#Hydraulic servo universal testing machine
labotronicsscientific · 8 months
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Hydraulic servo universal testing machine
Hydraulic servo universal testing machine is a floor mounted system with single test space for tensile, compression and flexure testing. The unit is digitally controlled with a PC software for precision in results. Multiple testing functions are carried out by load and displacement functions. The rigid column structure provides superior axial and lateral alignment precision.
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heicodynamics · 1 year
The Function of a Compression Testing Machine
Considering checking things prior to purchasing is one of the ways of behaving that grew consequently in us. From vegetables to the test drive of vehicles, there are various models where we judge things in different boundaries prior to getting them. Then, at that point, what befalls us when we buy a property or construct a house for us? Isn’t it important to check the nature of the unrefined substance utilized? Indeed! It is fundamental. Furthermore, consequently to check the nature of the material, a Compression Testing Machine is utilized
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hsmleindia · 1 year
Computerized Universal Testing Machine With Hydraulic Servo System
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Computerized universal testing machine with a hydraulic servo system is an advanced and versatile testing instrument used to evaluate the mechanical properties of various materials. This combination of computerized control and hydraulic servo technology offers precise and dynamic control over testing parameters, ensuring accurate and reliable test results. Consider the maximum load capacity of the testing machine, which determines the range of materials and specimen sizes it can handle. Machines typically have load capacities ranging from a few kilonewtons to several hundred kilonewtons or more, depending on the application requirements. Computerized universal testing machine with a hydraulic servo system made by HSMLE India Corporation with various models like single columns, double columns, floor structure, table top, door frame type etc., is used to perform tension, compression, flexure/bending, shearing, peeling, tear, cyclic etc., test for metal and nonmetal specimens. This Series Floor Model & Dual Column testing systems provide simplicity, performance and affordability for quality control (QC) labs and production testing. These models are robust, heavy-duty frames commonly used for testing high-strength metals and alloys, advanced composites, aerospace and automotive structures, bolts, fasteners, and plate steels. Frames are available in load capacities of 400Kn, 500Kn, 600Kn, 1000Kn; and several variations are available to accommodate requirements for both extended travel and extra wide test space.
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maeon-labs · 8 months
Unlocking Precision: 5 Key Factors for Successful Fatigue Testing in the Lab
Fatigue testing in the lab is a critical aspect of material analysis and structural integrity assessment. For industries in India, such as automotive, aerospace, and construction, understanding the intricacies of fatigue testing is indispensable. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of fatigue testing and uncover the 5 key factors that contribute to its success, all within the context of a leading laboratory in India – Maeon Laboratory.
State-of-the-art equipment for Precise Fatigue Testing
The cornerstone of successful fatigue testing lies in having cutting-edge equipment. At Maeon Laboratory, we understand the importance of utilizing state-of-the-art machines that can simulate real-world conditions accurately. From servo-hydraulic test systems to high-frequency vibration test rigs, investing in top-notch equipment ensures the reliability and precision of fatigue testing in the lab.
Expertise in Material Science and Engineering
Fatigue testing lab is as much a science as it is an art. Maeon Laboratory boasts a team of seasoned experts in material science and engineering, providing the necessary expertise to comprehend the nuances of fatigue behavior. Through years of experience, our professionals analyze materials to anticipate potential weaknesses, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of fatigue resistance.
Strategic Test Planning and Execution
A meticulous plan is the backbone of any successful fatigue testing. Maeon Laboratory emphasizes the importance of strategic test planning, taking into account factors such as loading conditions, stress levels, and specimen geometry. This ensures the generation of accurate and meaningful data, laying the foundation for informed decision-making in various industries.
Maeon Laboratory's Tailored Approach to Fatigue Test Lab Planning
At Maeon Laboratory, our engineers follow a tailored approach to fatigue test planning, considering the unique requirements of each project. This personalized strategy not only optimizes the testing process but also maximizes the relevance of the obtained data for our clients.
Compliance with International Standards
Adhering to international standards is imperative in fatigue testing to guarantee the validity and reliability of results. Maeon Laboratory strictly follows ISO and ASTM standards, aligning our processes with globally accepted benchmarks. This commitment to conformity ensures that the fatigue testing conducted in our lab is not only accurate but also universally recognized, making the results applicable across borders.
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Collecting data is only half the battle; the real value lies in its analysis and interpretation. Maeon Laboratory incorporates advanced data analytics tools to decipher complex fatigue patterns, offering a comprehensive understanding of material behavior. This enables our clients to make informed decisions about design modifications, material selection, and product improvement.
Maeon Laboratory's Data Visualization Solutions
Our state-of-the-art data visualization tools at Maeon Laboratory provide clients with clear, concise, and actionable insights. From fatigue life prediction charts to stress-versus-time graphs, we ensure that our clients can easily interpret and apply the results of fatigue testing to enhance their products.
In the dynamic landscape of material testing, fatigue testing in lab is indispensable for industries striving for excellence in product durability and performance. Maeon Laboratory stands as a beacon of expertise and innovation in the field, offering a comprehensive suite of services that address the unique fatigue testing needs of clients in India and beyond. By incorporating cutting-edge equipment, leveraging expert knowledge, strategic planning, international standards compliance, and advanced data analysis, Maeon Laboratory ensures the success of fatigue testing in the lab, contributing to the advancement of industries across India. Whether you are in automotive, aerospace, or construction, Maeon Laboratory is your trusted partner for unlocking the precision and potential of fatigue testing.
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sophieguo · 9 months
WAW-2000D Computerized Electro-hydraulic Servo Universal Testing Machine
1. relative test and manufacturing method GB/T228.1,ISO 6892-1,ASTM E8,GB/T 232,ISO 7438,GB/T 2611,GB/T 16825.1,ISO 7500-1,etc 2. applications This product is an ideal high-quality testing equipment for scientific research institutions, universities, metallurgy, machinery manufacturing, boiler vessels, aerospace and other enterprises and institutions. This series of models adopts hydraulic…
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dladto · 1 year
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Tensile Strength Test of Rebar Coupler
Rebar Coupler is designed to produce a full-strength mechanical joint between reinforcing bars. Today, I will share with you how to detect the tensile strength of the rebar coupler. Let's get a close look.
