outismm · 2 years
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sir could I interest you in a little smooch. would you be able to fit a mwah into your busy schedule. what is your professional opinion on getting a little kisskiss. asking for a friend.
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
So here’s so of the loose sort of questions I have about what you imagine for Marvolo. Obviously I don’t expect an answer to all of them, but they are some of the loose thoughts I had. These are also the tip of the iceberg as well 😅 I tried to separate them by type. However I am really growing to love his character especially as it develops. Thanks for feeding us horny demons 💚 (Also I apologize if these overlap with posts I may have forgotten or missed!)
Does he have any note worthy scars or perhaps a birth mark?
Man-bun Marvolo for the connivence, or is he a hack off the ends when it gets at an annoying length kind of guy? (Maintain the mid-length basically) And if it is the later I imagine the horror MC walked into with like a knife blade doing so poorly while frustrated 😅
Tea or coffee fellow? Or neither? If so how’s he taking it? All the cream and sugar? Black and bitter? Secret sweet tooth?
Does he have any semi wholesome guilty pleasures? Such as enjoying watching thunderstorms from the window?
He’s a very privately sentimental guy I would imagine, but would he keep anything for MC on his person when she’s not around to remind himself of her? A photo? A tattoo? Time accurate things like jewelry? Not sure what feels the most like him other than the fact I imagine he’d just sort of do it without telling her and she’d find it.
Does Ophelia have any really wholesome moments when he was still young she would only share in private with MC (bc we know he would riot)?
I'll answer them all! 😊 I adore expanding on my HC for himmmmm 🤣💚 so definitely go ahead with question 👉🏻👈🏻💚 always down to feed my Volo content 😘❤️
As far as scars go, he doesn't have any visible ones, and any injuries that may have resulted in scars from combat were dealt with and seen to quickly with strong magic ointments to heal them and not leave scars. The only scar he wouldn't have obtained through combat would have been a small one above his lip (which again is completely non visible now). With the Gaunts being known for *ahem* their interbreeding...A number people born within the family were born with deformities, Marvolo (and Ominis) included, he was born with a cleft lip which was promptly repaired while he was still a baby.
Regarding his wild hair ( most of the time lol) he really doesn't care too much about it, if it gets a little too long for his liking, he'll happily just hack at the ends with a razor.
Marvolo is more of a coffee person but will usually just have ONE in the morning. He takes it black and strong, and usually waits for it to cool, then downs it, rather than sipping on it. I know this wasn't part of the ask but when it comes to food he has a HUGE sweet tooth and definitely prefers sweet things to savoury things.
Regarding wholesome guilty pleasures, he does enjoy watching rain, also walking in it, when he was a kid, he use to love being outside in the rain, puddle jumping was one of his favourite things. Another guilty pleasure (that I've mentioned before and relates back to food) is REALLY enjoying cute little cakes, especially those that have pink strawberry frosting, but he enjoys them VERY privately and not usually around other people, because he feels like an idiot eating them and liking them so much. Another one I've also mentioned is sometimes sleeping, with Rerek coiled around him, it brings him huge comfort on nights where he finds himself not being able to sleep.
He doesn't carry anything on his person regarding MC, but in his room he does have a pressed flower from their first proper date that he'd given her, she pressed one of the flowers and preserved it, giving it to him as a gift, he keeps it close to his bed, right next to one of Rereks sheds in a large bottle. Something from both, of the only two things he cares about.
A wholesome thing his mother told MC, was when he was a really small child (before darkness truly entered his life) he loved bunnies and called himself "King of the Bunnies" on account of his rather large two front teeth, Ophelia said they use to get alot of bunny rabbits out back in the gardens, and he would hop around with them.
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Vincenzo : Episode 18
slow mo as if he’s not going to be alive, please!
did he get him in the heart or the shoulder though?
