submaskudari · 5 months
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siobhans-roy · 2 years
rules: tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
i was tagged by @ginaricky and @anewhope in different but still very similar tag games so i took the liberty of combining them i hope this is okay ASDKFJK either way, tysm besties 💕
relationship status: single
favorite color: blue
favorite food: tortellini or lasagna
song stuck in your head: everytime we touch by cascada (my ultimate workout song so i always come back from the gym singing it)
last thing you googled: the address to a restaurant
dream trip: edinburgh maybe? i’d also love to return to barcelona and rome someday AND i'm going to [lizzie olsen voice] new york citayyyy this christmas and i’m excited for that!
something i want: a new laptop
currently reading: i have barely read anything this year tbh i need to find the book that will get me back into books....
last song: heaven remix by dj sammy (also from my workout playlist pls no judgment lmao)
last series: currently watching the sandman but the last one i finished was severance
last movie: not okay
favorite thing to cook/bake: risotto
sweet/spicy/savory: savory
most niche dislike: people sniffling next to me like pls just go blow your nose my dude
opinion on the circus: idk.... animals should have no place in it but trapeze artists are very impressive.....
do you have a sense of direction: lol NOPE
time: 5:21pm
currently working on: a bunch of gifsets for events coming up this month
tagging @brooksdavis, @azarovas, @eddiemunsvn, @nataliaaromanovas, @jakeyp, @carlos-reyes, @disaster-lineage, @lucifersmorningstar, @lightkeykid, @stevehs and anyone elso who want do do this <3
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purrincess-chat · 4 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: Remix CH5
Aaaand it’s finally time. Surprise! Work has been kicking my butt the past couple weeks, so I’ve been really tired and writing has been slow. But we are still plenty ahead of schedule on this project, so don’t worry your pretty little heads! You’ll still get a chapter every Friday! We’re getting closer to the big shifts. Only a couple more chapters until the real fun begins >:)
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Chapter 5: when the party’s over
“Good morning, sweetie.”
“Morning, Mom.” Marinette made her way down the stairs, carrying her boots in one hand. She yawned and stooped to kiss her mother’s cheek.
“How was the concert? Did you all have a good time?” her mom asked.
“I had an amazing time! We got to stand backstage for the whole performance, and you’re not gonna believe it! I fixed Jagged's jacket, and to thank me, he invited me to sing a song with him!” Marinette relayed as she grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl.
“Oh, how exciting!” her mom said. “I always knew you would do something amazing.”
“If Eliott hadn't suggested that I ask for tickets, Jagged would have canceled the show. It was really lucky that I was there,” Marinette said, ripping the peel.
“So, I take it everything is going well at your new school?” Her mom took a seat across from her.
“Yeah. I'm making new friends, and I helped someone with their bully,” Marinette answered around a bite.
“Are you happy?”
Marinette slowed her chewing as she mulled over an answer, and sensing her hesitance, her mom placed a hand over hers.
“I know there are things you don't tell me, but I can tell when you're upset,” she said. “You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. All I care about is that you're happy.”
“It's just that…” She took a deep breath before spilling everything. Following Lila and Adrien, the situation with seats, Lila's threats in the bathroom, Alya's akumatization.
Once she started, she couldn't stop. Words tumbled from her mouth in a rapid current until hot tears spilled down her cheeks. Her mother moved to hold her, rubbing her back and kissing her hair.
“When you said you wanted to transfer to this new school to focus on your talents, I had no idea you were leaving behind so much,” her mom said. “You've been carrying all of that weight for so long.”
“I didn't know what else to do,” Marinette whimpered. She sniffled against her mother's shoulder.
“Look at me.” Her mom lifted her chin. “You do so much for other people, and that’s wonderful. But I think it's time that you focus on what makes you happy.”
That was the understatement of the century, but Marinette wasn't going to say as much.
“Your father and I raised you to always help others when you can, but we never wanted it to be at the expense of your own happiness. Sometimes it's okay to do what's best for yourself, and I think that changing schools was a smart decision.” She brushed a tear from Marinette's cheek with her thumb. “I know you're hurting now, and if you ever need anything, Papa and I are always here for you.”
“Thanks, Mama,” Marinette said.
She hugged her mother tightly, her worries washing down her face in thin streaks. For once, she wasn't a superhero with the weight of the world on her shoulders—she was a young girl, abandoned and hurt by the people she once trusted. There wasn’t a clever solution to fix everything. No lucky charm to get her out of a messy situation. It was the hardest lesson she'd ever learned. That sometimes there was no magic to reset everything. Some wounds didn't heal, and some bonds stayed broken.
For the first time since she became Ladybug, Marinette didn't have to carry anyone's burdens but her own. For once, she could just cry.
♪♫♪ When I’m Gone ♪♫♪
“Well, class, by an overwhelming majority, I’m happy to announce Lila as our new class representative!” Mlle. Bustier said.
“Mlle. Bustier, I would like a recount!” Chloe demanded.
“You only had two votes, Chloe. I don’t think a recount is necessary.” She gave her a sympathetic smile.
“What? That’s ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!” Chloe folded her arms over her chest.
“Can you blame us?” Alya asked.
“Yeah, Lila is way cooler than you.” Alix shot back, a sentiment echoed by several others.
Chloe slouched in her seat, seething. “Well, at least Sabrina recognizes my natural leadership,” she said, but her bff averted her gaze. “Don’t tell me you voted for her too?”
“Sorry, Chloe.” Sabrina shrank when Chloe gasped in disbelief.
“Are my ears deceiving me? How dare you!” Chloe slammed her fist on the desk as the whole class erupted into laughter.
“Wow, even Sabrina is tired of you,” Nathaniel said.
Chloe’s jaw clenched, cheeks burning angry and hot. Even the shrimpy comic book nerd was laughing at her. What had the world come to?
“I don’t want to cause any trouble, but I did win fair and square, Chloe. I hope you aren’t too mad at me.” Lila curled her shoulders. “The last thing I want to do is make another enemy like I did with Marinette. I just want to do my best to make your lives as easy as possible here.”
“See? Now that’s natural leadership.” Alya smirked.
“You’re all so lame. I wouldn’t want your votes anyway.” Chloe glared at Lila as class resumed and clicked her stylus pen. Lila wasn’t some nobody like Marinette. She was going to be harder to push around. Regardless, if there was something Chloe wanted, she always got it.
♪♫♪ I Don’t Care ♪♫♪
“Congrats on winning class representative,” Alya said at the next class change. “I can go over all of your duties with you this afternoon if you want. Marinette and I used to discuss things over ice cream.”
Lila suppressed an eye roll. The sooner Alya stopped talking about that brat, the better. Things were working out in Lila’s favor already now that she was gone. Pretty soon she’d own this school, and no one would even remember Marinette’s name.
“Actually, I’m recovering from tonsilitis, so my doctor said I’m not allowed to eat any dairy.” Lila touched her throat delicately. “Besides, you and I should pick our own rituals and forget about Marinette.”
“True, I guess.” Alya pursed her lips, and Lila placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I know it’s hard to move on, but honestly, Marinette is nobody,” Lila said. “Though not many people can say they saved an entire village from a stampede, so I guess I shouldn’t be one to judge.”
