voyager3rv · 2 years
Cold Start!
Day: 948
Location: 35.558, -75.462
Well that was something ! ! !
We had known we were in for a bit of a challenge with the weather that had been upcoming in NJ. ( temps were going as low as 3F )
- - Pre - Departure - -
So we dragged the lines early, dropped all our water and had a small space heater in a cargo bay to distribute heat through while we endured the arctic blast. We held well between the shrubs during our last stay, Nebbie was able to kick consistent vibes at approx 50F and that was with two electric heaters at 2200 watts.
~ Due to limited electricity throughput from the line ( 20A ) ~
[ We would have rocked propane, but after 2+ months of usage we were pretty much beat ]
This essentially set the tone for our disembark,
J and I were both a little slow to get back into the groove, but we made due and pressed on. Leaving went pretty smoothly and we were greeted with driving head on with what was described as "gale winds"... (shrugs) you honestly can't make it up. But it was such a great test for all the work we had done, this old gal, prior to our renovation would have been ramblin' back and forth like she was busting a move. :D
- - Departure - -
Our initial heading had us arriving in ( 35.558, -75.462 ) by Sunday afternoon, so we decided to split the trip into two days, somewhere around 266mi the first day, and 220 the next.
We got to our first layover without any other excitement, we were lucky to have some really beautiful sunset views over farmlands in MD as we parked, plugged electric only and settled in for the night.
The second day was really when all the excitement happened, we had to plan a spot to fuel our propane before landing, and after having called the campground we were essentially told we were beat for a Sunday fill. So we hunted around... or more like, J hunted around, and after five or six different spots we were able to narrow it down to an Ace hardware, believe it or not.
(added to the list of places to stop)
I jumped up front and went to start Nebbie, but when I turned the key.... ( click, click sppzpzp cacsfma lfnskj ) was actually exactly how it sounded. Now I remembered what that one thing was I still had to do... replace the battery. No worries though, we've jumped before and today was no different. So after getting Nebbie started we hooked the smart car and rolled out to our first stop, the gas station!
The first one was not set up well for us, so we had to cross the highway and pulled through another.
So this might have come easier to someone else, but not to me that day, because I tell ya what I confidently turned that engine off thinking we would be swell, and guess what. We weren't! lol so I had to unhook the smart car, turn it back on, jump the RV and then re-situate on the opposite side of the gas station to rehook.
(just a good ol regular fill up in RV life)
We were only forty minutes to the ace hardware, and on the way we decided to get smart. I asked J to research about the (emergency start) switch on the dash and how it operated and how we might be able to use it. So after a quick youtubing we felt confident that it would be straight forward.
We pulled into the Ace lot which thankfully was pretty abandoned and did a whole two loops before arriving correctly at the side of the propane fill up area. The worker there had seen us driving and met me there at the side, he was super nice and we discussed camping, and the type of camper he had as well.
After I hopped back into the driver's seat, anxious and ready to DRIVE! I look at J and asked her "No but really, one whole minute", she responded "One minute", my eyes flipped around in my head while I pushed the button (emergency start) looking between J and the wheel, waiting for the go ahead.
At juuuuust about one minute I turned the key, ( du du duuuu ) no dice. After sitting for a second, and pushing the button again, this time for thirty seconds, we tried again before Nebbie roared to life!
We were in some kinda luck!
With a full tank of gas, and propane we made our way further south, taking in the ocean views from Virginia bridges to Virginia Beach, driving all along the sand bar by Kitty Hawk and through towards Rodanthe.
First trip back on the road in the books, we're parked about 200 feet away from the ocean and the sunrises and sunsets have been BEAUTIFUL, the next week days here are going to be so relaxing!
- Transmission End -
0 notes
foxyotomelady · 5 years
Another love, Chapter III (JuminxReader)
Author’s notes:
I hope this chapter is not too chaotic ;-;
Be aware of: strong language, slightly angst, my poor grammar.
