half-doomed · 1 year
Pete screaming during disloyal order is something that can be so personal
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koheletgirl · 3 years
number 6!
aahh no i just did 6 :( i'll tell you abouts 1 instead you'll see why
so i got my first tattoo when i was 17, after a year of preparing my parents for it (back then you didn't need their consent if you were over 16 but i did want them to be ok with it). it's on my left foot, and it says "no curtain call".
this of course came from the maroon 5 song. there are many maroon 5 songs that mean the world to me, but this one hit me so hard i couldn't breathe. i remember listening to it for the first time and just. crying. and i'm sure it's not that deep; but it resonated with me on such a deep level when i was 16 that i needed it to be a permanent part of my body.
i'll talk about it a little more under the cut, tw for mental health issues kind of
whenever i explain its meaning to people they ask why i didn't go with "show must go on" instead. and it's a reasonable question, seeing as it's the more popular saying. but i do think there's a difference there that's important to me (and this is just my interpretation) - the absence of the word "must".
i won't get too much into it, but the thing is that (to me at least) it's not a "must" thing, with life. it doesn't have to go on. it just does. and it's a realization that really helped me at 16 - that it doesn't have to be a fight. i can just let it, go on. not close the curtain. see what happens.
this is either too vague or too direct lol
Anyway it hurt like shit dont get your feet tattooed
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waffle--kun-blog · 7 years
Tagged by @soramizuhara, thank you so much!!
• what was your last:
1. drink: Green tea 2. phone call: My girlfriend 3. text message: My girlfriend (ahah she’s everywhere!) 4. song you listened to: “L’amore esiste” by Francesca Michielin (I’m still listening to it!) (.. now that I’m typing, “Talking to the moon” by Bruno Mars started playing..) 5. time you cried: If tearing up and being about to cry counts, maybe about thirty minutes ago.. if we mean just crying, then.. last week, I think.
• have you ever:   
6. dated someone twice: Now, yes.. but we decided not to consider the months that we were apart.  7. kissed someone and regretted it: Kind of, but I realized that I don’t regret it anymore. I just followed my feelings back then and I’ll always be happy to follow them, no matter what happens. 8. been cheated on: Yes. 9. lost someone special: Probably.. 10. been depressed: Probably. I wouldn’t want to mistake a very deep long lasting sadness for.. depression. 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: No, no!
• 3 favorite colors:   
12. Blue 13. Grey 14. White
• in the last year have you:   
15. made new friends: Yes, happily! And all of them are wonderful people! 16. fallen out of love: Nooo 17. laughed until you cried: This happens almost everyday ahah! 18. found out someone was talking about you: Kind of..  19. met someone who changed you: Everyone around me changes me a little bit, or at least, they help me find out who I’m supposed to be. 20. found out who your friends are: Mmh.. maybe! 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: I don’t have Facebook! But if I did, I don’t think I’d ever do anything like that, unless it’s my significant other!