“Not all of us can be so amazing.” Alya chuckled good-naturedly. “I guess part of me just wishes that Marinette could have gotten to know you and seen how cool you are.”
“Her loss.” Lila shrugged as they entered the locker room.
“Did you see-”
“Is that for real?”
“No way!”
“What’s going on?” Alya asked Adrien and Nino.
“Marinette sang with Jagged Stone last night at his concert here in Paris.” Nino explained, tilting his phone toward them.
“What?” Lila snatched it from him.
“Miraculous, yeah I got this! I gotta confess I feel so strong!”
“She asked him for tickets yesterday on Instagram, and he gave her backstage passes,” Mylène said.
“She looks so happy and confident,” Rose cooed.
“Wouldn’t you be if you got to sing with Jagged Stone on stage?” Alix said.
“I miss her.” Rose slumped, and several classmates followed suit.
“Yeah, me too,” Max echoed.
“Hey, Lila, since you’re such good friends with Jagged Stone, do you think you could get us tickets to his next show?” Kim asked.
Every eye turned to her expectantly, and her annoyance flared. Of course Marinette wouldn’t go quietly. That stupid brat was causing her problems even after she was gone. Lila wasn’t worried though. This situation just needed a little precision…
“Well, I would love to, but celebrities like Jagged really don’t like to give stuff away for free. It’s kind of taboo to even ask. I’m sure Jagged only complied this time because he wanted to save face. He cares about his fans so much, but it’s actually very rude to ask someone for special treatment,” Lila said. “I feel really bad for Jagged being put on the spot like that. She could have ruined his reputation.”
“Wow, I guess I didn’t realize…” Kim rubbed the back of his neck. “I’d hate to put you in that position.”
“I can’t believe Marinette would do such a thing.” Nathaniel glared down at his phone.
“Yeah, way uncool.”
“Everyone, please don’t make a fuss and blame Marinette. She isn’t used to dealing with celebrities. I’m sure she meant no harm.” Lila assured them. “If only she were still here. I have so much I could teach her.”
“We’re so lucky to have you, Lila,” Nino said. He draped an arm across her shoulders.
“Yeah, thanks, Lila!”
“You’re the best.”
Lila smiled as the bell rang, and everyone shuffled off to class. Marinette wasn’t going to get ahead so easily. Everyone was still exactly where Lila wanted them, and she’d make sure it stayed that way.
♪♫♪ Primadonna ♪♫♪
Later that afternoon, the girls gathered in the bathroom to comfort Mireille who was crying over some stupid argument she’d had with her boyfriend, not that Chloe cared. All she wanted was to find dirt on Lila, so she slipped in unnoticed and hid in an empty stall to listen.  
Nothing was right in her school anymore. Lila was stealing away everything she’d worked for, and while everyone was too busy paying attention to her, Chloe barely had anyone to boss around. Something needed to change. Fast. She would have to be smarter if she wanted to dethrone this queen, but she’d have order restored in her kingdom soon enough.
Chloe peeked through the crack in the door as Alya and Lila entered. She was going to find Lila’s weakness, then she was going to take her down.
“What’s going on?” Lila asked.
“Mireille and her boyfriend got into a fight, and she’s pretty upset,” Mylène said in a hushed tone.
“Marinette used to give advice to everyone and help them stay positive.” Rose glanced up at Lila. “Since you’re the new class representative, you can help, right?”
“Well, Mireille isn’t really in our class,” Lila said, but when Mireille let out a loud sob, she scrunched her nose and knelt beside her. “Hey, there’s no sense crying over some boy. I’ve had my heart broken before too, so I know how it feels. Boys are dumb. He’s not worth your tears,” she said. “If he really loved you, he wouldn’t have argued with you, and if he doesn’t love you, then you shouldn’t waste your time crying over him. I think you should move on because there’s no better revenge than finding someone cuter.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right…” Mireille sniffled and ran a hand across her cheek.
“We can get some ice cream later if you want.” Alya offered.
“Thanks, girls.” Mireille smiled. She turned to the mirror to fix her face as the bell rang.
“See you later.” They all waved goodbye, shuffling to their next class and leaving Mireille alone.
Drat. Chloe would have to figure out another way to get to Lila. Everyone had a weakness, and Chloe would find hers if it was the last thing she did. But first she needed to get out of the bathroom stall.
She peeked through the crack in the door, but Mireille was still pouting over her lock screen—a picture of her boyfriend hugging her lovingly. Too preoccupied with her sadness, she didn’t see the little black butterfly land on her charm bracelet.
Chloe gasped as Mireille transformed before her eyes, closing the stall door before she could be noticed. She hated to admit it, but she actually missed Maribrat Dupain-Cheng. At least with her around giving pep talks to every miserable face she came across, akumas had reached an all-time low at their school. Where was Ladybug when she needed her?
♪♫♪ Listen ♪♫♪
“So, you really saved his whole show?” One of Marinette’s new classmates asked as everyone crowded around her.
“I’m sure they would have found another solution but-”
“Oh, don’t be modest!” Eliott cut her off with an eye roll. “She totally saved the whole show.”
“Yeah, Jagged Stone adores her.” Macy added with a giggle.
“I still think it should have been you up there, Macy. You’re a much better singer than I am.” Marinette rubbed the back of her neck.
“You have such a cute voice! We should sing a duet together for our next art project,” Macy said, and several classmates agreed, much to Marinette’s chagrin.
“Alright, class, everyone take your seats,” Mme. Allard instructed as she strolled into the room. To Marinette’s relief, the group surrounding her dispersed. “Today we will be discussing themes in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. Now, who can tell me-”
When Marinette’s phone buzzed in her bag, she checked it under her desk. “An akuma alert!”
“What’s that?” Eliott leaned over.
“Is something the matter, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng? M. Chasse?” Mme. Allard paused her lesson and quirked a brow.
“Uh, there’s an akuma loose in the city, ma’am. Shouldn’t we evacuate?” Marinette held up her phone.
Mme. Allard removed her glasses to read the report. “It says here that lockdown orders are only for the area surrounding Notre Dame. We will continue our lesson until it becomes a threat on this side of town,” she said. “Now, put your phone away. They are prohibited during instruction.”
“Yes, Mme. Allard.” Marinette tucked her phone back into her bag and exchanged a nervous look with Tikki. “Actually, Mme. Allard?”
“What is it, Marinette?”
“Can I be excused to the bathroom?”
“You just went before we got here.” Macy gave her a quizzical look.
“Do you have a documented medical condition that requires you to frequent the restroom, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng?” Mme. Allard asked.
A few classmates giggled, and Marinette’s cheeks burned.
“No, ma’am,” she mumbled.
“Then I think you can hold it until the next class change. Now don’t interrupt my lecture again.”
“Yes, ma’am.” She lowered her head, shooting Tikki an apologetic wince.
Her foot tapped the entire lecture, fingers drumming, pen tapping, eyes watching the clock. Part of her hoped the akuma would make its way to their side of town, but she wasn’t so lucky. When the bell rang, Marinette jumped from her chair and stuffed her tablet into her bag.