And also be ready for THE DRAMA!
Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III (You are here) | Chapter IV | Chapter V | Chapter VI | Chapter VII | Chapter VIII | Chapter IX | Chapter X | Chapter XI | Chapter XII | Chapter XIII | Chapter XIV |
Buy Me A Ko-Fi Have a nice reading!
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Jumin stared blankly at the documents in front of him, turning the pen in his fingers. He could not concentrate. In the eyes of his imagination, he still had a picture of what a wonderful morning he spent with Y/N.
He made pancakes for her and made her a cup of coffee. There was something extremely pleasant about preparing breakfast for someone else. The more so when this person appreciated the efforts. And she did.
She ate the pancakes with a big smile on her face, and then she began to worry that he would be late for work because of her. How cute. "Mr. Han."  Oh, and how sweet she looked in the pajamas he ordered for her - it was modest and girlish. He wanted to see her in something more defiant, but it was definitely too early for such steps on his part. His boldness would scare her away. "Mr. Han."  Or maybe he was wrong? In the end, she put on a silk dress with her back exposed yesterday.  "Mr Han!" Jaehee suddenly and violently put some papers on his desk. His fingers tightened and the pen jumped out of his hand, then flew across the entire width of the office.
He looked up at Jaehee blankly, "Yes?"  She gave him a strange look, "Your schedule, sir."  "Ah yes, what do we have here today?" He began to glance over the list of meetings, he saw the letters, but he did not really read them, "Nothing particularly important, I'm guessing." Jaehee sighed, apparently disagreeing with him, "Mr. Han, can I ask you something?" 
Jumin straightened in his chair and looked at her in anticipation. He nodded.  "Are you sure it's a good idea for Y/N to stay with you?" Jumin frowned, "What do you expect me to do, Assistant Kang? That I will throw her out on the street? Y/N expressed her obvious anxiousness regarding her returning to her apartment. " 
"She could... Maybe she should stay with someone else during this time?"
"With whom? With Zen or Seven? Then it would not be a problem for you?"
"I think she should rather move to me, it would be more appropriate. Sir, I'm sure you understand what I mean."
Jumin felt like a rage growing in him. He breathed in and massaged his temple, "You really think so low of me, Assistant Kang?" "No, but the media-"
"Yes, I know, the gossips. Gossips have always been spread and will always be. I don't care much about it. "
"It can very badly affect your image and-"
"I don't care!"
Assistant Kang jumped in place, her eyes wide open. Jumin looked at her frozen for a moment. It was the first time he raised his voice at her. He should not have done it. He never wanted to be such a boss. He took a deep breath, "My apology, Assistant Kang, I should not have raised my voice. It was very unprofessional." Jeahee breathed a sigh, but there was an expression of worry on her face, "Mr. Han, are you sure you're all right?" "Yes, I’m all right," He declared though he did not feel right. He was furious. Recently, he was furious all the time. At Yuwoon, for the fact that he simply existed and dared to ever touch Y/N. At Zen, for his silly insinuations. And now at Jaehee, for her wanting to separate him from Y/N. "Cancel my evening meetings, I promised Y/N that I would go with her for her things to that damn apartment."
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Your POV 
Jumin's apartment was wonderful and you could go out from it to the gardens on the top floor, but in spite of that you finally got bored. And that was dangerous now, because when you were not busy with anything, unwanted memories were returning to your head.
You wanted to get out of the apartment to go around the building. Maybe you would go shopping, visit a cafe and do some research before returning to your studies. Whatever so that you do not had to think about what happened. But when you opened the door, the security guard blocked your path, "I'm sorry, miss, but Mr. Han clearly told me that you can't leave this apartment." 
You looked at him in shock, "What?" 
