leclercsainzz · 2 days
PAIRINGS: charles leclerc x fem!reader
TYPE: social media au
part 1 - part 2
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liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton and 683,027 others
yourusername: c’est la vie
see translation: that’s life
tagged: @yourbrother
view 5,846 comments
user: @yourbrother is sooo fine, omgg
user: pretty girl 😍
user: charles liked 😭
leclerc_pascale: la plus jolie fille de tous les temps 😍
see translation: the prettiest girl ever
↳ yourusername: 😘
↳ user: pascale just like me! i’ll never get over charles and yn
arthur_leclerc: toby 🥺
yourmom: mes bébés
see translation: my babies
↳ yourbrother: tu m’aimes plus
see translation: you love me more
yourbrother: pourquoi essaies-tu toujours de prende mon chein?
see translation: why are you always trying to take my dog?
francisca.cgomes: my love 😘
user: the fact that charles liked means so much to me
user: her brother fine asf 😍
↳ user: their genes are perfect!
user: charles really fumbled
↳ user: how? he’s literally married with a kid on the way
↳ user: that’s a win for me .. if anything yn fumbled
user: charles liked abbakansns
charles_leclerc: @yourbrother 😍
↳ user: tHe cOmmeNT
↳ user: same charles same
↳ user: even after all these years, he’ll always choose yourbrother
user: i know that comment was for yn 😉
↳ user: he just tagged @yourbrother as a distraction
user: youre so gorgeous 😍
user: toby’s sooo cute omg
user: ohh, to be her 😩
pierregasly: mon français préféré 😘 @yourbrother
see translation: my favorite french
↳ yourusername: mon garçon français préféré 😘 @estebanocon
see translation: my favorite french boy
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liked by arthur_leclerc, yourbrother and 642,910 others
yourusername: ice cream makes everything better(:
view 4,038 comments
leclerc_pascale: ma belle fille, tu as raté notre rendezvous
see translation: my beautiful girl, you missed our date
leclerc_pascale: je vous pardonne
see translation: i forgive you
user: nOt her ditching pascale 😭
user: charles is going through it while she’s on ice cream dates
user: NEW MANS OR WHAT?!???
user: who is that?!!? 👀
user: isn’t that charles and her favorite ice cream shop??
↳ user: oMG THAT IS
user: she’s showing her new boy her fav ice cream shop 😭
user: wait— she’s in monaco?!!?
user: that could be @yourbrother for all we know
user: yn, babe, you ditched THE pascale leclerc?!!?? 🤔
↳ user: anD for what?!??
arthur_leclerc: où etait mon invitation? 🙄
see translation: where was my invitation?
↳ yourusername: je ne sais pas de quoi tu parles
see translation: i don’t know what you’re talking about
user: plot twist— that’s actually charles
user: not her having fun w/o charles 🙄
↳ user: gIrL WHAT?!!?
↳ user: mans found out his whole marriage is a lie and this is her
↳ user: it’s not her fault, tf?!!?
charlotte2304: mon amour 😘
see translation: my love
user: what do you think about charles’ situation???
user: why are people still bringing up charles?!!
↳ user: bro, literally! like let her live her life
↳ user: they can’t move on, frr 😭
user: that ice cream looks sooo good
↳ yourusername: THE BEST, trust me
user: who’s the dude?
lorenzotl: c’est logique pourquoi tu as abandonné
see translation: makes sense why you ditched
↳ joris__trouche: mhm
↳ user: one word— CHARLES
↳ user: you’re delusional, my friend
user: she’s soooo pretty 😍
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes and 685,840 others
yourusername: monaco, tu seras toujours célèbre <33
see translation: monaco, you’ll always be famous
view 6,013 comments
user: she’s still a ferrari girl!!
user: yn, you’ll ALWAYS be famous <3
user: bodyyy omgg 😍
user: that painting is so beautiful, girl!
↳ yourusername: thanks love
↳ user: I LOVE U QUEEN
user: monaco’s IT girl
user: every time charles likes her post i die inside
isahernaez: beauttt 😍
↳ yourusername: ily my loveee 😘
user: i hope her and charles get back together
user: exwifename could NEVER compare to yn
user: TE AMO, YN ❤️
see translation: i love you, yn
yourbrother: apporte-moi quelque chose
see translation: bring me something
↳ yourusername: 🙄
user: the woman that you are, my goddd 😩
user: my only goal in life is to be like you
user: she still supports ferrari
charles_leclerc: admets juste que je t’ai manqué ;)
see translation: just admit you missed me
↳ yourusername: si je dis oui, alors quoi? 🫣
see translation: if i say yes, then what?
↳ user: “then what?” U GET TOGETHER, DUHH
user: bitCh— is he flirting?
user: she knows damn well what she’s doing wearing that shirt
francisca.cgomes: sexyyy
↳ yourusername: girlfriend, that’s youuu
↳ pierregasly: tu devrais retourner en france @yourusername
see translation: you should go back to france
↳ yourusername: reste en colère, putain de merde 😘
see translation: stay mad, stupid fuck
user: her friendship with pierre is to much 😭
↳ user: i cant tell if they actually like each other or not most times
↳ yourusername: trust me, i love that ugly french
↳ pierregasly: love you too stupid bitch ❤️
↳ user: tHat’s progress, i guess 😂
user: MOTHER 😍
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liked charlotte2304, isahernaez and 689,847 others
yourusername: ☀️
view 5,836 comments
user: are we gonna talk about arthur’s story yesterday?? 👀
user: i wanna have this life so bad
user: bodyyy-odyy 😍
user: you CANNOT tell me that isn’t charles
↳ user: it’s def him!
yourmom: a-t-il cuisiné ce délicieux repas?
see translation: did he cook that delicious meal?
↳ yourusername: oui! je peux confirmar que c’était délicieux
see translation: yes! i can confirm it was delicious
↳ user: if this man can cook, it’s not charles 😭
user: ain’t no way its charles since he cant cook
yourbrother: les pâtes ont l’air bonnes 🤤
see translation: the pasta looks good
↳ user: yourbrother is the biggest charles food hater
↳ user: so that confirms it’s not charles or????
charlotte2304: oooouuu 😍
user: is that charles?
user: girl— arthur’s story??? hello???
charles_leclerc: mine mine mine mine
comment has been deleted
charles_leclerc: je veux des pâtes maintenant
see translation: i want pasta now
↳ user: are ya’ll together or nah??
user: ughh, you’re literally goals 😩
↳ yourusername: 😘 you’re a doll
user: YN, one chance, please 🙏🏼
user: guys, that is definitely charles
leclerc_pascale: tu me manques, jolie fille
see translation: i miss you, pretty girl
user: CONVINCED that that is charles
lorenzotl: 😏
user: part of me says it’s charles the other part says nooo
user: can we trade lives?
user: idk if i want to be you or be with you 😩
user: her account is aesthetically pleasing
user: @charles_leclerc that better be you, mate
carlossainz55: did he really cook? 😂
↳ yourusername: yuppp
↳ user: this confirms it’s charles, noo?
user: prettiest girl ever 🥰
↳ yourusername: ❤️❤️
↳ user: OMG ILY
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liked by lorenzotl, leclerc_pascale and 699,640 others
yourusername: yes, i’m that bitch 😘
view 6,102 comments
user: the caption lmao
user: parents are officially back
user: bItch omg—
user: she’s THAT bitch (a baddd bitch) 😍
user: @exwife currently crying rn
user: can chaRles fight?!??
↳ yourusername: unfortunately, he cannot
↳ yourusername: so i’m gonna need you to settle down, babes
↳ user: are you flirting with me??
