and with everyone from the wash house going back to their old lives, Willy was alone again, well mostly. Abacus Crunch had been happy to remain the financial adviser for Willy and the group would do their best to stay in touch thanks to Lottie Bell and her phone operator gig but it was definitely lonely, going from all those people around him, that warm environment to nothing again. Although, you were still around weren’t you? You and Noodle? While you both saw her often, upon finding her mother and the library where she stayed, it was less and less that you found yourself in the young girl’s company, she had years of catching up to do after all. You wanted to believe that was why you were seeing less and less of Willy too, but the pair of you had no reason not to see each other often, after all, you’d quit your boring old job to help out and work with Willy at his shop as soon as it had been acquired. So then why did it feel like he was avoiding you, or attempting to shut you out.
This is where you find yourself as you sit with Noodle outside her mother’s library one warm evening. “I don’t understand Noodle, he seems lonely, it's simply a fact that he thrives off of being around other people so I don’t understand why he’s shutting himself away” a too big sigh leaves your mouth. “I miss him, I miss his cheshire grin, the confusing way he talks, even just seeing his garish purple coat” “Hmmm, kinda sounds like you love him” “Yeah, I just don’t know what’s u- WHAT?!?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOODLE?” Your face burns red as your brain takes a minute to register what the young girl chimes in with. In response she holds up her hands, palms facing you, “I’m just saying it as I see it.” With a shrug she shakes her head. Though her words do make you stop and think back to the many months you’ve known the eccentric chocolatier.
The first day you’d successfully sold Wonka’s chocolates on the street had resulted in a quick getaway where you and Willy had ended up lost in the tunnels below the city, escaping the corrupt chief of police for an hour or two as you attempted to meet up with the others to get Willy back to Scrubitt’s with the others in time for roll call. At this point you hadn’t yet been alone together, and the lack of familiarity seemingly made Willy nervous to the point his breathing got panicked and you shared a rather intimate moment where you helped ease his discomfort with a simple breathing exercise and hand massage. “Willy, give me your hand please,” you spoke in the most gentle tone you’d ever mustered after his laboured breaths stabilised, he acquiesced rather quickly as you reached out to him, gently cupping his hand. “I’m gonna trace the lines of your palm okay? It might tickle but I promise you, you’ll feel better.” The smile on your face eased any remaining nerves and once you started to caress his palm with your thumb he seemed to lose the last of the tension. “See,” your voice was still incredibly gentle, but now you were both smiling though his was significantly smaller than usual, “You’re okay, sweetie, I’m here” The pet name left your mouth so naturally neither of you reacted, though a moment later you flushed realising the implied closeness of calling him such a name. With level heads you managed to safely navigate your way back to the others in time and wished Willy a restful night. In retrospect that may very well have been when you first started to develop feelings for the man, you could no longer tell, in the objectively short time that you’d known him, you could think of at least a dozen other times that may have stimulated this apparent crush of yours. Though one particular memory comes to mind more often than the rest. The most recent to boot, the day you reunited Noodle with her mother!
It was the day you’d put an end to the cartel, Willy would finally be free to run his chocolate shop and live out the dream he’d shared with his late mother. The celebration in the Galéries Gourmet seemed to go on forever as everyone enjoyed the chocolate fountain filling up cups seemingly endlessly. A group effort had the shop back together in no time, looking as good as new. As the sun was finally descending from its high perch, your friends from Scrubitt’s all said their goodbyes and well wishes to Willy, Noodle and yourself. Leaving the three of you to lounge about in comfortable silence for a while. “We have a surprise for you, Noodle!” You said excitedly to the young girl who was almost falling asleep where she sat. Exchanging eye contact with Willy, you rose with Noodle in tow. Wide awake after jolting her about, she rushed to keep up with both of your longer legs as you sped away from the shop. Stopping abruptly outside of the library, Noodle gathered her bearings with a confused expression on her face and heavy breaths leaving her lungs, “The library?? What could possibly be so important in there you felt the need to sprint AND drag me along too no less!” She was understandably irritated, but you knew it would be worth all the effort soon enough. “Close your eyes for a second for me Noodle-dee!” Willy told her cheerfully as you approached the door holding onto the girl’s hand to bring her with you. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. “Now open them…” You whispered just loud enough for her to hear and comply. Before her, stood her mother, finally reunited after years of wishing and hoping. Immediately the two shared the warmest embrace you’d ever witnessed as you backed up and gave them their space, returning to Wonka’s side and overlooking the tender moment. A soft sniffle from beside you reached your ear and you glanced over to see Willy’s eyes glossy with unshed tears, the poor boy must’ve been reminded of his own mother in that moment, your heart hurt for him. “Come here sweetie,” you hummed to him, pulling the chocolatier into a comforting hug. “She’d be so proud of you right now, you know?” You got a teary chuckle in response to that as his arms wrapped around you. Noodle and her mother looked over to you now and you raised your arm in a wave to let them know you’d be heading back to leave them to catch up on all the time they’d spent apart.
The walk back wasn’t far, but it felt much longer without Noodle especially since you’d run practically the whole way there and were now strolling very leisurely. Neither of you said anything but you were touching in some way the entire time, holding hands for part of the walk, then switching to linking arms, even simply resting your hand on Willy’s back. Eventually you made it back to the shop, with the lights off, it was as though the magic was sleeping. As you entered ahead of Willy, you looked back to examine his expression, he wasn’t upset, of course not, he just reunited his dearest friend with her mother whom she thought long lost, perhaps forlorn was more accurate. The cogs in his head were clearly turning as he wrangled with his feelings, particularly regarding his mother and the seemingly impending loneliness he was soon to face. He stopped walking as soon as he entered, eyes still downcast as though expecting you to turn around and leave right then and there as well. With a low sigh you finally broke the silence “Willy, I’m not leaving you, not after that, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I just walked out after seeing those tears in your eyes.” He looked up, this time they had escaped and he had a sad pout on his beautiful lips. “Can you tell me about her? Have you got any pictures?” You’d not heard much at all about his mother from him aside from how much he loved her and that she was the inspiration for his dream turned reality. Willy gave a little nod and led you through the store to his makeshift office/home/break room, and on the desk sat a framed photo of a beautiful woman with a very familiar smile. “Wow this is her then? She’s beautiful Willy, you look so much like her.” You said the last bit somewhat under your breath as you realised the implication of what you said (as much as you meant it, it seemed a bit forward). You picked up the picture and sat down on the sofa in the room, patting the seat next to you for Willy to sit beside you, the rest of the night was spent listening to stories of his childhood and asking questions. The pair of you laughed, you cried, and eventually Willy fell asleep with his head on your shoulder. Getting as comfortable as the pair of you could, you let yourself join him in the land of dreams shortly after.
Now, it had been a few weeks since you and Willy had experienced the almost intimate exchange of life stories, as well as your chat with Noodle and you had the day off. Willy was on a break from work and went to visit Noodle at the library to tell her all about that night and how great a person he found you to be, gushing over how ‘kind, pretty, sensitive, and funny’ you were but somehow avoiding the ‘L’ word and seemingly ignoring his feelings for you. Eventually, the girl could take it no longer and burst out “Either ask her out, or I will do it for you! You’re such an idiot Willy, it's so obvious you love Y/N and I don’t understand how you’ve danced around it for as long as you have!” Noodle’s frustration was apparent from her face alone, if her words somehow hadn’t conveyed exactly what she meant them to. Willy’s eyes went wide at her outburst and his face started to resemble a tomato almost in how brightly he was blushing. As he opened his mouth to make a retort, Noodle interrupted him with a raised finger and a look that shut him up before he could even make so much as a noise. “Go see her now Willy, or I will.” Was all she had to say to get him standing up and practically sprinting out of the door.
A hurried knock at your door startled you out of your thoughtless stare out the window, you sat up abruptly, I’m not expecting any visitors, you thought to yourself as you walked cautiously over to the door. Through the peephole, you spotted the one and only Willy Wonka, pleasantly surprised, you opened up the door to be pulled into a tight embrace. Despite the initial shock, you quickly recovered to hug your dear friend back, “Heya, what’s gotten into you, sweetpea?” Genuinely confused as to the context despite reciprocating the affectionate action. Pulling back from you to look into your eyes, Willy responded, “I love you, Y/N.” Cue the widening of your eyes as you started to stammer out a reply, “Wh-what, huh, I-” “I love you, Y/N, I can’t believe it took Noodle calling me an idiot to realise it but I’m hopelessly, wholeheartedly in love with you.” He affirmed with a fire behind his gaze. You realised then that he wasn’t joking, this wasn’t a prank or him using the word in a friendly sense. “You, you do?” Tears started to well up in your eyes as you looked into his, “I love you too, Willy Wonka.” Not wanting to keep him in suspense, you confessed right back. A laugh broke free from your mouth as the tears started to fall from your eyes. Gently cupping either side of his face, you brought your lips together in a sweet kiss that felt like it could last forever, his hands finding a comfortable perch on your hips as you held each other close. Breaking apart for air, you both giggled, and leaned back into each other for another kiss, this one escalating a little past wholesome as you softly tugged at his bottom lip with your teeth. Breathing heavily now, you separated once more to stare into each other's eyes. Willy Wonka had confessed his love to you and you were ecstatic to say you felt the same. This would be the start of something beautiful, of that you were sure.
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soolh1k · 1 year
Skz ghosting you ! (pt 2)
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notes: english is not my first language so apologies for any misspelling or grammar. i hope u like it !! :))) this is only the maknae line
type: text post | narrated text
genre: angst w fluff
WARNINGS: swearing, a little bit angsty, mentions of ed, let me know if you'd like me to tag u :)
Maknae line pt1 | Hyung line pt2
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Han Jisung
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The days were passing, and you felt that things were worsening between the two of you. You never dared to respond to the message he sent you; you were deeply hurt, and all you could do was cry in your mother's arms. However, your mother was tired of seeing you in such pain, so she met with your boyfriend, they talked things through, and they prepared a small surprise for you.
One day, coming back from work, you found a letter placed on your bed. Curiously, you opened it and realized it was from your boyfriend.
To my love bug,
I deeply apologize from the bottom of my heart if my actions have caused you any pain. I sincerely regret any mistakes I've made and the impact they may have had on our relationship. Instead of simply seeking forgiveness, I want to express the profound love and affection I have for you.
I am incredibly grateful for your unwavering concern and care towards me. Your support and understanding mean the world to me, and I want you to know that my love for you is immeasurable.
Thank you sincerely, from the depths of my heart, for always being there for me. Your presence in my life brings immense joy and happiness. I cherish every moment spent with you, and I cannot imagine my life without you. I love you deeply and unconditionally.
My love for you knows no boundaries. It surpasses all limitations and reaches the depths of my soul. You are the one who brightens my darkest days and fills my heart with warmth and happiness. I love you with all my heart, and I want you to feel the intensity of my affection.
Words fail to adequately express the depth of my love for you. It is an overwhelming feeling that consumes me entirely. My love for you is infinite. I cannot envision my life without you, and I want to spend every moment by your side, sharing an everlasting love.
You complete me in ways I never thought possible. Your presence has brought immeasurable happiness and fulfillment into my life. I wholeheartedly love you with every fiber of my being. There is no doubt in my mind that you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.
Please understand that my love for you is unconditional. Regardless of the challenges we may face, I will always be by your side, supporting and loving you with all my heart. You are the most important person in my life, and I want to bring you happiness in every way possible.
I want you to know that my love for you is incomparable. It surpasses all other emotions and takes precedence over everything else in my life. You are my world, my everything. I love you more than words can express, and I am committed to making you feel loved and adored every single day.
I want to assure you that my love for you is not fleeting or temporary. It is a love that will endure the test of time. You mean everything to me, and I want to spend the rest of my life loving and caring for you.
Please accept my sincere apologies and my declaration of love. I am truly sorry for any pain I may have caused, and I promise to continually strive to become a better person for you. You are my greatest love, and I will do everything within my power to make you feel loved, respected, and appreciated.
Once again, I apologize for any mistakes I've made, and I want you to know that my love for you knows no limits. You are my everything, and I will love you wholeheartedly, with a love that knows no bounds.
With all my love, Han Jisung.
As soon as you finished reading the letter, you cried as if there was no tomorrow. It continued until you felt arms wrapping around you. You knew it was
him, so you let him embrace you. You knew everything was going to be better now. It was just the two of you, and nothing could ever separate you.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Lee Felix
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It had been about a week since you hadn't been eating properly, hydrating yourself, or getting much sleep. It was obvious that you had lost a couple of pounds, but that was the least of your concerns. You had lost your boyfriend, and that hurt much more than the hunger. You couldn't bear being away from him; it was really affecting you, and if someone didn't do something quickly, you could end up in a very bad state.
