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torchstelechos · 7 months ago
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For some flavor text, please imagine they both are aware the other has A.) killed children before for the good of his kingdom (Asgore) and B.) killed a child to make a point to the Main Character (The King). Who do you think would win in this instance?
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nausinoisette · 4 years ago
If you want more Knaaren asks, I‘m happy to oblige :) Since Rayman is now the current champion, will he have to defend his title constantly against other Knaaren challenging him for the title? Was Leptys created by Polokus or is he an independent god? What is Polokus and Leptys‘ relationship like? What would Reflux‘s fate have been if he had survived his second fight with Rayman?
If you want more knaarens hc, I'm happy to answer :D
Rayman defeated Reflux, but being not a knaaren and being a stanger, his title of champion is quite fuzzy. Moreover, he's technically not, not having killed Reflux in the arena. Knaarens don't have many laws, and if they do they are not protocolary at all, by nature they don't really like authority. They respect the king and what he says, but that's where it ends. If a knaaren kills another because of an argument, nothing will happen, they don't have prisons or anything else. In the arena it's kind of the same thing. Technically nothing prevents them from using their shield, they don't use it out of honor, and it has gradually become a kind of tradition. Reflux probably could have won against Rayman if he had used his shield and if he wasn't so proud, eh. But if there's one rule in the destiny arena, it's that it's a fight to the DEATH. If the champion is killed in the fight, the killer becomes the new champion. All champions are killers. Rayman isn't. He wouldn't have been able to kill Reflux that way. He just wanted to defend himself, from the moment Reflux could no longer fight, he did not want to continue. What upset Reflux even more, he is the champion and he lost, but he was not killed, and it was even worse for him. Especially since his defeat upset Gumsi, so Rayman had really disgraced Reflux to the maximum without knowing it. 
The Leptys needed Rayman so that's how it went, but the Leptys didn't care if Rayman was the champion or not, he had to win for much more important reasons. After saving their god from a demon and killing Reflux who had been corrupted, it wasn't even a question of whether he was the champion of the arena, it was much more than that. Gumsi was in very bad shape, he was going to die, and Rayman returned to the undergrounds to give him back his scepter. He was never a fighter who defeated the champion but a stranger who saved their child king. He had been blessed by the Leptys! And the knaarens were afraid of him, nobody tried anything against him when he came back with the scepter. Since this event Rayman is not seen as the champion but as a stranger who managed to beat the greatest champion, he is really seen as someone more important than the champion of the arena. And many knaarens want to facing him. But Rayman didn't go back into the undergrounds after that, he didn't like how serious this story became, and the knaarens scare him a little bit ngl :^) As it was a long time ago, if he would go back there today, he would probably be attacked. Moreover, he considers his victory against Reflux as a huge stroke of luck, because if Reflux had been less proud and had used his shield or had fought hand-to-hand, he wouldn't have been able to do much... He doesn't want to fight again against a knaaren.
After these events Gumsi wasn't doing well mentally, it took several years before there was a new champion, who was simply someone who had proven himself in the arenas and had become strong and that Gumsi noticed.
Was the Leptys created by Polokus...... Who knows? Whether it is or not, in any case the Leptys is an independent god, yes. The Leptys is literally a kind of divine animal. And in a way, I see Polokus in the same way. They are gods, and they have unimaginable knowledge and understanding of the world. Whether they are "animals" or not. Polokus being a  "spirit of the world" god type, he is more powerful than Leptys, but they are both independent, they just exist. They have no relationship, they are gods and they don't need this kind of thing, they are very far from this kind of problem and questioning. The only relationship the Leptys have is with the Knaaren children-kings. Currently with Gumsi therefore, with whom he is closely related, and who is the only real link he has with someone else. No one knows why the Leptys is so much connected with kings, but with the events that have happened, he is closer to Gumsi than to previous kings.