carlossainz55: ABOUT TIME
sebastianvettel: ❤️❤️
user: the shade 🤣
leclerc_pascale: ma belle fille 😘
see translation: my beautiful girl
isahernaez: gorggg 😍
user: leave him, he doesn’t deserve you
yourmom: je vous aime tous les deux ❤️
see translation: i love you both
user: we love supportive mothers
↳ user: yourmom and pascale >>
| liked by yourusername
user: charles is a romantic
charles_leclerc: je t’aime, mon amour 😘
see translation: i love you, my love
charles_leclerc: c’est ma fille
see translation: that’s my girl
charles_leclerc: mine mine mine mine
↳ user: we get it, that’s your girl 😔
arthur_leclerc: “just friends” 🤣
↳ yourusername: 🤫
↳ user: LMAOO
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liked by yourmom, sebastianvettel and 700,177 others
charles_leclerc: avec l’amour de ma vie 🤍
see translation: with the love of my life
view 5,846 comments
user: will never get over them
user: that’s a sexyyy back
yourmom: ❤️❤️
user: yn, you’re sooo gorggg 😍
yourbrother: ella ressemble à ce minion
see translation: she looks like that minion
↳ arthur_leclerc: oui, ella le fait
see translation: yes, she does
yourusername: mon amour 😘
↳ charles_leclerc: je t’aime
see translation: i love you
user: wife her up
user: he sure moved on real fast 🤣
↳ user: its been like two month, YOU move on
↳ user: plus yn is literally the love of his life .. (soulmates frr)
user: “with the love of my life” 😭
user: exwife could’ve had all this LmAo
user: actually, she’s the love of MY life
user: they’re so important to me
user: you better not fuck up this time
joris__trouche: 😉
user: MY wife and her boyfriend
user: you better wife her up, mate
user: ynnnnn 😍
user: can we talk about his back for a second?!!? 😩
user: poor exwife 🥺
↳ user: girl, bye! go support that cheater elsewhere
user: parents 😘
user: she’s the most gorgeous girl ever, i swear 😍
| liked by charles_leclerc
user: i love them so muchhh 😭
user: my parents
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourbrother and 674,857 others
yourusername: meet my baby boy leo <33
view 4,026 comments
user: omg omg omg omg
user: bItch omg— IM IN LOVEEE 🥰
user: can ya’ll adopt me too?!?? i can bark
user: i need toby and leo to meet
yourbrother: 🥺
arthur_leclerc: oncle arthur à son service
see translation: uncle arthur at his service
lorenzotl: aww
charlotte2304: je suis amoureux
see translation: i’m in love
user: leooooo 😍
user: mommas boy
user: i can also bark, if you wanna adopt me as well
user: i cant, omgg
charles_leclerc: ma belle fille
see translation: my beautiful girl
charles_leclerc: mon beau garçon
see translation: my beautiful boy
charles_leclerc: mes deux amours ❤️
see translation: my two loves
landonorris: im gonna steal him next time i see him
scruderiaferrari: now we just need a baby leclerc
| liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc
↳ user: admin is one of us 😭
↳ user: LMAOOO
user: that dog lucky asfff
user: where’s the ring at??? 👀
user: mom and dad (frrr) 🥰
user: he’s sooo cute omg
francisca.cgomes: baby leo 🥰
user: obsessed with their cute little family
user: we need leo to meet toby asap
alex_albon: cuteeee
user: lewis got competition in the paddock now
user: charles referring to them as “my two loves” 😭😭
carlossainz55: 🐶
user: them >>>
user: alexa, how can i become a dog?
user: BARK BARK (adopt me now)
user: cute family 🥰
user: obsessed with them omg
carla.brocker: awhh 🥺
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55 and 698,748 others
charles_leclerc: LEO LECLERC LN 🐶❤️
view 5,197 comments
user: when are you gonna wife yn up??!??
user: leo leclerc ln 🥺
user: leo pulling up to miami is so iconic
user: daddy’s boy
pierregasly: 😍
↳ user: is this emoji for leo or charles???
yourusername: mon garçons 😘
see translation: my boys
yourusername: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
user: where’s yn’s ring??!?
user: charles, adopt me, please
user: leo 🥰🥰
user: yn went to the miami gp to support her man!!!! 🤩
↳ user: and leo went to support his dad!!
user: that dog is luckier than me, i swear
user: he better wife yn up
| liked by charles_leclerc
user: i dont think leo realizes how lucky he is
user: leo, ask your parents if they can adopt me 😭
user: yn and charles starting a family
yourmom: 🥰🥰🥰 baby boy
user: obsessed with them
user: i love their cute little family
user: yn leclerc when??
user: couldn’t take toby from yourbrother so yn got her own dog
user: model leo??
user: second slide is so cute omg
user: they got their first puppy together 🥺
user: his last name 😩
user: i wanna be part of this family too
user: in love with all three of them
user: leo got the model genes from his mommy 🤣
user: WE NEED LEO AND TOBY TO MEET!!!! @yourbrother
user: the LECLERC-LN family is everything 😩❤️
↳ user: the way both their families are soo close is so cute
↳ user: pascale and yourmom are the biggest yncharles shippers
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world0fmadness · 2 days
max verstappen x horror nepo baby! zombie! reader
faceclaim: assorted but mainly sherri moon zombie
max won the vote so here you go! there are some inaccuracies like rob zombie didn’t make the silent hill film, house of 1000 corpses came out in 2003 and stuff but hey, it’s fanfic, let me live <3
featuring: lots of love from lewis because ever since i saw that picture of him wearing a cannibal holocaust t-shirt i’ve been convinced he fucking loves horror movies and lando being annoying (lovingly)
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ynzombie: throwback to when little me was in my first ever horror movie ( and movie in general ) dad had me doing child labour for free because i’m his daughter… so sad 💔
robzombie ✔️: little liar, i paid you with candy and put money into your pre adult account 🖤
❤️ liked by ynzombie
maxverstappen ✔️: you were adorable liefde ❤️ though how you were in movies like this so young, i don’t know…
> ynzombie ✔️: thank you maxie moo <3 the horror love just runs in my love babe, you know that
ynlnhorrorqueen: a horror icon was born the day this movie came out…
> zombiesloveynzombie: a horror icon was born the day the world knew she existed lmao 😭
landonorris ✔️: you were a funny looking kid
> ynzombie ✔️: get the fuck OUT of here oh my god 😭 i genuinely might get my dad to cast someone who looks like you as a victim in his next film (spoiler alert: you will NOT be a final girl, you’ll be the dumbass who falls over a pinecone and gets decapitated)
❤️ liked by maxverstappen
> landonorris ✔️: 😟
lewishamilton ✔️: fucking hell… i saw this when it first came out! and you were a baby then and you’re a grown up now… feel well old now! so nice seeing how far you’ve come love ❤️
> ynzombie ✔️: you are old, practically a fossil at this point! thank you lewis
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ynzombie: house of 1000 corpses came out in theatres yesterday… did you guys love it? i know i fucking LOVED filming it and my dad LOVED making it ❤️
lewishamilton ✔️: loved it! incredible work yn, definitely a new favourite
> ynzombie: thank you lewis! i NEED to bring you on set next time
❤️ liked by lewishamilton
robzombie ✔️: no cursing
> ynzombie ✔️: i… dad have you seen the i do in your movies? i think you should be okay with cursing 😭
> robzombie ✔️: i’m kidding honey, curse all you want, you’re sure as shit old enough
zombiesloveynzombie: this movie… oh my god! yn zombie you should be imprisoned for making me obsessed with a character like baby firefly…
❤️ liked by maxverstappen
> maxverstrapon: max liking this comment lmao? sir can you even watch this movie?
> iluvf1: let him be 😭 he’s just supporting his gf
maxverstappen ✔️: so proud of you liefde ❤️
> ynzombie ✔️: i’m so proud of YOU for sitting through it without gagging at a nasty scene <3
> maxverstappen ✔️: i try, for you
❤️ liked by ynzombie
ynzombiehorrorqueen: i love how since yn was born and old enough, rob has basically never made any project without her being in it 🥺 he loves his daughter so much
landonorris ✔️: you’re a funny looking adult too actually…
> ynzombie ✔️: hope you die
> landonorris ✔️: maxverstappen come get yn she’s acting crazy again
> maxverstappen ✔️: i’m on her side this time, sorry mate
> landonorris ✔️: “this time” you’re ALWAYS on her side, she could skin me alive and roast me over a fire right in front of you and you’d be on her side
> maxverstappen ✔️: sounds like a you problem
❤️ liked by ynzombie
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ynzombie: finally took max to meet daddy dearest! he only sat in the car shaking for about 20 minutes ❣️
robzombie ✔️: he’s an alright kid, your mother loved the flowers, bring him around again soon hon 🖤
> ynzombie ✔️: for sure <3
danielricciardio ✔️: how’d you get him out of the redbull gear?
> ynzombie ✔️: told him my dad HATES redbull
> zombiesloveynzombie: LMAO 😭
maxverstrapon: bringing her mom flowers, helping her mom in the kitchen, opening the wine, wearing something not redbull related… this man wants to be parent approved SO BAD LMAO
maxverstappen ✔️: it wasn’t so bad, thank you for convincing me to come liefde ❤️
❤️ liked by robzombie and ynzombie
> ynzombie ✔️: i’m just glad you were comfortable maxie ❤️ love you lots
> iluvyn: she needed to convince him to come? omg…
> oldf1lvr: to be fair if my girlfriends dad was a horror director and i knew nothing about horror and could barely even sit through them i’d be pretty scared too 😭
> iluvf1: not to mention that her dad is just ROB FUCKING ZOMBIE? how was he not supposed to be scared? lmao
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ynzombie: sneak peek at mine and my dad’s new project! won’t be out for a while but i wanted to feed you guys ❤️
lewishamilton ✔️: can’t wait for this one yn! looks great already
> ynzombie ✔️: can’t wait to hear what you think when you see the full thing :D
❤️ liked by lewishamilton
> iluvf1: yn and lewis’ friendship will never not be adorable to me, they’re so close 🥹
> loveuyn: i mean, he LOVES all of her dads movies so it makes sense that they really easily befriended each other when max brought her to the grid for the first time
zombiesloveynzombie: yn playing another psycho ass bitch that i’m going to be obsessed with… I CANT WAIT
❤️ liked by maxverstrappen
maxverstappen ✔️: i think this one might be my favourite…
> ynzombie ✔️: because i kill characters who wanted to fuck my character?