You were lying in your bed, staring at the ceiling when suddenly you heard the doorbell ring. But knowing how your friends were, it was probably them outside your house, pleading for you to come out and go eat. That's one of the reasons why you turned off your cellphone; you just wanted to be alone. However, they didn't seem to give up, so tiredly, you went to open the door, only to find the person you least expected.
"Oh my God, Angel, are you okay? What happened to you? Have you eaten? You don't look good at all!" Your boyfriend bombarded you with questions, clearly concerned. "What are you doing here, Felix?" you asked, surprised. "I came to apologize for how stupid I've been," he said, unable to meet your eyes. You looked terrible, and you didn't want this to be your first encounter after everything. "Let me apologize, please. Just listen to me, and if you want me to leave, it's okay, but please listen to me. I need you." You simply nodded and let him in.
“I am deeply sorry for the pain I have caused you by ignoring you. I regret my actions and the impact they have had on our relationship. 
I want to sincerely apologize for the times I neglected you and failed to respond to your messages. I understand now how hurtful and frustrating it must have been for you. Please know that it was never my intention to make you feel ignored or unimportant.
Your presence in my life is invaluable, and I deeply appreciate your love and support. I am grateful for the care and concern you have shown me, and I want you to know that my love for you is endless.
I acknowledge my mistakes and the hurt I have caused, and I’ll try to rebuild our relationship.
Please understand that my actions were not a reflection of my love for you. I have realized the importance of open communication and actively engaging in our relationship. I want to assure you that I will make every effort to be more present and attentive, and to show you the love and respect you deserve.
I understand that rebuilding trust takes time and patience, and I am willing to put in the necessary effort. I want to be the partner you can rely on and confide in, someone who values and cherishes you above all else.
Please accept my heartfelt apologies, and know that I am dedicated to becoming a better person and a better partner for you. I love you deeply, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make things right between us.
Once again, I am truly sorry for ignoring you and causing you pain. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and give us another chance. Our love is worth fighting for, and I promise to make you feel loved, and respected every single day.”
You were surprised; you didn't expect him to say that. He was truly sorry, and he didn't want things to end between you. You felt foolish for having thought such negative things.
"Oh my God, I thought I had lost you, Felix. I was really depressed. But I know that everything is better when we're together. I forgive you, and I always will, so please never leave again." You looked into his eyes for the first time, and that's when you realized how much you loved that guy. "No way am I leaving, nor am I letting you go. Please take care of yourself, my love. I need you to be well and healthy. I love you." He hugged you as if it were the last thing he would do, and you whispered back an "I love you" to him.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Kim Seungmin
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You didn't even want to see Seungmin, but as luck would have it, you ran into him at a café where you used to go together. It was obvious that your heart led you to that place, hoping to see him once more. You didn't want to lose him if you were honest, but your pride also prevented you from talking to him. You couldn't make a single decision.
"Blossom?" you heard someone say behind you. Your mind told you not to turn around, but your heart was stronger. "Seung?" you asked in return. "I thought I would never see you again. Can we talk?" Once again, your heart responded for you, and you simply nodded. You sat at a table, and he was the first to speak. "Just listen to me, okay? After that, I'll leave, if that's what you want, but let me apologize properly." You muttered a small yes, and then he began to speak.
"I regret allowing my fears and doubts to overshadow our relationship and cause you pain. I am truly sorry for the hurt I have caused you.
My insecurities got the best of me, and instead of opening up and communicating with you, I withdrew and left you in confusion and uncertainty. I understand now that my actions were unfair and unjustifiable.
Please know that my behavior never showed how much I care about you. In fact, it was quite the opposite. My fear of being vulnerable and the fear of rejection clouded my judgment and prevented me from expressing my true feelings for you.
I understand that my ghosting has left you feeling abandoned and hurt. I want to assure you that I am working on addressing and overcoming my insecurities. I am trying to become a better person for myself and for our relationship.
I apologize for not trusting in the love and connection we shared. You deserved better than being left in the dark, and I am truly sorry for the pain I caused you during that time.
I want to rebuild the trust we once had and make amends for my actions. I am willing to put in the effort to communicate openly, honestly, and consistently. Your feelings and needs are important to me, and I want to create a safe space where we can address any insecurities together.
Please accept my sincere apologies for ghosting you. I am working on myself and our relationship, and I hope that you can forgive me. I adore our connection, and I promise to be more present and transparent in the future.
I am truly sorry, and I want to make things right between us. Thank you for your patience and understanding." With that said, he stood up from his seat, but he couldn't even take a step when he felt your arms around him.
"You should have told me that earlier, you idiot. I thought you no longer loved me and just ignored me to end things between us. Seungmin, I will always be there for you through thick and thin. We promised to be together forever. I won't leave you alone in this. I love you, and my heart always will," you said, resting your head on his back as tears rolled down your cheeks.
"I won't let you go that easily, Blossom," he assured you, planting a kiss on your cheek.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Yang Jeongin
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It had been about two weeks since Jeongin had gone on tour. Being honest with yourself, you knew that each passing day was pure agony, and you could no longer bear the feeling of abandonment. Did things have to end so badly? You wanted everything to go back to normal, hoping it was all just a nightmare and that you would wake up in your boyfriend's arms. But every morning, you woke up in an empty and cold bed.
One day, as you were coming out of the shower, you heard the doorbell of your apartment. It was the receptionist informing you that a package had been delivered for you. It surprised you because you hadn't ordered anything, but you said it was okay and that you would pick it up. They told you that the delivery person was already on their way up, so you just waited for the knock on the door.
You were greeted with a large teddy bear, some flowers, and a letter. You signed for them, still in awe of the surprise. Just as you were lost in your thoughts, a phone call interrupted you. Without even checking who was calling, you answered.
"Did you receive my gift?" a sweet voice asked gently.
"Yes, Jeongin, what's all this?" you replied.
"Please read the letter first, and then you can scream at me all you want," he said.
You followed his advice and started reading the letter that came with the gift:
"I'm really sorry for the pain and confusion I caused by ignoring you. I thought it would somehow make me feel less lonely, but now I see how selfish and hurtful that was. I messed up, and I'm truly sorry for the distress it caused you.
I messed up by shutting you out and not realizing how important it is to communicate openly. I didn't mean to make you feel abandoned or unimportant. I know I betrayed our relationship and the trust we had.
Please understand that my behavior didn't reflect how I truly felt about you. In fact, it was the opposite. I was just trying to deal with my own emotions in the wrong way. I now realize that true strength comes from facing our challenges together, not running away from them.
I understand the importance of actively engaging with you, listening to your concerns, and making you feel valued and loved.
I feel really bad for the pain and confusion I caused, and I promise to put in the work to regain your trust. Rebuilding trust takes time and effort, and I'm ready to invest in both. I'll be open, honest, and consistent in my communication with you. I want you to know that I hear you and understand you.
I'm truly sorry for being ignorant and avoiding you. I want you to know that I'll learn from this experience and grow as an individual and as your partner.
I understand if you need some time and space to heal from what I did, but I hope you can forgive me and give us a chance to make things right. Our love is worth fighting for, and I'm determined to be the partner you deserve."
"Don't cry, doll. Forgive me, okay? I want to do things right this time. When I come back, love me more than ever. Love me as if there's no tomorrow, just like I love you," he said.
"I've always loved you, Innie, come back safe and sound. I forgive you. You knew from the beginning that I would forgive you. Thank you for all the gifts. I love you infinitely," you said, and you could even sense Innie's beautiful smile. Everything is going to be alright from now on.
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innxrvision · 4 months
So long - pt. 2 𒂭
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part 2 of 3 ------------ 𖦹 tags: james hetfield x reader, fluff, smut, best friends to lovers, bet, 80s james, a little angst if you squint ♱ a/n: here's part 2 just like i promised! Also... this got too long again and I had to split once more, I'm sorry. Next part will be the last hopefully! I'll probably only be able to post it on wednesday or thursday tho, but we'll see how things go! Thanks to everyone that has been reading and liking my story, it truly made me happy!
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𖦹 part 1 𖦹 part 2 𖦹 part 3
Both of you entered the bar already chatting excitedly, just as you imagined, whatever disagreement that came between you two couldn't last long. You and James' friendship went way back.
"Let's get you a drink." James' playful smile made you smile involuntarily back.
He ordered two beers and raised his glass after you two settled down on a table near the wall, on a spot where the soft yellow light shined right on James' blonde locks.
"To making up!" He said, the smile never leaving his lips.
"If you say so." You shrugged, raising your glass too, but there wasn't any hint of resentment in your voice.
"I really am sorry about what I've said to you earlier. I never wanted to hurt you." He repeated his apology sincerely.
You shrugged again in response, not wanting to make a big deal out of it again.
"What has gotten into you anyway?" You asked genuinely curious before taking a sip.
"I don't really know." He admitted and you could sense some embarrassment coming from him. "I guess my emotions were all over the place and I took all on you. I truly hope you can forgive me."
You just nodded in response, you could easily understand his side.
Soon one beer became two, then three… and before you could realize it, both were a bit too drunk, laughing obnoxiously loud at each other's stupid jokes.
At a certain moment, while James were rambling about his new guitar, your mind wandered as you studied his features under the soft light. The unruly blond hair now gained a different shine, the blue eyes seemed more vivid, and the skin covered by acne suddenly got a different charm to it.
You've known him for years, but, for some reason, the realization that he had grown into a man only hit you now. It's not like you haven't noticed his changes at all, you could admit the boy you knew had gained the charms of a man a long time ago, however, something at that bar made it all become more evident. Maybe it was the alcohol speaking. Regardless, you just stayed silent, lost in your thoughts.
"What are you thinking about?" James' voice cut through your mind, his eyebrow quirked in confusion. "You're looking at me like I have two heads or something." He added, a chuckle coming out of his lips.
You snapped out of it as soon as you heard him, your cheeks heating up in response to his question.
"What?" You laughed nervously "Sorry, just got lost in my thoughts for a moment, go on."
James grinned, finding your flustered expression too amusing to let it go.
"I must really put you in a state to make you blush like that." He took another sip of his beer and kept grinning at you. "What were you thinking about before? I'm curious now."
You tried your best to appear bored and rested your elbow on the table, putting your chin on top of your hand.
"Nothing. Just… Work."
He studied your face and the playful expression he had before turned into a smirk.
"You're hiding something." He teased. "You're a terrible liar."
You rolled your eyes, pretending to be offended by his observation.
"I'm not!" You shot back. "I said it's nothing. You're too curious for your own good."
"Come on, tell me." He nudged your shoulder. "It's not fair if you keep it a secret."
"Not fair? What? Don't you have any secrets?" You scoffed.
"Of course I do. But your secrets are much more interesting to me right now than my own." He leaned closer and raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "So spill it. What were you really thinking about? Was it a boy?"
You looked at him incredulous, just wishing he would drop the subject.
"You can't be serious." You looked with concern in your expression at him and he laughed in response.
"Oh, I'm being serious. You were blushing so hard, so it must be a boy." He grinned, crossing his arms. It was clear that he was enjoying messing up with you. "So come on, spill it. Is it someone I know? Do you want me to hook you up?"
"No! What? You're crazy." You couldn't believe he thought you wanted him to hook you up with somebody.
"I know you're thinking about someone, just tell me already. Who's the lucky guy?" He pressed again.
"There's... No one!" You were starting to get frustrated.
"Oh, please. You can't fool me, I know you. You were obviously daydreaming about someone." He raised an eyebrow again and you had to take a deep breath in order to control yourself. "Is it one of the guys? Lars maybe? Or... Is it Kirk? I know you two are very close. You got a thing for him?" His voice dripped with amusement, it was clear he was enjoying teasing you.
"What?!" You opened your mouth in shock as he started pointing names. "I've never...! I never liked Kirk! Where did this come from?!"
"I can see the way you look at him sometimes." He chuckled, it seemed like he was testing you. "If it's not him, then who is it? I won't leave you alone until you tell me."
"Kirk is like a brother to me!" You said offended, your cheeks getting hot once again.
"You're protesting a little too much. I know you're hiding something from me." He studied your blushed face in silence for a second "Well, whoever he is, we can play matchmaker and set you up on a date." He batted his eyelashes dramatically at you and laughed.