Damn did he actually kill the interpol people 💀
I am so confused by this brother storyline I’m so serious. stop playing with me 😭🙏 is it so bad I want him to turn around for the better???
it’s giving Itaewon class where I kept waiting for the CEO’s son to come to his senses after 800 betrayals and humiliation tactics from his dad but he just… fell off
lmao he called our lawyer queenie dumb, as he should. the audacity to roll your eyes like he’s not making points. deporting him doesn’t ensure you’ll stay alive 💀??? but these were the same people celebrating his mother’s murder with no worries in their head so why am I bothering
also everytime someone says mafia I just remember ITZY
HE DID NOT EMBARRASS ME. that’s family !!! 💗💗💗
someone save my himbo. i fear he’ll be caught
my goon guy is such a cutie, just gave him a vip hot air balloon ticket that says for you, anywhere anytime <3
why is evil CEO deadass chilling at his home like don’t you have something to do ???
I knew Babel would have some weird connection to its name. why would you name your company tower of greed omg you manifested its downfall
funny the Wusang ex director is talking about people as collateral damage when I thought he was one too by being part of the Evil CEO squad initially.
GET HIMMMMM !!! (some random people are at the CEO’s house)
this ominous music is so funny LMAO [ominous music intensifies]
is that Mr. Cho getting chased ??? noooo
HACKER GIRL SAVE YOURSELF. I cannot tolerate losing anymore people I’m so serious.
he murdered 4 fellow students when he was in school but jail is where draws the line 💀✋
anybody want lunch 🤣
oh so the happy soft music was for the brother thing. and they aren’t related by some familial thing (as I had once assumed seeing gifs) it’s chosen family!
my babe has suffered DEEP with that brother
I know this is TV but so much of it is real life too. the audacity to want to be a politician and top gun lawyer to serve people while threatening people’s left right centre is so infuriating to me 😭 Mr. Cho’s family’s at stake because you (the politician) and your family did disgusting things and now you want to hide them. I hate these people so bad
honestly I don’t even know what this Babel evil CEO is doing at this point like they’ve not won or done anything substantial AT ALL where you go oh you’re smart or you’re playing chess or keeping us at our toes. they just kill people. they’ll make you sad by killing people but that’s all they do. senselessly murder people or buy people and that doesn’t make you smart in any world 💀✋ all y’all have is brute force
everytime my subtitles fumble a dialogue I always wonder how much translation I’m missing out on but we move
Han Seo (junior brother) about to be tailed again OH NO MY BABY STAY ALIVE
Luca is here and everyone saying hi and he’s smiling and then our girl says hello and he’s beaming like the sun. I almost forgot all about the kissing!!! we have 2 episodes left now MOVE IT guys.
plus there’s that gold nonsense too
plus the evil politician
and now we have some news from Italy.
the acting from the Luca failing bad rn but we move
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Mr Cho noooo, gun to the head I would’ve lied. bought some time 😭✋
also I’ve seen this blue suit in promo posters okay slay
not the kissing photo in the email 🤣 how convenient, as he has to leave. let the memories work their magic 🙏
no pigeon ???
Mr. Nam my cutie
family is here <333
awww they’re giving him things 🥹
awww he called him bro
wait he’s not gonna leave is he
are y’all gonna kiss!?! hug!!!?
damn I got nothing ?
awww she’s speaking Italian. I thought she was running to confess but still this is very sweet indeed.
also that was a jacket apparently not a suit
how to befriend a bird and the pen given by the girl we love lmao, you already miss them so bad and the flight hasn’t even left
this politician’s right hand man has been here for 2 episodes and I already want to kill him. he’s also exposed the gold already 😍 someone GET HIM.
oh they moved everything, I used to pray for times like these. must’ve done it when the monks went out for alms
Yes run !!!!
I knew he’d get off the plane and make in time for a fight lol
Also this is such a callback to the first episode. My girl was about to fight then as well and he stopped it in time.
Also before I forget I thought the way he stared at her old photos, they might’ve known each other lol. maybe we get to skip that trope here 🙏
This is the promo shot where he’s calling them
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xjoonchildx · 2 years
Seems like a good check-on-your-fellow-hobi-stan day. After all the dark/emo/lolla business, we now have Hobi skipping around Korea in these adorable fits just being the sweetest and shyest lil bub. Have you seen him fogging up the glass at that radio show so he could draw hearts for ARMY on the other side?? 😭😭 Just put "cause of death: cuteness overload" on my tombstone, thanks.
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i just LOVE that we are getting to see all these sides of his personality 💕💕💕
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majorasnightmare · 2 years
I love the unnamed family of potters, that's a great dynamic. I kinda wanna hear more about Valkan though, I love the idea of a necroficer. Kinda gives me Dr. Frankenstein vibes.