• general:   
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don’t have it lalalala~  23. do you have any pets: A cat and a parrot  24. do you want to change your name: No, there are very beautiful names I’d love to have, but my name means a lot to me.  25. what did you do for your last birthday: I celebrated with my classmates and my girlfriend! They organized a sort of surprise for me in class, it was so beautiful. 26. what time did you wake up: I don’t remember the minutes, but it was around 7 am.. I know I could sleep longer, I have been for a while, but now I’m just back to being a morning person! 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Listening to jazz music (!) ahah! 28. name something you can’t wait for: August 11th~  29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Oh a few minutes ago, she was trying to catch our cat! 31. what are you listening to right now: “Tante Belle Cose” by Cesare Cremonini, I’m answering these questions while just listening to music on shuffle! 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Never ever~ 33. something that is getting on your nerves: .. Nothing! Calm as usual ahah! 34. most visited website: Tumblr, Twitter, Youtube 35. hair colour: Dark brown, even though anyone who’s seeing me recently keeps telling me that my hair is getting a lighter color, maybe it’s because of the sun.. 36. long or short hair: Short but somehow long (?), I’d need to shorten it a bit. 39. piercings: Noooo! 40. blood type: Zero positive .. ..is it fine to write it like this? Should I write it like 0+? ahsdjfgkhl 41. nicknames: Chris, waffle, waffle kun.. and “someone” reminded me: waffle boy (!!!aaaaaaaah) 42. relationship status: Taken 43. zodiac: Pisces 44. pronouns: He/him 45. favourite tv show: X-Files, Psych and Fringe! 46. tattoos: I don’t have any and I’m too scared of needles and pain, but.. maybe I’d like to get something like.. a constellation or a half moon on my neck.. or my wrist.. but I don’t think I’ll ever do it! 47. right or left handed: Left 48. surgery: NOOO NEVER AND I���M HAPPY IT NEVER HAPPENED!! PLEAse no I’m delicate.. 49. piercing: Nope~  50. sport: I’ve never really played any sport, the only one was horseback riding when I was younger, sometimes I still take lessons when I’m in Sardinia. 51. vacation: On the moon! 52. pair of trainers: Aaahh I think I have.. 4 or 5 pair of shoes but I can’t tell if they’re “trainers”!
• more general:   
53. eating: Nothing right now! 54. drinking: Nothing~  55. i’m about to: Watch Re:Zero! 56. waiting for: Oh.. so many things..  57. want: Right now.. I want sweets!! 58. get married: Of course. 59. career: *five year old voice* I WANT TO BE AN ASTRONAUT
• which is better: 
60. hugs or kisses:  Both!! Maybe more kisses but both.. or kissing while hugging.. ahhhhh stop I’m getting flustered.. 61. lips or eyes: Eyes 62. shorter or taller: It doesn’t matter! 63. older or younger: It doesn’t matter, as long as the age gap isn’t huge! My very first girlfriend was slightly older than me. 64. nice arms or nice stomach: ... Nice heart 65. hook up or relationship: Relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant maybe, even though my girlfriend is more of a troublemaker and I feel that it actually helps me get out of my... ocean of thoughts a bit... she balances me!
• have you ever:
67. kissed a stranger: Does kissing on the cheek count?? I know I already said this ahah but it’s common to greet others by kissing their cheek here, so I kiss a lot of strangers (when I have to talk to them for some reason)! 68. drank hard liquor: Nooo I don’t drink. 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Like I said last time, I don’t wear them, but I’m sure I’d lose them if I did! 70. turned someone down: Yes. 71. sex on the first date: Aaahhhh no I didn’t even ever.. .. .. no 72. broken someone’s heart: .. Yes 73. had your heart broken: Yes.. 74. been arrested: No, but ARREST ME RIGHT NOW. DO IT 75. cried when someone died: When I found out that one of the singers I emotionally clinged to the most committed suicide.. yes. I cried, for two days. 76. fallen for a friend: Yes, but after all, I’d think I’d be able to fall for someone only after getting close to them!
• do you believe in:   
77. yourself: Yes. It took me a lot of time to realize this.. but I really can rely on myself. 78. miracles: Yes!! 79. love at first sight: Aaahh I explained myself in the last post similar to this that I had made ahah, it’s so complicated! ahsjdfkg 80. santa claus: IT’S ME 81. kiss on the first date: I personally do, because I’ve always done it. Because I’ve started dating others only after getting extremely close to them, getting to know them, and the first thing we always did after confessing to each other was kissing. Like.. “I just want to kiss you, I’ve waited so long for this.” 82. angels: Yes!
• other:   
83. current best friend’s name: Always Gennaro~ what would I do without him!! 84. eye colour: Mine? Grey. 85. favourite movie: TOO MANY TOO MANY
Tagging: ... aahh aaaall right, I’ve been saying “whoever wants to do this” for too long, I guess I’m going to actually tag someone, ahah! 
