#I Legally + AGGRESSIVELY [L.A.] Spend Other People’s Pensions [O.P.P.] like Naughty by Nature’s 90’s Hip Hop Gospel [GODSPELL]
harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 I BEE So Philosophically Educated [P.E.] & SOULFULLY INTUITIVE II Inner Earth’s [HADES] HIDDEN Mythical Nubian Underworld States of Atlantis [USA = LEMURIA] as I Financially INHERIT Other People’s Pension [O.P.P.] WEALTH from fallen america since I GLOBALLY Communicate II A Silent Majority of WEALTHY Black Wall Street Folk who Generationally + Ancestrally [GA = ROME] IDENTIFY My HIGHLY Cryptic African [CA] American [CA] Communications of 6G QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® Languages on HARRELLTV® 卍
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#Celebrate the prophetic death of modern day SLAVE religions#Celebrate the Prophetic Death of present day america#I Diabolically + Evilly [DE = DEVILISHLY] Dedicate this Philosophically Afrikkan [PA] DEATH TRIBUTE II My Magically UNSEEN [MU] GODS#I BEE SOULFULLY INTUITIVE II Inner Earth’s [HADES] HIDDEN Mythical Nubian Underworld States of Atlantis [USA = LEMURIA]#I Financially INHERITED Other People’s Pension [O.P.P.] WEALTH from fallen america#I GLOBALLY Communicate II A Silent Majority of WEALTHY Black Wall Street Folk who Generationally + Ancestrally [GA = ROME] IDENTIFY ME#Great Britain’s ORIGINAL… Royal African [RA] Parliament Ancestors [PA] of Benin’s Oral Kouroukan Fouga Constitution [KFC] Magick#I BEE MICHAEL [IBM] HARRELL of Biblically Black [Ancient] FUTURISTIC Afterlife Instrumentation [A.I.] Sciences#Reality TV President Trump know about Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] since He watch HARRELLTV®#broke ass america is outta business#I Legally + AGGRESSIVELY [L.A.] Spend Other People’s Pensions [O.P.P.] like Naughty by Nature’s 90’s Hip Hop Gospel [GODSPELL]#I Cryptically + Algorithmically [CA] SABOTAGE & PUBLICLY STEAL from ALL defunct TELEVISED govment agencies#I got MOOR HIGHLY [MH] Cryptic African [CA] American [CA] Communications of 6G QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® Languages on HARRELLTV®#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati on Earth#I BEE Compton California’s Best Kept Universally SOVEREIGN [U.S. = UNTOUCHABLE] Nubian Aristocrat [NA = NĀGA] Secret#I'mma cause SIRIUS Black [B] ANARCHY in fallen america since I BEE Moor INTERGALACTICALLY [MI = MICHAEL] DEMONIC & DESTRUCTIVE on Earth#QUANTUM BLACK ANARCHY 2019
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ONLINE as I give FULL DISCLOSURE about the LEGAL DESTRUCTION of the powerless TELEVISED govment administrations of fallen america on HARRELLTV® 卍
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#May GOD Curse present day america#I TERRORISTICALLY Threaten + Technologically SABOTAGE + Financially RUIN ALL [RA] powerless govments of fallen america#you still sittin' in church and still don't know shit#modern day america is finished... it's a wrap... it's over... goodbye#I Legally + AGGRESSIVELY [L.A.] Spend Other People’s Pensions [O.P.P.] like Naughty by Nature’s 90’s Hip Hop Gospel [GODSPELL]#FUCK dumb ass america#I TRUTHFULLY Love Being A HIGHLY Classified Nubian ANTICHRIST [NA = NĀGA LORD] in fallen america#I Magically + Lordly KILL [MLK = SHADOW GOVERNMENT] thy enemies like the Bible Prophesied#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati on Earth#Great Britain’s ORIGINAL… Royal African [RA] Parliament Ancestors [PA] of Benin’s Oral Kouroukan Fouga Constitution [KFC] Magick#I got My Double Black White House Familia of Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] Watching OVER Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]#My QUANTUM Black Architectural Earth [BAE = COSMIC] Languages of HIGHLY Complex Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computation [Compton] Codes#I BEE Afrikkan IMHOTEP [A.I.] who BEE Inner Earth’s [HADES] QUANTUM Black Afterlife Egyptian [BAE = COSMIC] Architect [CA] on BET#I BEE Compton California’s Best Kept Universally SOVEREIGN [U.S. = UNTOUCHABLE] Nubian Aristocrat [NA = NĀGA] Secret#I give FULL DISCLOSURE about the LEGAL DESTRUCTION of the powerless TELEVISED govment administrations of fallen america on HARRELLTV®