1. Process Inspection
Before and during the construction of the steel bar connection project, conduct a process inspection for each batch of incoming splices. There shall be no less than 3 splices of each type of steel bar during process inspection. The base material of the splice specimen shall be taken tensile strength test.
2. On-site Inspection
The on-site inspection of splices shall be carried out according to the acceptance batch, and the joints of the same grade, type, and specification of the same batch of materials shall be adopted under the same construction conditions. An acceptance batch of 500 will be conducted for inspection. For each acceptance batch of splice, three specimens must be randomly selected from the engineering structure for unidirectional tensile tests.
3. Test Equipment
Tensile Strength Test is one of the most important testing items for rebar couplers. Microcomputer-controlled electro-hydraulic servo universal testing machine can meet the test needs.
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stillness-in-green · 4 years
The Way You Survive Is...  (3/4)
Young minds learn what they're shown.
The Claustro's ready for a test-drive, and for better or for worse, Rikiya isn't alone.
Chapter Warnings: Self-triggering, PTSD flashbacks, heavy dissociation, vomiting, and Rikiya just generally being an unhealthy role-model for people who look up to him.  The Claustro is a high-tech iron maiden and that's just canon, folks.
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———      ———      ———      ———
Chapter Three: Perfection, Not Progression
Unlike many modern lifestyle designers, Detnerat’s production facilities were in-house, the better to holistically design products tailored to each individual customer’s needs.  Those producing the goods were not just undertrained employees in workshops recreating en masse a single talented someone’s design, no.  Templates were made to be broken; that was the Detnerat way!
It was, of course, also the case that Detnerat created enough other, below-the-table goods that it was far more secure to keep production in-house.  Which was why, when one swiped their employee badge and held down the elevator button to the sub-basement for twenty full seconds, it would take one to the sub-sub-basement, which had been carefully removed from the official blueprints after the completion of the building.
The main thing that had been going on in the underground production facility for the past year was Rikiya’s personal project. The Claustro, well over three meters of hulking black steel, stood slumped under its own weight on a workstation platform at the center of the proving grounds area.  Metal pegs which could be mistaken, from the outside, for the back ends of pistons protruded from its back and its shoulders, four each bolted through the gauntlets covering its massive wrists.  Another pair jutted out from the chest, lined up directly over the place where, in due course, Rikiya’s sternum would lie beneath that enormous breastplate.
Just looking at the thing set his skin tingling, a flutter of anxiety in his stomach.  It’s all right, he told himself.  It will give us better results.
The Claustro’s chest cavity gaped wide, visible from the top via an enormous hole, the diameter of which had Rikiya bringing one hand to his neck with a vague sense of self-consciousness.  He was bigger in his liberated form, but that big?
“No, your people didn’t forget about the helmet,” Skeptic said beside him, skimming over a tablet.  “But we’re not testing the HUD today; we’re making sure this thing can stand up to your new grip strength.”
“I appreciate the solidarity, then, Skeptic,” Rikiya managed, because if his newest advisor wasn’t here about the electronic guidance protocols, then he did not have a reason to be here that didn’t amount to a personal interest.
The young man—Chikazoku Tomoyasu, graduated from a major tech university in only two years and, three years after that, already a third of the way up the chain of command at Feel Good Inc.—sniffed dismissively.  “Someone here needs to be able to figure out the AED on the fly.”
Rikiya didn’t fight the smile that curled over his face in response.  Whether it was habit or Skeptic’s bracing sarcasm, he couldn’t say, not with a countdown to the Claustro’s first full-body test run ticking down in his mind, but it was a brief respite he was willing to take.
“One of your many talents?”
“Yes, reading instructions written to be simple enough for middle schoolers is well within my capacity,” Skeptic snorted.  He looked across the proving ground floor at Detnerat’s head engineer.  “Got everything set?”
“We do,” the man—Kanazoku Mihatsu, code name Ardent, who’d been one of Rikiya’s first hires to help manage production when Rikiya was occupied with the business of, well, running a business—answered.  “We’ve calibrated the dynamometers based on your previous numbers, sir.  Today’s about seeing how much farther the Claustro’s pushing your limits.”
“Then I suppose I’ll get us started,” Rikiya replied, and shrugged off his jacket.  Skeptic looked less than impressed with his attempts at exuberance, though, and Ardent only nodded solemnly, notes of worry still clear through a gaze full of reverence, so Rikiya said nothing further, only draped his jacket over Ardent’s offered arm and stepped up to the platform as the other two men retreated behind the safety of the observation wall.
With a sudden thrum from its servo motors, the Claustro folded open, sheets of metal sliding back into casing chambers or rotating into open positions.  It looked, Rikiya thought vaguely, trying not to let his gaze linger on the spikes of metal jutting out of the machine’s inner back, something like a chrysanthemum with the heart removed, all thin petals of steel nestled around an empty central cavity.  Though, with the way it would soon be closing back up, perhaps a Venus flytrap would be more accurate.
Breathe, he told himself.  It’s a test run in lab conditions.  It’s perfectly safe.  They even left the helmet off.
It was a small kindness, and (seeing as it was also a massive workplace safety violation enabled only by Rikiya’s resilience in his transformed state) a mark of faith.  He held that thought and fixed a smile on his face before he turned back toward Skeptic and Ardent and took a last step back into the waiting machine, letting his body swell up to fit.
The ribboning metal wrapped around him instantly; equally instant came the jump-start slam of his heartbeat as the walls closed in.  Cold swept over his face, the ink wash stain of Stress taking hold, the flux in temperature so sharp it left the room wheeling with vertigo.  His throat went tight as a pulled seam.
His hands and arms enlarged, fitting themselves into the Claustro’s gauntlets as naturally as gloves; his shoulders broadened, taking the suit’s weight like a yoke bar as he straightened, still growing to match the exoskeleton’s space even as he registered the way it began to press back against him.  Hydraulic plates constricted around his chest and arms, lighting up his nerves with old terror.
Movement from the interior shafts.  He knew what was coming, and still he couldn’t stop the way his breath seized when they pressed into his skin, sharp-tipped and inexorable.  His peripheral vision flickered darkly, a black-to-blue strobe, and Quarter’s voice, unforgotten in twenty years and still laced with venom, stirred the air at his temple.
“It would shame Destro to see you this way.” The man’s eyes were there—bottomless, pitiless—when Rikiya looked up across the gym.  “Turn that fear of yours to the good of the cause.  Stand up.”
