askinsomniacariados · 8 years
☭ for Hydra and Gran ovo
Battle Intro: oh my god. that is IT you bitch get the fuck over here and say that to my FISTVictory: watch your tongue, dick. it’ll leave you in places like thisHalf HP: hot fires won’t stop this bug!Low HP: you… i’ll prove you wrong, one way or another!Defeat: ugh… lucky bastard… go on and gloat like a bitch, you damn fox fuck!Death: …get Duke. tell him… the truth…Assist: from one bitch to another, we make a damn good team!Taunt: my, is someone’s age catching up to them? your fire is feeling a tad lukewarm~Reacting to Taunt: WOULD YOU SHUT YOUR BITCH TRAP FOR ONE GODDAMN SECOND YOU FURRY CUNT?Flee: well you know what they say, can’t take the heat STOP PICKING FIGHTS WITH FIRE BITCHESReacting to Flee: hah! as if there was any other turn out. run, bitch, run!Tie: …how about we agree to disagreePerfect Victory: puh-thetic. if I’M crusty, what the hell does that make you?Low HP Victory: and in the end, i’m the victor, and the victor writes history, bitch!Finishing Move: get stuck, slut! EXTINGUISHING WEB SACK SLAM!!
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High Lord King, why is it that you retired?
The old rat laughed a bit at the question, his pace keeping him much further ahead of Hydra. “I don’t think retired is the right word for it, maybe ah-”
“Old man you retired, you had a party and everything. Joy even made a cake for you.” Hydra reminded him, her head lifted from watching her steps as she moved a bit faster to hear the quiet old man’s reply.
Looking back he saw her trying to catch up and waited a displeased hum escaped his maw, “If I remember correctly you didn’t attend!”
She staggered a bit as she caught up. Her tails dragging the ground in exhaustion. “That’s- don’t try and change the subject!“ Keeping this upbeat tone and the small sprint made her pause and catch her breath. “It’s not like retiring made you unable to use magic anymore… You’re just too old to do it consistently.”
He sighed a bit, “If I knew people would bring it up anytime I try to offer to help with magic, I would not have thrown that party. I just really wanted one of Joy’s cakes…” The guard behind them caught up but waited for both to make their way forward on their own.
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ask-retro-rotom · 8 years
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Retro: It’s mostly because our energy is pretty much all we are. Like, if I felt strongly enough, I might be able to pull enough energy to take on half a Yarajya. That’s a pretty big “might” though.
[[ @ask-immortal-feraligatr ]]
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She really genuinely enjoys helping people and having company, so it’s like killing two birds with one stone! If you think about it like that, you’re the ones doing us a favor.
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askmarimo · 8 years
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My rivals are all very competitive in their own regard! In fact, I wouldn’t have met Topaz, my gods-be-damned girlfriend, if it weren’t for her effort in the contests! And if you’re saying that I’m not cute from what you just said, then I’m afraid a few Pokemon International League certified judges definitely disagree with you on that point!
[[ @ask-immortal-feraligatr ]]
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{Rhythmic buzzing begins to fill the air, slowly intensifying as a scizor can be seen approaching King. Their wings flicker with an odd pattern, as if for some unknown purpose, continuing to flap even as the empty-eyed bug comes face to face with the fox.} "Greetings. It Has Been A Lengthy Period Of Time Since We Last Heard Of The Immortal Scholar Roaming. Longer Still Since Meeting. We Hope This Is A Result Of Staying Out Of Trouble. Might You Assure Us Peace Will Remain Among Your Friends?"
King looked back at the escort that walked close behind and back to the one in front that had both stopped to glare down the Scizor. King saw little threat in a steel type so he motioned with his head that they could keep moving while he talked with his guest. “I don’t recall ever hearing about a Scizor in Grail’s records, but maybe you are a passing friend that he cared not to write about.” He studied the Scizor while he walked, his head turning slightly more each time as he tried to keep an eye out for where he was walking. “I don’t think Grail has done anything worth writing in that book of his in many years, and I am not sure why he would change this pattern now.”
He shifted his head back checking to see if Hydra listened in. She watched her feet with each step, making sure not to fall over herself in her weakened state. Her pace keeping her quite a few steps behind his rat tails. “Though, I guess you can say we’re all in a bit of trouble right now. I wish I could assure you he will stay peaceful but… who knows how he’ll react to however many guards will come to escort Apollo home.”