"Why are you so invested in being my wingman? Who says I need one?"
You were getting tired of this talk. One second of distraction staring too much at him and now you had to deal with James playing guess by himself. He already loved getting on your nerves, but whenever he got drunk that would get worse.
"You've been single for almost a year now." He grinned. "I just want to help you find someone to share your life with."
You couldn't believe he decided to throw that on your face. Ouch. You sighed and looked around the bar for a second, trying to find a good response.
"Why don't you worry about your own love life?"
He chuckled again, shrugging off your comment.
"You know I don't do long-term relationships." He said casually. "I'm more of a one-night-stand kind of guy." He winked and that irritated you.
You looked down at your hands, trying to navigate your feelings. For some reason, hearing that he had been sleeping with other girls made you feel jealous. You tried your best to not seem affected, but James noticed the shift in your reaction.
"What's wrong with one-night stands?" He asked, his tone playful.
"I just think it's gross." You cursed yourself mentally for your childish response.
"C'mon... You're such a prude." He rolled his eyes and teased you, nudging at your arm. "One-night stands aren't gross, they're just casual fun. You should try it sometime, it might loosen you up a bit." There was that smug grin again that made you heated.
"I don't need to loosen up, I'm fine the way I am." You tried defending yourself. "And also, I'm not a prude."
"Sure, keep telling yourself this." He shrugged, that grin only growing wider at your frustration. "But deep down, you're just a boring goody-two-shoes who wouldn't know how to have a good time if your life depended on it." He continued. "Bet you've never even been on a proper date before."
You scoffed. Yeah, he made a habit of teasing you and yes, that would worsen whenever he drunk, but tonight he seemed even more invested in driving you nuts. "Is it just the alcohol?" You asked yourself.
"Of course I have!" You crossed your arms. "I can have fun just fine. I just think the girls you hook up with are gross."
You tried attacking him, but it was clear that your response only amused him even more.
"Gross, huh? Interesting choice of words." He leaned closer once again. "Does that mean you think I'm gross too? For hooking up with random girls?" He waited for your response, staring at you.
"I've never said that." You regretted mentioning his hookups and sighed.
"I know you're judgmental of my dating life." He leaned back and shrugged. "You're probably just jealous that I'm getting some action and you're not." He smiled triumphantly.
"Who says I'm not getting some action?" You tried your best to sound convincing but your attempt only made him laugh.
"Oh, really? With whom exactly? A pillow? A stuffed animal?" You blushed and he caught your reaction. "I knew it. You don't have anyone. Which is why you're so sour and uptight because you're not getting laid." He taunted.
"You're such an ass." You looked away and rolled your eyes. "It's none of your business, maybe? Just leave my love life alone, please." At this point, you had given up winning this conversation.
"Alright, alright. I'll leave your non-existent love life alone." He raised both of his hands in surrender. "But if you need some advice on how to get laid, come to me. I'm something of an expert, y'know?" He winked playfully.
"Like I would take your advice." You laughed sarcastically, seeing the perfect chance to annoy him back. "Bet you don't how to please girls at all." You added, certain that this would drive him crazy.
In response, he just smiled and shook his head. A different reaction that you were expecting.
"Oh yeah? You think I can't satisfy a girl?" He said confidently and leaned closer to you once again. "In fact, I bet I could satisfy you better than any other guy you've ever been with."
You stopped in your tracks, wondering if you heard him right. "He's just trying to get a reaction of me." You thought to tranquilize yourself.
"No way. Bet you take like... One minute." You decided just to keep teasing, trying to give him hell back for being so annoying.
"You think I'm that bad?" He raised an eyebrow with a smile on his lips. He then went silent for a second and something in his expression changed. "How about we make a bet then? If I can't please you better than anyone you've ever been with before, I'll do the dishes at your house for a week. But... If I do a good job, you have to take me out on a date."
"What?" Your mind went blank with shock and you felt a wave of heat from the embarrassment go through your entire body. Everything was all fun and games until now, but now you were just dumbfounded.
James noticed the shock in your expression and bit his lip, realizing he may have overstepped, but it was too late to take back now.
"Just hear me out. It'll be fun, it's just a harmless bet." He said quickly. "We are friends, right? What's wrong with having some fun?" He tried.
You couldn't even look straight at him now. It's true that you've been getting more and more attracted to him, but since you were best friends, you never expected this kind of proposal to come from him. Was it the alcohol? Was he just trying to prove a point? Your thoughts ran a 100 mph, trying to decide what should you do.
"I..." You started, then shook your head in an attempt to clear your mind. "Fine, it's a bet."
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13tongues · 11 months
happy friday the thirteenth
hello, hello.
it's been a while.
let me start by apologizing for falling off the face of the internet over a year ago now. i wish i had a better explanation for y'all, but truthfully, i just felt burnt out and had personal issues to work through that greatly impacted my desire to write anything or even maintain some kind of internet presence.
i will say my life has changed significantly shortly after i stopped writing and i didn't have the time i used to to write. i returned to school and lost all of my free time.
he's a killer queen, the most widely read of my fics and the only one to be regularly updated, became scarier and scarier to write. i appreciate every single one of you who has read any of my works and enjoyed it or left me comments letting me know how you felt about it, and i deeply appreciated that all of you were so endlessly kind about my writing. at the same time, something i really enjoyed writing and imagining and updating became something of a burden. i didn't love how i wrote the second trial in the goblet of fire and rereading those chapters, i can see my own indecision and hesitation in deciding how to progress in that moment. i cared a lot that people liked my writing and worried about failing to meet people's expectations, and it became harder to write at all. especially as i approached fifth year, with umbridge, i struggled. i experienced the same feeling where i did not like how i was writing umbridge, but felt my own expectation of me to post forcing me to write her character anyway.
i still think about he's a killer queen and all of my unfinished works and think about how i had planned to wrap them up way back when. most of them also have final chapters outlined, although everything in between has been yet to be written.
beginning in january of this year, i knew october 13th would be a friday and i imagined it would be the perfect day to return to posting. and yet, my 29th chapter, titled "edward elric is back in black" is half-finished.
i cannot promise any firm deadlines moving forward, but i intend to be more active. i will be done with my degree in 2024 and once i'm back to working, i think i will have more brain power to be creative and get back into writing, which i truly love. i still write snippets of ed and the gang here and there, they're not forgotten.
i really hope to share my silly little stories with y'all again soon.
sincerely, hoye.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
02/27/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast&Crew; SambaSchutte;VicoOrtiz;RhysDarby; Fan Spotlight; More Polls; Repo News; Rotton Tomatos; Watch Party Reminders; Articles; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
= Samba Schutte =
Samba posted so much BTS I couldn't fit it on one recap! I I posted some highlights, and you can see all the pictures + merstede video over here.
Obviously if you have instagram please visit Samba's IG Post/Stories
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= Vico ortiz =
Vico decided to bless us with "Soft Boi" vibes today.
"💙💚✨Soft Boi✨💚💙 📸: @transnormativity"
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Also, Vico is a member of the Public Assembly free theatre in South Pasadena California and "wrote something" for the next assembly! If you're in the area, consider checking it out, it's free!
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= Rhys Darby =
Cameo - Reconnecting with Art / Writing!
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The cameo today is about Reconnecting with Art / Writing! Thank you to the anonymous sharer who allowed us to partake in this lovely and inspiring cameo!
Cameo Src
== Fan Spotlight ==
Last couple days of February Love Collage Fest! @wndrngnomad even gave us a bonus for #TaikaTuesday! And that catches us up! Just two more days! Want to see the collages anytime, check them out in our Fan Spotlight Section on the repo!
Day 27: Season 1 Costumes
Day 13: Matthew Maher!
Day 14: February Love!
Day 15: Taika Waititi
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PS: Lots more fan spotlights to come, today got away from me and I had a couple more people to check with.
== More Polls to Participate In =
Looks like Ranker is doing a pole on the best HBO Max shows! You can click the up arrow for OFMD, and the down arrow for other shows if you'd like as well to move the rankings around. Thanks @JackieNoses on twitter for recommending it!
= People of Earth S2 =
People of Earth S2 continues tomorrow Feb 27 at 9 pm GMT / 4pm EST / 3pm CST / 1pm PST. Need access? Reach out to @iamadequate1!
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= Uncle Season 2 Watch Party! =
Wed 28th + Thurs 29th GMT - 8pm / ET - 3pm / PST - 12 pm Streaming on I-player! Outside the UK? Follow this VPN tutorial to learn more. 
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== Rotten Tomatoes! ==
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Just wanted to give a huge shout out to everyone out there doing ratings! We finally made it to 1000+ ratings on Season 2 for Rotten Tomatoes! What an excellent job everyone!!!
== Repo News ==
I am putting this in the recap so that in case someone missed it on my blog I can still try to fix any damage that was done. This is the first para, but please read the whole thing here. "It has come to my attention that a google drive that was linked in my Repo contained art, gifs, images, videos etc that had not been shared with permission of the original artists. I want to sincerely apologize to anyone who this affected." The situation has been rectified, but please, if you were one of the folks affected, please reach out to me and I will see what I can do to help.
== Articles ==
10 Streaming Shows That Were Cancelled Too Soon
== Love Notes ==
Today I would like to take a moment to thank the folks who checked in on me or sent kind words today while I was having a rough time (whether you knew it or not). You all really amaze and humble me with all your kindness and caring. I wanna give a few shoutouts to some folks who kept me sane today @spirker @ofmd-ann @scorpiostarseed @xoxoemynn @catbells-and-summerlinens @brainfugk @hoshiforever @roximonoxide @aliragsandmuffins @melvisik if I missed anyone I promise it's not on purpose but because I am about 3 minutes away from passing out on this couch or I thought you wanted to remain anonymous.
Love Note: From DoodleGems--
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You really do deserve to take up space. When you do, you work miracles and you move mountains and you give this tired lady hope. So remember you are worth taking up space and fill it with all your goofy unique wonderful soul <3 Love you lovelies, get some rest tonight.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Okay so I can't stop looking at this post by @ofmd-ann so yes these two are tonight's, even though I'm sure I've posted them individually before (but they go so well together so here we are)
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nevess · 1 year
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[ we loved with a love that was more than love ] - Edgar Allan Poe
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🌱… description: You and Anakin are getting ready to go to bed. While you're finishing your night routine, Anakin offers to brush your hair.
🍵 … warnings: intense kissing? but other than that, none. Just Anakin fluff :p
🧳 … character/s: Anakin Skywalker x Reader
☕️ … word count: around 1k ; | date: October 3rd, 2023
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a/n: more of this beautiful anakin x reader fluff cuz tumblr needs it!! Hope you enjoy it! <3 Disclaimer: i didn’t read it after finishing, so i apologize for any typos :p In other news, im looking for beta readerssss here's the post!
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The dimly lit quarters provided a temporary sanctuary amidst the ceaseless chaos of the Clone Wars. Anakin Skywalker and you, both Jedi Knights, had just returned from another gruelling mission, and the weight of the galaxy's conflicts seemed to bear down upon you. But in this quiet moment, as the soft glow of the room's ambient lighting bathed you in a warm embrace, there was a respite from the battles and the burdens you carried.
As you stood in front of the mirror, preparing to follow your nightly routine, you retrieved a brush from the small vanity. The daily toils and hardships had taken their toll on you, and your hair was a tangled mess. It was a small act of self-care, a moment of normalcy amidst the chaos, and it brought you a semblance of peace.
Anakin, who was only wearing his pyjama pants and a silk robe that matched those pants perfectly, watched you from the bed, his eyes filled with adoration. He admired the grace and strength that radiated from you, even as you prepared for sleep. He couldn't help but feel grateful for these moments of intimacy that you both shared, moments that allowed you to be vulnerable and real in a galaxy that often demanded more than you could give.
With a tender smile, he rose from the bed and approached you. "Let me help you with that," he offered, his voice a gentle caress.
You turned to him, surprised but touched by his gesture. "Anakin, you don't have to."
He simply shook his head, a loving determination in his eyes. "I want to."
You nodded, your heart swelling with affection for the man before you. A smile that reflected the immense love you had for him adorned your face as you handed him the brush, and as you sat down on the edge of the bed, he took a seat behind you.
With practiced care and tenderness, Anakin began to brush your hair. His fingers worked through the tangles and knots with such softness and care, as if he was scared of hurting you by pulling slightly, his touch sending a shiver down your spine that expanded through the rest of your body. The gentle rhythm of the brush gliding through your hair was soothing, a loving gesture that spoke volumes.