Yes.  Rikiya’s lips framed the word as he blinked, unable to differentiate the prickling pain of his spiraling panic attack from the very real workings of the Claustro.  The vibrato of the servos drowned out the sound of his breathing.  Each thin whine of the machine’s motors accompanied another compression of the internal plates and spikes; each in turn drew out another spasm of stress, reinforcing his skin to stone-like hardness.
Stone cracks cartoonishly easily under pressure. You must be much stronger than that.
“Re-Destro, sir; does everything feel—like it should?”  Ardent’s voice crackled over the intercom, faint through the tapestry of throbbing sound in Rikiya’s ears.  He felt himself nod.  It does.  Excellent work.  Now, how are we testing the grip strength?  Please tell me quickly, so I can get out of this goddamned deathtrap.
He shaped the words to teeth and tongue, leaving out the unnecessary commentary, and tried to focus back in on his engineer. The man and Skeptic—wonderfully reliable Skeptic, who would definitely not let this thing kill him, and who was so confident in his ability to use an automated external defibrillator on the off-chance that Rikiya actually did have a heart attack here, though an electric shock probably wouldn’t help with an aneurysm, if that was the particular medical crisis that struck instead, just like his dear departed grandfather, Destro’s son, who escaped all this the only way their line could—no—the man and Skeptic—
“Focus on the target,” Quarter’s memory admonished him, and Skeptic interrupted with, “Can you walk around?”
Rikiya focused on Skeptic’s face, the sharp black line of his bangs, and nodded.  I can’t feel my face.  I wonder if I’m still smiling?  I hope not; it would probably look ghastly.  He walked towards the testing apparatus—well, his body did.  He felt very little in control of it right at that moment.
The dynamometers were simple enough things, not so different from the normal medical version for people in physical therapy. The main difference was that they were some three times the normal size, as well as being wall-mounted, such that all Rikiya had to do was walk up, wrap a careful grip around the handles, and squeeze.
The world was rapidly going foggy and white-rimmed. A bad sign.  I want this to be over.
There was an electric pop Rikiya registered only when it was followed by a loud crack and a subsequent hissing of pressurized air.  Releasing his hold on the dynamometers, he took a step back and tried to focus on them. He had—broken them, it seemed, the metal rods burst through the backs of their casings, discolored with grease.
And then Ardent and Skeptic were at his side again, Ardent flashing Rikiya an awed glance even as he bent closer to examine the damaged equipment.  Skeptic looked at his tablet, looked at the dynamometers, and shook his head.  His hand flicked twice across the screen, two sharp gestures; Rikiya tried to swallow back envy at how quick and clean the movements were, but it seemed his body was still not taking orders from him.
The Claustro folded open and Rikiya stepped-slash-fell out.  An unfamiliar body caught him and he hazily looked down into vacant black eyes.  Oh, yes, that was Skeptic’s preferred puppet design, wasn’t it?
So wonderfully reliable.  I should send Chitose a gift basket for recommending him.
“That’s got us enough to work with tonight,” Skeptic said with total confidence.  “You should go home.  I’ve already got a cab waiting.”
“The results—” Re-Destro heard himself say.
“Inconclusive, but since you broke the testing device, there’s no point in you hanging around just to babysit the number-crunching.”
“But the results,” he tried again, and Skeptic sighed in exasperation.
“The dynamometers could take up to a twenty-five percent increase on your previous output,” he said, voice brisk, refreshingly brusque despite the difference in their age and rank.  “You squeezed them so hard you pushed the rods out the back ends. Congratulations, you cost your production department a few hundred thousand yen, but also, congratulations, that’s probably a forty percent increase on your last record.  You definitely won the sports festival.  Now go home.  I’ll e-mail you the rest.”
Rikiya—did not remember the next few minutes.  He found himself in the back of a car, running his fingers over the suit jacket folded over his arm and feeling vaguely distressed that he couldn’t feel the exceptionally fine weave of the cloth.  And after his tailor had worked so hard to incorporate the prolongate tech into the wool, too.  The lights of the city at night played across the backs of his hands in bands of darkness and neon color as the driver’s radio played a sweet, smooth song at the edges of his hearing.  It wasn’t unbeautiful.
He disembarked at his high-rise, rode the elevator up to his suite, and keyed in his door code all without his mind reengaging for a moment.  It only finally nudged him, in the darkness of the entryway, to point out that his mouth had watered, he had swallowed the saliva down, and now his mouth was full of fluid again, and that sequence of events only ever meant one thing.
He made it to the bathroom right on time, though if throwing up everything he’d eaten today was what he was returning to his body for, it would have nice of his brain to hold off a bit longer.
Look on the bright side, he told himself through the heaving misery, the Claustro is even more effective than you’d hoped.  Thinking about it drove his gorge up again—ah, that would be the norimaki from lunch—and he curled tighter over the toilet bowl, shivering with exertion.
He jerked at the address, banging his elbow against the porcelain, and raised his head to see the boy standing at the door to the bathroom, his glowing eyes round and distraught.
“Geten?” he managed, and the reflexive attempt to swallow down acid brought it back up again.  By the time he was through the next round of gut-clenching retching, Geten was at his shoulder.  Cold hands pressed fitfully across his back, then rose to comb through his hair, peeling it away from his face.  It hadn’t really been in the line of fire—Rikiya wore it too short for that—but Rikiya had once held Geten’s hair back the same way, so he was doubtless trying to return the gesture.
“Tell me what to do,” the boy said, a frightened underscore to the words, and guilt pricked at Rikiya’s chest, still sore from the press of those twin metal shafts.  You can’t let him see you like this.
It was a stabilizing thought, at least, one that had a near-nostalgic sense of normalcy.  He spat into the bowl and took a shaky breath.
“A glass of water,” he said, and waved vaguely up at the sink.  As Geten moved to obey, Rikiya wrinkled his nose at the rank stew in the bowl and patted at the side of the toilet until he found the manual flush button.  The last thing he needed was to get sprayed in the face by the bidet.
He spat into the bowl again as the water whirled away, then sighed, resting his forehead against the back of his hand, elbow on the seat.  What a mess. He took the glass from Geten, murmuring thanks despite the foul taste in his mouth, and sipped at it gingerly. Rinse and repeat, until finally he had a meager mouthful he didn’t mind swallowing.  Geten stayed crouched next to him the entire time, petting at his hair.