@iced--tea  @pancaketrash (HI ABBY), @rin-fate and @fillyreports (HELLO THERE YOU TWOOO), @komaedas-ass, @my-melancholia, please don’t feel forced to do this, it’s okay if you don’t feel like it and I apologize in advice if that’s the case! 
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kristallioness · 7 years
A nocturnal concert
Summary: Aang reminisces while enjoying listening to the birds singing and being with Katara.
Word count: 1,438
Author's note: Nature can be so inspiring. I opened my living room window to let some fresh air into our stuffy apartment and take a break from sitting in front of my laptop. I was greeted by the most beautiful ornithological orchestra I've heard this year (the thrush nightingales!) + nice, refreshing, cold, but slightly humid air (like after a warm rain during summer). And I just imagined this scene happening (wondering how to write down what I felt while gazing out of the window at 4 am in the morning and hearing that spectacular bird symphony). Set postwar, but before the events in "The Promise" trilogy.
Lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub... That soothing rhythm was the last thing Katara had heard before her diamond blue eyes fell shut and she began snoozing. Besides that, she'd felt how her makeshift pillow rose and descended below her head, repeatedly. His body around her and the fur underneath her provided her with almost all the warmth she needed during this slightly chilly spring night.
Aang gently let his hand run up and down her side, then her back, and through her soft hair to comb it once in awhile. It tickled his own left side a little, but he didn't mind. The image of Katara sleeping on his chest was too beautiful to ruin by waking her up. She seemed so relaxed and at peace - her lips just a tad parted from the middle in the shape of a tiny 'O', her eyes hidden beneath those pretty lashes, her brows not furrowed with worry about the state of the world. Her left hand spread across his chest, very near her own face, so practically above his heart. She'd let the steady beating of his heart lull her to sleep.
Now the waterbender was curled up right next to the airbender, who was holding her close to him. She almost looked like a baby in the fetal position, seeking comfort from her mother. Instead, Katara had her boyfriend. And Aang had her, but also Appa, whose front left leg they were sleeping on, and Momo, who was very much awake. The winged lemur had curled his tail around the airbender's neck and found a cosy sitting position on top of his bald head.
Aang didn't wanna fall asleep just yet, he was enjoying listening to the birds singing to their small group. Katara had originally planned to stay up with him, but he couldn't help it if she liked listening to his heartbeat just as much as he did to the fauna around them.
Aang had already seen a flock of migrating cranefish fly over them. Seeing as though it was early spring and the weather was becoming warmer by the day, it made sense for these birds to start heading back to their homes near the coastal areas of the Earth Kingdom. Those pretty slim creatures reminded Aang of how he used to go flying similar-looking kites with all the other airbender kids a hundred years ago. Momo gazed into the boy's grey eyes while he was staring at the cranefish flying high in the starry, but slightly cloudy sky.
"I know, buddy.. I miss them, too," Aang sighed and whispered to his companion, after which he patted the lemur's head. Momo released a low purr before lowering his head down on the airbender's blue arrow tattoo again. Aang shifted his gaze to Katara and slowly laid his hand in the middle of his chest, on top of hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. He didn't expect her to squeeze back just as gently, but the gesture warmed his heart and helped wash away his sorrow, regardless of whether she did it consciously or not. She was the reborn form of the air nomads' love for him. She had such an incredible power over him that sometimes Aang wondered whether she was aware of how much she really meant to him, just how much she affected him. It was something that never ceased to amaze him.
And it seemed that they weren't the only couple camping in that forest. There was a pair of doves cooing something to each other nearby. Aang had forgotten that those majestic white birds could sound so gentle, so loving.. But how horrible their screams were when they had to flee from a burning forest. The memories flashed through his eyes - the long wait as the sky turned red due to the passing comet, not realizing when the battle had already begun as he firebended an enormous amount of flames towards the Fire Lord's airship, fighting for his life, for the future of the entire world, for his friends.. for Katara.
