mydearesthrry · 1 year
hi! could you do a behind the scenes of the daylight mv?? maybe the reader is an equestrian and owns horses themself and they let harry borrow one for the mv?🤍
Behind the Scenes: Daylight - h.s.
a/n: hi lovely! thank you sm for the request. i kind of got distracted and only had a little bit of equestrian!y/n in this. this is kind of like a behind the album style behind the scenes, hence the interviews :)
🎀 warnings/cw: nothing, fluff the most fluff ever oh my goodness
🐇 pairing: famous!harry x equestrian!reader
💐 wc: 2.2k
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“So let’s talk about the Daylight music video,” The man behind the camera says. Almost immediately, a grin is plastered onto Harry’s face as he nods. “Where did you get the idea for all of that, and most importantly, where’d you get a horse?” 
Harry snorts at this, and he flicks his eyes over to his girlfriend who sits cross legged on the floor next to the camera. She smiles at him and winks, which makes a pretty pink color flush his cheeks. “Yeah, ‘Ve been getting a couple of questions on the horse. The set was easy enough to come together, jus’ rented a couple of things from different places, but the main inspiration and reason for the video was… It was a date that I had went on two years ago when everything opened up again and we went to the circus.”
Harry was so nervous.
Actually, he’s convinced that he’s never felt more nervous in his life. Performing at Wembley couldn’t hold a candle to how he felt right now.
He was going on a date.
Harry had dated around but he’s never felt a spark. In his other more serious relationships, of course that would be a different story, but on all of the other first dates he’d went on, sure, he had a good time, but he would sit at home and text the other his apologies before moving on again. But this time, it was different. He had already felt like he was in love. 
He met the sweet girl at a birthday party of a mutual friend, one of his closest childhood friends, Tom. He’d showed up at the party and was immediately greeted by another one of his friends, Aurora, who had then introduced him to the girl she came with. Y/N. He choked up when she first introduced herself, and he stumbled over his words, nervous because of how pretty she was. 
For the rest of the night, they talked and talked and were almost attached at the hip, only leaving each others sides for a refill or a trip to the loo. By the end of the night when she’d allowed him to drive her home, he walked her to her door with a kiss on the cheek and left with a number written on his palm since he left his phone in the car. On his drive home, he realized that he didn’t even get to say happy birthday to Tom because he was so entranced by this girl he had just met today. 
Harry stared down at his shoes as he contemplated knocking on the door, knowing he had a few minutes to spare. He’d been waiting nervously in his car for about 20 minutes before he worked up the courage to just walk to her door. He cursed himself out in his head before just bringing his fist up to the door thoughtlessly. He smiled at the sound of his date shouting ‘coming!’ through the door, before he heard the lock twist and the door open. Looking up, his breath caught in his throat and he stilled, completely wide eyed. 
She looked unreal. 
“Hi, Harry!” She greeted, pushing a bit on his shoulder to get him out of his trance. He blinked twice to come to his senses, and shook his head a bit before looking at her fully. 
“Hi beautiful, here, um– these are… these are f’you. I didn’t know which flower you liked, so I just got tulips, I hope y’like them, but if you don’t its okay! I jus’ didn’t wanna show up empty handed and come off as rude, I don’t really do this often, and I really like you so I want to do this right, and you look.. Beautiful. But um, yeah.” He ended, voice trailing off at the end. 
“You finished, silly boy?” She giggled, taking the flowers graciously and cradling them in her arms. Harry nodded fast, an embarrassed look on his face. “Well, thank you for the flowers, y’actually got my favorite ones, and the color is beautiful. I don’t think you’re gonna do this wrong either Harry, you’ve got me pretty tied up as it is, too.” 
They made it to the fairgrounds, a bright smile on Harry’s face as he watched her eyes light up at the sight of all of the rides, tents, and the sound of joy in the air. She subconsciously grabbed his hand, leaning into his side as she watched distractedly at everything that was to come. 
Squealing, she looked to Harry before smiling, “I’m so excited right now, you have no idea. I haven’t been to the fair since I was like, 17, and I could cry with how excited I am.” 
“Y’so cute, don’t explode, then I would be all alone! But I’m glad you’re excited, guess I made a good suggestion, yes?”
“Oh, the best.”
The two had walked around a bit, still hand in hand, occasionally stopping past a booth that would catch their (her) attention. She gasped when she saw a photo booth, booking it and dragging Harry along with her. They’d been at the fair for quite some time now, flirtatious comments and loud laughter filled their dialogue. They sat in the booth, Harry inserting his card against YN’s wishes. The timer started, and they both scrambled to hit their first pose.
The first picture was of them smiling, Harry holding up his infamous peace sign. Their grins were big, a gleam in their eyes. In the second picture, they pressed their cheeks together, Y/N with a pout on her full lips as Harry dropped his jaw, mouth open. The third picture rolled around faster than they thought, and they both looked at each other to figure out what their next pose would be. They could hear the booth speakers counting down from 10, and they both locked eyes, mutual understanding of what was about to happen. Harry brought his hand up to grasp the side of her face that was unseen by the camera when they faced each other, their hands coming together in an interlocked hold on her thighs. They leaned in as the countdown got closer to one, a smile encasing their features.
3! 2! 1!
Right as the timer hit one, their lips were connected, albeit a bit strangely from the wide smiles on their lips. The flash was seen behind their closed eyes, a soft smack filling the room as they pulled away. Harry decided he didn’t have enough, and placed, one, two, three more pecks on her unexpecting lips. When he opened his eyes, he saw the most beautiful smile on her now slightly swollen lips, staring at her with moony eyes. 
“C’mon sweet girl, time t’go get our pictures.”  
They walked around a bit more, a new atmosphere around them that trailed them since they kissed in the photo booth. The pictures were now tucked away in a secure pouch that she kept in her tote bag, the two of them coming to the agreement that they never wanted to lose those pictures.
They stopped in front of a large red and white tent, seemingly the most popular and main attraction of the night. He looked down at her and raised an eyebrow, and dragged her in by her arm when she smiled and nodded. They found a place outside of the spotlight on the ground closest to the attraction, trying to find a place where Harry wouldn’t be easily noticed. He hadn’t been found tonight so far, and he was grateful for that, the mask covering his identity. They watched on in awe as the acrobats flew in the air, and gasped when a man got blown out of a red cannon. There were dancers on the ground in blue corsets holding feathers, and the loud music filled their ears, drowning out their laughter. The magician placed his assistant in a box and closed it, performing the magic trick perfectly. The next person to come out was holding a colorful parrot, and was talking to it as he performed tricks. Throughout the night, the acts were pulling audience members from the crowd and performing tricks with them and using them to help with their performances. 
However, the two didn’t know that they would be chosen at all.
“You! In the blue shirt! Come here, hold the parrot! And bring your boyfriend, he can help us too.” The bird tamer called, pointing out Y/N. Her eyes widened, and she looked over at Harry, tugging on the bottom of his shirt, mumbling out an ‘Oh God!’, whining when Harry pushed her up to go hold the bird. She grabbed his hand and took him up with her, laughter bubbling from Harry while YN walked up like a dog with its tail in its legs. The bird flew between the two, the trick ending with the red parrot on Harry’s shoulder. The photographer of the event got their attention, and they both smiled brightly as the flash went off. Almost unnoticeable, but in the bottom middle of the picture, you could see their hands conjoined and squished in the middle of them.
“The date we went on, there were a bunch of different acts but near the end of the show, we both got called up and were messing around with this parrot, which is why I have a parrot on m’shoulder, we have a picture of us with it on me when we went, and all of the same people who performed in the show then were in m’video now, which felt really full circle to me,” A reminiscent smile was on Harry’s face, and anyone who viewed the behind the scenes could tell that he was in love. “After that, though, we walked over to like– a pettin’ zoo sort o’thing, and there were like, baby ponies there and stuff like that, and m’girlfriend, she just freaked. And I mean like, ran over screaming. I asked her after we saw them why she freaked out and she had told me she was an equestrian, so I had the horse in as a nod to her, even though I wrote the whole song that night after I got home.” 
The video then switched to a video on the set, Y/N in a pair of leggings, a crewneck from her hometown covering her torso. In her hands was a reign, a beautiful horse behind her. 
“Hi! I’m Y/F/N, and we’re on the set of the Daylight music video. So, in the video you can see Harry riding a horse, it’s actually the thumbnail, and I’m the one who’s provided it! I work on a farm with a bunch of different animals, but I’m the main equestrian on our farm, which means that I handle all of the horses. But this one right here,” She smiled, turning on her heel to run her hand along the snout of the horse. “This is my baby, her name’s Honey. She’s my first horse and most special, and I thought it would be right if we had her on the set. She’s my best trained horse, and when Harry mentioned that he wanted to have a scene like this in the music video, I was instantly up for it, and now we’ve got my baby here!”
Harry walked over and stood by the camera man, catching her attention and smiling with his bunny teeth, dimples popping out, making her giggle and blush as she tried to continue speaking. “Um, anyways, yeah! Now we’re gonna show you how we trained Harry to ride the horse!” 
The camera turned off and the cameraman threw a thumbs up, making her hook the reign onto the band of her leggings and walk the short distance to Harry. She smiles and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug the best she could. Harry had on a skeleton themed ensemble, and when she pulled back, she giggled.
“Hi, Phoebe Bridgers.” Harry rolled his eyes and breathed a laugh, shaking his head at his girlfriend. 
“Silly girl. Thank you for lettin’ m’use y’horse, I love her, and I love you, so much.” He walked them over back to Honey, who snuffed and pushed her head up into Harry’s hand, who was scratching over her skin. Y/N watched in adoration, pulling out her phone from her waistband to snap a picture. 
Following the release of Daylight, fans lost their minds when Harry posted, leaving nothing to the imagination as the carousel contained a picture of him, a picture of one of the people who played a clown with a cigarette in their mouth, and what made the fans go crazy, a picture captured by Lloyd of Harry and YN next to Honey. Harry had his arms wrapped around her shoulders in a tight hug, half of his face hiding in her hair with a slight smile playing on his lips, YN with a hand on his arms, the other one in Honey’s maine. In the picture, you could see a thick band on Harry’s left ring finger, and a band and engagement ring ensemble on YN’s ring finger. 
harrystyles: Daylight. Out now. 2023.
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redskull199987 · 1 year
All the right Moves
Eskel x female Witcher!reader  Word count:2.4k warnings: canon typical violence, reader is injured, fluff at the end Summary:You´re on your way back to Kaer Morhen together with Eskel, as you run into a Leshy. You knew that something was wrong, as Eskel told you he wouldn't want to travel with you anymore…
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You were hiking so fast, that you could feel your lungs burning inside your chest. Your throat dry from not drinking anything for hours. Your feet were begging you to stop, even just for a minute. But you knew, you couldn't. If you stopped now, he would be dead, once you reached Kaer Morhen. You just had to make it in time. If Eskel died, you would never forgive yourself. His words were still ringing in the back of your head.
“Leave me alone!”, he yelled, as he pushed you away from him. Confused, you looked at the Witcher, who was normally warm and understanding around you. All you had done was touch his shoulder carefully, asking if you could see his injury.“Eskel…are you okay?”, you mumbled, Confusion still written all over your face.
“Just fuck off.”, he cursed under his breath, turning away from him. 
You watched in confusion as he walked away from you, gathering his weapons. He didn't look back at you even once.
Your breath hitched slightly, as you could finally see the silhouette of Kaer Morhen on the Horizon. One or Two hours more and you would reach the old castle. It would be nightfall by then. You finally started to walk again, reaching into your pocket to find the potion, that was the reason why you were so late. You were sure that all the others had already arrived. Geralt and Vesemir probably worrying not only about Eskel, but also wondering why you didn't arrive yet. 
You desperately wished that you weren't so late. But it had taken you longer than expected, to find someone who knew how to make the potion you needed. If it weren't for a mage, who was a good friend of yours, who teleported you near the mountains, where Kaer Morhen was, you would´ve lost several days and Eskel would probably be dead already. But luckily, you were only half a day behind him, which luckily gave you enough time to save him. Or so you hoped. 
“Just fucking leave me alone!”, Eskel screamed at you, after you had finally managed to get a good look at his shoulder.“You´re infected, Eskel!”, you yelled, trying to grab his hand,”If we don´t do something, you will die!”“I am not going to die, so just leave me alone. I don't need you. I never needed you!”, he barked, looking at you with a stern expression. You were taken aback by his words. You knew that he didn't mean it, he didn't know what he was saying. But it still hurt you. 
 Before you could say something more, he was already mounting the horse and running off. You didn't try to follow him. It was worthless. You knew that he would be in Kaer Morhen after you found a potion that would save him. 
You looked at his back one more time, before making your way into the other direction, already knowing who you could ask for help.
A small sigh left your lips,as you finally reached the doors of the keep. You were about to push it open, as the medallion around your neck started shaking. Hastily, you made your way inside. This wasn't the first time this happened today. But this time it was much harsher. 
You didn't see anyone at first. The great hall was completely empty, but you could see plates full of food and tankards filled with ale standing all over the place. Someone was here not long ago. 
Your head shot up, as you heard ruckus coming from the laboratory, seconds later the sound of pots being smashed and tables thrown over. As you finally started running, you could hear a beasty groan. “Fuck.”, you grunted as you heard the voices of Geralt and Vesemir. And as you finally reached the designated room, you peeked through the open door. What you saw almost made you lose your composure.  
Right there, just a few meters in front of you, was Eskel towering over the other two Witchers. But he wasn't himself. Not in the slightest. He had transformed into a wooden beast, his face barely visible, but it was there. 
Mere seconds, after laying your eyes on him, you wanted to storm towards him, but a magical shield was blocking the door. You quickly drew your sword, as you saw what was about to happen. 
Eskel had managed to trap Vesemir, resulting in Geralt lighting up his sword to end it.
As fast as you could, you muttered a spell and lifted your sword. With all your power, you pierced it through the barrier.
You took three big steps, breathing in heavily, knowing that what you were about to do would knock the air out of your lungs. 
And only as you stepped in front of him, lifting your blade to meet his in the air, Geralt had finally noticed your presence. He looked at you perplexed, as your sword clanked against his, the metall hissing from the heat. “What are you doing?”, he asked, not even angry, but genuinely concerned. “You're not going to take him away from me!”, you claimed, as Geralt slowly lowered his sword.
“Please just trust me!”, you urged the white wolf. He only nodded at you, as you quickly turned around, grabbing the small potion from your pocket.
“Eskel?!?!”, you yelled as loud as you could. The beast-turned Man quickly turned around, upon hearing your voice. Vesemir, who had previously been choked, fell to the ground, coughing. “Take care of him!”, you ordered Geralt, who was able to quickly make his way over to the older Witcher, since Eskel´s attention was all on you now. 
“Here goes nothing.”, you muttered under your breath, as you felt a branch pierce through your shoulder. You yelped, as you were lifted into the air, more branches wrapping around your body. You were pushed against a wall, as Eskel leaned closer to you.
“Y/N”, he sputtered, his eyes scanning your form. 
“It's me, Eskel.”, you affirmed, slowly bringing the potion to your mouth to rip the cork off, “You´re going to be alright, my love. Don´t worry.”
Eskel was about to answer, but no words left his mouth, he was just staring at you. You quickly realized that this was your chance, as he was momentarily confused. You lifted your arm, as best as you could and threw the small bottle of potion right into his mouth. He choked on it for a second, not comprehending what had just happened. “I'm sorry in advance.”, you quickly mumbled, before lifting your foot and kicking him in the jaw, in order to make him swallow the potion. 
Your breath hitched for a second, as you didn´t know what was going to happen. Would it work? Would he live?
As you fell to the ground with a grunt, you were pretty sure that it was working. Grabbing your bleeding shoulder, you quickly backed off, as Eskel started to squirm around, an angry scream leaving his lips.
“Y/N?!”, Geralt yelled, as he tried to reach you, but Eskel´s branches were throwing a tantrum, swinging all around the hall.
“Please just work.”, you prayed, but suddenly, all movement stopped. The room was silent for a second, before all the wood surrounding you suddenly started  corroding. You watched with wide eyes, how all the branches coming out of Eskel slowly crumbled away all the way up to his body.  He had stopped moving for a second, but as you stood up and called out for him, the wooden exoskelett rumbled to life. You heard cracking and wood breaking and seconds later, you saw Eskel´s Human body falling out of what looked like a tree stump now.
"Eskel!", you gasped and leaped forward just in time to catch him. His body weight pulled you down with him. He was still unconscious, as you slowly turned him around, resting his head on your lap. Just now, you took a good look at him. His entire body was covered in dirt. Vines and leaves had grown in and around his clothes. The only thing untouched, was his Witcher medallion.
“He´s alive.”
You looked up at Geralt and Vesemir who were now standing in front of you. Vesemir was still leaning on Geralt for support, but apart from that he seemed fine to you.
“You saved his life”, Geralt added. All you could do was nod. Your emotions were slowly coming to the surface now and you realized that you could´ve lost him today. But here he was, laying in your arms unconsciously. 
"Come on.” , Vesemir  patted your shoulder, kneeling down next to you,”Let's get him fixed up. We´ll take care of this”, he lifted his hand to gesture around the completely destroyed room,”later, alright?”
You just nodded again, stepping aside, as Geralt and Vesemir proceeded to lift Eskel up to carry him to his room. As the other Witchers ran into you, you promised them an explanation , but for now, you needed to look after Eskel.
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Your eyes kept falling shut over and over again, as you lay in a chair in front of Eskel´s bed. It had been a few hours since you managed to cure him from the infection. He hadn't woken up since. You tried to stay awake but sleep was gnawing at you, like a hungry aeschna.
“Sorry? Are you Y/N?”
Your eyes opened once more, as you looked over to the door to see who had come to visit you. A young girl was standing in the doorway. Her long blond hair was slightly disheveled and the bottom of her white dress was dirty and ripped open.
“You must be the child surprise.”, you stated, after getting up and bidding her inside.
“Cirilla of Cintra.”, she smiled, as she stepped inside,”Geralt sent me to give you this. He said it would help with your exhaustion.”
You looked at her curiously, as she handed you a small bottle of potion. You gingerly took it and inspected it´s contents. After recognizing the mixture, you quickly downed it in one sip. Mere seconds after, you already felt it working. Your eyes didn´t feel as heavy anymore and your limbs stopped aching a bit.
“Thank you Cirilla.”, you finally said and gifted the young girl a soft smile.  
She only nodded and was about to leave, as you gently grabbed her wrist. She turned around perplexed.
You cleared your throat once more, before finally speaking again:”Geralt told me that…that Eskel was a bit rude with you, upon arriving here at Kaer Morhen.”
“He wasn't exactly the nicest.”, she admitted after you finally let go of her hand.
“I want to apologize for his behavior”, you sighed, rubbing your neck,”He isn't usually like this. He didn't even let me touch him, after he was injured. This infection…it did something to him, changed him.”
Cirilla didn't say anything, but instead stepped closer to the bed, Eskel was lying in. She inspected him carefully, her eyes wandering over his exhausted body. 
“I really hope that he will wake up again. I would like to meet the real Eskel.”, she uttered and turned around to you with a smile. “Yeah, me too.”, you mumbled weakly. You were really missing your soft Witcher. The way he always smiled at you with his big eyes, the way his hands felt on your skin, his lips on yours, his gentle voice, as he mumbled sweet nothing into your ear in the early mornings. You just wanted him to wake up again.
“Hey?”, Ciri asked, pulling you out of your thoughts. She must have noticed how shaken up you were, “He'll be alright. You saved him, right?”
You only nodded, slowly petting her shoulder:”You should go to sleep now. It's late and you must be tired, after all this ruckus.”
“You should get some sleep too.”, she smiled softly before leaving the room. You threw one last glance her way, before the door finally closed and the room was silent again.
At least for a few moments.
Your head shot up, as you heard groaning coming from the bed. That could only mean one thing: Eskel was awake.
You quickly made your way over to the bed and you would be lying if you said, your heart didn't skip a beat. There he was. He was alive and well. His heartbeat going steady and his breath a little shallow, but also very much there. 
As he looked up and his eyes landed on you, you couldn't hold yourself back any longer. you stepped forward, kneeling down on the side of the bed, your arms pulling Eskel into a massive hug.
“Woah there, bug. It's alright, I'm here.”, Eskel affirmed, as you buried your face  in his shoulder,”I'm here with you.” 
“Yeah”, you sniffled, a few lonely tears rolling down your cheeks. You finally parted to get a good look at him. Frankly, he still looked unbelievably tired. Dark circles were prominent under his eyes and you noticed that he moved with a bit of discomfort. “What happened, bug?”, he suddenly asked you, now fully sitting up against the headrest.
“The leshy.”, you mumbled, reaching out for his hand. He gladly intertwined his fingers with yours. “It infected you, after we fought against it.”
“Fuck, I think I remember now.”, he hissed,”I'm so sorry. The things I said, I did. I was such an arsehole, wasn´t I?”
“Well, Ciri certainly thinks so.”, you chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. But Eskel didn't laugh. Instead he lifted his hand to softly grasp your cheek. He gently wiped away your tears, but new ones were already coming, upon feeling his soft touch again.
“I am sorry.”, he said firmly,”Thank you for saving my ass.” “Of course.”, you assured,”I would do anything for you. I love you.” “I love you, bug”, Eskel mumbled, pulling you back into his chest. A small sigh left your lips, after settling against his body. You finally allowed yourself to rest, after so many hours of being completely on edge. Eskel was alive. You did, in fact, save him. 
“Rest.”, you heard him whisper into your ear, as he pulled you closer to his body. His warmth spreading welcoming you, after he pulled the blanket over you.
“You deserve it.”
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skzxlevanter · 2 years
when their s/o is not used to physical touch
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ot8 x gn!reader
notes: mentioning of food, fluff, kinda established relationship
gifs belong to their original owners!!
a/n: i haven´t written in this format for a while but i hope you enjoy! if you did, please consider reblogging :))
not proofread!
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you and chan were finally spending a cozy evening together after weeks of chan being busy and you being occupied by studying. the two of you had been texting frequently, but it wasn´t the same as feeling his presence besides you. the couch table in front of you was decorated with all types of snacks as you and chan were laying on the couch, looking for a film to watch together.
as you finally settled down on watching howl´s moving castle, you suddenly felt a hand wrapping around your waist and pulling you close. you didn´t really know what to do, tensing up immediately and getting extremely nervous. but the attentive boyfriend he is, chan noticed your discomfort right away, looking at you with concern written all over his face.
"is everything alright?" he asked, trying to understand your sudden behaviour. "yeah it´s just that-" you answered, taking a deep breath inbetween "i´ve just never really been hugged you know".
chans mouth turned into an o-shape, while he nodded understandingly, loosening his grip on you as soon as he heard what you said. "uhm but that was actually kinda nice, so if you don´t mind can we....cuddle a bit....?" you asked, a bit embarassed by your question, but chan immediately pulled you into his side again, his hand wrapping around your torso to hold you close again.
"but if you´re feeling uncomfortable you have to say it, alright?"
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you were cooking as you heard the frontn door open, shortly followed by a ´hi, i´m home and the sound of your boyfriend putting his bags down on the floor. you greeted him back, yelling a soft "hey" back before you heard minho approaching you in the kitchen. "how was your day?" you asked, your eyes meeting his for a split second before returning back to stiring the soup in front of you. "okay," he answered, taking a quick look over your shoulder to take a look at what you´re doing.
you were about to turn around as you suddenly felt minho wrapping his arms around you and nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck, pressing a soft kiss on your exposed shoulder. and as much as you wanted to enjoy the warmth of your lover you couldn´t help but freeze at his touch. minho did´t really think much into at first, thinking you were just a bit startled by him, but as he noticed that you still didn´t move after a few seconds he grew worried and let go of you, carefully turning you around to face you, scanning if everything is alright.