“You,” Rikiya said at last, “were not supposed to be here until tomorrow.”
“I got permission to come early,” Geten answered with not a whisper of guilt.  “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”  Rikiya sat back enough to roll the stiffness out of his neck and looked up into Geten’s unconvinced expression.  “Really. Get me a refill?”
Rikiya forced himself to his feet and flushed the toilet once more as Geten took the glass without complaint.  His usual winter coat was missing, leaving him in his day clothes, a long-sleeved shirt and heavy pants, both plainly wrinkled in the clean white light of the bathroom.  He had, at some point during however long he’d been waiting, remembered to take his boots off, definitely not always a given, but a promising sign for the state of Rikiya’s upholstery.
“Were you training too hard?” the boy asked him, expression solemn as he handed back the glass.
“It’s only ‘too hard’ if it incapacitates you, so no. I was just working on something new.” Rikiya ushered them both out and towards the guestroom where, sure enough, Geten’s things were strewn across the furniture, his boots tossed in a corner and his coat wadded up amidst a nest of bedding pulled onto the floor.  His little suitcase, purchased back when he’d first made one of these weekend visits and somewhat battered from a child’s casual treatment in the years since, lay tipped over just inside the door.  One of Rikiya’s dinner plates sat on the floor; in it, a small but carefully sculpted ice dragon was gradually transmogrifying into a puddle.
“A new technique?”  Geten perked up and sat down on the bed, looking up at Rikiya in rapt interest as he moved the plate up to the bedside table.
Rikiya smiled, taking another sip of water, and shook his head.  “A new piece of equipment.”
“What is it?  Did you bring it home?”
“No, it’s back at work.  It’s not finished yet.”  Rikiya gathered up the sheet and blanket and dropped them, still balled up, onto the bed.  He then sat down next to the boy and did not relax his weight against the headboard, tempting as it was.  “It’s a powered exoskeleton—like a robot suit,” he amended when Geten only stared at him blankly at the first description.
Geten tilted his head, brow furrowing.  “How does that support your meta-ability?”
“You don’t think it would?” Rikiya asked, nursing the water.  Geten had long proven completely impossible at school, refusing any but the most basic of tutoring, so it never hurt to encourage his critical thinking skills when the opportunity presented itself.
“Robot suits are for people who need armor.  Or who want to be able to punch harder than they can on their own.”  The boy paused, thinking, then added, “And for people who stay one size.  But your power armors you, and it makes you stronger, and it makes you bigger.  So what do you need a robot suit for?”
“That’s very well thought-out.”  Geten grinned at the compliment and Rikiya resisted the urge to ruffle his pale hair; he was getting old enough to protest such gestures.  “The size isn’t a problem.  The Claustro’s designed for me at near my maximum size anyway, and it can accommodate a bit bigger or smaller.  And it will make me stronger, not by augmenting my physical strength, but by augmenting my stress.”  The words came easily; he’d explained to enough others by this point—his inner circle, his engineers, and a few key financiers at that.
“It—stresses you?  And you turn stress into power, so…”  Geten nodded understanding.  “But how does it stress you?”
“Mostly internal pressure plates,” Rikiya answered dryly, and threw back the last of the water lest bile start to creep up his throat again.  In the face of Geten’s wide-eyed expression, he soothed, “Destro’s cause demands much of all of us.  It’s nothing I can’t handle, Geten.  It’s an honor to carry such burdens for the sake of Liberation.”
Geten nodded slowly, his features settling into understanding and a familiar look of resolve.  “I want to fight you in it one day,” he declared, “when I’m strong enough.”
For a moment, Rikiya was lost for a response. The Claustro was most certainly not meant for sparring, and it would—hopefully, presumably—be well out of the testing phases by the time Geten was anywhere near that level, if he ever was.  There was only ever so much ice in a given range, after all.  Still, the thought of thick layers of ice freezing over the already constricting layers of the Claustro unit, sealing him in beneath the surface, unable to even move…
That was the winning secret to Stress, of course. In a combat scenario, there was no practical ceiling.  Just thinking about it made his stress marks throb, but this was not really the time or place for such rhetorical exercises, especially when he had no lunch left to lose.
He forced a smile.  “We’ll see.”
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bbezz · 2 years
Universal Testing Machine Malaysia
Universal Testing Machine Malaysia
What is Universal Testing Machine ?
The tensile strength and compressive strength of materials are tested using a universal testing machine Malaysia (UTM), sometimes referred to as a universal tester, materials testing machine, or materials test frame. Extensometer is a former name for a tensile testing machine Malaysia device. The word "universal" refers to the fact that it can test a variety of materials, components, and structures for tensile and compression in accordance with industry standards (in other words, that it is versatile).
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Load frame
Sometimes consisting of 2 robust supports for the machine. Some tiny machines have one support. Load cellA force electrical device or different means that of mensuration the load is needed. Periodic calibration is typically required by governing laws or quality system.
Cross head
A movable cross head (crosshead) is controlled to maneuver up or down. sometimes this can be at a constant speed. Sometimes referred to as a constant rate of extension (CRE) machine. Some machines can program the crosshead speed or conduct alternate testing, testing at constant force, testing at constant deformation, and so on Electromechanical, servo-hydraulic, linear drive, and resonance drive are used.
Means that of measuring extension or deformation
Several checks need a measure of the response of the test specimen to the movement of the cross head. Extensometers are typically used.
Output device
A way of providing the test result's needed. Some older machines have dial or digital displays and chart recorders. many more recent machines have a laptop interface for analysis and printing.
Several tests require controlled conditioning (temperature, humidity, pressure, etc.). The machine may be in a controlled area or a special environmental chamber may be placed round the check specimen for the test.
Tensile Testing Machine Malaysia
What is Tensile Testing Machine ?
A tensile machine Malaysia checking out device plays the maximum essential and not unusual place styles of mechanical checking out. A tensile take a look at applies tensile (pulling) pressure to a cloth and measures the specimen's reaction to the stress. By doing this, tensile checks decide how sturdy a cloth is and what kind of it could elongate. Tensile checks are commonly performed on electromechanical or established checking machine, are easy to perform, and are completely standardized.