I LOVE THEMMM i dont have a WHOLE lot so i will post. Both
pottery family:
-the community theyre in is a kind of run down backalley type place thats outside the city walls as the poorer classes arent allowed in, so its pretty heavily stratified by class, which bleeds over into species divides. the community is primarily orcs, tieflings, and dragonborn!
-as theres not much money circulating, most people barter goods and services. this family provides most of the storage pots ppl use for food preservation!
-the mother would go out to find decent quality clay deposits, to bring it back for the dad to sculpt and glaze. though as theyre both getting older, and their joints arent what they used to be, their daughter has joined into the family business and now goes out to get clay instead. the mom helps her husband with the pottery glazes and designs.
-most of their glaze colors come from trades throughout the community as people contribute what they have in return for ceramics, pots, and other goods they make. on the way back home the daughter will look for various herbs and plants both for dye, and also medicinal uses!
-I LOVE HIMMMMM i adore valkan so much
-Valkan lives in the city of Lethera, which is primarily shadar kai. All the shadar kai in Lethera revere the Raven Queen, and wear specially crafted masks in her honor, and as a matter of formality. showing your "true" face is considered a matter of intimacy and is reserved for family and partners, and is only done indoors. the shadar kai are also staunch traditionalists, considering it a matter of utmost priority to maintain and continue the traditions and rituals of the ancient past, all of which valkan participates in
-The outer walls of Lethera are constanly besieged by the sorrowsworn, monsters born of the shadowfell. As Lethera is one of the only large settlements of people in my shadowfell, the sorrowsworn are attracted to the large population like moths to a flame. As such, the order of necroficers is crucial to the cities defense, which Valkan bears as a mark of honor
-Valkans particular specialty is imbuing specially crafted corpses with magical abilities and spells, though also is skilled at the normal necroficer work of stitching corpses together into powerful weapons
-Valkan is a deeply honorable person who considers proper demonstration of respect to be of utmost importance. The body is merely a shell for the soul inside, and once the soul has departed, you owe it to the history engraved in that flesh to treat it respectfully, because while it may be a tool (for the living soul to interact with the material world and live their lives, for the environment to derive nutrients through its decomposition, for the necromancer to complete their labor), the body is equal parts sentimental and practical. Within the walls of Lethera, there is unspoken permission to use their bodies as needed, but outside its domain you must go out of your way to receive consent.
-As an extension of that, you do respect to the body your working on by doing your job well. A finely crafted weapon pays homage to the life it once lived, by utilizing it for purpose once more in defense of their fellow man. Valkan takes great pride in his work, and is especially mindful of the cycles of life, death, and rebirth, something he also encourages in his fellows
-As a necroficer, Valkan is both skilled in traditional surgery practices and also in the specific niche of treating sentient undead. The population of sentient undead in Lethera is small, proportionally, but numerically larger than most other settlements throughout the setting. Valkan doesn't always have time to treat undead, but attempts to make room in his schedule
-Valkan is slightly intrigued by the world outside both Lethera and the Shadowfell, but not enough so to meaningfully attempt to visit. Passing warlocks and other adventurers give him plenty of news of the outside world, and Valkan's single visit outside left him more disturbed than curious
-Hes very put off by the outside worlds tendency to just. Show their faces. Everywhere. To everyone. where they can just. See?? your expressions?? constantly??? And yet despite this, many of these same people are themselves scandalized by nudity or other forms of bare skin. Makes zero sense to him.
-Necroficing as a practice is almost entirely exclusive to Lethera, with practioners outside of it operating by themselves in secrecy, though Valkan had the misfortune of meeting a fellow practioner on his one journey, a necroficer by the name of Victor who applied the fell secrets to his own body, a technique considered repulsive even by other necroficers. Victor is a character made by my partner @dantemoore0, tho hes rarely on tumblr lmao
-In summary: i love this fuckn dude. He dresses like a historical tv shows portrayal of a victorian doctor, with the suit vest and rolled sleeves, and his medical oath to do good is on equal footing with the mad scientist desire to experiment in new ways to make necromantic bioweapons
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tumblunni · 6 years
Man the manga makes it look so fun to be a Nobody!