"i´m sorry i just panicked for a second - it´s just that i can´t remember the last time someone held me like that and it kinda scares me sometimes" you explained, scared of minhos reaction. but he just smiled at you reassuringly, now piecing all the things that had happened in the past together. It now made total sense that all the times when you had shyed away from his touch you were genuinely scared, and it made sense that you barely initiated physical touch at all, which he just noticed now.
"but is it okay if i still hug you?", he asks carefully, not wanting to pressure you into anything you don´t want. " you laughed in relief, pressing a short kiss to his lips. "I´d actually really love that, i´m sure i will get used to it someday"
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"there you are!", you happily exclaimed as a black car with its windows rolled down stopped in front of you, changbin excitedly peeking out the window and greeting you with a big smile. you opened the door and hopped in the passenger seat, changbin pressing a quick kiss on your cheek before you tightened your seatbelt and were ready to go.
the sun was setting already, golden sunbeams painting the landscape and everthing around in a soft gold. you looked over to changbin who had his eyes trained on the road until he noticed you staring at him which he returned with another small smile. "just a few more minutes and we´re there" he said, setting the blinker to take a turn at the next crossing. your eyes flew over the gorgeous sight in front of you, taking it all in with the soft wind from the barely opened window hitting your face.
then, out of nowhere, you felt a hand gripping your thigh, making you flinch and the car comes to an immediate stop at the side of the road. "are you okay??? did i hurt you???" changbin blurts out, concern overtaking his soft features, while checking if you were somehow injured anywhere. he started uttering random,inaudible words obvoiusly panicked. "changbin" you tried to calm him down, and he finally went silent and looked up to you again.
"you didn´t hurt me at all, i promise....you just caught me off guard, that is all" changbin stayed quiet for a few more moments, taking in your words. "is that really everything?" he finally answered, doubting your explaination. "well I- uh" you stuttered "I just didn´t expect you to touch me like that you know..."
"oh" he nodded, slowly undersdtanding, "but is it okay if i do that, you know, as my partner, i´d really love to hold you close, but only if you really want me to"
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it was late at night and the two of you were on your way home after a successful date at a very fancy restaurant, time flying faster than you expected, which is why hyunjin invited you to stay over at his dorm. at first you denied his offer, but he didn´t want you to walk home alone, especially because it was so dark already and there was no way of him taking the risk that something could happen to you. so you finally gave in and followed him home.
the other boys were sleeping already while chan was still out in the studio, so the two of you had your space and you could sneak in without any awkward encouters with the other members. hyunjin gave you some of his clothes so you could sleep comfortably and just a few moments later you both were laying in hyunjins bed, cuddled up in the soft sheets.
there was a comfortable silence, the room being filled with soft breathing, before hyunjin decided to turn around to face you. his eyes scanned over your features, lingering on your lips for a few seconds before meeting your eyes again. you could feel your heart pounding as hyunjin lifted his hand to softly pull away the strands of hair that were falling onto your face. you closed your eyes at the sensation as you enjoyed the moment, the anxiety being overtaken by comfort.
"hyunjin...could you do that again?" you pleaded, causing hyunjin to giggle quietly. "do you mean playing with your hair?" a fainted blush appeared on your face as you could clearly hear the surprise in his voice. "yeah, i think it's actually really nice"
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when you agreed to help jisung with his weekly cleaning session, you didn´t expect him to be that noisy and energetic. han was constantly dancing around with the broom rather than actually cleaning the floor, annoyingly singing to songs and somehow still hitting the highnotes in addition. you just giggled to yourself and turning back to cleaning, even though you had to say that you enjoyed his little show.
you were wiping down the counter in the kitchen, being careful to not miss a spot when you suddenly heard steps coming up behind you. In surprise, you turned around and came to face han, who was already standing closer than you had thought. your breath got caught in your throat as he suddenly leaned in, pressing his soft lips on yours, wrapping his arms around you to lift you up an seat you onto the counter.
you were totally taken aback, not expecting the boldness of his moves while he continued pressing kisses along your jawline, slowly travelling down to your neck. tears were starting to gather at the brick of your eyes, the unfamiliarity overtaking the sensation with gowing anxiety. "han....han" you stumbled out, tapping his shoulders while carefully pushing you away from him to stop him. he immediately stopped his actions, looking up to see your teared-up face, causing him to take as step back. "I´m sorry..was i too fast i just-" he stammered, looking at you like you were going to break.
you nodded looking down to the ground, being ashamed that you couldn´t handle it. "hey" han said firmly while lifting up your chin to makek eye contact. "I´ll love you no matter what, and I´ll wait till you´re ready, i promise"
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since felix finally got some time off work, he was more than eager to take you on a proper date again. he had everything planned out, driving you to the beach, followed up with a bike tour through the area, stoping inbetween to get ice cream. and now, that it was slowly getting colder and darker, he pulled out a picnic blanket to lay down at a cozy spot on the beach with you.
the wind was hitting your face, making you shiver. you looked up at the night sky and you are greeted by thousands of glowing stars, illuminating the sky together with the moon. you were in complete awe, your heart feeling warm and fulfilled even tho you had to admit that you were kinda freezing. looking to the side, you can see felix looking up at the stars with a big content smile,, freckles full on display.
but he quickly noticed your stare, turning his head towards you and giving you an even bigger smile. "even the stars can´t compete with your beauty, you know" felix whispered, taking one quick glance at the stars before looking right back at you. you giggled out loud, being amused from his cheesy behaviour when another shiver goes down your spine.
"are you cold?" felix asked in which you replied with a nod. and then, in a blink of an eye he shifted his body, tightly hugging you so that your face hits his chest slowly, faintly making out the sounds of his heartbeat. " felix. i- uhm.. you´re crushing me" you squeezed out trying to get out of his grip. "but i need to keep you warm" he insists, when you feel your anxiety boiling up more and more. "felix please- i´m getting a bit overwhelmed here" you blurted out causing him to let you go immediately. "oh i´m sorry- please always say when you´re unconftable immediate- i don´t want you to feel like than" was all he said before asking you to return home, so you can warm up properly.
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"seungmin!!!!look at this super cute puppy!!!!" you exciredly exclaimed as you were running up to the claw maschine in the corner of the arcade, admiring the stuffed pets inside. "can you please try to get me one... please" you begged as he slowly approached after you. "you know that these are rigged all the time...why don´t you try it yourself?" he cocked an eyebrow at you, looking at you wit a scruntinizing look.
"but you know that i suck at these" you whined, tucking at his hoodie impatiently. "okay fine i´ll try. but only one try, then we´ll get going" he gave in, searching for a coin in his pocket. when he finally found one, he put it into the maschine followed by a click by the maschine. he then tried his luck, looking extremely concentrated.
he steers the gripper to the place where the puppy lies, now freezinng to see if he did it-the claw went down, grapping the puppy and....he actually made it. seungmin throws one o f his hands up nin the air in victory, turning around in excitement and wrapping his arm around you without thinking about it, causing you to freeze.
your excitement was washed away with doubt, your mind feeling as if it was to explode. seungmin noticed your discomfort, gazing down to you as in to check if you were okay. "minnie- this is a bit close..." you admitted, giving him an apologetic look "it´s really nice but quite...a lot...i´m just not very used to-" you were interrupted by seungmin holding the puppy in front of you.
"that´s totally fine don´t worry, besides that, you can hug this guy now instead"
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you really didn´t plan on dancing together wit jeongin, but when you came arlier then expected, he insisted on teaching you some of the dance moves so he can ´practise them better´. but so far, you were mostly struggling, not very used to dancing and raather awkwardly moving. jeongin watched you for a while, trying to hold back his laughter but failing miserably.
"i´m sorry babe but this looks like something totally different" he giggled walking up to you. he stood right besides you, showing you the steps one more time while monotoring himself and also you in the mirror of the dance studio. "this already looks much better" he exclaimed happily "but maybe try putting your arm more...here" he said while correcting the posture of your arm, standing extremly close behind you, causing your heart to pound like crazy. you couldn´t hide the growing blush on your cheeks, exhailing sharply after unknowingly holding your breath.
"everything alright?" jeongin asked you, making you snap out of your daze. you nodded, but your body betraieed you by the way it was stiffening under his touch, making it more than clear that something was wrong.
"hey y/n, if it is too much, you have to say it, okay?"
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
so many birthdays and stuff lately, but i barely have the time to write,, but i hope you enjoyed nevertheless.
take care!!
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
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softxsuki · 3 years
Hiii for your Valentine's day event I'd like to request a letter for Denki x Fem!reader where Denki confesses his crush to the reader (he calls her Sparks) which is also his best friend and he's scared she might reject him and never be friends with him again make it a bit angsty with a really fluffy edit other info: both of them are still in high school so it would be extremely cute if denki asked mina who's reader's bestie for some advice 🖤🖤🖤
Kaminari's Confession Letter To His Best Friend
Valentine's Day Letter Event Masterlist (CLOSED)
Pairing: Kaminari x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Genre: Fluff
Post-Type: Letter
Word Count: 600
Summary: In which Mina helps Denki write and deliver his confession letter to you for Valentine's Day
[A/N: Hey, Happy Valentine's Day! I love Denki and Mina as besties, so cute. Hope you enjoy this letter! ]
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“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Kaminari asks his pink friend with hesitation.
“Of course, women love these kinds of things. I would die if the guy I liked wrote down his feelings for me in a letter, especially if it was on Valentine’s Day. This is gonna be so perfect Denki, you’ll see.” Mina squeals, excited that both of her friends would finally acknowledge their feelings towards each other as she was your number one shipper.
“Okay you give it to her, I’ll just watch from here and if it looks like she responded well then I’ll walk over,” Kaminari states with determination.
“You wimp,” Mina sighs, “Fine, give it here.”
Kaminari hands her the letter which she snatches and confidently walks up to where you were seated in the common area talking to Momo. He watches as Mina says something to you and hands you the letter before pointing in his direction. Your eyes meet his own and you send him a smile and wave, making Kaminari screech and hide out of your view.
You laugh at his reaction and open the letter as you begin reading the words he had written for you;
I feel stupider than usual sitting here and writing this letter with Mina breathing down my neck as she gives me pointers, so if anything sounds odd in this letter it's her fault.
Sparks, you’re my best friend and that’s something that I never want to change, but for a while now I’ve felt different, more intense feelings towards you. You can call it infatuation, a crush, love (maybe), or whatever, but I feel something more than friends feel for each other. All I know is that your smile and the sound of your laughter makes me so happy. I feel giddy whenever I see you and I find myself thinking about you before going to bed at night. I have dreams where I can finally call you my girlfriend where we’re hugging and kissing, going out on dates together, but still being the best of friends as we enjoy the perks of what couples do.
We’re both still young and we have plenty of time to figure things out, but I know how I feel and I’d be an idiot if I went any longer without telling you. So would you do me the honor of first being my Valentine as it is Valentine’s Day today. Hopefully if you feel the same way, then we can see where today leads us. I may be an idiot, but I know exactly what I want and how I feel; and right now, I want–no…I need you.
Your Future Man,
Kaminari Denki.
You were baffled by the words Kaminari used to express his interest in you, but relief filled your body as you now knew that you weren’t alone in your feelings.
You thank Mina for the letter and jump to your feet as they take you to the spot where you had seen the chaotic blond before reading his letter.
“That was sweet.”
“Was it really!?” Kaminari’s head appears from around the corner.
“Mhm and lucky for you I’ve been crushing on you for a while as well,” he states matter-of-factly.
You sit on the ground next to him, “So I’ll be yours.”
He yells in excitement, thanking Mina before jumping to his feet and dragging you along behind him as he wanted to do a bunch of couple things for Valentine's Day, like buy you flowers or chocolate or eat food.
Get ready for a very exciting relationship with him.lol.
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Posted: 2/14/2022
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btswrckd · 4 years
Hunting a Hybrid VI
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Black Panther!Hybrid Jungkook x Fem!Reader
Summary:  Four years after it’s made illegal to acquire hybrids as pets, you’re  approached by the daughter of your former employer to hunt down one that  had been gifted to her
Warnings: violence, mentions of past abuse, mentions of blood, slight fluff, angst, poorly written smut
A/N: It’s here! I apologize for taking so long and truthfully, this chapter isn’t as well edited as I wanted it to be, but it’s been so long since I updated and the longer I waited, the more guilty I felt for not getting on my own ass and continue writing. I actually wrote more than this but it’s not polished enough for me to add on. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy!
Oh, and the songs I listened to while writing were Heaven Help Me by RAIGN, Inside of Me by RAIGN, the Eric Lee Gravity Remix of Unsteady by X Ambassadors, and Walk Through the Fire by Zayde Wolf
The wet smell of dirt invaded your nostrils, making you scrunch up your nose in discomfort. Allergies were a bitch but Sangchul didn’t sympathize with your stuffy nose and pounding headache. A sharp hiss  escaped you as your grandfather tightened the blindfold around your head with more force than necessary. The added pressure against your temple made your eye twitch and your fingers curl into tight fists. 
“The comfort and ease of having all of your senses is a privilege, not a right. Some people have all of them, some people only have a few and must learn to adapt to the world around them.” Sangchul rasped as he stepped in front of you. “You may have all of them but what happens when some of the most important ones are taken away? Come at me.”
The urge to roll your eyes was great but what was the point when he couldn’t see you do it? Defying Sangchul was not a smart decision and years of punishment for the smallest of things should have taught you to know better. But defying him also gave you a sense of pride knowing that no matter how deep his claws ran, it wasn’t enough to have complete and total control over you. 
You huffed and lunged toward his voice but found yourself landing flat on your face. He was quick for an old bastard but he’d also had more training and experience than you did. You stood slowly and listened for the barest hint of where Sangchul may be but so far the only thing that caught your ear was your own heavy breathing. Birds chirped, the wind whipped against the trees, leaves fell to the ground, and somewhere a twig snapped in two.
You whirled around, thrusting your fist into what you hoped was your grandfather’s face but he gripped your wrist tight and used his other hand to land a swift jab to your stomach. It was quick and painful, leaving you to double over and dry heave as you tried to catch your breath. Sangchul was strong despite looking fragile, and that strength was made known every time you trained.
He didn’t give you the time to recover, instead moving to land a heavy kick to your rib cage. You coughed and lifted yourself with one arm while the other wrapped around your torso. The sound of his boot leaving the ground once more gave you the chance to gauge how far he stood from you, but you hadn’t realized how close to a tree he’d cornered you. Your back hit the trunk so hard that it knocked the air from your lungs and Sangchul was shoving his steel toed boot into your windpipe. You gasped for air but he kept you pinned, pressing on your neck until you were sure you’d pass out. One of your hands curled around his ankle, desperate to pry his foot away as your other hand tapped against his calf in surrender so he’d let you go. Neither of which happened. 
“You have two free hands, you moron.” Sangchul’s voice was calm as if he weren’t about to choke his granddaughter to death. “You want to live? Then fight.”
Air was becoming minimal and your already obscured vision was beginning to darken. There was always a small part of you that knew your grandfather would some day kill you, but here and now would not be the time. Your nails sunk into the fabric of Sangchul’s pants deep enough to break through to his skin and he hissed as you raked your nails up his calf, slicing and marring the flesh as you went. You weren’t allowed a knife or any kind of weapon when in training so you had to improvise, tearing at Sangchul like a wild animal until he was forced to remove his boot from your neck. You slumped to the ground and gulped in as much air as you could, gasping and coughing until your throat was raw and burning. Prying off the blindfold, you looked up to Sangchul with murderous intent. 
“You son of a bitch!” You sobbed, frustration and pent up tears surfacing without your permission. “What the hell is the matter with you?! You were really trying to kill me!”
“I was teaching you, you ungrateful brat!” He roared back, clutching at his injured leg. He lifted the leg of his pants and clenched his jaw at the blood trickling down his calf. “Where is it? Where’s your knife?!”
“I don’t have one,” you panted as tears rolled down your cheeks and you swallowed another sob threatening to wrack your body. 
“Bullshit!” Sangchul seethed before limping towards you and crouching down to grab at your already sore throat, forcing you to your feet. “The rules are no weapons during training, Y/N! You expect me to believe this kind of damage was done with just your fucking nails?”
You clawed at his arm, but the lack of strength and breath  wasn’t nearly as harmful as the adrenaline filled attack from earlier. You kicked your leg out as a last ditch effort to push him back, landing a surprisingly solid hit to his gut and he stumbled back. You weren’t sure what came over you or what kind of games your own body was playing, but there was enough left in you to tackle him to the ground. Using one knee to pin Sangchul’s bicep to the ground and the other knee to pin his wrist down, you raised your fist high in the air and brought it down across his face three times before he was fighting back. 
Sangchul pushed against your frame, rolling atop you and taking hold of your neck once more to keep you in place while he delivered blow after blow to your stomach more so than your face. The metallic taste of blood coating his gums fueled every punch and became the driving force behind the final hit to your cheekbone. He stood over you ruthlessly as you groaned and turned on your side to painfully curl into a ball, blood gathering on the corner of your mouth. 
“Your father might not have been as talented as you’ve become at hunting but he was never stupid enough to go against me either. You must get that from your mother.” Sangchul used the back of his hand to wipe away the blood gathered on his own lips and spat globs of it on the ground. “Get up and find your way back to the house or lay out here all night and freeze to death.”
Mud, tears, and blood stuck to the side of your face that now sported a broken cheekbone as you listened to his retreating footsteps. A heavy moan sliced the otherwise quiet air and it took you a moment to realize the sound came from your own mouth. You could already feel the bruises forming on your torso and wondered if he’d broken a couple of ribs. Taking in a sharp breath only made the pain worse and another wail shook the trees, scattering the birds that had witnessed your beating. 
You were unaware of how long you stayed on the ground, but it was dark by the time you managed to gather enough resistance to the ache in your bones before carefully standing up. You limped slowly through the desolate woods that only your grandfather could navigate and found yourself at his home almost the next morning. He stood with crossed arms and a cruel smirk on his lips, leaning against the door frame and greeting you casually. He took in your disheveled state, from your torn up pants and shirt to the swollen welt on your cheek.
“Well,” Sangchul chuckled as your body shook with the attempt to keep yourself standing, “I honestly didn’t expect you to make it back. It would take your father days before he recovered from his lessons. Your strength comes from your will to live, Y/N, and your father didn’t have enough of it. Let’s not make yesterday a regular occurrence. I’d hate to have to kill you before you’’ve reached your full potential.”
“Blood,” Jungkook breathed, dropping his chopsticks to his plate and standing from the couch quickly. His sudden outburst made Seokjin jump in his seat before he was up and trailing closely behind Jungkook. 
“Does it smell familiar?” Seokjin questioned. If it was your blood then he wanted to be prepared for how Jungkook may react.
“No,” The panther scrunched his nose up in disgust, “It’s not a lot either, it’s faint. It’s not Y/N’s.”
His senior huffed out a breath of relief, placing his palm against his chest and letting his posture sag a little. The tension in his shoulders was long gone by the time they made it to Taehyung’s apartment, Jungkook stopping at the foot of the door. Seokjin pulled his eyebrows together in confusion before he heard the muffled conversation.
“Holy shit, you should have seen it!” Hoseok was giddly explaining the fight to Taehyung, whose arms were crossed and glare focused solely on you. “She beat the shit out of them! And scared Suho! I mean he pretty much pissed his pants!”
“Hobi,” Yoongi interrupted his friend with a pat on his shoulder, nodding to a decidedly unamused Taehyung and your sheepish face as you bowed your head in apology for getting into another fight. “Maybe spare the details, okay?”
“Oh, right,” Hoseok flushed; he hadn’t meant to get caught up in the excitement but he’d only ever heard stories of your fighting skills and barely caught a glimpse of them when the fight broke out with Xiumin and Kai.
“Are you out of your mind?” Taehyung hissed after Hoseok finally calmed down, bracing his hands on the kitchen table and leaning over to scold you like a parent would a child. “You were only supposed to meet with the detective, not start a brawl with Suho and his men. You said you didn’t need backup so I let you go alone and now you’re in our kitchen covered in someone else’s blood. You know there’s a hybrid upstairs right now who’s probably already caught on to your scent and he’s going to come rushing down here any second to check on you. I don’t need a pissed off panther busting down our front door because you’re too stubborn to let anyone help!”
Yoongi and Hoseok exchanged a surprised glance, neither of them ever hearing Taehyung lecture you as harshly as he had been in that moment. Yoongi whistled low as Hoseok looked to the ground in hopes of avoiding Taehyung’s wrath after expressing how much he admired your skills. Yoongi wasn’t all that surprised to find that you didn’t even bat an eye at your friend; you’ve obviously gone through this argument before.
“Are you done?” You sighed, standing from your seat at the table to head for the sink and run your hands underneath hot water. Scrubbing at the blood staining your knuckles, you hissed at the cuts lining them and cursed at the thought of your hand swelling. “Jungkook isn’t going to come down here. In case you’ve forgotten, he hates me right now so I don’t think you need to worry about that, Tae. It wasn’t like I was looking for Suho, he came to me so what was I supposed to do? Let him and his men beat the hell out of me?”
“That’s not what I’m saying,” Taehyung argued, “I’m---.”
“It’s not like I’m proud of what happened today,” You interrupted him, shoulders dropping. “It wasn’t exactly fun to use Suho’s trauma against him. You think I don’t remember what I did to him? How twisted I used to be?”
Taehyung opened his mouth to disagree but the beeping of the keypad caught his attention, the door swung open as Seokjin stepped inside with Jungkook behind him. Everyone stilled as the panther came into view, your back still facing him at the kitchen sink. 
You could feel Jungkook in the apartment. The pull of his mark was so intense that you were tempted to throw yourself in his arms. You sighed as you felt a headache coming on stronger than usual but addressed Taehyung, “you could have gotten killed that night and I admit, the way I handled it bordered on unhinged. When I hurt Suho, he was just a new hunter looking to make a name for himself and because of what I did...I made him who he is. I’m not proud of it, Taehyung, and running into him today just reminded me of the kind of person I used to be.”
Jungkook’s spine straightened as you finally turned to face him, locking eyes with him as he listened when you said, “I used to be a lot worse than what I am now, Jungkook. You may think Suho is just another idiotic hunter but the truth is that I did that to him. No hunter comes without a story and Suho? I’m his.”
“Y/N,” Seokjin put his hand on the younger man’s shoulder and gave him a comforting squeeze, “now might not be the best time.”
“You marked me, Jungkook,” You continued, stepping away from the sink and towards him, “we’re bonded and that was something you chose for us. You can hate me all you want because let’s be real, I deserve it. But everything I’ve done was to keep myself alive and then when Tae came along...he was my priority.”
Taehyung’s eyes softened when he saw the tears building in your own, threatening to fall with each step you took towards the hybrid. True, when he first met you the friendship was rocky, the ice in your veins making it difficult to gain your trust. He remembered when he finally broke through the wall you’d built and he became the most important person to you. He also remembered the night Suho had made a mistake and you nearly tore his head off for being incompetent.
“And then you,” Your broken whisper to Jungkook made Yoongi’s heart ache at how fragile you seemed compared to a few hours ago, “when you came to me, I knew there was nothing I wanted more than to protect you. So I reined a lot of myself in because I didn’t want to scare you. Last night when I said I’d always be a hunter...it was because I didn’t want to lie to you anymore. Hunting is who I am and yes, I’m scared of what could happen when this is all over. I’m going out of my fucking mind trying to figure out how...who I’ll be if I won’t be a hunter. I’m nothing without it but when you came into my life, being happy was the first thing that came to mind and you were right when you said I didn’t know how to handle it.”
Jungkook hadn’t noticed he’d been crying until you reached out to wipe his tears away, his cheek turning into the palm of your hand and his eyes falling shut. The ache in his chest grew larger the more you spoke, the pain becoming too much until finally, you touched him. Your fingers gliding along his cheek soothed him and the agony in his heart. 
You gasped when he pulled you into his chest, arms embracing your frame to his tightly as you buried your face into his shirt. You could feel his hot tears sticking to your skin when he nuzzled into the crook of your neck. His body trembled in your hold much like Suho’s had earlier but this was for an entirely different reason, his gasping breaths flooding you with guilt that you’d made him feel so awful.