Aang shook his head, careful not to budge too much. He was surprised she hadn't woken up due to his rapid heartbeat and fast breathing. Partly, Aang didn't wanna remember those events, hence he focused on something else to calm down. The most important battle of his life was over, it was in the past. He wanted to remember the good times during the war as well as what came after the declaration of the Harmony Restoration Movement. The four nations finally living together in peace and harmony, having fun with his friends who were now safe, not constantly having to worry about getting captured or killed, and of course, being together with Katara.
A messenger hawk cawed close by, a sound that didn't scare them so much anymore. Sure they were on edge when an urgent message was delivered to them, but other than that those red birds didn't bother them. A loud snore emanating from the saddle on Appa's back made Aang wonder how much Sokka must've missed Hawky. Did Toph's letter ever reach her parents? He'll have to ask her the next time they see each other. The airbender hoped everything was fine with his earthbending master. They'd heard rumours of her starting a metalbending school somewhere near a place called Yu Dao, one of the oldest Fire Nation colonies in the Western Earth Kingdom. They should be heading there in about three months' time.
Aang supported his head against Appa's fluffy fur, nuzzling his nose into Katara's hair above her temple. She smelled of the moon flowers he'd weaved into her hair in the afternoon, the fresh water of the slow streaming river they'd been waterbending in for almost an hour in the evening.
The weather was a bit humid at night, too. There'd been a few rain showers during the past two days. Their surroundings would become quite foggy in a matter of hours since the air felt rather warm, at least warm enough to tell it was spring already. Luckily there were waves of cool breezes, which caressed the young lovers' bare skin to keep them company, so thanks to the cold most of the annoying bugs hadn't come out of hiding yet to bother them.
Just then, Aang heard two blue jays beginning to call each other. One was probably perching on the trees in the southeastern part of the forest. The other one answered the call with a few chirps before flying a bit closer to the spot where they were camping. When it sang again, the airbender understood that blue jay was located to the west from them. Aang considered all of those sounds mixed together to be amongst some of the most beautiful bird songs he'd ever heard during his travels. He could listen to this nocturne for hours.
He noticed that his girlfriend had silently started shaking like a leaf when she shifted closer to him through her sleep. So Aang asked Momo to come closer in order to whisper into his big ears.
"Momo, blanket, please!"
The winged lemur purred quietly before taking a couple of short quick leaps up onto the edge of the saddle to fetch another blue blanket from their stuff in the back. Since Sokka was sleeping in the middle and hogging one of them, Momo tried to be very careful when going after the other blanket by jumping over the warrior so he wouldn't disturb him. It took him maybe a minute or two before he found the required item and brought it back to the airbender.
"Thanks, Momo!" Aang whispered again, offering his pet a few thankful strokes along his head. He flung the blanket in the air and carefully laid it over Katara's body to keep her warm. A moment later, she was pulling a weird face.
"Ah.. Aahh.. Achoo!" she sneezed, which woke her up, and began rubbing her nose.
"Bless you!" Aang smiled and met her loving gaze when she looked up at him.
"Oh.. thanks, sweetie! And.. thanks," Katara smiled back, having noticed the blanket on top of her when she moved her hand and felt the fabric rubbing against it. Aang merely gifted her with a kiss on her temple, after which she snuggled against him and laid her head on his chest to continue sleeping. Katara heard two blue jays singing together, they'd most likely found a perfect partner, with whom they wished to spend the rest of their lives. She hummed with joy, closed her diamond blue eyes and focused on her own soulmate. Lub-dub, lub-dub...
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childofbatterycity · 7 years
my first fanfic..
welp  guys this is my first attempt on writing a gerard fanfic.....js I failed English s if my spelling is utter shit feel free to send me that good good judgement...here goes nothing.....
