minstrivia · 6 years
i think i’m gonna start writing slightly drunk. i say slightly drunk but i have no limitation so we’ll see.
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ladywolfmd · 4 years
Hello guys! I appreciate all the messages! Sorry I’ve been inactive and haven’t been responding. We are completely overwhelmed at the hospital I’m working at and I had just come back to work after recovering for a week too. I haven’t been home since February and I’ve been swabbed a total of 3 times already since March and had gone through more quarantines for scares and symptoms throughout. It’s been a nasty cycle but I can’t drop out from working as soon as I am able. It’s been exhausting not just physically, but psychologically as well. I’ve gotten my share of healthcare worker discrimination experiences and I just hope I don’t get to see those people as patients for being recklesss and unfeeling. Anyway, the fanfics still take some of the negative juju away some. So thanks! This is just a short message to say I’m still alive, but barely breathing. I love you all and I hope you stay safe and healthy.
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polar-stars · 5 years
I was a little inspired by Kana, to write something for @isshinene as well to make her feel a bit better on her recent anon spams ;w; 
So here, have a small insight into Nene in Star Wars AU (with some? some? IsshiNene? Because c’mon it’s for Asuka. And honestly everything can be canon in Star Wars AU ^^) 
It’s also rather angsty (I hope) but since Asuka tends to like it, I hope it won’t be that much of a problem.
Also I will get to the remaining asks in my inbox relating to the AU as soon as I can ;w; (I’ll get some writing done in my vacations)
Anyways, it’s a bit sloppy and all over the place but I hope you can find at least a little enjoyment in it:
Coruscant. The famous capital of the Galactic Republic and undoubtedly the center of the their world. When arriving in your ship, you were greeted by the imposant sight of the high skyscrapers of the city planet in their competition who could get nearer to the sky. Many ships then began to set their course on some of the most impressive buildings of the enormous city. Like the Opera house for example, or the Senate building or the Jedi Temple. Her home. As far as she heard from the Master who used to train her, she was originally from Naboo. However, as her force-sensitivity was recognised early on, she had been taken from her parents as a baby to learn the ways of the Jedi. And so she had been living on the booming city planet Coruscant for all her life. To others, it tended to sound shocking and frightening, having to think being taken away from their parents but to her it was a necessary step, as she couldn’t allow herself any strong emotional bonds as a Jedi. This was just simply how they operated. They committed their life to the force and the maintaining of peace in the Galaxis. This required a cool head and a full-on dedication to your duty. Jedi Master Nene Kinokuni. From the day her training begun on, she had always been one of the most diligent and hard-working Padawans among her fellow peers. Her precision, attention to detail and willingness to learn could only be rivaled by few and quickly she grew into one of the most talented Jedis the Order ever had, claiming the rang of Master at a rather young age. She earned great respect because of that and more than often her name was brought up to young Padawans to set an example. When she passed through the halls, she felt eyes following her and minds calculating if it would be appropriate to talk to the legend. She sensed that each and everyone of them, was trusting her with their life. Too bad, that they did not sense that she was not much of an reliable protector anymore. Nene was analyzing her fellow Jedis a lot and sometimes she would inspect their talks and their fighting. In all her observations, she noted how more and more Jedis became a lot more brash and recklesss. Focusing more on looking 'cool' than to keep the mind in balance. Nene lost count on how many Jedi customs she had already seen being abandoned. In the beginning she tried to tell herself that this was the fault of the currently ongoing Clone Wars and that it's circumstances where the reasons why some Jedi felt a need to alter their behavior a little. But after taking on a mission directly in the supposed heart of the Republic, her home, that lead her directly into the dark shadows of Coruscant....Nene had truly been able to witness just how much criminal activities and unjust where committed in their very area. Much was broken. And there needed to be a change. And as she was presented to a chance, she grasped it. --- As she left the council meeting today, she knew that it would be their last time together. As she bid her fellow council members goodbye, she knew it would be one forever. With the exception of Master Somei Saito, who shared her views on the Jedi abandoning their customs more and more. As she finally got into the great halls of the