“Please stop being mad at me,” You whispered, fingers twisting the fabric of his shirt, “I can’t...be away from you.”
Jungkook could only squeeze you tighter and nod silently. He couldn’t be apart from you either and even though it had only been a day, he felt as though it had been an eternity since he last saw you. His hands slipped beneath the hem of your shirt, fingers digging into the flesh of your hips to keep you pinned to him. Holding you close felt like he could finally breathe again, his large frame slumping in your arms as his body betrayed him and let everyone in the room know just how exhausted he was.
One of your hands slid up the length of his chest to run your fingers through his long hair while the other wrapped around his broad shoulders. A relieved sigh escaped as you found yourself relaxing in Jungkook’s hold, the tension in your neck finally gone.
“Can I?” Jungkook mumbled into your neck, his lips brushing against the mark and canines tracing along it. The desperate need to freshen his claim clawed at his insides, especially with the faint smell of Suho all over you. Admittedly, he was planning on reclaiming you as it was, pissed at you or not, because he hated the smell of another man on your clothes and skin.
“Not here,” You blushed and tucked your face further into his chest, knowing full well that he could hear the blood rushing to your cheeks.
“Why not?” He nibbled on your skin as if prepping it for the sting of his teeth.
“Because we’re here!” Yoongi interrupted with a gagging noise so convincing that you had to jump back to see if he actually puked all over the floor. His joke, but not really a joke, serving as a reminder that you were not alone in the apartment. 
“Dinner?” Seokjin suggested loudly, face flushed and eyes boring into the floor. If anyone in the apartment knew just how intimate marking could get, it was him. He’s married to a hybrid, after all, and the times his wife reclaimed him often led to a night of passion so intense that they would forget they weren’t alone in the house and their daughter was just two doors down. 
“God, please!” Taehyung scrambled for his shoes and quickly shoved his feet into them. “I’m starving!”
“You were home all day and you didn’t cook anything to eat?” Hoseok scolded but was just as quick to throw on his own shoes and dash out the door.
“We’ll bring you something back,” Seokjin offered since going out for Jungkook wasn’t an option and figured it would do some good to leave the two of you alone. He shoved Yoongi to the door while the younger struggled against him, reluctant to leave you with Jungkook after your last night alone ended in disaster. “Come on, Yoongi, they’ll be fine.”
“But I—-AGH!” Yoongi yelped as he tripped over his own feet and nearly face planted in his attempt to get away from Seokjin.
When silence filled the apartment, Jungkook went back to laving at your neck with renewed vigor now that there was no one to interrupt. He heard the breathless call of his name but couldn’t really be bothered to fully understand what you were trying to say. 
The heat of his palms sliding underneath your shirt left goosebumps on your skin, a shiver running down your spine. His teeth nipped at the sensitive skin of your neck as his hands travelled lower and lower, stopping briefly to squeeze the cheeks of your ass, and cupping the backs of your thighs to lift you onto the kitchen counter. Leaning back on your elbows, you laughed as Jungkook followed and loomed over your entire body.
“As sexy as this is,” You joked and smiled fondly at the twitching of his ears, “the marble of the counter is cold as hell, Kook, so maybe the bedroom…”
Jungkook was hauling you off the counter before you could even finish the sentence, your arms and legs clinging to his body, winding tight as he pressed your back to the wall instead. His eyes lit up that beautiful shade of emerald you came to love, irides slitting in true cat form and his canines elongating. The sharp prick of said canines made you squeak as they pierced your skin, a sound he seemed to take quite a liking to. 
“Oh,” You breathed, grinding against his crotch in a desperate search for friction. One hand tangled in his long hair while the other pulled at the button and zipper of his jeans until you were able to snake your hand inside. 
Jungkook groaned against your throat at the feel of your fingers wrapping around his length. He pulled away to lean his forehead on your shoulder, fingers gripping your thighs and parting them further to press against you even more. “Tell me, Y/N,” He whispered against your skin, “who is this I smell on you?”
“That answer depends on how pissed off you’ll get,” You laughed sharply at the feel of his claws poking out to grab at the muscle of your thighs possessively. “Judging by your claws, I’d say very.”
He growled out, using one hand to snatch yours from his jeans and pin it to the wall. “It smells like gunpowder.”
“Set me down,” You pushed at his chest, rolling your eyes as he grit his teeth and released his grip. With both feet firmly on the ground, you brought a hand up to run through the tangled mess of hair in order to think. “Suho’s guys, maybe?”
“They shot at you?” Jungkook couldn’t stop the growl rumbling from his chest if he tried. 
“No, but they must have fired their guns at some point during the day,” You looked at his face and winced at the shadow crossing his features. “Well it’s not like I would have been able to smell it on them. They ambushed me, all I did was fight back.”
“Yes. Against guns.”
“They didn’t have any on them when we fought,” You defended yourself but it really was just a poor excuse for not thinking Suho’s guys would be carrying. 
Jungkook sighed heavily and slammed his eyes closed before you could see the green coming forth. “Take a shower, Y/N, get the smell off you, and then we can go to bed.”
A scoff nearly made its way from your throat but he was right. Jungkook was sensitive to gunpowder and any kind of firearms; it stemmed from his less than pleasant encounters with them. You brought your arm up in a mock salute, earning yourself a glare as the words, “Yes, sir!” echoed down the hallway.
“Go,” He bit out and moved away to give you space to walk down the hall. Truthfully, he needed time to gain his bearings after catching a familiar scent. Not the gunpowder, but Suho himself. Suho’s stench had been all over Ye-Jin’s room when he first arrived at the Nam home. Judging by how much the smell lingered, Jungkook could only guess why the hunter spent so much time there. Ye-Jin’s escapades with Suho made Jungkook’s skin crawl, thinking of how hard she’d tried to seduce the panther himself. 
When the scent hit his nostrils, the panther in him was coming out full force and he needed to create some distance before he snapped. Now that he’d claimed you, the last thing he wanted was to cause harm by becoming feral.
The sound of running water made his ears and growing bulge twitch. He really needed to get a hold of himself. That thought had no time to be registered before his feet carried him to the bathroom. The handle was cold against his heated skin and he wasn’t at all surprised to find the door unlocked. A small nudge against the wood revealed your scattered clothes along the tiled floor, your scent invading his senses. Little by little, he shed his clothes as quietly as possible in hopes of giving you a small scare.
You really should have been paying more attention to your surroundings. Jungkook was the only one left in the apartment but you still should have been more careful in your decision to leave the door unlocked. The guys could have come back at any time.
“You should be more careful, baby,” Jungkook purred against your ear, hands snaking around to rest against your stomach and pulling your back to his naked chest. 
“Oh?” There was no reason to hide your amusement and he knew it. Your intentions were quite clear as you tipped your head back and met his shoulder. “Why is that?”
“Anyone could have walked in here,” He growled low, one hand clasping your hip while the other slid up to palm your breast.
“Anyone did,” You teased, gasping sharply at his wandering hands coupled with the feel of his lips at your neck. Steam enveloped the room and clouded your eyesight, leaving you at Jungkook’s complete mercy as his rough hands groped and ran about your torso. 
Water pelted Jungkook’s skin as he came to the realization that bathing with you would be his second favorite activity in a long time. The hand on your hip traveled lower between your legs until the tip of his index finger pressed against the bundle of nerves. The whining and whimpering had his ears flattening against his scalp as he pressed, circled, and worked at your clit ever so slowly. “Soon,” He promised softly, though for you an impending orgasm wasn’t soon enough.
“I will cut your tail off, panther,” You threatened lightly and his chuckle vibrated against your back. He enjoyed tormenting you, that much was obvious, deft fingers gliding lower and his other hand cupping your breast gently. “You’re an ass, Jungkook.”
“Oh yeah?” Jungkook smirked against your wet skin, sinking two fingers knuckle deep into your heat. “No ‘Kook’ this time, baby? That’s not very nice considering where my fingers are.”
“Please,” You groaned, head lolling forward and arm shooting out to press against the shower wall, pushing back against his erection. His tail wound around your thigh to pry your legs open, fingers pumping in and out ever so slowly.
“Please?” He mocked, ears twitching curiously at what may come out of your mouth next. In the short while he’d been living with you and Taehyung, he’d seen enough to know that you were not one to yield. To anything. So to have you begging and pleading for him was a pleasant surprise. “You want something from me, Y/N?”
“No ‘baby’ this time?” You hissed at the prodding of his fingers, deep and steady, and curled your own into a fist against the wall. “That’s not very nice of you, Kook, considering where my hand was earlier.”
“What if Taehyung had come in?” Jungkook hummed in your ear and let his thoughts run much wilder than necessary. What if Taehyung had come in? Or Yoongi? 
He wasn’t very fond of that idea given how close you were to them. His hand moved from your hip up to your throat, squeezing gently while you panted and squirmed against him. “Has he ever seen you naked?”
“Not now, Kook.” You groaned because yes, yes Taehyung had seen you naked before. He was the one you lost your virginity to years ago but Jungkook didn’t need to know that. “You really want to talk about Tae of all people right now?”
His thumb pressed against your clit, rubbing in tight circles as your thighs trembled and you whimpered out his name. “No, I’d much rather be inside of you but since the subject was brought up…”
“By you!” You yelped at the small press of his fingers against your throat and the way his fingers pumped faster. Your hips rocked in time to his hand, grinding into his hand and reaching your own hand back to tangle in his hair. “Jungkook, please.”
He smirked against your skin, ears perking up at the mix of pleas and threats spilling from your mouth. It didn’t take a genius to figure out why you were deflecting and though usually he’d be upset by this new information, he was surprised to find it didn’t bother him as much as he’d first thought. His lips moved up the side of your neck, teeth nipping and sucking your skin. “You’re mine, sweetheart, aren’t you?”
Possessiveness was never really a turn on for you, but with Jungkook you found yourself clamping down on his fingers and nodding quickly in agreement. This, this was the panther in him and it was a huge relief to have him becoming more confident and comfortable. 
“Say it,” Jungkook hissed, pressing firmly on your clit as you tugged at his hair. “I need to hear you say it, baby.”
“I’m yours,” You moaned loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear. “All yours, Jungkook. Only you.”
Your back was hauled against the shower wall unceremoniously, hands gripping your thighs, parting them as he sank deep inside in one solid thrust. Your fingers dug into his shoulders hard enough to break skin but he didn’t seem to mind. His lips were on yours roughly, muffling the strangled moan leaving your throat. 
Jungkook didn’t move, instead savoring the feel of your walls clenching around his cock. The kiss slowed to a languid press of your lips to his, your fingers combing through his shaggy hair and tugging on it to have better access to his neck. He closed his eyes, sighing in pleasure and winding his arms underneath your thighs, pulling himself back before surging forward again and again. The slow roll of his hips against yours had you panting and gasping with each solid thrust. You wound one arm around his shoulders, sinking your nails into his shoulder while the other hand gripped his hair so tight that you were sure he’d be bald by the end of the night. 
This wasn’t the same frenzied pace as the previous night, you realized. It was sweeter, softer in the way he moved and peppered your shoulder in kisses. Honestly it probably wasn’t a good idea to take your time since neither of you knew when Taehyung and the rest of the guys would be back. The last thing you needed was any of them walking in to see you and Jungkook going at it in the bathroom of all places. 
Seokjin, the maturer of the group, would most likely be the one to herd them all out yet again, but even he would crack some kind of joke about it. 
“I missed you,” Jungkook rasped against your mouth, breaking you from all thoughts as his thrusts became quicker and sloppier, one hand snaking between your legs to thumb at your clit once more. “Fuck, I missed you so much.”
You wanted to tease that it hadn’t even been a full day but you knew exactly how he felt. How empty and hollow your chest seemed with the distance and while you had spent most of your day occupied with the detective and Suho’s gang, Jungkook spent his holed up in an unfamiliar apartment with nothing but his own thoughts. Your nails bit into his scalp and he hissed at the feel, teeth coming down to clamp on his mark and tongue lapping at the skin. 
“I missed you too, Kook,” You whispered as his canines sank deep into his already prominent claim. You convulsed around him, body shaking and thighs trembling with the intensity of your release. “Fuck!”
Jungkook’s hand moved from between your legs to brace against the wall next to your head, a deep groan of agreement reverberating from his chest. The press of your knees against his rib cage, squeezing him tight, pushed him over the edge and he spilled into you. His mouth found yours in a deep kiss, tongue slipping past your lips as his hands massaged the tops of your thighs in soothing circles.
Three loud bangs against the bathroom door made you tense and pull away from Jungkook but he only shushed you as Taehyung’s deep voice boomed on the other side. 
“There better be hot water left, goddamn it!” Taehyung joked before striding back down the hall to the kitchen. He really wouldn’t have even gone to find you if Seokjin hadn’t insisted on it.
“Jungkook didn’t eat much earlier,” Seokjin had said when they returned to the apartment, “and I can bet neither has Y/N. They need something in their system.”
“But they already have each other,” Hoseok had mumbled and earned a nice slap across the back of his head from Yoongi. 
Taehyung shook his head before walking back into the kitchen to find Seokjin rummaging through his cabinets to find plates and cups. If anyone had told him a year ago that he’d have his best friend, a hybrid, and three older men that treated him like a kid rather than a hunter in his apartment, Taehyung would have laughed in their face. Still, it was comforting to have someone care for him like a person instead of a killer. His childhood was less than pleasant, his own father acting as if Teahyung were a nuisance and not the son he was responsible for. 
“Tae,” Seokjin frowned at the distant look on the younger man’s face, “are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” Taheyung shook his head with a chuckle. “I was just thinking.”
Hoseok sat at the dining table with a tilt of his head, waiting to hear if Taehyung would elaborate further but Seokjin simply set a plate down in front of him before moving on to an empty space. 
“Then sit,” Seokjin smiled warmly and turned to the abundance of food waiting on the counters.
Yoongi peered down the hallway to the now empty bathroom, watching the swirls of steam seep out from the open door and grimacing at the thought of what happened while they were gone.
“Yoongi,” Seokjin called from the counter as he dug through a bag of food, “they’ll be out here when they’re ready. Come sit down and eat.”
Yoongi opened his mouth to protest when your bedroom door swung open and Jungkook strolled out fully dressed and running a towel through his hair. You weren’t far behind, also dressed in a baggy shirt and sweats, wringing out your hair in a towel. 
“Sorry, Tae,” You mumbled as you plopped down on a chair and avoided eye contact with everyone. 
“Just as long as there’s hot water left.” Taehyung playfully poked your side before you could scramble away from him.
“No, don’t!” You squealed, actually squealed, and launched yourself onto Jungkook’s lap as Taehyung reached out to tickle your side. 
Jungkook was sure he’d never heard anything sweeter than that. The sharp pitch of your voice slicing the air cutely before you were in his lap and clinging to him like a child. There was a grin on your face that no one except Taehyung had seen and Jungkook decided in that moment that he’d do anything to see it again.
“You’re such a baby,” Taehyung teased you, oblivious to the other men’s wide eyed expression, all four of them shocked that you could even smile that big.
You yourself hadn’t even noticed it and Yoongi caught a brief glimpse of the little girl you used to be in that one smile. It shook him to the core to realize how different you’d become and sure, he was used to the woman you were now but to see that little part of you from childhood still existed nearly made him tear up.
Jungkook’s arms were tight around your frame and he buried his face in your hair, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. He closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of your shampoo, gripping your waist so hard that he was amazed you could still breathe. The small giggle that floated around the otherwise quiet apartment warmed his chest and he peeked up from your head to watch you poke Taehyung’s leg with your bare foot.
“Gross!” Taehyung wiped away at the invisible dirt on his pants as if you hadn’t just spent an entire hour in the shower. It eased the tension in his shoulders to be able to make you  laugh again, something he hadn’t been able to do in the past few months. He watched as you leaned into the crook of Jungkook’s neck and tucked yourself into the hybrids’ arms, a soft smile spreading across his lips. Taehyung often forgot how little of a childhood you actually had and that affection wasn’t something you easily accepted. But seeing you now, curled into the embrace of someone who looked at you with stars in his eyes, Taehyung had to tamp down the sob threatening to escape his mouth. He loved you like a sister and had wanted for so long to be able to escape the wretched life you’d known, but for years he didn’t think a semi-normal life was a possibility, until now. Now the dream of being able to walk the streets without looking over both of your shoulders was slowly but surely becoming a reality. 
Seokjin leaned his chin against his palm and wanted to scowl at how happy Jungkook was compared to two hours ago. The grin on the hybrid’s face was enough for Seokjin to forgive the way Jungkook had spent the entire day sulking about the upstairs apartment and mumbling under his breath all the ways the argument could have gone if you hadn’t been so stubborn. Love was a fragile thing and while Seokjin was sure neither you nor Jungkook had fully realized just what was happening between you two, it was quite clear the kind of lengths each of you would go through to keep the other safe. It could be argued, mostly by Yoongi, that the relationship was more lust than anything else but Seokjin knew Yoongi’s obsessive need to protect you stemmed from his knowledge of your upbringing. 
“Can we talk about your meeting with Namjoon?” Yoongi raised a brow in your direction. “If I’m not mistaken, it didn’t go entirely as planned but he didn’t shut down the idea either.”
You felt Jungkook tense and press a kiss to the top of your head. “He’s well aware of the risks being taken if he chooses to help us with this, but he’s on board. We’ll set up another time and place to meet soon. Hyungsik’s expecting progress too and he’s agreed to have Suho back off for now. I’m not sure how long that will last or if it even works at all, but our run in today will keep him at bay for at least a week, maybe two.”
“Depends on how fast he’ll recover.” Taehyung shoved a good portion of jjajangmyeon into his mouth and followed it with a long drink of water. “Suho’s never been quick to jump back into an assignment no matter how much he was or wasn’t injured. Despite his reputation, Suho only gets his hands dirty when it comes to showing up Y/N, but even then it’s usually as a last resort. I was surprised to hear how fiercely he was going about this one, then again it could be the reward money that’s keeping him so driven.”
Hoseok huffed from his seat and raked a hand through his hair. “If we can’t steer Suho in a different direction even for a little bit, then this will all be for naught. Two weeks sounds like a long time but not for us, especially with Hyungsik breathing down Y/N’s neck. Taking care of Suho should be the first priority right now.”
“Well, you’re not wrong.” Taehyung nodded his head in agreement and looked to you, watching the gears in your head turn as you became quiet. “Whatever you’re planning against Suho might give Hyungsik a reason to give you some breathing room. Suho’s a good hunter but he’s messy and not exactly shy about how he makes a living. Hyungsik is in a hurry to get Jungkook before Suho can make a public spectacle about all of this. With him out of the picture, it could give us the opportunity to ask Nam for more time to find Jungkook.”
You knew Tae was right. Hyungsik was always quick to hire you for a job because you were quiet and undetectable, something a lot of other hunters hadn’t quite mastered and with the new laws in place, it would be disastrous if the news that Hyungsik was still harboring hybrids became public knowledge. You also knew that Hoseok was nervous about Suho popping up unnecessarily but you looked to him and said, “Suho’s recovery time isn’t something to worry about. Like Tae said, it could take two weeks before Suho shows himself again and maybe even more. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Suho, it’s that he can’t take the chance of not being at full strength when he goes up against me again.”
“Why were you able to bounce back from his men so quickly but it’ll take Suho weeks to come back from almost nothing?” Hoseok wondered with a curious tilt of his head. He didn’t notice the tight grip of Yoongi’s hand on his cup, or the way Taehyung winced at the question. He only noticed the smallest hint of your nostrils flaring before you covered it up with a smirk.
“Endurance training.”
“Again.” Sangchul’s command was sharp. His fighting skills even more so as he dodged another swipe of your fist.
Blindfolded. Again.
Which meant relying on your ears and nose to detect him. He’d started out the day clean but as training went on, he began to sweat and while the smell was not revolting, it was also not flattering. The sound of his heavy boot alerted you to his movement as you thrust your elbow back and connected with the palm of his hand. Damn. He’d seen it coming and managed to counter your hit.
He pushed your elbow forward, sending you staggering out of reach. He watched as you whipped around quickly and brought your hands up to defend yourself if need be. Slowing his breathing and staying entirely still, he watched the fleeting look of panic in your frown. He didn’t want to admit how much you improved since your last session a few weeks back. The lessons would have continued the next day but there was tension in the air every time you were in the same room as him, the kind of tension that made him uneasy. He wasn’t willing to find out how far that tension would push you, so he made himself scarce far more often than he should.
A hunter with skills such as his should not be scared of a sixteen year old girl. He’d have laughed in someone’s face if that person had told him that his granddaughter would one day unnerve him. The day he left you in the woods after beating the ever loving hell out of you had changed something else in you. Something mischievous, rebellious, and down right evil had swirled in your eyes the moment you stepped out of the trees and into his line of sight. You hated him, he knew that, but he wanted to think that you were reliant enough of him that you wouldn’t use the skills he taught you against him.
Last time he didn’t give you time to recover, so you had expected him to attack you as soon as he let go of your elbow. You grit your teeth when he didn’t take a swing at you as he had before. Your heartbeat pounded in your ears, drowning out any kind of noise Sangchul would make. He had to have known you couldn’t hear anything but the deafening sound of your own breathing. What could only have been seconds felt like hours before he finally moved, the soft crunch of boots on dead leaves had you ducking an oncoming punch. As you crouched to the ground, the quick woosh of his other boot kicking up dirt had you placing your palms out towards his kick, blocking his assault. You were on your feet quickly, the heel of your steel toe boot catching on the root of the tree behind you but you held steady and acted as if you were going to fall backwards. 
Sangchul lunged forward even further, attempting to grip your shoulders to pin you down, but you gained your footing not a second later and he found himself pressed face first into the rough bark of the tree.
Your forearm was at the back of his neck, only one of his hands wrenched behind his back because there wasn’t a way for you to grab both. Your tiny victory was short lived as he used his free hand to push off the tree and spin around. His wrist rotated out and around to take hold of yours and pull it taught in the air. You cried out in pain after a sickening pop sounded around the woods.
“Clever.” Sangchul admitted with reluctance. “You’ve paid attention. Attempting to get out of my hold will only result in dislocating your shoulder. Which is exactly what needs to happen to get away from me. What will you do, Y/N? Are you willing to pop your own arm out of its socket to escape me or will you---?”
You didn’t give him the satisfaction of finishing his question before you were twisting your body out of his grip, shoulder popping out of place so unnaturally that Sangchul could have thrown up if he weren’t so damn impressed. Dropping to one knee, you panted out of exertion and the scream echoing through the trees. 
Sangchul could count on one hand the amount of times he’d had to teach the same lesson to his own son only to have it end in Donghoon crying and cowering in the corner of his room all night. His eyes were comically wide as you stood from the ground with a renewed sense of purpose, your shoulder hanging limp as sweat beaded across your forehead. It was as if the pain was your sole purpose to keep going and the determination to remain unafraid of him propelled you forward.
Your shoulder was hot, your body gradually warming with it before it started to feel like your whole being was on fire. The flames licked the back of your neck and shoulder blade, rendering your arms useless but not your legs as you swung around and landed the most satisfying kick to your grandfather’s jaw. The crunch of his bones and the thud of his body hitting the ground had a grin splitting your lips viciously, a smile cold and cruel that you’d seen him don thousands of times before. You didn’t have to see his face to know the power shift had begun. You could hear it in the way he struggled to breathe.
Taehyung quirked an amused brow at the way Yoongi burrowed further into the couch like a petulant child when Hoseok was trying to get him to leave. 
“Hyung, come on.” Hoseok ran a hand down his face, unwilling to believe that his senior could be so immature. “We’re due to open the bar in an hour and it’s a 30 minute drive from here. We need to leave now.”
“Let’s take a night off,” Yoongi suggested with a fake yawn and stretched himself across the length of Taehyung’s couch. He crossed his feet and brought his arms up behind his head as a makeshift pillow. “One night won’t hurt us.”
“I don’t think Taehyung appreciates you taking over his home without talking to him first.” 