> maxverstappen ✔️: yes :)
> maxverstrapon: max sitting through his girlfriends movies despite hating horror will always be SO CUTE to me, he lovesss her
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maxverstappen: she’s a 10 but she’s got a bit of a big ego ( she’s rewatching all of her own movies ) ❤️
ynzombie ✔️: hm… okay then
> loveuyn: max is so going to regret saying this… i just know it, we all know how petty yn can get, even over a joke lmao 😭
❤️ liked by ynzombie
landonorris ✔️: 🫣
lewishamilton ✔️: oh mate…
> maxverstappen ✔️: what? what’s happening? what have i done?
danielricciardo ✔️: 😶
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ynzombie: according to my lovely boyfriend, i have a large ego… i don’t know guys… anyways here’s some pictures from our weekend ❤️
maxverstappen ✔️: yn i’m begging you delete that first picture before your father sees it
> ynzombie ✔️: this is what you get for saying i had a big ego
> maxverstappen ✔️: i was KIDDING, liefde, please i beg you, delete
> ynzombie ✔️: i’m not deleting it
robzombie ✔️: yn, hon, would you ask your boyfriend to go into another room and call me? 🖤
> ynzombie ✔️: sure will dad!
> lewishamilton ✔️: maxverstappen good luck mate 👍
❤️ liked by ynzombie
maxverstrapon: the picture of him helping her clean the fake blood out of her hair… i want what they have 💔
> iluvf1: max is about to face the wrath of a father and you’re talking about that???
> maxverstrapon: ITS A CUTE PICTURE 😭
⋆ ˚。⋆ ୨୧ ˚ NEW ADDED BONUS ˚ ୨୧ ⋆。˚ ⋆
the aftermath of a call from a concerned father
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featguler · 2 days
can u do a cute jude smau pls
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better half ────── life is hard when your girlfriend is forever away.
♡ ────── pairing : jude bellingham x reader ♡ ────── tags : reader is female, and her faceclaim is established. pre-established relationship with jude. reader lives in england. jude is down bad his love language is being annoying to all of reader's friends ♡ ────── notes : jude smau debut!! he is actually so embarrassing here i love him. thanks for the request!! this took wayyyyy longer than i had initially anticipated, the word "jude bellingham" doesn't even look real to me now. pls tell me what u think!! ♡ masterlist.
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FACECLAIM 𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑ naura ayu ( instagram )
DISCLAIMER 𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑ 𐙚 i am not affiliated with naura ayu, jude, or anyone mentioned in this fic 𐙚 any similarities in name, time, and place is purely coincidental 𐙚 do not mind the time stamps 𐙚 click on the pictures if it seems blurry
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liked by judebellingham, jobebellingham, and others
ynusername cowboy boots 👢🤠 view all comments
judebellingham thank you for posting 🙏🙏🙏 ❤️ by author
yourfriend1 hand in marriage? 💍 ❤️ by author
judebellingham no ❤️ by author ynusername marry me 🥰
ynusername photos by the love of my life!! @.yourbestfriend
yourbestfriend STEP ON ME WITH YOUR BOOTS ❤️ by author
judebellingham @.yourbestfriend find your own y/n don't take mine yourbestfriend @.judebellingham I WAS HERE FIRST ynusername pls children no fighting!! @.judebellingham @.yourbestfriend ynusername ilyyyyy @.yourbestfriend judebellingham @.ynusername what about me?? ynusername @.judebellingham you more!! 🥰 yourbestfriend @.ynusername HELLO?????
jobebellingham looking good 😎🔥 ❤️ by author
ynusername ily 💖 jobebellingham ❤️❤️ ❤️ by author
yourfriend2 PRETTIEST GIRL ILYYY ❤️ by author
ynusername ILY MOREEEE
judebellingham 📷 by jude bellingham ❤️ by author
yourbestfriend excuse me??? judebellingham @.yourbestfriend deal with it
judebellingham i took these pictures btw ❤️ by author
jobebellingham ??? judebellingham @.jobebellingham mind your own business ynusername @.jobebellingham ignore him, he's jealous that we're having brunch this weekend, haha 💖 judebellingham good to know you two hate me @.ynusername @.jobebellingham ❤️ by author jobebellingham @.judebellingham 🤣
username1 i LOOOVE your skirt so much!!
ynusername right!! 💕 i got them from @.daisy____fits
judebellingham i miss you baby ❤️ by author
ynusername aww i miss you more 🫶🫶🫶🥺🥺 i luv u!! <333 judebellingham @.ynusername liar ❤️ by author ynusername @.judebellingham 🥰🥰🥰
username2 YOU'RE SOOO PRETTY ❤️ by author
username3 makeup tutorial plssssss
yourfriend3 illusion of height!! she is not this tall irl!!! ❤️ by author
ynusername don't reveal my secret!
judebellingham booking a flight home rn ❤️ by author
ynusername hahaha i will be waiting baby <3
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liked by judebellingham, yourbestfriend, and others
ynusername halloween this year hits different // 📷 by @.yourbestfriend! 🫶 view all comments
judebellingham hello my love please delete this ❤️ by author
ynusername i miss you more baabyyy 💝💝💝 judebellingham @.ynusername please delete
yourfriend1 OMGGG take me to the old days!!! ❤️ by author
ynusername i miss u so much 😢😢💓💓
judebellingham @.ynusername do you miss me baby ❤️ by author ynusername @.judebellingham ofc baby i miss you mostest!! 💋💋 yourfriend1 GET AWAY FROM MY COMMENT! @.judebellingham judebellingham @.ynusername ✊✊✊ CAUGHT YOUR KISS!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️ by author judebellingham @.yourfriend1 jealousy is a disease of the heart
username1 i LOVE this halloween look wtf
yourbestfriend block jude pls ❤️ by author
ynusername haha ily <333 yourbestfriend @.ynusername BLOCK HIM PLS ❤️ by author
username2 it should be illegal to look this good
yourfriend2 girll i miss you so much 🥵 when are we hanging out? x ❤️ by author
judebellingham get in line ❤️ by author ynusername soon! 💕
judebellingham everyone LOOK AWAY ❤️ by author
ynusername i love you babyy!! ❣️ judebellingham @.ynusername i love you more!!! wait for me to come home!!! ❤️ by author ynusername @.judebellingham always waiting 💞
judebellingham @.instagram please delete this post only i'm allowed to see y/n, thank you ❤️ by author
ynusername hahaha babyy 💞💞💞 yourbestfriend GO AWAY BELLINGHAM
username3 i see jude's comment on this post alone more than i see my own grandpa
judebellingham hi gorgeous what's your name ❤️ by author
judebellingham please ❤️ by author ynusername hi pretty booyy <33 😍😍😍 judebellingham @.ynusername MY LOOOVEE ❤️❤️❤️ ❤️ by author
judebellingham do you have a boyfriend ❤️ by author
ynusername i do actually 😿💔 sorry judebellingham @.ynusername fuck ❤️ by author
username4 it's giving mean girls the musical
username5 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
judebellingham 📷 by jude bellingham ❤️ by author
yourbestfriend FUCK OFF BRO
judebellingham i miss youuuuuuuuuuuuu 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
ynusername i miss you too baby!! we'll see each other soon, kay? 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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liked by judebellingham, jobebellingham, yourbestfriend and others
ynusername i love getting dolled up! 💋 view all comments
judebellingham first like ❤️ by author
yourbestfriend actually i was here first judebellingham @.yourbestfriend all i see is lies ynusername i love you two!! <3 @.judebellingham @.yourbestfriend judebellingham @.yourbestfriend see, she tagged me first before you. score is settled long ago yourbestfriend @.ynusername BLOCK THIS BITCH OMFG
judebellingham first comment ❤️ by author
ynusername my biggest fan!!! judebellingham @.ynusername THAT'S ME!! ❤️ by author
yourfriend1 MISS GIRLL HELLLOO NOTICE ME QUEEN ❤️ by author
ynusername KLDFJSL MWAH MWAH 💋💋💋 judebellingham where's MY kiss???? @.ynusername ❤️ by author yourfriend1 FUCK OFF OMG THAT'S MY KISS @.judebellingham
judebellingham first place in your heart ❤️ by author
jobebellingham looking good!!! 🫶 ❤️ by author
judebellingham find another thing to comment jobebellingham @.judebellingham i dont have to get creative i see her every week yourfriend1 @.jobebellingham GET HIS ASS!! judebellingham @.jobebellingham i'm telling dad ynusername @.jobebellingham thanks jobe!! 💝 love you! judebellingham @.ynusername and me? ❤️ by author ynusername @.judebellingham you the most, of course <3
judebellingham can i have your number sweetheart you are gorgeous xo ❤️ by author
ynusername hahaha sorry i have a boyfriend <//3 judebellingham @.ynusername damn what a lucky sucker ❤️ by author
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liked by judebellingham, jobebellingham, and others
ynusername dinner with my favourite people 💕 photos by @.jobebellingham <3 tagged jobebellingham view all comments
judebellingham explain??? @.jobebellingham
jobebellingham wtf
judebellingham photos by @.judebellingham <3 ❤️ by author
jobebellingham you misspelled jobe ❤️ by author judebellingham @.jobebellingham i wasn't trying to spell jobe ❤️ by author
