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punchtothestars · 19 hours ago
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is this your mans
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brynnsasha191 · 8 months ago
You did the right thing, stopping watching hotd. The way this show is not even hiding the fact it hates Daemon, has every single person badmouthing him, all self inserts of writers. It's not the serve they think it is. They literally have Daemon begging for army from a horrid boy. What book did they read? The greens edition of fire and blood, existing only in greens mind.
Why not make another green fantasy true, have Daemon say with his whole chest, Rhaenyra, your first three boys are ba*******, my boys are pureblood targaryen (doesn't matter in show they are illegitimate too) get rid of them and Rhaenyra agrees, because she is selfish and wants the throne the most.
Rhaenyra's childrens affection for each other is erased. Youngest two dont even interact with their oldest at all, they are just with nannies. Even Daemon's daughters don't really care for them.
They even said Aegon and Aemond are pure targs. What? Alicent is a hightower, you can say Aegon and Helaena's three children are targs but not their parents.
The self insert and green propaganda of this show is actually insane to me. Sarah Hess openly hates Daemon and has said so multiple times, she shouldn't be trusted with writing him then. This show only exists for the greens.
There are so many things wrong with the show but what they did to Alyssa and Daemon was my final straw. Turning Alyssa into a sexual being in order to portray her son in a certain manner is disgusting to me. Daemon loves Rhaenyra, he was literally written for her, he's her husband and the father of ALL her children.
S2 stripped the blacks of everything they had in the book. Intelligence, kindness, outrage, and love. You're completely correct. They not only erased the love Rhaenyra's children had for each other, but it also seems like they've erased Rhaenyra's love for her children. Luke's death started the war, A mothers love started this war, they erased that by having Rhaenyra still pursue 'peace'. I haven't been watching the new episodes but I've still seen a couple of clips on YouTube and edits, and it seems to me that Jace and Rhaenyra are having some sort of fight over Daemon, Rhaenyra's choices, and even his parentage, Jace was her RIGHT HAND MAN in the book. He secured most of her allies who would later put his younger brother on the throne. Also have you noticed how little screen time the blacks have had this season compared to the greens?
This show somehow hates the Targaryen Dynasty AND are Targ blood purists at the same time. It truly has stopped make sense. The greens have been turned into victims and this show should truly only satisfy TG. That means the writers have failed. They made a huge fuss over having two different trailers for two different teams, only for them to completely butcher one. No black fan should be happy right now. I literally had to stop watching because it made me so angry to the point where I needed to go on walks to calm down.
It's my firm belief that every single writer of this show is actually a narcissist and when they read the book they saw themselves in the greens and now are turning the greens into victims because of their own narcissism. Thanks for the anon, can't wait for the season to end so the nightmare can be over for a couple years.
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missjackil · 6 years ago
Miss Jacki’s top 30 SPN Episodes
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#1 Who We Are 12x22
For me, this was as close to perfect as an episode can be!! Both Sam girls and Dean girls should have enjoyed this, and it was bibro Heaven!! Hellers probably still talk about it as the worst episode ever or something hehe.  For starters, we have the boys trapped with Toni Bevell in the bunker. Locked in, no electricity, water, and the air is being pumped out, so of course theres pending doom. After trying to reset the machinery with a spell that failed, the bros try bashing down a wall. This was an awesome scene!! Whats not to love about Sam and Dean in single layers, being all strong and macho??  Exhausted, they sit together, dirty, sweaty, and tired. What an absolute beautiful sight!! When the boys sit together talking, you always have my full attention. Theyre feeling a little hopeless. This really could be the end. Sam opens up, maybe he feels more than a little guilty that things got to this point. Of course, its not his fault really, he didnt know the BMOL were brain washing mom, or had plans to exterminate the American Hunters, he just wanted to help make the world a better place. Sam gives a confession, that once he was in, he just followed, because it was easier than leading. Dean nods in agreement. They both probably liked just being told where to go and what to kill much more than telling others what to do.  So now the boys think theyve lost, and its not the “blaze of glory” theyve always imagined... until.... THE GRENADE LAUNCHER!!!  Toni thinks the boys are lunatics, and well... they are :D Big Beautiful and Dumb!!  