#Hyper's Quest 2: High Voltage
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'Hyper's Quest 2: High Voltage' (Demo) by thereel1_ Join Hyper and Agnes on a high-voltage adventure to defeat Dr. Robotnik's new robot and save Agnes' sister! https://sonicfangameshq.com/forums/showcase/hypers-quest-2-high-voltage.2021/ Support us on Patreon
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Hyper’s Quest 2 christmas 2018 impressions
Here are my impressions on the fan game called Hyper’s Quest 2 CHRISTMAS 2018 DEMO
So, with this being a demo. I will talk about what I like and disliked. And some bugs.

This is a fan game made on the Sonic Max engine in Game maker studio.

Controller support works well but the only setting that works is Vsync (I think anyway) But after that the game loads up the intro logo screens and then you get story or plot about the game. Dr.robotnik is doing evil things, go stop him.

And after hitting start, you can play as Hyper or Knuckles

Can I just say that the song for Ecstatic City Zone is pretty great. I love it
The first stage is fun, thought a bit short but it gets the job done.
Think you will get a good Idea of the zones. They are fun and they do vary in size. The first zone for Hyper is short but it is very fun and the other zones follow the same idea but they are longer, and there is a bit more here to explore. The levels could use a bit more work. But it’s still fun to run though, even just being a demo.
Time to talk about what I liked and disliked
Music (4 or 5 tracks I did enjoy)
Hyper’s moveset
The sprites
The boss fights were meh
The level layout could be better
The collision does need a bit more work, it works but in some areas, it’s buggy
While I did enjoy the music. The rest of the songs were a miss for me The songs for bosses and the second zone and arcade mini game songs were meh. This however is subjective.
Lack of a skip button for the cutscene or intro story
The game booting up has varied load times. Not sure if this is the cause of the engine or what.
The only bug that’s worth noting is that debug mode is broken. It needs fixing..
My final thoughts
TheRealHypester, what I played here was a great demo of something amazing. Yes, it needs works works but for the most, this left me with good impressions, and I hope to see this fan game completed in the near future. You have a diamond in the rough but with a bit more work, this game will shine on through.
#hyper quest 2#sonic the hedgehog#sonic fangame#Hyper's Quest 2: High Voltage#game maker studio#demo#my posts#onychaos
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Hypers Quest 2 beta - 9/16/19
Ah, it's time again. There be a new demo of sorts to try out to see what needs to be fixed, what's broken, what's new, and so on. Anything that is not new, I will sum it up and skip. now we are ready to start.
back to good old..
Ecstatic City Zone. This zone got some nice changes here, they are very minor changes but good ones.
The level layout has changed a bit the empty space have been filled with new stuff and some areas have been changed to make the first level a bit easier so players can play the stage with out hassle
Stage is fine for a first level and like the little changes here. it's great stuff. The bee puns though.
Ok. Skadoosh Zone
This is kinda interesting as this zone has a new changes in the select few areas and a brand new object to carry you from Point A to Point B
In the last update there was a downhill pipe where if you didn't jump off would lead you into a pit, which was kinda unfair for new players since you go so fast but glad it was fixed in the beta
The ending of the stage though is a bit questionable since you would assume that you would be fine but you kinda just die if you don't jump before the thing hits the other one, otherwise you fall and you can't jump or move. But the player has no way of knowing that this can happen. Since there is no real area to use this gimmick in a safe spot.
I feel it would be best to do what Mario does.
1 - Get a new stage object or stage gimmick 2 - Show the player how it works and what it can do where there is no danger of harm 3 - Then allow them to use the stage gimmick where there is a sense of danger if you mess up once they learned it.
The Stage is the same with some minor layout changes but still fun
The other zones and boss are the same from what I went through and those will be skip as there is nothing worth noting there.
Some stages have text boxes where characters will talk about the level or plot but this bring us to the final two areas to talk about which are pretty interesting.
If you find the giant portal when looking for items in the shop, it will take you to a Zero boss fight map screen.
Cyber Network Breakout Demo is the final boss / level of the demo and it's interesting to say. The boss fight has a lot of work to do. So this boss has a simple pattern left to right and right to left.
He can block shots He has a mid air attack that is done after 3 jumps or 4 jumps He has a normal attack he does after a jump
The boss is fine but has some issues and the main one I have is when the boss attacks, the sprite is a hurtbox to the player. Sometimes when he attacks you bounce off his attack just fine.
If you fight him you will need Hyper's Special skill to beat him. I'm not sure if you can beat him any other way beside using a special skill. But once you beat him, the level itself is ok. it's basic and blocky.
Maybe you was going for this, and that's fine but the background animation gives me a headache. It needs to be slowed down cause this is a bit too much for the eyes. it's too busy. Maybe make it more transparent.
The start of the stage is eh. You will need to make a weird low jump or have the Hyper Dash skill to pass the first area.
The Arcade has gotten a update. You can earn prizes so red rings now have a bit more value which is rad to know.
The beta is coming along but for the next demo I think it's best to as much done for a new demo but you know this. This way you can find more bugs to fix later down the line.
The super Sonic in this fan game has a rad theme song and looks nice and plays well.
Speaking of bugs.. I found a few I want to show off
Game bugs
1 - You can overlap the super Sonic theme by turning super again and by pausing after doing as mentioned, all the super themes play at once. A fix: The game is checking to see if you have 50 rings or more which it should see if you are not super and have 50 rings to fix that issue
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nqyqN6GiWkeou8lkPMhFgkdezjmulsZv/view?usp=sharing Lower your volume before watching
2 - Skadoosh Zone stage gimmick bug. It carries you over to a set path before stopping, as long as you don't get hit. If you get hit, you will fly to the end of the stage and you can't jump free while in your hurt state, the object will not destroy itself cause you to skip the stage. see below.
3 - Title Screen spam. If you mash the start button or enter key you will re-trigger the screen fade animation which will keep you on the title screen till you stop You may need a variable that checks to see if enter or start has not been pressed to keep players from doing this.
4. Going back to Skadoosh Zone. There's a weird pipe bug and the no audio bug was not fixed. Here a video of both bugs as mentioned. The pipe bug is where you have no iframes after getting hit
5 - No iframes when knocked into a spring which can lead to a cheap death. This bug seems to happen anywhere when the player is in the hurt state but is set to a different state causing you to get no iframes. This is just a guess. I am assuming. I don't know how Game Maker works in terms of coding https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L5C8HxKlwgDlLeC8ymIYu0voZrcOWBu5/view?usp=sharing
6 - The Zero fight. Sometimes when he attacks you are getting hit or you are getting hit while hitting him. Something worth mentioning
7 - Ecstatic City Zone heroes blocked by invisible walls and a hidden text trigger off frame. Not sure if this is a bug or meant to be this way. If this is not a bug, you can ignore it
8 - You can still grab a Air Bubble when you have a water shield
9 - Super Sonic is missing some animations. :P
10 - Hyper's Animations work fine when facing right but when facing left they are slowed down or just don't work
11 - Not so much bugs but more like glitches
12 - Cyber Network Breakout Demo level and not boss has lasers that fire when you go past them but they only fire once. This may not be a bug but wanted to bring mention to it
I guess it's time for my final thoughts
This Beta demo is interesting, while there are new things here and there and some great changes, The demo kinda feels underwhelming like 1 stage got a bit of makeover at the end and the first stage is kinda new till you leave the starting area.
But the Arcade is great stuff, super sonic is nice and the stage gimmick in Skadoosh Zone is fine but needs work. What do I mean? Well for Super Sonic, the stages don't have Super Sonic in mind. I think if you add in a super state, make sure the levels are build around that fact.
and for the gimmick in Skadoosh Zone, The zone is too small for it. I'm sure you can do some very fun platforming with it but I like the idea. And the Zero Fight needs work but I know it will be fun.
Rough around a few areas but that's progress and that's great. Overall Not too bad, It needs work as stated but I am very proud of the progress here. you have come a long way and keep up the good work, sir.