yourfriend1 HOOOOOT ❤️ by author
ynusername THANK YOU BABE I LOVE YOU judebellingham @.ynusername you're welcome yourfriend1 @.judebellingham FUCK OFF MATE
judebellingham notice how she says favourite people and not favourite person ❤️ by author
judebellingham that's because i'm her favourite person ❤️ by author yourfriend2 @.judebellingham boy if you run your mouth one more time ynusername it's true!! my favorite person my favorite boy my favorite football player <33 @.judebellingham
jobebellingham i take such good pictures ❤️ by author
ynusername you do!! thank you jobe 💖
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liked by judebellingham, yourbestfriend, and others
ynusername this weekend + someone's going home! 🥰 @.judebellingham tagged judebellingham view all comments
yourbestfriend JUDE'S GOING TO ENGLAND?????????? ❤️ by author
yourbestfriend FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK ❤️ by author
yourfriend1 i'm committing a crime ❤️ by author yourfriend2 worse day of my life fr ❤️ by author judebellingham jealousy truly is when you count someone else's blessing instead of yours 🙏🙏🙏 @.yourbestfriend @.yourfriend1 @.yourfriend2
judebellingham which flower shop is that ❤️ by author
judebellingham i'll get you the whole shop ❤️ by author
yourfriend1 sexy girl in her sexy costume 👅 ❤️ by author
judebellingham thank you those are my hands btw ❤️ by author ynusername 🥺🥺💝 yourfriend1 @.judebellingham idc go away
judebellingham photos by jude bellingham all of them ❤️ by author
yourfriend3 oohh girl 🥵 the hands on your thighs 👅💦💦 ❤️ by author
judebellingham my hands thank you ❤️ by author ynusername hahaha ily <33 let's meet up @.yourfriend3
username1 hooot 🥵🥵🥵🥵
username2 the hands on the thighs are such gamechangers
judebellingham those are my hands thanks
yourfriend4 NOOOOO NOT JUDE GOING HOME ❤️ by author
yourbestfriend this close to paying the pilot to turn the plane back to madrid ❤️ by author judebellingham @.yourfriend4 @.yourbestfriend winners focus on winning while losers focus on winners... says a lot about you two 🙏💖 ❤️ by author yourbestfriend BLOCK HIM @.ynusername ❤️ by author ynusername hahaha 🩷 love you three xo @.yourfriend4 @.yourbestfriend @.judebellingham judebellingham she loves me most tho @.yourbestfriend @.yourfriend4 ❤️ by author
username3 that lola costume is so goooood
judebellingham thank you ❤️ by author
judebellingham EVERYONE PLEASE LOOK AWAY ❤️ by author
username4 thank you y/n now i know what jude looks like facetiming me
yourfriend5 LILO SPOTTED 🐈 ❤️ by author
ynusername my favorite cat in all of london! 😽😽 yourfriend5 @.ynusername she loves you so much!! judebellingham @.yourfriend5 not anymore than i love her yourfriend5 @.judebellingham SHE'S A CAT judebellingham @.yourfriend5 i don't care
judebellingham can i be the bugsy to your lola xo ❤️ by author
username5 why is jude the most annoying person
judebellingham i'm boarding the plane baby I'LL SEE YOU I LOVE YOU ❤️ by author
judebellingham I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU ❤️ by author
username6 this comment section... 😭😭😭
judebellingham I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ❤️ by author
yourbestfriend SHUT UP BOY OMGGGG ❤️ by author yourfriend3 GET ON YOUR DAMN PLANE ❤️ by author
judebellingham see you soon my love my darling ❤️ by author
ynusername stay safe love!! 💕
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liked by judebellingham, yourbestfriend, jobebellingham and others
ynusername we're both in the backseat because neither of us know how to drive 😝 tagged judebellingham view all comments
judebellingham YOU ARE ALL I WANT ❤️ by author
ynusername such sweet boy <3333 judebellingham @.ynusername sweetest for you <3333 ❤️ by author judebellingham ily <333 @.ynusername ❤️ by author
judebellingham YOU ARE ALL I LOVE ❤️ by author
ynusername aww i love you more baby!!!
username1 JUDE WE GET IT 😭😭😭
yourbestfriend imagine how tired we feel
ynusername photos by @.judebellingham 💘
judebellingham that's right baby ❤️ by author judebellingham photos by jude bellingham ❤️ by author
yourbestfriend close enough welcome back the worse week of my life ❤️ by author
judebellingham jealousy and bitterness is poison to the soul yourbestfriend @.judebellingham boy if you don't close your mouth ynusername just for a while <3 i love you!! @.yourbestfriend
judebellingham YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING ❤️ by author
username2 does y/n ever get tired of jude omfg
judebellingham no ynusername hahaha never x 💕
yourfriend1 great thanks jude it's time to never see y/n ever again ❤️ by author
ynusername aww don't be dramatic!! i love you!! judebellingham @.yourfriend1 the worst part of being happy is finding friends who support and love you yourfriend1 @.judebellingham I'LL BEAT YOUR ASS
judebellingham I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU ❤️ by author
ynusername i love you more baby!! 🌹
judebellingham never leave me ❤️ by author
ynusername i would never!! 💝💝
yourfriend2 it's been 40 seconds @.judebellingham ❤️ by author
judebellingham you don't understand true love i guess ❤️ by author
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lilybug-02 · 1 day
Little guy show you his little guy friend :]
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little messy fanart from me for your son, because I love him sm. <3
idk his hat color so I just match it with his clothes </3
OH MY GOODNESS!!! 🥺🥰😭 Fanart of my Boy?!? Ah this is so cute wth. Your coloring and lighting is amazing~! Eeeee. thank you so much.
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sansaorgana · 2 days
benny saving you from abusive bf or dad :(
hello, love! thank you for your request 🥰 I was self-indulgent and chose an abusive dad lol proceed with caution because there is lots of physical violence / domestic abuse in this fic
requests for benny are open 🥺🎀
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You were dolling yourself up for the date with Benny in your room upstairs – putting makeup on, brushing your hair, spraying perfume and singing along to the rock and roll songs you played. Perhaps a little bit too loud because you couldn’t hear the rapid footsteps approaching your bedroom. When the door opened, you got startled as you turned around to see your angry father.
“What is it?” You asked, irritated already because he didn’t knock.
He looked you up and down with contempt and pointed at the record player.
“Turn that shit down,” he barked at you. “I’ve just come back from work, I want to fucking rest, I can’t even hear the goddamn TV because of this crap! I’ve told you already that if you want to listen to this sort of music, you’re free to do so when you’re home alone!” He raised his voice and you sighed.
“I didn’t hear you coming back home, gee,” you rolled your eyes and you approached the record player but you didn’t turn the music off, just slightly decreased the volume.
“You would have heard if you weren’t listening to this! And what are you, deaf now? I’ve told you to turn that shit down,” your father grabbed you by your arm and then pushed you away.
Tears pricked the corners of your eyes. Perhaps at this point you should be used to him being like that. But you couldn’t. To some things you just couldn’t get used to, no matter how many times they’d happen. You would never understand why your dad couldn’t treat you like his precious princess. Why was he raising you the way some other men raised their sons – some bastards, of course. Because not every son was treated like this by their father. And you were a girl treated like dirt.
The way he treated you was much more than the constant stress at home – no, that you would survive. It was going deeper. It was about the way you had this feeling deep down inside that no man could ever love and protect you because your own father couldn’t. Yeah, you were dating Benny now but you weren’t sure what his feelings towards you truly were like. Benny was not a man of many words and he wouldn’t open up – especially about his feelings.
“What are you doing, by the way?” Your father asked when you finally turned the record player down and hid the vinyl away. “You’re going out?”
“Yeah! Do I need your permission?” You snapped and he clenched his jaw.
“What’s going on here?” Your mother peeked inside the room with widened eyes, already fearing her husband’s tantrum.
“She’s going out to waste away all the money again,” he pointed at you.
“She’s an adult, it’s just a date,” your mother stood up for you.
“And I spend my own money. I work!” You reminded him angrily and went back to brushing your hair in front of the mirror, pretending everything was fine.
“Why can other young people save their money to be able to move out of their parents’ house and you just want to go out and spend money on parties all the time because apparently being a parasite is not a problem for you?!” Your father yelled and your mother started to shush him.