You've been into MCR  for a pretty long time after your friend got you into them , you now consider yourself a full blown fan. A few months pass of you reading a fuck load of MCR smut and making scenarios in your head when youre in school/college or just bored in bed of you and Gee or frank, and once or twice got a tad sexual with yourself while lost in those scenarios. Your birthday comes along and your best friend gets you tickets to go see them live, a group of you go. you and two other friends.
The night finally comes and you get all dressed up in the sexiest stuff you own, when in the car on the way to the concert you get super nervous and could feel your stomach go all weird and start to sweat a little. You get to the mosh pit and the show opens "Destroya" one of your favourite songs by them and you go wild, you can feel the bass and the crowd screaming boom in your chest, you feel the heat of the lights and you already smell the sweat and ambition in the air.This is what you have been dreaming of all these months laying in bed or playing them full blast with your friends home alone and playing air guitar, this is where you have longed to be for so long, you just cant believe the man you have fantasised about for months is right infront of you.
The show goes by so quick, they end with "vampire money" and you can feel yourself get a little wet from remembering you get to go behind stage at the end and meet them. Youre so pumped with energy you scream at gee and frank and hold out your hand and as gee says " we came here to fuck" he looks directly at you, smirks and holds your hand for a second before throwing it down and going up to frank and dose that sexy little thing he dose that you have watched over and over again on youtube, you feel yourself getting wet again just from that split second. As the show ends you and your friends rush to stagedoor ready for the meet and greet, now you really feel the nerves kicking in, the door opens and gee is standing behind it in his black skinny jeans, big black boots and sweat drenched t-shirt and red stringy hair " hey! come on in guys" gee said softly while stairing at you he pauses and then says " aren't you the girl who tried to grab my dick?" with a giggle , you suddenly feel yourself go red and remember how close you were to the stage...it totally looked as if you tried to grab his dick. you stutter " Fuck ugh...I wasn't trying to I jus-" " oh youre that girl! ha gee just told me about that" you heard frank come up behind you and you feel his hand brush against your arm and its stays there while he asks " whats your name by the way?" Y/N reply a little calmer now, you can see gee in the corner of your eye get a beer and check you out , you could feel the tension start to build a little. " well happy birthday Y/N!" frank said with a stupid smile on his face while everyone els shouts it after him and ray and gee pull those party confetti popper things and mikey shoots silly string at you and frank . " c'mon baby, tonight you are partying with us" Gee says so smoothly as he hands you a beer. You turn to your friends and they are in conversation with ray and mikey, " there is an after show house party in like an hour if you and your friends wanna come with us?" frank says excitedly , you reply " fuck yeah id love to! how did you guts know it was my birthday?" you ask while laughing, " your friend emailed us" ray said and you run up to them and hug the both of them while all the guys cheered , then you hear " alright you motherfuckers get in the car we have a party  to go to" frank shouted, then you all hold up you beers and say "to getting fucked up".