“I have extra blankets and pillows.” Taehyung offered up as Hoseok shot him a glare from across the room. “Though if you’re only staying to keep an eye on Y/N, then it would probably be better to camp out in front of her door.”
“That’s not happening.” Jungkook came up beside Taehyung with a stern look on his face. Two weeks ago, he would have cowered at the sight of Yoongi after getting a gun pulled on him, but now Jungkook refused to be scared. 
Yoongi’s nostrils flared at being challenged by the younger hybrid and he scowled at Jungkook. “Oh yeah, kid? What makes you think she’ll be as quick as you are to kick me out?”
Hoseok buried his face in his hands, tired and sleep deprived from the long nights at the bar and the long days spent helping his new found friends. “You have a couch at home that you can sleep on, hyung.”
“I like Taehyung’s couch better.”
When Hoseok looked to Taehyung for help getting his friend out of the apartment, Taehyung simply hid a smile behind his hand. He opened his mouth to argue with Yoongi once more when you came down the hallway, footsteps so light against the carpeted floor that nobody would notice you if you hadn’t said anything.
“Go home, Yoongi.” You slapped at his feet before plopping down on the couch and tucking your feet underneath your thighs. “If Tae wanted you to invade his space then he would have said so.”
“He offered me extra pillows and blankets,” Yoongi sat up to face you, “I’d say that counts as an invitation.”
Jungkook had made his way to you at some point and scooped you up to take your spot on the couch, sitting you in his lap. The fresh smell of vanilla and lilac intoxicated him enough to press his face into the crook of your neck. 
Yoongi frowned in mock disgust and scoffed at the way Jungkook shot him a sly smirk. “The idea of sleeping outside Y/N’s room is tempting, but I think I’d rather sleep inside.”
Jungkook’s growl rumbled from his chest and against your back. You knew Yoongi was only teasing and meant no harm but Jungkook didn’t seem to share your amusement. “Maybe you should sleep in Tae’s room, Yoongs. He’s just as touch starved as you are.”
“I like to cuddle.” Taehyung nodded with the most serious look he could muster, blinking in surprise when a faint blush crept up Yoongi’s cheeks. 
You shot Yoongi a teasing smile, “what a coincidence, so does Yoongi. There were some nights he wouldn’t let me pry myself away.”
Heat prickled your bare rib cage as Jungkook’s fingers discreetly slid underneath your oversized shirt, the rough pads of his fingers leaving behind goosebumps. His palm flattened just underneath your breast bone, thumb teasing the hem of your bra, and pushing under the wire to skim across your nipple. You’d never pulled your knees to your chest quicker than in that moment, hoping to keep his hand from being seen roaming around. With the press of your knees, it kept Jungkook’s hand in place so he couldn’t venture further but he was not one to be deterred, instead wiggling his hand free enough to slide completely up and cup your entire breast.
“It’s not like you were complaining,” Yoongi’s voice brought you back to the present. “You showed up every night anyways so you can’t tell me that you didn’t like cuddling up to me just as much.”
Jungkook lightly squeezed your breast, kneading and pinching, all while keeping a face so impassive that you were starting to believe you were imagining things. His head tilted at the small hitch in your breath, ears twitching in delight, and he grinned when Yoongi caught a glimpse of your shirt moving where it should not be. 
“You--,” Yoongi began but Seokjin’s voice stopped him. 
“I think everyone should call it a night,” Seokjin suggested after catching the dark look in Jungkook’s eyes before Yoongi could call him out. “I also think if you’re going to stay here tonight, Yoongi, then you should be advised that this is also Jungkook’s territory now. Invading it aggressively will only end in less than pleasant results. Tread carefully.”
“Bed time.” Jungkook whispered against your ear, nipping it in the process and standing from the couch so quick that it made you dizzy. He laughed as you clung to him, padding down the hallway to your bedroom while Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Seokjin continued on with their conversation.
Taehyung threw his head back with a laugh that nearly shook the apartment. He hadn’t been so amused in such a long time that watching Yoongi scramble after Jungkook only to have the door slammed in his face had Taehyung doubled over in glee. He could hear Yoongi’s shocked sputtering all the way from the living room. 
Hoseok didn’t seem to be faring any better, clapping his hands while howling with laughter as well. It took a great deal to rattle Yoongi and Hoseok had only seen it happen a few times in all the years they’d known each other. Now that Jungkook was starting to show more of himself and how comfortable he’d become, Yoongi was left slack jawed a good portion of the time the group spent together. 
Seokjin couldn’t hide his chuckle as Yoongi came back down the hallway with a tic in his jaw. He was aware that the amusement and playfulness wouldn’t last long and the reality of the situation would once again crash into everyone like a brick wall. But for tonight, he would enjoy every smile, every laugh, and every teasing glance that passed between everyone because it would be short lived, and there was a high possibility of it all crashing down in flames. The odds against you were great and while you were stronger than most people, you were still human. With Jungkook at your side and bound to you, the hard shell of the woman you’d become was beginning to crack and Seokjin knew that if anything happened to the panther, you would lose yourself in your own head once more. 
It was no secret how special of a person you were to Yoongi. It was why he was still sulking around Taehyung’s living room instead of sleeping in his own bed. He was aware that Jungkook would sooner tear off his own arm than hurt you, but Yoongi still worried. The look of defeat after your fight with Jungkook was still fresh in Yoongi’s mind, and the way you fought against Suho earlier was just a taste of what could happen if you lost Jungkook again. There had been rumors about the vicious way you fought and he’d seen it first hand, but the encounter with Suho was on an entirely different level. Something in your eyes was inhuman, the curve of your smile struck a wicked resemblance to the grandfather you loathed, and Yoongi spent the entire time watching your eyes practically light up at the way you scared Suho. 
The person you transformed into the second Jungkook was back in your arms was startling. Yoongi didn’t think you could even still be that person, but Jungkook’s presence reeled in the part of you that lashed out against everyone and everything. You were starting to become that same little girl who would move heaven and hell to protect the ones important to you. Growing up, Yoongi had watched you save your mother from the drunken mess that was Donghoon. He’d seen you constantly jump in front of her, taking whatever slap or punch was meant for Iseul, and raising your head high as you hadn’t just been struck by a heavy hand. Time and again, you were scolded by your mother for getting involved, and time and again you would beg Iseul to pack up and leave Donghoon. The arguments often ended in you storming out of the house and stomping across the street to Yoongi’s house where he would clean you up and hold you in his arms until the crying and shaking stopped. 
The night your parents died, you were meant to be home. Meant to be helping your mother pack a weekend bag for a trip with that monster. But you’d argued with her before leaving for school that morning, screaming at her that one day Donghoon will do irreparable damage and you would not be there to pick up the pieces. Yoongi could still remember the agony on your face and in your voice when you ran up to the home that had become a crime scene in a few short hours. He remembered the screams, remembered the tears streaming down your face, and the desperate pleas for Iseul. He remembered being angry with his own parents for keeping him away from you when you needed him the most, but also remembered the way his father pulled him close and whispered in his ear that Sangchul was watching him carefully, that if he truly cared about you then he would let your grandfather handle the situation. He knew it was wrong, knew he should have fought harder to get to you, but then Sangchul was at your side and had taken hold of your shoulders with a solid grip. Yoongi wasn’t close enough to know what was being said or what could have caused the light to die in your eyes, yet he was able to watch what could only be explained as a switch being flipped and then you were no longer Y/N. Not the human part anyways. 
A large hand clapped Yoongi on the shoulder, shaking him from his walk down memory lane, and he looked over to find Seokjin’s brows pinched together with worry. He shook his head and gave his senior what he hoped was a smile. Seokjin could read Yoongi’s bullshit better than anybody and lately he’s been keeping Yoongi closer than ever, as if your presence would cause him to spiral down like it had when they’d first met in college. Yoongi couldn’t blame Jin for wanting to make sure he was okay, especially not after the frantic reaction he had when Jin called him the night you were injured. In all their years of being friends, Seokjin had never heard that type of fear in Yoongi’s voice or seen the trembling of his bottom lip once he saw the state you were in after leaving his bar.  
“It’s late,” Taehyung’s deep voice cut the tension in the air as he watched something pass between Seokjin and Yoongi. “We’re all exhausted and I’m sure none of you are up for the long drive home.”
Hoseok had already settled on the couch once he realized Yoongi would have to be dragged out of the apartment kicking and screaming if Taehyung really wanted him to leave. His eyelids were heavier than he expected them to be and soon his soft snores were drifting around the living room. His sudden slumber left Taehyung scrambling for a pillow and blanket so Hoseok wouldn’t be uncomfortable the rest of the night. 
“The offer to share my bed still stands,” Taehyung grinned at Yoongi after settling Hoseok in. The last thing he expected was for Yoongi to stomp down the hall to his room as if he owned the place. He turned to Seokjin and offered to sleep on the floor of his room so Seokjin could have the bed. “I really don’t mind, hyung. I’ve slept in worse conditions.”
“I couldn’t ask you to do that.” Seokjin’s smile was endearing, a flutter of pride in his heart at being accepted by Taehyung. “Sleeping on the floor won’t be a problem for me.”
Taehyung nodded and led him down the hall where he flung his door open to find Yoongi spread out on his bed. He grumbled underneath his breath and shoved Yoongi to one side, creating space for himself before digging through his closet for the sleeping bag he’d bought years ago. He handed Seokjin an extra pillow and blanket, bidding him goodnight and good luck. “I had to sleep on this floor when I first moved in and I can tell you, it’s the most unpleasant night’s sleep.”
Seokjin bobbed his head and yawned, offering good luck to Taehyung in return. “Y/N’s right, you know. Yoongi likes to cuddle.”
Taehyung was ready to laugh at what he thought was a continuation of the joking from earlier but the arm that was quickly wrapped around his stomach made him squeak. He didn’t mind it and he certainly wasn’t going to object to Yoongi’s heartless facade finally crumbling. There was a deep and raspy chuckle that echoed around the room and he wasn’t sure if it was from Seokjin, or Yoongi. 
The faint smell of freshly brewed coffee drifting up Taehyung’s nostrils made him believe he was still dreaming, but the constricting hold of someone else’s leg curled around his was enough to startle him. He tried to bolt up and assess his surroundings until his back was squeezed to a solid chest, and it was then he remembered what had happened the night before. He looked at the hand pressed to his chest and trailed his eyes up the owner’s arm and to Yoongi’s sleeping face. 
Min Yoongi wasn’t just a cuddler, he was a goddamn boa constrictor with the way he clung to Taehyung with a surprising amount of strength. He wasn’t usually one for physical affection but he hated the feeling of an empty bed after you’d left years ago. To have someone next to him, be it man or woman, he didn’t care. He wanted the warmth of another body, the comfort of knowing the space next to him would be occupied when he awoke. He was well aware of the hesitation that came from Taehyung after the stunt Yoongi had pulled on Jungkook with a gun, which is why it had surprised him that Taehyung would offer his home as a place to sleep despite Yoongi having his own apartment. He liked to think it was because Taehyung was finally starting to accept him the way he accepted Hoseok and Seokjin.
A loud and obnoxious slurping coming from Taehyung’s bedroom doorway had both him and Yoongi groaning at being woken up before they were ready. Yoongi was tempted to throw a pillow at whoever it may be and seeing as how Taehyung fumbled around the bed to grip a loose one, it was clear that Yoongi was not alone in despising the morning sun.
“Well,” Your voice was dripping with amusement, a teasing lilt to it as both men’s eyes shot open to find that you were the one interrupting their sleep. “Don’t you two look cosy. I take it you’ve forgiven Yoongs then, Tae? Or this is a forbidden kind of thing that we’re all supposed to just pretend we don’t notice?”
“Get out!” Taehyung hissed, horror written all over his face as he noticed your phone poised and ready to take a picture. He was sure you already had a dozen or more since you took your sweet ass time waking them up. He would yell at you to delete them but there was a maximum of one photo on your phone, it being of you and your mother when you were still just a toddler. The fact that you were willing to keep a memento of a fonder memory at his and Yoongi’s expense was honestly okay with him. 
“Jin made breakfast.” You sauntered away from Taehyung’s room with your coffee mug, loudly announcing to Hoseok that he ‘just had to see this’, and Hoseok chirping ‘no way!’. Setting the mug down on the kitchen table, you heard fumbling, a thud, and then a loud groan before Yoongi came barreling down the hallway with accusatory eyes. “Good morning, Yoongs. How’d you sleep?”
“Don’t try that cutesy act on me, you little brat.” Yoongi glared at you, his eyes roaming your body in search of your phone. “Hand it over.”
Yoongi balked at your refusal, lunging after you and finding himself having to chase you across the length of the living room. He came close once or twice though he was sure it was more because you were just giving him a chance rather than he was actually as fast as you. Nearly tripping over the coffee table, he was appalled to see that you’d hidden behind Hoseok, and that Hoseok was full on shielding you from Yoongi’s hands.
At some point, Taehyung had finally emerged from his room and stopped short at the sight of a mischievous grin on your face. He didn’t think you even knew what fun was, but he had to remind himself that there had been a time when you were loved and cared for, and the man currently threatening to strangle Hoseok was one of the people who’d known you before your training. He had to wonder why Jungkook hadn’t stepped in yet when he looked to the kitchen and saw Seokjin setting a plate of eggs and bacon in front of the panther. 
The breakfast Seokjin had cooked up looked so mouthwatering that Jungkook didn’t even bother paying attention to you and Yoongi. In fact, it was entertaining to watch Yoongi attempt to keep up with your speed and agility. You moved so fluently and swiftly that Jungkook wondered how it was possible for a mere human to move the way he could in his panther form. When you launched yourself over the coffee table flawlessly and sprinted to him, he didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around your waist as you plopped down in his lap. 
Yoongi was panting and two seconds from collapsing to the ground. You’d always been fast and nimble, two traits Yoongi wasn’t exactly envious of given the circumstances you’d gone through to obtain those abilities. He did, however, envy that you weren’t out a single breath while he was close to being dehydrated just from running around the apartment. “I swear to God, little one, if you don’t hand that phone over…”
“I don’t have it.” You smirked at him, accepting a forkful of eggs from Jungkook’s waiting hand. You had your own plate waiting right next to him, but given how long you left them to get cold, you couldn’t imagine they were appetizing. A fact Seokjin also factored in when he heard the commotion, now picking up the plate and shoving it in the microwave to heat up. You’d be surprised if it weren’t for the reminder that he was a parent, and that he must have gone through the same thing a million times with his young daughter. 
Taehyung had left the room a few minutes before and was now wandering back in with his toothbrush sticking out of his mouth. Toothpaste was slathered all over his lips as he scrubbed at his teeth, not wanting to miss what else may occur in the battle between his best friend and Yoongi. He caught Yoongi’s eye and sent him a teasing wink, watching as Yoongi’s face flushed a bright red before he was sitting at the table to eat breakfast. 
Seokjin stood at the stove, munching on a strip of bacon and watching the scene unfold before his very eyes. The stark difference in your attitude and demeanor in the last few hours compared to the last few weeks since he’d known you left Seokjin baffled. The obvious flirting between Taehyung and Yoongi, who seemed to longer detest each other, caught him off guard. When he’d joked about Yoongi being clingy the night before, he did not expect to have seen Taehyung so comfortable in Yoongi’s arms. Seokjin didn’t want this to end, he realized. He wanted this every day and to introduce this new part of his life to his wife and daughter, to have his two worlds collide without the threatening weight of Hyungsik on his shoulders.
Hoseok set his empty plate in the sink, frowning as he turned to the table and brought up the crushing subject of the problem at hand. “I woke up to some disturbing texts this morning.”
You stilled in Jungkook’s arms, eyes flicking to Hoseok’s approaching figure.
“A hunter, Lee Dongwook, stopped by the bar last night because he had some information that he thought we’d find interesting.” Hoseok sighed and hung his head in frustration. “Some detectives were snooping around some local dive bars, said they were asking questions about previously known hybrid collectors. They wouldn’t tell anyone why but Dongwook was sure it had to do with some hybrids that had been found dead and their bodies dumped.”
“Meaning?” Yoongi wanted to shake Hoseok by the shoulders and hope that whatever he was hesitating to say would spill out. 
“It was the way their bodies were dumped.” Hoseok explained, his eyes boring into the side of your face. “No identification, no missing persons reports, no trace of the hybrid even existing. And the places they’d been dumped were void of any kind of evidence as to who could have done it.”
Yoongi’s gaze flickered to yours, which never seemed to leave the table. Bile gathered in his throat as he watched a sense of recognition flash in your eyes. “Get to the point, Hobi.”
“There’s only one hunter known to pull off a job like that.” Hoseok tugged his bottom lip between his teeth, biting down so hard that he tasted blood. “Only one hunter that’s known to move like a ghost, blending and moving with the shadows.” 
“You didn’t.” Yoongi whispered over the silence that befell the apartment. “Little one, tell me you didn’t.”
“Not for a long time, Yoongi.” You stood from Jungkook and distanced yourself quickly. “Back when I first started hunting, it was easier to do a body dump than it was to actually catch a hybrid. At sixteen, nobody believed a girl like me could get the job done, so they saddled me with getting rid of the bodies.”
“God,” Yoongi breathed and stood up from the table, one hand propped on his hip while the other came up to cover his mouth lest the vomit stuck in his throat come spewing out. “What even…? How…?” He didn’t know what he was trying to ask, or why he was asking at all. He understood what you did as a hunter but he was under the impression that all you did was hunt. Somewhere down the line, he’d pushed the knowledge of your killings to the back of his mind and locked it away.
“I was a kid.” You inhaled deeply and looked to the ground, not sure you could bear the look in Yoongi’s eyes, or Jungkook’s for that matter. “Nobody would have suspected a kid, let alone question them for murder. Sangchul taught me how to get rid of evidence and set me out into the world of hunters and before I knew it... I was that ghost. I was that thing that could move in the shadows, Yoongi. My reputation started with those jobs.” Teahyung winced at the change of tone in your voice. To him, it wasn’t a surprise to hear about the beginnings of your hunting days. You’d told him all about it when you’d first met in hopes it would scare him away. But no. There was no scaring him away from you. 
“Are you trying to justify your shit by saying you were only sixteen?!” Yoongi’s voice boomed around the apartment and Hoseok had put a comforting hand to Jungkook’s shoulder. “All of it should be forgiven and forgotten because you were just a kid?! The world doesn’t fucking work that way, Y/N! Of course, those hybrids would never know because they won’t be getting the chance because of you! You destroyed them, you got rid of them, and didn’t turn back because it wasn’t your fucking problem anymore, was it?! Can you even tell me their names?!”
“Yoongi!” Seokjin tried to step in, watching the darkness swirl in your eyes as your gaze shot to Yoongi. 
“Seo-yun, Seung, Hyunwoo, Juwon,” You listed off name after name, your hands curling into fists at the memories each name brought up. The things you had done, the lives you had taken, and the slow, agonizing pain in your chest with each hybrid. “Changmin, Geon, Seokhoon.”
“Y/N, stop.” Taehyung pleaded, standing from the table and moving across the room but you stepped back. His heart cracked at the way you rejected him.
“Jeni, Areum, Bona,” You continued, chest heaving with anger as more names came spilling out. “Haneul, Nabi, Hwayoung. And so many more. Yes, I did that to them. Yes, I made them untraceable. But I was never the kind of ruthless that my grandfather wanted me to be. They died, Yoongi, but they weren’t tortured, at least not by me. To say their deaths were peaceful would be selfish, but they certainly weren’t painful either.”
“You killed them, Y/N.” Yoongi raked a hand through his hair, bewilderment and disbelief etched all over his face. “You ended their lives and you mean to tell me that you did it peacefully? Is there anything even remotely peaceful about being murdered?”
Your jaw clenched at his question. “What would you know about murder, Yoongi? You think because you happened to catch a glimpse of the damage my mother’s death caused that you’re an expert in the repercussions of it?”
“Don’t do that.” Yoongi hissed through clenched teeth. “Don’t try to justify your actions with your past trauma like you were the only one who lost something that day.”
Taehyung’s eyes darted to you as you took in a sharp breath. To say he was nervous would be an understatement. He was downright terrified of the look in your eye. There had been but two times in the past years that Teahyung had called you out on your bullshit and excuses, and both times had ended in disaster.
“Iseul was important to me too.” Yoongi continued and watched as tears welled in your eyes at the sound of your own mother’s name. He could only guess that you hadn’t said her name out loud since the day she died, and hearing it now made you falter. “She wasn’t just your mother. She was the woman who made sure you were safe at all costs, made sure I was safe at all costs because you needed me. I needed you. We needed each other. She asked me to take care of you, asked me to love you the way you deserved to be because she knew that one day, your father would take her away from you. Iseul always knew that she wouldn’t live long enough to watch you grow all the way up, so she made me promise that I would always look after you no matter what. When she died, my heart felt like it was shattered into a million pieces, and then you were gone too.”
Seokjin’s shoulders stiffened. He had never heard the full story of why Yoongi was so closed off and unwilling to make friends with anyone in college. Here and now may not have been the most ideal, but it was time everything came to light.
Yoongi’s hands shook as everything from that time came rushing back to him. The sleepless nights, the loss of appetite, the depression. All of it after you left town and not once since his reunion with you was he given the chance to let you know just how messed up he’d become.
“You were gone,” Yoongi continued, “and I couldn’t find you. It was like you fell off the face of the Earth. Do you know how helpless I felt? How desperate I became? For years I went out of my fucking mind because I didn’t know if you were alive or dead. I may not have had the same experiences as you after that day, but you can damn well bet that I was suffering too. Losing you and Iseul fucked me up just as bad, but I didn’t go off and become a murderer.”
“No. How could you?” You gasped through the tears threatening to fall from your eyes. The look on his face after learning the truth of who you’d really become reminded you of the time your mother had first looked at you the same way. Like you were the devil. “You weren’t born to the same monster that I was, Yoongi. You weren’t meant to be what I am. I know what you were going through. Every chance I had to get away from Sangchul, I went to find you. You were so broken that I couldn’t show my face knowing I’d have to leave again. When we got older, and Sangchul was dead, I kept my distance and you know why? Because you were finally happy again, and I thought if I showed up that I would only disrupt the new life you built. Look at you, Yoongs, you can barely look me in the eye knowing what you do now.”
Jungkook fought hard to resist his urge to spring up from his chair and hold you. He had admonished your decision to keep hunting, but that didn’t mean he didn’t fully understand what the life of a hunter meant. Yoongi’s bar was open to anyone and everyone, and although 90% of those people were hunters, he had never been fully immersed in their world. It wasn’t easy for Jungkook to forgive you and it certainly wasn’t easy to see it from your perspective, but surviving was your instinct just as it was his. Sometimes surviving meant doing things one would never be proud of and he understood that better than Yoongi did.
“The only reason I can’t look you in the eye is because I’m not sure who I’ll see when I do.” Yoongi blinked away his own tears, his chest aching with the newfound knowledge that you’d always been looking over him. “You have this mask that you put up whenever you start to shut down or need to keep someone at bay. That mask looks so much like Sangchul’s and Donghoon’s that I don’t even see Iseul in you anymore, Y/N.”
“That’s because she’s none of those people,” Taehyung had finally inched himself across the room enough to stand at your side without touching you. “Y/N is herself. Those people may have shaped her but over time, she created her own mould. Yoongi, you only want to see the little girl you took care of and no matter how many times you thought you could handle who she was, it wasn’t real for you. This, here and now, this is the reality we’ve lived and become accustomed to. You’re not ready for it. I don’t think anyone but me, Jungkook, and Y/N are, and yet here we all stand willing to take risks bigger than any of us had expected. I’m not saying you need to open your eyes and take in the cruelty of our world if you want to help, but that’s exactly what I’m saying.”
“When was your last clean up job?” Seokjin didn’t want to ask. In fact, he was content with staying the hell out of the argument entirely, but someone had to shift the conversation back to where it began. 
“6 years ago,” your answer was immediate, giving Yoongi a little bit of relief that these last few bodies were not actually your work. “After I got my first tracking job, I never took on another clean up again.”
