#I LOVE HIS MESSY SHORT HAIR and that goatie
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theblisterdoesntexist · 3 months ago
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eat and bite. bite and eat.
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thrandilf · 6 years ago
Dealing With the Devil- Plot Relevant Red Ch 7
Lucio stood in front of the Devil confidently, glaring into the red eyes of the great horned Arcana in front of him. He folded his arms and held himself high, not betraying any fear in front of the intimidating owner of his soul. “What’s up, you big goaty boy?”
After a lifetime of recklessly poor choices, the experience wasn’t as nerve wracking as it used to be.
The Devil huffed, barely reacting to Lucio’s greeting. “What is it this time, Lucio?”
Lucio scowled. “What else could it be? The plague! You can make it stop! What’ll it take, huh?!”
The Devil’s realm was one of brimstone and smoky whiffs of dead air. To Lucio, it appeared as a battlefield at night- peaceful unless you looked too close at the moonlit bloodied ground. Serene if he ignored the flight or fight instinct that gripped his spine, urging him to run from the creature who sought to take more and more of him. At the same time, the Devil yanked on air and Lucio was tranquilly compelled to step forward, relaxed and at ease as his invisible chains worked their magic on his mind, this was alright, he’d be okay, this was his true calling, he’d be meaningful, he’d have a purpose at the Devil’s side, oh he’d be loved-
“Knock it off!” snapped Lucio, shaking his head vigorously to fight the seductive magic. “Fix the plague or let me go!”
The Devil hummed. “Cure the plague, in exchange for what? Would you give me the lands of your realm, surrender your rule? No? Sacrifice Nadia to me- no again? What a surprise.” The Devil flicked a claw against Lucio’s golden arm. “You hold tight to your possessions for a man so in debt.”
Lucio looked at the ground. “I’d give you back the strength you gave me. My vampirism. My abilities. My mercenary days are over and I miss the taste of food. I miss being human. I’d give back those gifts for the banishment of the plague from Vesuvia.”
His answer was harsh laughter as the Devil eyed him over coldly. “Oh, Lucio. You expect me to keep your entire country free in exchange for a few measly abilities? I’ll let you keep one person safe from the plague.”
“WHAT?! Only one?!” Lucio’s mouth fell open with indignation.
“Choose who will be safe from the plague, and I’ll return your regular, weakened humanity to you. Still in debt to me of course, but weak as you always were.”
Lucio frowned but he knew his answer. He looked at the Devil with a nod. “Valerius. Don’t let the plague touch him. Don’t let him get sick.”
The Devil laughed again, a deep resounding chuckle in his chest. “Valerius? The Hierophant’s? You’d give up your abilities for him?”
“Duh! I love him!”
In all his years, Lucio hadn’t had a companion or connection to anyone he kept sacred. He didn’t have attachments or ammunition for the Devil to use against him. Now the Devil hummed, thinking. “Interesting. Not your wife, but your concubine. You think he loves you? Would he do the same for you? Do you REALLY think you matter to him?”
Lucio hesitated.
“Of course he would. You don’t know what love is- so shut up and keep your end of the bargain!”
The Devil didn’t react beyond a bemused wave of his hand. “Very well.”
Lucio would wake up as human.
Valerius had never been woken up so bizarrely in his life. He couldn’t believe his ears, and he winced as Lucio’s voice wafted over him.
“You’re such a pretty boy for papa, aren’t you?” cooed Lucio softly. Valerius groaned. His ears twitched with irritation and he opened his mouth to unleash his displeasure and disgust at being referred to in such a way when-
Valerius bolted up in bed and flung his hand over his eyes at the bright sunshine in Lucio’s bedroom. He groaned and sank back down into bed, narrowing his eyes at the sight of the intrusive screech, gears in his brain finally putting together what was happening. “What is that demon doing in here?”
Lucio was already sitting up in bed, holding his cockatoo Camio close. The cockatoo was bright white with a yellow crest, and known to be the loudest and ill tempered creature in Vesuvia. Camio innocently cuddled Lucio, pressed close to his chest as Lucio pet him. Lucio gasped with horror. “Camio is a perfect boy! Look at him, being so sweet and cuddly- want to give papa kisses? Want a treat?”
“I’LL GRIND YOUR BONES INTO DUST!” Camio screamed, happily climbing up on Lucio’s shoulder to give him a bird kiss. Lucio laughed and pet Camio’s feathers, nuzzling his downy stomach.
Valerius tried to get out of bed but was trapped under Mercedes and Melchior, flopped over him and somehow able to completely ignore Camio. “That bird is a demon, nothing less.”
“Don’t be like that, Camio’s just loud! He’s a very good cockatoo. He just wants to say hello now that I’m feeling better, don’t you Camio? Yes, you’re so good!” Lucio gradually descended back into cooing to Camio, beaming and euphoric as he was with all his pets.
Valerius blinked, Camio’s maniacal laughter still ringing in his ears. “Wait, what do you mean better?”
Lucio grinned and took Valerius’s hand. He gave him a warm, genuine squeeze, eyes bright as he brought Valerius’s hand to his own now warm and alive cheek. “See, Val? I’m human again!”
Valerius stared, palm against Lucius flushed face. Lucio seemed totally different, a giddy, bright, imperfect version of him compared to the icy elegance Valerius was used to. Valerius stroked Lucio’s messy hair with wonder, as if seeing him for the first time. Valerius swallowed. “What happened?”
Lucio raised his eyebrows. “Are you disappointed? No more erotic blood sucking sessions?”
“No! No, it’s an affliction you’re cured of.” Valerius hoped for clarification, but Lucio didn��t elaborate. He nestled closer to Lucio and placed his other hand on Lucio’s face, cupping his jaw as he leaned close. “Kiss me.”
Their lips met with gentleness, both warm and soft against the other. Lucio pulled Valerius closer with a thirst he’d never had as a vampire, an eagerness that made Valerius’s heart skip. Valerius buried his hand in Lucio’s hair and kissed him deeply, moaning as Lucio pulled him onto his lap. Lucio was better this way, relaxed and so intimate, the barrier they hadn’t noticed simply gone. Lucio pushed Valerius’s shirt up and rubbed his back, sighing and relishing their skin on skin contact.
“BARK! BARK BARK BARK!” Camio screeched, somewhere in between saying the word Bark and legitimately barking. Mercedes and Melchior sat up too eagerly to play and trampled Lucio and Valerius under their paws, tails wagging as Camio flew around the room barking.
“Hey! God, kiddos!” Lucio looked at Valerius’s dismayed face and laughed. “Oh come on Val, we have the day together!”
They snuck away for the day, to the lush gardens, a trip to the market, and anywhere with good drinks- but Valerius noticed an odd flush covering Lucio’s face and skin. He thought perhaps Lucio’s body was still adjusting to being human. Lucio was boisterous and cheerful but occasionally grimaced in pain. By nightfall, Lucio was curled up with him in bed with a sudden burning fever and headache.
Lucio blearily watched a red beetle crawl on his bedroom wall, eyes sliding shut against Valerius’s chest as his body ached and burned down his limbs. “Val- listen-“
“Shut up.” Valerius paused with a note of fondness. “Please.” He pressed a cold cloth to Lucio’s forehead and swallowed hard. This couldn’t be an ordinary sickness. He turned away and ran down the hall, shouting loudly enough for Lucio to hear. “SERVANTS! Get a doctor! A man named Jules should be here! Get anyone who can help! The plague has arrived in Vesuvia!”
Lucio passed out asleep, tears burning his eyes as his one day of joy was cut abruptly short.
The Devil was cruel.
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