You finally get to the party, and as you all get out of the car and walk to the house, gerard  runs up to your side and says in a cocky tone " you know, the guy that's holding this party is known for having the best partys in town? you should feel honered" you reply with " eh I bet I have been to better" just to start a bit of playful back-and-forth. "ohh party animal are we?" he says and before you could answer he looks away at the streetlights and says in an almost seductive whisper " I could tell straight away." he looks back at you with those big hazel bedroom eyes and a small smirk, you shuddered a little and said " oh yeah? how?" with a small giggle " the way you dress is a big giveaway sugar, then there is the glitter in the eyeshadow, instant sign of a drinker to me, then there was the way you were looking at me on stage and how you were eyeing me up in the car" he said, you were taken by surprise and again before you could open your mouth he cuts in with " you really think I didn't see you? oh honey, play fair. at least when I did it to you, I didn't get caught" as he leans in closer to you he whispers in your ear " try harder next time sugar" before walking off to join the boys at the door. youre now completely soaked, you can feel your heart beat through your chest and your legs quiver slightly. you knew tonight was going to be a good one. time went by, beer after beer and random people walking past and dancing with girls you have never met before slipped past. you found yourself sitting inbetween frank and gee trying to talk over the sound of loud music and teenaged screams of excitement from to much alcohol. Frank lights up a cigarette and you watch as the grayish tinted smoke flew out of his mouth gracefully and then dissolved into the air, " want a drag?" he offers while giving the cigarette to you, youre a bit embaressed and say shyly " ugh ive actually never tried one before.." gee takes it out of franks tattoo covered hands and takes it inbetween his lips while keeping dead eyecontact with you, inhales the smoke and you watch as the small ball of fire glows a bit brighter and watch him exhale the aftermath. "here" he says while holding it infront of your lips, you look at him, a little nervous but eeger to impress the redhead. he places it in your mouth and says "now inhale it all sweetie...there we are" you take it down smother than expected and exhale it in his face, just to ad to the sexual tention. frank just stares in awe and sniggers quietly before saying " damn girl, you are a natural". Gee stands up, still keeping your eyes locked, " come with me for a second Y/N? I need another beer." He leads you to a bedroom door , you say " this isn't the kitchen" before he opens the door, pushes you in and you fall on the bed as he locks the door, he grabs you and slams you up against the wall, holding both your hands above your head he says " alright you, the game is over, you wanna  play little girl? fine I will fucking play" with an animalistic growl he pushes himself onto you and you colud feel his hard cock press up against your thigh as he grabs your face with one hand, still bounding you hands with the other and kisses you long and hard. his lips were so sofr and tender but he kissed like he meant it, you could taste the beer and smoke on his tounge and you bite his bottom lip hard wich made him groan deeply. As you try to push up against him more he throws you onto the bed and climbs on top of you only to kiss you harder and to grab your dress and bra straps and pull them down fast. he  brakes his lips away from yours to rip off your dress,bra and panties while you throw your head back and moan loudly as you feel his tounge gluide up your pussy and circle your clit, you arch your back and moan again and again " oh..fuuck " "aahh" you feel his breathy laughter of pride against your clit wich sends you off the edge. you grab his hair and push his head back down to get more. he slips in his finger, two then he pounds you with his hands as hard as he can while kissing you once again, you moan into his mouth and he trails kisses on your jawline down to your neck, this sends shivers up your spine and you grab hold of his shirt and tear it off and then dig your nails into his soft, pale flesh. this makes him growl louder and wraps his hand around your throat while biting your ear softly. Just as he gets up on his knees to unbuckle his belt and take off his jeans, a knock comes on the door followed by a drunk frank shouting " hey dude if you want ill turn up the music so they cant hear you fuck!" gee laughs and shouts back " good idea, we are gonna be here for a while, keep me and Y/N a few beers too!" you both laugh and before you know it, his hand is grasping your hair and pushing your mouth down further on his hard dick, with each gluide he moans and growls through his teeth " of fuck...Y/N..aahh". you look up at him smirking while dragging your tounge down his length to come right back up again and to tease this head slowly. He aggressively pushes you down, opens your legs and slams into you with power, the feeling of him finally  inside you sends you into deep pleasure, moaning and grabbing eachothers hot flesh you start to feel the wave puls through you over and over, you are getting so fucking close and scream " im gonna cum! f-fuck ...ahh!" he growls again, this time with a smile on his face.
He pounds into you harder and harder, faster and faster. you feel him hit all the right spots ,his hand still on your throat he shouts " fuck baby im close...ahhh cum with me ...with me " you nod in reply as he goes faster and faster, his manly groans keeping you wet for him, you feel your walls and legs puls and you both reach the edge together with a loud moan of ultimate pleasure. he slows down gradually then pulls out and collapses next to you, wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his chest, kisses your head and whispers " now that is a game id love to play again" you feel his breathy laugh against your hair, you smile and eventually fall asleep holding eachother.