They couldnt care less that the whole building might fall on their heads, If they go out, theyre going out with a bang, and on their own terms!! The exchange of looks Sam and Dean gave each other was nothing less than priceless. The grenade explodes, Sam instantly goes looking for Dean. Theres a big hole in the wall,, and no Dean, so he must have gotten out!! But oh shit, the hole collapses!! Sam goes into instant panic mode!! DEAN??? DEAN!!???? He can barely see, the air is thin, and he collapses on all 4s as he sucks all the oxygen thats left by hyperventilating. Just then the door opens and Dean walks in with a bloody busted leg and Sams face lights up. Dean greets him with “Hey Lunatic”” and all order in Sam’s life is restored. We fast forward to Jody’s house where Mary is tied up for attacking Jody. Sam calls other hunters to come help them take out the Brits. Atypical of Sam, he has a pretty long speech, but, he finally gets a good tag line. For years, all we had were things like “I lost my shoe” or “Im a whole new level of freak” but now we have “I want you to follow me” it hits me in the feels when I hear him say this. He’s come so far and grown so much in the last 12 yrs, that he can say these words in confidence. Dean was so proud! This lead to one of my favorite brohugs, that tied in a little bit with my 2nd fav episode, Swan Song (which Ill talk about tomorrow) In Swan Song, Dean was letting Sam go to do his quest on his own. Sam told him “If I do this, and triple lindy into that cage, you know Im not coming back” and Dean says “I know” but this time, Dean is sending Sam off on his quest and hugs him, and tells him “You come back” and Sam says “Promise” (ugggh my heart) seal that with a Winchester “I love you” which was “Bitch” “Jerk” and just the pause and the sweet grin on Sams face when Dean said it, you knew he knew Dean just told him he loves him <3 So Sam goes off.... meanwhile, Dean is now trying to talk to mom while in her head. My heart was flipping seeing chubby happy baby Sam, cooing and playing with his blanket. When Dean goes over to see him, he just seemed so happy to show big grown up Dean his blanket!! The only thing that would have made me feelier, is if Dean picked baby Sam up and cuddled him, and maybe kissed his head (but then I woulda just died and couldnt write this so...)
Sams battle with the brits, was a little lack luster, but its ok because Dean’s scene was awesome. He’s laying it out to Mom, this is whats what.... and instead of making it all about him, he made it about Sam. Basically “you left me with a responsibility I couldnt handle and look what it did to Sam???” I was full on sobbing when he told Mom that Sam was posessed by Lucifer, Tortured in Hell and lost his soul. Some of you got angry that Sam wasnt the one to tell her, but hello... this is Sam we’re talking about. Its never his thing to lay his load on someone else. Sometimes, maybe a little with Dean, but he just wouldnt give all this to his mother. But Dean would for him. She needs to know and Sam wont tell her, so Dean will. He tells Mary he hates her... he says it more than once. I feel it, it comes from his gut. Not just a knee jjerk reaction to anger. He IS feeling this. And Dean Winchester has the most open, and honest moment hes had in a long time, maybe in the whole series “I hate you.... and I love you. I cant.. I cant help it... youre my mom” and without a word of lie, Im crying as I write this. I may be 100% in love with Sam, but Dean is my buddy. Hes messed up and too violent sometimes, but he is so full of love it hurts me, and him too aparently. I know he and Sam have felt exactly this for each other a number of times. It reminds me of what Jared said about Sam and Dean at SDCC2017 “Sam and Dean love each other as much as its possible for two people to love each other... even when sometimes they hate each other a little”:True love is huge and confusing and uncontrolable, and everyone does stupid stuff when they love big. If youre one of those people waiting for and expecting a love that wont ever hurt like hell, you wont ever really experience love.  *ehem* where was I? Oh yes.... ok so, Where Sam and Dean both are at this point, is kind of a role reversal, Sam is doing the fighting and Dean is doing the curing. And this is really cool IMO. And I dont know if youve noticed, but they both had to stop being “them” for a second, and be the other instead. Dean has to get mom out of her head, Sam has to finish off the Brits in the US. if Sam were standing were Dean is right now, what would he do? He would forgive mom, and this is what Dean needs to do. If Dean were standing where Sam is, what would he do? He would trust himself, Sam and his friends, and tell the Brits to fuck off... and this is what Sam did. Sam has issues with second guessing and not trusting his own instincts... but this time he becomes Dean and just says “pass” shoots the computer and Jody kills Hess. (Sam shoulda but oh well) Back at the Bunker, Toni is dead YAAAY and now the fight with Ketch, and mom wakes up and kills him (ish) big win for the Winchesters!! But then comes maybe my favorite moment ever. Dean and Mom are talking, and Dean tells her theyre gonna start over and do it right. Mom is worried, “What about Sam? Im scared.... what if he cant forgive me” Sam walks in, the man  that just took out the big bad BMOL is so soft, and so sad “Mom... you dont have to be scared of me”  OMG FUCKING KILL ME!!! Dont be scared of this huge hulk of a man that kills bad guys and monsters every day and scares the hell out of demons... dont be scared Mom because he loves you. Your deal made his life a living hell, but he forgave you a long time ago. You didnt know what would happen, and hes done the same thing himself. He knows as well as anyone what stupid things we might do for love.  Mom hugs Sam and Sam just looks like the biggest teddybear ever. And if thats not enough, Dean comes in “Im glad youre back man” and hugs him too. Sams face while being wrapped in all this love. All for him!! The whole damn series could have ended there and Id be happy!!  This is why Who We Are is my favorite episode ever!!