#hyper quest 2#sonic the hedgehog#sonic fangame#Hyper's Quest 2: High Voltage#Fangame#my posts#onychaos
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Hyper's Quest 2: Summer 2019 Demo
I had this post on hold for way too long. Let’s fix that right now. I am very late to the party but let’s not delay any longer. This won’t be a review since this is still a demo and everything may be subject to change. It will be my thoughts on the game.
Jun 11 – 2019 – patched version.
So. since this is a patch fix. Here it will be hard to talk about this version since there are minor changes and bug fixes. I will brings those up later with the new bugs I found or any other bugs.
The patched version does a good job addressing the problems I found. Minor as they may be, they can pile up later and be a mess. I’m happy that Club Nicole now has springs for the players who pick Sonic and fall into the pit. They can get out without dying.
Another change I’m happy about is that hitting exit in the pause menu will no longer close the game like before. But for the full game. It should send you to the title screen or hub world. I don’t know how this game will play, in terms of levels but food for thought.
So the minecarts. Before this patched version. You could use your moves to go backwards to get off the track or to go back when you are not allowed to do that. That has been fixed in this version. You can only jump.
There are other things like graphic bug fix
And the game crashing bug where if your time bonus is 250. The game freezes on 50. But this bug was fixed in the new build. Overall, this was a pretty fast patch for the game and it was done well. As far as I seen, there are no game crashing bugs.
Now for the bugs I found.
#1 taking damage and falling onto a spring while in your hurt animation will end your I-frames
By doing this, you can take another hit which may kill you or take another hit.
But other then this. I don’t see anymore bugs. Sorry for the long overdue post. I have been busy with other things. :V But here it is.
Hope you enjoy the post and keep up the great work
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Hyper’s Quest 2: High voltage – New impressions
So, It’s time I look at Hyper’s Quest 2: This will be sorta review. I will give the game a full review when it is complete next year or when it is done. Let’s get started.
Review copy – 5/31/2019
Hyper’s Quest 2. I will add my thoughts here and opinions on the game and levels, and I will point out the bugs that I find.. And may add a suggestion here or there. Maybe but we will see.
There are new levels and a updated boss. :3
Ecstatic City Zone