The accusations were so wrong. You weren’t even partying much. It was just a date with Benny and how much would you spend? Nothing, really. A few pennies for the milkshake maybe but the chances were Benny would pay for it anyway.
“She’s just going out on a date,” your mother explained to your father, trying to calm him down but it had the opposite effect. His eyes widened as his fists clenched.
“With that… That dirty… That dirty punk?!” He asked as his booming tone echoed through the walls. “Haven’t I told you, you stupid girl, I don’t want to see you around him?!”
“Dad, stop!” You hissed at the feeling of his grip on your arm again. This time he didn’t let go, no, he was squeezing and squeezing, trying to twist it.
“Stop it!” Your mother tried to intervene but he pushed her away.
“Dad, you’re hurting me!”
“It’s nothing compared to what that bastard will put you through! My daughter won’t end up like a common whore!” He was yelling and you saw the blind rage in his eyes – he was gone now, completely out of common sense, driven only by his rage and fury.
His yelling, your squealing and your mother’s crying were so loud that you didn’t hear the sound of the motorbike’s engine parking outside. Benny jumped off of his bike and leaned on it, waiting for you. But when he reached for the cigarette, he froze for a moment as he realised that the yelling noises came from the room upstairs inside your house. He glanced up and noticed that the window to your room was half open.
He hid the cigarette away and furrowed his brow.
“Dad, let go of me!” You squealed and Benny saw your silhouette in the grip of your father as he slapped your face.
“I’ve told you to shut the fuck up, both of you!” He yelled. “Congratulations,” he addressed another woman inside your room. “Your daughter is now a whore just like you, hanging out with those bums and punks and dirty fucking bikers…” He looked at you again. “You stink of them! The rotten stench on you, you’re a whore!”
Benny’s blood boiled at the scene he was witnessing. You had mentioned earlier that your father was “an asshole” but he had never expected this sort of asshole. He thought he was just mean and grumpy.
He wasn’t thinking straight anymore. He approached the front door and tried to open them but they were closed. So, with one kick of his boot, he broke inside. He couldn’t care less about the fucking door.
You didn’t even hear that. All you could hear was your father’s yelling and your mother crying. Your arm in his grip, your cheeks wet from tears and stinging from his slaps. It was one of those moments when you didn’t even care whether you would live or die anymore. In fact, you wished he would just kill you and make it all stop.
You saw his hand raising again to hit you once more when the door to your room opened rapidly and you all froze, turning around to see Benny himself.
Your heart skipped a beat at the sight of him but your father’s grip tightened even more. He blinked a few times with his mouth half open and Benny was breathing heavily with his face reddened from anger.
Before your father could act, Benny approached him and punched him in his face so hard that your father let go of you completely.
“What are you doing! Stop!” Your mother squealed and grabbed Benny’s sleeve but he ignored her to deliver one more punch – this time in your father’s guts.
He fell down to the ground and Benny was kicking him without even saying a word. He was like an animal, you thought. And your mother still cried and squealed and begged – pathetically, really. How could she defend your father suddenly? And he… He was only grunting as his face was getting bloody. You saw it all in slow motion.
Benny delivered a final kick and spat on your father before pushing your mother away gently, with a shrug of his arms.
“Touch her again and I’ll fucking kill you,” he drawled through his gritted teeth at your father and finally turned around to face you.
“You okay?” He asked, a hint of worry in his face as he visibly softened. You were standing there, petrified and trembling slightly. But his question finally brought you back to reality.
“Let’s get outta here,” you only whispered and grabbed his rough hand to lead him downstairs as fast as possible.
You noticed the broken door and looked at him as if he was crazy.
“Sorry,” he shrugged his arms and your heart filled with love.
No man had ever protected you like that before. No man had ever made you feel safe either. You would marry him right away if he asked.
“Don’t be,” you only said and went outside to approach his motorbike.
You both jumped on it and drove away as fast as possible. You didn’t even care where he was taking you. If you’d never go back home – you were okay with that.
But Benny took you to the club. He led you inside gently and some of the boys widened their eyes at you.
“What the fuck happened to her?” Johnny asked and squinted his eyes at Benny as if he was accusing him of something.
Benny didn’t answer and just walked you to the bathroom. He closed the door behind you and you saw yourself in the mirror. Oh, now you understood why they were giving you funny looks. You had a bruise on your cheek, your makeup was smudged from crying and your hair was ruffled.
“You okay?” Benny stood behind you to put his hands on your arms. “Hey, doll, look at me,” he asked and you looked up as you turned around.
Now, when it was just the two of you and you finally felt safe, the tension left your body and you sobbed as you clung to him. Benny wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer as he hid his face in your hair. 
“I’m sorry, kitty, I had no idea he was like that…”
“It’s not your fault,” you mumbled between the sobs.
“I just can’t understand… How can a father treat his daughter like that? A little dollie like you?” Benny was in genuine disbelief. “Hey, listen, let’s fix that, hm?” He moved away slightly and started to brush your hair with his fingers but it was only making it look worse. “Ugh, shit,” he chuckled. “I’ve an idea. I’ll take you to Johnny’s. Betty will know what to do,” Benny proposed and you nodded shyly as you sniffed and wiped your cheeks from the remaining tears. “And, hey,” Benny grabbed your wrists gently to move them away from your face as he leaned in, “I won’t ever let anyone hurt you again, do you hear me?” He was serious about it and you nodded.
He joined your lips together in a sweet and delicate kiss as if you were made of glass. Benny had never kissed you like that before but now he thought you needed that more than anything – the gentleness.
“I can’t offer you much, kitty, but I won’t ever do you no harm,” he promised in a whisper. “I wanna take care of you.”
His words were healing the broken pieces inside you and you felt like sobbing again. You wrapped your arms around him and pressed your chest to his to feel his heartbeat.
“You’re already offering me enough, Benny,” you assured him and he kissed the top of your head, feeling the tears pricking his own eyes now but he sniffed them away.
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lnfours · 1 day
massive congratulations on 11.8k!!! that is so amazing, so so happy for you!! and thank you so much for such a fun sleepover event💛
🍊 “i don’t think i’ve ever felt the way i do with you with anyone else.” “what does that mean?” “what do you think it means?” with lan🫶🏼 (almost cried reading that prompt actually)
thank u my love 🥺🤍 i also almost cried reading this prompt and then sobbed into my pillow after writing this SO i hope its everything you wanted it to be!
11.8k friends to lovers sleepover
the sound of the door of the hotel room shutting pulled you from your phone, your eyes looking up and meeting the boy dressed in papaya. he tossed his paddock pass, phone and wallet down on the small table in the corner, sighing to himself before kicking off his shoes.
you watched him sadly, not sure of how to start the conversation. you had seen the race, you knew everything people were writing. you say the 'max vs lando fued' headlines reporters were running with. it was hard to not see it, and it was even harder to let him know he had done a good job when he was like this. when he felt that everything he's done wasn't good enough, even if it was. when he blamed every single tiny mistake onto himself. it was hard. hard to see someone you loved and cared for so much beat themself up over something as tiny as a wheel to wheel combat.
so when he turned around, a tired, frustrated and sad look etched onto his face as he looked at you, your only response was to open your arms. and without protest, he climbed onto the edge of the bed and joined you, your arms wrapping around his neck as he laid on top of you, his cheek pressing against your chest, your chin resting on his curls.
"wanna talk about it?" you asked gently.
he shook his head, "tired of talking about it."
you nodded, "then we won't."
he played with the stitching on your shirt, keeping his mind busy from thinking about everything that went wrong. instead, he was thinking about how good it felt to be in your arms. how lucky he was that you'd show up every time he needed you, no questions asked. his heart tightening in his chest as he took in the smell of your perfume, a smell that was once just pleasant now feeling like home.
"i don't think i've ever felt the way i do with you with anyone else." his brain too tired of putting up a fight to filter what his mouth was saying. your eyebrows pulled together as you looked down at him.
"what does that mean?"
"what do you think it means?"
your heart pace skyrocketed and you knew he could hear it, but he didn't mention it. he didn't poke fun of you or say anything about it at all, instead he shifted so he was looking up at you.
"i'm serious," he said, green eyes almost swallowed by how large his pupils were, and now you were wondering how long they've always done that without you noticing, "you're it for me."
you smiled softly, reaching out a brushing his hair back from his forehead, nails scratching his scalp. he smiled back at you, tiredly but you knew the look in his eyes. the look of complete infatuation and love.
"i don't think i've ever felt this way with anyone else either." your voice was barely above a whisper.
that's all he needed to hear before he was cupping the side of your face and pulling you in, his lips meeting yours. a new feeling, but a good one. a feeling that had your body burning and heart racing.
he poured every ounce of pining and love into the kiss as he could as you did the same. pulling away with smiles on both your faces before he started placing kisses all over your face, your cheeks, your nose and your eyelids as you giggled.