If Reflux had survived the events at the end of the game, it's hard to say what he would have done. I think Rayman would have been able to help him, easily understanding that he had been trapped by André, and anyway Rayman is too pure for this world and would help anyone. Reflux would probably have gone back to the undergrounds with him, and even if they were friends and Gumsi admired him a lot, he would never have forgiven him for what he did, and would have condemned him to exile. (in case you haven't seen it, I explain here what it means)
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concertcs · 4 years ago
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hey guys 🥰💌✨🥺💘🌈 it’s me again !! ur old pal hannah !  n this is my angel child tito <3 welcome to loving tito hours <3 
okay so before i jump into this, as a disclaimer i just finished finals week for a 17 credit semester so my brain is just like. tv static and evermore on loop. so if ur looking for an actually well-written, cohesive bio n stats n other fun stuff u can find that in my app which i did in fact write Prior to finals week !  okay on with the show !
okay so tito is the second child born to luis n angela rosario n the younger sibling of sebastián n tbh i know im biased but i love the rosarios sm 🥺 luis was an aspiring musician n angela worked 3 jobs to support them n they had a rly happy life together for a little while :/
tito first got into music when they were in first grade n their music teacher señora coco stayed after school to teach him how to play the piano n they loved it !!  luis was Thrilled bc he swore from the day tito was born tht they were destined to be a musician with him n thus began the dream of the two of them would be a successful father-son duo one day <3
spoiler alert: it did not happen 💔
(death tw) luis was killed in a drive by shooting when tito was 15 😔 n it was rly hard on them 😔 they stopped playing music altogether n definitely went through this moment where they likely pushed away Everyone bc so much of their grief manifested as anger 😔 (end tw)
it didn’t last forever !  but !  the minute that he started to kind of regain his footing, angel was like hey we’re leaving the city !! let’s go !! n tito was like no 💖 bc they wanted to stay in la and salvage what they could of their dad’s dream... so they did
they also went to community college !!  which was when he started to rly start to feel like himself again 🥺 but once they graduated they started working at this radio station to get their foot in the door n it backfired bc they’ve been stuck there for 3 years now... so sorry to them
the day that tito found the killer conclusions cd was actually their 3 yr anniversary exactly which was exactly as depressing as u think it is :/  so to cheer himself up they went to the thrift store for a blind date with a cd which was this tradition that his dad created for them when tito was little (ngl it makes me emotional i wrote a longer thing abt it in my app) n basically told tito that if you picked the most nondescript cd you can find then you’re not being biased n youre just letting the music find you 
and ofc !  as we all know tito’s fate is to get haunted by our fave ghost band !  and here we are !
so that’s the sparknotes version of his bio sdfkdjs here are the hcs i wrote in my app bc i think they say a lot abt him <3
so tito grew up listening to a lot of his father’s favorite latine artists, n luis’s favorite is .. ofc… ricky martin bc he’s from puerto rico and livin la vida loca is a bop !  but tito’s own personal favorite artist is selena. the first Real Song that they ever learned (as in not hot cross buns or twinkle, twinkle little star) to play on the piano was dreaming of you, which is one of his two favorite selena songs to this day. it’s tied with amor prohibido <3
tito loves to dance n they are absolutely shameless about it. they grew up watching their parents samba in the kitchen n he was immediately like Okay Me Too. are they a particularly great dancer? no ❤️ but that does not deter them n what they lack in technical skill they make up for in enthusiasm
very, very, very much a Disaster Gay with the emphasis on disaster. like he Does Not know how to talk to boys at all n gets very flustered n nervous when he does . especially bc i think this is a pretty recent development for them. as in like .. within the last 5 years n it probably took him a long ass time to work their way through bc like. they were a little busy trying to figure out their relationship with gender
which! speaking of! they always knew that they didn’t 100% connect with being a Boy, like… the same way that he could say that he liked green beans sometimes, or they only wanted pepperoni on their pizza sometimes, he only felt like a boy sometimes. it wasn’t that they felt like a girl the rest of the time, though. they just didn’t have the words to describe what they felt like the rest of the time — not until they took their first gender studies class at community college. finding out that there was a community of people who were like him was a huge weight off of their shoulder n also kind of marked the point where they could start figuring out their sexuality
