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cloudabserk · 3 months ago
i hate my boss i hate my boss i hate my boss
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busycryin · 4 years ago
Pairing: Benjamin ‘Benny’ Miller x Reader 
Word Count: 2k 
Warnings: Injury, bad words, mentions of sex. 
Summary: Benny gets injured and loses his filter.  (Not that he had much of one to begin with)
Note: This is self indulgent fluff. I regret nothing. I am in love with all of these men. 
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It was never your idea of a fun Friday night - watching Benny get the ever living shit beaten out of him. 
Until six months ago you’d never have even set foot in an event such as this, but here you were, beer in hand watching the brother of your best friend take an uppercut to the face in a fight you think he was winning. 
To you Benny was the gentle giant; a sweet guy who topped up the window wiper fluid in your car when it got low or the guy that gave you the last hot dog at the barbeque because he knew you secretly hated Frankie’s burgers. In this ring he was one hundred percent the warrior you’d heard stories of as a mask of icy calculation had descended across his features. 
The outside world was shut out; it was just him and his opponent in the ring.
His opponent just so happened to be a gorilla - there was no other way to describe the mans body as his arms were thick chords of muscles covering bone - somehow managing to make Benny look lithe. 
You were still new to this but you weren’t quite sure how he was even in the same weight class.
Christ, this was bad for your blood pressure.
You couldn’t help the butterflies fluttering around your stomach despite the fact that for every hit Benny took he landed two. The two were locked into a hold on the ground, you didn’t quite understand what was happening, but Ben had somehow got the upper hand. It was as he held the man down that the bell finally rang and you released a breath you didn’t realise you were holding; the round was over. 
Santiago, another friend of Will’s who was standing beside you and Frankie, blew out a heavy breath. 
“This is a fuckin’ close one.”
“Guys fuckin’ huge.” Frankie echoed your thoughts whilst taking a sip of his beer. 
Will was bent over Benny talking into his ear as the younger of the duo desperately chugged his water bottle. He looked absolutely exhausted, your heart was beating madly in your chest; you decided to remain silent. 
All too soon the break was over and the mouth guard was back in place protecting those pearly whites that were often directed at you in a half-smirk/half-grin concoction that always signalled he was up to no good. 
“Don’t worry, Guapa! Ben’s got this, he’s one tough sonovabitch.” Frankie patted your back reassuringly. Somehow you weren’t convinced but you smiled at both of the men, nodding enthusiastically and draining your half full beverage. 
You knelt to place your cup under your seat, rising finally as the bell rang, signalling the beginning of a new round of torture. Your hands interlocked nervously in front of your mouth flinching at every hit the other man landed on Benny. 
You felt Santiago pat your shoulder and shoot you a smile whilst he cheered for the younger Miller. “He’s got this, Y/N.” He spoke, repeating Frankie’s earlier reassurances.
Benny did not have this. 
As was made evidently clear a couple of minutes later when the two were grappling on the ground, his opponent had got the upper hand and was above him trying to get him to submit. But Benny being Benny wouldn’t give in, despite being banged to rights. 193 pounds didn’t seem so heavy right now as his opponent twisted his arm to the ground, his thick legs wrapped around Ben’s torso. 
Your heart dropped as you could’ve swore you heard the crack of bone over the crowd. Finally Benny tapped. 
The fight was over, he’d lost. 
Santiago had thrown his hat off raking his fingers through his hair in disappointment “Mierda! I thought he had it!”
“That guy was fucking massive, I hope he’s okay.” You mumbled when you realised Ben was still sitting on the padded ground. 
“Let’s go see, eh?” Frank gestured towards the ring where a medic had now entered, tailed closely by Will. You had to stop yourself from racing to his side as sat injured in the ring.
You see, you and Benny had a complicated relationship.
Well it wasn’t that difficult, simply put Ben was a bit of a slut, now you didn’t judge him. Live and let live, you say, but casual sex just wasn’t your thing. Especially not with the brother of your best friend. You’d come to rely on your easy friendship with the older Miller brother so you avoided your relationship with Ben going beyond flirting - your friendship wasn’t something you wanted to fuck with on a whim. 
So, a strange friendship in limbo was where you and Benjamin Miller firmly remained. 
Benny was pulled up into standing, his face was pale as the MMA medic inspected his arm. The man shook his head at Will as they walked, both supporting the injured man. 
“-dislocated, he’s gonna have to go to the ER.” The three of you caught the end of the conversation as you followed the trio. 
“He okay?” Frankie questioned first “Going to the hospital?”
“Yeah, the idiot pushed himself too far. Popped his shoulder out of the socket instead of submitting.”
“Shit, Ben! Are you okay?” You asked, rushing to his side.
“I’m fine Y/N.” He grunted ever the hard headed soldier, his face was laced with pain even as he tried to be impassive in his agony. 
You backed off at his clear dismissal, not wanting to push him whilst he was in such pain.
“We’ll meet you there, yeah?” Santiago questioned.
In the end, you and ‘Pope’ sat in the hospital chairs for an hour or two waiting. Frankie had waited for an hour before he had to get back to his family, the two of you had insisted he get back. It wasn’t fair on Mama Morales to have to look after the baby on her own. 
Santiago was the friend of Will’s you knew the least. He was always kind but he simply was never around. He came and went as he pleased much like an outdoor cat, but in the short time you’d been around him you knew he was a nice guy. Two, going on three hours alone talking about nonsense had pretty much cemented that as you now sat in the waiting room playing go fish, waiting desperately to hear some news about your - What exactly was Benny to you?