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Ultimated tensile strength test machine checks are done on tensile checking out machines, additionally referred to as general checking out machines. A tensile checking out system includes a check body this is prepared with a load cell, checking out software, and application-precise grips and add-ons, including extensometer Malaysia. The kind of cloth being examined will decide the kind of add-ons needed, and a unmarried system may be tailored to check any cloth inside its pressure variety certainly with the aid of using converting the fixturing.
What are Tensile Machine used for ?
The most basic and typical kinds of mechanical testing are carried out by a tensile testing machine Malaysia. In a tensile test, a material is pulled with tensile force to determine how the specimen reacts to the stress. Tensile tests establish a material's strength and elongation limit in this way.
Types of Tensile Testing Machine.
Adhesion/Bond Strength
Crimp Joint Pull-off Force
Tear Resistant
What are the benefits of Tensile Testing Machine ?
Tensile testing gives information on the integrity and safety of materials, components, and products, assisting producers in making sure their completed goods are suitable for their intended use and produced to the highest standards. A tensile test's results can be used in a variety of ways, such as:
To determine batch quality.
To determine consistency in manufacture.
To aid in the design process.
To reduce material costs and achieve lean manufacturing goals.
To ensure compliance with international and industry standards.
What are the applications of Tensile Testing ?
In a variety of industries, tensile testing is used to ensure the quality of parts, materials, and final goods. The following sections on, showcase typical applications of tensile testing.
Aerospace Industry
Automotive Industry
Beverage Industry
Construction Industry
Electrical and Electronics Industry
Medical Device Industry
Packaging Industry
Paper and Board Industry
Pharmaceuticals Industry
Plastics, Rubber and Elastomers Industry
Safety, Health, Fitness and Leisure Industry
Textiles Industry
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industryarcresearch · 3 years
Material Testing Market - Industry Analysis, Market Size, Share, Trends, Application Analysis, Growth and Forecast 2021 - 2026
As per the report by International Organization of Motor Vehicles Manufacturers, the total number of cars and commercial vehicles manufactured globally in 2018 surged to 91.53 million. The growth of the automotive industry is attributed with the development in the material testing market. Every single vehicles and its parts manufactured must go through testing procedure that is fueling the growth of the material testing market. Apart from the automotive industry, application segments of the material testing market expand to construction, aerospace and defense, medical devices, power, and others. The global material testing market value stood at $700 million in 2018. And, the compulsion laws to test each material for quality assurance will drive the market with compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4% during the forecast period of 2019-2025.
APAC is the positioned as the leading region in the material testing market. The rapid industrialization across emerging economies, expanding production capacities, and major upcoming projects are some of the factors fueling the material testing market. Furthermore, growing economies, increasing populations, and their living pattern are driving the defense, construction, automotive, and aerospace industries. This factors in turn is stroking the growth of the APAC material testing market with regional share of 25% as of 2018.
Download Report Sample @ https://www.industryarc.com/pdfdownload.php?id=500407
Material Testing Market: Outlook
Material testing is the technique that is used to determine the physical and mechanical properties of the components and raw materials used for manufacturing and construction of various products. Different material testing machines are available in the market are used to ensure the reliability, toxicity, strength, and resistivity.
Educational institutions is the leading application segment of the material testing market, owing to the accumulating research and developments activities by the student and professional researchers. Different individual and collective projects initiated by the educational institution teams along with industrial and institutions collaboration for product development is initiating the growth of the market and it will grow with a CAGR of 5% through to 2025.
Material Testing Market:  Growth Drivers
·         Automotive Industry
The increasing innovations in vehicles industry with electric vehicles, fuel-cell, hybrid-electric vehicles and integration of AI and IoT requires testing process to pass the product and the material used to ensure the consumers safety. The automotive industry is driving the material testing market.
·         Medical Devices
The material used for manufacturing of the critical medical devices and equipment requires many analysis before passing the product for sale in the market. The mounting growth of innovations in the medical sectors are giving rise to manufacturing of various medical equipment. The rising quantity of the devices also, demanding the material testing equipment that is influencing development of the material testing market.
·         Construction Industry
The growing consumers’ interest towards modern living and techniques are giving rise to more building and constructions. Furthermore, with advancement in the construction sector the trend of smart homes and security is fueling the demand for testing the quality and other properties of the technology. Different testing is requires for every material used in the construction. Therefore, demand for material testing came into existence which is attributed with growth in the material testing market.
·         Testing Equipment
The growing demand for material testing equipment such as universal testing machines, hardness test equipment, servo hydraulic testing machine, and impact test equipment and their extensive usage in various industries is encouraging the evolution in the material testing market
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Materials Texting Market: Trends
·         The new Nexygenplus material test and data analysis software is a multi-lingual materials testing software. The device is capable of multi-stage testing along with the features such as powerful security and picture-video capture function. The software support the automation testing hence the increase demand for such software and devices from various industries will leverage the growth of the market.
·         Use of the advanced microscopes for microanalysis and SEM equipment to analyze various surface features and inconsistency is been used from era and advance technology in microscope helped the device to continue the growth in the material testing market.
·         The growing advancements in materials labs for the selection of the materials, and to estimate the design of the product along with product verification with one single machine is consider to be space efficient that is boosting the demand of such machines which is impacting the growth of the material testing market.
·         X-rays are a powerful analytic tool to test the composition and structure of the material. The X-ray is cost effective machine than other tools used for the same purpose. The demand for X-ray diagnostic tool is fueling the demand of the market.
·         The development in tools with features such as statistical analysis of batch testing results, real time display of user defined data plots are boosting the market growth.
Materials Texting Market: Challenges
As the cloud, big data analysis and IOT are some emerging technology, and deployment of these technologies is the latest trend for almost all the industries. The material testing software requires to keep pace with these emerging techniques to facilities the market growth. The manufacturing vendors need to make material testing software with ability to work seamlessly with other enterprise level software solutions such as real-time sharing of data to improve operational efficiency and decision making. So, that the result can be shared for to ensure the product quality and fed back to manufacturer to improve strategy and manufacturing of the components and it will determine the success of upcoming products.
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Materials Texting Market: Key Players Prespective
Some of the major players in the material testing market are Instron, Zwick Roell, MTS Systems, Shimadzu, TA Instruments, Torontech, Qualitest International, ETS Intarlaken, Struers, Humboldmfg, and EIE Instruments.
