#I COULD DO THAT GOD BLESS. hire me to stand around i have knee braces and orthopedic insoles i can do it
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A Courtesan of Rome: Chapter One - A Princess of Gaul
The year is 50 BCE. The Roman Republic is the most powerful nation in the world, and Julius Caesar is waging a campaign to conquer your homeland of Gaul. Tonight, you will make your debut as a courtesan and entertainer in Rome, at a party hosted by Senator Cassius Longinus.
You approach the lavish villa where you will make your debut, and knock on the door.
Arise: Smile… Be charming… And never let them know you want them all dead…
The door swings open, and a hush falls over the crowd of toga-clad patrician noblemen. Your bodyguard withdraws to the shadows as your villica, Lena, gestures dramatically, drawing all eyes.
Lena: Lords and Officers of the Senate… Our most esteemed host Senator Cassius Longinus…
Cassius: It is a honor to have you here.
Lena: Making her first appearance tonight, a beauty beyond compare, blessed by the Muses in all the arts, from composition to conversation…
All eyes follow as you cross the room, taking up your cithara.
Aris: Domina.
Patrician: Beautiful.
Patrician2: I’d like a taste of that…
Lena: Arise will now sing us the Song of Diana.
As you strum the first notes, the shimmering silk and gold time on your dress catches the fading sunlight.
Arise: Under Diana’s protection, we pure girls, and boys… We pure boys, and girls, we sing of Diana…
The crowd holds its breath as your flawless voice rings out, your ivory pick pulling each rippling note from the cithara’s seven strings. You watch the smug, self-satisfied faces of Rome’s elite, entranced by your singing, and feel a surge of pride and contempt. Slowing the music, you stretch your arms, letting the silk of your dress ripple along your sides as you perform the first, teasing movements of a dance.
Arise: Take whatever sacred name pleases you, be a sweet help to the people of Rome, as you have been of old.
Lena: Gentlemen, prepare yourselves for the prick of Cupid’s arrows, as you welcome the Princess of Gaul!
As you shift and drop your knee, the watching patricians burst into rapturous applause, snapping their fingers and flapping the ends of their togas. Lena whispers in your ear.
Lena: Remember, you need do nothing against your will… It’s time to meet your admirers.
Lena leaves quietly as you put the cithara down, readying your smile for the men who gather around.
Patrician2: A remarkable performance from a remarkable beauty. I had no idea Gallic women could even be trained to sing like that.
You roll your eyes inwardly, but carefully compose your face.
Arise: My thanks, domine.
You brace yourself for his kiss of greeting, but he has already turned to someone behind him.
Patrician2: You’re a lucky dog, Cassius! I’m changing my bet. My gold aureus against a night with her if Caesar’s taken Gaul.
Cassius: I told you already. I don’t bet on people’s lives.
The crowd parts and you see a tall handsome young man smiling warmly. He takes your hand and presses a gentle kiss on your knuckles.
Cassius: Arise, mea carissima, your song was as beautiful as you. Welcome to my home.
Aris: I could not ask for a more handsome patron.
Cassius smiles, and for a moment you can almost forget he is Roman. Behind his patrician features, his eyes hold an unexpected kindness.
Cassius: Fortune smiles on me to have you here tonight. I know many men were vying to be the first to host the Princess of Gaul.
Arise: You are… not what I was expecting.
Cassius: Is that a relief or a disappointment?
Teasingly, you circle one of his fingers with your own and hear his sharp intake of breath.
Arise: We’ll have to find out…
Cassius: Truly, you must take care tonight or risk Venus herself looking down in jealousy of your beauty.
Patrician2: She is a vision to rival the gods.
Cassius grimaces, but politely nods toward the other man to introduce him.
Cassius: This is Senator Lucius.
Senator Lucius: Charmed.
You stiffly accept Lucius’ greeting kiss, then move aside, whispering to Cassius.
Arise: I shall certainly be grateful that you are my patron and not him.
Cassius: My apologies that you must be here with him at all.
Arise: How is it that someone as young as you is even serving in the Senate?
Cassius: I… took my father’s seat when he passed.
Arise: I’m sorry. I didn’t realise…
Cassius: Rome and the Republic meant everything to him. He would have wanted nothing more than for me to serve in his stead.
Cassius gestures at one of the candles burning in the shrine.
Cassius: That one is for him.
You touch his arm comfortingly, and he takes a breath, giving you a determined smile as you both cross the room. Cassius offers you a cup of wine.
Cassius: I’m sorry. I was hoping to… make your debut wonderful for you. You didn’t come here to listen to me talk about my father.
You give him a mischievous grin.