252 notes · View notes
Okay okay okay. This is just a tiny drabble, a small tennie tiny thought. So I ready your werebear x reader and I had an idea that stemmed off of the whole breeding thing.
Pregnant (with his cub) Reader x Clayton. Fluff+Smut.
CRAVINGS. You know how women get pregnancy cravings when they prego? I feel like Clayton would go above and beyond. Doting on them, totally indulging in their cravings. Food whores. Her feet get swollen? He rubs em. She's repays his kindness by letting him eat her out while she's munching or something LOL
Anyways have a good day and you totally can ignore this. 👋🏻
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Lovely (if I may call you that) it's true that great minds think alike, because you have Clayton spot on lol Clayton is well known by friends and family for being a huge teddybear that will dote on anyone he cares about if they need it. His mate is no exception lol
He would go completely overboard once he finds out his mate is pregnant, just trying to make sure his mate is as comfortable as possible. He read that stress isn't good for the baby, so he aims to make you as stress free as possible. He gets you any fancy pregnancy related pillow or gadget he thinks you may need.
This man loves food, and providing food for his partner. But unfortunately he can't cook to save his life. He can work a microwave and an electric kettle, but he can't touch an oven without burning what he's trying to cook. He can make tea or cup noodles whenever his love requests, but he usually ends up getting takeout to indulge your cravings. Especially when you "don't have the energy to cook," but in reality he doesn't want you to have to lift a finger.
This guy will do everything for you so you don't have to worry about moving. He wants to fulfill all your possible physical needs the best he can. You're thirsty? He has your water bottle ready. Your feet are sore? He already started rubbing them. You're horny?... well he can definitely help with that lol
Speaking of 'physical needs', this guy will use all his energy to ensure you're fully satisfied, often sacrificing sleep in the process. But he considers the sacrifice completely worth it. He seems even more eager to help you out whenever you ask, actually.
Towards the end of the pregnancy, he becomes very gentle and treats you like glass tho. He often sticks to just helping you out with oral, making you cum all over his face and tongue. He has to hold back from fucking the daylights out of you with his knot buried inside you when he hears you begging for him to fuck you, but he doesn't think it's safe for the baby. It would take a lot of convincing (begging) to get him to change his mind 👀
Thank you for your message, Lovely! I very much appreciate it 🥺 you're beautiful
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I would have Clayton give you (and everyone) a hug if he was real
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crystallizsch · 1 day
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(Not me just realizing I can put pictures in asks now... anyway!) I went on a long trip in your Yuusha tag and you really put so much care into her, it was a lot of fun reading everything - I hope it's okay that I tried to draw her! Looking forward to seeing more of your art :D
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ALSO,,, i cant believe you did that thank you??? 😭😭😭 and honestly that is one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me i have actual TEARS reading it eughfhdjhdjdj (i had to look at it over and over again wondering if i even read it right 😭)
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i know i say this a lot but what you said means so much, it made me so happy 😭 thank you so much for liking yuusha and recognizing the care i put into her 🥺💖
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Blissful hours
Pairing: Hybrid!Min x gn!Reader
Word Count: 615
Summary: You love spending your evenings with your very cuddly hybrid Minho, adoring the way he starts purring when you reach the right spots.
Warnings/Tags: fluff, Minho has cat ears and a tail, flufffff... that's basically it
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Before you start reading (!!!) please take a look at this beautiful drawing again🥺 @zehina made this for my birthday today and uhm well as you can tell it didn't stop there😂 thank you so so much for this again, I love it so much🥺🥺🖤 (also yes, she said I can post it and I added her name)
You come home after a long, exhausting day, and as soon as you step through the door, you’re greeted by Minho. His cat ears perk up instantly at the sight of you, and he hurries over, his steps light and graceful. Minho, your adorable hybrid companion, is always a source of comfort and joy, especially on days like this. His soft, fluffy tail swishes back and forth as he reaches you, his bright brown eyes sparkling with happiness.
Minho wastes no time. He nuzzles his face into your neck, a gesture that never fails to make you smile. The warmth of his touch, combined with his soft fur, instantly soothes your tired body. He begins to purr loudly, a sound that resonates deep within you, providing a sense of peace and contentment. You can’t help but chuckle softly as you wrap your arms around him, feeling the gentle vibration of his purrs against your skin.
You move to the couch, and Minho follows closely, his tail brushing against your leg. He hops up beside you and curls up, resting his head on your lap. You start to scratch his head, your fingers moving gently through his soft hair. Minho’s purring grows louder, a clear sign of his delight. His eyes flutter closed, and a serene expression spreads across his face. It’s moments like these that remind you why you cherish his companionship so much.
As you continue to pamper him, you shift your attention to beneath his chin. Your fingers find the perfect spot, and Minho’s reaction is immediate. His eyes close fully, and his purring reaches a contented hum. He leans into your touch, his entire body relaxing against you. The softness lacing his features is a constant reminder of how lucky you are to have him.
Minho’s sweetness is evident in every little gesture. The way he gently rubs his cheek against your hand, the way he curls his tail around your wrist when you scratch his back, and the soft, affectionate sounds he makes when he’s particularly happy. It’s clear that he loves these moments as much as you do, if not more.
You spend a long time just sitting there, enjoying each other’s company. The world outside seems to fade away, leaving just the two of you in this perfect, peaceful bubble. Minho’s purring gradually slows, and you realize he’s fallen asleep in your lap. You smile softly, continuing to stroke his hair gently. His trust in you is evident, and it warms your heart.
In these quiet moments, you feel a profound connection with Minho. His presence is a constant source of joy and comfort in your life. The way he nuzzles into you, the loud purring, the soft flutter of his eyes as he relaxes—everything about him is a reminder of the simple, beautiful moments that make life special.
As the evening progresses, you stay there, unwilling to disturb his peaceful slumber. You think about how much Minho means to you, how his affectionate nature has brought so much light into your life. His cuddles, his purrs, and his sweet demeanor have become an essential part of your daily routine, a cherished ritual that you wouldn’t trade for anything in the world.
Eventually, you too begin to feel the pull of sleep, lulled by the soothing rhythm of Minho’s breathing and the warmth of his body against yours. You know that when you wake up, he’ll be there, ready to greet you with the same love and affection that he always does. And as you drift off, you feel a deep sense of gratitude for your cuddly, purring companion who has made your life so much richer and sweeter.
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Taglist (Please let me know if you want to be added to or removed from the taglist):
@atinyniki @galaxycatdrawz @silverstarburst @aaa-sia @lilmisssona @kthstrawberryshortcake @channieaddict @soullostinspaceandtime @rebecca-johnson-28 @lixie-phoria @kibs-and-bits @xxstrayland @ihrtlix @pheonixfire777 @mellhwang @palindrome969 @michelle4eve @harshaaaaa @rylea08 @heeyboooo @manuosorioh @gisaerlleri @andassortedkpop @bbokari711 @kazuuuaaa @rssamj @wolfyychan @stellasays45 @chrizzztopherbang @ionlyeverwantedtobeyourequal @silentreadersthings @myforevermelody143 @sapphirewaves @james-is-here @queer-possum
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choccy-milky · 2 days
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Had to throw on my ravenclaw robes to make take this pic for you! Thank you so much for letting me commission my own hair clip. I love it. Marcia did such a great job. 🥺
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kingkatsuki · 3 days
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Thank you so much to @saexy for bringing my self-ship with Kaji to life. It’s always such a big thing when you get something for a new ship and I’m so glad it was you because it’s everything I could’ve hoped for and more. I’m literally always in awe of you and you’re incredible work.
Zen managed to bring my Kajo headcanons to life with this, and I’m so in love I can’t stop staring it at🥺
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We Are Ep.14: Part 1/3
Hello!!! =D
Welcome back to my crack posts!
Part 2, Part 3
Ep 14 ruined me, just so y'all know. I'm honestly scared for what the next episode will do to me. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
Warning: long, long post 😊😅 (also divided into three parts this time because I wanted to screenshot the whole damn thing, but this is next best)
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I did not expect Q to be the one to stand up for Phum, but I wasn't really surprised after the last ep. Previously, he'd be the first one to go up in arms, but he's starting to understand maybe everything isn't that straightforward, and despite his friends meddling in his own relationship, he wants to leave Peem alone.
Conclusion: he's a very good friend.
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Of course. I should've known something like this would come up 😭
Of course they've taken baths together.
I love this friendship so much.
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You again. 😶 I swear to the gods, this guy will give me high blood pressure or something. Please please just leave Peem, alone. Learn to take a 'no' and mantain social distancing.
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Peem... you're too kind for your own good. (I get it though)
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You have no right to say that, especially without knowing the full story. But I'm feeling kind, so you're still a (mostly) decent human to me. Try not to ruin that impression. And never, ever again say anything to my babie Phum. Ever.
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Oh my gods my heart broke for Tan 🥺 Here he was, probably never having dated after he fell for Fang, so knowing that Fang had dated even after whatever they went through must be so painful to him.