i think tito has a very Cozy home but like .. they just embody a lot of coziness to me in general. he definitely has a lot of plants, n 100% of their furniture n decor are thrifted but he’s a cancer so we know tht means their home n making sure they’re comfy there is very important
tito is very very Very fiercely protective of his people n you have to definitely prove yourself in order for them to let you anywhere near his people. like when the ghosts first showed up they absolutely had to earn their trust before they would let anyone go near like.. allegro mainly. perhaps nocturne also had to win his trust before tito was like Okay with them being around the ghosts bc ksdjfds he’s a cancer at heart n has an unbearable amount of love to give
king of emojis tbh djfksdj i genuinely don’t think he knows how to send a text without an emoji unless they’re like.. actually rly upset.. but Usually big on emojis. every time that he gets the chance to say “no ❤️'' their soul leaves their body a little bit in excitement
tito’s favorite season is winter and every single year when it rolls around they’re devastated that it’s too warm in california for it to snow 😔 he’s never seen snow in his life but he loves it n is very determined to see it one day 
he’s a Can’t Drive gay 😔 but they grew up in the city so what do we rly expect from him? if we’re being honest with ourselves? nothing! instead they skateboard wherever they can n take the subway wherever they can’t <3 n is very jealous that ghosts don’t need subway cards
when they do happen to go on drives However they are the world’s greatest passenger seat dj .. n Yes it is a very elaborate radio show setup complete with regularly pausing for radio host talk show segments, calling in requests, and made-up giveaway games
they play the piano n the guitar n that’s all right now but i think he would Love to learn a new instrument they just never had the resources or the time 
speaking of music… it is definitely kind of on hold right now as far as actually performing But i think they definitely try to do little open mic night things when they can… perhaps he tried to push for the bar he works at to have an open mic night? idk <3 but even when playing music in public isn’t an option they’re always writing songs (or trying to) at home, usually in the late hours of the night after an evening shift at the bar 
i think tht he definitely still Does speak spanish but like. not as much with other people anymore after their dad passed away. partially bc luis was the primary person who spoke spanish w tito.. angela only spoke english.. so like once he was gone they didn’t really have a reason to speak it.. but Also even when he Does have a chance to i think it feels a little too much like it’s reopening the wound in a way tht tito just tries to Avoid
fictional characters tht inspired tito? julie molina kdsjfdsk <3 also miguel from coco n Honestly both julian And yadriel from cemetery boys
okay im so sorry for all the words <3 if ur still reading this thank u pls message me on discord let’s plot <3
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braincoins · 4 years ago
Unusual Halloween Movies
Tired of Jason, Freddy, and Michael? Want something new this year? Boy, do I have some treats lined up for you! I’ve used JustWatch to list the streaming options (though these are US streaming options; I maaaaay be up for some streaming fun on Halloween...). I’ll tell you right now, this list can almost perfectly be broken into three categories: Horror-Comedy, Sci-Fi Horror, or International Horror.
American Mary -  A medical student drowning under tuition debt finds a lucrative practice when she enters the world of body modification. ngl, I remember liking this movie but it’s been a bit since I saw it, so for the CONTENT WARNINGS I’m going to straight up rip the MPAA here: Rated R for strong aberrant violent content including disturbing images, torture, a rape, sexual content, graphic nudity, language and brief drug use
Ava’s Possessions - Ever wonder what life is like once all your demons have been exorcised - literally? Now that Ava is free of the demon that once possessed her, she’s out of a job, down a few friends, and facing charges for the acts of violence her demon did. The only way to get out of trouble is to go to the demon-equivalent of AA. CONTENT WARNINGS: mostly blood and bad language; some mild sexual content 
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon - A journalism grad student interviews a young man in training to be the next slasher killer, ala Jason/Freddy/Michael. An absolute treat of a movie for anyone who loves slasher films; it’s about 3/4 mockumentary, 1/4 actual horror film when she realizes that, no, really, he’s going to go kill all those co-eds. CONTENT WARNINGS: Blood, gore, naked boobs (”Ugh. Is that REALLY necessary?” “Now, Taylor, who’s telling this story?”), sex, occasional panty shots (because, again, slasher films). 