Aris: Then, just what were you imagining I would do for you, Senator Cassius?
Cassius: Just ‘Cassius.’ Please. Though I must confess, I did have an ulterior motive in hiring you tonight…
Arise: And here I thought it was for the sheer pleasure of my company.
Cassius: How could I ever not want that? But… It’s not always easy to make inroads as a new member of the Senate. I knew your debut would be a draw even for those who normally ignore me.
Arise: Is there… something you would have me do for you, then, to… win favor from these senators?
Cassius: only what you were trained to do. Play the cithara, sing, dance. Mingle with the men and talk to them. Perhaps listen and tell me what you hear.
Arise: I will charm your guests for you.
Cassius smiles and kisses your hand again. The softness of his lips against your skin sends a delicious shiver through you.
Cassius: I have no doubt. Perhaps you will grace us all with another song later.
Arise: Of course.
As another guest arrives, Cassius excuses himself, and Senator Lucius sees his opportunity to approach. He looks you over with a leer.
Senator Lucius: It seems Cassius plucked the prettiest flower in Gaul for himself.
Arise: He is my patron for this evening, yes.
Messenger: Domine! I bring news!
You turn to see a young boy, flushed and sweating from exertion. Lucius turns to him in annoyance, then checks himself at the clear urgency in the boy’s voice. He draws him aside.
Senator Lucius: What is it? But softly. I would not have everyone know…
The boy nods and lowers his voice as the senator leans close. Strumming your cithara, you station yourself nearby, listening intently while keeping your face carefully turned away.
Messenger: I came as soon as I heard Marc Anthony is on his way, domine! He brings news of how Caesar’s final battle went in Gaul!
You and your family were taken captive in Gaul. Caesar’s general, Legate Aquila, has brought you to Rome to display in a Triumph, a massive military parade to celebrate their victory over your tribe.
Victus: Hold your heads up. These Romans think they have taken everything from us, but they cannot take our pride! I am still chief of the Cowtowny.
Arise: The Cowtowny are no more.
Your brother’s face ripples in fury.
Cingerix: We should have died defending them!
Victus: No, Cingerix! We are defeated, not dead. As long as we live, we still have a chance to win our freedom, to find happiness again.
Delphinia: The gods have shown me the future, Arise. I see us together again, free.
Arise: How, Mother? When?
Your mother shakes her head, eyes still misty.
Delphinia: There are many trials we must endure for it to come to pass…
Victus: We will endure. Armor yourselves with your love and your memories. We must all bide our time until we can escape and find vengeance.
Delphinia: I pray the gods give us strength.
Cingerix: The gods would not demand this humiliation!
Arise: I believe we must have faith. The greatest challenges are tests of the gods. We must prove we’re worthy.
Victus: You are a warrior, Arise. The Cowtowny live on in you.
Delphinia: I pray the gods hear you, daughter. But I fear they can be careless with their playthings.
Cingerix: The gods favor Rome! Why else would they let it grow so large?
Arise: If all the tribes had only worked together against Rom… If they had come to our rescue…
Victus: That is what Rome relied on. They are picking us off, one-by-one. We can only hope that our defeat might spur the rest to ally with each other before it is too late.
The wagon rolls and bumps through the jutted streets as crowds of Romans jeer and throw garbage.
Voices: Filthy Gaul…! Savages…! Rome will destroy you all…!
Your father stops, looking back and forth between you and Cingerix.
Victus: Remember that I love you, that your mother and I both love you. You will survive this.
The crack of a whip makes you all fall back. At the front of the wagon, a Roman in full military regalia stands tall, accepting the adulation of the crowd.
Legate Aquila: I am Legate Aquila, conqueror of the Cowtowny tribe, under the command of General Julius Caesar!
Voices: Praise Caesar! Praise Legate Aquila!
Legate Aquila: I present to you the barbarian chief and his family, forced to their knees by the might of Rome!
The crowd erupts in cheers of triumph! Legate Aquila casually kicks your father in the gut.
Legate Aquila: Kneel, barbarian! And admit that Jupiter Maximus is the greatest of all the gods!
You grit your teeth and keep your head down as your father bows his head, eyes flashing with hatred.
Victus: I admit it.
Legate Aquila: Louder!
You father grinds the words out slowly through gritted teeth.
Victus: Hail… Jupiter… Maximus… Greatest of all gods…
Legate Aquila: Behold great Caesar’s conquest! The barbarian admits the might of Rome!
Legate Aquila kicks your father in the face, leaving a streak of blood on his lip, then turns his attention to the crowd. Your father gathers you close.
Victus: Listen to me. We don’t have much time.
Arise: What do you mean?