“Uh, I’m not feeling too well, so I’m gonna go see the nurse,” she said.
“Do you want us to walk with you?” Eliott offered, but she shook her head.
“I, uh, think I might be getting the flu, and I don’t want to infect you guys, so I’ll see you later.” She raced up the hallway.
The third-floor bathroom was empty when Marinette burst through the doors and ducked into a stall—her first stroke of luck all day.
“Your new school is so strict,” Tikki said.
“We can talk about it later. Transform me!”
Dashing across the rooftops, she hurled her yoyo as far as she could. She just hoped Chat Noir managed to show up and keep things at bay. When she made it to the school, she swooped down just in time to deflect an attack before it hit Chat Noir.
“Oh, nice of you to finally drop in,” he said dryly.
“Sorry, kitty, I got held up,” she said. “You okay?”
He relaxed and offered her a wink. “Better now that you’re here. You had me worried.”
“I’ll try not to make a habit of it.” She vowed, readying her yoyo. “In the meantime, I think we could use a little luck to get us out of this mess.”
“Be my guest.” Chat Noir bowed.
Her magnifying glass made quick work of Heartbreaker, and Mireille blinked in confusion as Ladybug purified the akuma.
“What happened?” Mireille asked, dazed.
“You were akumatized.” Chat Noir explained.
“Oh no!” She covered her face. “I got so angry…Now Jean will never take me back!”
Ladybug placed a hand on Mireille’s shoulder with a reassuring smile. “Hey, arguments in relationships happen. I’m sure you both said things you regret, so why don’t you try talking to him now that you’ve both calmed down?” She advised. “I’m sure you can come to an understanding.”
“I will. Thank you, Ladybug.” Mireille smiled. She waved as Ladybug and Chat Noir vaulted off.
“Thanks for your help, m’lady.” Chat Noir kissed her hand.
“Sorry it took me so long, kitty. I’m glad you were able to manage,” she said. “I’ll see you next time.”
“Don’t be late,” he called as she swung off.
Landing back in the bathroom, she leaned against the wall with a sigh. That was too close. She’d have to figure out a better way to escape to fight akumas, but at least she made it in time for this one.
She slipped into her desk in physics quietly and leaned over to Eliott. “What’d I miss?”
“I thought you had the flu?” Eliott recoiled.
“False alarm, just allergies,” she said.
“Oh, we should go to the spa later! The sauna is really good for your sinuses,” Macy whispered.
“Uh, sure.” Marinette nodded, shifting in her seat as they tuned back into the lesson. She relaxed when no one seemed suspicious of her.
Being a superhero just got a lot more complicated.
♪♫♪ Delicate ♪♫♪
“How is your new school?” Adrien asked that afternoon over tea and cookies.
“I’m…adjusting.” Marinette pursed her lips. “How is the old school?”
“Well,” Adrien drawled. “Lila is the new class representative, and she may have convinced people that you almost ruined Jagged’s image.”
“What a brat.” Marinette rolled her eyes. “She’s really class rep?”
“Don’t look at me, I voted for Chloe.” Adrien held up defensive hands.
“Somehow I don’t feel like that’s better.” Marinette leaned against her fist with a smirk.
She fixed her gaze on her cup with a sigh.
“Rose said she misses you.” Adrien offered. “Before Lila convinced her you were clueless about dealing with celebrities.”
“I miss her too,” Marinette said. She traced the rim of her cup with a finger. “I miss everyone, but…”
“I know.” Adrien winced. “For what it’s worth, I thought your performance with Jagged was awesome.”
“It was pretty awesome,” she admitted with a giggle. “And I got you an autograph!”
Adrien pressed his palms together appreciatively as she retrieved a signed poster of Jagged’s face from her desk.
“You rock, Marinette!” he said in his best Jagged impression, then more sincerely added, “I’m glad that you’re doing what’s best for you. If there’s anything I can do to help, just say the word.”
“Thank you, Adrien.” Her cheeks warmed as he held her gaze, her mind clouding into a lovestruck haze. She almost got lost in his gorgeous green eyes, but footsteps pounded up the staircase, breaking her trance.
Marinette jumped as her trapdoor swung open, and a familiar pair of icy blue eyes poked through. It was Chloe Bourgeois, and she was pissed.
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commajade · 3 years
NGDA Act 2
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1. idea - blew my goddamn mind when this mv came out it’s the most like. cerebral thing to come out of kpop ever. fuckin PLATO???? gay catholic panopticon + plato concept with y2k sci fi + gay ecstasy rave looks??? with BOA and resonances with korean shamanism???? i spent a couple months straight analyzing ngda act 1 and 2 and i feel like i’ve only scratched the surface i haven’t even looked into the lyrics yet. also the song’s a banger and i’m SO HAPPY he performed the epic remix for the beyond live. 
2. i think it’s love - this is the one i was listening to on repeat and sniffling to the bridge with the back up vocals always GET ME. sequel to 2kids. always gets me in my feeeelings. ALL I NEED IS YOU IN MY LIFE I JUST WANNA LOVE YOU!!!
3. heaven - BEAUTIFUL WONDERFUL TREMENDOUS WE ALL YEARNED FOR IT AND WE GOT IT!!!!!!!!! expect to be seeing full analysis of both heaven choreos in the near future!
4. impressionable - another adrian mckinnon masterpiece. people have been slandering it saying it doesn’t fit the album (COUGH YAEJIN) or that it’s just not good but i am right they are all wrong. i had a goddamn epiphany looking at the lyrics about how he’s using the word impressionable to mean both temptation and creation, that he’s fooling the impressionable you but also shaping you out of clay. they did this in korean too, with the word yoo-in. and the imagery with strings, strands, and vibrations is p genius. 
5. identity - perfect way to end ngda. brings a tear to every eye. base.... to ace.....
6. exclusive korean version - this song is about having gay sex in the back of a cab and having an existential crisis i love it so so much and how it changes in meaning from the famous ep to here and comparing the lyrics was so fun
7. pansy - so sweet i can’t listen to it regularly unless its the whole album in a row it’s just... so sweet.....
8. be your enemy - this one wasn’t what i expected at All from the title but i like it a lot
9. think of you - this mv is... so cute.... the song production isn’t my taste but it’s a good song. taemin does not make bad songs. 
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cassiopeiasara · 4 years
First lines
I was tagged by @walkthegale and @tea-and-procrastination 
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less  than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose  your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 authors!
