#I Should tag these lmao so. driveblogging it is
ken-f-cker · 1 year
Drive the book facts!
following his head-on collision with the mustang, a guy in a pickup truck offers him a ride because 'I’m guessing is you may have good reason not to be around once the Man arrives'
pickup truck guy takes Driver out for lunch and then brings him home as well. if I had a nickel for every time Driver missed that someone wants to fuck him I'd have like a dollar by now
driver drinks with the guy at his trailer until the guy passes out. driver steals his truck and leaves him a 'thank you' note and a stack of $50 bills
one of the memories driver has of his mother is of being nine or ten and watching her put together a mail-order accent table, with her first being happy about it then being upset that it didn't look like it did in the catalogue
also mentioned in this memory is 'Always agree. That was the first rule.' and 'Watch closely: that's the second rule.'
he has his hair 'buzzed almost to the scalp' at a barbershop and then picks up oversized clothes and 'wraparound mirror shades' next door before going to Nino's
at Nino's, he kills a young security guard who's out for a smoke with wire around his neck and leaves a Nino's coupon with 'we deliver' circled in his pocket
that being said the bag wasn't mentioned but there's a line about you got your money back so I think he might have dropped off the bag with the money with the security guard?
Bernie Rose (Bernard Wolfe Rosenwald) and Nino (Isaiah Paolozzi) have known each other since they were six; 'Izzy' is an old childhood nickname Nino had but Bernie's never used it for him until now, telling him that he's going to be out from business with Nino after they take care of Driver
like the movie, stealing the money was also something Nino did on the side without telling bernie
there's also a line about, after they finish a bottle of wine together, 'Old days, they’d jam a candle into the neck, put it on one of the tables. Goddamn romantic.' which I'm choosing to believe means they're divorced™
driver follows Bernie to a Chinese place and breaks into his car while he's eating to get his address from his car registration. he leaves another Nino's coupon, this time with a smiley face drawn on it, taped to the steering wheel
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