As Anakin continued he couldn't help but be mesmerized by your presence. You closed your eyes, surrendering to the sensation. The room was filled with the soft rustle of the brush and the sound of his steady breathing, a comforting backdrop to this intimate moment. As he works his way through your hair, he breaks the silence, his voice filled with both intensity and tenderness.
"Y/N," he murmured, his breath warm against your ear, "in the middle of this galactic storm, you're the only constant thing in my life. You're like a blazing comet streaking through the chaos, leaving a trail of light in your wake; a comet that leaves no trail of the agony that existed before her."
His words, filled with love and sincerity, warmed your heart. The connection between you both deepened in that shared moment, a testament to the strength of your love amidst the challenges you faced.
When he had finished brushing your hair, he set the brush aside and leaned down to press a tender kiss to your neck. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you close, and you melted into him.
You turned your body to face him, both still on the bed made your way to the center so you both could be in a comfortable position. His eyes were locked with yours, in a silent conversation between souls, no words needed. Your left hand is now placed on his cheek as the other one goes to the back of his neck to bring him closer. As Anakin’s lips brushed against yours the entire galaxy ceased to exist. 
The kiss deepened as his mouth pressed to yours with an intensity and passion that left no room, or doubt, he was in love with you; simply by the way your bodies reacted to each other. A fervent exchange of emotions that seemed to transcend the physical world, were expressed in this very moment. Anakin’s lips were warm and demanding, conveying a clear hunger for your love, a deep desire to hold onto this moment and make it last forever. 
His hands were both warm and possessive, one placed on your waist as he brought you closer to his own body, while the other contoured your jaw with his fingers with a gentle yet firm touch. With something so small as your bare skin being touched by him, made the world around you fade into insignificance as the electric currents of desire surged between you. 
Anakin’s breath mingled with yours a symphony of heartbeats and longing. His tongue sought entrance, and as your mouths danced together, the kiss intensified in emotion. Time seemed to stretch, allowing you to savour every moment of the kiss. The taste of his devotion to you, and the silent promises of a love that could conquer anything. In that kiss, you were lost in a universe of passion, where there was only you, him, and the overwhelming force of your love. 
When the kiss finally broke, you both were left breathless, your lips tingling with the lingering connection. Anakin's eyes locked onto yours, his gaze filled with warmth and longing as your breaths were ragged, and your heartbeats echoed in the silence that followed. It was you who broke the silence this time, your voice filled with emotion. 
"Anakin, I love you in a way I've never loved anyone before.” Your hand softly caresses his cheek as you continue talking. “It makes my heart beat from happiness to know I have you in my life, to have you as my partner.” You needed him to understand the intense feelings you felt when it came to him. So, before finishing, you cupped his face with your hands while smiling beamingly. “You're my strength, my protector, and the one who makes my heart race. I can't imagine my life without you."
"Y/N," he began, his voice a whisper, "you mean everything to me. When I'm with you, it's like the chaos of the galaxy fades away. You're the light in my life, the reason I keep fighting, and the force that keeps me grounded."  His fingers brushed a strand of hair from your face, his touch gentle. "Cherub," he continued, his voice growing more intense without raising the tone, "I would move galaxies, defy empires, and challenge fate itself for you. My love for you is boundless, and it will endure for all eternity." 
Both of you were completely wrapped up in each other... Your foreheads lightly touched and you could see Anakin's beautiful smile spread across his face. You would give anything for him to never stop smiling. His eyes shined like bright stars, and just knowing that you had something to do with it made you want to explode with excitement.
He made you feel safe in a world full of mistrust, he made you feel loved in a world without trust. Moments like these genuinely allowed you to not only feel this on the inside, but also encouraged you to show him with words and actions how much you loved him. Anakin Skywalker is a complex human being full of dissonances and contradictions, but you knew that he would give anything for your well-being.  You leaned in to capture his lips in another tender kiss, one that sealed your unspoken vows, a promise of love that transcended the trials and tribulations of your Jedi lives.
In that moment, you both knew that no matter what the galaxy threw their way, your love would always be a guiding force, a beacon of light in the darkest of times.
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© Nevess 2023. My original posts are not allowed to be edited, translated and/or re-uploaded on another account or platform without my permission, nevertheless, re-blogs are accepted and very appreciated.
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moonlightspencie · 5 months
rewatched the update video, read some posts from both people who like and dislike the update, and just finished charlie’s (mo1stcr1tikal) video about watcher. here are my complete thoughts:
Video Execution
i appreciate that they seem to have consulted with a PR person, or at the very least really sat down and thought through their approach with the video.
they didn’t try to boo-hoo themselves.
they used a lot of positive “you language” for the fans (which i very much appreciate as a media and communication person myself)
they took accountability for their mistakes, and actually uttered the word “sorry”. low bar, i know, but many apology videos still somehow slip under the bar.
they very clearly put the focus on ryan and shane in the video. it sucks a bit that they probably felt they had to since much of that was probably due to the negative comments directed at steven, but it WAS a smart move. fans feel most betrayed by the two the majority connect with the most.
it. wasn’t. overproduced. (again, low bar, but it is what it is).
overall thoughts on execution? it was smart. they look uncomfortable, and whether that’s intentional or their true feelings, regardless of why they look so uncomfy, it makes it easier to watch. they don’t look pissed or smug. they look embarrassed. which, in an apology video, is a good thing. sorry to say
The Solution
i think they came up with the best alternative they could after royally fucking up with the majority of their fans.
the patreon solution… mixed feelings. i understand they don’t want to just go forward with one or the other: the patreon or the streamer. however, as ive seen some patrons say, it doesn’t make all that much sense to have both logistically. i think it’s only set up this way because they can’t go back entirely on watcher.tv now. good on them for giving a bit of a fix with the codes being sent to patrons.
i was still lost on how they weren’t “advertiser friendly”, and that’s where charlie’s video came in to affirm my suspicions. go watch his video for more information, but long story short: watcher is a GOLD MINE for advertisers. huge and loyal audience, engaging ads that make the viewer want to watch the ad, and an ever-growing channel.
on the back of the last point: how on earth were they struggling with money to begin with? it simply doesn’t make any sense. they had so many revenue streams & again, DO get sponsors and appear to be incredibly brand-friendly.
trust is still lost with most fans, and that will be hard as hell to regain. the ex-buzzfeed three-guys-on-a-couch model didn’t even work when the try guys were fucked over by their friend and brand trust was lost a little bit. and this loss of brand trust is fully on all three dudes on the couch this time
overall thoughts on the solution? it’s good for what they can do now that they obviously cannot just fully backtrack. that would arguably be a worse idea than the original idea for the streaming service itself. i think this would have worked much better and they would have retained integrity if they had done this from the beginning, and/or had a slow rollout instead of jumpscaring us like that. ghost files is supposed to spook us, not surprise paywalls.
Final Thoughts
a ton of trust was lost. the parasocial relationship that specifically shane and ryan fans had with them, that was the REASON for so much of the loyalty, is fractured, and for many it will never be the same as it was. i understand their fuck up when it came to the announcement was likely just them needing more self-awareness and a professional to guide them through it, but i still question how it got to that point where they felt like their fans would enjoy this to begin with. not to mention, again, how were they not making enough? why not try other options first?
i hope sincerely that watcher truly learns from this. that they remember their business isn’t about money or ambition (in a positive or negative way), but is built on the backs of their fans’ loyalty. without that fan loyalty, buzzfeed unsolved would have been the only thing we knew ryan and shane for. we wouldn’t have followed them to a new channel if we didn’t care about them and their work to certain degree.
it was a good apology video. genuinely. i’m glad they didn’t jump into it with a bandaid solution. i just wish they had the foresight to know their fans well enough to understand that there is NO way this would be well received by the majority. and there’s no going back on that now, obviously. what’s past is past. i hope moving forward that they gain a little self-awareness and that they gain some FAN-awareness. until/unless they start working on television and movies, they have to keep their fans happy. we are the consumer, not the employee, and it feels like they started somehow blurring those lines with the original video they posted. it felt like one of the corporate ‘training’ videos for my job when we start using a new system.
fans are important in online spaces, particularly. we provide free advertising for our favorite bloggers/youtubers/etc., and willingly give up money to support them through various streams (in watcher’s case: patreon, merch, live shows). you cannot exist as a creator online and think that you don’t need to keep your fans happy when it is your source of income. it’s simply how being a successful internet personality works, for better or worse.
good job to the watcher boys on how they went about the apology/fix. i hope things go better from here on out.
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freriahaha · 24 days
Cioccolata IMHO
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I've seen a lot of different opinions about Cioccolata under my previous post and now I want to leave my personal one about him.
I apologize in advance, in this rhyme I diss, Giorno fans, get ready to get pissed, I'll mention gory flicks, all kinds of trash And other stuff, all to make a big splash
Now a love letter will begin ⬇️
🟢I'll start with the fact I adore his entire structure, from his name to his abilities, everything harmonizes very well with each other, this kind of chocolate medical mold (hilarious!) is memorable
🟢Green Day is generally my first love, my journey into the world of rock began with this band
🟢Speaking about the idea, I'm really attracted to the type of doctor-killer. Like think about it, to go to medical school, not to treat, but to kill 😂😂😂 This is the madness I adore, he really thinks differently from everyone else 🧐
🟢But I want to note if it weren't for Cioccolata's backstory, he would be no different from the same Mista or Giorno and would remain a background villain for two episodes (which is almost the case) 🤷‍♀️
Seriously. Do you think Mista wouldn't kill half of Rome to achieve his goal? I doubt it. In the end, we are talking about the mafia world, where there are no good and bad. But we're getting off topic...
🟢I like that in any case, he will remain himself. Like take away his Stand, he will still remain dangerous - take away Giorno's Stand.... Giorno will remain an emotionless brat without abilities.🐞
🟢Also JoJo's age rating prevents us from learning more about Cioccolata, 🤔I'm sure that he would do WORSE things than just pseudo-healing. I'll even dare to compare him to the doctor from the Human Centipede (he would do the same thing, I'm sure!!!)
🟢In conclusion, I will say that he is a great, memorable character, but there are some weird unrealistic moments, like how a doctor works under red lighting all alone with a straight face?😂 At least a surgeon has an anesthesiologist and medical staff, Cioccolata, what the hell? 🤣🤣🤣 But okay, that's what it is.
I hope you weren 't too lazy to read this post, because I actually expressed myself sincerely🏳️
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laylajeffany · 10 days
🖤 genuine appreciation 🖤
Since starting a new journey a few weeks ago in my real life, I've been receiving daily the absolute kindest, sweetest, and most thoughtful messages online about my writing. I'm not sure if this is karma or not, but I'm actually finding the comments incredibly motivating as I was really having a hard time coming back to the writing that I love. I want to give a very sincere thank you for everyone who has recently left a comment, sent an inbox, and bookmarked with something they enjoyed. For years, I've been team 'don't read the comments' and 'other people's opinion of me is not my business' but since keeping an eye out for bot activity, I've been paying attention, and extremely gracious for the positive feedback. I'm fighting a battle against turning inward, being fueled by my negativity, and pushing away the world. Truly, this love from you all is helping. Filling my cup with positivity is very difficult, but everyone who is sending me kindness is pouring into it. Personal post ahead -
In an effort to try and starve off the spiraling pit of depression demons, I've been working to heal some horrible relationships IRL. In the past, when I've up and moved during a manic phase across the country, I've let relationships dissolve and never had closure. It certainly takes two to tango, and so many times I just ignored people in my life instead of addressing my issues with them after I did/not make things worse, or left on a really sour note. Knowing I'm not moving on a whim this time, and that I have months to deal with all that needs to be dealt with - the messes I've made over the last five years, it feels like I should clean them up. Since summer ended, I've been actively shoving aside pride, stuffing down feelings of 'this is not my responsibility,' to being the one to initiate an apology and extend an invitation to do better together, or simply hope that the genuine feeling is received and the air is cleared. This is being received exceedingly well. I've always been one to literally run 2,000 miles away from my problems instead of solving them. I do not think I was initially the problem in any of these situations (this time), but I allowed the problems to fester, made them worse, and eventually turned toxic to many people. I might not have started the problem, but I became a problem. My attitude towards people I don't like is not subtle. I can be mean, rude and often spiteful. It turns out, people appreciate when you tell them that you made a mistake (duh), and so far - everyone has also then acknowledged where they could have done better, too. And I do genuinely mean it - like...I can hold a grudge like it's my job, and I really want to learn to let things go. Apologizing and making an effort to just do better seems like a good way to start doing that. I honestly feel an actual weight off my shoulders that I didn't know I was carrying. Being nice instead of toxic feels healing in a way that is surprising me. I've long made myself 'unbully-able' and I would not say that I was bothered by the fact that I had poor relationships with colleagues, families, community members, and others, but I did feel like since I have the opportunity and time to do something about the fuses I allowed to stay lit, I could put in the effort to put them out before I up and leave this time. Maybe it was affecting me more than I realized. This sort of feels like something Wednesday would figure out in the chaos Universe with a little help from Larissa & co. lmfao.