Bubba Ho-Tep - OH MAN another one I had to go back and add in ‘cause REALLY NOW. Elvis is in a nursing home (at least, he says he’s the real Elvis) and he and JFK (who is played by Ossie Davis - who you will note is NOT white) have to fight off a resurrected mummy who sucks the souls of the living out of their assholes. Bruce Campbell stars. HOW IS THAT NOT AWESOME ENOUGH FOR YOU?! CONTENT WARNING: Um... look, I think you kinda already know what sort of content to expect given what I just told you about the story.
Bulbbul (Netflix Original) -  (Hindi Language) During the 19th century Bengali Presidency, something - or someone? - is haunting the woods around a lord’s estate, killing men in gruesome ways. The lord has left his estate in charge of his young wife, while his younger brother, who’d been away studying in London, returns to hunt down whatever is causing these mysterious deaths. CONTENT WARNINGS: child bride, blood, and what Netflix calls “sexual violence”, meaning a rape scene so graphic (despite not showing any nudity or genitalia) that it is GUARANTEED to make you uncomfortable. The movie was written and directed by a woman, so there is nothing intended to be “sexy” about this at all. If you can make it through that scene, though, there is a definite payoff for it. (Or should I say “payback”?)
Eli (Netflix Original) - A young, incredibly sick boy with a fragile immune system is brought by his parents to a clinic for an experimental treatment that may be their last hope. But all is not as it seems within the walls of this place... perhaps literally. CONTENT WARNINGS: mostly just language, a few mild jump scares. People get set on fire at one point. No biggie. 
Errementari: the Blacksmith and the Devil (Netflix Original) - (Basque Language) Based on a Basque folk tale. Eight years after the First Carlist War, a government official comes to a small, impoverished Basque town asking after the blacksmith. Everyone tries to warn him away; the blacksmith is an evil, evil man. But he is on the trail of some Carlist gold that might be in the smithy, and the prospect of the gold wins him some helpers. And while everyone is distracted by that, a young orphan girl manages to get onto the blacksmith’s property. And what she finds there, no one could have expected... CONTENT WARNINGS: I took a screenshot of Netflix’s list of warnings just because it amuses me:
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[sings “One of these things is not like the others...”]
Europa Report - Look, I really can’t recommend this enough for fans of found-footage features and people who can stand slower-paced, constantly-building terror. An international mission is sent to investigate Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter. (Those of you who are fans of real-world space exploration know that Europa is considered a prime target for extraterrestrial life within our solar system.) Contact was lost with the mission for a long time, until the data streams came flooding into Earth all at once. And what they showed... CONTENT WARNINGS: Like I said: slower pace than most horror/thriller movies. It builds slow and steady. There’s really not much in the way of blood and gore, though; an excellent example of terror without resorting to buckets of red corn syrup.
Event Horizon - Hellraiser in Space? Hellraiser in Space. Except the Lamentation Configuration is a fucking SPACE SHIP. Also, props for genre-savvy cast. CONTENT WARNINGS: EYE SCREAM. Blood, gore, and, no really, THE EYE THING. Did I mention the gore and the blood? Oh, and language. And blink-and-you-miss it nudity & sex.
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Grabbers - Strange creatures are attacking a small Irish coastal town and the only way to protect yourself is... to be drunk? CONTENT WARNINGS: I mean, it’s Irish and everyone’s drunk, so bad language (by American standards) is a given. That’s... really about it, unless you have a tentacle phobia.
Green Room -  An up-and-coming punk band show up to play a gig and realize too late that they’re playing at a Neo-Nazi club. And when they happen to see something they... really shouldn’t have, it becomes an all-out fight for survival. Same director as Murder Party, though this movie was made later with a much better budget. CONTENT WARNINGS: Violence, blood, gore, and yes, some dogs die because they were trained to be vicious attack dogs by Neo-Nazis. :( Also, the most important content warning of all? PATRICK STEWART PLAYS A NEO-NAZI. (You think I’m joking, but for someone who grew up with him as Jean-Luc Picard, it is downright unsettling to see, okay?)