Victus: After the Triumph, they will separate us, sell us away from each other.
Arise: No--
Victus: It won’t be forever, Arise, I promise. But I need you all to swear a vow.
Cingerix: I will not submit--
Vicuts: Promise me, all of you, whatever you have to do, you will survive.
Delphinia: I vow it, by the gods of earth and sea, of life and death.
Victus: Promise to do whatever it takes to find each other again and get our vengeance on these Romans who destroyed us.
Arise: I vow to go to the ends of the earth to find you.
Your mother squeezes your hand tightly, tears running freely down her cheeks.
Delphinia: The gods tell me it will be many years before we see each other again, Arise. Do not forget us.
Arise: Never! I will play docile. I will cooperate. And I will wait for the first moment I am free to find you.
Delphinia: Whatever happens to you, wherever they send you, remember that we are still searching for you. Do all that you can to find us again.
Victus: You know the men most responsible for what happened. Legate Aquila, his tribunes, and Julius Caesar, the one who gave him his command. Hunt them down and make sure they suffer as we have suffered.
Your father uses the jagged edge of one manacle to cut a shallow slice in each of your palms. He presses yours to his.
Victus: May the gods bind you with this vow.
Delphinia: May they guide you and protect you, that you will live to see your promises fulfilled.
Cingerix: May they strike Legate Aquila dead now, or admit they’re powerless to help us!
Victus: I vow that whatever it may cost me, I will find you all again and see Legate Aquila drowned in blood!
Cassius: Are you alright? Arise?
You come back to yourself with a start, fingers moving on the cithara strings again, and see Cassius’ worried face close to yours.
Cassius: Is something wrong?
You look around and see that Lucius’ messenger has disappeared, but Lucius and several of his cronies are watching you and Cassius with suspicion. You pull your face into a smile.
Arise: I’m fine.
Cassius: Are you certain? You looked… worried.
Arise: I will not ruin your party with my musings.
Watching Lucius and the other senators from the corner of your eye, you firmly clamp down on your remembered anger.
Arise: I wanted to ask if there was a special song you would like me to play.
Cassius: Your song of Diana was lovely, but surely not something you used to sing in Gaul. I would love to hear a song from your homeland.
He winces as the smile freezes on your face. Cassius pulls you aside, into a small chamber off the main room.
Cassius: It must be difficult to escape such talk. The whole city has been waiting to hear of Caesar’s final battle in Gaul.
Arise: Is it the final battle? I thought the outcome was still in doubt.
Cassius: The tribes have all united under one leader Caesar and all his legates have them surrounded at the city of Alesia. Either he will triumph there, or Gaul will crush his army.
Arise: Then there is still a chance that Gaul may break free?
Cassius: It will all be decided at Alesia, one way or another. I’m sorry. I should not have brought this up with you. I have no wish to cause you pain.
Arise: It is not you who brought it up. Senator Lucius received word from Marc Anthony.
Cassius: From Anthony? Then the battle must be over. We have only to learn who won.
You both glance through the doorway to see Senator Lucius now smugly ensconced in a corner, whispering with a small knot of men. Cassius gives you a level look, all bashfulness gone, and you get a hint of how he has thrived in the Senate despite his youth.
Cassius: I hope you know, the Senate never ordered Caesar to invade Gaul. He did it against our wishes, to build his personal power.
Arise: From what I’ve seen, all of Rome celebrates his victories.
Cassius: The people love him. He gives them a taste of glory and conquest. But in the Senate, not everyone likes the power he is building.
Arise: Why? They never tried to stop him before.
Cassius leans close, voice soft as he glances at the door to be sure he isn’t overheard.
Cassius: I have long tried to convince my father and the Senate that Caesar’s ambitions don’t stop at the Alps. I believe he would crown himself King if he could.
Arise: There are no kings in Rome!
Cassius: No, Rome has not had a king for more than four hundred years. But I’m no longer the only one who worries that Caesar means to use his army to crown himself and put an end to our Republic.
You hear a guest calling from outside.
Guest: Cassius! I heard a rumor there was to be food at this party!
Cassius: Excuse me.
You follow Cassius out into the main room, where you hear a quiet knock at the door. You open it and see a beautiful young woman in the blue gown of a respectable Roman wife.
Young Woman: Oh! I- I didn’t realise… I was just here to see my cousin. I didn’t realise he had company… Especially someone as beautiful as you…
A loud burst of laughter comes from inside and the young woman flinches.
Young woman: Oh, he’s, um, it sounds like there are a lot of people here. I’ll just… see Cassius another time.
Arise: I’m sure Cassius will want to see you.
