Most jó.
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circescenery · 2 years
Bryr meg veldig lite om sport men skiskyting gir meg så ro i sjela det er helt sykt
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adito-lang · 9 months
Norwegian Christmas vocabulary and traditions
Førjulstid / Adventstid 🕯🍷✨
Mange markerer adventssøndagene med en lysestake med fire stearinlys. Første søndag i advent tennes det første lyset, og for hver adventssøndag tennes et nytt lys.
I ukene før jul er det vanlig at bedrifter, foreninger og vennegjenger har julebord. Det er en førjulsfest, et selskap eller restaurantbesøk der det blir servert tradisjonell julemat, ofte i form av en buffet. 
På de fleste julemarkeder kan man smake på gløgg (en varm, kryddet drikk som inneholder vanligvis rødvin), i tillegg til tradisjonelle julegodterier som brente mandler. Juleøl, et mørkt og krydret øl, kommer i butikkene i november og serveres ofte i I adventstiden.
Mange pynter huset med julepynt: kranser, nisser, engler, stjerner osv. Det er vanlig med juletre i stua som dekoreres med glitter og julekuler. 
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Jul og Romjul 🎁🌲🍽
Lille juleaften, 23. desember: mange familier har egne tradisjoner denne kvelden, som å pynte juletreet, lage pepperkakehus, og se på Grevinnen og hovmesteren på NRK.
Julaften, 24. desember, er høydepunktet i norsk julefeiring. De fleste spiser julemiddag hjemme eller hos slektninger. Tradisjonelle juleretter er ribbe, pinnekjøtt, julepølse, lutefisk, juletorsk, medisterkaker, og risgrøt/julegrøt. Det finnes en utbredt tradisjon om å putte en skåldet mandel i julegrøten som serveres på (lille) julaften. Den som finner mandelen får en liten gave. Og når vi snakker om gaver: julegavene er på forhånd lagt under juletreet, og pakkes ut på kvelden julaften.
Første juledag (25. desember) og andre juledag (26. desember) er offentlige fridager. De fleste har fri fra jobben, og dagene brukes gjerne til familieselskaper, å gå ut på tur i skogen og å kose seg med gaver, filmer osv.
Romjulen starter når andre juledag er over, det vil si fra og med 27. - 31. desember. Fra 27. desember er butikkene åpne og mange haster rundt for å bytte julegaver som de ikke vil ha eller å kjøpe det de vil i romjulssalg til redusert pris. Men den er ofte en rolig tid, og mange tar en hyttetur eller bruker romjulen til friluftsaktiviteter. Det fant en tradisjon med å gå julebukk. Barn kledde seg ut, gikk rundt på besøk til folk, ringte på dørene og sang julesanger for de som åpner, men denne skikken er ikke vanlig lenger.
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Norsk - Deutsch - English
lysestake (en) - der Kerzenhalter - candle holder
julebord (et) - die Weihnachtsfeier (für Angestellte/Mitglieder/Freunde) - Christmas banquet for employees/members/friends
julemarked (en) - der Weihnachtsmarkt - Christmas market
gløgg (en) - der Glühwein - mulled wine
brente mandler - gebrannte Mandeln - roasted almonds
juleøl (et) - das Weihnachtsbier - Christmas beer
julepynt (en) - die Weihnachtsdekoration - Christmas decoration
nisse (en) - der Nisse (Hausgeist) - nisse (folklore creature)
juletre (et) - der Weihnachtsbaum - Christmas tree
julekule (en) - die Weihnachtskugel - Christmas baubel
Lille juleaften - "Kleiner Heilig Abend" - "Little Christmas Eve"
pepperkakehus (et) - das Lebkuchenhaus - gingerbread house
Grevinnen og hovmesteren - Dinner for One
Julaften - der Heiligabend - Christmas Eve
julemiddag (en) - das Weihnachtsessen - Christmas dinner
julerett (en) - das Weihnachtsgericht - Christmas dish
ribbe (en/ei) - Schweinerippen - pork ribs
risgrøt (en) - der Reisbrei - rice porridge
julegave (en/ei) - das Weihnachtsgeschenkt - Christmas present
Første juledag - erster Weihnachtstag - Christmas Day
Andre juledag - zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag - Boxing Day
Romjul (en/ei) - zwischen den Jahren - period between Dec 27th-31st
romjulssalg (et) - der Weihnachtsverkauf - Christmas sale starting on Dec 27th
å gå julebukk - Weihnachtssingen gehen (Kinder verkleiden sich) - to go Christmas carolling (kids dress up in costumes)
julesang (en) - das Weihnachtslied - Christmas song
God jul og godt nytt år! 🎉❤️
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Norwegian Bokmål for Total Beginners (January 2024 Crash Course)
22. Hvor bor du? (Where do you live?)
Good morning/afternoon/evening to you! Today's post is a long one because we have some cultural insights at the end if you're interested. But if you're just here for the vocabulary, that's fine too.
by (m) - town, city
bygd (m/f) - village
vei (m) - road
gate (m/f) - street
bolig (m) - residence, housing
hus (n) - house
leilighet (m) - apartment/flat
boligblokk (m) - block of flats/apartments
hytte (m/f) - cottage, cabin
Sample Sentences
Bor du i et hus eller en leilighet? (Do you live in a house or a flat?)