1. The deep gray of the mid afternoon sky cast such dark shadows through the castle walls that Hecate not only needed to increase the candlelight in her lab but also travelled through the hallways with a small red flame illuminating the stone walls. (the soft animal of your body)
2. After ten years together, finding time alone between the school, exhaustion, and a crisis around every corner had been a struggle. (As Long as You Follow)
3. “So you gonna go out with Geoffrey with a G?” (If You Asked Me To)
4. Ada had never done anything by halves and in most areas of her life, it served her well. (colors i can’t see with anyone else)
5. The circle completed, Kya finished lighting her last candle before she stood up and stretched. (kettle sings as i am loving you now)
6. Ada opened her eyes to the blurry outline of shadows and the dying light of the fire in her hearth. (The demand of night and shadows)
7. Lin finished planning shifts with the mixed staff between her and Suyin and started rounding the decks. (How This Grace Thing Works)
8. “Can I help you, Miss?” (Broken Shoes and Loose Ends)
9. Ada watched until the very last second that Hecate transferred out before she sighed. (I’ll Be Your Harvester of Light)
10. The summer Hecate arrived at Cackle’s had been a significant one for Ada. (A Companion Spirit (her wise and whirling heart remix))
11. Ada wakes the next day and thinks it might be easier not to be in love with Hecate if she didn’t do things like perform impressive magic to swoop in and rescue Ada from a snowstorm. (White Winter Hymnal (listen, the snow is falling remix))
12. The knock at Lin’s door is so soft, she almost dismisses it as a delusion before rising from her sofa and using her seismic sense to fell the rapid heartbeat at her door. (Together Like We Do)
13. Kya did her best to remain upright as she unlocked the apartment and slipped off her shoes. (Where I Sleep)
14. Ada smiled as the far off lightning illuminated the night sky. (Nobody’s Fireproof)
15. Jean knows she should have said something sooner but it’s hard not to be selfish with Millie laughing against her neck. (Want You More Each Time)
16. “Perhaps one day you’ll learn to love something as much as you do your art,” muttered Antigone as she stormed away from the entrance of Hecate’s cottage. (One Beloved Lure to Loving)
17. Hecate clutched her basket tight against her side and wandered closer to the bank of the river. (Silver Springs)
18. She should have known this would happen. (Take Me Home Tonight)
19. Hecate squinted her eyes against the afternoon light as she exited the greenhouse. (An Invitation to Happiness)
20. The sniffles were never a surprise. (Those Schoolgirl Days Are Gone (in my mind they still live on))
Favorite line: Jean knows she should have said something sooner but it’s hard not to be selfish with Millie laughing against her neck.
Patterns: I was shocked that I don’t start with dialogue as often as I thought I did? I usually start with a character who is, more often than not, the POV character. A friend told me once I tend to start in the middle of the action which I think holds true for a good portion of these. I’m also realizing that beyond editing, I don’t often think of the opening line. I mean I try to come back and make sure it sets the tone but I’m not sure if it’s necessarily a strong point for me. Taking these out of their stories, I see there’s a few I absolutely adore and some where I’m like really Cass? Idk, what do y’all see? 
I’ll tag @okaynextcrisis, @marvellouslymadmim, @cosmic-llin, @applebottomclaudiajeans, @toastweasel, @songbookff, @dinovia-grant, @chilly-flame, @lezziemanville, and @meridelclarke (apologies if you’ve been tagged before and no pressure of course). 
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marvels-writings · 4 years
When the World is Against Us (5)
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Changing Times
Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) Masterlist
Series Masterlist
| Preview | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
A/N: This part is a bit more emotional than I had planned, when do things go as planned anyway tho?
It had been 3 years since Natasha had adopted you after a mission went sideways, she had found you crying by the roadside on your seventh birthday. A bomb had gone off where you had been, somehow, your parents had gotten you out. Natasha rescued you and brought you to the Avengers, you were celebrating your tenth birthday with her, but you couldn’t feel more despondent.
“Honey, what’s wrong?” Natasha asked, sliding next to you on your bed as you looked at a picture of you with your parents on your birthday.
You wore an outfit Natasha had helped pick out for you, a bright fav/color t-shirt and shorts. Natasha wore a scarlet t-shirt and black leggings, she knew you didn’t want your birthday to be a big deal so she had kept it casual.
“I miss them Nattie.” You answered, your voice a soft plea. 
Natasha’s emerald eyes softened, she reached out and gently settled you in her lap, hot tears made their way down your cheeks, you sniffled and moved sideways so you could face Natasha. The redhead knew how hard your birthday was for you, but when she adopted you, she had promised to be there for you.
“It’s okay to miss them y/n, I’ll always be there for you.” She assured, gently nuzzling her nose against yours.
You laughed at the sensation, Natasha smiled when you stopped crying. She gently wiped the tears off your face. You smiled softly up at her, melting her heart. 
“I love you mommy.” You said softly, Natasha’s eyes widened and saw you hesitate.
“I’m sorry.” You apologized instantly when you felt Natasha freeze and her smile leave her face.
“No, it’s okay, you can call me mommy if you want to.” The redhead assured, rubbing your back gently, you grinned up at her. 
When she had picked you up by the roadside, she had never expected this. She had considered putting you in an orphanage, thinking she wasn’t right to raise you. But every single day, when you held her hand and hid behind her, trusting her to protect you. Natasha decided she wouldn’t let go of you. 
“Everyone’s waiting for you.” Natasha gestured to the door, you nodded eagerly and jumped off her lap, standing in front of the door as you waited for her. 
“You didn’t say it back.” You noticed, frowning and looking up at her in confusion.
“I love you too sweetheart.” She smiled softly down at you, she gestured to the door again where she knew the rest of the team was waiting for her. 
“Let’s go mommy.” You grinned, opening the door, your smile growing when you saw the rest of the team waiting for you, Tony instantly had JARVIS take a picture of you and your mom holding hands, Natasha’s eyes glistening with tears as she grinned down at you.
You looked at the same picture, sitting in your tactical suit on your bed with tears glistening your eyes. Both you and Natasha had kept a copy to remember it by, it was the happiest day in her life, you kept it to remember how things change for the better.
“What are you thinking about?” Wanda asked, sliding down to sit next to you, wearing a light green t-shirt and black jeggings.
“As if you can’t see that.” You smirked lazily, she gave you a look and you laughed. 
“How things change,” You answered, sighing and tucking the picture in one of the hidden pockets before explaining.
“Just a little over 11 years ago, I lost my parents to an accident. When Natasha brought me to the tower, I thought she was going to give me to the orphanage and my life would be like a terrible version of Annie.” You and Wanda chuckled softly.
“But that didn’t happen, instead, things changed for the better. I became an Avenger, I got a family, then I found you and my life has never been better. But now, I don’t know if things are going to change for better or for worse.” You confessed, Wanda gently took one of your hands, playing with your fingers as she looked at your hand.
“I don’t know about how everyone else will change, but I would still be there with you,” Wanda said after a moment of silence, you smiled and blushed slightly.
“Even when the world is against us?” You joked, smirking to yourself, Wanda turned to face you, lacing your fingers with hers.
“Even when the world is against us,” Wanda stated, you laughed and leaned in for a soft kiss.
Wanda kissed you back instantly, freehand coming to the back of your neck as her lips moved over yours. Your phone rang, you practically jumped away from Wanda, she laughed as you answered it.
“Y/n, the plane is ready where are you?” Natasha asked she sounded tense over the phone. 
“I’m fine thanks for asking,” You heard Natasha chuckle, “I’m on my way there.”
“I’ll see you then, love you y/n.” She said, you heard a tone of desperation but ignored it.
“Love you to mom, bye.” You said, hanging up the phone and smiling apologetically at Wanda.