You smile at her, trying to set her at ease, but she looks away from your gaze, jaw tightening every time she hears the men’s voices from across the room.
Young Woman: You’re very kind. I should go. I should not be unescorted when there are strange men inside.
Arise: Should I tell Cassius you were here?
You follow the young woman outside as she hurries back to her litter.
Young Woman: If you like. Tell him I’ll come back tomorrow.
The litter-bearers kneel to allow her to climb inside.
Arise: Wait! What’s your name?
Sabina: Sabina.
Arise: I’m Arise. I hope to see you again.
Sabina gives you a sad look before the litter drapes closed without answering. As you turn back to the door, you see that Senator Lucius has followed you outside.
Senator Lucius: Ah, our lovely Gallic princess… I was hoping you were still here. Something about tonight puts me in mind to sample the wares of Gaul.
He reaches out to touch your face and you step out of reach.
Senator Lucius: Fine. Then how much will this buy me?
Curling his lip, he tries to hand you a gold aureus. You knock it aside.
Arise: I’m not interested!
Senator Lucius takes a step closer, reaching out to grab your arm… When suddenly, your bodyguard melts out of the shadows to throw him up against the wall of the villa, shoulder and knee pinning him in place!
Bodyguard: You will not touch her again! Arise is not your property! She’s a courtesan from the finest scholae in Rome…
EIGHT YEARS AGO, After the Triumph…
You stand in chains in a lavish room, the first time you’ve ever been inside a Roman building.
Arise: Why have you brought my here?
Legate Aquila talks in rapid Latin with an elegant woman. You don’t fully understand them, but you follow enough to realize that the legate is trying to sell you.
Woman: And why should I be interested in bringing this girl into my scholae?
Legate Aquila: She is a princess of Gaul, daughter of a defeated chief. Do you know how many men would pay good coin for her?
Arise: I am not yours to sell, monster!
The woman looks intrigued by your outburst.
Woman: Whose are you, then, little princess?
Arise: I belong to no one by myself. You may pay him coin for me and shackle me like a beast, but I will never belong to you!
The woman gives a decisive nod.
Woman: I’ll take her.
Arise: No!
Legate Aquila: Two thousand sesterces--
The woman waves her hand dismissively.
Woman: Take it up with my factor. I have better things to do than haggle.
Before you can even register what is happening, a servant has escorted the legate to the door, leaving you alone with your new mistress.
Arise: I am Arise of the Cowtowny! I won’t be your slave!
Woman: No. You won’t.
She gestures to a servant.
Woman: Get those chains off her.
The servant quietly unlatches the fetters from your arms and legs. You stand for a moment, rubbing the sores they left on your skin.
Woman: I am Lena. And this is my scholae, where I train the finest courtesans in Rome.
Arise: I will whore myself to no man.
Lena: Nor do I ask you to. I bought your freedom because I think you would rather earn money for me than be the slave Legate Aquila would make you. In my scholae, you can become one of the most influential women in Rome. You will learn to read and write, to recite poetry and play the cithara.
Arise: Why would I want that?
Lena: Because it gives you freedom. More freedom than any woman in Rome. As a courtesan you alone can go unescorted into the spaces where men decide our lives. And you will learn how to make them do anything for you.
Arise: What would I need to do?
Lena: You will train in the arts and graces until I say you are ready to make your debut as a companion and entertainer to Rome’s elite. As a courtesan of my scholae, you would have many patrons, some for a night or two, others for years if you keep their interest.
Arise: I can guess how you expect me to ‘keep their interest.’
Lena: I won’t ask you to do anything against your will, Arise.
Arise: Then why would any ‘patron want me?
Lena: You are a princess of Gaul. With my training, you will learn to make any Senator give his fortune just for the touch of your hand. It is the most power any woman can have.
Arise: Teach me to wield this power.
Lena: Good.
Lena looks at you pointedly.
Lena: Every girl I’ve ever taken on has had men who wronged her. You will hardly be the first to win a man’s love with only hate in your heart. As long as you’re bringing money to my scholae, I care little what you choose to do with the rest of your time.
Arise: … Show me what to do.
Lena calls over a large man in enameled white armor.
Lena: This is Syphax. He will be your bodyguard.
Syphax: You need fear nothing in my care.
Lena: I expect you to keep her safe, not only from men, but from her own worst impulses.
Syphax: Of course, domina.
Lena smiles, then runs a finger over your filthy cheek, still matted with blood and woad.
Lena: Now, I think a bath. If you want to beguile the men of Rome, you will have to learn to pass for Roman…
Syphax is still holding Senator Lucius.
Syphax: Nothing happens unless the lady offers first. Understand?