Material Testing Market Research Scope:
The base year of the study is 2018, with forecast done up to 2025. The study presents a thorough analysis of the competitive landscape, taking into account the market shares of the leading companies. It also provides information on unit shipments. These provide the key market participants with the necessary business intelligence and help them understand the future of the material testing market. The assessment includes the forecast, an overview of the competitive structure, the market shares of the competitors, as well as the market trends, market demands, market drivers, market challenges, and product analysis. The market drivers and restraints have been assessed to fathom their impact over the forecast period. This report further identifies the key opportunities for growth while also detailing the key challenges and possible threats. The key areas of focus include the types of material testing market, and its segmentation on the basis of end user industries that include medical, construction, and educational.
Material Testing Market Report: Industry Coverage
The material testing market report also analyzes the major geographic regions as well as the major countries in these regions. The regions and countries covered in the study include:
North America: The U.S., Canada, Mexico
South America: Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Costa Rica
Europe: The U.K., Germany, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Denmark
APAC: China, Japan, Australia, South Korea, India, Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong
Middle East and Africa: Israel, South Africa, Saudi Arabia
Key Questions Addressed in the Material Testing Market Report
Is the market demand for material testing growing? How long will it continue to grow and at what rate?
Which type of material testing presents the major growth opportunities?
Is there a possibility for change in the market structure over time?
Are additional developments needed for the existing product or services offerings or do the existing products meet the customer demands?
Do the key vendors look for partnerships to expand their businesses with respect to geography or product?
What are the short-term, long-term, and medium-term growth drivers for the market?
What are the short-term, medium-term, and long-term challenges for the market?
What are the short-term, medium-term, and long-term opportunities for the market
Who are the top players/companies of the market?
What are the recent innovations in the market?
How many patents have been filed by the leading players?
What are the types of patents filed by the leading players?
What is our Vision 2030 for material testing market?
A Few Focus Points Of This Research Are Given Below:
Give a deep-dive analysis of the key operational strategies with focus on the corporate structure, R&D strategies, localization strategies, production capabilities, and sales performance of various companies
Provide an overview of the product portfolio, including product planning, development, and positioning
Discuss the role of technology companies in partnerships
Explore the regional sales activities
Analyze the market size and giving the forecast for current and future global material testing market during the forecast 2019–2025.
For more Chemical and Materials related reports, please click here
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weijiang-automation · 3 years
Prospects for the development of the pull force tester
The China's pull force tester machine industry has been developing for decades. Starting from imitating foreign products, the production of mechanical/hydraulic testing machines and their accessories, hardness testers, electronic tensile testing machines, mechanical vibration tables, dynamic balancing machines, A-scan ultrasonic flaw detectors, X-ray flaw detectors and other products have low technical content. Like high-precision testing machines, many results have been achieved from the development of static testing machines to dynamic testing machines. At the same time, the status quo of domestic testing machines also makes people have to think about the future development of the industry.
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At present, my country’s testing machine technology is developing rapidly, and breakthroughs have been made in the fields of measurement technology, control technology, computer application technology, DSP technology and all-digital technology. It has also promoted the development of electronic tensile machines, hydraulic universal testing machines, and servo universal testing machines in China. develop. Fatigue testing machines, rubber universal testing machines, large-tonnage universal testing machines, small tensile testing machines and other products have been further improved and developed. In addition, the opening of the multi-channel multi-degree-of-freedom coordinated loading mechanical performance test system and the actual working condition simulation test system has also promoted the birth of more new products. At the same time, there are also the emergence of slow strain rate stress corrosion testing machine, DCPD crack growth digital star measuring device, three-dimensional full-field strain measurement cupping testing machine, fastener transverse vibration fatigue testing machine, and rubber bearing compression shear testing machine. Special testing machines such as stranded wire anchoring fatigue testing machine and photovoltaic tensile testing machine have played the following role in promoting the development of my country's testing machine industry.
1. Further improve the technical performance of the tensile test mobile and static mechanical performance controller, so that the performance of the data acquisition, processing system and closed-loop control system completely meet or exceed the performance of similar foreign products, improve the product process level, and ensure the reliability of the whole machine Reach the level of similar foreign products.
2. Pay full attention to and invest a lot of manpower and funds, and vigorously strengthen the development, upgrade and innovation of testing machine application software, so that domestic application software has a more reasonable structure, more powerful functions, smoother and more convenient operation, faster revision and upgrade, and speeds up the exchange with foreign countries. The gap in the application software of the tensile testing machine; pay attention to and increase the development of the testing machine fixture and accessories, increase the variety, and expand and extend the function of the tensile testing machine.
3. Speed up the development and innovation of multi-channel mechanical dynamic static test system and multi-degree-of-freedom actual working condition simulation test system, strengthen development and innovation, increase the variety of domestic high-end testing instruments, and increase the market share of domestic high-end testing instruments. In this process, attention should be paid to solving some key basic technology and basic component manufacturing technology problems that need to be solved in the research and development of high-end test instruments, such as sealing technology, noise reduction technology, actuator manufacturing technology, etc. Excellent frequency response, etc.; overcome multiple degrees of freedom (multi-channel) coordinated loading control technology; capture the actual working condition information collection, processing, reproduction and simulation (simulation) technology; develop reasonable structure, powerful control software and good openness Application software.
Although many achievements have been made in the field of tensile testing machines, there are still some shortcomings. The main reason is that the enterprises are too scattered, the production varieties are single, and the research and development is difficult. Insufficient investment by enterprises has resulted in too few products and too many low-end products. The existence of "homogeneous" competition in the market has led to low-price competition, leading to insufficient R&D investment and insufficient stamina for the development of domestic testing machines.
For these "shortcomings", tensile testing machine manufacturers should start from the basics and find the root cause of the problem. Some large companies that produce tensile testing machines criticized the company for being too small and weak in resisting pressure. Many companies do not even have relevant R&D personnel, so they can only conduct trial production by imitating production; product positioning, low-end, research and development breakthroughs, technological lag, and other testing machine industries have low entry barriers, but technology requires high-tech thresholds, which leads to testing machines. Industry Status. On the other hand, the whole society attaches different degrees of importance, and the government must also give certain support.
Weijion Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of tensile testing equipment, with strong technical research and development capabilities, a strong after-sales service team and precision processing equipment. Our machines are exported to more than 20 countries. It is your trustworthy choice. If you are choosing pull force tester equipment, please contact us.