I really marvel at how they captured the uncanny nature of the enemy Nobodies?? Cos seriously the whole point of them is that they look humanoid but move in really inhuman ways. And each individual enemy type has its own unique mannerisms for this, but in general its like..slugs? I'm pretty sure its slugs?? They stretch and squish and wiggle around and its like pretty much EXACTLY how medicinal leeches move, but thats a very underrated animal so its probably more likely it was slugs or worms. Like 'hey lets exaggerate slugs' but BELIEVE IT OR NOT THAT FATEFUL WIGGLIER SLUG DOES TRULY EXIST. And i love their cutie patoot lil faces. And the world needs to appreciate them more!
...ok im getting offtopic but you get the gist of what i mean. The basic Dusk enemies are vaguely humanoid things with their arms and legs tapering off into sticklike points, and they either wiggle them around like leech heads or hold their arms behind them naruto run style and use their entire body as a leech! Like its more likely that they pick up stuff by wrapping around it like a snake, rather than just using hands?? And also they can fly and stick to ceilings and just generally have loads of fun?? And look really pretty?? And some of the other more complex nobodies look even cooler doing their weird wiggle flying. Like the Assassin type have these weird big metal petal shapes on their arms that flutter like feathers and make them look like winged snakes crossed with.. Kites...? Kites made of kimonos? Being worn by a man with no face..?
And aaa the Days manga has a REALLY good panel showing a big swarm of them in flight and it just looks SO MAGICAL AND SPOOKY! this is the exact kind of Aesthetically Nutso Ghost Monster Person i wish i could be! The manga is so cool at iimplying the same sense of inhuman motion by drawing them like motion tweens? Like theyre warped into wildly different body shapes in every panel and its just SO CREEPY and SO BADASS and SOMETIMES KINDA MAJESTIC AND ENDEARING EVEN! And this big flight scene has EVERY SINGLE INDIVIDUAL ONE drawn with its own different pose and mannerisms and like man every one of these weird squiggle flights looks like a world of fun to do!! God i love when superpowers actually look FUN, yo! It fuckin sucks that theyre just low level enemies and not ever playable. The only Nobodies that are playable or even get a big amount of screentime in cutscenes are the ones that ACTUALLY look humanoid and also move humanoid and BOOOO have zero traits of the monster theyre supposed to be. Like man just give me a whole game playing a lil bebby Nobody flying around! They remind me of the wanderers in Journey, they'd be so well suited to a chilled out exploration game like that.
And AAAAAA i get so sad thinking about how they're like bebbys!!! Noooo! Why do we not have more sympathy for them?? Like the particular way they write their 'bumbling weak enemy' scenes just comes off more like..well..sad thoughts about what happens when you lose your heart. Cos i mean the series really doesnt dwell much on the implications of the fact every single one of them used to be human! And whenever they're not being given orders by the higher ups in the organization, theyre just shown wiggling around flying in circles for fun, like a shoal of fish. They're so inhuman now, aside from vague resembelance in their appearances. They'd be seen as the cute wpodland critters in a disney princess musical number if they werent designated as monsters! Like they're not just 'dumb', they friggin dont remember how to talk anymore. And in their most memorable scene they dont understand the order "find this person" and can be easily tricked by photos of him. "Yes boss here is roxas he's a little more flatter than usual but here he is!" And they just keep gathering hundreds of the same person and never once cotton on to anything being wrong. Its so cute and also scary?? Cos seriously they are such eldritch monstrosities of fragmented soul that they move on to STEALING THE WORD PHOTOGRAPH. Just plucking it right out of the language! Failing so hard that you warp the laws of reality! I feel sorry for the poor lil guys, you definately cant say they didnt try as hard as possible!