Senator Lucius: You have no right to lay hands on me!
Arise: Syphax… I can handle this myself. I have no interest in your patronage, Senator.
You give Syphax a tight nod, and he reluctantly releases the senator.
Syphax: My apologies for not intervening sooner, Arise. Lena wanted me to stay out of sight as much as possible during your debut.
Arise: Of course.
Several of the other guests have congregated at the doorway, drawn by the commotion. They move to make way as Lucius stalks inside.
Senator Lucius: You will regret this, girl. I offered your fair work for fair pay and you set your dog on me.
Arise: You insulted the honor of Lena’s scholae. You insulted me. You insulted my bodyguard. And you insulted our host, my patron.
You sneak a glance at the watching patricians, who are riveted by your fury.
Arise: You should be ashamed of yourself, Senator Lucius!
Several of the gathered men turn away from Lucius, shaking their heads. Cassius grasps Lucius firmly by the arm.
Cassius: Aris is my guest tonight, Lucius. Are you all right, Arise?
Lucius looks to the other patricians for support, but no one steps up.
Patrician: ...Terrible way to treat one of Lena’s finest courtesans…
Cassius: The food is served, Lucius. Perhaps we should go eat it before it gets cold.
With an apologetic look, Cassius leads the other senator away, leaving you alone with Syphax.
Syphax: You never did answer Cassius’s question…
Arise: What question?
Syphax: ‘Are you all right?’
Arise: I was just remembering how I came here. Lena gave me a chance at a life I never thought I would have.
Syphax: But a far different one than what you would have chosen.
Arise: I know my role here, Syphax. Look. I’m still smiling.
Syphax: And I know mine.
Arise: To protect Lena’s investment.
Syphax meets your gaze firmly, his brown eyes warm.
Syphax: To protect you. And not just from violence. You know it can be dangerous to wear your emotions too openly.
Your eyes sting with sudden tears, and you drop your gaze.
Arise: I thought after all this time, I would be better at hiding.
Syphax: The men are going to the other room to eat. You can take time to recover if you need it.
Arise: I know better than to let the words of a pig like Lucius affect me. But… his messenger told him that Marc Antony brings news back to the city. He’ll know whether Caesar was repelled or has conquered all of Gaul. He’ll know if Legate Aquila will finally return to Rome and be within my reach…
Syphax lays a comforting hand on your shoulder, turning you to face him.
Syphax: Then you definitely need time to recover. Perhaps we could take a moment to pray for your family?
Arise: I have prayed. Even when I knew no one was listening. It has done nothing.
Syphax: You can’t know that. You are here and safe and alive. If your parents pray, do you think they would ask for more than that? Perhaps your prayers have done as much for them.
Arise: I just wish I knew.
Syphax: Come, make an offering with me. If nothing else, it will give us a moment to spend alone… away from curious eyes.
Arise: Perhaps I would feel better if I took a moment…
Most of the guests have moved further inside, leaving the shrine relatively shielded from the clamor of voices. You sigh in relief.
Arise: In Gaul, we never spent so much time inside walls. You forget how loud they make everyone seem.
Syphax: And seeing you tonight, as beautiful and polished as the most sophisticated noblewoman, you forget you’re still a barbarian inside.
You give Syphax a mock glare.
Arise: Take that back.
Syphax: It’s true. No one who looked at you would think you were born to anything but luxury. Are you breathing more easily now?
Arise: I’m still a little shaken up. It’s been so long since I was in Gaul. Some days… I barely even think about it. But…
Syphax: But then you feel worse, because how can you have forgotten?
Arise: All this time I’ve been here, Caesar is still in Gaul, still killing people… People like me.
Syphax: You remember, my people were defeated by Rome as well.
Arise: That’s right. You don’t talk about it often--
Syphax: No. My land of Numidia, what Rome calls ‘Africa,’ was brought under Rome when my parents were children.
Arise: Why did you leave?
Syphax: My father took part in an uprising… what Rome decided was an uprising. They sent me away from him, put me in the legions for a time. I preferred to make my own way.
Arise: What happened to your family?
Syphax: Perhaps we should make an offering in our families’ memories.
Arise: I will make an offering in their honor. They are not dead.
Syphax: Of course.
Arise: We swore we would find each other again. No matter what it took.
Syphax: I hope you do. For me, it was easier to move forward once I let go.
Syphax takes out a silver coin with two ears of grain imprinted on one side.
Syphax: Great Mother Isis, accept this gift as you accepted the souls of my family. Care for them and hold them close.
He lays the silver coin on the shrine, where it reflects the dancing torchlight.
Syphax: Do you want to make an offering?