temple, she planned to make her way to one of the ships immediately. She had thought long and hard about this and believed it would be the right choice. But even if she did, there was still a part in her that couldn't deny the guilt that was building up in her. Her, the remarkable and heavily respected Jedi Master, would be nothing but a backstabber and traitor by the time this day would end and she knew it. Mentally she shook her head, telling herself to not let the guilt win over her and to keep rational. After all, being emotionless was the way of the Jedi. And change was necessary, even if it meant what it did. She had nearly reached the gate as she suddenly heard a familiar voice behind her, calling her name in such a jolly and happy way. "Nene!" She flinched immediately and for a moment considered just continue on walking. She didn't want to have this confrontation. She didn't want to. Out of sheer politeness, or so she told herself, she turned around in the end to face the brightly, smiling face of her childhood friend and fellow Jedi Council Member, Satoshi Isshiki. His Padawan, Shun Ibusaki, standing a bit farer away with an unreadable expression as always. "Isshiki." She greeted dryly, while her mind was in turmoil, having to look into these shining, blue eyes that had always been near her since birth, that she had often eyed them so darkly but at the same time she always found herself lost in them ever since. "Fantastic" didn't even begin to describe his talents. He was sheer wonder. Within the span of only a few minutes or hours he had mastered tasks that others needed weeks for from the day his training began on. No matter what the subject to learn was, he always exceeded perfectly. He invoked a feeling in her that no Jedi should ever feel for even a second, jealousy. Of course, she always denied it and suppressed it. After all, jealousy was considered a sufficient way to get lost on dark path, which would be a shame for a renowed Jedi like her. But whenever she saw him mastering a skill, she had sharpened over the course of weeks in just a hour, she felt the jealousy burning up. Did she hate him though? No absolutely not. It was possibly straight-up impossible to hate Satoshi Isshiki and his kind smiles, his care for the younger ones, his loyalty and his willpower to do the good deeds. And this rumbled up the emotions, she wasn't even supposed to have, even more. "What do you want?" She spoke, averting his gaze, not wanting to be directly pinned under the stare of a man, close to her, that she had already betrayed mentally. "I wanted to ask if you're not too busy." He responded. Before continuing. "I wanted to ask you if you could assist me in the training of Shun today?" Now she frowned and actually did turn to him. Was he trying to make fun of her? "Why?" She asked. "He's not my Padawan. Also..." Her tone got frosty. "I do not know what I am supposed to teach him that you can't." With that she was about to turn around. But his voice stopped her movement. "What are you talking about?" Again, she met his gaze, still frowning. But in return he looked at her so warmly and so...honest. "Don't talk yourself down like that. I know for a fact that you would make a great teacher. No one has spend as much time in the liberty as you, so your theoretical knowledge and information around the Jedi history and customs is outmatched. I saw you talk to children before and it was evident that you are a caring, patient and understanding person. Exactly what they need." This made her brain freeze for a second, as her eyes only widened and she stared at the man with a more than bewildered expression. He only continued. "Truth to be told, the real reason why I want you to assist me today is that you get a taste of what teaching Padawans is like. I do believe you should get your own one. You would be a fantastic one and a gold-catch for any Padawan considering your status and skills." Nene was at a lost of words. She felt a forbidden blush emerge on her cheeks and her heart furtively accelerating at the praise she had just heard. Suddenly the yells of the suppressed guilt in her got louder and she had to clutch her fist to restrain herself from spilling what was actually going on in her mind right now. Satoshi only continued to look at her expectingly. "Maybe, when you come back we can look at the current Padawans and search one for you." His smile got even brighter, making her heart form a knot. "What do you say?" She couldn't deny that her tongue was aching and that a piercing pain went through her chest when she gave her answer. "Alright, as soon as I come back we can do as you wish. But now I really have to leave." To strengthen her inner turmoil, he laughed. "Nice to hear! I'll be waiting. Have a good flight." Nene nearly choked when saying "Goodbye, Isshiki" in return before turning around to make her way to the ship that would get her to the meeting Azami Nakiri had requested, so that his plans could be finalized at last. And so she left the building she grew up in, knowing that she would never return. 
