#I GOT YOUR OTHER ASK BTW . it’s safe and secure in my inbox !!!!!
oh i’m watching wind breaker!! i’m on episode 5 as of now and i’m already in tears lmaooo 😭😭 please, watch it ari!! it’s genuinely so so funny (and a very nice break from jjk eh…….) :333 -🐟
WAHHHH 🐟 ANON!!!!!!! thank you so much my beloved…… i trust your taste so i’ll def check it out :3 I DO THINK IT’S GOOD FOR ME TO GET A MENTAL BREAK LMAO….. i’ve been rewatching madoka magica but. that one is . just as bad as jjk LMAOO. something silly and fun and hype would be a nice change of pace …….
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coming out headcanons with c!Technoblade
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Warnings: cursing
Pairing: c!Technoblade x ftm!Reader
request from @pxytn-png! lovely idea btw, and also thank you for being the reason i fixed my anon issue lmao thanks for bringing that to my attention mate :) ty for the ask!
quick disclaimer before we start here: i am not trans ftm, so i cannot speak for the community and i hope i am not poorly representing all of you bois! y’all are literally so fucking valid tho like the MOST valid i sWEAR dudes, deadass. if there’s something i need to educate myself on, my inbox and dms are ALWAYS open, so please feel free to interact!
- when you came up to him one day in a cold sweat with uneven breaths, Techno immediately knew something was up. he immediately asked you what was wrong, ready to go murder whoever he had to for you, and the voices were going CRAZY with their theories and stress and worry for you
- you told him you had something to tell him, and he internally freaked out because the dumbass thought you were going to leave him or something or say you didn’t love him anymore
- blame the voices tho! they stress him out and make him overthink everything more than he already would! 
- once you came out in your way of choice, he was so relieved that you didn’t come to tell him you hated him
- and he was also so flattered and felt so loved that you felt secure enough to be more of your true self around him! the voices were flattered and happy too!
- “so, you’re a man, huh?” “yeah...” he looked at you for a moment before grinning widely, pulling you into the PHATTEST fuckin hug. “trust me, he/him just suits you better, it’s more you.” 
- the voices most certainly agree! after all, it was the true you, it was what made you feel more comfortable in your own skin.
- as he started working on your pronoun change, the voices helped out quite a lot. if he even so much as got close to even thinking the slip-up of the wrong pronouns, the voices were fuckin ON IT man. he learned pretty quickly, wanted to make you the most comfortable he could!
- every time he said ‘he’ or ‘him’ in reference to you, he couldn’t help but smile. it just reminded him that you felt secure enough to be your true self around him and that you trusted him enough to come out to him
- although he had to admit, it did lead to a little bit of confusion
- “so, that makes me... gay? or wait... well either way, i know i’m attracted to dudes obviously...”
- “do i tell Philza that i’m gay now or do i wait until Y/n decides to open up to him about himself?”
- lowkey steals clothing from other guys around the smp so you can dress more masculine if you want to. he’d offer up some of his own clothes, but he is like a seven-foot-tall fuckin piglin hybrid, massive boi, so he wasn’t sure how well his clothes would fit you
- unless you yourself are a massive boi as well, in that case he’s fine with sharing some clothes! i mean, he’d be fine with sharing either way, but like he was a firm believer in wearing clothes that fit properly so one wouldn’t have even the slightest limitation in mobility for battle 
- but if he got the opportunity to see one of his large shirts draped on his boyfriend, he might just have a heart attack
- would also have a heart attack seeing his boyfriend fitting into his shirt well and just like b r o 
- deadass would die on the spot either way, he loves you so much bro like oasijgadsoigj 
- blood god is soft for his boyfriend! so soft!
- would never admit it out loud, but the voices know and never let him forget how much of a sap he is for you 
- would help you try various things to cope with any dysphoria you might be having, like deadass mans would go to hell and back to get you anything that would make you more comfortable in your own skin. anything safe for you, that is, he wanted to make sure you weren’t hurting yourself
- s i m p, he’s a simp your honour, s to the i to the m to the p 
- overall, having you come out to him and having a boyfriend now took a little bit of getting used to but it was an amazing change (the word ‘change’ used lightly, because it wasn’t even much of a change at all. just a pronoun change bro, you’ve always been a man, the only change was that you felt secure enough with techno to tell him ^^)
- not only were you more yourself, but he got to know you that much more, and when you’re your true self around him is when he just falls in love with you more and more each day <3
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