Hoseok perked up as if suddenly realizing something important. He dug his phone from his pocket to scroll through the text messages.”Dongwook said the other hunters didn’t give up your name to the detectives, but he heard chatter that maybe you’d started taking on clean up duty again.”
“How did he know to text you?” Yoongi asked him, almost glaring at Hoseok’s sheepish face. “Hobi?”
Hoseok scratched at his head nervously. “Dongwook was in the bar the night Xiumin and Kai attacked Y/N. He saw us take her to the back and figured we had dealt with her a different way but then he saw her leave and pieced it all together.”
“We’re really that transparent.” Yoongi sighed heavily, massaging the tension building at the nape of his neck. “If Dongwook figured it out then there’s no doubt that other hunters have as well.”
“Well yes, but who would really try and use it against us?” Hoseok shot a knowing look in your direction. “To them, the fact that we let Y/N go so easily that night just means we’re important to her. Nobody’s ever bothered to try and hurt Taehyung because they know what will happen if they do. In a way, the bar and us are under her protection.”
“Then who’s dumping the bodies? And who would be stupid enough to try and pin it on Y/N?”
“I’m still here.” You reminded them, tired of hearing them speak about you as if you weren’t present. Looking at everyone around the room, your eyes softened on Jungkook in apology. “I have to contact Namjoon today, before things get more out of hand. I’ll be gone for most of the day and maybe even tomorrow.”
Jungkook wanted to argue, wanted to lock you in the apartment even if he had to tie you up to do so, but he couldn’t do any of that. He could definitely try, and he didn’t think anyone else would object to it. Still, he couldn’t keep you from your nature or from your desperate need to keep him alive and well. Two days would be too long and that was just the minimum amount of time you’d estimated your absence. “Will Taehyung or Seokjin hyung be going with you?”
No, you said at the same time Taehyung said “yes”. You spun around to face him, lips pulled into a thin line. “You’re not going, Tae. I need you here with Jungkook.”
“Jungkook’s a full shifter,” Taehyung argued, “if anyone needs protection, it’s whoever is dumb enough to storm this apartment. Plus, Hoseok, Seokjin, and Yoongi can stay here with him, right Jungkook?”
“I’d feel better if Taehyung went with you.” Jungkook nodded at Taehyung in agreement. “It won’t be safe by yourself, and I’d rather not have a repeat of the night I had to stitch you up.”
You rolled your neck in irritation. Suddenly everyone thought arguing with you was a good idea and nothing pissed you off more than when Taehyung refused to see reason. You didn’t know what would happen when you met Namjoon and you didn’t want Taehyung in the middle of it. After spilling the secret of your grandfather’s death, you were sure Namjoon had something planned in order to bring you to justice. He wouldn’t be a good cop if he didn’t have a larger perspective. 
Without a word, you were storming to your room, changing from the baggy sweats and shirt to a pair of black tactical pants, a tank top, and a long sleeved thermal top over it. You pulled your hair into a low ponytail with a heavy sigh. “It isn’t safe to take Taehyung with me,” you called over your shoulder.
Jungkook wasn’t at all surprised that you’d sensed him in the room even if he hadn’t made any noise. He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your stomach to pull your back flush against his chest. “I don’t even want you to go in the first place. If you don’t want Taehyung to go with you, then you’ll just have to stay here.”
You turned in his arms, resting your palms against the hard planes of his chest and sliding them up until your fingers were fiddling with the leather band around his neck. An ominous feeling came over you as you tapped on the tracking chip embedded in the charm adorning it. Something was going to go wrong, you could feel it, but voicing this to Jungkook would only further prove that whatever you have planned was not a good idea. 
“The longer I wait to set the rest of the plan in motion, the riskier it gets for you,” you stood on the tips of your toes, fingers sliding into his long hair, and pulling his mouth down to yours. It wasn’t a goodbye kiss, but it wasn’t an I’ll-see-you-soon kiss. You could tell Jungkook knew this with the way he secured your waist with one arm and his other hand tangled in your hair, tugging at the elastic band. 
He pulled you hard against him, deepening the kiss and nipping at your bottom lip until he was able to slide his tongue through your parted lips. He felt your nails dig into his scalp gently and he groaned against your mouth, savoring the taste of coffee on your tongue. He didn’t want to let you go, but the push of your hand against his chest forced him to release his grip. 
You pulled back to touch your forehead to his, both of you breathing heavily. You didn’t open your eyes to see his, it hurt enough that you were leaving, you didn’t need the image of his pleading brown eyes to be the last thing you’d seen before taking off. “I’ll be back, I promise.”
“Why don’t I believe you?” He whispered against your swollen lips. His hands fell to your waist where he bunched up the fabric of your shirt, his grip becoming too tight. “I thought you were a better liar than this.”
“I can’t lie to you no matter how hard I try.” You pressed a softer kiss to his mouth this time, bracing your palms against his chest and pushing away from him. Without giving him one last look, you were stalking out of the room. Your chest constricted with the ragged breath he puffed out to keep himself from crying. 
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Forensic Scientist Sisters (Lucifer Morningstar x Reader)
Request: Hey!! I saw your recent post and was wondering if you could write a Lucifer x reader where the reader has a major crush on Lucifer and is really trying to impress him but Ella decides to help her out and be her wingwoman? The reader thinks that Lucifer is into Chloe at first but Lucifer is flattered and thinks she’s adorable and the ending is really fluffy? Sorry this seems like so much lol but thank you!😊 (by @xo-endlessmayhem-xo), [Lucifer-Masterlist]
Summary: Ella and you were the forensic scientists of the L.A.P.D. One person in the precinct made your work rather hard. Lucifer Morningstar. You wish you had not caught a crush but you could not help yourself. Besides, you knew he only had eyes for Chloe. At least that was what you thought.
Words: 1,486
Warnings: language, NO spoilers for Season 5 (you´re welcome), fluff, it´s very cute I promise (might write a second part to it if you want me to), Ella appreciation because she deserves it :), (Y/E/C) = your eye color
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
You were one of the L.A.P.D´s forensic scientists. The department had decided to hire a second professional since Ella needed help with her work. How you managed to get this job? You were not quite sure. One second you were still in college and the next you were working with this talented team. At first you were incredibly shy but the more time you spent there the more you warmed up.
There was one person you could not grow used to, though. This someone being Lucifer Morningstar, consultant of the homicide detective Chloe Decker. The first moment you had laid your (Y/E/C) eyes on him you knew you were fucked. It was not like you actually worked alongside him, that was Chloe´s job unfortunately, but you always met at crime scenes and recently more often at the precinct, too. Whenever the two of you were left alone, you could feel his piercing eyes on you, this smirk of his, and you were blushing like crazy. Your stupid crush should not distract you from your work but he was giving you a hard time with that.
“(Y/N)! New corpse not too far away from here. You coming?” only Ella could sound this excited over a dead person. Her enthusiasm made you chuckle.
“On my way.” grabbing your equipment, you made your way over to where she was waiting for you.
“Let´s go!” her smile looked like one of a child in a play factory.
Of course this job was handled by Lucifer and Chloe. Sometimes, especially on days like these, you wished for Dan because he never intimidated you like Luci did. Luci. You heard this nickname once when his brother visited him at work and ever since then you had been calling him so, too.
“Miss Lopez! (Y/N)!” maybe you were imagining it but you could swear his smile was a little bit wider when he looked at you and said your name. Stupid, you were stupid. Why were you getting your hopes up? It was obvious to everyone that he was in love with Chloe. How could he not? She was literally the most beautiful human being you had ever seen.
Ella and you examined the corpse, taking pictures of the scene and so on. Everything a forensic scientist was supposed to do. Yet the woman next to you noticed you were not really here.
“(Y/N)? Everything alright?” her voice snapped you out of stance. It was then when you realized that you had been staring at Lucifer and Chloe. How he smiled so lovingly at her. How his admiration for the woman next to him could be felt all across the crime scene.
“Um, yeah, sorry. I was just...thinking. Where were we?” clearing your throat, you acted as if nothing just happened. Ella, though, could see your staring. Actually, that was not the first time she had caught you eyeing the tall, handsome man up and down. Despite her efforts of leaving the two of you alone, making sure you ended up working together more, you never made the first step. Yes, he flirted with you but you thought it was his personality. He did that with everyone, right? Ella knew better though. She had known Lucifer for a long time now and she had never seen him this nervous around a person. He simply tried to hide this with his flirting and he succeeded.
“When will you admit it, huh?” when you turned to Ella you could see her arms being crossed in front of her chest. Your eyebrows quirked in confusion.
“Admit what?” you took another picture, trying to focus on the scene in front of you.
“Seriously? You´ve been eye fucking Lucifer ever since you stepped into the precinct. Do something about it, it´s getting tiring.” she stated matter of factly. That made you look towards her, shock written all over your face. Were you really that obvious? A hand came up to scratch at the back of your neck. You made sure nobody could here you. Stepping closer to Ella, you still wanted to stay as quiet as possible, just in case.
“And do what exactly? Huh, Ella? I´m not getting between two people, forget it!”
“Between two people? What are you talking about?”
“Duh, him and Chloe of course. Everyone knows they are pretty much in love with each other.”
“And everyone being you, only you.”
“What?” by now you did not understand anything anymore.
“Oh my God, (Y/N)...Lucifer has literally been trying to ask you out for THE longest time. I know what you´re talking about. He flirts with everyone, really. BUT he´s never nervous while doing so. Never except for when he´s talking to you.” Ella looked so done with you. How could you be so oblivious? She knew she had to help you guys. Otherwise she would go insane if she had to watch the two of you for much longer.
“Ella...Look, you know I have a crush on him, okay I got it. But please don´t just assume he likes me, too.” your eyes dropped to the floor.
“I have a plan.” Ella mumbled more to herself but your eyes met hers as you had heard her. What was she up to?
Chloe walked over to where you were standing, Lucifer following closely behind.
“You guys finished?” the detective asked looking between Ella and you.
“I think we got everything, yeah. We can head back.” going through the pictures you took yet again, you made sure that you really captured everything.
“Good job, (Y/N)!” Lucifer praised you. This made you focus your gaze down, heat rising to your cheeks.
“Okay, Ella, let´s go.” you looked at her, motioning to your car that was parked a few feet away from you.
“Um, actually. I promised Chloe we would go to this shop that recently opened downtown. I´m going with her.” Ella glared at Chloe, hoping she would pick up on the lie she was currently forming.
“What shop?” the confusion subsided after Chloe saw Ella´s stern look. “O-ohh. Ahhh, THAT shop, of course, Ella. Let´s go, I can´t wait to finally visit it. See you guys.” the detective grabbed Ella by one of her arms and dragged her towards her car.
“Um? DETECTIVE? How am I supposed to go back to the department? Dete-” but before he could even finish, the car doors slammed and Chloe sped away with Ella in the passenger´s side, smiling successfully. Picking up on what Ella was trying to do you let your previous conversation replay in your head. Maybe she was right. But if she was not...she would be dead by the end of the day.
“Well, I´m heading back anyway...You could come with me if you wanna?” your heart skipped a beat but you were proud of yourself for delivering this without stuttering or anything. Lucifer´s smile grew at your offer.
“With pleasure, (Y/N).” the way your name sounded out of his mouth was so heavenly, so soft. Something you knew you wanted to hear all the time.
You both got seated in and as you were about to start the engine, you heard Lucifer speak up.
“That´s a lovely car. How come I´ve never been in here?”
“Why, thank you, Luci. I usually take Ella everywhere, that´s probably why.” this time you found yourself smiling from ear to ear. You enjoyed being in his presence. Yes, he could be a sarcastic piece of shit but so could you.
“Do you want to head back right away?” his look made you melt but you were not quite sure what his intention was. You went with it anyway.
“What are you suggesting?” you asked, hoping his next words were what you always wanted to hear.
“I know a nice restaurant in the city. Let me play navigation device.”
“Are you asking me on a date after investigating a crime scene?” you giggled at his plan.
“Um, yeah..I am.” Lucifer grew nervous and this was the first time you could actually tell he was. Ella was right, then. You had this effect on him.
“I´d love to, Luci.” you answered fast in order to not make him uncomfortable.
“Off we go then.” his smirk was already plastered on his face again. Of course, Devil things.
“First off all you need to start the engine, I´m afraid.” and there he was again, the teasing Lucifer everyone knew and loved.
“Really? Shit, haven´t thought about that at all.” your sarcastic tone made him laugh. You started your car and looked over at him. “Where to?”
“Turn right.” was the only thing he said. You could not believe that he asked you on a date. YOU. All this time you thought you were just a good friend. All this time you thought he had his eyes on Chloe. Oh, how wrong you were. This felt like the beginning of something magical. This felt right.
~to be continued~
Published (08/27/2020) by Cathy
Tags: @lestersglitterglue
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shinescape · 3 years
writer ask game! tagged by @hello-kumamimi, thank you for the tag mimi!
tagging @poeticnotions 💛
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)?
I' ve written for bts before but not anymore. As for other groups that I write but is not on this blog would be Got7, Astro, Stray Kids, SF9, etc.
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for?
Currently writing for ateez, exo, nct, wayv, seventeen and the boyz. Will probably add more group to write for this blog in the future.
3. how long have you been writing?
For quite a long time, since 2011 ish if i'm not mistaken. But I never posted any stories until 2014 which was on AFF then I stopped posting and only started posting back when I started this blog which was April 2021. Basically I never stop writing just never share them to the world haha
4. on which platforms do you post your stories?
Only on Tumblr
5. what is your favorite genre to write?
I love writing angst and fluff but I mostly write romance which is a given considering the audience love it hehehe.
6. are you a pantser or a planner?
It depends but I mostly plan things out if it's a request. If it's not then I just write them out like the latest imagine 3 am
7. one shot or multi-chapter?
I used to write chaptered fics back in the days but I never get to finish even one and got kind of anxious about writing them thus why I take a lot of time when asked for a part 2 for my oneshots. So I prefers oneshots.
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion?
I really enjoy reading long fics that can go up to 10-20k words. I also think that short (3-5k) multi chaptered fics are nice too. But I can't write that long just love reading them.
9. what is your longest published story? is it complete?
It's my poly vampire oneshot that was requested! I love the fact that I made the story flow nicely (for once) and it was my first take on a poly vampire story too. Here's the story for anyone curious. For Eternal
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most?
This was requested by @hello-kumamimi and honestly I enjoyed writing this eventho it got angsty at some point but I made sure the ending was fluff and decent. It's a Xiumin oneshot which you can read it here if interested.
11. favourite request you have written and why(if any)?
There's so many because I got a lot of unique requests but since I have to choose it would be Hawk Eyes! It got the most notes too which I would never expected and it made me so happy I literally smiled the whole day. Thank you!
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories?
Romance! and slowly but surely suggestive themes that I hope won't burst more in the future hahaha
13. current number of wips(works in progress)?
Currently there's 8. I should really work on them now.
14. three things you have noticed about your own writing.
Typos. Typos everywhere even after i proof read them like 10 times. I apologise for that and will get to it once I have the time. I feel that my sentences sounds childish or simple? It's been awhile since I write regularly so yeah. Last thing would be how I just love to end stories with the characters in bed (tmi, sleeping is my hobby explains why hahaha). Tbh, I'm bad at ending thus why i am asked for part 2 a lot or end the stoies with dialogues. Will work on this more..
15. a quote you like from a published story.
“I don’t know what is going on in his head but I promise I’ll come back for you. You remember that, okay?” - Wooyoung (For Eternal) I actually teared up writing that line.
16. a quote from an unpublished story.
“If you keep staring like that, she’s going to get upset again.”
17. space for you to say something to your readers
Hi there, it's Ara! I was really worried and anxious about starting this writing blog but after getting a lot of support from irl people who has read my works, I finally did it!
I would like to thank every one of you who follow and read my works and take the time to like, reblog and comment and even put tags on them. Also to the one who send in asks about the stories I've written, love you too! I really really love interacting with all of you and especially my followers and mutuals. I hope we get to talk more often ^^
I'm very thankful to those who follow this blog of mine I will do my best in the future. Thank you for your support 💕
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chonisbestmistake · 5 years
Missed opportunities and second chances [2]
[part 1]
Lisa x Female!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst
Word count: 2,626
Summary: You broke up with Lisa almost three years ago. Then you met Jennie at the store and this is not something she expected. At all.
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NOTE: It`s kind of a mid-part because I decided to split the 2d part in two and feed you all. All of your answers are gonna be answered in the 3d part. Soon.
It was a Saturday morning when you finally had the courage to text Jennie. You’ve been thinking about pros and cons of reaching out to her for a whole week, finally deciding it wouldn`t be so bad to have her back in your life again. The only thing still concerning you was that Jennie was Lisa`s friend, which means she`ll know about their little get-together in no time. Or she already knew. About you and Vanessa. Jennie wouldn`t hide it from her friends even if you asked her to, it was obvious. And that was indeed a problem. You weren`t ready to discuss anything with them, especially with Lisa. Thought you doubted she`d want to even look at you after all these years. Anyway, it was a matter of time before they knew everything, so you let your fears go and texted Jennie like a brave woman would do.
You: Hey, it`s Y/N.
Jennie: Finally! I thought you forgot about me.
You: Just been busy with work and stuff, you know. Do you still want to meet up?
Jennie: Hell yeah I do! Are you free today?
You: Yeah, I just need to pick Nessie up from her dance classes and I’ll be free. 
Jennie: Great! I wanna see this cutie again, can you take her too? Let`s meet at this cafe, I’ll send you the address.
You: Sure. See you! Nessie says hi by the way.
Jennie: Tell her hi too! Can`t wait to see you guys again.
“Are we here yet?” Vanessa was bouncing in her car seat, always ecstatic about going out and seeing new places. You were amazed at how energetic she was even after two hours of dancing and jumping around. Every time you picked her up she was blabbing non-stop with that high-pitched excited voice about new kids she met and new moves they learned and you honestly couldn`t feel happier.
“Almost.” You answered, pulling your car to the parking lot and smiling at your child. 
“What about now? Here?” Nessie tried to look out of the window, sighing happily when you stopped the vehicle. 
“Let me unbuckle you first, kiddo.” You got out of the car and put Vanessa down, stretching her outfit. Her pigtails were a little messed up from jumping, so you fixed them quickly, getting a small ‘thank you’ in return. “Let`s go now.” 
Taking Nessie`s hand, you made your way to the small cafe on the side of the street. A sweet scent of coffee enveloped you both when you came in and Vanessa instantly sighed at the sight of cookies and other desserts on the shelves. You chuckled slightly and pulled her further in, promising to buy some sweets and searching for the familiar eyes.
Jennie was sitting in the farthest corner, hidden by the curtains, with a cup of fresh latte and a phone in the other hand. She was chatting excitedly with a blonde girl by her side and when your eyes met - you immediately recognized her. Her eyes widened and you smiled shyly. Nessie let go of your hand and ran to meet Jennie while you were still staring at Rosé.
“Hey, sweetie pie! How have you been?” Jennie pulled Vanessa up on the couch and hugged her tightly. Nessie was ecstatic that her new friend greeted her so warmly and giggled loudly.
“Hi, aunty Jennie! I’ve been great, thank you!” She sent her a toothy smile, turning back to look at Rosé. You realized you zoned out and made your way to the coach, sending Rosé a smile. She stood up instantly and wrapped her arms around you in a tight hug.
“Chae.” You sighed, burring your nose in her neck and returning the embrace. 
“Y/N, I missed you so much!” She let go of you and you two sat down. Rosé turned to Vanessa with a beaming smile, who was examining her curiously.
“Hi! I’m Chaeyoung. But you can call me Rosie if you want.” She said sweetly and your daughter grinned, nodding.
“I`m Vanessa, nice to meet you! Are you mommy`s friend too?” She asked Chaeyoung and looked at you for approval.
“Yes, baby, we`ve known each other before you were even born, can you imagine?” You said in a playful tone and Vanessa gasped in surprise.
“Woah, that`s a whole lot!” Her eyes widened comically and she grinned at Rosé, holding her little fist up above the table. Chaeyoung paused for a moment and then chuckled in realization, fist-bumping her gently.
“You`re so cute, oh my God.” She whined, poking her cheeks and Vanessa giggled happily.
After a while, your nervousness faded completely and it started to feel like an old`s friend get-together. A waiter brought a set of cookies and some drinks to the table, Vanessa was enjoying her meal and the conversation was floating peacefully between the three of you. The girls talked about their love life, the comebacks, family matters and you were happy to hear they were finally getting their freedom after almost six years of being in a cage, as you used to call their company. Rosé was texting someone when Nessie called her attention suddenly.
“You look like a princess!” Nessie sighed in awe and you and Jennie shared a good laugh while Rosie`s face was turning crimson.
“Why do you think that?” She asked shyly and you answered before anyone could process the question.
“It`s the blonde hair. She has a thing for Rapunzel and we`ve seen it for a hundred times already.” You sighed dramatically, patting your child`s had.
“Yes, she`s my favorite!” Nessie giggled and bit another cookie like there was no tomorrow. 
“Aww, that`s nice to hear. I like her a lot too!  But don`t tell that to Lisa or Chu, she`s their favorite and they`re going to tickle me to death if they know.” Chaeyoung rolled her eyes playfully and your heart skipped a beat even though you were in the conversation with Jennie.
“Chu..?” Nessie tilted her head and Rosé hurried to explain.
“Jisoo and Lisa, our friends. Lisa actually has a strange hair color that I can’t really explain because it changes so quickly, but Jisoo`s a redhead. You`re going to love them though, they`re so funny!” Chaeyoung chuckled and Vanessa tried to smile with her mouth full, failing miserably.
“Chae, what are you talking about?” Jennie asked, concern written all over her face because she knew you wouldn`t be happy at the idea.
“Oh, Jichu texted me they were nearby and I told them where we are, so they decided to come and meet Vanessa as well. They`re so excited! Chu`s been dying to see you, Y/N.” She answered easily and you sighed, trying to organize your thoughts. Jisoo was one thing. But you were definitely not prepared to meet Lisa right now nor introduce her to Vanessa. “Y/N, I hope you don`t mind? I`m sorry I didn`t ask beforehand, but it`s been so long…”
“I`m not sure if it`s a good idea, Chae…” You desperately tried to think about any excuse to escape the situation and avoid meeting the girls but the doorbell already rang in the distance and you immediately heard their voices before you even saw them turning around the corner. Your hand unintentionally flew to Vanessa in a protective gesture which didn`t go unnoticed by Jennie. She frowned, probably trying to rationalize your actions but you didn`t give it a second thought because all of your attention was on the two women who were making their way to your table. They were wearing masks but their eyes were wide open, filled curiosity and excitement. Jisoo took off her mask, showing her pretty smile and Lisa followed her quickly, smiling shyly when they came closer.
“Y/N! My God, it`s been years.” You stood up, returning the hug, and realized you`ve been holding your breath this whole time. Vanessa was unusually quiet, sitting with Jennie, probably startled by the tension in the air. You looked at Lisa, who seemed lost and out of place, so you just smiled kindly and embraced her quickly, braking the ice like it was nothing.
“Hi, Lisa.” You whispered in her ear gently. Her sent was so familiar yet it felt like a distant memory. You zoned out for a moment but caught yourself quickly and let her go, owning a small shy ’Hi’ in return. It was obvious she didn’t know how to act around you yet and you felt just the same, desperately trying to look confident. Meeting an ex was never an easy task. 
The free of you sat down and Vanessa crawled to your lap, wrapping her hands around your neck and looking at two girls with suspicion and curiosity. She seemed to notice your discomfort and came to the rescue. It made your heart flutter and you smiled at how protective and sensitive she was already at such a young age. You loved your little girl so damn much.
“Aww, cutie.” Jisoo cooed at the view and you remembered that all eyes were on you now.
“It`s okay, baby. Don`t worry, I’m okay.” You whispered in her ear and she relaxed against your front. In the corner of your eye, you saw Lisa tilt her head curiously, like a puppy, and smile at your daughter.