Susanna bor i tredje etasje (Susanna lives on the third floor)
Den boligblokken har åtte etasjer (That block of flats has eight floors)
Bolige i Oslo er dyre (Housing in Oslo is expensive)
Husene på denne veien er veldig fine (The houses on this road are very nice)
Karl Johans gate er en lang gate i Oslo (Karl Johans street is a long street in Oslo)
False Friends in Norwegian
Lots of vocabulary in Norwegian is similar to English vocabulary. But there are some words that look like an English word, but actually have a different meaning! Today we learned that ei gate is NOT a gate, but a street!
Here are a few mor beginner-level false friends to watch out for!
🇳🇴en dress = 🇬🇧a suit 🇬🇧a dress = 🇳🇴en kjole
🇳🇴bra = 🇬🇧good, well 🇬🇧a bra = 🇳🇴en BH (brystholder = breast holder)
🇳🇴ei mappe = 🇬🇧a folder 🇬🇧a map = 🇳🇴et kart
🇳🇴en sky = 🇬🇧a cloud 🇬🇧sky = 🇳🇴himmel
🇳🇴å telle = 🇬🇧to count 🇬🇧to tell = 🇳🇴å fortelle
🇳🇴en advokat = 🇬🇧a lawyer 🇬🇧an advocate = 🇳🇴en forkjemper
🇳🇴akkurat = 🇬🇧exactly 🇬🇧accurate = 🇳🇴nøyaktig
Cultural Insight: Hytter i Norge
In Norway, it's common for families to own a cottage out in the countryside. They tar hyttetur (go on a cottage-trip) during the holidays, typically at Easter and often during the summer too. Some cottages are modern with all the comforts of home (wifi, kitchen gadgets etc), while some families are adamant that the true hytte-experience means being cut off from all that. Some cottages don't even have an inside toilet, and you'll have to use the utedo (outdoor toilet) instead!
Owning a cottage has become more popular over time, and in recent years (especially since covid and working from home) the industry has boomed. This is creating a lot of controversy in Norway: building more cottages to supply the demand means clearing large swathes of forests and marshlands. Norwegians are quite protective about nature (or, at least, they claim to be) and many are unhappy with this development. It's also a problem for the locals who can't buy houses in their hometowns simply because all the houses are being bought up by city folk. Additionally, it means that for large portions of the year these places are ghost towns and businesses may struggle to make ends meet.
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orlaite · 3 months
Scallops and cremant for dinner tonight🥂 I needed this hyttetur sooo bad just eating smthing else than frozen lasagna and carbonara has alone restored like 10+ years to my lifespan
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reekingsmatch · 5 months
Checklist for camping/hyttetur
Jackets and sweaters
Hiking boots and crocs (for using to go to the toilet)
Sleeping bags bag (has mats in it)
Tent ⛺️
Water bottles/covfefe thermos
Towels/rags/body wash ‼️🧼🧺‼️
Phone chargers/ portable speakers
Dirty laundry bag
Sunblock and bug spray 🌞🚫🦟
Kitchen bag (has Stormkjøkken™️, burner, plates, utensils, and cooking utensils)
Gas for Stormkjøkken™️
Lighters/matches 🔥
Non stick pan 🍳
Cooler with frozen elements (just bring it 🙄)
Trash bag(s) 🚮
Food stuff:
Bread (polar/knekke/rundstykke) 🍞🥯🥖
Butter 🧈
Eggs 🥚
Bacon 🥓
Peanut butter/jam 🥜🫐
Canned fish 🥫
Milk 🥛
Instant covfefe ☕️
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28. Aug 2024
Cam kept Thea home with him today for a special “Fridag!” They came and picked me up from my hyttetur (stopping at McDonald’s on the way).
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thankful · 28 days
28. Aug 2024
My hero! SO thankful for how cam welcomed me home from my class hyttetur.. he came and picked me up in the car (with Thea), with a meal he kept hot and a drink he kept cold and listened to my venting for almost the whole car ride home. He did the ‘acts of service’ thing in the exact ways I needed at the moment, with thoughtful planning and foresight. So thankful for him and his gesture of love 🧡
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camandwhitplus1 · 3 months
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And another pic from the hyttetur! This girl is called madeleine
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uh-velkommen · 4 months
I decided to revisit Skam
(but this time under the influence of a certain type of plant) to see if anything new stands out or if my perception of the show has changed. I started with season one because I really don't ever rewatch seasons one or two and while I cant say if the certain plant I had consumed had any effect on my viewing experience, I did notice some things that I wanted to vaguely talk about.