“I’ll walk you to the plane.” Wanda shrugged, you nodded and let her lead you out in relative silence.
“Remember that song you made me listen to, ‘Home’ by someone-someone,” Wanda asked, you laughed. 
“ ‘Home’ by Topic? And the Alle Farben remix is better.” You said, turning to face her as you approached the jet.
“The marcapasos remix is better,” Wanda argued, you laughed again.
“This is what you wanted to say as a goodbye?” You raised an eyebrow, she smiled up at you.
“No, I wanted to say the lyric ‘Let me come home to you again.’” She said you blushed. 
“God you’re sappy.” You muttered, leaning in for a goodbye kiss, both of you smiled and giggled before breaking apart.
You pecked her lips and hugged her tightly, you felt her inhale your scent and tremble slightly, you squeezed her tightly before letting go.
“Take care, and make sure I can come home to you again.” She winked at you, smiling sadly.
“I will Maximoff.” You assured, walking into the plane and waving her goodbye.
“Take care y/n.” She said, you winked at her and tried to say something before the doors closed, you weren’t sure if she heard you say that you loved her.
Wanda knew it anyway, she considered texting you, but you knew it too. 
| Part 6 | 
Tag List: @capcarolsdanver, @versdan, @lesbian-girls-wayhaught, @lovebotlarson, @dhengkt, @5aftermidnight, @hstoria, @natasha-danvers, @veryfunnyal, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx , @ophelias-heart  , @never-didbefore , @justarandomhumanhere, @the-most-unicorn-of-them-all , @thatssocamryn , @lesbian-x-blackwidow , @wlw-imaginesss , @username23345 , @ohfuckno , @hcartbyheart​ let me know if you’d like to be in any of my tag lists!
A/N: Thoughts? Feel free to send something into my inbox (not a request)
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blossom--of--snow · 7 years
Tags Galore
Was tagged by the marvelous @love-letters-x-cardigan-sweaters
1. drink - coffee
2. phone call - mom
3. text message - my best friend’s (group message)
4. song you listened to - my brother is blaring this off remix of something I can’t place
5. time you cried - a couple nights ago
6. dated someone twice? Nope.
7. kissed someone and regretted it - never been kissed
8. been cheated on - Nope
9. lost someone special - Yes
10. been depressed - Join the club, we have drugs (prescription)
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - No and I don’t plan on it
fave colours
12. Blue
13. Purple
14. Black
15. Pink
in the last year have you…
16. made new friends - Yes
17. fallen out of love - joke’s on you I’ve never been in love
18. laughed until you cried - Oh hell yes
19. found out someone was talking about you - yes 🙄
20. met someone who changed you - yes
21. found out who your friends are - yep
22. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - nope
23. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - most
24. do you have any pets - YES two oddly identical tabby cats, Ringo and Finn, who I love with my whole heart
25. do you want to change your name - Nah. I would, however, change the immediate association with Rachel Green from Friends 🙄
26. what did you do for your last birthday - Went out to a Mexican restaurant with my family, my best friends, and their families
27. what time did you wake up today - 8 a.m.
28. what were you doing at midnight last night - sleeping
29. what is something you cant wait for - GRADUATION and getting a REAL JOB; also Mary McDonnell’s next project
30. what are you listening to right now - the brother is now playing “No Sleep Till Brooklyn”
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - my great uncle
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - my job
33. most visited website - my school’s website
34. hair colour - dirty blonde
35. long or short hair - long
36. do you have a crush on someone - No (but I mean it’s man crush Monday, so perhaps Ryan Reynolds)
37. what do you like about yourself - I’m relatively outgoing
38. want any piercings? - I’m good with what I’ve got.
39. blood type - Whoops. I guess I should find out #adulting
40. nicknames - Rach, Ratchet (my coworkers are savage), Rachelrina (mom), Shorty (all tall people in my life)
41. relationship status - Single Awareness Day is Wednesday, and I can’t wait
42. zodiac - Gemini
43. pronouns - she/her
44. fave tv shows - Major Crimes, Madam Secretary, The Good Fight, Downton Abbey, The X Files, ER, 30 Rock, BSG, The Crown, Psych, House, Rizzoli & Isles
45. tattoos - none
46. right or left handed - right
47. ever had surgery - No *knocks on wood*
48. piercings - Ears
49. sport - drum corps (band nerd forever)
50. vacation - Europe, in 2015
51. trainers - ?
52. eating - pizza last night at work
53. drinking - coffeeeee
54. i’m about to watch - I’ve got to leave for school in an hour, so probably nothing
55. waiting for - my degree so I can get a job that will enable me to move out
56. want - to go to FedCon so badly
57. get married - No
58. career - ideally, an editor for a publishing company that specializes in children’s literature
59. hugs or kisses - hugs
60. lips or eyes - eyes
61. shorter or taller - taller
62. older or younger - older
63. nice arms or stomach - arms?
64. hookup or relationship - hookup (yikes)
65. troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant (despite the previous answer)
66. kissed a stranger - no
67. drank hard liquor - does vodka count?
68. lost glasses - sunglasses, constantly
69. turned someone down - yes
70. sex on first date - It depends
71. broken someone’s heart - I doubt it?
72. had your heart broken - yes
73. been arrested - no
74. cried when someone died - oh yeah
75. fallen for a friend - yes
do you believe in
76. yourself - sure.
77. miracles - I would like to think so
78. love at first sight - no
79. santa claus - Never did the Santa thing
80. kiss on a first date - Yes
81. angels - *sniffles* Yes
82. best friend’s name - Tracey
83. eye colour - green
84. fave movie - Oh, boy. I’ve got a few. Dead Poet’s Society, You’ve Got Mail, Dave, Pitch Perfect, The Devil Wears Prada, Anne of Green Gables (technically a miniseries, but hey)
85. fave actor - (y’all already know) Mary McDonnell
I know this is a lot so don’t feel obligated to do it. I’ll only tag a couple @sharonflynn @majsmom
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justanoutlawfic · 7 years
She Will Be Loved: Chapt. 4
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Story Summary: The Lost Get Found remix. Mary Margaret and David begin fostering 5-year-old, Emma Swan. Despite being so young, she’s been through a world of torment. Can they actually become a family?
Chapter Summary: A closer look at Emma’s life with Ed and Helga. When she gets sick, David will learn even more of his foster daughter’s fears. Trigger warning for mentions of: domestic violence, child abuse and food insecurity.
Also on AO3/FF
Emma quietly snuck down the stairs. She had willed herself to stay awake through the night once Mary Margaret had tucked her into bed. She had heard she and David turn in for bed not long after that. Nana was curled up on her bed the entire time, clearly telling that something was up. The large dog followed Emma down the stairs and into the kitchen.
 “Shhhh,” Emma put a finger to her lips as she looked down at the dog. “You’ll wake them up.”
 Sneaking into the kitchen, she started looking around to find the best plan. She had done this before, back when she was living with Ed and Helga. Most of the time, she was on her own with cooking. She figured out some basic meals at a young age, like cereal or sandwiches (even if she got sick from the moldy bread they wouldn’t throw out). However, sometimes her “kitchen privileges” would be taken away. She would be left going hungry for days. Ed would go as far as locking the cabinets and fridge so she couldn’t sneak in. After the first time, Emma hatched a plan.