“Hi, I`m Lisa!” She said in a cute voice and held her fist up. You saw Nessie`s eyes widen comically in excitement and everyone chuckled when she hurried to bump her fist in return, almost falling off your lap. Her little palm looked even smaller in comparison to Lisa`s and it made your heart ache.
“I`m Vanessa.” She grinned happily and you couldn`t help but smile brightly, admiring your child. Your nerves started to ease again, though it was still hard for you to look Lisa in the eyes, so you focused on your baby girl completely.
“I`m Jisoo, nice to meet you, Vanessa.” The older girl smiled and fist-bumped her too, noting the similarity between you and your daughter out loud. It made you blush and you felt pride warming your chest. Giving birth was really the best decision you`ve ever made.
“Chichu.” Nessie chuckled loudly and Jisoo glared at two other girls that were laughing hysterically. Lisa followed them shortly, adding a little 'You`re dead, guys.’ in between.
“It wasn`t me!” Jennie giggled while Chaeyoung hid her face in her hands, snickering and moving away from Jisoo`s grasp before she could catch her by the elbow.
“You`ll gonna pay for that, Chipmunk.” Jisoo shot her a death glare and everyone laughed again. You felt yourself relax in their company and you were thankful they made everything easier. They were just like that. And all of your concerns about meeting Lisa again faded into the background.
“So, Y/N, tell me everything! What have you been up to? How did you get this little nugget over here?”
“I`m not a nugget!!!”
You talked for about an hour and it felt like you never parted. Vanessa made everything seem so simple, carefree and bright, and by the end of the conversation, everyone was completely in love with her. You answered all of their questions, avoiding the topic of Nessie`s other parent like a plague. Jennie was paying close attention to you again, but you brushed it off, thinking she`s just missed you that much. Lisa was being unproblematic and you were thankful she didn`t mention anything about your horrible break up. To be honest, all of your previous fears were useless. It`s like she was the same Lisa you knew years ago - bright and funny, but now she was more mature and it seemed like she thought twice before saying anything. You were really enjoying their company and Vanessa seemed to like them just as much.
“Mommy!” She gasped suddenly in horror and you felt your heart speed up. “I forgot Nicky at the studio!”
“Oh my God, Nessie, you gave me a heart attack.” You sighed, closing your eyes and leaning back on the couch, and the girls chuckled. “We`ll get him back later, i promise. But please, don`t scare me like that ever again.” Vanessa nodded and returned to her noodles you ordered a while ago like she didn`t just nearly killed all of your nerve cells.
“A studio?” Rosie perked up and you snickered. Of course, she wouldn`t just skip something related to music in any sense.
“I dance!” Nessie answered happily and a noodle fell out of her mouth, making Jennie burst out laughing. You picked the food up and wiped her face gently.
“You like to dance?” Lisa asked excitedly and Jisoo rolled her eyes, grinning.
“Yes! It`s the best thing in the whole wooorld!” She nodded eagerly and Lisa high-fived her, asking Vanessa to show her some moves later.
“I wonder who she got it from…” Jennie muttered under her nose, but you heard it clearly. You frowned, catching her eyes with your own, but she didn`t look away, and you couldn`t help but tilt your head in question. She didn`t say anything, eyes falling to her phone quickly, so you changed the subject.
“Alright guys, we still have to go back to that studio and it`s someone`s nap time soon, so we better head out.” You said and Vanessa shook her head quickly with eyes full of concern.
“It`s not mine, mommy!” She looked tired already and was about to start getting fussy, but you still brushed her hair gently, took the money out of your purse and stood up.
“Yeah, it`s mine.” You smiled at her pouty lips and Chaeyoung cooed. “I so need a nap.” You said, showing how exhausted you were by rubbing your eyes softly.
“Okay then, mommy. I’ll stay with you when you get your beauty sleep, aright?” She nodded confidently and jumped off the couch in a second.
“Thank you, baby, you`re the best!” The girls stood up too to say goodbye and you smiled at them, still not believing everything went so good. 
“How are you so good with her?” Jisoo chuckled, hugging you and you grinned, returning the embrace. “I thought she was about to have a tantrum like any other kid would. You`re a magician!”
“Practice, duh. And, I’m the best.” 
“You sure are.” Jennie snickered, kissing your cheek.
“Don`t forget to say goodbye, Nessie.” You told your kid, who was hugging Rose tightly. 
“Bye-bye, aunty Jennie, bye-bye, aunty Rosie, bye-bye, aunty Jichu, bye-bye, aunty Lisa!” She lost her breath byt the time she said goodbye to everyone and the girls burst out laughing, melting completely. You hugged Jisoo and Lisa and took Nessie`s hand in yours.
“It was so good to see you guys!” You said on your way out while Vanessa was waving excitedly.
Lisa`s smile was still imprinted on your mind when you were putting Nessie to sleep that night and it felt so odd to think again about a woman you haven`t seen for so long yet who was related to you so much. She was still that Lisa you knew back then, but it seemed like she was completely a different person now and you couldn`t help but worry if this get-together with your ex would be a good thing for you or not. It got worse when Jennie texted you again that same night, wanting to meet up and promising that it would be just you and her this time. You were starting to get worried that she might be suspicious or if she knew something she didn`t need to, but you tried to reassure yourself that there was no way she would know. Right? You didn`t get much sleep that night, holding Nessie closer to your chest than usual, flashbacks of your past coming back to you till the sun rose in the morning and Vanessa opened her sparkly eyes again.
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tydelwve · 4 years
Ty’s Top 5 Reviews: High and KMT
the fics being talked about: High and Kill My Time bc they go together lol
I just want to start off by saying that the love High got was absolutely astounding to me. I wish I could thank everyone who read that fic personally, but it would just take way too long. 
High was a piece that I immediately started after hearing the song for the first time. I actually finished it a week and a half prior to posting it because of it’s happy ending sequel, Kill My Time. 
I consider it one of my best pieces purely because it reminds me of a time where I didn’t know if I the person I wanted to be with felt the same way (I didn’t have a friend like Cassidy, but I had one like Ashton. One that I probably should have listened to more at that time). Everything about it (feelings wise) is real.
Again, from the bottom of my very broken heart, thank you for reading it.
The reviews will be under the cut:
Thank you!! One of my favorite thing to do it create the stories of songs and I feel like KMT was the perfect way to continue High’s story on a happier route! I was writing KMT and I was worried that I was gonna make it worse lmaoo
#4: @zuvaati: [from High] #hmmm cassidy mate what the fuuuuuc is going on with you #you don't even know him and judge him #and then you meet him and automatically cancel him #and you try to keep them apart??? is you okay #what even #oh god
I think we all want to know why the fuck Cassidy is that way. The version that I;ve made up in my head is basically the fucked up parts of me. Basically a human version of my doubts and my trust issues pertrayed into one person who has not learned how to deal with those emotions. A little more philosophical than you hope probably but that’s the truth lol
#3: @g-l-pierce: [from High] Omg all of this angst is killing my soul. But I can’t stop myself - I’m afflicted to the pain, I think. I love this so much! 😭♥️ I cant wait for the second partttttt & [from KMT] This took my broken heart and glued it all back together and it’s an added bonus that it’s named after my favorite song. HOW DID KILL MY TIME NOT MAKE IT ONTO THE MAIN ALBUM BECAUSE ITS SO GOOD?! And it was perfect for this story! I am requesting that you please stop breaking my heart for a little while. It’s bruised and battered enough by you. 😂♥️ Such a beautiful story and I loved it!
KMT is my favorite song too!! It completely deserved to be on the album but that a can of worms for another day lolol I’m so glad i could break your heart once again, but rebuild it this time!!  Thank you for the love and support as always<3
#2: @meganwinchester1999: [from High] Ahhhhh why do you have to break my heart like this, Ty?! You really are the Queen of 5sos angst and every time you write it I just want to cry and scream. This fic was so exceptional to that and I'm both excited and nervous for part two. Also, Cassidy is a fucking bitch for not letting the reader live her own life is she jealous or something? & [from KMT] Thank you so so so much for fixing my broken heart, Ty! I'm so happy they have their happy ending and I'm glad the reader told that bitch what for
Angst is my safety net at this point. I cry and scream before writing it, so you just gotta bear with me. Cassidy IS a bitch ahah. Cassidy is my inner self so yeah, fuck her. And no problem on mending that broken heart. Can’t break you down too hard or you won’t come back. peace tf out cassidy
#1: @gigglyirwin: [from High] i kept reading and reading and hoping it’d get better and i kept getting my heart more broken and i was like fuck ty you told me it wasn’t gonna hurt this bad and it does it fucking hurts and then you just leave it like that at the end like hello tomorrow can’t come fast enough I NEED IT #beware friends this one hurts #honestly i knew ty was writing this #she gave me sneak peeks of scenes #but only the fluff scenes apparently #so i went into this thinking it wouldnt be that bad #boy was i fucking wrong #ty out here ripping my heart to shreds again & [from KMT] this was absolutely the best thing to have ever happened to me thank you ty for fixing my broken heart. also fuck cassidy i hope they never see each other again she’s so toxic. and shoutout to the boys for accepting cal and y/n and ash for apologizing and also shoutout to ty for this amazing fic i’m in love #im soft #this was so cute #ty prides herself on being angst queen #but shes also an amazing fluff writer #and dipping her toe into smut??? #i love
it think the funniest part to all of this is that i literally told you “it’s not that bad.” like i needed to build you up to tear you down hah. wow, im evil as fuck. I think it was v important for the boys to kinda welcome her back bc it shows that they trust Cal to make the right decisions or at least, they respect him. I do pride myself of being the angst queen and that will never stop hehe my fluff is just the love i have for writing :)) did you say smut?? i know what that is??? WILD
Honorable mentions (basically the strong haters of Cassidy lol):
@twilightmomentswithyou in KMT: #okay finally told cassidy where she can stick it #that's what i like to see #also love the my dog has been stolen. there is no more loyalty #because let's be honest we'd all take that little pup #and this is all written so well that i can picture it all happening and i love that 
@outerspaceisbetterthannothing for the asks about murdering Cassidy
@cashton-queen for just calling Cassidy a bitch
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bma-2020 · 5 years
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Okiedok here’s the delio. I have a list of all the blogs from the last six months who’s actively either responded to a meme i sent, responded to a message ive sent, replied to something regarding mally herself, has actually written with me, written a starter for me from my liking a starter call, has at least liked a starter i wrote for them to awknowedge it exists, all that jazz, i have a lot of open field so it’s not just a possible tumblr didnt let them no option anymore, because i send memes to everyone who posts them that i see. I reply to most peoples ooc posts. I like most starter calls I pass by. I try my darndest to actually interact bc i know how it feels to be ignored and its… i’ve been called one before so i’m using the word, thats fluffing cunty behavior, and honestly if you complain about not being interacted with but never even try when i try with you, ya being cunty, end of. I gotta list. That list only entails Mally because she’s who I care about the most. I’m probably gonna start instilling a new rule in all my blogs that if you ignore Mally and/or Darcy( @tasedandconfused ), since I would say they’re my two main blogs tho darcy gets ignored even more than mally does, probably bc i denied canon and left it entirely we know fandom hates that, if either of them is ignored then… Ya out of luck, I’m gonna unfollow you. I’m debating soft blocking everyone who ignored me on both of them but I don’t want to like be mean and deny the chance to eventually try again but at the same time i shouldnt feel bad for taking a stand and saying this is bullsheet, idk my anxiety says im awful for giving a fluff about myself but also i should give a fluff about myself probably, ive nearly died in the last three months, my brain almost exploded, i just had three root canals on one corner of my face, i have to potentially get surgery on my inner ear which i cant even afford, i dont got time to deal with only being used for like smut memes or like as a resource blog or utter bs like that, i dont got time for it. So new rules here. 1: If Mally or Darcy are not acknowledged, written with, responded to, viewed as more than just their fluffing bodies? ya dropped, im unfollowing, potentially soft blocking, which means blocking and unblocking for those not in the know, on all accounts I follow you on. Every single one. I know most of my muses are on sideblogs but despite not being able to send memes from sideblogs you can block people from sideblogs fun fact, i will do that if i have to. 2: I’m gonna be posting SCs, PCs, memes, etc. I like and respond to plotting calls, starter calls, i send memes, all of that. If I don’t get any response within.. I’m giving one week for people who don’t run on a queue and a month and a half to people on a queue based system, if i dont get anything within that time like at least an im being like ‘its posted’ or ‘its queued i wanted to let you know in case tumblrs a fluffbutt’ (i do this sometimes if i dont get even just a like on the starters i post so i at least know people saw it since i know tumblrs bs, i wait until the day they’re active to do so in case theyre busy yknow) basically i need acknowledgment at all. No you can’t claim this is abt follower count bc when you unfollow someone they inevitably unfollow you too, thats gonna drop my following, not as quickly as soft blocking would but i wanna be fair i guess, which leads to: 3: I’m basing this on your activity too, like if i like a think and you’re gone for a month after that its fine, im not gonna unfollow you unless you never come back or youre online and posting others just not mine because that tells me youre specifically ignoring me and im gonna drop you for that end of. I’m done with the bullsheet im done w the dillish behavior, i love friendship but if im giving and never receiving thats extremely one way and not gonna work. I check through my follow list weekly and i go back about five-10 pages on someones feed before i unfollow them to see their actual activity and see if theyre here or if its a q so. I’m thorough basically. 4: You dont have to be active with me on all your blogs, i mean i’d prefer it but thats hard as fluff so essentially if you have like five blogs and are just like trying w me on two or three thats fine. Ten blogs, four or five with at least a plot formed is cool. Multis just one muse is all I’d need. I’m not gonna unfollow the blogs youre not writing w me on if you at least write w me on some. Again, specifically Mally and/or Darcy. If you ignore both of them, we’re done. I havent been active on darcy because of being ignored and its a huge butt mess and im just tired i wanna use my babies, you don’t get to have my ‘better’ muses like i know a lot of ppl only follow me for my boys or my villains, you don’t get them if you ignore my baby. But, there is a limit there too. 5: If you never respond to a meme or thread even once with Mally or Darcy, or post a starter, i reply, its never replied to again after a month, I’m unfollowing and/or soft blocking for that too. Bc that means youre just raising my hopes to fluff with me or get someone else and honestly, youre even more cunty than than the people just flat out ignoring me if you do that. And this isnt a specific person, this is five of the people actually on my list. Yes, my list is also annotated with specifics again I was very thorough on this yesterday, I hyperfixated I’ll admit it, I’m in a fluffing depressionary bubble and being told to get over it because people want something they dont deserve to have to. I am a believer that people deserve good things but if youre purposefully being cunty… no you dont. 6: No I’m not releasing my list, maybe I will and I’ll omit the urls because I don’t want people being buttholes to each other too but otherwise, yall not seeing it im not giving a callout because… really thats just unnecessary here. I don’t think yall are toxic people or something i just think yall are unintentionally being cunty. And no I don’t mean everyone that follows me i mean the ppl that add up to what i’ve documented so far and fit the bill of butthat that i’ve shown, its behaviors yall gotta check before ya wreck. Yes there will be some people who have priority, everyone has those people, I write w kathryn on other platforms since she doesnt go on here as often but when Kathryn returns from war here (if she does cause she also agrees most ppl on this platform are cunty, i feel really bad saying that word so often but im gonna keep doing it i recently deleted an ask saying I was a huge cunt for not sending someone smut memes when I didn’t even follow them or know they existed so, again the travesty of this place is nutballers) same with owly, alex is here too, my most active partners are always going to be priority because theyre the ones who show the most interest and the most care. I understand that with others as well which is why I have the timeframe set up, because I want to be as open and shizz as possible while atill being firm i guess. I don’t want to have extreme double standards like its impossible for double standards not to exist at least a little bit but I want to avoid a golden chest full of them I guess. 7: I don’t have a seven rn, this was an even number and it bothered me. Seven is nust my warning that I’m bittery writing this on mobile so formatting is not real but i tried my dandest to make this look like something people might actually mind. I dont want to be butty, i dont want to be awful, i dont want to start drama or have drama but that shizz comes around anyways so i might as well make my space as okay for me as i can cause im supposed to avoid stress so my brain doesnt almost explode again, like again i almost fluffing died i dont need ppl fake being my friend or anything, i want stuff to be real and clear. I want to be happy to be on here again and have fun like i used to since my health is plummetting and I’m not allowed to go outside near plants by myself anymore because i welt up. I have plants outside my work place and im surrounded by chemicals all day long I’m welted from here to new york constantly and never comfortable in my own skin because of it and constantly see people online acting like these actual real problems are pretentious because ‘its an excuse’ when, im a fluffing sagittarius, do you know how much i want to magically be a millionaire so i can pay for friends and my own medical stuff and go on traveling and adventures, be outside probably not camping bc as a pagan i know thats a death sentence but like be outside, lay on grass, go back to swimming because i used to swim competitively and due to health reasons i can barely even go in a pool anymore because theres too much sunlight which, bit plot twist i know, im fluffing allergic to vitamin D and the rays of the sun, so go figure, attempts to be healthy kill me more, i also cant eat most plants and am constantly dying from just eating food, they dont know whats wrong with me. i cant fix it by going ve/gan for a month inf act i tried and it almost made my heart stop thanks society. These arent excuses these are the lives of disabled and diseased and to a lesser but still very real point, ethnic lives every fluffing day. This is real shit and its murder and online and gaming? It may be all I have soon since I can’t just go out and make new friends cause, again, I’d fluffing die. I get sick going to the mall or the movie theater, I miss theme parks so much but have to minimize it to weeks i dont have work so i dont get fired for having a welt while working in the beauty industry. I may have to get a degree online and change my field entirely because of my illness that nobody understands. People even make fun of it constantly online and I wish I could just drop online entirely because of how unbelievably ableist the entirety of the world is, i wish i could drop humans in general for their ableism, but i cant. I don’t have choices in most cases, but throwing away people who maybe purposefully maybe unintentionally thats why i’m giving you this warning and will be repeating this warning for awhile, this is where i have choice. I have to use what little choice I have in life while I can since everytime i go to movies or a concert or a theme park i almost die because of not having an immune system that functions or being in certain air qualities pr being near plants or unclean people, I may not have much time and I gotta do whats best for what little mental health I have, and if that means dropping people i care about and really want to write with and do things with but who ignore me then, i guess so be it.
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yaachtynoboat711 · 6 years
Warning: Fluff, Being an annoying girlfriend
A/N: So like, this is my first fic. I didn’t have any expectations bc this was written at 2 AM this morning and I wrote for an hour straight. Feel free to leave feedback down here. Lemme know if you wanna be tagged too. Also, special shouts to my suh @eriknutinthispoosy for helping me at 2AM to look at this. 😭😭
Pairing: Winston Duke x OC
Word Count: 1-1.1k words
Work was hella long today. It seems like more cases pile up on your desk while Attny. Yaa Abdullah was away. Granted, Yaa was thankful for the new clients for her fairly new law firm, but SHIT! It was almost like she never went home. However, this Thursday evening was different: she were indeed going home and she had her usual Friday off. The car ride back to your Georgetown brownstone was upbeat with your ratchet playlist despite the fact that she was dog-ass tired. Just as soon as “Bickenhead” begins to play, her best friend from law school Daveon calls. “Shit!” She exclaimed before answering her best friend’s call.
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“Hell you want, Ve?”, she asks annoyed
“Well shit, Yaa, hey to you too…” He answers semi-offended at your tone.
“My bad, boo. Bickenhead was coming on the moment you called and I was about the throw ass on the Interstate. What’s up?”
“I won’t be able to make it to the house tonight. Sienna’s girlfriends from Spelman are in town and I gotta be DD all weekend.” Yaa cackles louder than planned as she practically heard his eyes roll.
“Oh Lord. It’s okay, boo. I was about be KO’d mid-sentence anyways.”
“Damn. You had that kind of day, Yaa?” Daveon questioned.
Besides her father and her boyfriend, Daveon McCrary was the only man that knew her. In fact, he knew her better than anyone did. Yaa and Daveon met in 1L by necessity (they were the only Black people in Torts). He was the perfect best friend that so happened to be male. There never was sexual tension between you two; just pure friendship. He currently practices real estate law in Philadelphia. If you didn’t see him as your brother, you would’ve married him before Sienna did.
“Yeah. It’s been like this for damn near three weeks. I wanna complain, but I really can’t. It’s whatever though. It’s Payday Eve and I’m off tomorrow!” you confidently reply.
“Well, shit, I hear ya. Lemme gone and pray before this weekend commences. Love you, Herm.”
You laugh before ending the call, “Love you too, Beulah Jean.”
The last leg of your commute home is quite entertaining. You manage to give a full in-car performance of The Formation World Tour while driving (do you know how difficult that is?).
When you pull into private driveway, you notice something’s off. For one, you dog Jasper isn’t at the back door waiting to show you affection. “Where the fuck is she?” you mumbled. When you walk into the mudroom, your eyes widen when a familiar scent of sandalwood hits your nose—a scent you haven’t smelled in almost five months. When you turn the corner going into the kitchen, you begin feeling butterflies in both your stomach and your Southern area as you see your thick, 6’5” chocolate milkshake leaning on the kitchen counter with his wide ass back facing you.
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It was obvious that Winston had his earphones in; otherwise he would’ve welcomed you with an embrace that made you turn into putty. You heard him talking and could tell by his body movements that he was more than likely updating his Instagram story. This was your chance. Since you and Winston had been dating, NEVER in those two years had you been able to smack his ass. You always reminded him that he had a nice ass. You often joked that that was the reason you’d agreed to be his girlfriend. Without any delay, you said a quick prayer to the petty gods, hoping that Winston wouldn’t choke your pervy ass out when he got a hold to you. The smack echoed throughout your kitchen. Almost instantly, Winston whipped his body around and gave you a look that you’d only seen when he was preparing to be M’Baku. There was a rage in his eyes. Accepting your possible early arrival into the Ancestral Plane and now running on adrenaline, you take off out of the kitchen and up the stairs to your room.
Winston’s brief moment of processing what had just happened gave you time to flee and lock the master bedroom door. By the time you slid down the door trying to catch your breath, there is a loud bang and a furious Winston on the other side of the door. “KHALIDA YAA DENAE ABDULLAH, OPEN DIS DOOR! LIKE RIGHT BLASTED NOW!” Whenever Winston would be livid, his Caribbean accent would be ever-present. Boy is it present. As he bangs on the door, you start laughing hysterically. Like…really hard. After about five minutes of straight laughter and tears, you finally calm down and respond to your beau. “Nah ,chief” ,you begin, “you can’t just roll up into my house after being away for five months, be double-caked on this fine Thursday, and not expect me to smack that shit! The least you could do was not have your back turned to me. I’m sorry, Win, I saw an opportunity and I ran with it. Forgive me?” you conclude sweetly. You crack the door open ever so slightly to see the face of your man looking down at you in disgust. “You seek forgiveness, my love?”, Winston replies as if he’s M’Baku. You smirk in anticipation of his next move. Before you could even close the door, he opens the doors and grabs you in one swift motion. You begin laughing and screaming now that you was being attacked with kisses and tickles and the fact that you’re finally in your baby’s big strong arms. No matter how many times he picked you up, you were still amazed at how effortless it was for Winston to pick your curvy ass up. He had you spoiled, sis.
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Still in your baby’s arms, he’d pulled you into his embrace—the feeling you’d been longing for since you walked into the door. You kiss him on the temple, nose, and finally the lips before you say, “I missed you sooooo much, Winnie the Duke.” Your man rolls his eyes as he replies with intimate kisses, intimate enough for you to faintly moan into them. He finally speaks: “You know I’ve missed my plush princess. Five months was five months too long to be from you, Yaa. Let’s just hope that that’s the last time my agent pulls that stunt on me.” You chuckle as you get up to change into your pajamas, which ain’t nothin’ but short ass shorts and one of his old workout shirts. Winston places your pink mega bonnet on your faux loc-adorned head and observes you with a full toothy as you complete your nighttime ritual in the bathroom (link). You sway your wide hips to the rhythms of Sade as you finish moisturizing your face. When you finish, you are welcomed to a sight you have long to see for months now: a sleeping Winston Duke. You carefully got into bed as you try not to disturb the sleeping angel’s hard-earned snoozing . The moment you get under the covers, Winston wraps his arms around your full waist. “There’s no better place but here”, you comment to yourself. You turn in the bed to face him and slowly drift away.