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waffle--kun-blog · 7 years
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
Tagged by @soramizuhara (THANK YOUUU!! I’m sorry, I’m not being tagged in these lately, but as soon as someone will tag me, I’ll return all the times that you tagged me!!)
1. Drink: Water!
2. Phone call: My ex girlfriend.
3. Text message: My ex girlfriend.. if we’re talking about texts on the phone of course.
4. Song you listened to: “Lullaby” by Sleeping At Last, I love it so much!
5. Time you cried: .. Yesterday. Ahahah
6. Dated someone twice: No.. I was always close to, but.. no, I didn’t.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Maybe yes, a few years ago.. but then I thought, I followed my feelings and I don’t want to regret such a thing.
8. Been cheated on: Yes
9. Lost someone special: If we’re talking about losing a friend or someone you care about, yes.. ahh I don’t know if we’re talking about someone who passed away..
10. Been depressed: I’m not sure if what I felt was depression, maybe yes.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Noooooo agshjdfkg I don’t even drink!
12-14: Blue, grey and white
15. Made new friends: Yes!! And I’m so happy and thankful for that.
16. Fallen out of love: .. I wouldn’t know..
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Uhm.. kind of..
19. Met someone who changed you: I’m not sure, but.. I do know that everyone I meet helps me somehow, like adding something new to my self. It’s something that I genuinely feel.
20. Found out who your friends are: Aaaah.. uhhmm… uuhhMM
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Ahah I don’t have Facebook!
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: *Points at question above* .. oh, but! When I did have Facebook, I ended up having almost 1000 friends and I personally knew.. maybe 50 of them! 
23. Do you have any pets: A cat and a parrot!
24. Do you want to change your name: No, I’d never do it. I.. love my name for several reasons. I realized this only recently, in the past two years.
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I went outside with friends and they had organized a surprise for me at university, my ex girlfriend was the one who started it all.. I was so happy! I’m so lucky to have them in my life.
26. What time did you wake up: I woke up later than usual, at 10 am, but because I went to bed at 3 am!
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: I was probably crying ha ahah
28. Name something you can’t wait for: THE END OF MY EXAAAAMS
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: A few minutes ago, she’s watching a show on the Internet and she had called me to show me a scene from it!
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I could actually manage to make my mother happy.
31. What are you listening right now: The two clocks in my room that go tic tac tic tac ahah! I love the noise clocks make.
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Mhh no, never!
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: On my nerves, meaning that I’m irritated or angry? Nothing. I’m happy to say that I never get irritated or angry.
34. Most visited Website: Tumblr, Twitter and Youtube! THE TRINITY
35. Mole/s: If you mean those tiny dark spots on your skin, aahh wait.. on my arms and.. I can’t see anythING I’M ACTUALLY CHECKING MYSELF RIGHT NOW
36. Mark/s: My left eyelashes are blonde and my left eye’s color is slightly lighter than my right eye, and I was told that it’s a birthmark, but at first I thought that it was because I was blonde when I was little and I suddenly went DARK BROWN DU DUN
37. Childhood dream: To go on Saturn!! I loved Saturn so much, I spent days and days drawing it and reading pages from books about it!
38. Hair color: Dark brown.
39. Long or short hair: If you mean my hair, it’s.. short but actually longer than usual!
40. Do you have a crush on someone: .. 
41. What do you like about yourself: .. Like I said earlier, I’m happy that I never get irritated or angry. I somehow always keep calm no matter what, and I don’t force myself to keep calm, I just.. don’t get angry. It feels like my patience or tolerance is endless. Of course I actually did get angry through my life so far, but it was so rare and my anger disappeared almost immediately..