Life - Think Alien meets Europa Report (above). The six-member crew of the International Space Station are given a sample from Mars that might contain actual extraterrestrial life.  CONTENT WARNINGS: Blood. No, let me say that again: BLOOD. Sounds of bones breaking. Alien creature entering someone’s mouth and killing them from the inside (probably through a combination of choking them/asphyxiating them on their own blood/devouring their blood? It’s not clear, it’s just UNSETTLING).
Murder Party - This is what happens when snobby art school brats try to kill someone. (Read: it doesn’t go well.) Fuckin’ bop of a Halloween song over the end credits, too. Also, at least two characters are canonically bisexual. Same director as Green Room, though this movie was made first (with a much lower budget). CONTENT WARNINGS: bad language, blood, gore, nudity, mild sexual content (the nudity is supposed to be “artistic”). The dog probably DOES die, given the circumstances, but it doesn’t happen on screen, at least? And the dog gets some pretty decent comeuppance first... Also, 1000000% accurate cat representation. 
The Perfection (Netflix Original) - A former cello virtuoso (virtuosa?) gets in touch with her former teacher and meets his new star pupil. An instant connection is formed between the two women... or is it? (Yes, there are lesbians!) CONTENT WARNINGS: oh chaos, where do I start? Bugs under the skin, hacking off body parts, blood, gore, mild sexual content, sexual abuse, and the movie itself is complete and utter MINDFUCKERY. Did you like “Tales from the Crypt” as a kid? You’ll probably dig this. 
Ravenous - With apologies to all Native Americans, but at least they did get actual Native American actors for those parts (George is played by a Pueblo actor; his sister Martha is played by an actress of Menominee and Stockbridge-Munsee descent). A soldier who won a questionable victory during the Mexican-American war is given a hero’s status and then an exile to a remote fort in the Sierra Nevadas. Not long after he arrives, a would-be settler arrives with a harrowing tale, calling for help for what few survivors there are of his wagon train. The two friendly Native Americans at the fort issue warnings that go unheeded, of course. CONTENT WARNINGS: Blood, gore, cannibalism, PTSD.
Slither - James Gunn’s 2006 Feature Movie Directorial Debut! He wrote it, too. An homage to B-movie gore flicks like you’d see at the drive-in. I am just copying and pasting the IMDB summary ‘cause I love this movie too much to be concise about it: A small town is taken over by an alien plague, turning residents into zombies and all forms of mutant monsters. (Oh, but don’t forget the nasty, slithery blood worm things!) CONTENT WARNINGS: Nasty, slithery blood worm things. GORE, BLOOD, GORE, GORE. A very uncomfortable sex scene. Michael Rooker.
They’re Watching - An American TV crew filming what is essentially “House Hunters: Eastern Europe” stumble into superstitions, folklore, and... TERROR!! MWAHAHAHAHA. No, seriously, I LOVE how it’s basically “What if some HGTV crew wound up waaaaaaaay in over their heads, in a horrible and bloody way?” CONTENT WARNINGS: Blood, gore, and NO WI-FI.
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mysterylover123 · 5 years ago
BNHA Rewatch: Episode 38 “Encounter”
S2 ends with a casual trip to the mall. Nothing else to see here, no siree.
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It’s odd for Tomura to designate the “types he hates most” when he hates basically everything. Anyways, Dabi and Toga! aka TotallyNotToya and Yandere Best Girl. Tomura slinks off to go pout in his room like a spoiled child. It’s almost funny.
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May I just say it is a great injustice that Sero was failed and Mineta passed. Sero tried to save the little creep. Justice for Sero! 
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Another Rational Deception! Iida is outraged - how will we ever trust anything you say again?  I wonder if he’s channeling the fanbase here.