My Suhs:
@eriknutinthispoosy @niquelafleur @kumkaniudaku @dacreskars @sarahboseman @babygirlofwakanda @muse-of-mbaku @pastelastronomy24 @vanitykocaine @plussizeappreciationfics @teheeboo @brianabreeze @lavitabella87 @laketaj24 @brittyevans (I’m forgetting some people and I’m sorry 😭😭)
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yamibts-blog1 · 7 years
Shooting Stars
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Pairing: Taehyung x Reader 
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: Approx 3300 words
A/N: Okay, so I haven’t wrote a fanfic in almost two years and this is the first time I’ve written a BTS (or kpop) inspired fic. So this is probably far too detailed for your everyday fanfiction, also sorry for any errors in grammar or spelling xD 
A soft breeze passes by, providing a brief break from the warmth of the rays that had clung to you like a blanket. As you lay on the field this late Saturday afternoon, you embraced the hazy hum of summer in Seoul, a steady stream of mellow music beating through your earphones. One arm draped across your face to shield your closed eyes from the blinding sun above. The other lazily flung out beside you, occasionally spinning blades of grass between your fingertips. This was the kind of peaceful vibe you loved the most. However, it was one that was short lived. Your music suddenly became duller in volume as you felt your earbud being spontaneously tugged out of your right ear.
“You better not be sleeping” a gentle but deep voice; that you felt more than you heard, whispered into your now empty ear. You lifted your arm from your face slightly, enough so that you could peek one eye open from the cover you created. A familiar set of deep brown eyes; glistening with mischief, greeted your foggy eyes. The pixie like face of the boy mere centimeters away from the side of yours. You could feel a pleasant warmth rolling off him, prickling the skin on your neck. It burned more than the summer heat. You blinked slowly, swallowing your thoughts quickly. “I didn’t think you’d get here so soon” you exhaled softly, releasing a breath you didn’t realise you were holding. “I can see that. When I told you that I’d be a little late, I didn’t think you’d decide to take a nap” the boy quipped back jokingly. “I wasn’t sleeping, I was just resting with my eyes closed” you defended, closing your eyes again in fake exasperation. A more aggressive breeze passed over your face, at least you thought it was a breeze. You heard the boy next to you inhale dramatically, before blowing cold air towards you with such force it made your hair fly across your face, tickling your nose. “Okay, okay” you sighed, placing both your palms flat on the grass as you gradually lifted your shoulders off the ground, shifting your weight onto your forearms. Squinting against the brightness of the setting sun, your sight adjusted to the view of the boy. All wide eyed and pursed lipped, probably caught off guard mid-blow during his mission to irritate you. He was lay on his front; horizontal to you, your bodies shaping a right angle on the grass. Propped up on his elbows, his small chin rested in his palm, your right earphone dangling from his other hand. He looked suspiciously comfortable.
“How long have you been here for?” you questioned him with a raised eyebrow, “Please don’t tell me you’ve been here watching me for the past five minutes because that’s super creepy, and I’m not into it”.  The boys’ eyes shined bright with amusement “For the past fifteen minutes actually” he jested, a cheeky grin forming his lips. “TAEHYUNG, YOU CREEP!” you exclaimed, shoving his shoulder not too gently, knocking his arm from under his chin. “HEY! I was joking-” Taehyung protested in fake shock before laughing lightly as he sat up, repositioning into a crouch, elbows now resting on his knees. “Besides, I can’t believe you haven’t asked me why I wanted you to meet me here yet” he said shaking the sides of his jacket and wiping the front of his shirt of grass and dirt. “After 4 tedious years of being friends with you Tae, do you really think I bother to question your motives anymore? For all I know you’re planning on taking me into the woods to murder me in secret and bury me amongst the trees” you joked sarcastically. Taehyung gazed down at you, frowning slightly “Firstly, you hands down win the prize for my most cheerful date yet, so well done for that Y/N ” he mocked as he poked your cheek with his slender index finger. “Secondly, I’m offended that you think I could kill you” his thumb moved up to gently pinch the skin on your cheek, “I need you-, I mean- who else will let me beat them at video games? Who will I watch terrible movies with? I have to keep you around for a while you know ” he teased lightly, standing up to brush his knees off, before turning to walk away. You stared after him, rubbing the spot on your cheek that the boy had touched, hoping that any blush on your face could be mistaken for a mark from the pinch. From the moment you first met Taehyung, it had been painfully obvious to almost everyone that you had a crush on him. Something Tae himself had embarrassingly tormented you over for the first few months of your friendship. It wasn’t until you accepted that any feelings you had were unlikely reciprocated, that you dismissed your crush on him as nothing but childish. However, that did not stop Taehyung from labelling any time you two spent alone together as a date, an inside joke you eventually joined in on. Nor did it stop you from admiring how attractive he was; perhaps in a more than platonic way, especially as he grew taller and broader over the years-. “Hey Y/N, are you hell bent on ruining my surprise? C’mon, let’s go” Tae shouted, breaking you from your thoughts. Rolling your eyes, you got up and followed him.
You and Taehyung wandered around aimlessly, talking playfully until conversation faded into its usual comfortable silence. You admired how the afternoon grew dim and faded into the dusk of the evening. You stopped at the top of a hill overlooking a broad view of the city, standing in awe at the array of colours as the sun set over the urban metropolis. You pulled out your phone from the pocket of your jeans, opening your camera app to snap a few landscape pictures of the view. Taehyung stood behind you, watching you click and zoom to get the focus right. Without warning he tapped the front camera option and instantly both of your faces appeared on screen. Just as you were about to scold him for his cheekiness, Taehyung grabbed your phone from your hand, holding it up at high angle so that both of you were in better shot on the screen. “SELCA TIME!” he exclaimed cheerily. Pouting his lips together cutely, he rested his chin on your shoulder, his fingers making a finger heart next to your cheek as you scowled in annoyance while he snapped a picture. “C’mon Y/N, I know you can smile better than that” Taehyung whined teasingly. Feeling cocky you snatched the cap from his head and placed it on your own. “I wasn’t trying to smile” you shot back with a fake smile, before looking at the camera to fix your hair. You closed your eyes and smiled sweetly into the camera, holding up the peace sign ready for another picture. You felt Taehyung boldly snake his arm around your waist, resting his hand on your hip, as he placed a kiss on the side of your face. By the time you opened your eyes, ready to hit the boy, Taehyung had already taken a step back, fully immersed on what was on your screen. You stalked towards him as he tapped your screen a few times, which he turned and presented to you. A boxy smile lighting up his face. You looked at your phone screen to see that your background was now set as the most recent selca: Taehyung rocking messy hat hair, his eyes squeezed shut, his lips pressed against your cheek as you posed. “Aren’t we so adorable?” he asked in the cutest baby voice he could muster. Rolling your eyes, you snatched your phone from his hands and walked past him, leaving him to chase on after you.
The two of you walked around some more until the sky grew dark and dim. The park seemed to be busier than usual, making you question whether there was a festival or event that you had failed to acknowledge. It wasn’t till you both stopped at a small lake that resided in the heart of the park that you realised that something was different about today. Sure, the park was often popular, but never had you seen this many people walking around or lounging about on blankets with picnics. “Here we are” Taehyung breathed in triumph as he stretched his arms and sat down cross legged, pulling you down with him. Slumping down uncomfortably, you shifted your position next to him, legs stretched out in front of you. You removed the cap you stole earlier, ruffling your hair free before turning to the boy next to you. “Are you gonna tell me what’s going on Tae? Why are we here?” Taehyung craned his neck back, his face pointing upwards, eyes darting at the view above him. Either he didn’t hear your question, or he blatantly ignored it; the delicate smile on his face suggesting the latter. “The sky is so clear, it’s perfect for tonight” he spoke in astonishment. “What do you mea-” you began with interest just as you were cut off by the sounds of excited gasps and babbling around you. Looking around frantically, you noticed almost everybody in the park was staring up at the sky like Taehyung was. Puzzled, you glanced up only to be met with an incredible sight. As Taehyung had pointed out, it was a beautifully clear night, the vast darkness above littered with thousands upon thousands of tiny white specks. A dull glow from the grey half-moon illuminated the inky black sheet above, making the sky appear almost indigo in places. Completely caught up in the wonder of what was in front of your eyes, you couldn’t help but double take when you thought you saw a white dot dart across your vision. Blinking hard to make sure you hadn’t imagined it, you sat up straight completely alert, eyes painfully focused above you. “Tae I thin-” you started to mumble, but just as you were speaking another bright ball sped across the sky, a thin wispy tail chasing behind it. In astonishment you shot up, grabbing hold of Taehyungs’ arm in excitement. “Oh my God! Shooting stars!” you exclaimed as you squeezed his limb absent mindedly. Taehyung chuckled lightly, but didn’t reply, he didn’t need to. A few moments later you relaxed your posture, letting go of the boys’ arm, leaning back slightly. The two of you sat in wonder, watching the lights hurtle in different directions, some burning bright and quick, others twinkling softly and slowly into the cosmos.
After a length of time that felt like minutes but was probably closer to an hour, the silence was broken by Taehyung. “I can’t believe you didn’t know there was a meteor shower tonight. Although I’m kinda glad. It wouldn’t have been much of a surprise date if you knew” he muttered softly, still gaping at the stars. “You’re joking about the date part, right?” you scoffed rhetorically, expecting a witty comeback in response. You felt him tense, a slight seriousness in his voice you didn’t anticipate “Not everything I say or do is a joke you know” he almost sighed. At that you tore yourself away from your dreamy daze of shooting stars to look at Taehyung, almost waiting for him to laugh off his last remark. Searching his features for any sign of suppressed humour, you couldn’t help but admire how magnificent he looked. His soft tousled hair covering his forehead, almost brushing into his warm brown eyes, glittering with interest at the sights above. Your eyes trailed to his side profile, which showed off his sharp jawline, the tight skin on his smooth neck leading to the dip above his collar bone, his chest rising and falling rhythmically under the fabric of his shirt. Taehyung must have felt your stare on him, because when you lifted your eyes from his torso to his face, your eyes were met with his curious regard, the corners of his mouth twitching into a small smile. You looked away far too quickly not to cause suspicion, focusing your attention on a patch of grass in front of you. Suddenly aware of how close you were to the boy next to you, your body froze. Shoulders touching, your arm was still looped under and through his, your hand resting in the space between his thigh and hand. You must have forgotten to move it after you grabbed onto his arm earlier. You probably didn’t think anything of it at the time, too caught up in the meteor shower, but now it felt scarily intimate. A somewhat new atmosphere surrounded you both, somewhere between an awkward tension and uncomfortable silence. You could feel his glare burning into your skin, heating your cheeks. You moved your hands to your lap and anxiously started fiddling with your finger nails in attempt to mask any nervousness you might have acquired under the boys scrutinizing stare. It felt completely irrational to be this nervous, the two of you were no strangers to skinship. The gentle hand-holding during shopping trips, childish playfights that often led to spontaneous naps on the dorm couch, wrapping each other in silent embraces during times of stress of upset. All those moments never felt like anything more than harmless affection between friends. Perhaps you were overthinking things you mused to yourself, romanticizing over a reflex that was intensified by the thrill of shooting stars.
As if reading your thoughts, Taehyung casually moved his hands, placing them over your busy hands to steady them, lacing his fingers warm fingers through yours. A shiver ran through your body at the contact. Swallowing hard, you prayed that it wasn’t noticeable, but of course it was obvious. “Are you cold?” he mused, already moving himself closer to you. Not trusting yourself to speak for fear of a trembling voice you shook your head and looked up towards the sky. Far too distracted to pay any attention to what was happening up there, but hoping you could give off the illusion you were unfazed. Taehyung shuffled a bit, removing his jacket, you considered protesting but thought it would be best to let him believe you were shivering from the cold than for any other reason. Taehyung wrapped the warm fleecy jacket around your shoulders, his palms running up and down your arms, his attempt to comfort you from the cold only made more hairs stand up on the back of your neck. “Feeling better?” he questioned, his breath tickled your neck, his lips dangerously close to your ear like they were earlier. You closed your eyes momentarily, trying to compose yourself. When your lids opened heavily, the view of the sky had become hazy. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Taehyung chewing on his lip; a habit of his when he was deep in thought, as he contemplated a spot of skin under your ear. “How romantic of you” you whispered feebly, trying to sound nonchalant to break the ice but regretting it instantly. You heard Taehyung inhale sharply, and exhale a stifled laugh “You don’t make the romantic moments easy Y/N.” he murmured almost tenderly in defeat, his fingers grazing your jaw as he tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear. Worried about the direction this conversation was taking you hesitantly turned your head to face him, “I was being sarcas-” you frowned as you tried to correct yourself. Instead your words were cut short as Taehyung pressed his soft lips tentatively to yours with an unexpected eagerness. You gasped in surprise, and for the briefest of moments you considered pulling away. But within one achingly heavy heartbeat your eyes closed and your lips automatically began moving against the delicate ones touching yours. Earning a broken hitch in Taehyung breath as a response before he sighed into the kiss. You felt his grip on your arm relax as his other hand ran smoothly along your shoulder, feather light up your neck, finally stopping to cup your face in his palm. He deepened the kiss quickly, almost desperately, running a rough fingertip along your jawline. One of your hands made their way around the back of his neck, your fingers stroking the short hairs at the nape of his neck, urging him closer as you reflexively sucked on his bottom lip, tugging it gently between yours.
As if stung by a static shock Taehyung flinched back, making a low sound somewhere between a gasp and a moan. His hands suddenly placed on each of your shoulders, almost holding you at arm’s length. Opening your eyes in confusion, the sight in front of you was more incredible than witnessing a million falling stars. Taehyungs’ hair appeared more tousled than before, his lips pinker and plumper, panting uneven breaths, dark eyes glazed over in a dreamy daze as they searched your face for any sign of regret. Surprisingly, you were the one to speak first “What’s wrong?” you asked, the confidence in your voice sounding unusual to you. Clearly it surprised Taehyung as well, as his dropped to his lap, his eyebrows raised slightly, blinking at you a few times before laughing breathlessly. You weren’t sure if it was a laugh of relief of nervousness. A wave of embarrassment washed over you. What if he regretted kissing you? A blush crept along your cheeks as you ran a hand shakily through your hair to ground yourself. What if you took it too far? “Oh God, it was a mistake, wasn’t it?” you half choked, half laughed, “I’m sorry, I got very, very carried away” you continued, readying yourself to leave. “Wait, What? Hold on Y/N”. Taehyungs’ voice raised in pitch, eyes wide, and in a flash his hands went to your wrists, pulling you back in front of him, his stare intense. “That wasn’t a mistake. I’ve been tryin-, I’ve been meani-” he cleared his throat, collecting his thoughts, his gaze soft and calm “I’ve wanted to do that for so long, I just wasn’t sure if you would kiss me back. That was until I noticed you staring at me before. I don’t know why but it gave me a boost of confidence, but still-” he paused, “I definitely wasn’t expecting you to kiss me back like that” he confessed coolly, a smug smile replacing any other emotion from his features. Staring at him in disbelief you laughed bashfully, freeing your hands from Tae’s grip to cover your face out of shyness. “I think I’m gonna be the one to kill you and bury you in the woods at this rate Taehyung” you mumbled awkwardly between your fingers. Rubbing your face as if you could wipe away how stupid you felt for jumping to conclusions. “I’d rather you didn’t, I haven’t waited for four years to kiss you only for you to murder me in my moment of bliss”. You looked up at the boy in front of you, his goofy box smile making your heart flutter restlessly, “That’s disgustingly cheesy Tae” you complained, pushing his shoulder. Taehyung simply chuckled and pulled you closer towards him, any awkwardness disappearing as the atmosphere between you two returned to its usual familiarity, just with more affection. “I’ll take that as an acceptance of my confession then” he whispered into the crook of your neck. All you could do was roll your eyes and giggle as he nuzzled his nose against your skin.
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mcu-padawan · 7 years
Staying Neutral
Prompt: Imagine person A of your OTP relentlessly flirting with B in public, just to see B blush. Basically a lot of fluff. Pairings: Michael Gray x Reader
Warnings: fluffy fluff
Word Count: 1566 A/N: Okay guys so this is my very FIRST imagine and my very first post on tumblr. I've written before but it's been a while so please keep that in mind that this might not be my best work because I'm starting to get back in the groove of things. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy!!!
You were at the wedding of Thomas and Grace, Grace having invited you as the good cousin she was. You didn't know the Shelby's too well, but you'd heard the stories and you'd seen the drama developing around Grace. It was safe to say you weren't looking to get involved with any of the Shelby family.
A few hours into the evening proved that telling Grace that you were sick with the flu would have been a smarter choice than actually attending the wedding. You tried to tell Grace that socializing wasn't your forte, but she insisted and you couldn't say no. "Oh come on Y/N, my wedding won't be like going to those London pubs. You'll have fun, trust me!" You had agreed, finally giving in to Grace's pleas after five calls. Now, standing in a light blue ball gown in the middle of a room full of people you barely knew, you regretted being such a big family person. A waiter passed by with a tray of champagne cups and you decided to take one, quickly drinking it down in hopes of having the alcohol help you “loosen up,” like your mum had advised you when you let her know you were going to London. "If you were lookin' for something stronger, you could've asked you know." You jumped, nearly dropping the now empty glass. Turning, you found a smartly dressed man staring intently at you. He was holding a glass of what seemed like bourbon. "Excuse me?" The man chuckled and introduced himself. "My name's Michael. I don't think 've seen you ‘round before." "That's because I usually don't come to Birmingham," you said, scowling slightly as you recalled caving into your cousin's charm. "What's your name?" Michael insisted. "Y/N," you replied, trying to keep to yourself but not trying to be rude to the handsome man standing next to you. "Well Y/N, would you like something stronger? I noticed you drank that champagne quite quickly." You shook your head and gave your empty glass to another waiter, trying to get yourself out of the situation with Michael. "I'm fine. Thank you, Michael." He nodded but remained standing by your side, much to your excitement and dismay. You didn't have anything against Michael, you were actually quite flattered by his attention, but you had already made up your mind that you wouldn't involve yourself with anyone at this party. "So you're Grace's cousin?" Michael asked, glancing at you as he took a drink from his glass. You looked at him with questioning eyes. "Grace said her cousin was beautiful, ‘n I don't see anyone as stunning as you in this room." Your cheeks instantly heated up and you smoothed a hand over your dress. You tried to keep your lips from forming into a smile and quickly grabbed another glass from a passing waiter. "I'd beg to differ," you chuckled, the bubbly substance beginning to settle into your system. "That girl looking over at you is quite pretty." Michael was looking at you again, a slight smile forming on his lips. He didn't look at the girl you were talking about, he just kept on looking at you. Your eyes met his and you couldn't bring yourself to look away. The blush on your cheeks soon traveled towards the back of your ears and you could feel your entire face turn red. You weren't experienced when it came to talking to men, but you were certain Michael was smitten with you. And while Michael was certainly involved with the Shelby's, the attention he was giving you was addicting and you found yourself wanting more. Before you could say anything, Grace announced that dinner was ready, and all of the guests proceeded to make their way to the dining room. -- During dinner, Michael was sitting across from you, in between who you learned was Polly and John Shelby. Polly and John kept talking to Michael throughout dinner, or at least trying to, but he was too distracted to keep an actual conversation. At first they thought he was thinking about business, but they soon caught Michael looking in your direction. You didn't miss the way Michael kept on looking at you either. You were seated in between Ralf, one of your cousins, and Jason, his colleague, both of which were trying to get you to talk more to Jason. But as much as you tried, you couldn't keep up with their conversations because you could feel Michael's eyes on you throughout most of the dinner. "So I told Ralf that I would wait until I found the right woman before I presented her to my mother. I always thought that would be a long time away, but I think she might be nearer than I expected." You didn't realize Jason had been talking to you until Ralf cleared his throat, something which caught both yours and Michael's attention. You blushed as you realized you had been caught staring at Michael and quickly looked down, biting your lip. "Yes," you replied quickly. "That's nice." You chanced a quick look at Michael and found him openly smiling at you. "I could kiss you right now," he mouthed. You slowly shook your head once you saw that Jason and Ralf were having their own conversations. "You wouldn't," you mouthed back. "Don't tempt me, " Michael mouthed back. You couldn't help smiling and laughing. This day certainly wasn't turning out like any of your nights in London. -- Dinner had ended without any major incidents except for Michael's constant looks and winks towards you. Your silent interactions with Michael hadn't gone unnoticed by Grace and you caught her smiling at the two of you various times during dinner. You had been dancing with Grace almost all night, sitting at a table only when Tommy or another of the Shelby brothers took her out to dance. You were tired because of all the dancing but you were having so much fun, dance being one of the only things that made you truly happy in life. You weren't the best dancer out there, but you knew how to move and you had fun. You were sitting at a table, trying to catch your breath from the fast song that had just finished and waiting until the current slow along ended (Grace took this chance to dance with Tommy). "Would you care to dance?" You looked up to find one other than Michael Gray holding out his hand for you to take. You smiled and took it, walking with him towards the dance floor. You felt his arm wrap around your waist, you grabbed his other hand, and the both of you started to dance. "Did you really mean what you were saying earlier?" you asked, wanting to get straight to the point. Michael looked down at you with a smirk. "Which part? The one where I said I'd kiss you?" You nodded. "Sure," he nodded. "You're a beautiful woman who's alone here tonight. Why wouldn't I kiss you?" You didn't say anything, not sure how to feel with what he'd just said. Would he kiss any other woman who was attractive and alone? "Hey, are you alright?" You nodded but didn't look up at him. The song finished and you started to make your way back to your table, but Michael stopped you, pulling you even closer to him. "Don't leave yet. I want to keep you here with me." His words made you feel things you'd never felt before. Sure, you'd had crushes, but not like this. The both of you continued to dance to the music. "So do you usually kiss women at these events?" you asked. Michael laughed and grabbed your hand. He pulled you over to an empty hallway and stepped close to you, making you step back until your back hit the wall. "You know you're kinda cute when you get jealous," he laughed. "I am not jealous Michael." "Ey, sure you're not. But to answer your question, no I don't usually kiss women in these events. I only kiss women who I really like. And yes, Y/N, I would kiss you in a heartbeat and in a room full of people. You want to know why? Because I really like you, even though I just met you. So you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to kiss you, right here and right now, and I hope you're okay with that, love, because nothing's stoppin’ me this time." And sure enough you felt Michael's soft lips on yours. You let go of a sigh you didn't even know you were holding in, and that prompted Michael to deepen the kiss, his hands trailing down to rest on your waist and pull you closer to him. His tongue traced your lip and you opened your mouth, intensifying the kiss even further, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, not able to get him close enough. But alas, all good things come to an end, and the two of you had to pull away to catch your breath. You kept your eyes closed as Michael touched his forehead to yours. "We have to do that again. How long are you staying in Birmingham?" You laughed. "As long as you want me to Michael." So much for staying away from the Shelby family.
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gif not mine x
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sonyeogscenarios · 7 years
Surprise; Kim Hyun Ah
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» Hyuna • Reader
» Fluff
» I chose Hyun Ah because it´s been ages since I´ve written for her. Hope that´s okay with you, anonie.  I tought this idea was pretty nice for a fluffy scenario, so I really hope you´ll enjoy it. 
„Jagiya, your brithday is coming up.“
 Your girlfriend, Hyun Ah, spoke up after moments filled with silence. You raised your gaze to look at the computer screen, seeing Hyun Ah with her chin placed in the palm of her hand. You hummed, not sure why she brought it up all of a sudden. „Is there anything you want me to get for you?“
„Hyun Ah, how many times am I supposed to tell you not to buy me anything.“ You rolled your eyes. You didn´t like when she spent money on you, yet, she still did it. Of course she would try and buy you something for your birthday; you should´ve seen it coming. You also knew very well it was pointless trying to convince her otherwise. If she set her mind on something, she was going to make it happen. „But its your birthday! I have to get you a present!“ She pouted, making you sigh.