You pull a ring from your finger, plain gold, set with an unpolished stone. You lay it on the shrine.
Arise: Gods of my ancestors, I offer you this ring. Protect my family, wherever they might be.
You pause to consider what prayer to offer.
Arise: Please, gods, keep my family safe.
You lower your head, tears pricking at your eyelids as you pray silently.
Arise: (Just keep them safe, please. Even if I never find them again, I just want them to live and be free.)
You lift your head, looking at your offering.
Arise: I have little of my own to offer. The gods may think I have nothing worthwhile to give them.
Syphax takes your hand, turning it over to see the groove left on your finger where the ring had been.
Syphax: The gods accept any offer sincerely made.
Arise: But they do little to grant the prayers of anyone but Rome.
Syphax glances at you in concern. You shake your head and smile.
Arise: You were right. I was too bitter to stay at the party. I feel… lighter now.
Syphax: To look at you now, no one would guess how much you’ve gone through.
Arise: But they all know. I am ‘the Princess of Gaul,’ am I not? That is how Lena sells me.
Syphax: You look as though you were born to the highest ranks of Rome. But with a fire in you no proper Roman daughter would be allowed.
Arise: I shall be the best Roman. If I must live as one I them, I shall show there is nothing they can do better than me.
Syphax: You will draw the eye of every man in Rome. And make every wife jealous. It is my job and duty to protect you, Arise. But you have more than just my service as a bodyguard. I hope you will always see me as a true and loyal friend.
Arise: Your friendship is valuable to me. I have been here eight years and there is no one else in Rome I would call ‘friend’ yet.
Syphax: I am honored by your trust.
Suddenly, you hear Cassius’s voice from the other room.
Cassius: Arise? Arise…? Where did she go?
Arise: I should… return to the party.
With one look back at your offerings on the shrine, you and Syphax turn to meet the guests who are returning to the front room. You make your way back to Cassius, who takes your hands graciously.
Cassius: My sincere apologies for Senator Lucius, Arise. He should not have presumed to lay hands on you. I’m glad your bodyguard was there to protect you.
Arise: That’s why he’s here.
Cassius: I should have known Lucius would not respect my home. There are many men I must work with in the Senate. Most of them are not who I would pick if I had the choice.
Arise: I wish we could just be alone together.
Cassius gives a slow smile and brushes a kiss on your cheek, murmuring softly.
Cassius: As do I.
He gives a disappointed glance at the guests still milling behind him. Suddenly, the room goes silent!
Outside, you hear the steady beat of marching feet. Everyone looks to the door and you hear the rattle of armor as someone approaches. Cassius meets your gaze with apprehension as his front door slams open to reveal a sharp-eyed man, dressed as if he has come straight from the battlefield.
Marc Antony: Greetings, Cassius.
Cassius: Antony…
Senator Lucius: Marc Antony… Back from fighting the barbarian hordes.
Antony surveys the room, taking in the shock and trepidation with clear enjoyment.
Marc Antony: I’ve just returned from the front. I bring you news of Caesar’s victory in Gaul!
The words hit you like a blow.
Arise: Gaul has fallen. I can never go home again…
Thoughts on the episode…
First of all, the music is absolutely wonderful and I love every second of it. It captures the feel of the story perfectly and each soundclip fits exactly right at each moment without feeling inappropriate.
I will say the story hasn’t immediately captured me the way others have, but this seems like the kind of story that requires a build-up and has a slow-burn release of information to keep you coming back. But it was a decent length even without the diamond scenes and the diamond scenes themselves weren’t too expensive - 12 diamonds for a diamond scene was perfectly acceptable to build your relationship with a love interest - especially considering they’ve been known to charge 30 diamonds for much less.
For Marc Antony himself to have come straight back from battle and head straight to Cassius’s house… what kind of power does Cassius’s family have???? We should pursue him as a love interest for status alone!
Fave Character of the Chapter: Lena
Least Fave Character of the Chapter: Cingerix
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Book 4 Chapter 3
After returning with Mitsua and Galzra, Kathey heard the news of Malice disappearing. It was beyond concerning due to the importance of Compass Dragon power. Nobody was sure what had happened, one moment he said he was going to walk the grounds, the next, he just up and vanished.
“Whoever is behind this isn’t wasting any time taking the bulk of the team’s strength,” Zoymey pointed out. He, Kathey, and Sylark stood in her office. Kathey sat in her desk chair with her head in her hands while the males stood in front of her desk.
“If this continues, I fear our chances to defeat the Council member will drop until we are no longer a threat to the entire Council,” Sylark noted.
“Not helping!” Kathey snapped and dropped her hands to her desk, glaring at Sylark.
