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butchviking · 1 year ago
Removing your uterus seriously damages the internal abdominal muscle wall since the uterus is structurally connected to those muscles leading to vaginal prolapse (intestine coming out of your vagina since they aren’t held in place). But there’s no physical negative effects to having your ovaries removed, it will stop your periods without causing mass internal damage. I’m a med student looking to work in gynecology and I urge women to understand that the uterus is a vitally important structure, and there are much less invasive procedures for sterilization that won’t hurt you long term while fully removing all the issues you may be having. I will never question a woman about wanting to remove the possibility of having kids in the future, quality of life NOW is what’s important. I just want y’all to know there are much better options that you may not know of.
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ruthamigia · 8 years ago
Miracle & Ectopic Pregnancy
first of all , let me say Thank you for all the support and all of you have give to me and Danang. Let me explain what is happening few days later. 19th Feb 2017 we were so happy knewing that I was pregnant naturally. Some of you knew that we've been struggling for more than 3 years. Everything was as if normal pregnancy, as I expected I am got hit by morning sickness. I'm more than happy and enjoy every second of it. The blood result (beta HCG) always doubling as normal pregnancy should it be. But on regular pregnancy check up, Doctor found difficulties found our little baby on my womb/ uterus. But we keep believing that everything just gonna be okay. Until Thursday, 16th March 2017, doctor finally found the Sac and the healthy baby is implanted on my right tube. It's called Ectopic Pregnancy. I will give you complete article about this later. We do hear and saw the baby's heart beat. For us IT'S A MIRACLE, to see and hear it. Eventho we knew it wont survive anyway! for me and Danang knowing the baby is healthy but not on the right place is so hard!! We tried to absorb the information , holding hand when doctor explained this is a danger situation and we cant save the baby. Im burst into tears . We keep saying in our heart that God already know what best for us eventho it's hurt for us. I keep saying in my heart "it's okay Ruth" So doctor planned to do surgery on next day Friday 12pm. They said they need to do surgery ASAP because ANYTIME, my tube can rupture and cause internal bleeding inside my tummy that will threatening my life. Why we choose to do surgery on friday, because on thursday morning I still used a lovenox Injection, ( suntikan pengencer darah yang bertahan selama 24 jam krn saya ada kekentalan darah) So for safety reason , the surgery planned on Friday afternoon supaya darah tidak terlalu encer, krn efeknya hanya sampai jumat jam 7 pagi On thursday evening with broken hearted and swollen eyes we check in into Medistra Hospital. Everything just great , I do some blood test for preparing tomorrow surgery. Me and Danang still have some romantic dinner on hospital room .. my very best friend Kinsky Bun came and We crying together knowing my pregnancy soon gonna be removed. Thank you Kins! 😘 Suddenly around 8 pm I feel sumthing strange on my right tube. Stabbing and constant pain . In just 10-15 mnts the pain is becoming unbearable and agony! I was so much in pain that I not even can speak or cry. It's so painful. I had cold sweat all over my body. Danang and Ci Hanna holding my hand trying to help to ease the pain. Thank you ci Hanna your endlesly support and kata2 penguatan sebelum aku masuk ruang operasi.. The hospital team came help me , they already contacted my Obgyn. Luckily, my Obgyn dr Budi Marjono is one super kind hearted, very smart and helpful doctor. He came right away. Do another USG and found that I already had internal bleeding and we need to do surgery right here right now. On that situation , lucky me There was some of my inner circle that come to visit me to give me support. They came actually to cheer me up for tomorrow surgery, but they ending witnessing that awful moment in my life. Thank you for just holding my hand and saying that Im stronger than the pain. Thank you for tremendous support. You know who you are. around 10.30 pm I vividly remember I requested to walk to bath room because I want to pee. And little did we know, I was not that strong, maybe I only walked 2-3 steps and suddenly I dont remember anything. ALL BLACK! That moment I heard a beautiful beautiful choir sing, that was the most beautiful voice I ever heard in my life. My pain also suddenly gone. My body also change from cold to warm and so peaceful. But I heard voice that Im so familiar far far away . It's Danang's voice screaming "Beb.. Bebb.." and I suddenly opened my eyes, and I heard everyone in that room shouting my name and trying to wake me up . My sister keep said to me "please dont close your eyes please stay with me" The nurse came and gave me help to stabilize my condition. Together everyone on that room praying for me And the hospital team rushing me to Operation table. That very moment I realized that maybe this could be my last time seeing my husband, my sister Rina and all of my family and friends. I do remember my husband whispering to me before I go alone to operation table "I love you no matter what happened" I drop my tears silently Thanking God that He gave me the best husband. Not trying to be exagerrated! But that's the real condition at that time. When they pushed me to operation table all I heard all the nurse just said "Ibu berdoa yaa, Ibu doa Tuhan bantu operasi Ibu" and after that I dont remember anything The doctor said the operation should be finish in 1 hour. Approx around 12.00 am When I opened my eyes. I saw clock around 2.30am I realizing wooo the surgery took so long. Later, the team told me that when the doctor make an incision, all they saw only pool of blood. The internal bleeding already spread , thats why the operation took 3.5 hours. I lost some amount of bloods They did gave me around 3Litre of blood tranfusion. Outside the operation room, Danang and Rina waiting for news from the doctor. They said they really so stressful . Thank you again both of you for taking care of me When I saw Danang again I cant stop crying and grateful that God give me another chance . On friday morning, my parents came from Semarang, they planned to come on friday morning, because my original surgery plan was on friday afternoon. My heart fulls of joy when I still can see them.. Now I'm still in recovery process. Praying for speed recovery.. I will update you later about the recovery progress.. When God brings you to the way that you dont understand, obey it! It's not easy, because the way you want always looks so fun and easy to go through. Never Give Up, because it's just not good Idea. It's God's idea Thank you God Almighty Danang Condrokusumo Papa Mama Ci Hanna Carol Rina & Nigel Kay, Jo , Summer, April Diora, Jac, Jul ci Wenny San san Kinsky - Joe Kenny Nefi - Ery Kak Dibbie - Hendrik dan yang tidak bisa saya sebut one by one WHAT IS ECTOPIC PREGNANCY a short brief this is the condition where fetus implanted not in the uterus but in the fallopian tube or ovary THIS IS NOT BLIGHTED OVUM, MISCARRIAGE Condition this condition is dangerous life threatening. Because anytime the tube can ruptured and cause internal bleeding and infection Sadly, for now there is no medical technology to move an ectopic pregnancy to uterus Why I wrote this, because I just want to raise awareness of this condition, since I've been there and let me tell you straight away the pain is agony and excruciating . When you have this condition the only way is to do surgery to save your life. Dont risk your life! Go straight to doctor or hospital The sign are different every other person - Pain on one side of your body - The pain is unbearable - Vaginal bleeding - The beta HCG blood test not doubling as it is ( exception in my case) - The USG can see it clearly it's outside your uterus
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