I'm just so happy that they gave a bit more sympathy to the low level enemies because seriously WHO GIVES SUCH A GOOD DESIGN TO A LOW LEVEL ENEMY AND THEN BARELY EVER USES THEM FOR ANY SCENES
They actually give some sorts of pseudo dialogue to them?? Like during the kh2 prologue they show roxas being able to psychically perceive their thoughts while theyre trying to kidnap him. And its just so sympathetic and sad in retrospect?? They did a great job amplifying everything about this sequence because they made the Nobodies look so much scarier, made Roxas's life with his friends look even more heartwarming, and made it all super tense so you overlook all these little hints and just cheer for roxas in defeating these guys. But they left so many things that actually foreshadow that Roxas is a Nobody too, so reading this a second time is so sadddddd. I almost wish this was the first time i experienced the story, i think it does basically everything better than the original game version. Like seriously THAT ONE LINE OF WHAT THE WEAK ENEMIES ARE THINKING! "We've found you, my leige". THEY WERE JUST TRYING TO SAVE THEIR BOSS AND DIDNT KNOW WHY HE DIDNT RECOGNISE THEM. AND THEN HE ATTACKS THEM AND THEY DONT KNOW WHY!! aaa theyre just BABIES god theyre just ghost demon thingies that are like the larval stage compared to the main character versions. They dont remember who they were as humans, they just know they love their boss!! and he's apparantly been kidnapped by scary humans!! THEY WERE TRYING SO HARD TO SAVE HIM!! they got so damn close to taking over the town and they were swarming everywhere searching for him and Axel was trying so hard too and Diz just kept interrupting him before he cpuld explain or lying to roxas to manipulate them against each other! And axel even brought cake and icecream with him!! He was just trying to rescue his lil bro!!! Auuuugh seriously it was such a good twist that the Scary Monster Dudes were objectively in the right throughout this entire intro, and they just wanted to save Roxas's goddamn life. And he didnt even get to remember his peaceful days as a family with his fellow monster boyos until like five seconds before dying :(
Did anyone else just.. Not want to play kingdom hearts 2 after the prologue?
Like i couldnt stand the mood whiplash of going back to happy go lucky disney worlds with sora and having no more deep sad intriguing plot points for like ten hours of gameplay. And i could never take Organization 13 seriously as villains when the entire damn prologue was them being SUPER FUCKING SYMPATHETIC and the 'good guy' trying to murder a child in order to bring sora back. Like why am i supposed to be happy that he succeeded when i know sora himself would say no if he was told what sacrifice had to happen to bring him back? I would have been way more interested in this sequel having me play as roxas and try and take on the legacy of sora as the next hero and try and find a way to bring sora back without anyone having to die. Like the whole story could be people being all 'blah blah youre worthless youre not human your only purpose is to die for the sacrifice' and we explore all different sorts of 'heroes' doing horrible acts and justifying it to themselves because some people are just 'born evil' and its okay to do whatever you want to them. And Roxas is always struggling with almost believing that shit about himself, but in the end he does succeed to find a happy ending for everyone without a need for 'sacrifices'. And he learns to have self confidence and form his own identity and have more friendship scenes with Axel and co and also redeem all the other Nobodies please and also hug the tiny enemy childrens ones. I just did not feel much for the plot of kh2 at all except for the Nobodies!! Its just not sympathetic to have your 'heroes' arguing that 'oh they dont have hearts theyre not human they dont feel anything so theyre all evil and its all fine'. The game acts like this is true despite giving sympathetic backstories to half of them and the other half all die crying that they want to live!! What the fuck!! Like the only consolation is that they clearly cottoned on to the Org being RIDICULOUSLY POPULAR and later games literally bring all the most fan-loved ones back from the dead and add EVEN MORE sympathetic backstories and also here have a bigger villain who was really responsible and also he lied to them and theyre NOT really empty hearted and incapable of love. THEY ARE CONSTANTLY SHOWN HAVING THAT, EVEN THE WEAK LIL ENEMY DUDES HAVE ALL THAT LOYALTY TO ROXAS AAAAGH THEY DIED IN DROVES TRYING IN VAIN TO SAVE HIMMMMM
And god theyre so cute and so well designed and so sad and im sorry but AGGHHHH
I Forgot I Had So Many Emotions For The Emotionless Bebs :(
...also i really wish i cpuld get this pic of thos one panel to upload cos it looks real cool. I didnt think anything could make me love them more!!! Theyte just innocent weird snake bird worm person mannequin origami things. They just want to flutter around like messed up butterflies! And adorably poke at things they're curious about, and hold brooms awkwardly with their squiggle hands! The manga shows them doing lil chores around the house!! I LOVE THEMMMMMMM
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