gorillaxyz · 3 months
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delusional-mishaps · 3 years
Ok, here we go- Dust, Killer, Horror, Cross, Passive Nightmare and Dream please. S/o takes them on a date (but wont tell them where cause its a suprise!), And when they get there, it's a nice comfy restuarant by the beach? Nothing fancy, but basically like grillbys but with the occasional person going on stage and singing some songs. (And if S/o knows the song, they sing their heart out) Thank you!
hmmmmg bad guy sanses make me weak in the lnees thank u for the request :O)
passive's is to be read as platonic!!!
why'd you bring him to a BEACHSIDE restaurant,,,, the dust he finds in crevices between his bones is already too much, now there's SAND??? regardless of how nice out it is, he'll make sure the two of you aren't seated on the patio. at least the food is good and greasy, and he guesses the music is nice even if half the people going up to sing are drunk off their asses. honestly, even if you sing, he won't be paying too much attention. he'd either be drunk, or halfway trying to make it. at least he can ignore the feeling of sand between his bones when he's absolutely smashed. have fun taking care of a drunk angry little man. at least he gives you more kisses when he's drunk <33
DAAAMN this is nice. the food, the atmosphere, the location. how long have you known of this place and didn't tell him? he's been missing out!! mf will be up on that stage all night singing his metaphorical lungs out. hell, he'll be dragging you up to sing a duet or two or five with him. he's stealing the show. eventually he'll settle down and you two can actually eat and talk. he'll have to get one more song out of you before you two leave, though
he'll get overstimulated by the noise/singing really easily, especially if it's busy, so you'll find yourself ordering the food and taking it to eat it on the beach. the serenity of the quiet beach waves lapping at the sand, mixed with the gentle glow of the sun reflecting off of it. were it noon-ish, he'd prefer you two sit away from crowds, maybe under any trees if there are any for the shade to protect your skin. if it were closer to the evening, the beach would be nearly-empty aside from a few people either packing up to leave, or taking the cliche "walk along the beach", but they won't bother you too much. he'd prefer, then, to sit closer to the water, so he could watch it flow in and out, washing over the sand. it's nice, just the two of you, the faint sound of too-loud music from the restaurant still faintly drifting over so you could hear it, but it wasn't bothersome.
he doesn't even care where the date is, he gets all blushy regardless. you're taking time out of your day to just??? put it towards him??? to hang out with him???? it always makes him feel so loved. you could ask him over for a "movie date" and he'll get excited and his soul will pound. so when you take him out somewhere???? he feels like he's about to combust. and the beach??? is so pretty???? can you two sit outside actually? the best time to go would be to watch the sunset, when the light is reflecting off the water so beautifully, almost a mirror image of what's above in the sky. maybe you sneak away while he's admiring the sight and sing some cheesy, slow love song that catches his attention solely because it's your voice singing it and he turns to look at you and your eyes meet and he feels like he's falling in love with you all over again oh my god this is so cheesy im so sorry can you tell i have a favourite??
Grimm (Passive):
the boingy skrunkle. spinky slumbc. scrimblo. motherfucker has never been to a beach so he's abandoning his shoes (and you) to run around in the hot sand. forget the restaurant, hope you brought towels with you because he's gonna wanna sun tan (even if he can't tan). eventually, he will get hungry (or you bugged him enough to get food BAKNEOF) and the two of you can finally eat. he's not exactly a fan of greasy foods, so he'll maybe just get a basket of yam fries and call that good enough. he's also WAY too shy to ever go on stage to sing, but he'll quietly cheer for you if you go up! he'd like to go again some time, saying he enjoyed his time with you, but you secret know he just likes the beach and wants to properly visit it instead of the restaurant
also not the biggest fan of greasy foods. also doesn't particularly need to eat, so he'll maybe pick a few fries off of your meal and that's it for him. were you to sing anything, he'd happily sing along with you if he knew the lyrics. if not, he'd just watch you lovingly. you're a great s/o, you know? he's happy you chose him. he's happy he can make you happy. he'll probably get sappy and start spouting lovey dovey words and express his gratitude to you just for... just for loving him. for caring about him and taking him out despite not needing to.
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
Salon writer finds Gabrielle Douglas’ faith ‘unnerving'; followers inspired
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/salon-writer-finds-gabrielle-douglas-faith-unnerving-followers-inspired/
Salon writer finds Gabrielle Douglas’ faith ‘unnerving'; followers inspired
The cynics out there already suspected that the Gabrielle Douglas love fest couldn’t last forever. A gold medalist at 16, she’s amazingly talented, positive, self-confident, All-American and charismatic — the perfect fit for the Corn Flakes box. It’s all too good to be true, though, isn’t it? There must be some flaw. Is it her hair? No, that’s just silly. Her “outspoken” faith? Bingo.
