slaasherslut · 2 years
As a collab with @rottent33th and @the-pinstriped-hood , ive made myself an Original Character! I haven't done this in a very long time but I'm super excited to see what we do with all of our OC's. I know Pin is going to go crazy with all our OC's and im super excited.
Check under the cut to learn more about her!
(If this isn't something you're interested in I completely understand! I will be tagging all of the posts with this character as #ava walker so feel free to block that tag)
Avana "Ava" Walker
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Name: Avana "Ava" Eve Walker
26 years old
Born April 12th
Dark green eyes
Natural brunette but her hair is always bleach blond or black
Usually wearing her usual fishnet tights and shirts, combat boots, black jean shorts and an oversized band tee.
Has many tattoos, mostly on her arms and legs.
Has a scar on her upper arm from a most pit accident.
Relationship status: In a relationship with Lester Sinclair
Ava was a guitarist who jumped around from band to band since her teenage years. Some putting out an EP or an album or two and others not even making it out of a dingy garage. After being in a band with a past boyfriend that didn't end well, she decided that she wanted to make a new name for herself. She tossed a bunch of her things in the cab of her truck with a small trailer and hit the highway. Once she made it a decent way through Louisiana, her truck started to sputter and under the hood started to smoke, she pulled off the highway and down a desolate road. She took out her cellphone to call for a tow when a dirty truck came down the road from the opposite direction. It pulled over to park hood to hood with her and a man opened the door and stepped out.
“You okay out ‘ere? Yah look like you could use a little help.”
What does she like to do in her spare time? Thanks for asking! She loves driving around with Lester, whether its just around Ambrose or into the next town over. Making music is one of her passions, especially guitar but she dabbles in singing too (shes not too bad!) Her favourite place to rip her guitar is in Bo's garage, it has the best acoustics in town. Shes a huge reader. Mostly into true crime and horror novels. Shes also a total sucker for anything Percy writes. She loves spending time with Vincent and Ellie in the basement, her art of choice is jewellery making.
A few random facts about Ava:
99% of the time shes listening to music, shes listening to Metallica.
It took her a while to like her name, she thought it didn't suit her. Avana meaning "a beautiful flower." it never sat right with her.
Lester calls her nicknames like Ava, Sweetpea, Rose, Hun.
Shes a pot smoker. She likes to smoke at the end of the day to wind down or sitting by the lake with Les.
Lester was kind of freaked out by her at first but he couldn't tell if he was nervous around her because she scared him or he was attracted to her.
Her pride and joy is her Dean Dave Mustaine VMNTX black electric guitar, it belonged to her father.
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