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Deku inviting Shoto to join them is a Tododeku classic. (Also, BTW, there’s an audio drama where Todoroki and Bakugo, after blowing off Class 1-A antics, run into each other and get stuck together by a villain’s quirk. It’s hilarious, and clearly self-aware about fans shipping them).
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OMG DATTE ATASHI NO HIRO IS PLAYING! i guess because they don’t play the ED in this ep. Ah well. Shopping! Iida getting nervous about buying the right kind of shoes! 
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Tokoyami, being one of Deku’s many spouses, is rebuking him for scaring strangers with his odd behavior.
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Ho boy. This stuff. To fully convey the boredom/annoyance that I feel every time this show decides to replay the same damn scene with Ochaco over the next freaking season, I’m going to start up a “Uraraka Crush Counter”. We had one last ep. Now we’re up to 2. The counter goes off every time Uraraka 1) is made by someone to wonder if she has a thing for Deku 2) freaks out and 3) doesn’t actually answer the freaking question. 
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I will say I kinda ship it. For Tomura’s sake, of course, not Deku’s. But he does find so much clarity from this one conversation with Izuku, and he’s definitely a character who could use a real hero in his life (me speaking as a manga reader who knows his backstory). Of course, not in a ‘endgame’ kinda way, and Tomura has plenty of LOV ships that are more fitting...but I do have a weak spot for Villain/Hero dynamics. 
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Deku’s reaction to this is chillingly telling. He’s not concerned that Tomura is going to kill him. But with the idea that innocents around him are going to die...that gets him to cooperate. Deku’s complete disregard for his own life strikes again.
“So tell me about your childhood.” “Well, it all started with my shitty dad...”
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Does this count as a separate Uraraka Crush Counter? I’m gonna say yes. 3.
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Deku explains to Shigaraki quite well exactly what he’s missing: That pesky theme that’s been hanging around all season, MOTIVATION. Bakugo’s drive last ep to be the best. RG noting that Mineta wouldn’t survive at UA without a proper motivation in the Final Exam arc. The Hero Killer’s convictions, despite his evil, inspiring people. Everyone needing motivation to win in the Sports Festival. And Uraraka’s motive, right at the start of the season.
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 The only one missing a clear motive, then, is Tomura. (Possibly because he doesn’t, deep down, really want to be a villain, but is stuck in that role anyway). But now, Deku gives him one. He gets it. Nice going Deku. (I’m just kidding with the sarcasm of course Deku you brave sweet best boy.)
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Tomura hand flashbacks no! MLA ARC FEELS!!!
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“Is that a friend?” Wha Ochaco wtf do they look like friends? Tho it is Deku so you never know...
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“What’s All for one after?” This exchange - I have a theory: Tomura already knows that Deku is OFA9. He knows the whole deal. Hence why he’s so unsurprised by Izuku knowing about OFA, why he asks his advice, why he notices him especially. AFO figured it out and told him. That’s my theory.
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We end S2 on a rather somber note, with Deku and mom bidding goodbye to All Might and his Cop Waifu Tsukauchi, as the latter two contemplate Toshinori’s future as a hero. No Datte atashi fantasy AU ED here; just soft, sad music as the credits role, and we transition into the somber and serious Season 3. 
Season 2 of BNHA is, as I’ve said before, the most consistently strong single season of TV I’ve ever seen. Every episode is at least solid, and all three arcs are incredible overall. Season 1 is good but not Standout overall, season 3 has lower lows and higher highs. Still, NGL, I do look forward a little more to Season 3 (and that’s not just because it has Odd Future, I swear, totally not) and it’s huge, game-changing moments, because S2 is just the beginning. It’s a season about motivation, about laying the table and setting up the pieces. Season 3 is the one that knocks them all down.
But not to start s3 right away! The next few days I’ll be watching the stuff in between the 2 seasons instead. 
Nothing in this episode per se, but this omake does answer the question I had after watching this for the first time: Why didn’t Bakugo freak out about Deku saving him? 
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Answer: Ochaco
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Ooh boy I want to repost this whole Omake for the corner. Can I? Screw it, I will.
