#I NEED TO HIT YOU UP ON DISCORD AGAIN SOON - my social battery has been really low lately so i'm sorry for that ; - ;
destinychose-a1 · 4 years
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*      @saiichii​​ sent a message :     oooh plots pls! ( if you're still accepting ) for eijirou and / or any of the others on the interest check!
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( 𝟏 )    SENKU + HIRO.      I’m not sure if you’re familiar with Dr. Stone, but please know that Senku and Hiro could get along fantastically. To put it simply, Senku is a teenage genius, similarly to Hiro, with a strong passion ( and mind ) for science. I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this, but with Hiro’s skill in robotics and Senku’s scientific mind, they’d play off one another really well. I can imagine the two of them staying up to the early hours of the morning working on projects together, inventing and experimenting, coming up with incredible ( or incredibly dangerous ) ideas and using their combined knowledge to achieve new things. 
As Senku was miles ahead of his peers in terms of intelligence, he’ll be able to relate to Hiro greatly in the sense that they never really fit in with people their age ( well, Senku did have Taiju and Yuzuriha, admittedly ), so to that end he won’t even bat an eye at Hiro’s age or the fact that he’s entering college several years early. He’s not really one to make judgements based on anything like that, as he vastly prefers logic despite having the biggest heart going.
( 𝟏.𝟏 )      Luckily, as Senku can fit in easily with a modern verse / Hiro’s canon verse, we have a few options in terms of plots! Senku canonically visits a lot of different places growing up, so it stands to reason that he could end up in San Fransokyo for one reason or another, or Hiro could potentially visit Japan. I can see Senku really respecting Hiro’s opinions and skills, forging a sort of kinship with him and their shared love of science.
Senku could potentially offer a hand in the development of new equipment or chemicals with Big Hero Six, if he ever learned of their existence!
( 𝟏.𝟐 )      This one is pretty dependent on your knowledge of Dr. Stone’s universe ( no pressure whatsoever! ), but it could be pretty fun to explore something set after the petrification of humanity and seeing how Hiro fits in with the Kingdom of Science, especially if we developed something where Hiro and Senku knew one another ( however briefly ) before the petrification. The idea of Senku having yet another science buddy alongside him to help rebuild human civilisation is a really wholesome one and I’m into it. Hiro would undoubtedly be in charge of engineering and helping the Kingdom of Science build machinery and modes of transport, given his expertise!
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( 𝟐 )    HARUKI + HIRO.      With your KNY verse in mind, I feel like my KNY OC, Haruki, and Hiro could also get along really well ( if you’d like to know more about them, feel free to hit me up and I’ll happily rant away for ... a while ). Similarly to Hiro, Haruki is an inventor at heart, something they dedicate themselves to fully after retiring from their status as Pillar. They’re still learning how to fashion weaponry to a high standard, so there’s every chance that they could learn a thing or two from Hiro when it comes to crafting swords in order to expand their repertoire. 
I can imagine Haruki naturally, if not unintentionally, assuming an older sibling figure to Hiro, being somewhat teasing but very supportive and attentive. They have a tendency to gravitate towards those younger than them, likely as they seem them as more vulnerable and in need of support/protecting, something they unconsciously carry with them after they lost their sister at such a young age. They certainly don’t seek to replace her, but they have a soft spot for kids and want to see them become the best person they can be, which will naturally extend to Hiro over time!
( 𝟐.𝟏 )      I imagine Haruki and Hiro’s shared enthusiasm for weaponry and forging them is what brings them together in the first place. Haruki stubbornly sought out the hidden Swordsmith Village ( going as far as requesting Oyakata-sama allow them to visit ) after losing their leg and retiring as they were desperate to continue being of use to the Demon Slaying Corps and wanted to learn how to forge weapons for their fellow Demon Slayers. This could provide a decent meeting point for Hiro and Haruki! As for where to go from there... Haruki could learn some tips and tricks from Hiro, offer to accompany him places to collect any materials he might need etc etc, share their own ideas and inventions with him... Anything beyond that is totally up to where plotting might lead us if you’re interested!!
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alifeincoffeespoons · 4 years
a moony has spawned in the server, chapter ten
“Do you know what time it is?” Remus’s father paces around the bedroom, his hands clasped behind his back. “It’s three in the morning.”