42. Piercings: Nooope
43. Bloodtype: It’s 0, but I don’t remember if it was 0+ or 0-… asdfghghj
44. Nickname: Waffle kun, Waffle, Chris..
45. Relationship status: Single
46. Zodiac: Pisces
47. Pronouns: He/Him
48. Favorite TV Show: Mmhh.. we’re not talking about anime, right? I’d say X-Files, Psych and Fringe!!
49. Tattoos: I’ve never wanted them, but sometimes I think that it would be nice to get a constellation on my neck, or on my wrist.. but I’m not doing it.. 
50. Right or left hand: Left
52. Piercing: Nope nope!
53. Sport: Stargazing and keeping my head on the clouds, that is. ahsjdkfg
55. Vacation: ON THE MOOOOOOOON or in Russia or France! Or somewhere here in Italy!
56. Pair of trainers: Shhhh I walk on the clouds I don’t need them
MORE GENERAL: (wasn’t the previous one general enough?? AHAH)
57. Eating: Nothing right now.
58. Drinking: Nooothiing 
59. I’m about to: Read a few pages of philosophy before going to sleep becauseIwassupposedtostudy
61. Waiting for: I know I already said this but THE END OF MY EXAAAAAAMS
63. Get married: Of course!
64. Career: Aaahh I have no idea.. I know what I’d want to be, but not what I am going to be… 
65. Hugs or kisses: BOTH!! But maybe kisses but both at the same time..
66. Lips or eyes: .. If we’re talking about a significant other.. eyes.
67. Shorter or taller: I never really thought about this!
68. Older or younger: As long as the age gap isn’t too..  mmhh.. well, it doesn’t really matter!
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: What??
71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive.
72. Hook up or relationship: MARRIAGE
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: .. Hesitant.
74. Kissed a stranger: On the cheek, yes! But here it’s common to greet others by kissing their cheek, does it count?
75. Drank hard liquor: I tried sake in a Japanese restaurant years and years ago.. but blahhhhhhh I don’t like alcoholic things at all.
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I don’t wear them, but bet that I would if I did ahah!
77. Turned someone down: Yes 
78. Sex in the first date: ….nO i didn’T EVEN- NO
79. Broken someones heart: .. Yes
80. Had your heart broken: Yes..
82. Cried when someone died: .. No, I didn’t cry. I have no idea why. ….
83. Fallen for a friend: Well, I’d always say yes because I have to become friends with someone before falling for them! 
84. Yourself: I try to!
85. Miracles: YEEES
86. Love at first sight: .. This is hard to explain.. not “love”, love is what you feel when.. you know the other person and you do feel that you love them, but when I was five years old, I literally fell for a little girl as soon as I saw her, and by “fell” I mean that I was.. in love. I was.. uhm.. I felt things that were certainly too much for me at that time, she became one of my best friends back then and I fell for her even more, (I was going to talk about this in the previous question “fallen for a friend”!) but I can’t forget the way I felt when I saw her and it’s so weird, those feelings lasted six years. This makes me confused because I strongly believe that love is something very different, but this happened and.. .. I DON’T KNOW AAHHH but love needs so many things to happen, at least it’s what I think. But I also believe that feelings can be confusing and unpredictable. Yeees I know, I shouldn’t be taking it in consideration because I was a child, but what I felt was.. it was too much.
87. Santa Clause: IT’S ME
88. Kiss in the first date: .. I did it, so yes, but everyone has their time that has to be respected!
89. Angels: Yeeees, I even know some of them!
90. Current best friends name: Gennaro, he has been my best friend for a decade now, I love him so much I HOPE HE CAN FEEL MY LOVE FROM HERE
91. Eyecolor: Grey
92. Favorite movie: I don’t know the English title, I’m sorry! But in Italian, it’s “Al di là dei sogni”!
@komaedas-ass, @lianachan, @moonlight-crystal, @creamy-chocolate-rouge, @iced–tea (YEEES I RECOGNIZE YOU EVEN WITH NEW URLS), .. .. .. whoever wants to do this!! Don’t feel forced to do it though!
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