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weirdkpopgirl · 6 months
In My Dreams | Renjun Imagine #5
Title: In My Dreams
Genre: College AU, a little angsty with a little fluff
Warnings: mentions of reader feeling insecure (what else is new 🙄)
Word Counts: 911
Author's Note: I seriously apologize for posting such depressing content lately. Honestly writing this type of stuff just makes me realize how much I hate myself. But I'm fine lol, using the Dreamies to distract me is more than enough. I really shouldn't be complaining. Anyway, hope you guys like this little imagine for Renjun ^ ^
The sigh that escaped your lips came out louder than intended, echoing slightly in the back corner of the lecture. As usual, your mind was subjected to its daily attack of self-conscious thoughts, though today they seemed particularly annoying. 
Absentmindedly you fidgeted with the hem of the black two-piece dress you had carefully chosen to wear. Was revealing your shoulders too much? Too bold? Did it make you look desperate for attention?  It was the only thing in your closet that you had yet to wear, mainly because you wanted to wait for the right time. However, you should’ve known you’d have doubts the minute you put on the dress. 
Your reflection stared back at you from the mirror-like surface of your phone screen, its intensity making your stomach churn. This morning, your wake-up routine had been prolonged by the meticulous effort you put into perfecting your makeup today and undoing the braids you’d done the night before so your hair would be wavy. 
Honestly, you weren’t entirely sure what drove you to put in the extra effort with your appearance today. Initially, you believed you were dressing up for yourself. Yet, as you navigated through a day packed with classes, a tiny glimmer of hope lingered that perhaps someone would notice, though the idea of attention drawn to you was intimidating.
However, as you glanced around the room, everyone seemed to be engrossed in their conversations about the upcoming essay that was due. Sometimes, a part of you wished you could muster up the courage to join one of those groups. But socializing never came naturally to you, and the lack of invitation to contribute only served to dishearten you.
As the professor began the afternoon’s lecture, you temporarily forced those thoughts to go away and focused on taking notes. Though it worked for the most part, your mind occasionally drifted back to the same imposter feeling you consistently experienced. Feeling as though everyone had their lives figured out, while you couldn’t be more out of place.
You were mentally ready to retreat into the confines of your apartment and change into sweats, by the time class was over. By now, your makeup was most likely smudged and the waves in your hair had gone down. Any semblance of confidence you donned that morning had diminished completely.
But just as you gathered your belongings and rose from your seat, a small folded piece of yellow paper fluttered to the table in front of you. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you glanced around, expecting to see someone retrieve their misplaced note. Yet, people were already disappearing, leaving you alone with the mysterious paper.
Trying not to dwell on it too much, you hesitantly unfolded the paper. Your breath caught in your throat as you read the words neatly written across the page. While they sounded simple, they held a sincerity that you didn’t receive often.
 ~ Hi there, sorry if this is a little forward. But I just wanted to say that I think you look really pretty in that dress today (not that you don’t look pretty every day!). Also, you should curl your hair like that more often, it suits you ^ ^  - Huang Renjun
As you reached the end of the short message, your heart was pounding in your chest. You had to reread it a few times, to make sure you weren’t just hallucinating. Of all people, Huang Renjun noticed you? The cute boy who sat a few rows ahead of yours?
A shy smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you shifted your gaze upward to the doorway where he was nervously watching for your reaction. A light shade of pink tinged Renjun’s cheeks as he offered a tentative smile when the two of you locked eyes. Still trying to comprehend was just happened, you cautiously made your way over to him. 
“Um, hi,” you managed to stammer, your voice barely audible.
Renjun stepped closer, his expression softening with genuine warmth. “I’m sorry if I startled you. I just couldn’t leave without saying at least something.”
His words only made you blush more, but the smile on your lips grew with each passing moment.
“No, I should thank you…for the note. I feel a lot better now than I was earlier,” you said, with a half-hearted laugh. 
Renjun’s ears perked up at your response. “Really? Well, I’m glad to hear that.”
A hesitant silence stretched between the two of you, filled with unspoken possibilities. But before you could gather the courage to find something else to say, Renjun reached into his pocket and brought out his phone.
“Would you maybe want to have a meal sometime?” he asked, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. He extended his phone toward you, displaying a new contact pulled up on the screen.
“I’d love to,” you replied a little too eagerly, feeling your heart skip a beat.
Your hand trembled slightly as you took his phone to quickly type in your number. Renjun thanked you with a shy smile and shared he couldn’t wait to get to know you more before leaving for his next class. You had to take a moment to process everything. Did you seriously just get complimented and asked out by Renjun?
Shaking your head with a laugh, “Yeah, right. In my dreams.”
However, that belief couldn’t wipe the foolish smile off your face as you walked out of the lecture hall.
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lovrre · 2 years
Baby protect me<3
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Word count: 2k
Summary: On Joel’s birthday two men try assaulting you, when Joel takes care of them ,you realize how much you like the violence And Joel realizes he’s not over his trauma.
Warnings: slightly dark fic, a little Angst, attempted SA, cursing, sadistic themes, no smut but slightly suggestive themes 🌝
Author note: I’m mostly likely gonna rewrite this one later but I just really wanted to post something. So enjoy for now, Suggestion box  IS OPEN!
You awoke in bed next to Joel for the third time this week. You watched his chest rise and fall like you normally did when you woke up first. You liked it, you liked him, apart from you hoped for more from the relationship than sex, but Joel tried his best to be distant with his emotions. Sometimes you guys would seem like a couple and other days not even friends. Joel sits up suddenly in bed, small sweat droplets sliding down his body.
You quickly sit up beside him rubbing your hand up and down his arm trying to console him “you ok baby?” you ask worried he takes a couple of labored breaths before speaking “I gotta get some air” he says plainly getting out the bed and walking towards the door. You laid back and enjoyed watching his sweaty shirtless body leave the room. When he returned, you realized you had accidentally fallen back asleep, you woke up to Joel sitting on the edge of the bed putting on his clothes. “Where you going” you say groggy rubbing your eyes “I think I'm gonna go for a walk” he says stuffing his foot in his shoe. “ Nightmare?” You ask, sitting up on your elbow. He doesn’t reply,“ are they about-” he cuts you off “ DON’T” he snaps. There’s an awkward silence before you speak “you don’t have to be rude” you say angrily, rolling over so your back is facing him
Joel opens his mouth like he about to say something, then closes it and walks out the room. You hear him leave, but don’t say anything. When the sun comes up you stretch hoping to feel Joel’s hard body next to you despite still being a little upset with him. But when you run your hands over his side of the bed you feel nothing but the cold mattress. You can tell by his blanket that he never came back to bed last night, mostly likely sleeping on the couch.
After getting dressed, you walk into the kitchen, Joel is sitting at the kitchen table reading an old book. You sit across from him quietly for a second before talking. “Good morning, you still grumpy?” you ask, watching him pretend to be focused on reading. “ Joel?” You wave a hand by his face, Joel stays quiet for a second before huffing in defeat looking up from his book
“ I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that, last night I’m sorry” he says sincerely reaching over the table to hold your hand, he rubs his thumb slowly over your knuckles “you know I’m no good with emotions a stuff, but I’m working on it ”He says letting out a deep breath.
A big grin takes over your face “Well good you apologized because now I can give you your present ”. Joel looks surprised as you jump up from your chair and go to reach under the kitchen cabinet for Joel’s birthday gift.
“How did you-“ you cut him off, “Close your eyes!” you yell, you wait for Joel to close his eyes before you hid the gift behind your back and walk towards him. “Hold out your hand” you say, try to contain your excitement. You place a big metal cylinder of Café Bustelo in his hand, You put the red mug you got to go with it on the table. “ Open!” You say excitingly. Joel opens his eyes, it takes him a second to realize what it is, “is this real?” He asks surprised examine the container “yep, 100% unopened espresso, none of that nasty homemade shit they sell at the market” you laugh “what the hell did you trade to get this…” he says opening the top “no that much actually the younger ones don’t care for coffee” you saying sitting on the edge of the table. “It still has the seal on it” he says surprised looking up at you, “I told you it’s unopened” you laugh at his giddy reaction over coffee
Joel laughs to himself before pulling you down by your waist onto his lap. He places the coffee tin on the table” is this mine too” he asks pointing to the big Mug “mmh” you smile, moving a small piece of hair his forehead. “Happy birthday baby” you say kissing his cheek, “Thank you” he smiles placing a kiss on your lips.
“Let me make us some of that coffee” Joel says, moving you off his lap, so he can make the coffee. “You know what would be good with coffee, cake!” you say clapping your hands together
“what, you got some?” Joel questions “no, but I can make some… tonight ”. You say excitedly “I’d like to see that” he muffles coughs under his breath. You elbow him in his ribs, making him laugh “you will”.
Later that Day, you decided to try to go to the street vendors and see if you could scrabble up enough ingredients for a small cake. “I’ll be right back” you yell out by the door, zipping up your coat. “Where you going?” Joel asks, poping up from around the corner. “I’m just going to the market vendors” you say, ready to leave. “ It’s drizzling and The suns almost gone, I don’t think they’re out there”
Joel says, pointing to the window covered in rain droplet’s. “Well I just wanna see if they have something, I’ll be back soon ”you say getting ready to open be door. “ok I’m coming with you” Joel says turning to get his jacket “it’ll only be a minute promise” you say giving him a quick smile before opening the door “be careful!” Joel yells before you close the door.
Joel was right, most of the vendors were gone except an old man selling shovels and a lady selling potatoes. Not wanting to go home empty-handed you thought you should try to go to someone you knew of who bakes. But you knew they would probably charge you more for it. You walk 5 minutes down the pathway and turn down an alley you knew he lived on. You knocked one of the doors hoping it was the right one, you a stepped back looking at the rain hit your shoes as you waited for someone to answer the door.
A tall nice looking young man answered the door maybe 27or 26 definitely young when the world went to shit. By the big scar from his eyebrow to cheek, you knew he was the baker everyone spoke of. “Hi not trying to bother you, but I wondered if you could sell me some ingredients for a cake about… this big” you say showing him the size with your hands. You laugh at your own gesture, “Are there not any vendors you can bother?” He says scrunch up his face in disgust showing his rotten looking teeth.
“Ain’t none left out” you reply not as humorous as before. “uhhh I guess I can, but it’s gonna cost you about 35” he says giving you a creepy smiling that made you insanely uncomfortable “fuck that, for two eggs and some flower, 30 max” you low balled, you had forty but wasn’t willing to spend it all on a small cake “you out here by yourself? ” he asks, looking down the ally to see if someone else was with you
“no I’m not” you reply quickly hoping he doesn’t try anything stupid “so who you out here wit because I don’t see-“. You cut him off “are you gonna sell me the damn eggs or not” you say, bringing back his focus to the deal “35, final offer” he yells out you stay quiet for a second “Deal” you say grudgingly.
“Pay upfront” he says, holding out in a grabbing motion. “No, half” you say irritated “ok that works” he says looking down the ally again you count out 20 but hand him 17. He walks back inside for a second before coming back with a similar looking man, only older. The man looks you up and down like he’s plotting something “yeah she works”. You look down at his hands, there were no ingredients in sight just a rope. The old man looks down the ally “shi-“ before you can react the older one grabs you trying to pull you in the house.
You punch him in the face, making him lose his grip on you. You fall back on the concrete hard, You try to get up but slip on the wet ground. Before you can try to get up again, a fist connects to your face making the side of your face throb. The younger one grabs your arms, trying to tie you up. “Please no” you scream attempting to kick the older one away, “Stop moving Bitch!” the younger one yells trying to knot the rope. You kick the older one again and miss. He punches you again square in your jaw. You feel blood trickling down your lip and tears sting your eyes, “fuck you!” You scream, trying to kick as the older attempts to pull off your pants. Your shoe connects to his jaw.
“BITCH” he hissed, stumbling back he quickly picked up a large loose brick and smashing it against your leg at full force. You scream out in pain and everything goes black, amidst the darkness you swear you could hear Joel’s voices. When you wake up a couple of minutes later from the continuous rain droplets hitting your face.
