kaoharu · 1 year
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evyisaks · 7 years
I still can’t believe how similar Isak and Even’s stories are. That when Isak was struggling with his sexuality and feelings for his best friend -  Even was struggling with the same things. When Isak’s dad left his mom and him, and when Isak decided to run away from home - Even had a manic episode and had to take a break from school. When they met for the first time Isak was still struggling with his sexuality and he was now living with two strangers, who would soon become his family. And Even was finally being comfortable with his sexuality but he was also dealing with his bipolar. 
We found out in S4 that during Even's last year in Bakka, this was S1-S2 for Isak, he struggled with his sexuality and kissed his best friend because we had feelings for him. With Isak he didn't kiss Jonas but he destroyed Jonas's relationship with Eva. Even also had to deal with his mental illness and had a manic episode before he had to take a break from school. And while Isak didn't suffer from a mental illness his mom was, and she got worse during the end of S1 which made Isak's dad walk away from them.
Their stories parallel so much and to think that before S3 started they had so much in common, It just makes me believe that they are truly meant to be. The world gave them so many obstacles but they just kept fighting them until they one day collided. They found home in each other and they’d find each other over and over again, across all universes.
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