 She’d sneak into the kitchen late at night and grab as much food as she can. She knew what could be stored under her bed or in drawers, not to be found by her abusers. It would be enough to get her through any possible times of being locked in her room or being banned from the kitchen.
 Mary Margaret and David were kind. They had told her she was welcome to whatever she wanted in the kitchen. She wanted to believe them, that they would never do the same things that Ed and Helga had. At the same time, she had to protect herself. She wasn’t going to risk going hungry ever again.
 Quietly as possible, she pushed the chair over to the cupboard and opened it. She grabbed some Hostess snack packages, along with little baggies of fruit snacks and animal crackers. Not enough to raise suspicion, she had been doing this since her first night there. She was slowly gathering a collection. The whole box of fruit snacks going missing would make them worry since Emma was the only one who ate them. She stuffed them into the pockets of her pajamas and then put the chair back. She then went to the fridge and took two juice boxes along with three bottles of water. There was no way to keep them cool in her room, but at the very least she’d have something to drink.
 Nana had been silent the entire time, quietly following her around from place to place. She didn’t even try to eat the snacks out of Emma’s hands, as if she understood. To reward her, Emma fed her a dog biscuit and then decided to grab a few more…just in case Nana was ever “punished”. She never had a pet before, but she wanted to be safe.
 Going back upstairs, she stashed them in her suitcase under the bed. There would be no reason for Mary Margaret and David to ever search it. Her collection was growing just fine. She would be fine if they suddenly decided she didn’t deserve to eat. Letting out a content sigh, Emma rubbed her eyes and climbed back into bed. She wasn’t going to be the happiest girl come morning, but it was going to be worth it.
 She really liked it where she was. Mary Margaret and David were so nice. They had gotten her toys, a dog even. They even said she could go to August’s birthday party, Ed and Helga had never let her play with her friends, ever. They didn’t hit her and David hadn’t even tried to touch her anywhere. She wanted to believe things could be different, she didn’t want them to be like before.
 At the same time, she was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Helga had good days, too. Sometimes even good weeks. She’d cook for Emma, play with her. They didn’t have a lot of money, but they’d head to the park and have fun. Once, Helga even packed their bags and they went on “vacation”. They stayed in a motel 5 minutes away from the house and said that they were leaving Boston, they’d go some place where it was warm and sunny. She hadn’t been drinking her grown up juice or taking funny looking vitamins.
 Then Ed showed up. Helga told Emma to hide in the bathroom. There was lots of screaming and then crying (from Helga). A half hour later, the door opened and Ed scooped her up. Helga looked different, she had a handprint on her face. She started drinking and taking her weird vitamins. She started hitting Emma again and didn’t apologize for it anymore.
 Two months later and Emma came home from pre-school. Helga was laying on the floor, a needle in her arm. Her eyes were rolled into the back of her head and she didn’t wake up, no matter how many times Emma shook her. Ingrid came by and told her to go to her room. An ambulance came and some police officers asked her what happened, but she couldn’t help much.
 Things got even worse after that. Ed was touching her more, told her she had to make up for Helga being gone. He was taking pictures too. She would cry and ask him to stop, but he never did. Sometimes his friends would come by and “help”. There was one friend that had a hook for one hand. He could be even scarier than Ed. He’d laugh every time Emma told him to go away. However, his wound would be the one that saved her.
 He had gotten frustrated when Emma tried to run away and punched her in the stomach. The next day at school, she told her teacher that her stomach hurt. They found bruises lining it along with on her back. There were lots of pictures taken that day and she had to talk to a lot of people. Helen had showed up and promised her that she wouldn’t be in trouble, no matter what she said. So, she told them that Ed and Killian had been touching her in places where they weren’t supposed to. (She only knew that because her teacher had taught her and her classmates about it.)
 They had to let her go home with Ed that day, but a few days later the police showed up once more. This time, they arrested both Ed and Killian. Helen was there again, she let Emma grab her blanket and took her to the police station. That had been just a couple of weeks ago. So much had changed within that time.
 The words Ed shouted out to her when she was being taken to Helen’s car scared her.
 “You will be mine again!”
 Emma buried her head into her pillow and clamped her eyes shut. She wanted the scary thoughts to go away, she just wanted to enjoy being with Mary Margaret and David. They were like the first real mommy and daddy she had ever had.
That Monday, Mary Margaret walked into Emma’s room to wake her up for school. She gently shook her and Emma whined, rolling over. She was clinging tightly to her blanket and stuffed lamb. Mary Margaret tilted her head, something didn’t seem right. She touched her foster daughter’s forehead and frowned. She was burning up.
 “Stay right here, sweets,” she said. “I’ll be right back.”
 Heading into her bedroom, she grabbed the thermometer and went back to Emma’s. She realized she had a temperature of 101 degrees.
 “Emma, sweetheart, does anything hurt?”
“My tummy,” Emma admitted with a small whine.
Mary Margaret’s frown grew. “Does it feel like you’re going to throw up?” Emma nodded. “Okay, let’s get you to the…”
 She was cut off by Emma throwing up down her pajama top. She immediately began to cry after that. Mary Margaret gently lifted her into her arms.
 “I’m sorry,” Emma wailed.
“Shhhh, it’s okay, I’m not mad at you,” she assured. “You’re sick. Come on, let’s get you in a bath and into some fresh jammies.”
Emma sniffled. “I can’t wear jammies to school.”
Mary Margaret softly smiled. “You’re not going to school today, you’re too sick to go.”
 Emma didn’t know how to respond to that. Mary Margaret carried her to the bathroom and helped her take a bath. Emma seemed lethargic and was more clingy, not flinching as much as she usually did. Mary Margaret changed her into some new sheep pajamas and by the time she was all dried, David walked into the bedroom.
 “What’s going on? Is it PJ day at school?” He asked with a glimmer of glee in his eye.
Mary Margaret shook her head. “Emma here isn’t feeling too well, she has a fever and threw up. I think she needs to stay home today.” She stood up and frowned. “I would stay home with her, but we have a sub shortage….”
“Don’t worry, it’s my day off,” David said. “I can take care of her.”
 Mary Margaret hesitated. She trusted her husband with Emma, of course she did. She wouldn’t have agreed to foster with him if she didn’t. However, the two hadn’t been left alone before. Emma was still squeamish around grown men and while she clearly liked David, she wasn’t entirely open with him. She tended to go to her foster mother if she needed something. However, Mary Margaret knew she didn’t have much of a choice. She had to go to work and Emma needed to get used to David in time.
 She knelt back down in front of Emma. “Sweetheart, I have to go to work, do you think you’ll be okay here with David?”
Emma chewed on her lip. “You’ll come back?”
“Of course. David will take good care of you, I promise.”
She looked over at David, who was smiling. “Okay…”
 David understood Emma’s hesitance and would do whatever he could to make Emma feel more comfortable. Mary Margaret kissed the top of Emma’s head and turned back to her husband, rattling off any instructions she could think of, telling him where the medicine was. David put his hands on her shoulders.