Your eyelids feel heavy, and your head pounding, you realize Your arms are free. In the distance, You see Joel on top of one of the men, his fist connecting with his face over and over again. Slowly sitting up, you wipe your eyes, confused if what you were seeing was real.
As soon as you stand up completely, you wince in pain trying to keep your leg from giving out. Looking over, you see one of the men covered in blood in the doorway of the house. You couldn’t tell which one because of how badly his face was beaten in. In his pocket was your 17 ration cards, you bend down carefully yanking the blood covered cards out his pocket. “Cunt!” You say spitting at the unrecognizable face. You slowly stepped over the man and limp over to Joel, who was still punching the man. Instead of intervening you watched for a second as Joel punched him again and again and, again, without mercy not noticing your presence . You had never seen someone fight so ruthlessly for before you, and deep down you liked it.
You watched the rain carry the man's blood down into the cracks in the ground. Walking directly behind Joel, you finally grabbed his shoulder, “j- Joel, you can sto-“ suddenly you feel dizzy and you collapse. Joel instantly catches you, his blood hands gripping into your shirt.
He holds you in his arms for a minute, his shaking hand coming up to move away the bloody pieces of hair stuck on your face. “I thought I lost you” he quietly repeats, caressing your face for a second before hoisting you up in his arms and fire man carrying you away from the bloody scene.
Two days have passed since the attack, you have probably been awake a total of 5 hours. Mostly in and out of consciousness, sleeping in bed and eating the little bits of food Joel brought you. Waking up you felt a bit better than yesterday, you decide to get up. Limping to the bathroom, you see yourself for the first time in the mirror since the attack. You walk closer to the mirror, slowly turning your head to examine your face and all its bruises. The whole right side of your face was partially swollen and bruised. Your lip had been busted, a big gash on it close to the corner.
You touched your lip to see if it had scabbed some. You wince, pulling your hand back in pain. You hear footsteps behind you and jump back, making your legs buckle. Joel quick grabs your waist, keeping you from falling. “It’s just me y/n, you’re ok” Joel says helping you regain your balance. “ Sorry I thought- never mind” you say letting out a tired sigh, you hold on to the bathroom sink for a better balance. When Joel see’s you're stabled, he finally lets go of you.
“You need to be in bed, your leg isn’t healed yet ”he says look at you with concern in his eyes. “ I thought I was feeling better” you laugh out, limping back towards the bed. “ I hate seeing you like this y/n” Joel says sitting down next to you, “ what do you mean I look great ”You say gesturing to your swollen face while positioning yourself up on some pillows. Joel lets out a small laugh “ at least you still got your humor” he states, grabbing the mug you gave him off the dresser before handing it to you.
“ At least…- what’s this ?” You ask looking down at the cup “it's coffee, to wake you up a bit” he says “thanks you” you whisper taking a sip the hot coffee stings your lip. There’s a beat of silence before he speaks,“ I should’ve been there earlier” Joel mumbles looking at you with tired eyes before wiping his face and sighing in his hands. “ There’s nothing else you could have done” you say, putting the coffee back down on the night stand.
“No, y/n There was… I followed you, it was late and raining, I didn’t want anything to happen, so I followed, when you passed the market I followed you to that alley. I saw you there smiling with that man a-and I don’t know what I thought but… I left you, I regretted and when I turned back I saw-”
He cuts himself off looking at the ground angry distorting his face, his fist balling up tight.
You don’t respond right away, letting the words sink in before you answer. You run your hand up the side of his face, resting it there.
“ Did you like it?” You ask, staring intently at Joel, “like what?” He asked confused. “Did you like beating them bloody?” you ask, eyes never leave his search for a reaction. “Y/N I-I Couldn’t control m-“ he says slowly shaking his head as thought about the incident in detail swirl through his mind.
“yes or no” you ask again plainly “yes, I did but-“ you cut him off quickly “good, they fucking deserved it” you say angrily.
“Why did you do it baby tell my why you did it, I wanna hear you say it” you say desperately want to hear Joel’s reasoning. “ When I saw you like that… it was like I couldn’t see or feel anything but anger, I hadn’t even realized how bad it was until I heard your voice calling for me“. He says look back at you with tired eyes “I thought I had lost another person I cared for, I never wanted you to see me like that” he says with another stressed filled sigh “they deserved it, if you hadn’t come when you did…”
You takes a deep breath before talking again “all I know is when I woke up, the people who had hurt me were hurting as well and I Revel in the thought, of them knowing you killed them for me, to protect me, when nobody else would. You did nothing wrong baby you protected me”
Joel doesn’t say anything, just leaves a lazy kiss on your lips. You deepen the kiss ignoring the pain, pulling him closer, Joel cups the back of your head and you straddle him. He breaks the kiss for a second to kiss your forehead “I don’t ever wanna feel like that again” he says pain straining his voice.
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butwhatifidothis · 1 month
Harassment is horrible, it's terrible mods in this Discord aren't doing anything.
But on the other hand, what about you? You harassed a person over *fanfiction* ( to the point it's the 4th tag who shows up on your blog ). Yet, all your harassment is still there out of the open. You haven't really seriously apologized, especially to them. You're still quite active on fe3h discourse while he had to remove himself from many public online space.
How is this fair?
You're rightfully upset about harassment towards members of your community, there should be *serious* amends made... But how can you hold double standards like that?
I haven't followed the discourse closely because it's so awful, why are you all so hateful? Because you just seems like one of the "bad guy" in this story along with Raxis and the other. I'm not saying you're the same, but you're not really better than those you criticize either, and the same apply for the other blog who participed in your harassment... It's just horrible all around. You're all drowning in a cesspool of toxicity and it's making you all worst people than you actually are.
I hope you, and people around you, will at least receive amend over the harm caused to them. I hope you stop receiving troll, death threat and any other type of hate message you probably still receive. But I hope you'll sincerely recognize your faults and fully amend to them too.
Look, I know you probably mean some kind of well and that you likely spent a long time thinking over this message, so I'm going to lay it out as simply as I can:
I have never once interacted with Cap'n himself, and I have repeatedly told anyone reading my posts to do the same. This is unlike the people who have harassed me and others, who went out of their way to make sure we saw what they were saying about us. This includes publicly admitting to using alts to go around our blocks of them so that they can keep interacting with us directly
Very quickly into critiquing Cap'n's work, a primary focus became pointing out the problematic rhetoric he was spreading with his incredibly influential, incredibly popular fanfic. This includes the justification of holding racist rhetoric, the anti-miscegenation rhetoric, the infantilization of women, the demonization of men, the justification of imperialism, and more, all which appear very quickly into the story and stay prominent throughout the story. The people who have harassed me and others, meanwhile, either deny this rhetoric exists in their circles or outright hold this rhetoric themselves. This includes the use and defense of genocide apologetics.
This post is the first time I have talked about Cap'n in over a year, and the last time I posted any notes on his fic was over a year and a half ago. This is unlike the people who have harassed me and others, who have engaged in harassing behaviors as recently as this week (as of Aug 18 2024).
It has been explicitly said by those close to Cap'n that my notes, while upsetting him, had no part in him leaning away from social media more, unlike what you say here. This is unlike the people who have harassed me and others, who have driven off multiple people from social media and have openly patted themselves on the back for doing so, justifying their harassment by saying the people they've harassed off social media deserved it.
I have kept my critiques strictly on this Tumblr, as have most of the people who have talked about Cap'n's fic. This is unlike the people who have harassed me and others, who have spread their harassment on places such as Twitter, Reddit, and TVTropes.
I have refrained from ever accusing Cap'n of ever holding any bigoted views himself, and have made it a repeated point to say that his problematic writing is far more likely due to ignorance of the subjects involved rather than outright malice. This is unlike the people who have harassed me and others, who have accused many of us as people of being sexist, racist, homophobic, etc. based off of nothing. This includes accusing at least one of us of actual crimes against actual people with no proof and on multiple sites such as the popular and public Edelgard Discord and on Reddit.
People who said they were in contact with Cap'n (as in, mods of the Discord server that Cap'n was once in, the same server that has the mod that uses genocide apologetics) have been told that I was willing to remove parts of my notes that he found too attacking or harsh, and they've been told that I would outright remove all of my posts regarding Cap'n period if he would talk to me directly and we could discuss the implications and rhetoric he had accidentally written into his story. While I do understand him not wanting to do the latter (as it involves directly talking to me), he hadn't even done the former (which does not involve directly talking to me and only involves relaying messages through his friends). And with all of the above on top of that, it gives me the impression that he feels less like "this person is harassing me and that is giving my anxiety" and more "this person is critiquing me and I don't like that." While he has every right to feel the latter, we aren't going to sit here and say that's the same as the former.
So, nonnie, to answer why I am "hateful," as you put it: I don't like stories that unironically say being two races mean you don't belong to either race being influential in a fandom, as a mixed-race woman. I don't like stories that have characters of color only be used as props for the author's favorite little white girl to be influential in fandom, as a person of color. I don't like stories saying that women just want to go back to being innocent pure little girls and not be the wilted tainted flowers they are now to be influential in a fandom, as a woman. I don't like stories that lay the blame of all the world's suffering on the shoulders of a race of people who've barely survived a genocide to be influential in a fandom, as a person with a modicum of knowledge on where that rhetoric inevitably leads to. I don't like stories saying that men who don't bow down to women will almost certainly become rapist pigs or otherwise terrorizing monsters to be influential in a fandom, as someone who rejects sexism of all forms. I don't like stories that liken the violent conquests of imperialism to the blooming of flowers, or that say that imperialism is the only way for the "good" culture to help everyone - actual, genuine rhetoric used to justify actual, genuine imperialism - to be influential in a fandom, as someone who has read any history book ever.
And I don't like how all of this and more have clearly been normalized in big 3H fandom circles and how this has led to multiple people getting harassed, in no small part due to Cap'n's influence on the fandom at large.
I'm sorry if Cap'n doesn't like me pointing out the bigotry he had engraved throughout his story, and I'm sorry if I'm not going to be convinced that me doing that is the same as people's deliberate and long-standing attempts to chase people out of the fandom for saying they don't like Edelgard in the one way they allow anyone to like her, and I'm sorry that me calling out the racism people are engaging in and are hiding behind the shield of "discourse" seems to bother you so much, but I think I've explained why I'm not exactly that sorry well enough. Hope this answers your question <3
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veras1ne · 11 months
✮;༉“Slut Me Out.”
Hi doves! I hope you like my new theme <3 I’ve really been feeling the color purple lately but specifically a dullish purple! Swans are my everything though so they’re still here as always. Anyways, I have another Saw fic for you guys, the next fic I post will be Anakin Skywalker!
✰Pairing´ˎ˗📀: Amanda Young x Kramer!Male!Reader
✰ ‧₊˚ Summary 🦢: Amanda was having a very slow day, until you popped inside the workshop. It’s so distracting having such a beautiful enigma in front of you, but maybe a distraction is just what she needed to make her day go faster, her associates son.
✰ ;➛ WARNINGS🫧: THIS IS AN 18+ SMUT FANFIC WORK. I am NOT responsible for the media you read and consume! Your warnings are the following: Smut, Cunnilingus, Age Gap, PIV, Mild Degrading, Fucking On A Table,
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Amanda was having a very slow day. John hadn’t given her any tasks, and yet she’d still been put on standby. With no current traps to build and not having to take care of John, she sat sketching out new ideas for future contraptions.
Every once in a while, she would tinker with some scrap pieces of junk that Hoffman had left out. It wasn’t unusual for her to experience one of these days, but what she wasn’t expecting was to see her associate's son, you, enter the workshop.
You weren’t too much younger than Amanda; you were in your twenties, and yet she still saw you as pure, untainted, and unknowing of the vile world. You were exceptionally talented in her eyes, possessing a natural talent for machinery and craftsmanship. The two of you had minimal interactions but were still friendly at that. In fact, you were the closest thing she had to a friend other than your father, John.
Your face held an open innocence and sincerity. You always treated her kindly, despite her less than flattering history with your father's work. If anything, Amanda liked your company, even if you were only around her to get your father a drink of water or his medication when he forgot to take it during the long mornings.
The more time you spent with each other, though, the more you seemed to gravitate towards her, asking John more questions about her and making up useless excuses to see her. You didn’t necessarily agree with your father's method of rehabilitation; in fact, you thought it was wildly distasteful and that his "apprentices" should never have had to become a part of his games, but nothing mattered when it came to Amanda.