“My apologies, Kathey. But you know are well as I do that it is the truth,” Sylark replied, bracing his hands on Kathey’s desk. “What do you plan to do about that?” It was a challenge, as usual.
Ever since Kathey was discovered to be the last member of the Compass Dragons, Sylark always pushed her and challenged her ability to not only lead, but her mental strength as well. Telepaths never got along very well due to their ability to block each other out. It also didn’t help they were North and South, feuding all the time. While they had their moments of teamwork and agreement, Sylark never skipped a chance to push Kathey and challenge her. Truth be told, every dragon had high expectations for the Flower Dragon and for a number of reasons.
She was one of three Flower Dragons left, her breed was just barely holding on. There had only been two until the birth of her first set of twins, giving a Flower Dragon fledgling. Eshala had yet to produce fledglings of her own and Stella had a few years before she was expected to help replenish their numbers. Kathey already had twelve kids by blood and three adopted, she wasn’t having anymore kids anytime soon.
Kathey was born into royalty too. While she wouldn’t be taking the throne when Dawn and Dusk stepped down, she was still expected to be a natural born leader due to technically being the oldest daughter of the current rulers. The Royal Family ran on a matriarch system, oldest born female taking the throne while oldest male protected the Temple.
Having been chosen to be a Life Dragon means the tradition was interrupted as well, which Kathey had always been confused about. The Dragon of the North was supposed to be a Fire Dragon to balance out ice, and yet here was a Flower Dragon who personally used her flower breath and earth breath more than any of the other elements she had. As for those extra breath elements, she had no answer for that and had accepted the gift she was given years ago.
Kathey exhaled at Sylark’s question. She had no answer, not yet anyway. Sylark didn’t know that though, she kept her thoughts hidden from him as she stood, her chest puffing out a bit to assert dominance over the natural born Alpha male. Zoymey smirked in amusement, considering how short Kathey was compared to any of the Compass Boys. “We have one connection, males are being taken. It’ll take a little female strength to take out this threat and get the males back.”
Malice continued to growl at Lust as she walked with an exaggerated sway to her hips, approaching the Thunder Dragon. “Ooo, the scary eyes are out. What’s wrong, handsome? Afraid you’ll grow a little extra if I touch you?” Lust swooned, kneeling in front of Malice and leaning in to toy with the button on his jeans. Malice snapped his teeth at her face and she leaned back before he could bite her. “Fiesty little Compass Dragon, aren’t we?”
“Get rid of these anti-dragon binds and I’ll show you feisty!” Malice snarled.
“What, so you can prove you aren’t a failure?” Lust challenged. She snapped her fingers and a male demon appeared, getting on his hands and knees and Lust sat on his back, crossing one knee over the other. Malice’s growl stopped and he just glared at her. Trevor had never seen Malice this... well... not Malice, before.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” Malice struggled to say. Trevor looked at Malice before his eyes darted to Lust as she laughed in her throat.
“It’s your fault your parents were killed and your home destroyed.” Malice bared his teeth again and his head tilted down slightly. Trevor couldn’t believe Malice was actually submitting to this bitch. “I mean, really. You had all this amazing power, a Life Dragon! Combining your lightning with the power gifted by those stupid Gods, you easily could’ve taken care of the enemy. You still don’t know who did it, do you?”
“Doesn’t matter, that was a hundred years ago. You assholes were still locked up then!” Trevor could hear the uncertainty in Malice’s tone.
“What do you think Cenod did all those years since being created?” Malice swore in a strange language, probably Draconic, and Lust shook her head. “Yeah, no, Cenod didn’t do it. A mercenary group did it. Bunch of dragons were hired to destroy your family. They probably thought you weren’t worth the effort to kill. Honestly, a lazy, good for nothing child who wanted nothing to do with family affairs. It’s a blessing you snuck out that day or you would probably be dead.” Lust smirked and stood, starting out of the room. She paused at the doorway though, her personal chair standing behind her. “You’ll have a new roommate soon. Carmilla is out on another hunt.” They watched Lust leave and Trevor looked back to Malice.
“Malice?” Trevor asked. Malice snorted and shook his head.
“Stupid bitch,” Malice mumbled and exhaled. “I’m gonna look into that though, I never knew what killed my family. I always assumed Storm Dragons or Black Dragons since that was around the time the Red and Black war was going on, both sides were looking for power. Castle was too broken up to even see marks from any battle. Lightning and Acid leave traces of a fight on stone.” Trevor hums and tests the bonds yet again. He still had yet to give up on trying to get free. Haarvik and Jarin’do finally got to their feet and made their way over to Trevor and Malice.