It’s the same zone but has gotten a update, minor as it may be. It is a update that is welcomed. The state looks nice, and It’s still fun to play. The end of the stage got a neat addon to it. It’s a little bit long but not by much. But it’s still a fun state to blaze through with that cool music.
Skadoosh Zone

It has been a while since I seen this stage in a new demo. But the stage has a new theme, if I am right about this. I believe it’s a remix of evil foundry? A song that Cobanermani456 used in his videos. I could be wrong.
Again the stage is the same at the start, but going further in, you will see new areas or old set pieces that got a updated layout. The end of the stage had a new area added to it. The end of the stage or close to the end is this pipe that will cause you to spin forward a bit.
Windy Forest Zone

Windy Forest zone. It looks and feels the same back in the last build where you could play as Knuckles. If there is something new here, I don’t see it.

Club Nicole Zone

This stage is pretty fun The layout for the stage is ok. The music is nice, and it is fun to blast through the stage at high speed. That said, the stage is not very friendly for Sonic. If you play as Hyper, Tails or Knuckles. The stage is friendly to the characters that can fly or climb or get out of pits.
At the start: https://i.imgur.com/veW1UVo.gifv If this is going to be a pit, it should be one. A spring there if you are playing as Sonic or Hyper
Sonic is the only one who can’t get out of here: https://i.imgur.com/ZqXnAcU.jpg A spring here in case a player falls in here as Sonic.
If sonic pops the balloon, he can’t get out due to the ceiling being too low. Could apply to Hyper as well: https://i.imgur.com/FhELnQ0.jpg A spring would help out.
Sunrise Island Zone

This stage has went through a lot of changes. The new things here to note is. 1. There are torches. 2. There is water and a bubble shield other then that.. There are a few new changes here and there. One layout change was made to use the new move (Which I don’t have yet). But the stage is still the same as before. Not much to say here. :V It’s not a bad thing.
Sunrise Island Boss
The boss is the same. But the boss now has Iframes and a second attack. You can no longer re-trigger the boss death animation by hitting it. The boss can still harm you in it’s death state if you walk into him. Not much but well done. :3
Plasma Temple Zone