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prettybug · 3 years
I realized I’m in one of my I’m not gonna sleep periods. I go two weeks or so with no sleep and then sleep for a week straight and I feel depressed when I do but when I’m not sleeping I feel depressed but also insane. I. Am recklesss
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xxxbgdrgnimagines · 7 years
If anybody is feeling depressed over the death of Jongyun or anything else at all please dont do anything recklesss . Talk and let it out . I am here 24/7 if anyone needs help or somebody to talk too please dont hesistate and text right away . I will be there . Wether i know you or not . I LOVE YOU AND YOU ARE NOT ALONE PLEASE DONT FORGET THAT ...😊
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nisamanee · 8 years
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… And most importantly, have fun!
Tagged by @taigami
a - age: 18
b - biggest fear: never living up to my full potential, not making a difference
c - current time: 7.21 pm
d - drink you last had: apple-cinnamon tea!
e - every day starts with: writing in my diary
f - favorite song: The Pretty Reckless - basically anything, but if I had to choose... Going To Hell
g - ghosts, are they real?: maybe(?)
h - hometown: tiny shithole in the Netherlands
i - in love with: everything & everyone!
j - jealous of: People who seem like they got their life together & are so spontaneous and outgoing!
k - killed someone: Who do you think I am?
l - last time you cried: basically minutes ago, while watching sad videos on Facebook (admitting this feels horrible :D)
m - middle name: I have 2! Both are mash ups of the names of my grandmothers :)
n - number of siblings: 1 little sister
o - one wish: this may sound sappy & too idealistic, but I’d love it if everyone could just live together in peace & there’d be full equality
p - person you last called/texted: my driving instructor (this is so sad :p)
q - questions you’re always asked: Owh, you study Greek and Latin? What can you do with that later??? When are you going to move out? Do you have a job? When are you going to get your driver’s license???
r - reasons to smile: that amazing feeling when you’re surrounded by people you love & who love you, gorgeous pizza, exploring new places, finding a new favourite band, sweet compliments
s - song last sang: Idk? Probably Oh My God by The Pretty Recklesss
t - time you woke up: 7:00am
u - underwear color: red
v - vacation destination: I honestly don’t care, I’d love to go anywhere! But I especially loved Italy, I want to go to Japan one day & I’d love to visit my friend in Thailand!
w - worst habit: procrastination! And always thinking I’m never going to be good enough :/
x - x-rays you’ve had: probably only of my teeth?
y - your favorite food: ice cream (and pizza ofc!)
z - zodiac sign: cancer
Don’t feel obliged to, but you can do this if you’d like to: @celestial-dust @stayoutofmyheadcharles @iwaslazy @canyouflyy @unsocial-kid @just-liz 
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drarchibaldpeppermd · 8 years
got tagged by @silly-lioness!! thank u babe!
Name/Nicknames: Delilah/ i dont really have any nicknames
Gender: Female
Height: 5′7 - 5′8
Hogwarts House: Slytherin or Hufflepuff
Favorite color: navy blue
Time: 10:17 am
Last thing I googled: chuck taylor b/c i was looking for the converse website
A fictional character that I would like as a sibling: fuck man idk, Luna Lovegood
When I made this blog: november 2012
How many blogs I follow: 1055 omg thats so many
Number of followers: 341
Do I get asks regularly: uhm ive been getting them more often now i guess
Aesthetic: the smell of rain, memories, cuddling up with a pet or a stuffed animal, pancakes with chocolate chips and whipped cream, lavender, maple butter, splashing in streams or creeks, secluded european castles
tagging @thatsnotmozarts @carey-pric31ess @recklesss--and--brave @a-company-of-heroes and @fifth-harmoaning
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