Your crush? No. You weren’t in Kindergarten.
Your friend? No. Not enough.
The guy you had incredibly strong feelings for - the kind that made that tingle in your stomach when he laughed at your jokes but you can’t tell him because he’s a man whore who can’t commit to one woman? No. Abit long, not to mention a complete overshare. 
Your person.
You were waiting desperately to hear some news about your person when finally Will rounded the corner. You stood before you realised what you were doing.
“He okay?”
“Yeah, he’s good. Asking about you Y/N, come and see him?”
“Of course.” You reply picking up your purse. 
Both you and Santi follow Will through the winding hospital halls. You hear Benjamin before you see him.
“I wanna rock and roll all night and party everyday! ” His usually melodious voice is hoarse and slurred, he sounded somewhat drunk as he butchered the rock song from his favourite band.
“I love you too, man.” Will says with a small smile on his face as he sits on one of the chairs beside the bed. 
“He’s had some anesthesia. He’s pretty high right now, so brace yourselves.” He’s sitting up in the bed arm wrapped in a sling, staring up at the ceiling as he sings (shouts) when you round the corner.
“Will, you’re back!” He lights up as he sees his brother “I love you.”
However Will is forgotten instantly as soon as Benny catches sight of you. “Will! This is her, Christ, its the angel I fuckin’ told you about!”
“Calm down, Ben.” Will still has the smile on his face but he tilts his head to the other patient behind the curtain being subjected to his younger brother's lack of an indoor voice.
“How are you doing, Brother?” Santi questions, sitting on the chair to the other side of him. 
He looks at Santiago. “Pope! Have you seen her? She’s so gorgeous, man. She’s here.”
You chuckle as you walk to stand beside him on the bed. He instantly takes your hand in his good one and pats the bed beside him. You can’t help but acquiesce despite the cloudy look in his eyes. It’s like the lights are all on but nobody's really home.
You hop up, facing him sideways on. You’re not about to cuddle the man in front of Will and Santiago, no matter how desperately you’d like to.
“How you feeling, Soldier?”
“Better now you’re here, Angel.” You can’t help the snort that comes out at his words. 
“I’m glad I can help.”
“You could help me in another way y’know Y/N.” He smirks in a way that is so completely Benny you almost forget he’s delirious. 
“I think you might regret this when you have a filter, lovely.”
“You hear that Will?” Benny’s whisper isn’t quite as stealthy as he believes as his voice is barely quieter than a shout. “She fuckin’ called me lovely, I’m fuckin in there man!”
“...No way...” Will replies simultaneously trying and failing to keep a straight face.  “Y’know Ben you might want to calm down, you might be making Y/N uncomfortable.”
“Y/N… Oh god Y/N. She's gorgeous man, inside and out and her tits -Man her tits are-” He makes a growling noise. 
“Ben!” Will admonishes whilst Santiago is looking on, his hand covering his mouth desperately trying to contain his chortles. “I think you should get some rest buddy.”
“I’ma do that. I’ma put my arms down, my head back and get some rest.” Benny tells his brother resolutely all whilst nodding his head and in his defense he does just that… for a grand total of ten seconds before his blue eyes reopen and fix on you. 
“Y/N?” Benny ‘whispers’ whilst tugging on your hand that is still firmly locked with his good one. 
“I think we should have a baby.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah. We can have like 6 babies and I’ma’ fuck you so good every single night for the rest of our lives and we can have our own barbecues and I’ll cook you up the hamburgers special.” You can’t help it as your eyes widen exposing the whites in their entirety. You’re trapped somewhere between laughing and mortification as you know there’s no way in hell Will and Santi didn’t hear that.
“I’m not a baby machine dude, six kids is alot for my body to handle.”
“You’ll think about it?” He asks his eyes heavy as they lock on yours.
“Moron,” You chuckle whilst raising the hand which is not currently his prisoner and push the strand of dirty blonde hair from his eyes “You get some rest and I’ll give you all the babies you can handle, big guy.” 
“If I go to sleep am I going to die?”
“No, Ben. You won’t die.” You can’t help a final giggle at his expense, apparently Benjamin Miller without a filter is quite the character. Finally he closed his eyes, his strong much larger hand still wrapped around your own as he drifted off.
A few moments passed and nobody seemed to know what to say. Every suspicion they’d had, had been confirmed. You hoped to god they weren’t going to tease him about it.
“Don’t make fun of him too badly when he wakes up, fellas.” You mumble awkwardly, your eyes not leaving his face. 
“That’s my line.” Will pipes up from his seat when you finally meet his eyes. “My brothers a stubborn guy, he’ll see this as a screwing things up with you Y/N/N.”
“He never said anything. The guy’s impossible to read.” 
“Nah, you’re just too close to it, is all.” Will supplied - ever the guiding light in your world recently.
“Well. We’ll see, won't we?” The guys start discussing the fight, about where Ben went wrong - something you didn’t really want to think about for a long time - or in the very least until his shoulder was healed. 
Finally during the lull of conversation as they’re both checking their phones you go to ask Will when they’re releasing the giant moron when Santiago finally speaks up. “So, Y/N. You and Ben mind naming one of the kids after me? I figure with 6 of em’ you can spare at least one for the namesake.”
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All - @benakenalove
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