The bodyguard, Yoon, the one who carried you on his hands two days ago, cleared his throat, "I can’t let you out, miss." "It must be a misunderstanding..."  "I'm sorry, miss," He really looked like he was sorry. Suddenly, however, he put his hand to the device he had on his ear, "Yes, sir. Yes, immediately. Ms. Y/N, I must escort you to the car, Mr. Han is waiting for you there." "Oh, so now I can suddenly leave?" You snorted.  "Only at Mr. Han's request and in my company." You let the bodyguard lead you to the car, though you did not like what was happening. When you got into the back of the limousine, Jumin greeted you with a smile, "How was your day, Y/N?" You looked at him angrily, "You locked me in your apartment?" 
The expression on his face hardened. The coldness of his eyes scared you a bit, "We'll talk about it later. Now you should try to calm down before we go to your apartment." You only nodded and you said nothing more. You've spent the course to your apartment in complete silence. When you got there, Jumin looked around unpleased. 
"This neighborhood does not look safe, you should move out much earlier." 
"The apartment we rent with Yuwoon is cheap, so..." 
"It's good that you do not have to stay here anymore." You hoped that you would not find anyone at home. You had your keys, so you could get inside easily. However, it turned out that the door was open. Security guards were waiting on the stairs, as Jumin requested, telling them that he'd manage the situation alone. You caught your breath before pushing the door and went inside.  "Who's there?" Yuwoon walked out of the room into the corridor, and when he saw you, he immediately rushed toward you, "Y/N!"  You backed away, and Yuwoon stopped abruptly, turned pale and looked over you. You felt that Jumin stands right behind you and keeps his hand on your shoulder. You tried to get a cold expression on your face, "We're just here for my stuff."  "Honey, who is this?" You heard the woman's voice that you already knew and dinner went up to your throat. A blonde appeared from the room - yes, the one Yuwoon had fucked before your eyes. "Oh my God!" She shouted suddenly. "It's Jumin Han! You didn’t say that that bitch of yours knows Jumin Han!"  While you could not get the word out, Jumin tightened his fingers on your shoulder harder and said coldly, "I strongly advise you not to say about Y/N in this way." You did not know what facial expression Jumin now owned, but the blonde had to be scared because she took a step back. 
"Shut up!" Yuwoon growled at her. "Go to the goddamn bedroom where you belong!" Did he really just say that? You were dizzy. You did not know this side of him. You did not know him at all! You felt that the world is spinning and you're going to collapse, but strong arms caught you before it happened. "Y/N...?" You heard Jumin's worried voice, and then the steps - Yuwoon's probably, "Don't you dare come near her." Now Jumin was furious.  "Mr. Han!" It must have been one of the security guards who were alarmed by the screams.  "Don't interfere. I'll deal with this. Y/N...?" "I... I'm better now... I felt a little dizzy... but it's okay now," You tried to straighten up, in which Jumin helped you with. The blonde was not around, she had to hide in the bedroom. "Are you sure?" Jumin asked, still worried. You nodded and headed to the bedroom, and Jumin and the bodyguards after you. The blonde sat down in the corner, terrified. When you were packing your belongings into a bag you pulled out of the closet, Jumin simply stood silently and watched the situation. Yuwoon paced furiously around the apartment. All this packing took you more time than you would like. You gave the bag to the bodyguard and without a word, everyone headed for the exit. 
"Wait!" Yuwoon called. 
You stopped. The bodyguards were already in the stairwell. You and Jumin still in the apartment corridor. You turned to face your ex-boyfriend. "What do you want?"
"You don’t have to move out, we can still fix it, I'll leave this whore, I love you, not her!" 
You couldn't help but laugh icily, "Are you fucking kidding me? I don't even want to look at you, just leave me alone." After these words, you hurried to the exit, passing Jumin by.  "You stupid bitch, come back here!" Yuwoon shouted and rushed after you.
Then you heard a loud thud. You jumped and turned around to see what happened. Jumin rested his hand on the wall - his arm was blocking Yuwoon's way.
"Are you by any chance deaf?" 