“Don’t beat yaself up for the past, mon,” Jarin’do said, sitting across from Malice. Haarvik sat next to Jarin’do across from Trevor.
“Yes, it was not your fault that you lost your family. Even Jarin’do and I could easily be blamed for similar situations. But you survived, that is all that matters,” Haarvik assured Malice.
“I know, it’s in the past. I kinda stopped caring, closure was never gonna come. I just look forward one day at a time. But obviously you can tell that I’m a little protective of my teammates because of it. It’s a given with my Thunder Dragon behavior,” Malice agreed. Trevor looked between the three of them before an idea popped into his head.
“Jarin’do, how skilled are you in magic?” Trevor questioned.
“Magic? Mon, the voodoo is in all trolls,” Jarin’do chuckled and shook his head. “Don’t mind that, it’s a joke among my people. We actually call our smoking choices the voodoo. Magic though, that I’m great at, if I could use it anyway.” Jarin’do struggles against the restraints. Trevor finally gets a good look at the clasps around Malice’s wrists. They were metal and nothing like any typical handcuffs or chains. It was more like metal rings tightened around their wrists with a small bit of metal connecting the rings with a rune on it.
“What’s the rune there?” Trevor asked. Jarin’do leaned to look at Haarvik’s binds.
“Son of a whore, they be legit anti-magic binds, mon,” Jarin’do replied, shaking his head. “Keeps ya from using magic and limits transformation use on dragons. Can probably change ya eyes and maybe a toe if ya try hard enough.”
“Can’t get them off with our own strength then. Magic is probably the only way,” Trevor guessed and moved to lay on his side. “Guess all we can do is wait.”
“If I know the princess, she won’t give up on us,” Haarvik exclaimed and smiled. Trevor glanced at Haarvik’s hooves and raised an eyebrow.
“Hey how strong is your kick?” Trevor asked, sitting up.
“My what?”
Lust sat on her throne and kicked her feet up onto the back of the only Incubus she had in her command. He remained silent as she crossed her ankles and relaxed. A few Succubi stepped forward, one handing a wine glass of a red liquid to the vampire while the other held a bowl out, also filled with a red liquid. Lust waved her hand over the bowl and sipped her drink. The blood in the bowl swirled and an image of an elf with blond hair came into view.
“Lust, where the hell have you been?” he questioned. Lust swirled her drink around and rolled her eyes.
“Entertaining my prisoners, what do you think, Pride?” Lust asked and drank from her glass again. The blood red liquid stained her teeth as she smiled at Pride. “I’m here now, what do you want?”
“A status report. Agony made me his right hand and I plan to do my job until we revive Master Rakasa,” Pride demanded and Lust rolled her eyes. She set her glass on the tray one of her demons held and sat up.
“Pride, dear, nobody cares about status reports. Agony is imprisoned in the Underworld and I’m sure the rest of us will have the same fate if Anna manages to defeat us in battle.” Pride scoffed at Lust’s ignorance and the vampire snorted.
“Lust, you know very well we still answer to Master even if he’s unable to physically be here with us. I need to be sure Valentine is carried out as intended or I won’t be able to use your magic to summon Rakasa when it’s time to do so. I already have to think of how I’m going to get Agony out without Deathbore catching me. I don’t need more of a burden on my shoulders getting you out as well, or any of the rest of the Council for that matter.”
“The Dragon of the East is in my possession as is two of the new members that are native to Dragoso and that foolish boy that Anna took in when Agony sent Cenod to corrupt that Nega Dragon and take over the Underworld. My dear Carmilla is on the hunt for another male now. Her priority is to get the Dragon of the West, but I’m sure they will be careful about the Compass Dragons being left by themselves. She cannot woo or even bite the Ice Dragon, he’s too skilled for her physical tactics and he’ll know her intentions right away.”
“It’s a start at least. Do not blow me off again. I would hate to have to report to Agony and Rakasa of your negligence to keep me updated on our plans.” Lust remained stoic, but she was nervous on the inside. Perks to being a vampire, she could hide her emotions so well. Except her namesake and rage, of course.
“Are you done? I have to check in with Carmilla to see how the hunt is going.” Pride chuckled and gave Lust a lazy smile. He knew he made her nervous and of course he would gloat, but she didn’t need to hear that.
“Have fun, Lust.” The image wavered before disappearing. Once it did, Lust backhanded the bowl and the Succubus that held it squeaked, pulling her hands away and Lust breathed heavily as she settled her rage. She got to her feet and paced.
“Stupid elf! Thinks he can scare me with threats!” Lust snapped and looked to the storm clouds above her tower. “I believe it’s time to treat my guests to a little fun.”
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