 “I’ve got this,” he assured her. “I know how to take care of a sick child.” He noticed Nana coming in the room. “Plus, I’ve got Nana for backup.”
Mary Margaret chuckled. “Alright.” She turned back to Emma and kissed the top of her head. “I love you, feel better.” She then pecked her husband’s lips. “And I love you.”
“I love you too, I promise I’ll take great care of her.”
“I know you will.”
 Mary Margaret headed out the door and soon her car could be heard pulling out of the driveway. David looked down at the tiny girl and offered his hand out to her. Emma accepted it and followed him downstairs. In her other arm, she had her lamb plushie clutched tightly to her chest, her blankie dragging down behind her. David set up some pillows on the couch and grabbed a quilt, draping it over Emma once she laid down.
 “Alright, patient,” he said with a very serious voice. “I am Dr. David and I am going to be taking care of you today.”
A small giggle escaped Emma’s lips. “You’re not a doctor, silly. You’re the sheriff.”
“I wear many hats,” he replied with a wink. “Now, I’m going to make you some breakfast and get you some medicine. In the meantime, I prescribe you watch some Doc McStuffins.”
 He turned on the T.V and headed into the kitchen. He decided to make some plain toast and pour out some juice for Emma, mixing in her formula from Whale. He was worried about her losing even more weight from being sick. There was a 24 hour stomach bug going around her class, but he didn’t want it to get worse. He grabbed some Pepto from the medicine cabinet and poured that out as well. When he walked back into the living room, Emma was clearly comfortable and happy as a sick person could be on the couch. He snapped a quick picture and sent it to Mary Margaret to ease her worry. Emma’s eyes lit up when she saw the tray in his hands.
 “I can eat in the living room?”
“Yup.” He settled the tray down on top of her. “For your dining pleasure, toast with a bit of applesauce on top, perfect for an upset tummy.”
Emma eyed it suspiciously. “I won’t throw up again?”
“I can’t promise, but you do need to eat. Plus, some orange juice…and medicine.”
She made a face. “Do I have to take it?”
“Afraid so, it’s not too bad.”
 Emma slowly picked it up and sipped it, making an even bigger face. She finished it off though and then threw the cup down.
David chuckled. “Sorry, but it will help.”
 He settled down at her feet as she ate her breakfast. He watched the cartoon on the T.V, commenting every so often on one of the toys being “operated” on. Emma was quiet for the most part, just nibbling on her toast and sipping her orange juice. Soon, she began to look a little green. He hopped into action and grabbed a plastic bag, holding it to her mouth. Emma let the contents of her stomach out into it and he stroked her hair.
 “I’m sorry, Princess,” he whispered.
“Yucky,” she mumbled.
“You’ll feel better soon, I promise. How about some more juice?”
 Emma nodded and he threw the bag out in the trash. He got another, just in case, and got her some more juice as well. When the episode was over, David put on Finding Nemo, which seemed to cheer Emma up a bit. She drifted off to sleep near the end, having not thrown up again. David smiled and kissed the top of her head as she snoozed.
 She was such a beautiful little girl. How anyone could be so cruel astounded him. Even after all his years of being a cop, he didn’t understand it. Children were precious, they didn’t deserve any abuse, let alone the amount that Emma had been through. He wasn’t a big believer in the death penalty, but in Ed’s case, he wanted it more than anything. Then again, death was too good for him. He deserved to be tortured for life, to know the pain that Emma had felt during her short 5 years of life.
 About two hours into Emma’s nap, he was still sitting at her feet, watching a family friendly comedy in case she woke up. He heard his phone ring and took it into the other room when he saw Mary Margaret’s face on the screen.
 “Hey baby,” he said. “How’s your day going?”
“It’s pretty good. How’s our girl?”
“She threw up again, but only the one time. She’s been fine outside of that, seems to be just as warm, though. I’ll take her temperature when she wakes up and gives her more medicine.”
“And she’s been fine for you?”
“Yup, we’ve just been chilling.”
“I’m glad.”
David smiled. “Me too.”
 As they talked in the security of his office, a woke up. She watched the first few minutes of How I Met Your Mother, but quickly got bored. It wasn’t really her cup of tea. Her stomach wasn’t feeling as gross anymore and she was really thirsty, but David was nowhere in sight. Picking up her sippy cup, she hopped off the couch and headed into the kitchen. The orange juice was on the third shelf and she was too short to reach it. She started climbing up the shelves to reach it, soon reaching her desired item.
“Gotchya,” she said, determined.
 As she grabbed onto it, her other arm swung and the sippy cup hit a glass container of ice tea. It came crashing down to the floor and shattered all over. Emma froze in place as she was hit by a memory.
 It had been a rainy day, so she couldn’t play outside. However, Emma had a lot of energy about her. She was running around the house, playing tag with herself. Helga was out and Ed was in his room, putting needles in his arms. Just as she rounded the table yet again, she knocked into it, causing a 6 pack of beer Ed had just purchased to come careening onto the carpet. It shattered and the overwhelming smell of the alcohol could be smelt all over the room. Ed stormed out of his room and Emma saw his wild eyes.
 “What the hell have you done now?” He saw the beer all over the floor. “You stupid piece of shit! Do you have any idea how much that cost?”
“I…I…I’m sorry…”
“You’re always fucking sorry. Jesus Christ, when will you ever learn?”
 Emma cowered against the couch, holding her hands up over her face, but it was too late. Ed had gotten his belt off in quick succession. The leather was soon colliding with her lips and she could taste the blood.
 Emma hopped down from the shelf, somehow miraculously avoiding the glass and sticky beverage. She raced up the stairs to her room and slammed the door shut. Her eyes darted around the room for a safe spot, soon locating the bed. She dived under it, pulling her legs to her chest and doing her best to not sob loudly. She could hear Nana barking downstairs and David calling her name. She put her hand over her mouth and continued to cry.
 The footsteps were getting closer and she was getting even more scared. The sound of door opening made her whimper and she buried her face in her hands.
 “Emma,” David’s voice was closer. “Emma, Princess, are you okay?”
 The words stilled Emma. No one had ever asked her that after she broke something.
 David could obviously hear the sniffling and knelt down by the bed, moving up the blankets so he could see under it. He found Emma there, crying. His heart broke. Before he could say anything reassuring, she moved her hand from her mouth.
 “I’m sorry! Please don’t hit me!”
 His heart sunk lower in his chest and a frown fell across his face. She thought he was going to hit her? What had happened to her before?
“I just…I just wanted more juice and I couldn’t find you,” she continued. “I accidentally hit the bottle, I didn’t mean to! I can…I can get monies for it and pay you. I know Mary Margaret likes it…I’m really sorry!”
“Oh Emma,” David whispered. “Sweetheart, you’re not in trouble.”
Emma sniffled. “I’m not?”
“No, it was an accident. You didn’t purposefully break it. Even if you had, you would get a timeout or something taken away. I am never going to hit you or do anything to hurt you. I won’t ever touch you in a way that I shouldn’t.”