Teens belief in God + giving thanks after win unnerves+drives non-believers bonkers.Did God help Gabrielle Douglas win? http://t.co/MG2B5hrV
— Aunty Acid (@PortraitsPlus) August 3, 2012
Next up to piss in the corn flakes: Salon writer Mary Elizabeth Williams, who frets that while Douglas is entitled to her faith, does she have to be so … out and proud?
Douglas isn’t exactly the only outspoken Christian in America – or even the only high-profile Christian athlete…. But her newly minted status as a champion and her unguarded outspokenness about her faith are going to give her a new platform from which to preach. After her win Thursday, Douglas said, “I give all the glory to God. It’s kind of a win-win situation. The glory goes up to him and the blessings fall down on me.”
She’s a 16-year-old with both deep faith and profound gratitude, a girl who yesterday tweeted from the Psalms to her followers, “Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me” and Friday sent out a retweet from the Faith in God feed. And that clearly authentic image of a hardworking girl with strong values makes her a natural icon to her fellow Christians, just as it makes the somewhat less faithful uncomfortable.
You, out there in the Twitterverse … admit it. Isn’t Gabby Douglas making you uncomfortable, just a little bit? Can’t we just relax and enjoy our Chick-fil-A kiss-in in peace without all of this preaching?
Did God help Gabrielle Douglas win? http://t.co/O2U8C6mm This article is a little unnerving. Why does the writer care about Douglas' faith?
— Raptorial (@Raptorial) August 3, 2012
Salon writes 'Did God help Gabrielle Douglas win?" But they probably don't believe in God, so does it matter?
— Elisabeth Eyre (@eeyrehead) August 3, 2012
Gabrielle – tone down the God stuff, it makes Mary Elizabeth Williams nervous- but no better a writer via @Neal_Dewing http://t.co/nbOVphRB
— Sam Schulman ن (@Sam_Schulman) August 3, 2012
@Sam_Schulman seriously – are we supposed to want to read these people who have such weary contempt for the "unenlightened?"
— Neal Dewing (@Neal_Dewing) August 3, 2012
@Neal_Dewing They are reassuring one another as their numbers dwindle.
— Sam Schulman ن (@Sam_Schulman) August 3, 2012
@Sam_Schulman I think you're right about that. Poor darlings.
— Neal Dewing (@Neal_Dewing) August 3, 2012
Would the rest of you retweeting Douglas’ quote about God’s blessings mind keeping it down? You’re unnerving people, and this is a public forum.
What God has programmed, nobody can delete it. Gabrielle = heroin of God. Douglas = USA Gold. Who can battle with the Lord??
— Leckie Lefty. (@WisdomsConnect) August 3, 2012
Gabrielle Douglas #TeamUSA give all glory to God!!! YES
— KristieSexton (@ksextonbarnett) August 3, 2012
@gabrielledoug Congratulations Gabrielle! God has truly blessed you! Sending you love all the way from Bermuda! Keep it up!
— Lashonna Smith (@LashonnaS) August 3, 2012
Gabrielle Douglas sure has been evangelizing. She gets the Gold & God gets the Glory! Ever notice Gold and God in her name?! @gabrielledoug
— Cari Vines (@SpeakBeautiful) August 3, 2012
RT @erwinmcmanus: "I believe in God. He is the secret of my success. He gives people talent." ~ Gabrielle Douglas”
— Lesley Myrick (@lesleymyrick) August 3, 2012
Gabrielle Douglas is on my TL giving God the glory he deserves. Yall should take notes.
— Miss Pearl (@Pearl_SoBlessed) August 3, 2012
@gabrielledoug @Juliakenzo wow! This nearly made me cry…Gabrielle, you made history–the UnitedStates is so proud of you & grateful 2 God!
— terrisriley (@terrisriley) August 3, 2012
"I believe in God. He is the secret of my success. He gives people talent." ~ Gabrielle Douglas””// This is something to hang on to!
— Kimberly Y. Moore (@kymoore1) August 3, 2012
— Spinky Pets (@SpinkyPets) August 3, 2012
@gabrielledoug Love that you give God the glory Gabrielle! You are blessed and we love you! Keep going for excellence and God!
— Bishop Glenn Collier (@GlennCollier) August 3, 2012
Wait, who was it again who was made so uncomfortable by all this God talk? Ah yes, it was one of Williams’ unnamed colleagues, who said to her, “I would like her more if she were not so, so, so into Jesus.”
Gabby, don’t you want people to like you?
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/08/03/salon-writer-finds-gabrielle-douglas-faith-unnerving-followers-find-her-inspiring/
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