Wisely, Remus doesn’t say that it’s actually 2:40 in the morning, which, while close to three in the morning, is not technically three in the morning.
“Do you remember what time your mother told you to be home?”
“Midnight,” Remus says quietly, fiddling with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. With a jolt, he realizes that he’s still wearing Peter’s father’s jersey, and he makes a mental note to get that fixed as soon as he can. “Dad, I’m sorry—”
“Do you know how worried your mother and I were?” His father cuts him off, continuing to pace. “We’ve been waiting for hours. You can’t imagine what we thought might have happened to you. Your mother and I kept trying to call you, and you didn’t pick up once. She even called Mrs. Pettigrew, Remus, and when she told us she didn’t know where you were, do you know what the look on your mother’s face was like? She thought you got into an accident, Remus, and that you were hurt. She thought you were in the hospital. Can you even begin to imagine how worried we were?”
I probably can now, Remus doesn’t say. And, to be perfectly honest, he can’t quite imagine his father being as worried as his mother, but that’s also something he definitely shouldn’t say. “I wasn’t drinking or anything,” he protests weakly instead. “I drove really carefully.”
His father sighs, sitting back down onto Remus’s bed. “It doesn’t matter if you weren’t. It’s Halloween night, Remus. I was a high schooler once too. I know how it goes. One person runs a stop sign or forgets to signal when they make a left turn, and bam. Two broken ribs and a $10,000 hospital bill for EMT services in your bank account.”
There are any number of things Remus could say. He could tell his father that he was just trying to get Fleur and Tonks home safely. He could tell his father that he managed to fall asleep at the party, erasing both a good three hours from his memory and his ability to remember how to check the time on his phone. He could tell his father that he really, truly, didn’t realize how late it had gotten until five minutes before he pulled into the driveway.
All he can muster, though, is a weak “I’m sorry.”
“I know you are,” his father replies. “But that doesn’t change the fact that you missed curfew by two hours, didn’t call either of us to let us know where you were, and made us think you got into a car accident.”
To be honest, all of those accusations seem more like assumptions to Remus, but it’s not like they’re entirely untrue. “I’m really, really sorry. I shouldn’t have done that to you or Mom,” he says, hoping he sounds sincere enough that his father will take pity on him and let Remus go to sleep.
“Yes, well, I’m glad to see that you understand your mistakes,” his father says, standing back up. “But your mother and I can’t just let this go. We need you to never do something like this again.”
“I won’t,” Remus says quickly. “I promise.”
“We need more than your word, Remus. Before your mother went to bed, she and I discussed suitable punishments, and we decided that it would be reasonable for you to be grounded for a week.”
“Oh.” To be honest, that’s better than Remus would have expected. It’s not like he leaves the house enough for a grounding to mean anything.
“We’ll also be confiscating your phone and your laptop—”
“What?” Remus can’t even try to keep the incredulity out of his voice. “I mean, I need my laptop for school, though. And I need my phone to communicate with you and Mom. Like, wasn’t that the whole point of this? I need to communicate more with you guys? You can’t just—take them away.”
“You can use my old laptop for the week,” his father says dismissively. “We’ll make sure it runs all your lectures and discussion groups smoothly, and then everything will be fine. You’re grounded, so not having your phone shouldn’t make a difference.”
His father’s old laptop is a Macbook from nearly a decade ago. It has the processing power of a leaking AA Battery, and there’s no chance in hell he can download Discord on it without the entire laptop crashing and blue screening so badly that it will never power up again.
It hits him then that he hasn’t spoken to Sirius in nearly half a day, the longest they’ve gone without messaging each other in more than a month. He can’t even imagine what it would be like to not talk to Sirius for an entire week—days of blankness, probably, long stretches of time simply slipping away. The lack of Discord seems even more pressing now.
“Okay, I get why you’re taking away my phone, but why my laptop too?” Remus asks, trying to keep any notes of panic from rising up. “I only ever use it for school anyway.” Lies, lies, blatant lies, but his father wouldn’t know otherwise.
“Well, we thought it would teach you a lesson better than a grounding alone could. Besides, you spend too much on that computer anyway,” his father replies. “There are better things you can do with your time, I’m sure.”
So that’s what this is about. He’s not social enough, not responsible enough, never enough—at least not for his father. It doesn’t have anything to do with him being out late at all.
read more on ao3! 
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