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labotronicsscientific · 6 months
Hydraulic Servo Universal Testing Machine
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Labotronics hydraulic servo universal testing machine is a floor mounted system with single test space for tensile, compression and flexure testing by an automatic clamping method.The unit is digitally controlled with a PC software for precision in results.Multiple testing functions are carried out by load and displacement functions.The rigid column structure provides superior axial and lateral alignment precision.It perform test with the accuracy 0.005,maxi.1000KN force can applied and adjustable sped under 100mm/min
for more visit labotronics.com
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heicodynamics · 1 year
What Are Different Types of Hydraulic Machines?
Check out this educational overview to learn more about the vast world of hydraulic machinery. Hydraulic machines, which include hydraulic presses, cylinders, pumps, and motors, are devices that use fluid force to carry out various tasks. Because of their effectiveness and precision, these machines are often utilized in the manufacturing, construction, and transportation sectors. Each kind serves a particular function, from precise motions to heavy-duty applications, making hydraulic technology an essential component of contemporary engineering and automation.
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hsmleindia · 1 year
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Computerized Universal Testing Machine Front Open with Hydraulic Grip & Servo System
Computerized universal testing machine with a front-open design, hydraulic grip, and servo system is an advanced testing instrument used for evaluating the mechanical properties of materials. The combination of a front-open design, hydraulic grip, and servo system offers precise control, reliable gripping, and accurate testing results. Look for a machine equipped with computerized control and data acquisition system. This allows for precise control of testing parameters, real-time data monitoring, recording, and analysis. The software should have a user-friendly interface and provide comprehensive data analysis tools. Universal testing machines typically offer a range of test modes, including tensile, compression, bending, and shear tests. Ensure that the machine supports the specific test modes and standards relevant to your application. Common standards include ASTM, ISO, DIN, and EN.
Computerized universal testing machine with a front-open design is hydraulically controlled servo Universal Testing Machine. The main advantage of this servo system is a test can be conducted by giving a specific load rate or elongation rate. The oil flow is controlled by the close loop feedback from the load elongation system. Test with specific load steps can also be conducted.
testing machine, universal testing machine, universal testing machine with servo system, universal testing machine with hydraulic, computerized universal testing machine with hydraulic servo system, computerized universal testing machine with front open, computerized universal testing machine with front open hydraulic servo system
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sophieguo · 9 months
computer control servo hydraulic universal testing machine
1. Brief introduction Suitable for tension, compress, shear, peeling, tear, test Attractive appearance, easy operating, stable and reliable Dual test space, upper space for tension test, bottom space for compress test Low noise during test Suitable for industries of metal manufacturing, non-metal manufacturing, industrial and mining enterprises, technical supervision, commodity inspection…
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emploimaroc30 · 3 years
Nexteer Automotive recrute 8 Profils (Kénitra)
New Post has been published on https://emploimaroc.net/nexteer-automotive-recrute-8-profils-kenitra/
Nexteer Automotive recrute 8 Profils (Kénitra)
Nexteer Automotive, le spécialiste mondial de la production de systèmes de direction et de transmission dans le secteur automobile, a rejoint l’écosystème de l’Atlantic Free Zone de Kénitra, où il a ouvert sa première filiale marocaine.
Cette nouvelle filiale dans laquelle l’équipementier américain a investi 7,7 millions d’euros répondra aux besoins du marché marocain mais aussi du marché international. Appartenant au Groupe industriel Pacific Century dont le siège est au Michigan aux Etats-Unis, Nexteer est le quatrième producteur au monde des systèmes de direction et de transmission, avec plus de 10.000 employés répartis sur ses 20 usines de fabrication, 14 centres de soutien à la clientèle locaux et cinq centres d’ingénierie régionaux et centres d’essai dans le monde. Sa clientèle se compose principalement de BMW, General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, Fiat, Toyota, PSA Peugeot Citroën et d’autres constructeurs un peu partout dans le monde.
Skills and Abilities/Qualification:
Technical school – electrical profile preferred.
Able to generally understand the industrial hydraulic, pneumatic systems.
Able to generally understand electrical and controls equipment( sensors , photocells, contactors, motors etc.)
Able to generally understand the mechanical equipment.
Able to read electrical and mechanical drawings.
Overall knowledge regarding Preventive & Predictive Maintenance
Overall knowledge regarding root cause analysis and problem solving.
Able to work as a team member.
Good personal communication skills.
Openness for learning and development.
Strong engagement and motivation
2 years minimum experience I Maintenance department preferred
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Skills and Abilities/Qualification:
Graduated University of Technology.
Knowledge and experience regarding Preventive & Predictive Maintenance. Able to implement mentioned tools.
Able to generally understand the industrial hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanic and controls systems.
Knowledge regarding TPM and ready to implement chosen tools.
Able to read electrical and mechanical drawings.
Knowledge and experience regarding root cause analysis and problem solving.
Knowledge and experience in Kaizen approach
Leadership attributes with a commitment to developing the performance of team.
Able to manage KPI’s to ensure planned targets
Good personal communication skills.
Openness for learning and development.
Strong engagement and motivation.
Able to clearly communicate in written and verbal English.
5 years minimum experience in Engineering (Maintenance Department preferred)
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Basic duties and permissions:
Employee’s awareness of the impact on the quality of the product and the importance of its activities in the implementation, maintenance and improvement of quality, including customer requirements and risk for the customer due to an incompatible product.
Infrastructure and application management on the production hall, creating standards
Supervision of the infrastructure and production and storage software
Making minor improvements in existing software
Diagnosing faults related to the production network
Keeping documentation of the production IT infrastructure
Designing and optimization of IT infrastructure (networks, servers) in terms of the most efficient operation of production software
Support for « Traceability » software in the scope of configuration changes
Definition of the production infrastructure review plan
Developing the maintenance department in the area of application and IT infrastructure skills and troubleshooting
Required qualifications
I Education:
II Experience:
At least two years’ experience in a multinational company
III Skills / training:
Management of windows servers – good
SQL server management – good
Knowledge of SQL Clusters – good
HyperV knowledge – good
Knowledge of Windows NGD / scripts / installer – good
Knowledge of ITIL – good
Knowledge of IT security aspects – good
Knowledge of computer network design – good
Computer network management – very good
Programming (SQL) – very good
Backups (Management) – very good
Knowledge of Linux – basic
Knowledge of Windows CE – very good
English – good
Teamwork skills – good
Analytical thinking – very good
The ability to conduct training – good
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Major Responsibilities:
Operate according to the Operation Instruction strictly and guarantee production quality during completing production plan
Maintain the production safety and cleanness abide by the 5S requirements
To ensure the operation work by a standardization and keep a continuous improvement 
To accept the related training, certification, grading and job evaluation to guarantee all the work could be successfully completed.