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spoopy-imagines-writer · 8 years ago
Worth It
Prompt: “There’s something you should know in case I dont make it back.”
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 1620
Warning: angst, fluff, spoilers for season 12 episode 22, slight canon divergence
A/N: This is my entry for @kas-not-cas’s 2.5k Follower Writing Challenge! This reminded me how much I love writing Dean! lol -Jo
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Your heart burst with pride as Sam told the hunters his plan to take the fight to the British Men of Letters. This man had been through so much, at one point having been hunted and killed by two of the same hunters in the room. Dean too…
You made a mental note to trip Roy and Walt out in the driveway.
You looked over and saw Dean’s small smile at his baby brother. He’d talked to you before about staying out of this fight, claiming it was because of his leg but you knew that it was because Sam needed to do this, and he needed to find a way to get Mary back. It didn���t make him any less worried though, especially when he would tell Sam.
Sam wrapped up his speech, and Jody herded everyone out of the front door. You turned to face Dean and bit your lip. “There’s something you should know in case I don’t make it back.”
Dean pulled back to get a better look at you. He put a hand on your cheek, his brows furrowing in concern. “What is it, sweetheart?”
You grabbed his hand holding your cheek. Smiling, you kissed his palm. “… It was me who ate your last slice of pizza, not Sam.”
He coughed out a laugh and shook his head at you. “Ya know, I hear normal couples tell each other ‘I love you’ before going into life or death situations.” He kissed the top of your head.
You scoffed. “What kind of chick flicks have you been watching?”
“The kind you make me watch when you’re feeling like a sap.” His voice got rougher with emotion as he watched hunter after hunter file out of the door.
“Hey.” You grabbed his face, forcing his eyes away but his gaze stayed down. “It’ll be okay, Dean. We’re gonna come back from this. I know we’ve got a lot on our plate, but we’ll make it out of this. All of us.” You tried your best to sound confident. Dean was always the one looking after everyone, you knew you needed to be the strong one this time.
He finally looked at you. “You and Sammy take care of each other, okay?”
You nodded. “Promise. You be careful too… Don’t put too much faith in Toni Bevell. Alright?”
He kissed you hard on the mouth, pouring everything he was feeling into it. “Promise… Now go kick some ass, sweetheart.” He turned to see Sam walking towards the two of you.
“You too.” You stood and shot Sam a smile and a thumbs up, and walked away. You didn’t look back, because if you did you worried that Dean might see the worry that finally showed on your face.
It became obvious very quickly that subtlety would get you all nowhere. You followed closely behind Sam and Jody, keeping watch in the sides where they had to watch from the front.
Movement from the right caught your eye and you took out the man of letters who was gunning for Sam. He nodded his appreciation and you all continued forward. There were a few others who were taken care of quickly, and before you knew it you were in the control room. Inside was the man behind the curtain. Well, woman. Immediately you had your gun trained on her. You were expecting anything, especially as she tried making Sam see “reason”. “Listen, Dean-“
“It’s Sam!” you both said at the same time. Sam continued. “You must be Hess, I trust. You’re in charge of this whole operation? Or uh,” he smirked, “what’s left of it.”
She continued talking in a last-ditch effort to keep Sam from just shooting her. She went on about how it would be a grievous mistake to sever ties with the British Men of Letters, and tossed him a file. While he was looking at it, you heard movement from the hallway. Turning quickly, you saw a woman in black aiming a gun at Jody’s back. Just as she pulled the trigger, you shouted, “NO!” and dove in front of the bullet. There was a sharp pain in your middle, and then it turned white-hot. Tears burned your eyes. You couldn’t really focus on hearing anything. You struggled to breathe. Your eyes closed and you didn’t know anything else after that.