It wasn’t like you’d never spoken to Mandy before, but something in your brain made it near impossible for you to even get full conversations out. You were so awkward and timid in every other way; your body language gave off the impression you wanted nothing to do with her, and your tendency to rant and babble made it even harder.Although if it were anyone else, she would have gotten frustrated, she kept a special place in her mind for you, reminding herself that she’s still human. Despite how hard it seemed to be, Amanda couldn’t bring herself to hate you for all the wrong reasons.
You were just too sweet for her to dislike you, and besides, you were a friend of hers and somebody she cherished.Your footsteps echoed as you walked into the cold, concrete room. The air around you was cold, but your body was warm, and your face was slightly flushed from the heat of the sun. You shivered as you crossed the floor. You had your hands shoved into the pockets of your jacket, looking at the ground in front of you as you passed through the room.
When you noticed Amanda sitting at a table with blueprints and metal, you stopped abruptly and gave a sheepish smile. “Hi Mandy.” Her head followed the sound first, her eyes still attentive to the sketches in front of her. She finally raised her head from the paper when you spoke again. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything." You rubbed the back of your neck as you apologized, looking away.
She sighed deeply before giving you a quick smile. “No, not at all. Take a seat if you’d like.” Her hair was up, her mid-length locks of brown hair being exchanged for a short, updo ponytail that was held up by a small clip. It hung loosely in front of her face, framing it perfectly. You sat down next to her, placing yourself directly across from her, your hands clasped together nervously in your lap, your eyes darting from side to side, trying to find something to focus on.
She placed her sketchbook and pencil on her lap. “What can I do for you, stranger?” Her lips curled in an awkward smile that quickly faded, huffing at her own humor. "I'm just trying to find something to do, really. I thought I’d come see my favorite girl.” You smiled, your gaze lingering on her face for a bit longer than necessary before you looked away. “That is so kind of you." She laughed lightly before continuing. “But really, I’m not doing much; John has Hoffman out finding some guy who stole medication from Homeward." Amanda picked up the piece of metal she had been working on and examined it closely before setting it back down on the table.
Your eyes lingered on her smile, a pink flush to your cheeks. “You know, it’s rude to stare at people.” Her voice was laced with lightheartedness, her tone teasing. A lump caught in your throat as you glanced back at her. “It’s just so hard not to stare when you’re so pretty, Amanda.” You leaned forward on your elbows, resting your chin in the palm of your hand.
Her cheeks turned a dark red, and her heart fluttered. Her mouth opened and closed silently. She shook her head softly and said, ‘no’, over and over until she broke the silence between the two of you. “I bet you think that I don’t see the way you stare at me or the way your eyes follow my movements; I see everything." She paused, her gaze locked on yours. “I know that you think of me at night, whenever you get lonely and need company.” She took a breath. “I can fix that." She leaned forward, her arms snaking up your shoulders and stripping you of your warm jacket. You didn’t protest, not even as her cold fingers slid over your skin. She pressed closer, letting her lips graze the shell of your ear. “Let me save you." She whispered against the skin of your ear before placing soft kisses along your jawline, trailing further down until she reached your neck. Your eyes drifted shut in pleasure as she pulled down the collar of your shirt and exposed the skin of your throat. Her lips traced circles around the sensitive spot as she kissed her way down your neck and chest. Amanda’s breathing quickened and her grip tightened as the woman continued to suck the tender flesh and leave marks along the sides of her neck. She gently bit your shoulder before running the tip of her tongue over it, causing you to let out a groan.
Amanda sucked harder, moving lower along the edge of your collarbone and then sucking gently into the hollow there. A whimper left you as she licked a circle around your clavicle, making your chest rise and fall quickly. Your hands clenched tightly into fists as you tried to hold back your moans. “I’ve wanted to make you mine since the day I met you. So pure and kind, what would John say if he saw his precious little boy being dumbed down to  nothing?" Her words made your breath hitch and your words slur. “Please, please. Please don’t stop; please make me feel good.” You begged in a whisper, biting your lip to keep from crying out.
The woman slowly moved upward, kissing along your cheek, down your jaw, across your neck, and finally settling down at your ear. “Anything for you, baby, but what can you do for me?” She took hold of your hands, dragging them slowly up her shirt, groping her boobs, and luring out a whine from her lips. Her chest was warm, making your hands hot and your face flush. Your hands moved down to her loose pants, unbuttoning them and pushing them to the floor. She began taking the rest of her clothes off, revealing her beautiful naked body, covered in goosebumps due to the sudden change in temperature. You grabbed hold of her bare ass, squeezing it softly, pulling it toward you, and rubbing her back, your nails scraping against her smooth skin.
She turned around, swiping everything off the table onto the floor with a large clatter and hopping onto the smooth, cold metal. Her legs wrapped around your waist, holding on tight. Your hands slid up and cupped her breasts, your thumbs massaging them. As you squeezed them slightly, you gasped. Her soft moans sent chills throughout your body. One of your hands traveled down to her thighs, spreading them and exposing her wet pussy.
Your thumb ran the length of her folds, stroking gently against her clit. She arched her back slightly, lifting her hips up and grinding into your touch as she dug her nails into the skin of your arms. Her moans were loud and desperate while your tongue made contact with her folds. She writhed against you, her back arching higher and higher into your touch as her breathing became more labored. “Oh god,” she panted, her fingers gripping your hair, pulling your head upwards, forcing your tongue deeper inside her, your hands wrapped around her thighs, pulling her body closer to your mouth. Her fingernails raked your scalp as she squirmed beneath you, bucking her hips as hard as she could.
Her breath hitched and your name escaped her lips before she fell limp in your grasp, gasping harshly for air, her chest rising and falling rapidly, and her body shaking violently. You continued to play with her, stroking the tip of her clit in circular motions, working her through her orgasm. She released a low moan as she came, her entire body shuddering as it worked its way down her body. As her eyes flickered open, they gazed at you with a mixture of lust, passion, and affection. "God, you’re so beautiful,” you breathed out to her as she straddled the table, reaching over and unbuckling your belt.
Her fingers pushed your trousers down, the fabric pooling at your ankles. With gentle fingers, she pushed your boxers down to your thighs, releasing your straining cock from the near-suffocating fabric. She lowered herself slowly over your dick, and you couldn’t help but gasp, your eyes closing involuntarily. “So tight,” you murmured breathlessly, pressing back against her, wanting more. She lifted herself up slightly, allowing you enough room.
She spread her lips wide as she let out a whimper. "God, your cock is so fucking big. I never knew you were such a disgusting little slut for me." Your eyes widened slightly, a small blush creeping across your cheeks as your face grew warmer. “I should’ve known you’d love to be degraded like this. You just love it, don’t you?” she smirked slyly, her husky voice dripping with lust as you ran your hand slowly up and down her stomach, caressing her soft breasts. She wrapped her legs around your waist, forcing your dick deeper inside of her, causing the both of you to let out a deep groan in sync, almost like two puzzle pieces that fit exactly together, your bodies merging and your souls becoming one. She let her head fall back against the metal, putting her arms behind her head as your thrusts quickened. Your teeth grazed her earlobe, nipping lightly as the coils in your stomach tightened. You tugged on her nipples, feeling the heat radiate between her thighs as you began slamming into her, giving her exactly what she desired.
You were in complete control of your body, and yet it felt as if she had taken over your mind, filling your thoughts with her and only her. You gripped her tighter, pumping faster and harder each time you slammed into her, leaving purple bruises as your hips snapped into her pelvic area, and sending waves of pleasure crashing through your body. A moan slipped past your lips as Amanda’s grip on your dick tightened, her walls clenching around your cock.
You cried out her name loudly, burying your face into the crook of her neck, your lips trailing up towards her ear. “You drive me crazy, you know that?” She hummed, her voice muffled against your neck and collarbones while her hands found their way to your shoulders. "Mandy, please, I’m going to cum.” Your labored breathing made it hard to understand your words, and your stomach felt tight as your orgasm approached. “I want you to cum inside me; I want to be the one to claim you; taint your mind.” Her words pushed you to the edge, your warm cum spilling into her pussy, leaking out onto her inner thighs. Your body shook as you continued to pound into her, her own orgasm drawing close as you worked her to her second orgasm. “Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum. Such a good boy, doing all of this for me.” Her stomach snapped, her whines increasing in volume as her body shook uncontrollably, her cries mixing with your grunts.
Her nails dug into your back, her energy running out as she laid flat on the cool table, as opposed to the hot sweat on her body. Her breath was slow and steady as she came down from her high, her muscles relaxing as you finally stopped. You rested your forehead against hers, her hands resting on your shoulders, this time relaxed. “If I knew you could do that, I would’ve done this a lot sooner, kid.” She let out a huffed laugh. You smiled at her, brushing a strand of hair away from her face, placing a kiss on her forehead, and handing her your jacket to give her some form of protected modesty, even if you had just spent the last nearly thirty minutes pleasuring her. She slipped the jacket on and stood up, turning around to face you once again, leaning down, and kissing you deeply. “Let’s go get cleaned up; I don’t feel like staying sticky all day." You chuckled and nodded at her, slipping your hand into hers and lacing your fingers together as you headed to the door.
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Your soft snores were all that were heard in your room as Mandy stroked her fingers through your hair. The sun filtered through the blinds and illuminated your sleeping figure. Large, heavy footsteps rang through the hallway as Amanda turned her head towards the sound of “Hi John.” She smiled and gave a little wave. “I welcome you into my home, give you refuge, and this is what I get in turn? This is a new low for you, Amanda.” John stated it blankly, looking away and walking away from the doorway. “New record, I guess.”
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horseimagebarn · 1 year
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hello friends welcome to the horseimagebarn weekly interaction recap where i respond to all the asks reblogs comments etc i received in the previous week every single friday
however as some of you may have noticed i have done you all a disservice in that i missed last weeks recap due to life reasons that i will not specify but i will tell you i have been listening to weezer more than normal which i believe is ample insight into my life at the moment
i beg your pardon in this slight as i take my duty as the horseimagebarn curator very seriously and i know i have dropped the ball a bit recently by decreasing my posting frequency and missing out on last weeks recap i sincerely apologize and it will not happen again
to atone i shall include posts from the past two weeks in this weekly recap so that you may see all i have had to say
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i do not know who you are idespisehorses or why you have such hate in your heart but i hope you know you greatly soured my 9 11 and every day after
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she horse on my image til i barn
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horse masseuse thats awesome i am glad your mom enjoys my posts and i wish you and her both very well however i have found my niche as it were on tumblr and i enjoy the folk here very much and i dont think i would get on as well with the facebook crowd and i am not doing this for fame or community though the community here is very nice and enjoyable and a welcome benefit i do this out of love for the craft however i do look at horses on facebook from time to time
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thank you for your praise my friend you see i always found image descriptions to accurately convey the physicality of the image only and never the emotions or aura of the image so i felt that for something debatably non vital like horse images i might try to employ a more abstract and possibly more spiritually accurate manner of writing image descriptions
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never do i feel more satisfaction and joy than i do when i find out the names of the horses in the horseimagebarn this account does excellent work
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it is no worries some horse images are not for everyone
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yes my friend i tag my horses based on ten key emotions though i am planning on adding more when i have the time to go through and resort my posts as i want people to be able to use the tags to find a horse image that reflects whatever emotion they are seeking perfectly if you have any suggestions for new tags please let me know
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please spare me for my sins against car tumblr i fear i will never recover from this
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yes this is true and i have read that a horse if old enough may die due to a lack of teeth if it grinds them down enough in its life
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you can always look at horses on google sweatybeard the horses can sense negativity
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my homie has spotted me in the wild hello homie
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congratulations sylvia42
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my friends you touch me deeply with your messages and i appreciate your patience greatly it heartens me to know so many people enjoy my efforts i have never risen to such heights as i have on this blog and i appreciate you all so much
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i am happy for you my friend i deeply wish to go on a trail ride one day with a horse but i live in a tourist town so it is approximately one million dollars to do such and i am trapped within the throes of capitalism i am glad no horses were harmed on your trip and i am pleased to know you had a wonderful time
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shoutout isaac
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blackbat05 · 9 months
New Beginnings
Oliver Wood x Autistic! Reader
Plot: It's your final Christmas at Hogwarts but that doesn't mean you can't make new friends. While working at the school library, you meet a certain Qudditch Captain who has been observing you for longer than you think.