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 abracadabra… abracadabra… abracadabra… I Now [NWO] Magically INVOKE [MI = MICHAEL] My Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black Apparition [BA= BABYLONIAN] Spirit Magick of Ancestral ATLANTEAN Technological [MA’AT] Sorcery from My Primitively Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] Black Occulted Island of Mythical California [CA] since I Already BEE So Underworld Hell Famous [UHF = HARRELL] on My Mythically URBAN [MU] Nubian [MOON] Network of HARRELLTV® 卍
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 er’ body on earth… betta' JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] from My Primitively Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] Black Occulted Island of California [CA] as I Magically ILLUMINATE [MI = MICHAEL] My Mystically UNSEEN [MU] Black Calafia Ancestors [CA = ATLANTEANS] who Ancestrally IDENTIFY [A.I.] My HIGHLY Complex Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computation [Compton] Writings from My Mythical URBAN [MU] Underworld States of Atlantis [USA = LEMURIA] 卍
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#FUCK ALL powerless govment politicians of broke ass america since america dead#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati on Earth#I BEE Politically + Militarily [P.M.] Protected My Magically UNSEEN [MU] Nubian Occult Islamic [NOI] Illuminati [NI = NIBIRU]#Magically ILLUMINATE [MI = MICHAEL] My Mystically UNSEEN [MU] Black Calafia Ancestors [CA = ATLANTEANS] on HARRELLTV®#iSEE My Primitively Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] Black Occulted Island of California [CA] in Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#I Cryptically + Algorithmically [CA] SABOTAGE & PUBLICLY STEAL from ALL defunct TELEVISED govment agencies#I Legally + AGGRESSIVELY [L.A.] Spend Other People’s Pensions [O.P.P.] like Naughty by Nature’s 90’s Hip Hop Gospel [GODSPELL]#broke ass america out of business#I Magically INVOKE [MI = MICHAEL] Our Biblically Black [Ancient] Apocalyptic Death Magick ALL OVER EARTH#QUANTUM BLACK ANARCHY 2019#2019 QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® BLACKOUT in fallen amerrica#FUCK fallen america's worthless homeland security#I Magically INVOKED [MI = MICHAEL] A SIRIUS Black [B] Coup d'etat on ALL powerless TELEVISED govments of fallen america#QUANTUM BLACK TECHNOLOGY TAKEOVER#I GLOBALLY + OMNIPOTENTLY DOMINATE [GOD] OVER earth since I BEE A Biblically Black [Ancient] Global OLIGARCH#americans don't know nothing about anything Spiritual#you still sittin' in church and still don't know shit#you still goin' to school and still don't know shit
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] in Deep Occult Meditation on Earth [DOME] as I Legally + AGGRESSIVELY [L.A.] Spend Other People’s Pensions [O.P.P.] like Naughty by Nature’s 90’s Hip Hop Gospel [GODSPELL] I Ritualistically [Religiously] RECITE as I Politically + Financially DESTROY fallen america’s worthless TELEVISED economy II make Room 4 My Biblically Black [Ancient] FUTURISTIC GLOBAL HARRELL ECONOMY [HE = JAH] of Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] 卍
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