"W-what?" Yuwoon gulped, trembling.
"Didn't the lady said she want you to leave her alone?"
"Also, let me remind you, if you'd try to contact her again, there will be consequences."
Yuwoon only nodded his head and Jumin turned to you and put his arm around you, leading you out of the apartment. When you were already in the limousine, you were sitting stiffly in place. You've never seen Jumin like this before. If Yuwoon wouldn’t give up in time, it would most likely end up in a fight. 
"Y/N?" Jumin's voice took you out of your deep thoughts. 
"How are you feeling? Is everything alright?" 
"Yes. I'm fine... I think." "Did I scare you?"
"No, I was just a little surprised, the whole situation was a nightmare, thank you for accompanying me."
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There was silence in Jumin's apartment when you unpacked your things. Then in a similar silence, you ate dinner. 
"Jumin..." You dared finnaly when you were drinking wine together. "Why did you shut me down here like in a prison?" 
Jumin sighed, his eyes closed, "It wasn't meant to be a prison... I just... I was afraid that you would change your mind and go away, that it would come to your mind to get back to that man."
"Why would I want to come back to him? That's ridiculous, Jumin. Besides, we've made a deal, don't you trust me?" 
"I trusted V and Rika... They both turned out to be different than I thought." 
"I trusted Yuwoon and it turned out that I didn't really know him at all, we are on the same boat, Jumin, if others let us down, let's try to show ourselves that it doesn't always have to be that way."
"You’re saying the sweetest things, Y/N."
"I want you to feel better with yourself, but closing me down here is not a good way."
Jumin put down his glass of wine and pressed his hand to his closed eyes, "I know you're right, it's extremely difficult for me, I know it’s all happening so quickly, but once you're within my reach, I cannot imagine letting you out of my grasp."
You inhaled deeply into your lungs, took a sip of wine and decided to play open cards. You were not stupid. You saw what was happening, though perhaps Jumin himself did not understand it yet, "Jumin... Do you have feelings for me?"
He looked up at you slowly. For a moment he only opened his mouth, as if he could not get a word out of himself, but finally, he began to talk, "I can’t call it in one word, but... You're definitely special to me, I've never met someone as warm and gentle as you. All the threads that have strangled me so far, when you're close... they are tearing apart. It's extraordinary... I feel happy with you, and at the same time terrified... "
"Terrified?" You asked, sad.
"That you will leave me..."
You felt agitated, touched, "Oh, Jumin... I will never leave you, I promise, it's too soon for me to... determine my feelings for you, but you will never lose me, certainly not as a friend."
"I'm not sure if... friendship alone is enough for me," He declared and pierced you with an intense stare. You felt the chills flow down your neck, you blushed.
"I do not want to promise you anything, Jumin, but for starters... You have to understand that you can't keep me here like a cat. Closed. That's not how a healthy relationship should look. You have to trust me."
"I'll try, give me a chance, I'm constantly learning how to reconcile trust and anxiety about you." ***
When you finished your supper, you took a shower, changed into your pajamas and sat comfortably on the bed. You logged in to the chat room.
[Y/N has entered the chat room]
You: What a nightmare...
Zen: What happened, baby? T-T
You: I went for my belongings to the apartment that I rented with Yuwoon.
Zen: Oh... It must have been awkward.
You: Yes, all the more that girl was there...
Zen: The one with whom he..?
You: Yeah...
Zen: I'm so sorry, baby
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You: Yuwoon turned out to be someone completely strange to me. He showed that side of himself that I had not known before.
Zen: I don't want you to take my words the wrong way, but ...
Zen: Maybe it's a good thing that you two broke up...
Zen: Looks like he was not worthy of you anyway.
Zen: And when your broken heart is healed
Zen: You will definitely find someone who will make you happy
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[Jumin Han has entered the chat room]
Jumin Han: Are you suggesting yourself, Zen?