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I guess this one’s also a big Kacchako/Izuocha omake too, huh?
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Ochaco ships it I will not hear otherwise.
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Ooh “so cool” she really is becoming like Deku isn’t she?”
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You get it, Ochaco. You are an ally. Never think that I’m against you because you’re Deku’s ‘official’ Love interest or the storytelling of your crush is a little repetitive. ILU.
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“Behind my back, how could you? I’m disappointed in you too, Uraraka-san.”
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OMG She Freaking Did it! The one thing that would’ve made S2 better would be if it ended with this getting animated (It came out in July 2017, there could’ve been time to sneak it in! Please let there be a filler void in S4 so it can finally be animated)
BEST GIRL OF THE EPISODE: No new best girls this ep. 
RANKER: Biggest Shock Moments in BNHA
5 “You got your quirk from All Might, didn’t you?” Episode 60
4 “Mirio has lost his quirk forever” Chapter 163
3 “Let’s have a chat, Izuku Midoriya?” Episode 38
2. “Tomura Shigaraki, my apprentice? He’s Nana Shimura’s Grandson.” Episode 49
1. “So you’re going to get...” Chapter 213, aka OFA 6Q.
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friendlyneighborhoodborg · 6 years ago
Borg Replays Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies| Case 2, Part 1
In which we go through more paranormal stuff.  AGAIN.
In episode 3 of “Aaahh! Real Yokai,” we gotta deal with more of this.  Watch in awe as the series delves into supernatural happenings, scary-but-well-meaning defendants, flying killers, and.... wait, this feels really familiar.
I’ve still not played Spirit of Justice, so please keep spoilers to yourself.
[Previous Case] [Next Part] [Next Case]
Let’s go, lawyers!  Let’s go!
Case 2: The Monstrous Turnabout
Day 1 - Investigation
The voice work on these Yokai are spot-on.
Ah yes, upholding that age-old tradition of spoiling the second game’s killer.
This game is a lot more graphic than I remember.
Ah yes, upholding that age-old tradition of having our cases out of order.
A red jacket (I can only assume Apollo’s) is tossed over the back of the sofa, and it wasn’t there last game, so I guess Apollo’s a Wright now.
TRUCYTRUCYTRUCY! (And a “Child of Magic” remaster!)
Wright Anything Agency: “Definitely” a law firm.
I need to see Apollo “helping” with Trucy’s magic tricks.
Apollo is the biggest mood of this whole series.
The new 3D investigation sites are so f*cking glorious.
They gave Trucy’s “Magic Panties” Trick a sprite, what the f*ck even is this game?
Ah yes, upholding that age-old tradition of presenting the otherwise-useless attorney’s badge.
Apollo going along with Trucy’s silliness.  Peak sibling content.
Yokai Wrestlers.  Yokai.  Wrestlers.
Now I really want to meet Trucy’s other friends.
“Killed as in dead?”  An actual sentence.
The cutscene gave me chills, ngl.
Oh thank goodness we get an Objectives List this game.  You don’t know how much I needed one of these the last few games.
“O-objection list.”
I just realized that, without the normal “Examine” button, I can’t find easter eggs and jokes in weird places.  So far, it’s the one shortcoming of the game.
Ah yes, upholding that age-old tradition of cheating and moving to Europe so that you can become a lawyer at a ridiculously young age.
Ah yes, upholding that age-old tradition of the suspected killer flying for no goddamn reason other than it’s just another puzzle to solve.
“In Justice We Trust!!” vs. “Here Comes Justice!!”  Who would win?
Fulbright’s music is absolutely swinging.
Jeez, if I didn’t already know that L��Belle was the killer, I’d have guessed by his theme music alone.
Yes! Time for Apollo to use the coolest superpower in this whole game!
I was almost hoping for a slowed-down version of the Cross-Examination theme again.  But I guess this has a much better tone to it.
Apollo, you’d be surprised what this Judge has had to deal with.  A yokai is nothing new here.
So I guess it’s gonna get weird in court tomorrow.  Well, save that for later.
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