„Okay, fine. But nothing too expensive, okay?“ She nodded happily, shooting you a wide grin. You smiled at her, hugging the pillow you held to your chest tighter. Hyun Ah suddenly looked away from the camera, likely talking to her manager. When she looked back at you, her lips were in a thin line. „I have to go now, jagiya. I love you, take care.“
„I love you too.“ You sent her a kiss before ending the video call – shutting you laptop closed.
„-and then he proposed.“ You listened to your friend gush over her engagement, feeling a twinge of jealousy. Not that you weren´t happy for her; you were and how much. You could say you were a little envious of her picture perfect life. „I´m so happy for you, Areum-ah.“
„Enough about me, though. Your birthday is tomorrow!“ You couldn´t help but groan at yet another mention of your birthday. „Not you too.“
„You have to stop being like that. It gets unhealthy after a while, you know.“ Areum scolded you, taking a sip of her tea right after. You leaned back in your seat, pushing away a plate with dessert. Areum insisted on taking you out for lunch, complaining that you weren´t eating enough. How could you when work was piling up, slowly beginning to suffocate you. And also without Hyun Ah, your main source of motivation by your side. She was usually the one who convinced you into geting things done when you were ready to give up. „Anyway, I have surprise for you.“
„Seriously? You know how much I hate them.“ You said, letting a chuckle slip out. Areum was usually like it; she always said it was her job as your best friend to do things you didn´t like. Surprising you was one of them. You were ready to fight anyone just to prove you point, but that was just your stubbornness.
You sighed, looking at Areum. „Well? Where´s the surprise? I want to get it over with.“ Your best friend only shook her head with a laugh.
„It´s not here, silly. Just be patient.“ She shot you a mischevious grin before turning to the waitress to pay for the lunch, even despite your protests. You then walked out of the restaurant, bidding goodbye to each other before going you separate ways. Areum turned around one more time, saying:
„I promise you won´t be disappointed!“
„Aish, that girl.“ You sighed, taking off your shoes and throwing them by the door. Once you placed your purse on it´s usual spot, you walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. The hot weather outside made you ten times more thirsty than usual. You stood there for a while, casually leaning against the kitchen counter with the glass of ice cold water in your hand. A noise coming from upstairs made you freeze and place the glass down. It´s probably only a cat, you thought, if only I had a cat, of course. Your hand reached for one of the knives, gripping it tightly. The noise repeated itself as you slowly made your way up the stairs, your scowl deepening.
„Aha!“ You screamed once the door to you bedroom opened, swinging at the intruder with the knife. However, you stopped as soon as you heard a familiar voice shriek out – dropping your hand. „Are you crazy?!“
„Me?! You´re the one swinging the knife around like a maniac!“ Hyunah retaliated, gesturing at the metal object in your hand. You let out a huff, placing a hand over your crazed heart. It felt as if it was trying to escape your chest. „I wouldn´t have to do that if you´d have let yourself known.“ You mumbled, looking for a place where you could put the knife. When you did, you turned back to Hyunah who was still standing in the doorway leading to your bedroom.
„Are you at least going to hug me?“ She raised a brow, extending her arms. To tease her a bit, you crossed yours at your chest, smirking. „And why should I?“
„You tried to kill me.“ Touché. You walked towards her, wrapping your arms around her. She did the same, pulling away after a while to peck you on the lips. You took a deep breath, smiling at the scent of your favorite perfume on her. „Are you the surprise?“
„Hmm, maybe.“ Her answer made you chuckle and squeeze her even more. „Jagiya.“
„Yeah, I am. Are you disappointed?“ You shook your head, giving her another kiss. Areum didn´t lie after all, you weren´t disappointed one bit.
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seengularity · 7 years
Pairing: Dean x reader, Dean Smith x reader
Summary: Dean Smith is a busy working man who struggles to find someone to watch his three kids. Lucky for him, you put up flyers around your hometown offering to babysit. What happens when his kids grow older and no longer need a babysitter?
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: fluff, angst, family adorableness
A/N: This isn’t written for any challenges or for anybody. I simply found a handsome picture of Dean and I felt like I needed to write him as a father.
You’ve decided to try babysitting for some extra cash and you were about to give up hope and stop sticking up your number around town to babysit. You made over one hundred bright pink flyers, each one with strips of your number on the bottom.
You had been hanging up flyers for the past month now, but who in their right minds would hire a stranger to babysit their kids?
You thought maybe babysitting was a good idea for the extra cash. You were currently attending school at some nearby college and still lived with your parents because let’s be honest, it’s hard to take classes, work and live by yourself. 
But living with your parents with no job meant that you were always broke. Want to go eat? Broke. Want to go shopping? Broke. Want to go somewhere nice? Broke.
You were tired of it. You wanted your own money to buy yourself your own things instead of having to ask your parents, and also to maybe help your parents with some overly-priced bills.
It was getting dark and you decided that hanging up seventy flyers was enough for the day and that you will just continue to hang the rest tomorrow. You got home and your dad was home from work, and your mom was cooking.
“Honey, dinner is almost ready!” Your mom shouted to you as you began walking upstairs to your room.
“No thank you, mom. I ate just before I left. I’m just going to head to my room.” You said back to her.
You continued to your room and threw your bag on the floor and flopped yourself onto your bed, another unsuccessful day.
Your bones cracked a few times as you laid yourself flat on your bed and you sighed. You’re not getting any younger and you wished you could flash forward to when you had a stable job and your own home.
You began to drift off into a slumber when your phone began to ring, making you jump quite hard.
You ran to your bag on the floor and quickly unzipped it, taking your phone out and answering the unknown number that was calling.
“Hello?” You grimaced at the sound of your disgusting scratchy voice, caused by your almost sleep a few seconds ago.
“Yes, hello. My name is Dean Smith and I’m calling about this babysitting service that you posted up on this flyer?”
The voice almost made you wet your pants. The man’s voice was so deep and sexy that you already wanted to see what this man looked like and who he was.
“Yes, that’s me! What can I help you with?” You asked with a voice that you tried to make it sound like you were purely business, but you were failing miserably.
“I was wondering if maybe you can come to my house tomorrow so I can ask you some questions about yourself? I want you as a babysitter for my kids but I just want to get to know you before allowing you to watch them. Will that be okay? At around three in the afternoon?”
“Sure thing!” You replied a little too embarrassingly loud.
“Okay then, it’s settled. Do you text? If you do, I’ll just send you my house address.”
“Yes I text.” Was all that you said, and you felt like you should’ve said more.
“Okay then! I’ll just text you. Good-bye!”
You said bye back and you both hung up. You waited impatiently for the man to send you his address. When he did, you quickly put the address into Google maps.
“Holy cow!” You couldn’t believe where this man lived. He lives in the Beverly-Freaking-Hills! What the hell would this man want with a person who needs to put out flyers to find a job rather than finding some professional?
Honestly, you were now intimidated. This man, his wife and his kids probably have it all.
You put your phone on your charger and got back into bed. You closed your eyes to fall back asleep and your dreams were filled with nothing but that voice on the other side of the phone and guesses on what the man looked like.
You hadn’t done anything all day because you were nervous to meet this man.
“This man lives in Beverly Hills, mom!”
“Well maybe he just wants to help someone out. Plus, maybe he will make you his girlfriend in the long run.” Your mom winked your way, making you blush at her words.
“Doubt it. He has kids, so that must mean he has a wife, right?” You asked your mom as you picked at your salad.
“Not necessarily. The mom might not be in their lives.”
You thought your mom was right. If two adults, one man and one woman, needed a babysitter, you would think the woman would call. But you guessed you would find out soon enough.
It was time to leave so you got into your small 1967 red Chevrolet Malibu, and you made your way up town.
Half an hour later, you made your way into a huge community filled with homes that you never seen so big. You were amazed by the way these homes looked. They all had to be at least three stories high.
Your driving came to a slow halt as you found the house with your GPS. You parked your car on the street, right outside the big white home, and walked up to the door.
You nervously rang the doorbell and waited impatiently.
A man no later than his late thirties, in a nice white shirt, opened the door and smiled widely at you. “Hello, come in.”
You walked in and the house smelled like cleaning product, as the house looked completely spick and span. Not a single dirt spot anywhere. 
The man lead you to an office room that was on the second story of the house, and gestured you to sit at a table right next to him. He looked up at you and the sun shining in from the window within the room, made you fall in love with his eyes. His eyes were rainforest green and you couldn’t believe how green they were. Yet, here you were with boring Y/E/C eyes that more than half the world has.
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“So to start off, can I get a name?” The man asked you. You began to speak and his cologne lingered into your nostrils, making him sexier now that he smells good too.
“My name is Y/N.”
“Okay, Y/N, tell me about yourself.” The man stared at you and your heart began to beat against your ribcage and you felt like the man could hear your heart beats.
“Well I’m twenty-four years old. I’m currently attending a college within my hometown with a major in English. I am the second child out of four within my immediate family. I love children. I’ve volunteered numerous times at elementary schools and at summer camps.”
The man smiled, satisfied with your answer. “Do you have any children of your own? A family of your own?”
You were quite embarrassed at his question. Should you have had a family by now? Did he have a family by the age of twenty-four?
“Uh, no, I don’t.” You responded.
“Any boyfriends or husbands that I should know about?” He asked, looking straight into your eyes.
“No, sir.” You replied simply.
He continued to smile and it began to make your hands sweat.
“Please, call me Dean,” He started. “So it looks like I’m going to hire you. I was thinking maybe I could pay you $50 per hour?”
Your eyebrows raised in amazement. You were only going to ask for $50 per day.
“You’re right, that’s not enough. How’s $75 per hour?”
You began to laugh because Dean clearly took your expression the wrong way. “That’s more than enough. What times would you need me to babysit?”
“Okay now don’t be mad, but I’m going to need you to babysit overnight. From seven in the evening to seven in the morning. I’ll be home by then and I’ll be able to get the kids up and ready for school, so don’t worry about that.”
Jesus Christ! Twelve hours! You thought if you would ever be able to sleep in your own bed again if you took this job.
Your hesitation to say yes to the job made Dean continue to talk. “I have several guest rooms in here, but unfortunately only one of them is fully equipped. It also has a restroom within the room, and that’s where you will be staying. The room is between my room and the kids room.”
Would it really be so bad to take the job? Maybe you can sleep at home on the weekends and on weekdays stay here. So that means, you would have to come to his house straight after school, considering you get out of school at six in the evening. Not to mention, that’s $900 for every time you babysit!
“I’ll take it.” You stated.
Once again, Dean smiled and it looked like his eyes became greener. He bent over to you and took you into his arms in a big hug, which surprised you only a lot.
You hugged back, patting his back and he continuously thanked you for taking the job.
He pulled away and got up. You got up as well and he stopped in the doorway. “Come meet my kids.”
You both walked down the stairs and into the living room where a huge t.v. screen played Spongebob.
“Kiddos, I want you to meet someone!” All the kids ran to their dad as you made a head count of how many children you would be watching. Three kids, not too bad.
“Sam, John and Mary, meet Y/N!” Dean said happily to the kids.
All three kids smiled at you and ran to you in a big hug. You made a slight oomph, as the children squeezed a little too hard.
“They’re so cute and loving. I see they’re huggers too. Get it from their dad?” You laughed.
Dean laughed too. “Sorry about that hug. Ever since their M-O-M left a few years ago, it’s been hard to take care of them and run a company.” He stated.
Your eyes widened as he mentioned his occupation. “You run a company? No offense, but why in the world would you want to hire someone who isn’t all that experienced whereas there’s professionals everywhere that would be more than willing to take your money?”
Dean hesitated to answer and you could tell he was thinking before he decided to answer you. “You’re right. But unfortunately, professionals keep everything strictly professional. I would much rather have a family person who needs the money and loves family just as much as me. Family means everything to me. I was once a struggling kid in college and I know you are as well, otherwise you wouldn’t have taken a job caring for three little maniacs.”
You and Dean both laughed as he called his kids maniacs.
“One more thing, let me show you around the house.”
Dean showed you the whole house and it was practically a work out. The kitchen was as big as your room and you couldn’t wait to cook in it. He had several living rooms, although in your opinion you thought that was useless. He had three bathrooms downstairs as well as three bedrooms. Up the stairs, he showed you the theater room which astounded you, and he showed you his office room as well as the master bedroom, the fully furnished guest room, the laundry room and the kids rooms. On the third story, there was a huge storage room as well as several other rooms that Dean said he was too lazy to show you.
You both walked back down both flights of stairs and he took you to his backyard patio. He showed you the huge pool and jacuzzi as well as the tiki bar and the giant game room that was to the left.
“So I was wondering if maybe you could start tomorrow? You are more than welcomed to eat whatever is in the fridge. I have a maid that comes over so she will be here when you get here. She usually makes dinner for the kids, cleans, does laundry, and then leaves.”
You nodded in understanding.
“Okay it’s settled then. You are welcomed to stay and get to know the kids or me, maybe.”
You looked up at Dean and he was blushing, but he stared into your eyes to make it seem like he was being totally normal.
“I actual have to get home and help my mom with dinner. But I just want to say, thank you so much Dean. For this opportunity. I was really hoping for someone to call me back. I’ve tried for a long time now and you’re the only person who needed a babysitter.”
“No problem, Y/N. I will walk you out.”
He walked you out as you stepped out of his home and he walked you to your car.
“Have a thing for classic cars, I see?” Dean gestured towards your car.
“Yes. They are my weakness.” You smiled at him as he practically drooled over your car.
“I actually have a black ‘67 Chevy Impala in my garage along with several other cars, but my Chevy is my baby. I need to show you them, but that’s due for another day.” He smiled.
You decided to walk up to him and hug him. He smelled so good and you felt his big muscled arms wrap around you and for a second, you thought he ran his fingers through your hair.
You got into your car after you thanked him practically a million times, and you drove back home, happier than ever that you found a place that would pay you good. Plus, the dad is hot and the kids are sweet.
Four years later and you finally saved up enough money and helped your parents pay enough of their bills, that you decided it was finally time to move out.
You got yourself a nice small apartment, not too far from your old home, that was surprisingly cheap. The environment around the apartment was peaceful and quiet and the little porch outside of your sliding door windows received enough sunlight for your daily reading. You finally graduated with your degree in English, feeling accomplished.
You still continued to babysit Dean’s children. Although, they were so much more older now. Mary is now twelve, John is eleven and Sam is ten. Crazy ages.
Now that Mary was getting older, she was developing a major attitude now especially towards Dean. But for some reason, not unknown to you, she always vented to you about the latest gossip in her middle school and who was holding hands with who.
John is such a game nerd, but he sure does have an infinite amount of knowledge when it comes to technology. You recently got a new phone and didn’t know how to work the camera, but John quickly became acquainted with your phone and helped you out. He even showed you how to use it step by step.
Sam on the other hand, he was such a quiet kid but super sweet at the same time. He loved to read books. What you decided to do was bring him a new book every two weeks, since he reads them that quickly anyways. The new books that you bring always light up his face like if it’s Christmas.
You grew to love these kids. You seen them everyday that they became family to you. It would be unusual if you didn’t babysit them that day, like if something was missing.
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“You know, Sam, Mary and John are getting older now.” Dean said softly before he left to work.
You nodded your head in agreement as you watched the kids do their homework. You were chewing on a carrot stick that you originally pulled out for the kids to munch on.
“They’re getting old enough to watch themselves now.”
You finally knew where this was going. You stopped chewing and looked at Dean. He had a sad expression on his face.
“What are you saying, Dean?” You wanted him to be straightforward, but that was definitely something you learned that he was not well at doing over the course of four years.
“I’m sorry Y/N. But unfortunately, these kids are getting older and I won’t have a need for a babysitter anymore. Mary is going to be thirteen in a few months and she is mature enough to be alone and take care of her brothers.”
He was whispering now, and you knew he didn’t want the kids to hear. You knew they would be heartbroken if they knew you weren’t going to babysit anymore.
“You’re firing me?” You began. Tears started to flow and your throat was burning from trying so hard to hold back tears. “Dean please. I love your kids. Don’t do this please. They are my family. You are my family.”
Dean looked doleful, but you knew he meant what he said and he wasn’t going back.
“Today will be the last day. I have to go to work now.”
And then he left. Just like that. Clearly he didn’t realize the attachment you had with his kids. Or maybe he just didn’t care?
You didn’t know what you were going to do and you were becoming scared. Of course you still had your parents and your brother and sisters but unfortunately for you, your brother and sisters lived in other states and you know your parents love being alone now that you’ve moved out.
Once Dean left, the time seemed to pass by quick. Mary spoke to you about school and you hugged her a little longer after her discussion about school. You played games with John a little longer than usual, knowing that it will be the last time. You talked books with Sam, expecting to miss what a smart kid he was about everything because of the many books he’s read.
Night came by and the morning came quicker. Dean walked into the guest room to wake you of your slumber.
“You can go home now. I left your last paycheck on the counter.” He whispered.
You looked at his face, but he was blank. Nothing showed across his face and it made you feel worse. You remembered last night. You cried yourself to sleep knowing you won’t see these kids anymore. Or Dean.
You knew you were going to miss Dean a lot as well. He was so kind and generous to you. He’s even taken you out on a few dates as well when he didn’t have work and when the kids were at school. You thought being fired was your fault, but you couldn’t remember doing anything wrong.
You left the Smith residence quickly, not wanting Dean to see any tears fall from your face as you exited the house. You got into your red Chevy and drove home.
It was quiet. But now, it was too quiet for your liking and you didn’t like to be alone with your thoughts. You kept thinking maybe you said something to the kids and they repeated what you said to Dean. Or maybe it was that time that you forgot to throw away the trash that the kids left on the counter. Or maybe it was that time you let the kids go in the pool when it was cold, but they kept begging.
You realized now, that you had to go out and get a real job. Thank goodness for your education.
Quicker than you could register, you found a decent paying job being an editor at some magazine company in Los Angeles. Of course it was quite a travel from your home, but your hometown was the country and not the city.
You weren’t feeling the hype of being an editor. You made some friends outside of work and they always became thrilled when you told them that you were an editor at Los Angeles Magazine. Literally all you did was edit people’s journal entries for the magazine, and that was it.
You missed babysitting. You tried getting them and Dean off of your mind, but everything you did reminded you of them.
Whenever your friends gossip, guess who it reminded you of? When you passed by the many billboards of new video games, guess who it reminded you of? Guess who it reminded you of when you tried to read on your porch?
Worst of all, guess who you remembered working at a company owned by one of the most wealthiest men in L.A.?
You hated it but you were helpless. You couldn’t do anything. You tried calling Dean to at least talk to the kids, but he changed his number which made your heart break. Before he changed his number, he even told you not to come back to his house.
Months passed by and you were still unhappy with your job and everything that surrounded you. Your mom insisted you move back in with them if you hated your job so much. But you couldn’t do that to them. They struggled trying to feed three people, you didn’t want to put them through that again.
Your routine was always the same. Wake up, go to work for an eight hour shift, have dinner with yourself, and then go home and clean up your house or maybe do some laundry. It was lonely and you didn’t feel this way before. The quiet turned into an annoying silence that was driving you insane.
Today was the same thing again. You separated your clothes and put them into the washer and then walked back to your apartment. The bad thing about the complexes were that you had to share a washer and a dryer.
You walked back to your apartment with you hamper in your hand when you seen a man squatting down with his head in his hands, right in front of your door.
The man was wearing grey sweats and a blue pullover sweater, but you knew he wasn’t homeless because he was wearing clean Nike shoes and his clothes were clean.
“Um, sir? Do you need something?”
You heard the man sobbing as you walked closer to him, but stopped when you spoke. He looked up and those eyes were the same ones that drew you in the first time you met him.
“Dean? What are you doing here?” You became frantic when you assumed something was wrong if Dean was at your front door, crying.
Dean got up from his position and walked to you and pulled you into a hug. The calming smell of him suddenly pulled you back into your memories and you began to hug him back. You rubbed his back until he pulled away first.
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“I’m so sorry.” Was all he said as he was shaking from crying so much.
“It’s okay, Dean. Tell me, what happened?”
“I need you back. The kids need you back. We all miss you so much. I’m so sorry I fired you. I never should have told you to leave.”
You brought your hand up and wiped the tears from Dean’s soft face, your other hand going to his shoulder.
“Dean it’s oka…”
“It’s not okay! Okay? I fired you because I’m a sissy that couldn’t tell you my real feelings for you. So I pushed you away thinking it would make things better but I only thought of you even more!”
You were completely startled by his sudden rush of honesty of his feelings for you. Your hands dropped to your sides as you tried to process what Dean just said.
He has feelings for you. Do you feel the same? Of course you do, otherwise you wouldn’t have felt so depressed from the time he fired you.
“Dean, I…”
“Please, if you don’t feel the same way, just say it. Don’t hold back.”
“Dean, I love you Dean. I love your kids too. So much. I’ve loved you for a long time but I never thought you would want to be with me because I thought you were always just too busy to be with someone. But then, if you have feelings for me, why did you fire me?”
Dean turned his back towards you as you waited patiently for his answer. A few seconds passed and he turned back around to answer you.
“At first it was just a friendly relationship that we had. I loved how happy you made my kids and that made me happy. A year passed by and I noticed I was becoming attached to you. That’s when I started inviting you over even on your days off. Two years passed and I realized my feelings for you were way more than just liking. I was starting to love you and it was scaring me. So I began to work later shifts. I would come home later than usual and I made the kids go to school later. Finally, I just couldn’t handle it. You were constantly on my mind, so that’s why I did what I did.”
Dean was fidgeting and swaying side to side nervously, but continued to talk.
“At first I told the kids you found a new job and you were too busy to babysit them. I got a new babysitter but it just wasn’t the same. At night, I would hear the kids go to bed crying. There wasn’t a day I didn’t think of you, Y/N.”
You were so mesmerized by what he said that you grabbed him by his big shoulders and smashed his lips to yours. You had to do it. The urge was becoming too strong and you had a feeling he wasn’t going to make the first move any time soon.
Your arms wrapped around his neck and his arms wrapped around your waist as your lips and his lips molded and became one. His lips were soft and felt exactly the way you imagined it would and you had the feeling in your stomach that you imagined you would get if you ever kissed him.
But this was it. You were kissing him and holding him and you didn’t want to let go. You’ve never loved a man as much as you loved Dean Smith.
“Mom, can I go out with some friends tonight?” Mary asked you.
“Of course sweetheart. Just don’t be out too late. Call me if anything happens and you know I’ll be there.”
“Mom, can we go to the library?” Sam asked coming out of his room.
You nodded and smiled as he smiled widely and excitedly.
“Mom, I want this game. Can you get it for me when you have money?” John asked so nicely.
“Sure. As long as it’s not a violent game, I’ll be more than happy to.” You replied.
“Hey sweetheart.” Dean came up to you and kissed you on your temple as you were making dinner. Dean finally cut his own hours to spend more time with his family. You and him. Yours and Dean’s yearly income was way over the top and you two didn’t have to work so much. You also didn’t have to travel as far, so you kept your job in Los Angeles now that you lived in the rich community of Beverly Hills.
“You know I love you right? And the kids love you?” Dean said as he massaged my shoulders.
“Of course Dean. I love you guys too. So much.” You continued to cut vegetables to make some soup that your mom was more than happy to share the recipe with you.
You dunked the vegetables in the pot and turned towards Dean. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck. Dean looked down and smiled, caressing your stomach. He lowered himself and placed a soft kiss on your tummy.
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“I especially love our upcoming special addition to our family.”
You pecked Dean on the lips as he got back up and you pulled away from him. He wrapped his arms around you from behind and began to rub your eight month big tummy.
“Yes. I especially love our little Cassie that will soon be joining us.”
You smiled as you felt little Cassie kick and you knew at that moment that you have never felt happier.
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