tea-twords · 2 years
B, ñm...njķý k
-Sincerely, my dog
(She booped the phone with her snoot multiple times)
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heavenknowsffs · 10 months
The "Palestine question" is basically if a random guy came over to your house like "hey bro how are you? Cool house you got here" and you're like "ugh thanks who are you?" And they go "oh i'm just looking around.. very cool house" and they started coming inside and you were like "hey stop please that's my house" and they didn't so you shoved them to push them out and they went "oh wow! You're so mean and rude i can't believe you're doing this???" And then a bunch of rich kids from the other side of town who bully everyone come over and are like "HEY! You stop it. This guy has every right to be here. They are homeless and your house is big. You will let them live here" and you said "no wtf this is my house i have always lived here" and THEN you both start fighting but he's also rich and starts tearing out all your furniture and your backyard and everything and putting his new stuff inside and when they tell you to leave the other rich kids keep saying that you should just accept it. And after years of having this guy destroy everything you own and making you live in your own basement you say "ok i will let him live here and we can ljve here together can i have at least half my home back?" The guy goes to the rich kids and says you're the one who destroyed all his things and that you're being mean to them. And then the rich kids say "wow i cannot believe this why are they being so mean to you? You did nothing wrong you just took their house, made them live in their own basement and killed their dog wow the nerve of some people if it wasn't for you they would just be living happily and always take things for granted honestly do whatever you want i wouldn't even judge you if you killed them ahah"
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