 Emma looked into his eyes and could tell he was being honest. She had spent so long being afraid of men, but she really wanted to trust David. Slowly, she moved out from under the bed, still clinging tight to her comfort items.
 “And you don’t have to worry about paying us,” David gave her a soft smile. “You’re just a little girl, you don’t have to buy anything. We’ll buy everything you need. I can get Mary Margaret more tea.”
Emma nodded. “Okay.”
“Did you get hurt from the glass?”
“Nuh uh.”
“Can I check?”
 Emma hesitated but then nodded once again, allowing David to check her for any cuts or blood. When he was finished, she slowly wrapped her arms around him. David was still for a moment. Emma had never made the first move to be affectionate with him. He was very careful with her, knowing that anything could trigger her. He just wanted her to trust her and it was clear she was staring to. He hugged her back tighter, cradling the back of her head. He kissed her temple and she buried her head into his shoulder.
 “I love you, Emma,” he whispered.
“Love you too,” she mumbled. She wasn’t sure what love really was, she had never said that to anyone before, but she felt something in her heart for David, Mary Margaret too.
 That brought tears to David’s eyes and he had to find a way to clear them up before she pulled away from him. He didn’t want her to think there was anything wrong with her saying that. He blinked a few times before she pulled away, rubbing her eyes.
 “How about we go back downstairs?” He offered. “You can lay on the couch and I’ll clean up the mess before making us some lunch.”
“I could help clean up,” Emma offered. “I’m good at holding the dustpan.”
David smiled a bit. “If there wasn’t glass involved, I’d say yes. But maybe you could help me clean up some of Nana’s fur when you’re feeling better.”
“Okay,” Emma agreed.
 She allowed him to carry her downstairs and tuck her back in on the couch. He didn’t miss her content sigh after he kissed her forehead. They still had ways to go, but slowly, they were making progress.
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sweetbertram · 7 years
(this could be a prompt if you want it to be lol) dinesh tries to go to a social event his freshman year of college but he doesn't know how to make friends without jared there. and he leaves and calls jared, who is at knitting club or hanging out with the rowing team or acapella group or something. and dinesh is upset because jared has made friends so easily and he hasn't, and jared doesn't need him anymore but dinesh still needs him, and jared calms him down and makes him feel better.
Dinesh regrets his decision as soon as he crosses the threshold of the frat house. The music - loud enough to cause permanent hearing loss - is some kind of bass-heavy remix of a Top 40 song that sucked to begin with, and the house is crowded enough to be a fire hazard, and the worst part: he doesn't recognize anyone.He wishes he'd stayed home with his books instead, but it's too late to turn back, and he did promise Jared he'd try to make friends.So he accepts a beer from a guy probably named Chad, and fumbles his way through 5 awkward small talk conversations before giving up and retreating outside.Leaning against the wall of the house, he pulls out his phone and dials Jared's number. Jared answers on the second ring."Dinesh? I thought you were at a party, what's wrong?" In the background behind Jared, Dinesh can hear people talking - clearly Jared's at some kind of meeting, having a good time without him. The thought makes tears prickle at his eyes."Why do I suck at making friends?" he asks. "I mean, you were like...terrified of people when I met you, but you've managed to find a group of friends and be happy, so why am I so useless at it?"Jared sighs, crackling through the speakers. "Dinesh...you're not useless. You were my first friend when I moved in with my moms, remember? You were the first person who just sat down next to me and started a conversation, like a normal kid. And you've still got that ability. Maybe frat parties just aren't your scene, and that's okay - they're not mine either. Try a book club, or an X-Files fan group. Just...don't give up, okay? You didn't give up on me, and now look at us."Dinesh sniffles and wipes his eyes. "I guess you're right," he says. "Thanks for reassuring me I'm not useless.""Thanks for not giving up on me," Jared replies. "Now go home, drink some water, and get some sleep, ok? I love you.""I love you too."
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princesspascal · 8 years
I was tagged by Zoë @bwoaikkonen​, thanks so much!!
R U L E S: Post two photos of yourself (completely optional) and replace the links with a youtube video of a song you chose. 
1) A song that makes you want to fall in love
You and I - Ingrid Michaelson
2) Your favourite pump up song
G$D - Bushido & Shindy
3) Your favourite song to rock out to
Jungle - X Ambassadors
4) A song that reminds you of summer
Sweet Child O Mine - Guns N Roses
5) Your favourite cover of a song
Without You - Lana Del Rey
6) A song you sing in the shower
Starboy - The Weeknd
7) A song that reminds you of someone
This reminds me of a friend I was only close with for a few months but we made a lot of really typical teenage girl memories and listened to this song on repeat for weeks
Summer - Calvin Harris
8) What you want your wedding song to be
Because I don’t have a serious answer (probably a waltz, I haven’t found the right one), THIS
Ravioli Remix
9) Your favourite 90′s/2000′s song
Yeah - Usher & Lil Jon
10) A song to heal a broken heart
It’s pretty alternative but somehow I remember this getting me through quite a bit of shit
Kill Your Heroes - Awolnation
11) A song that makes you feel relaxed
For some reason this is the perfect chill song, I love it
Lockjaw - French Montana
12) A song you know all the lyrics to
Sweatpants - Childish Gambino
13) Your favourite oldies rock song
I absolutely love Top Gun and this song has been my alarm for the past 3 years or something
Danger Zone - Kenny Loggins
14) A song by your favourite artist
(One of my favourite artists but it works)
Someone New - Hozier
15) A song that you like to fall asleep to
Cleopatra - The Lumineers
16) A song that makes you feel invincible
Right Above It - Lil Wayne
17) Favourite song from a musical
My best friend SOMEHOW got me to listen to Hamilton and honestly I can kinda dig it, so 
The Schulyler Sisters - Hamilton
18) A song that makes you cry
For some reason this song and the video give me the strongest feeling of deja vu and it tends to make me sniffle a little, definitely the strongest emotional response to a song I can think of
The Worship Bell - Heathered Pearls
19) A song that is from a genre of music you don’t usually listen to
It’s a little more country-folk than I usually listen to but I love this song
Home - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes
20) A song that reminds you of yourself
Shots - Imagine Dragons
I’m tagging @hulkieswonderland @hungaroring @danricc @hakkinenmika @undesregnet @thestrhoe @formularicciardo and whoever hasn’t done it!! I’m a little late to the party so I’m sure most of you have already done this
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kith-kanan · 8 years
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me, myself & i • a (young) genji shimada fanmix || 8tracks || playmoss
1. sniffles (the bump dub) - b. ames | 2. revolver (one love remix) - madonna vs. david guetta | 3. me too (vinnie beatz remix) - meghan trainor | 4. stand alone - chris lake & lazy rich | 5. the new kings - vicetone vs. popeska | 6. kiss my lips (dj kue remix) - dev ft. fabolous | 7. me, myself & i (lost kings remix) - g eazy & bebe rexha | 8. i can do anything - 3oh!3 | 9. work b**ch - britney spears | 10. fck - goldhouse | 11. swimming pools - kendrick lamar | 12. sweatpants (battle tapes remix) - childish gambino
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