To guarantee the quality of the product
Identify normal and abnormal situations and make corresponding responses
Assist team leader to make a continuous effort on the team construction, and put forward to rationalization proposals for quality, equipment, raw materials and other issues in the production process.
To make a continuous effort on the improvement on quality, cost of production and enhancement on productivity
Skills and Abilities/Qualification:
Expertise on mechanical and electrical
Good hands-on and operational skills
Great team work and strong ownership
2 years and above working experience on manufacturing and operation
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Qualification required:
I   Education:
Engineering degree
Fluent use of English (spoken and written)
II  Experience:
Quality background – min. 1 year, preferably in automotive industry
Practical knowledge of 5WHY, PPAP, 8D
Problem solving methods knowledge is a plus (Red X, Six Sigma)
III Skills/trainings:
High communication skills: written and verbal
Team work approach
Customer quality specific requirements knowledge (systems, standards, rating, other requirements) – for customers that apply.
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Lab Manager
Key responsibilities and authorities:
Co- ordinate activities of metrology, metallurgy, reliability and warranty laboratories
Supervise Laboratory personnel
Provide laboratory services to the manufacturing plant:
Machines run off activities
Support purchased parts PPAP approval process,
Support incoming material control,
Support Customer PPAP approval process,
Help manufacturing to stabilize process,
Validate results of analyses and test
Work with quality control in making major decision relating dispositions of nonconforming or suspected products
Ensure calibration of gages, measuring and test equipment for the plant (including production devices such as master parts, equipment load cell…)
Alert necessary people when some non- conformity is discovered
Make decisions to dispose non-confirming product
Provide technical documentation and data of measurement process
Implement and maintain quality requirements in his area of responsibility
Establish and introduce methods of measurement
Define proper devices for inspection & measurement
Participate in purchasing process of metrology and metallurgy equipment
Supervise & assure correct operation & services of all metrological and metallurgical equipment in the plant
Cooperate closely with production & engineering department
Participate in problem solving activities
Provide continues technical support to manufacturing operations
Provide continues improvement process for warranty analysis
Implement and maintain environmental requirements in his area of responsibility
Implement and maintain safety rules in his area of responsibility
Qualification requires:
Engineer degree in mechanical engineering
Min 2 years of experience in the same position
Excellent in English
Very good knowledge of measurements systems in metrology & metallurgy
People management experience
Quality background
Very good communication skills: written and oral
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Controls Engineer 
Misson :
Support Control Systems Engineering business plan strategy.
Controls engineer will be involved in machine procurement process, support Maintenance department for problem solving of manufacturing equipment in the plant, support continuous improvement and cost savings strategy
Responsibility :
Support manufacturing engineer in controls machine procurement, provide expertise in controls issues and support in-plant troubleshooting activity.
Ensure delivery for equipment with required capacity and capability
Maintain quality systems requirements of TS16949, ISO14000, PN18000, in definedarea of responsibility
Support plant in area of Health and Safety.
Meet First Time Quality and scrap goals in area of responsibility.
Support for achievement of Operational Availability and quick changeover on machines.
Participation in interdisciplinar workshops
Provide technical support maintenance.
Ensure proper level of spare tooling / optimize stock level / reduce tooling cost per produced piece .
Project participation
Coordinate compliance to local government safety and environment requirements
Special assigments according to needs
Bachelor degree of electrical or electronics engineering required
AutoCAD capability preferred
Able to understand Transducers (Load, Torque, Flow meter, Temperature) & LVDT.
Knowledge in servo and motion controls (Allen Bradley, Mitsubishi, Schneider, Siemens).
Able to understand & program PLC (Modicon, Allen Bradley, Mitsubishi, Siemens), CNC experience is plus
Able to develop standard and specialized processes and tooling used in manufacturing production
Good personal communication skill
Able to read blueprints (ie. Controls schematics)
Able to understand and apply manufacturing standards and tools, including PDP, P/DFMEA, SPC, etc.
Able to generally understand the industrial hydraulic, pneumatic system and controls
Able to demonstrate qualified skill to operator and willing to work at the floor with operator
Able to clearly communicate in written and verbal English
Able to lead related team member (Engineering, Quality, Purchasing, Manufacturing)
Able to travel as required
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Basic duties and permissions:
Provide and oversee the daily manpower,
Scheduling employee shifts and planning,
Assigning and supervising the work and dispatch crews.
Monitor performance of production
Ascertain that staff members are working in compliance to the company’s procedures and protocols
Manages complex situations through interaction with internal and external customers
Identify problems in operations processes and ensure they are resolved in a time-efficient manner
Maintain accurate operations materials and documents for reference purposes
Provide recommendations for disciplinary actions including reprimanding, suspension and termination
Coordinate activities to ensure delivery of supplies and equipment in a time efficient manner
Oversee inventory of supplies and equipment
Conduct inspections to ensure production machinery are operational and efficient
Complies with the terms of local and national labor agreements
Ensures adherence to recommended safety procedures and good housekeeping practices
Implements the Nexteer Production System (Lean Manufacturing System)
Flawless launch of new product programs and processes
Lead culture change to support and drive through the Lean Manufacturing System implementation
Manages multiple manufacturing departments
Maintains scorecard performance to budget and coordinates assigning key tasks to support resources based on data in the scorecard
Required qualifications
I Education:
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Business
II Experience:
At least 10 years’ experience in a multinational company
III Skills / training:
Skilled in operating and examining production equipment for faults
High level of analytical ability where problems are complex
Well-developed oral and written communication skills and problem-solving techniques
High level of interpersonal skills to work effectively with others, motivate employees and elicit work output
Knowledge and experience in the principles and application of Lean Manufacturing processes
Knowledge of quality control procedures, manufacturing processes, scheduling and other management systems
Ability to work alternate shifts/work schedules
Experience in a union environment preferred
Good time management and organization skills.
Active listener
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