messrmoonyy · 1 year
The only annoying thing about tlou going live action is that finding game posts/gifs/etc is such a mission now
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Tlou ep6!!! (It’s 2:07am, please excuse any mistakes as I haven’t proof read lol)
You just know the couple at the start have a great relationship, even though we only got to see them briefly I loved the back and forth between them and the fact that the lady made joel and Ellie food, it was interesting to see Joel’s interrogation technique (regarding the map) on the couple especially since he’s so violent with it in the game. The white rabbit that Ellie steals reminds me of the rabbit she shoots in the winter phase of the game.
I also love how the show has a much deeper insight to Joel’s mental health, we all know he’s a badass but to know it takes a toll on him mentally makes him a lot more relatable and human, when he has his first panic attack outside the cabin I was like oh shit
The show is also more realistic in regards to his age, the fact he’s slower, looks like he’s having trouble with his hands and his instincts aren’t quite as sharp, it’s really sad to watch him realise that those kind of things are catching up to him and the fact that he doubts his ability to get Ellie to the fireflies is just 😢 I believe his age is something we see more in the second game. I felt so bad when he thought that girl was Sarah.
Oh I was scared for a minute when the dog was approaching ellie but it was so cute when it ended up liking her. The group riding up on their horses was really cool, I love the western theme that’s been applied, and maria hanging back then realising Joel is her brother in law, can’t imagine what she was thinking there, especially since everything she knows about him is through Tommy, she probs never thought they’d meet. Rutina Wesley did an amazing job as Maria.
Joel shouting for Tommy 🥹 you could tell it was such a relief for Joel to find his little brother and for Tommy a surprise after all these years. Gabriel Luna is just spot on with tommys voice especially in that first episode, he sounds just like Tommy from the game
Communism lol, tommy having to pause, realising that that is what their town is like and Maria being like “yeah it is communism!! 😁” just made me laugh
Joel mentions sheep once and now they’re eveywhere, also that’s exactly what Ellie and Dina end up doing at the end of tLou 2, raising jj and sheep, ugh just makes me 😫😫
I had real conflicting feelings towards joel, you just found your little brother after years of being separated and you can’t be happy that he has a wife and their going to be starting a family together “guess we’ll find out” ???!!! What on earth would ever possess you to that to someone, your little brother is trying to tell you some good news and even confesses that he thinks he’ll be a good dad and that’s what you say 🤬 and Tommys confused face after Joel saying that 😫. On the other hand Joel’s moments with Ellie, teaching her how to shoot, telling her about his job and what he would like after this is all over and that he used to want to be a singer, that was all super sweet. While being a sorry excuse for a brother his dadness really came through in his moments with Ellie
I love how we get to see how Ellie ends up with all her iconic outfits, first getting her red palm tree top from bills place and now getting her jacket from Maria, love it!!! It’s such a simple nod to the game but so satisfying to watch as someone who’s played it. I really love being able to point out things to the folks I’m watching the show with and noticing all these little details.
Maria providing Ellie with a mentrual cup, again I love how realistic the show is and that it isn’t shying away from these kind of things, also Ellie inspecting it and being like cool 😁 made me chuckle. Maria giving Ellie a haircut too was 🥹 they gave Maria a lot more back story and I appreciate the way they did it cos it didn’t feel forced, she had a son, was an ADA, is on the council etc. I’m looking forward to seeing her and Tommy having a kid in the second season
Was that Dina??!!!! Please tell me it was Dina!! Also, Shimmer!!!!
It annoyed me when Tommy went to talk to Joel and started apologising, I personally believe Joel is the one who should be apologising but you know 🤷🏻‍♀️
The house they set up Ellie and Joel in, had a really beautiful exterior lol it’s not really relevant but I really liked it, cool how Ellie’s room was the one she ran away to in the game, would have been cool to see a Joel/Tommy/Ellie team up but I think it made sense the way the shows done it too. Bella is also spot on with her acting, she’s doing such an amazing job, her accent doesn’t even hint that she’s English, her facial reactions and emotion in her voice are just on point, I really really don’t understand the hate towards her 🤦🏻‍♀️
Joel letting Ellie drink??!!! Lmao why not 😭
Pedros voice “you have no idea what loss is” oh my god, 10/10, perfect
Curious as to why they’ve bunched Jackson, the university and probably what is going to be the cannibal episode next into the one season (I mean winter season) maybe it’s just to shorten the jumps between the next few episodes?
I kind of like how much they cut out (most of) the university part and got straight to the point, don’t know if they could have made that into an entire episode of them being at the uni so I think it makes sense, loved seeing a classic Joel take down when he strangled the guy that came at them with the bat, also was shocked that the goon manage to stab Joel with a piece of the broken bat, it’s nice that the writers stay really close to the original material but are still able to surprise us
Little moments that deserve shoutouts
Ellie talking about space and seeing northern lights 🥹✨
Joel’s smirk after proving Ellie wrong with the rifle and of course he gets a bullseye 😏
The fact the target said asshole on it
Random but Bella Ramsey looked really cool with her hat on
Joel trying to repair his shoes (with duct tape lol), realistic in terms of the shoes durability
Marias nose piercing, I know it’s a random thing to point out but she looked good
“Some people wanted to own everything and some people didn’t want anyone to own anything at all” Ooft can’t get any realer than that, plus “which one were you?” “Neither” 😂
The dining hall looks like where the dance is held and where Ellie and Dina kiss in tlou part two!!! Fitting that their first kiss is in the place the first see eachother 😍
“Damn” (dam)
Ellie mind your manners at the dinner table lol
Also “you gonna shoot this thing or get it pregnant” no fucking way did she say that 😂😭
I really think and hope this next episode (which I’m assuming will be the cannibal episode with David and Troy baker!!) will be bellas turn to shine and we’ll get to see her own her own for a bit. She’s gonna do such a good job I know it already.
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