pechebeche · 4 years
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Slyly whispering into the mourning mother’s ear, the Hypogean hissed, “Poor Lucretia… As far as the high and mighty gods above are concerned, you and your child are worth less than microscopic dust.” The gods called it the Twin Terrors, Esperia’s most beguiling and bewitching Hypogean. “Why would they stoop to entertain the wishes of a mere insect? And yet… should you commit your soul to us, we shall give that you which you want… the power of a god.”
Bitterly, she merged and became one with it. The Hypogean was true to it’s word. As Lucretia felt her skin grow a new resilient layer, she simultaneously became aware of a great swelling of power within her, fueled by her hatred. The pain of enduring childbirth alone, the extreme bitterness of raising a child, the face of her child illuminated by pure white light moments before his death… Lucretia recalled it alI, all the while the Hypogean filled her ears with inconceivable notions, the hatred continuing to swell as she gained more control, feeling her body growing stronger.
Gripping the Dark Star, overcome by her urge for revenge, a crazed Lucretia headed towards her former lover.
The gods are not blind, they’re merely indifferent. Will they turn a blind a eye this time?
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