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Zen: chill out, I'm not suggesting anyone
Zen: anyway, dude, what's your problem?
Jumin Han: You can interpret it as me not liking it.
Zen: not liking what? ;;;
Jumin Han: you talking to her that way.
Zen: If you don't like it, just say it.
Jumin Han: I don't like it.
Zen: …
You: Jumin, you're cute when you're jealous ^^
You: But there is no need.
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Zen: WAIT, what is happening between you two?
Jumin Han: jealous?
Jumin Han: So that's what I feel... Interesting.
Jumin Han: oh, Elizabeth the 3rd is meowing loudly at the door.
Jumin Han: I think she's longing for your company, Y/N
You: cuuute <3
You: Should I go to her?
Jumin Han: Yes, I think she'll be pleased if you take her to your bed.
You: Okay ^^ I'll be there in a minute~
Zen: NO!
Zen: STOP!
Zen: Do not go to him!
Zen: It's an obvious trap!
Zen: This jerk wants to lure you!
Zen: You go straight into the lion's den!
[Jumin Han has left the chat room]
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You: You're overreacting as always, Zen ^^
[Y/N has left the chat room]
You left the phone on the bed and went to the guest room. Your heart was beating hard. What exactly were you doing? You shouldn't... You knew that Jumin felt something for you. But you were not even sure of your own feelings yet... You shouldn't!
But there you were, knocking on the door, "May I come in?"
"Yes, of course," Was his voice trembling?
You pushed the door and Elizabeth ran out of the room. She ignored you. Apparently, she just wanted to leave, not necessarily because she wants to spend time with you. You stepped into the room, mouth tight with nerves. The light of the lamp illuminated the surroundings. Jumin slowly got out of bed and stopped in front of you.
You laughed nervously and put a strand of hair behind your ear, "I think she's got enough of me."
"It's impossible," He replied and took a step closer to you. "No one could ever have enough of you."
Timidly you looked into his gray eyes, "Jumin..."
"Y/N, may I kiss you?"
Taken aback by his words, you opened your eyes wide.
"I know it's sudden. I know you're still healing after Yuwoon. But I wanted to kiss you even then in the rain when you stood in front of me so vulnerable and wounded. I don't know if I wouldn't do it if it weren't for bodyguards."
You did not know what to say, your heart was pounding wildly, Jumin was even closer to you now and gently took your face in his hands, "I really didn’t like how Zen talked to you."
You looked at his lips, then at his eyes. You wanted this kiss.
"May I...?" He repeated.
"Yes..." You barely finished talking when his mouth was next to yours, your breathing became one. Then you felt his lips on yours and it was like an impulse.
You clung to each other suddenly, Jumin embraced you on the waist, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. His kiss was greedy, he took your breath away.
"I want you..." He panted between the next, more and more roughly kisses. "I want all of you…"
"J-Jumin..." You tried to answer something but he immediately shut your mouth with his own. You whined, clenched your hands on his shoulders. You were so dizzy... It was too much emotion for one day!
Jumin reached down to your thigh, and you instinctively put it on his hip. He growled and pressed your hips to his. When did this kiss turn into something like that?
"Jumin... That's too fast..." You tried to reason with him, although you did not want him to stop. You kissed once again, hard, and Jumin slowly withdrew his head.
"I'm... I'm sorry..." He breathed, his voice hoarse. "I... I got carried away."
He slowly let go of your leg and waist, and you were still resting your hands on his chest for a moment. You both were breathing loudly and you were sure your face is as red as a tomato.
"I... I should..." You started, not looking at him.
"Yes," He said, interrupting you. "You should go to bed. I'm barely controlling myself right now."
"Good night, Jumin..." You whispered and turned quickly at your heel. You left the guest room quickly, unintentionally slamming the door behind you. You almost ran to the bed and fell on it, then put your head into the pillow and closed your eyes.
You were sure of only one thing. You will not get any sleep tonight.
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