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Just like we see Tan waving away Fang's insecurities every time, Fang does the very same for Tan.
I love them. <33
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They're both so whipped-
Fai: I didn't see anything 👀😗 (we all know she's fangirling so hard inside)
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Fai is me, I am Fai.
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No but, Phum, are you sure Peem staring at you for a long time won't make your heart race?
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Whipped. They're both so goddamn whipped. *sighs fondly*
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The horns I'm dying 😭😂
Phum wasn't even surprised 😭👍🏼
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Okay, not the best impromptu band performance/concert I've seen, but this is Thai BL, and they need some music and at least like 10 scenes with some band to pass whatever standard of approval, so I'll let it slide. Also, I'm terribly fond of these idiots. <3
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They're besties for a reason hehe
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You're asking the question, but are you ready for the answer?
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I have already gone crazy over this too many times, I really don't have the energy anymore.
Peem is definitely winning Best Non-Confession Confession of the Year Award.
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Are we still talking about the painting, or...?
Honestly though, when he was saying this I got actual flashbacks of Phum kicking the ball into his painting and how their relationship developed from there till where they are right now.
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He named it "Happy" because it's all the things that make him happy. 😶
I had to pause here to take a deep breath so I didn't break out in tears two eps in a row.
Also, taken together, they are a story in 3 pics.
I'm just gonna go sob in the corner.
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When faced with that smile and that "na, Peem, na" how could he ever deny Phum anything 😭
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Textbook definition of a blushing boy who just became boyfriends with his crush the boy he loves. <3
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No, he thinks he's a babygirl and rightfully so.
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THIS HUG. That's it. That's all I have to say. I have no words for how this made me feel, and will make me feel for the rest of the forseeable future.
I end Part 1 here. Part 2 and 3 will be out tomorrow (because they are quite a bit long and I have Thoughts about them that I need to write in detail)!
If you've gotten this far, thank you so much for reading!! 😊
Here, have a taco 🌮
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clairyclue · 1 day
my thoughts on Majestic Rep’s RTC
it’s a lot sorry guys
tags: @jencattv @ray-winters @keatondj
(spoilers below the cut)
you can tell when ocean starts questioning her attitude and how conflicted she is, especially right after WTWN 
jane gets startled so easily poor baby
noel’s riffs are amazing!! (noel’s lament)
the choreo is awesome too!
mischa is a such a sweetie he genuinely cares so much about the other choir members 
mischa flipping ocean off before “i love you guys” haha
constance’s finger guns after “fornication” 
constance laughing at ocean out down jokes and then switching up is so funny 
i love oceans line delivery she’s like three seconds snapping i love it 
jane going from being able to move
fluidly during the songs to being stiff again she looks so confused every time 
ricky. just ricky ❤️
connie i thought the crystal meth joke was funny 
^^ i love all the dialogue in that scene i don’t remember it in original cast slime tuts 
fuck mischa’s adopted parents fr you can tell his anger is a defense mechanism because when he feels comfortable with the choir he’s so sweet!!
(i’m gonna start categorizing by song now i don’t have much for WTWN and Noel’s Lament so)
jane dope 🔥🔥
mlia gives mad sibling karaoke vibes 
karna i see u bopping along 
the singing too is immaculate 
OK JANE i see u dropping it down 
this mischa genuinely seems so into it he deserves so much credit in way of character work 
the way he gets all bashful during his Talia monologue 💓
background harmonies (constance is carrying and also i can hear her so well!!)
again riffs!! well done 
the choreo goes crazy!! this applies to all the songs tho 
the arms making a steeple 🥺😩
THE ENDING RIFFS 💔💔💔😩😩😩😭😭🥺🥺😞😞
the projection i’m gonna end it all 💔
MISCHA FUCKING CRYING INTO NOELS SHOULDER HELPHELPHELP and even once the dialogue moves on he’s still clinging to him and Noel rubs his back
“ocean why aren’t you talking right now it’s weird” (ricky in the bg: ☝️)
i love u connie awkwardness 
jane is so reactive to everything she hears like a little puppy 
“OKAY!! 😁😁😁😁” (autismo lore dump time)
oceans face when he’s explaining it 😀 to 🙁 to 😟
AND THEN SHE FUCKING MOANS U CATHOLIC FREAK (no offense to catholics reading this)
noel’s face me too bud 
ricky’s lore is kinda gross just because it wasn’t always this way. but sigh what can you do
ricky my little freak boy ❤️
spacedolls realness coming through 
rip ricky u would have loved therian tiktok 
little curtain face thing “it gets weird now :)” (•.•)
the emotion behind his lines the whole time tbh adds to the comedy (“i thought i told them !! 😕😕”)
the ending “b-b-b- bachelor man!” (“meow!!”)
we love u mischa hype man (again sweetest man alive)
constance’s “oh man!” was so agressive i loved it the one in the soundtrack seems so sad. this constance is less shy more awkward and i love it
i know i know. but choreo. 
vocals!! ily jenna 
bg vocals as well!! 
the mixing 🥹
the choreo at “a choir never complete” reminds me of the opening funeral scene from beetlejuice. definitely fits the vibe!
the borderline growl/anger in “and i’m asking why lord” yes!!!!
she sounds so desperate. crying. 
“does no one care?!” again the anger and emotion!
the roller coaster. them being sucked back into it choreo wise. reverse looking. 
ocean being the one to put the birthday costume on means a lot to me. idk
ocean comforting her too 🥰🥰
janes birthday claps!
SNATCH !! 🧁🧁
ocean doing connie’s hair ❤️
savannah scene!! 
we don’t get to see it but i know the waltz is happening 
“ur ma best frand 💓“
^ and then ocean immediately snaps my heart again. 
“no you don’t ocean. 😕”
i understand oceans monologue she just. executed it badly. 
constance 😝 beat her ass girl 
“or they’ll call you a cow” baby. come here. 💔
constance. i get you. i get u connie baby. 
oceans face ❤️ i don’t know how to describe it but she looks. proud. and her sitting almost re-evaluating everything in the back. (assuming)
ricky giving her the mic ❤️
them scooting her around aghhhahahdhdbdheh
cloud props!
jane looks so happy with her ballon skipping around 🥹
the ending!! ILY CONSTANCE 
mischa helping her down awww
ocean and connie hug!!
can’t forget the nischa hug
ocean losing her voice inflection and sounding so genuine. so scared. so raw. 
janey when she gets chosen 🥹🥹
ocean and connie hug 2
crying over the ending brb 
the slideshow will always get me 
something about the whole scene. houfhhhhhhh
“and you give and choose while you live and lose” and the lines preceding it get me 🥹
the first lines of it’s just a ride. no music. so raw sounding 🥹 the teary voices. the haphazard harmonies. 
ocean and mischa holding each other. big bro little sis 💓
they’re having so much fun. they’re dead but they’re LIVING for the first time. 
all of the hand holding. my babes. 
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james-is-here · 2 days
Here's a quick little blurb I made for a friend who had to put her cat down recently.
I apologizes for the possible feels you get from this 🥺
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The door to the Stray Kids' apartment creaked open slowly, and Mn stepped inside, carrying his backpack over one shoulder. He paused in the entryway, taking a deep breath before stepping further in. His eyes scanned the familiar surroundings, and a weak smile appeared on his lips as he was greeted by the boys.
"Hey, Mn! Welcome back!" Chan called out from the couch, where he was sprawled with a notebook in hand.
"Mn! How was your trip?" Seungmin asked, popping his head out of the kitchen.
"Did you bring us any snacks?" Han chimed in with a cheeky grin.
Mn chuckled softly, waving at them. "Hey, guys. It was good. Just... a bit tired from the flight." He mutters as he hands a bag over to Jisung who takes it happily.
Hyunjin frowned as he observed Mn's expression. "Are you okay? You look a bit off."
Mn brushed them off with a casual wave of his hand. "Yeah, just jet lag. I'll be fine."
The members exchanged glances but decided to let it go for now. Mn headed to his room, dropping his backpack on the floor and flopping onto his bed. He stared at the ceiling, his mind replaying the events of the past few days with his parents.
Over the next few days, Mn tried to maintain his usual routine, but his friends noticed something different about him. He was quieter than usual, often lost in thought. Minho, in particular, noticed the subtle changes in Mn's behavior.
One evening, Mn shyly approached Minho, who was sitting at the kitchen table, scrolling through his phone.
"Hyung, can I see pictures of your cats?" Mn asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Minho looked up, surprised. "Of course, Mn. Here you go." He handed his phone to Mn, showing him a photo of his cat, Dori.
Mn's eyes softened as he looked at the picture. "They're so cute, hyung."
Minho smiled, watching Mn closely. "Thanks. You really like cats, don't you?"
Mn nodded, his gaze still fixed on the phone. "Yeah, I do."
Days passed, and Mn continued to ask Minho to see pictures of his cats. Minho began to grow curious about Mn's sudden interest.