First of all, season one does a REALLY good job at setting the precedent for the show's tone and it's characters. There are so many moments where a camera lingers on an action in order to be comical and the characters truly feel like real people with their own personalities. For example, I always thought of Jonas as the perfect boyfriend. He's like the ideal feminist dude... until you watch season one again and go, "wtf he's a lying gaslighting twat!?" But since I'm watching as an adult now, I can really see how these characters are just babies who don't know right from wrong. Jonas doesn't lie to Eva about talking to Ingrid because he finds it funny to manipulate his girlfriend, he's doing it to save his own ass. It doesn't make him a bad person, he just thought this was the only way to keep his secrets and then as the show goes on, we see him grow and change. (Also can I just point out how absolutely hilarious the cabin scene is where Elias crashes their hyttetur, because the whole time we're watching Eva get ignored by Jonas due to Isak's presence and then suddenly Isak is ALSO getting ignored because Jonas "acts like a different person around Elias").
Watching as an adult really adds a new perspective, as well. Not only do I know where the characters end up but I can also make sense of their irrational behaviors. (Also want to point out P. Chris is an absolute BABY in season one, as in he looks 12). For a moment, when i started my rewatch, I got this strange sense of awareness. I became aware that I was watching a show, I was aware that these were just people playing characters because I now know how these people are in real life but what brought me back in was trying to hyper analyze the characters personalities. For example, Eva just mostly mopes and cries in season one but every now and then we see that she's ultra sarcastic and pretty funny because of it. Then you notice how well she and Noora bounce off of each other because of that. (I'm still trying to fully understand Isak though. His actions can't ALL be narrowed down to his internal identity struggle and friendship jealousy, can it?)
Finally, this is mostly because I'm really attached to season three specifically but watching season one doesn't do much for me emotionally. It's not some crazy thrilling adventure. There's not some big party or plot twist at the end of every episode. I remembered this season as having a lot of back and forth/on and off crap with Eva and Jonas but recently I realized that the show is broken into two acts. The first half is full of Jonas making mistakes. We're on Eva's side wondering why he's always lying and not prioritizing the relationship. Then in the last half, we're on Jonas's side. Realizing that Eva really does struggle to balance her school life and friend with her relationship. She makes it so easy for others to play on her insecurities and i really like the characterization of a person who is smart but ultimately just bad at school.
Final thoughts (for season one at least): It really is worth the rewatch if it's been years for you, as it has been for me. Also if you feel like you're a true adult now and you're able to view these characters as your children, it's really interesting to think about how you would react as the parent in some situations since there is a real, unspoken, emphasis on how their home life and parental figures influence the way they are and interact with each other. Lastly, this has always been a strong point and it doesn't go away with time: The characters are SO strongly written. Everything they do makes sense for who they are and some of their behaviors don't just happen for the sake of the plot. This is a show that has truly been thought out down to the T.
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seljestad · 5 months
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06.04.2024 Silje og Eirin på hyttetur
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Amúgy ilyen:
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Víz a patakból, fürödni a tóban, áram 12V napelemről + gázpalack főzéshez. Elképesztő csend és nyugalom.
Éjfélkor még pont látszik a nap, mielőtt bebújik a hegy mögé.
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Ja és minden éjjel jön a köd:
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Kb egy óra közepesen nehéz túra a faluból (hivatalosan 2), télen-nyáron látogatható. A verandáról Lofoten látszik, meg a környező szigetek. Télre van hot tub a teraszon, amiben üldögélve lehet sarkifényt bámulni. Jövünk még, az tuti.
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dugiskoven · 1 year
Er kommet hjem fra en hyggelig hyttetur med L, hvor vi godt nok kun sov en enkelt nat. Det var enormt hyggeligt, og var glad for at være sammen med ham og nyde hinandens selskab. Dog var hytten sygt kold, selvom radiatoren var tændt. Så L og jeg holdt om hinanden hele natten for at holde varmen. Jeg er glad for ham og vores forhold ihh!
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bodoposten · 2 years
Her er turfavorittene vi søkte på i 2022
Her er turfavorittene vi søkte på i 2022
To hytter er nye på lista over de mest populære DNT-hyttene i år. Sjekk lista over hvilke turforslag og hytteturer nordmenn søkte mest på i året som gikk. – Det er interessant å se at en del hytter og turer går igjen fra tidligere, samtidig som nordmenn får øynene opp for nye steder, sier Dag Terje Klarp Solvang, generalsekretær i Den Norske Turistforening.  – Det er ikke rart at disse…
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lovabledrifter · 6 years
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A cabin on an island in Norway; view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2EijQAL
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demonindistress · 6 years
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Hyttetur today to celebrate my friend graduating uni. Enbärsdricka, friends and abysmal national heat record
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