blicketdabest33 · 3 months
I'm going through the list of hermits, life series members, and empires members and assigning mythology creatures to them for hybrids
and i'm doing doc right now
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this is basically what it's like i knew this screenshot would come in handy
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demonstars · 11 months
still thinking about the sapnap bbh son and grandson paradox. in greek mythology familial relationships aren't meant to represent actual blood ties but rather they are metaphorically representing alliances or the validity of the power of certain gods, for example, any connection to zeus makes you important and therefore it is more logical that you relate your oc in your play to zeus than to i dunno, ares, although obviously if it makes sense thematically for the new character you want to introduce to be part of the war then you would make him his son, there's also something one dude said about kinship and the validity of patheons but I don't know much about that, it's so cool tho. what i meant to say is that of course when we look into the dteam's dynamic it is a father and son and that can be extrapolated to bbh being sap's grandfather and at the same time when we look at it through the sense that both he and dream are brothers he's his son, there's two relationships that symbolize different properties
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wherebeast · 3 months
i never fucking post sorry lmao
Say hi to...
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I'll ramble about him this summer but basically he's a dumb stupid idiot boy. yeah
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acearohippo · 1 year
A pleasant surprise, we getting South American mythos 👏🏽👏🏽
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So many comments calling this guy Scar lmfao
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Pazuzu is considered a demon, but a quick Google search says he's a protector of pregnant women and mothers ❤❤ his rival is a demoness, Lamashtu, who preys on pregnant women and infants, so he defends mothers and their infant children from her.
That's so sweet 🥺🥺 I hope he's sweet in game. We need more espers that look dangerous and evil but are actually good guys.
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zenitrix · 2 years
~ 24
Mischa is a fan of the classics. Like mythology and stuff. His favorite core subject is history and hes not one of those people who says he likes history and then only talks about WW2. He likes all kinda of history and has random facts from history and mythology ready to spew out at any moment, but he doesn't voice them most of the time because most people wouldn't get them. The only one he makes those jokes with is Ocean
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careful-please · 2 years
I feel bad for my friends when they mention mythology. I nerd out so hard. I pull out all the theories and stories and shit. I could literally talk for hours about the crystal pyramids or roman mythology and I would never tire of it. It must be so annoying to ppl that don't want to know that much. But I love mythology. It gives us a peek into the mindset and culture of the ppl at the time. The greeks kept such good documents that you could see how and when most of the myths changed to reflect the general viewpoint and political climate of the age.
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kochei0 · 7 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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blvvdk3ep · 1 year
I love you people going into "useless" fields I love you classics majors I love you cultural studies majors I love you comparative literature majors I love you film studies majors I love you near eastern religions majors I love you Greek, Latin, and Hebrew majors I love you ethnic studies I love you people going into any and all small field that isn't considered lucrative in our rotting capitalist society please never stop keeping the sacred flame of knowledge for the sake of knowledge and understanding humanity and not merely for the sake of money alive
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kafkaesqueer · 6 months
I love it when men get pregnant. You may think I'm talking about omegaverse mpreg but I'm actually talking about Hurrian mythology.
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d-choppy · 21 days
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The Wisdom Saga is here !
i wanted to do some fanart of my favorit design of Circé, Hermes but especialy Hera ! i m so in love with her design ! a big thanks to @gigizetz for all of the animatic, i'm so in love of your work ! (it's a fanart of her versions of the characters of Epic the musical)
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sadclowncentral · 1 month
a beautiful man with long black hair dressed in all white sat next to me on the train back from denmark. i complimented his outfit, and he asked me where the train was going. after i told him, he then pointed at my shirt which says 'catastrophe' and said "oh i know a lot about those." and laughed uproariously.
and then he asked me "do you know about norse mythology?" and i said yes a bit because i read the edda a decade ago, and he said "i met fenrir in denmark" and i said that's probably not good if fenrir is walking around. and he said "oh don't worry about it, vithar will take care of it" and i replied oh but that's ragnarøk, that's still pretty bad for us mortals is it not? and he grinned at me like i said something incredibly funny. and then he ignored me for the rest of the train ride?
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justvea18 · 3 months
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thoodleoo · 1 year
when will somebody designed a birdfeeder shaped like prometheus where the birds eat out of where his liver will be
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wolfythewitch · 6 months
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My favorite married couple
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seasicksilver · 7 months
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reading the Iliad is an experience
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specialagentartemis · 2 years
in middle school during my Intense Greek Mythology Phase, Artemis was, as you can likely guess, my best girl. Iphigenia was my OTHER best girl. Yes at the same time.
The story of Iphigenia always gets to me when it's not presented as a story of Artemis being capricious and having arbitrary rules about where you can and can't hunt, but instead, making a point about war.
Artemis was, among other things--patron of hunting, wild places, the moon, singlehood--the protector of young girls. That's a really important aspect she was worshipped as: she protected girls and young women. But she was the one who demanded Agamemnon sacrifice his daughter in order for his fleet to be able to sail on for Troy.
There's no contradiction, though, when it's framed as, Artemis making Agamemnon face what he’s doing to the women and children of Troy. His children are not in danger. His son will not be thrown off the ramparts, his daughters will not be taken captive as sex slaves and dragged off to foreign lands, his wife will not have to watch her husband and brothers and children killed. Yet this is what he’s sailing off to Troy to inevitably do. That’s what happens in war. He’s going to go kill other people’s daughters; can he stand to do that to his own? As long as the answer is no—he can kill other people’s children, but not his own—he can’t sail off to war.
Which casts Artemis is a fascinating light, compared to the other gods of the Trojan War. The Trojan War is really a squabble of pride and insults within the Olympian family; Eris decided to cause problems on purpose, leaving Aphrodite smug and Hera and Athena snubbed, and all of this was kinda Zeus’s fault in the first place for not being able to keep it in his pants. And out of this fight mortal men were their game pieces and mortal cities their prizes in restoring their pride. And if hundreds of people die and hundred more lives are ruined, well, that’s what happens when gods fight. Mortals pay the price for gods’ whims and the gods move on in time and the mortals don’t and that’s how it is.
And women especially—Zeus wanted Leda, so he took her. Paris wanted Helen, so he took her. There’s a reason “the Trojan women” even since ancient times were the emblems of victims of a war they never wanted, never asked for, and never had a say in choosing, but was brought down on their heads anyway.
Artemis, in the way of gods, is still acting through human proxies. But it seems notable to me to cast her as the one god to look at the destruction the war is about to wreak on people, and challenge Agamemnon: are you ready to kill innocents? Kill children? Destroy families, leave grieving wives and mothers? Are you? Prove it.
It reminds me of that idea about nuclear codes, the concept of implanting the key in the heart of one of the Oval Office staffers who holds the briefcase, so the president would have to stab a man with a knife to get the key to launch the nukes. “That’s horrible!,” it’s said the response was. “If he had to do that, he might never press the button!” And it’s interesting to see Artemis offering Agamemnon the same choice. You want to burn Troy? Kill your own daughter first. Show me you understand what it means that you’re about to do.
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