One afternoon, as Mn once again held Minho's phone, looking at a picture of Dori, Minho gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "Mn, is everything okay? You've been asking to see my cats a lot lately."
Mn sighed, looking down at his hands in his lap, which held Minho's phone. "It's just... during my time with my parents, we had to put down my cat, Biscuit."
Minho's heart tightened at Mn's words. He could see the pain in the younger's eyes. Without a second thought, he wrapped an arm around Mn, pulling him into a comforting embrace. "I'm so sorry, Mn. That must have been really hard."
Mn leaned into Minho, his voice barely audible. "It was. I miss him so much."
Minho tightened his hold, offering silent support. "You know, whenever I go home, you're more than welcome to come with me and see my cats. They'd love to meet you."
Mn looked up, a small, grateful smile forming on his lips. "Thanks, hyung. I'd like that."
Minho grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "And if your parents get a new cat, you have to bring me along to see it, okay? Or at least take a bunch of photos to show me."
Mn chuckled softly, feeling a bit of the weight lift from his shoulders. "Deal."
As they sat there, surrounded by the warmth of their friendship, Mn felt a sense of comfort and healing. Despite the pain of losing Biscuit, he knew he had a family in Stray Kids who would always be there for him.
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and-her-saints · 2 days
seriously crying tears of joy reading your latest answer. i had no idea anything like new ways ministry even existed. as a queer catholic (baptized as an infant, not really raised in the church) i’ve been so confused where to even start with connecting to my faith, and no one really understands that who isn’t a queer catholic. thank you so much and god bless🥺💗
oh my goodness… God bless you too!!!
i have so many other resources. i listed them on this tiktok, and have been thinking about doing a series on there breaking each of them down. however, i know many of you are not fans of the clock app (WITHIN REASON!!!) so i’ll do a quick name drop off the top of my head of Queer Catholic resources:
New Ways Ministry
Call to Action
to be honest… the entirety of Catholic Organizations for Renewal (COR) does great work
and many, many more. never let conservative catholics try to convince you that you are alone. or that there is no one like you in this church. we are many, we have been here forever and we aren’t going anywhere.
much love and i will be praying for you <3
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sansaorgana · 1 day
If the both of you were hurt in a accident, I can see Benny, even if he’s all battered and bruised, jump out of his hospital bed to see how you are 😍
hello, sweetheart! oh, he definitely would do that 😅💗 thank you for your request 😇 I got a little inspired by the movie Easy Rider when it comes to the accident 🙈
requests for benny are open 🥺🎀
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Benny was a skilled motorbike driver and he knew when he could go faster and show off – he felt the motorbike like a part of his own body at this point. And as much as he loved to show off his skills in front of you, he would never do that when you were actually riding with him. No, when you were sitting behind him, clutching to his sides, he wouldn’t even speed up too much – just a little bit above the limit. Benny would never want anything bad to happen to you.
But Benny couldn’t control other people on the road. He could only control his motorbike but not the cars and trucks that were all over. Some of their drivers had a problem with the bikers – in the country that loved freedom so much, the ones who lived truly free remained the outcasts. And it was one of the truck drivers who made sure that Benny’s bike would lose its balance and end up in the ditch. Just like that, without even caring about the lady sitting in the back. He drove away. If he wanted to kill you two, then he could consider himself unlucky because Benny was too skilled to lose control of his motorbike completely and he managed to avoid the worst.
He had a slight concussion and his arm was twisted from putting it behind to soften your fall and make sure to at least protect your head. The nurses were trying to calm him down and make him rest but he couldn’t as he kept asking about you.
“Why isn’t she in the room with me?” He asked for the tenth time and the woman sighed, giving up.
“Women don’t share rooms with men,” she explained.
“I gotta see her,” Benny shrugged her off as she just finished putting a bandage over his twisted arm to make sure it would stay in one place now. “I gotta see my girl.”
“Mr. Cross, you’ve had a concussion. You should rest now,” the other nurse tried to make him lay down but he pushed her hands away.
“Not before I see (Y/N),” he gave her a deadly glare. “Why don’t you want to tell me what’s wrong with her?”
“You are not a family member,” the woman looked him up and down. He knew why they treated him like that – because he was a biker. A dirty bum and they didn’t approve of that lifestyle. In their eyes, it would be better for the society if he had died there.
“Just tell me the room number,” he mumbled but they looked at each other and left him, closing the door behind.
Benny was pissed. He was fine, after all. And he needed to see that you were, too. So, he jumped out of bed, feeling a little dizzy but ignoring it completely as he limped to the door. His legs were not broken but they still hurt badly after the fall.
He opened the door and found himself in the hospital’s corridor. He approached the small board with all the important information about the facility and he found out that the rooms for women were on the floor under his. So, he went to the emergency staircase – where no one would see him – and he slowly limped down with greeted teeth to handle the pain better. He was determined to find you and only then he would be able to rest properly.
He was planning to peek inside every room until he’d find you but at the sight of the woman at the end of the corridor, he realised he didn’t have to. He swallowed thickly as he approached your mother. She gave him a very dirty look but he also spotted some sympathy in her eyes when she saw the way he limped.
“Oh, Benny. I would beat the shit out of you but I don’t beat cripples,” she crossed her arms.
“I’m sorry, Mrs. (Y/L/N),” he looked down. “How is she?”
“She’s gonna be fine. But if I see her once more on that goddamn motorbike of yours, I’m gonna kill you, boy,” your mother threatened and Benny looked up to give her puppy eyes like a beaten dog.
“Can I see her?” He asked, quietly.
“Go on,” your mother shook her head and pointed at the door on his right.
Benny pushed them softly and smiled at the sight of you sitting on your bed. You were reading a magazine and stuffing yourself with chocolates your mother had surely brought you. You had a scratch on your cheek and a bandage on your arm as well.
“Hey,” he greeted you awkwardly and you looked up. Your heart skipped a beat to see him so weak and hurt.
“Oh, baby! They told me you had a concussion, you should be in bed!” You protested.
“They told you, huh? They didn’t want to tell me shit about you. Had to see with my own eyes,” he admitted with a chuckle as he limped to your bed to sit on the edge. “You okay, baby?”
“Well, I’m worried ‘bout that,” you pointed at your cheek. “I’m worried it’s gonna stay. The scar, I mean. What they gonna call me then? Scarface?” Your lower lip trembled. “And I’m gonna be ugly.”
“You’re never gonna be ugly, stop it,” Benny dismissed it with a shake of his head. “And how’s your head, dollie?”
“I don’t even have a concussion!” You told him with a smile. “All thanks to you.”
“I’m glad. And the arm? Why is it bandaged?” Benny pointed his finger at it.
“I might have scars there, too. But that I can cover, right? It just got pretty bloody and some glass got inside but it’s not infected, thankfully. They stitched it up a little, so yeah,” you explained and shrugged your arms. “Gee, baby, that was so scary. Why did that redneck do that? We were just riding, weren’t we? What problem did he have with us?”
“I dunno,” Benny shrugged his arms, too and he looked down. “But your ma’s right, you shouldn’t ride with me anymore.”
“Don’t be stupid, I already told her there’s no way. If it was your fault, I’d consider it but it was not! And in fact, I am alive thanks to you,” you grabbed his hand to squeeze it. “Now, give me a kiss and go back to your room to rest,” you ordered and Benny cracked a smile at you.
He loved you for your spirit and devotion. He leaned in to place a gentle kiss upon your lips and he traced gently the scratch on your cheek.
“If it stays, it’s gonna look badass, dollie, I’m tellin’ ya,” he whispered and you giggled.
“When you say that, you’re making me want for it to stay,” you admitted. “Now, go rest.”
“Can’t I rest here?” Benny asked, giving you puppy eyes.
“You can,” you nodded and moved slightly on the bed so he could lay next to you. You went back to reading your magazine and played with his hair gently to soothe him.
He was dozing off when two old nurses opened the door to your room rapidly and you looked up at them, confused.
“For God’s sake, there he is,” one of them said. “Mr. Cross!” She approached Benny to wake him up.
“Let him stay here, sister,” you pouted.
“Absolutely not!” She shook him and he opened his sleepy eyes to rub them.
“You shouldn’t shake him like that, he’s had a concussion,” you pointed out and pushed her hands away.
“He should be in his own bed,” she snapped at you angrily.
You didn’t like the way they were treating him. He was your sweet Benny, your lovely boyfriend, the love of your life. And they were treating him like a piece of shit – worse than a dog.
You gave her a dirty look and caressed Benny’s face gently as his hazy eyes focused on you.
“Hey, baby, I think you should go now,” you spoke to him softly. “But don’t worry, we’re going out tomorrow, yeah? And I’m gonna take you home with me, no matter what my mum says. And I’m gonna take care of you,” you promised. “Now, go, sleep it off,” you encouraged him to sit up slowly and leave your bed as the two angry nurses took him by his arms and nearly dragged him out of your room. “Be careful!” You shouted after them but they ignored you.
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