Above you Sam took out the person who shot you while Jody took care of Hess. Sam didn’t know if you were alive or dead but he knew he had to get you back to Dean. He picked you up and they ran with you out into the halls of the confusing building. Everything was moving in slow-motion to Sam, and the only person who helped him was Jody. She led him and everyone else out to the cars.
“Sam,” she said, “just lay her down in the back. I’ll stay with her and try to take care of the bullet wound as best as I can, but you need to drive and we need to hurry. Okay?” She put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile, even though he could see through it. You weren’t going to make it, and they both knew it.
He swallowed hard and nodded. He had to get you back to Dean. With that thought in mind, he laid you down in the backseat with Jody and hit the gas as fast as the impala could go.
Dean couldn’t help the relieved smile on his face when his little brother lumbered through the door into the library. His relief was short-lived, however, at the expression on Sam’s face. “Sam… Sammy what happened?” He wouldn’t think it was you. He couldn’t. You were only giving the brothers a few minutes to themselves like you always did after a hunt. That’s all, and then you would come in and make him watch The Notebook or Disney movies, and it would be okay.
“Dean….” Sam swallowed thickly. “Everyone’s okay. We lost a couple of people but… It’s over.” He gave a watery smile to his brother. “Y/n got shot and it was touch and go, but she’s okay. Alive, breathing, and annoying as ever.”
“I heard that!” Dean thought he was hallucinating when he heard your voice from the other room. “Will you two kiss and make up already so I can kiss and make out with you!” He heard the slight strain when you spoke.
“Sweetheart?” Dean limped over into the war room where you were resting in a couple of chairs with your legs propped up. He took notice of the amount of blood soaking your clothes and paled. Your labored breathing filled his ears. “What happened!”
“I’m okay, you big squirrel.” You smiled at him. “Just a little gunshot wound.” Your eyes traveled to his leg still concerned but you would take a look at it later after everyone had settled down. “We have matching gunshot wounds now! We can’t do anything by ourselves, can we?” Your eyes twinkled with mischief. “Nothing a little whiskey and Nicholas Sparks can’t fix. I’m all bandaged up and it’s not bleeding as much anymore.”
“I don’t-“
“Stop,” you interrupted him. “Go be with your brother. He’s a hero, ya know. It might do him some good to hear it. I’ll be waiting right here.”
Dean nodded. He kissed your forehead for a long moment before he went over and pulled his brother in for a tight hug. “I’m glad you’re back, man.” His voice was full of emotion. He stepped back and took a long look at his brother to make sure he didn’t have a scratch on him. He patted his head, neck, and arms just to be sure.
Sam smiled weakly. “I’m fine, Dean. Really, Y/n got the worst of it and she’s gonna be okay. But… There is something I have to tell you.”
Sam explained to you, Mary, and Dean everything that Hess told him before Jody shot her. How Crowley is supposedly dead, how the devil is back in his old vessel. How Kelly was on the verge of giving birth and they still had no idea where her and Cas had gone. You all did research on what signs to look for when a Nephilim is born and it was basically just a lot of anything weird in one spot was where they were. But it couldn’t be just your run-of-the-mill calf with two heads, it had to be something big and something bad.
“You rang?” a familiar voice suddenly came from the end of the table. Dean didn’t even give anyone time to react to Crowley suddenly appearing. He was throwing punches first and asking questions later.
You pulled him back by his shirt with as much strength as you could. “Stop it, you’ll make your leg worse,” you said sternly.
“Sorry, sweetheart…” He winced as he sat back down and curled you into his side.
Crowley sat up and straightened his suit back out. You were all oblivious to the look he shared with the youngest Winchester. Sam clenched his jaw and shook his head. No one needed to know what he did in order to save you. When you stopped breathing… Sam dropped Jody off with one of the other hunters to catch a ride back home.
Crowley’s soft spot for you and the Winchesters worked in his favor. No other demon would deal with him, and Crowley’s counter-offer was a good one. He couldn’t heal you completely, but he could put the gunshot in a different place. Your leg. And looking at you and Dean… he knew it was worth the price he would pay.
TAGS: @kas-not-cas @fangirl1802
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