This zone. First time playing it. It’s uhh. Neat. It’s a mix of Lost Labyrinth Act 2 from Sonic 4 ( minecart sections) It’s a fun act that has 3 paths for you to go and explore the zone. After a bit, the 3 paths will lead to the same goal. It’s a fine stage
Arcade zone
There are 4 games now. You can no longer farm red rings in this zone, since there are none.
Left to right
Pinball mini game
This mini game is the same but here is where you can farm lives, so long as you have the red rings to play the minigame.
Wall jump mini game
This game got a update that made it harder to test your skills. This wall jump mini game will test to see if you are a walljump pro and see if you can walljump away from hazards.
Balloon mini game
This minigame is just to see how fast can you pop the balloons. It’s very easy.
Ragequit Bay
This is a hard minigame? I will be real, it was not that hard. You can just grab the ring and water shield and spin to the end by taking damage and running. Not much to say here.
Shopping zone
Here, you can buy items or skills for your heroes, granted, you have enough points from the start. You will have to do some farming to unlock the skills
Take the minecart anywhere
Not sure if this is a feature or not. You can take the minecart off the tracks and go anywhere. Here is a gif.
Gif: https://i.imgur.com/NUcdx35.gif
The despawning block / falling through floor block
Here is a gif the block despawning by falling through the floors offscreen in Plasma Temple Zone
Gif: https://i.imgur.com/ydbgaHv.gifv
Not a bug but want to share: https://i.imgur.com/MMHmZ3W.gifv
Graphic bugs
Hyper is not center of the water shield when facing left, and using a spacial action.
Gif: https://i.imgur.com/6DssxTI.gifv
Sunrise Island Zone sprite mask
If you die at the first checkpoint in Sunrise Island Zone, You can see the sprite mask for the curved slope. Something you are not allow to see.
Before: https://i.imgur.com/GHHGPlm.jpg
After: https://i.imgur.com/GxZZysC.jpg
Unaligned water
The water is not centered.
Gif: https://i.imgur.com/ID3FR2h.gifv
Game breaking bugs
1 Time bonus freeze
This can happen anywhere. If your time bonus is “250” the game will try to play out as normal. I can only guess the end counter is taking away and adding 100 to score. But since it is looking for a “100” but finds a “50” It is ignored, and the game is softlocked
Edit: Not sure if the other time bonus will do the same as well or not. But the 250 time bonus does softlock the game.
Pic: https://i.imgur.com/H5zLcMI.jpg
Overall thoughts
I had fun playing this. Levels are fine, if a bit short in length. The music is still great to listen. Just booting up the game brings up my favorite track. I feel the arcade minigames could offer a little more. Like, the balloon minigame, there is no prize, no points, nothing. But overall, I am happy to see this fan game still going strong and getting better.
Make the exit button in the pause menu take you back to the level select, rather then quitting the game. I mean, the Escape closes the game. I think we only need one close button.
Give the minigames more of a reason to play them. Besides playing pinball to gain some lives, the other minigames have no reason for anyone to come back and play them. Maybe add a prize. Earn X (1000 to 100000 but it’s random) points or x item to use in a stage.
Edit: I will wait for the dev to find a name he likes before linking to a dead end
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Hyper’s Quest 2: High Voltage demo impressions
So, I was asked to give my thoughts on this demo. I figured it would be neat to see what has changed or not. And I will give my impressions. So, let’s get started.
When you open the game, and have a controller connected. The game will ask if you want to use it or not but after that it starts up as normal, there’s no cutscene this time. I will talk about the new things that was added or updated for this demo
Let’s talk about the stages, as they are the new things here.
Stage 1: Archaic Valley

This is your basic platformer stage. Not a bad thing. It does somewhat teach the player the basic of the demo You have pits, enemies, and such. I wish there was a bit more. Maybe in the final game, it will change. Overall, a okay stage.

Stage 1 Boss: Boss

So, the boss has been unchanged here. It’s the same from the last demo, so I won’t touch this. It’s a okay boss fight. A bit simple but gets the job done, and hope they can improve on the bosses
Stage 2: Faded Hills

I-it’s green hill… breath in

Now, It’s not bad. It’s a pretty good stage that is based on Force’s Green hill. There are custom set pieces but it’s a fun stage, but with a little work, It will be great. The S tunnels need fixing. I do love at the start of faded Hills. Well done.
Final stage in demo: Cyber Edge

This is a pretty cool zone, it’s fast and the stage gives off a “Final zone” vibe There are a lot more traps here, and pits but if you play well, speed is your prize, and it’s great. Only thing I wish was that the stage was a bit longer.
Now let’s talk about the bugs in the game i found.
Grabbing invincibility and jumping / rolling or spin dashing before the invincibility plays stops the theme from playing and no music is heard till you get a life or invincibility ends.
In Cyber edge, There are bars you can grab to hang on to. If you homing attack to fast, you will hang on nothing in midair Here is a gif

Moving spike bug. Better to show you. If the spikes are up and the player lands on them, you take no damage
If you pause and return to title screen, the value for the level stays the same
Stage 1| Stage 1 boss | Stage 2 | Stage 3 | Credits
If you beat stage 1 then go to the title screen from the boss then beat stage 1 again, the game thinks Stage 1 is the boss, so you will go to stage 2 and skip the boss
Stage 1| xStage 1 boss | >Stage 2 | Stage 3 | Credits
And if you do the same as before, you will skip stage 2, and head to stage 3
Stage 1| xStage 1 boss | xStage 2 | >Stage 3 | Credits
And you can keep doing this till the credits
The boss will continue to have a hurt box, after beating it. If the 8th hit is from the special ability, the boss will keep moving in his lose state and if you hit him with Hyper’s special move, it will reset the boss death animation. View here
After beating the game / demo, there no way to play the new levels, as you get forced to the level select screen.
Credits. After beating the demo. Beating a level from the level select will bring you to credits and there no way to skip them after watching them for the 7th time.
My final thoughts
I was a bit worried when I heard the music in Archaic Valley, as I played this stage in the last demo. But after beating the boss. the other levels were fast and fun, a bit short but still fun. I like where this fan game is heading.
And I wish them luck. :3
That’s all I have. I will be closing my dms since I could try out the demo and it was neat. Shame I got sick when making this post. :V
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