Genre: PG-13 (warning: suggested degrading terms towards people with special needs but not explicitly mentioned)
A/N: It's that time of the year and my obsession hasn't gone away actually, it's just been dormant. And what better time of the year to do a new character, one that I actually crushed on by simply just reading the books. Thanks @the-slumberparty for letting this gal write so many fics for end of the year!
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Prompts in Bold!
It was a quiet day at the library. The semester break had just started and this meant that many students would be heading back home for the holidays.
You decided to stay at Hogwarts. Your friends expressed their pity but quickly forgot your supposed “plight” as they jabbered on about their holiday plans. Instead of cramped concert venues where wizards and witches would be rubbing all over each other, you decided to take on a position as library assistant at the school library. It was your final semester and you were going to miss this place. Soon, it would be the harsh environment of the working world and you weren’t quite ready to face it yet.
Apart from a student scribbling on his parchment, the library was empty. You decided to flip through the papers, looking at potential job openings for an educator at a school for young wizards and witches with special needs. You marked potential jobs with your wand, not noticing the young wizard in front of you.
“Oh my god! You scared me.” You jump a little at the sight of his burly figure.
“Sorry,” he apologizes, scratching his head sheepishly. “I was hoping you could help me find this book?” He passes you a piece of paper with the title scribbled on it.
“Professional Qudditch techniques?” You raised your brows, looking at the boy over the paper. You knew that you were talking to the Captain of Gryffindor’s Qudditch team. “I believed Madam Pince told me to stock this yesterday. Come along Wood.”
“You know who I am?”
A small smile forms on your lips. “Hard not to when your part of the Furious Seven.” You see his bemused expression and add on hurriedly, “I mean that’s what some people call the team.” You head down the aisle with Oliver Wood trailing behind you like a lost puppy. “Here it is!” You beamed, passing him a thick magenta book.
Oliver beams and thanks you. “So, are you not going back for the holidays?”
“Nah. My family’s inviting relatives over and I don’t really want to answer their intrusive questions. Especially since we’re in our final year.” You say drily and Oliver solemnly nods in understanding. “Besides, I wanted to stay for the school’s Christmas dinner and celebration. I won’t be coming back next year so I want to have a magical Christmas. What about you? Surely you can’t be studying.”
He laughs, “Nope. I was hoping to practice some moves for the professional Qudditch tryouts next year. I’m trying out for Puddlemere United’s reserve team.”
“That’s great!” You say sincerely. “I hope you make it.”
“Thanks Y/N.”
You pause in your tracks, looking at him curiously. “How do you?”
“Know your name?” Oliver finishes helpfully. “Hard not to know the Witch who is advocating for the rights of Wizards and Witches with special needs and doing a far more excellent job than those in the Ministry.”
“You read my posts?” You refer to the commentary on the school’s newspaper and an independent newspaper from the Ministry that you were involved in.
“Of course I did. I’m not going to be reading whatever purist rubbish that the Ministry has.” Oliver responds. The two of you reach the counter and he waits for you to check out his book.
“Um. I was wondering if you’re free tomorrow. Since it's Christmas Eve.” He adds hastily as you looked at him curiously.
“Sure. I would like to get a book from the local bookstore. Perhaps we could have a few butter beers while we’re at it.” You suggest. Oliver grins and you can’t help but to match his as well. You’ve never talked to him for this long before and you’ve only seen him from afar at the Qudditch matches. Kind of odd really that he’s reaching out before the lot of you graduate.
“It’s a da- deal!” He agrees a little too loudly as Madam Pince shoots her head out from one of the shelves and gives him a glare. You giggle softly.
“It’s a deal.”
You meet Oliver at the entrance to Hogsmeade. You can’t help but to notice that even all under that clothing, Oliver’s physique was still prominent. You prayed that the cold weather would cool your cheeks.
“Shall we?” He offers and the two of you trudge along the snow covered path.
Despite the two of you only having a real conversation the day before, it felt as if like you've known him since the very beginning. As the Captain of the Qudditch team, you always thought that he would be unapproachable and up there. On the contrary, he was charming and jovial, making you laugh at an incident that he recounted on the Qudditch field.
"You know a lot about the sport." Oliver remarks as you also added in your two cents on the recent match between the bottom two teams on the league table.
"My dad watches it. He's a huge fan. I think the two of you will get on swimmingly."
"Why didn't you join Qudditch then?" Oliver asks. He clearly remembers in first year of broom practice with Madam Hooch, you were one of the few students who could control their broom with ease and even managed to have a good swing at the practice bludgers Madam Hooch threw at you.
"Let's just say that I was a free spirit." You enter the warm bookstore and greet the saleswizard who directed you to the newest releases. Satisfied with your find, you retrieve another book and thrust it into Oliver's hands.
"I didn't want to say anything while Madam Pince was there but this is the newest version of Professional Qudditch Techniques. It has a few extra pages at the back that discusses Puddlemere United's training system and why its so effective."
Oliver is about to reach out, presumably to pay but you have a tight grip on the book. "A Christmas present." You tell him.
You hurriedly look away and Oliver can't help but to notice how your sniffing due to the cold (and also nerves at your attempt to get closer to him). He doesn't know the actual reason for your sudden sinus of course so he wraps his scarf around your neck. The saleswizard gives you a playful grin and shake your head furiously while Oliver is engrossed in a sports magazine, blissfully unaware.
Your last stop for the day was the Three Broomsticks. Oliver orders two mugs of butterbeer that you force yourself not to down with relish.
"Thanks for today." You nurse your mug. "I really enjoyed it. Best Christmas ever."
"So did I. My parents wanted me to be home for the holidays but I'm glad I made the right decision." Oliver has an unreadable expression and a honey-like gaze that would have gotten you stuck if you were transfixed on him any longer. The bell to the Three Broomsticks rings, signaling new customers and also the change in Oliver's expression.
"Flint." He hisses and you turn around to see the Slytherin Captain with a bunch of his cronies snarling at Oliver. Flint had a nasty grin plastered on his face. Oliver takes you by the wrist and you end up sitting beside him as the group approaches menacingly.
"What do we have here? I didn't know you had time to pick up girls?" Marcus Flint's slimy undertones made your skin crawl. You unknowingly grip Oliver's hands tighter under the table. You never liked the whole lot of them. For a very good reason as well. They would constantly make hateful and degrading comments at the cause that you were championing, even going as far as harassing you anonymously with thinly veiled death threats. You couldn't catch everyone, but you knew Marcus was one of many.
"Sod off Flint." Oliver shoots but obviously falls on death ears. In fact, this eggs on Marcus' taunts. His eyes fall on you and narrow into slits. You almost shrink into a ball and this does not go unnoticed by Oliver.
“So, L/N. Written any tasteless posts lately?”
Your mouth goes dry and Marcus continues to launch his assault on you. He turns to one of his cronies. “Hey, did anyone see that post about how wizards and witches with special needs should be able to attend schools?”
A snort of assent goes around and you go bright pink, fighting to keep your temper down in a public place.
“What a whole lot of dung that was. Hogwarts is already ridden with blood traitors and mudbloods. We certainly don’t need more charity cases.”
This time, you find yourself holding onto Oliver whose knuckles have gone red. He knew that both your parents were muggles.
“Did you know?” Marcus says to no one in particular but his voice is annoyingly loud. “I’ve heard a rumor.” His smile is almost sinister. “Y/N here is apparently… a special needs witch as well. A reta-”
Before Marcus can get another word out, a loud sickening crunch could be heard from Oliver’s fist coming into contact with Marcus’ jaw.
“You keep your bloody mouth shut Flint!” Oliver was shaking in rage. “Y/N, let me at him!”
“Oliver stop! He’s not worth it!” You hold him back while Marcus is held up by his cronies. “Please!” You stand in front of him and this seems to snap Oliver out of his rage induced trance. “Get lost before I break your hand next.” He snarls.
Marcus keeps his mouth shut but is shaking from fury and embarrassment from the attention that the scuffle had attracted. He storms out of the establishment, cronies slithering behind him. The Three Broomsticks resumes its normal hustle, leaving you and Oliver to clean up the mess that was a result of the fight.
You stay silent throughout the rest of the trip, all the way back to Hogwarts. Oliver thinks that he’s royally screwed up this time and is wrecking his brains on how to apologize.
“Come on in.” You tickle the pear and the door to the Hufflepuff common room opens. “Let me see your hand.”
Oliver blinks but doesn’t say anything. He follows you quietly into the common room that was thankfully empty.
“Sit.” You direct him to the sofa as you rummage through the shared medical supplies. You wordlessly take his hand and Oliver goes stiff as a gargoyle. Working your magic, the bruise on Oliver’s hand is virtually non existent and doesn’t feel sore when he grabs the cup of water on the coffee table.
“Thank you.” You speak up. “No one ever has done that for me.” You throw the last of the medicinal jars into the kit, returning it back to its original place with a flick of the wand.
“It’s what I would have done. You’re a hundred times better than them, pureblood or not.” Oliver states. Curiosity crawls up his neck and he wants to ask about the unsavory rumor about you floating around Hogwarts. But you beat him to it first.
“When I was four, I wasn’t hitting the typical milestones a wizard or witch would. My parents were worried and sent me to every muggle doctor and therapist in hopes that I would get better. It was a tough journey but with my parents’ support, I’m able to be here today.” You explained. “That’s why I’m so passionate about what I do. Because I see myself in them. Hell, I am them.”
“I didn’t know.” Is all Oliver can say. You smile sadly.
“I didn’t tell anyone. Despite what I’m doing, you’ll be surprised that there’s still stigma surrounding the magical world regarding special needs wizards as witches.”
A lull of silence falls between the two of you.
“Well, you’re still the same in my eyes.” Oliver insists. “Beautiful, brave and bold.” He realizes what he had just said and goes beet red. You can’t help but to think it’s adorable.
“Thanks. For believing in me.” Before you can even understand what is happening, the door to your heart has opened. You feel vulnerable but strangely… you’re okay with that. You lean forward and give him a kiss on his cheek.
The sight in front of you is hilarious - Oliver holds a hand to his cheek, mouth slightly agape. You laugh at his apparent shock and you don’t know where you get the bravery or confidence from.
“Do you need me to kiss you again?”
Oliver snaps out of his stupor and this time it’s his turn to leave you stuttering. “Yeah. I need you to kiss me properly this time.”
A pair of wolf whistles emit from the entrance of the common room and you see a familiar pair of redheads with identical grins.
“Way to go Cap!”
“And we thought you were only married to Qudditch!”
Oliver rolls his eyes good-naturedly. “Piss off you two.”
George Weasley raises his hands up in mock surrender. “Don’t your get your pants in a twist Wood. We just wanted to tell you that Christmas dinner is starting in ten. We couldn’t find you in the common room so we’ve been looking everywhere.”
“Everywhere except here apparently.” Fred adds helpfully, dodging a cushion that Oliver throws his way.
“Don’t be late!” The twins singsong and leaves you two alone once again.
"I'm so sorry about those two." Oliver groans. To his surprise, you didn't look the slightest bit mad. You shift closer to him and Oliver has to steady his heart as you look at him.
"Can I hold your hand?"
Oliver goes slack for a moment. It's funny if he thinks about it. You've kissed him on the cheek for Godric's sake! But like on the Qudditch pitch, he recovers quickly and takes the lead instead, reaching out to grab your hand that slots perfectly with his. As you leave the common room and head to the Great Hall where you can already hear the festivities in full swing, Oliver stops abruptly.
He looks so serious that you wondered if he completely malfunctioned from the moment you two had in the common room.
"You forgot something," Oliver says and you feel his lips on yours. He slowly parts, observing your expression with a lopsided grin. "A kiss."
A cold gust of wind brushes by and the two of you look out to see the first snowfall of your last year at Hogwarts. "What do you know? First snowfall of our first day together."
Once you snap out of your trance, you playfully smack him on his broad shoulder and he sprints away from you.
"You are a cheeky one Oliver Wood!" You yell.
"Yeah?" He turns around, stopping right outside the entrance of the Great Hall. "But at least I'm yours! Hey! Everyone!" He attracts attention from everyone in the hall - students, professors and even Headmaster Dumbledore himself. "I'm finally going out with Y/N L/N!"
You run after him as loud whoops from the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff table could be heard. Even the faculty were exchanging serene smiles at the sight of young love despite the imminent tough times that were about to descend on them any moment.
It was your last year at Hogwarts. Your final Christmas celebration with a place you called home for the past seven years. But with every ending, comes a new beginning.
In this case, one that involved a very charming Qudditch Captain who saw you for who you were.
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