[[ @ask-hivemind ]]
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Unappreciated Hero
As Hydra came to, her paws felt the rough fur of the one who carried her. Her body laid across the back with her longer legs scratching at the path below. “And here I thought I was being carried by a nice strong pokemon...” She grumbled awake as her feet started trying to stand on their own.
King caught on, his back lowered slightly and he slid his tails out from under her legs, “Sorry to disappoint lady Hydra, it seems Grail took his own way back with Apollo.” A sat ahead of her on the path watching her legs wobble slightly as she stretched and took a few steps.
She had hardly enough energy to walk much less lift her tails that dragged across the dusty path. She started blinking her blurry eyes up at the night sky, the stars not as great as when they were at the festival. “Hmm... the kid is going to be scared of me for a while isn’t he?”
“It’s... possible considering he didn’t want to join us back to the tower.” A slight frown crossed Hydra’s face as she tried to focus on the stars. King paused for a moment glancing up at the stars with her. “I’m just glad he’s okay after running off like that. Who knows what could’ve been lurking in that forest.”
“Heh, glad you were worried sick about me.” Her familiar grin return as she returned her gaze on King. He smirked and open his maw to speak again, but before he could Hydra looked past him. “King, who are they?” Two shadow’s of Ninetales approached, their tales fanned out behind them.
“Our intimidation tactics, they’re here for me... or us.” King stood facing the shadows that approached with his ears listening to each of their steps, ready to move in case he was wrong.
One spoke up, his deeper voice telling of his older age. “High Lord King, Lady Hydra; we’re here to escort you back to the tower on order of the High Lords.”
King sighed, an acknowledging nod had them on their way again as the two guards split; one in front of the two and one in back. “If they sent two burned out soldiers for us; how many do you think they sent for Grail?” Hydra didn’t answer, her worried look returned as she focused on her walking.
[[ Hydra is back open for asks, King’s bio is now available. ]]
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what might the immortal and the fox think about the grandspider?
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Gran was- is a good friend of mine. One to fight a fight when it was needed and one who’d win more than not. Though we’ve only recently caught up with one another, she still seems to be the same. A strong spider with a kind voice, who seems to have found herself a lot of mon that care about her.
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Eh, she’s alright. We’ve talked briefly but she doesn’t seem to live up to what’s in Grail’s book. I will admit, I was a bit star struck at first seeing as she vanishes from his records. I’m surprised Grail wasn’t more shocked to see her, but maybe he knows something that I don’t… or maybe they had a fight or something, who knows.
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// Hey Hydra! Waddeya think about that Tobias fellow?
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Oh that bird, he’s… a timid one. With how he trembles around me you’d think he was a Skarmory. Maybe he’s not so scared of my flames but more of the silly “curse” rumor that floats around about ninetales.
But if not for his timidness or his dull dress, he’s not a bad bird.
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An Endless Well for an Endless Thirst
“Apollo...” Grail’s deep but caring voice hummed between the trees as he looked down on the crying pikachu. Kneeling down he could tell the electric type was trembling uncontrollably, “Are you alright?” The feraligatr could hardly tell if he were shaking his head or trembling. “...What do you say we head back to the tower with Hydra? The event’s ending soon...”  Lowering his claw to his level Apollo shook his head.
He wouldn’t look up at Grail as he sobbed quietly, yet a question squeaked out of him, “Hydra thinks I’m a monster doesn’t she? Just like the others.” Apollo voice cracked as he whined out his question. 
Grail’s claw didn’t move, but whether he intended to pick Apollo up or just help him up was unclear. He gave a sigh seeing his little friend in such distress, “There’s a lot ya don’t know and-”
Apollo suddenly stood, “That’s what King has told me so many times... even Hydra said that!” he shouted up at Grail, tears rolling down his face even in his anger. “Just tell me why I can’t be normal!”
Grail paused at his change in mood, “You’re drainin’ magical energy from everything around you. Everyone you met at the festival, me, the ground below your feet, and Hydra.” His eyes changed from their normal grey color to a glowing blue tone. “I’m guessin’ Hydra’s eyes looked like this before you ran off here?” The hand he had offered him before pointed to his eyes, Apollo nodded slowly as he was still trying to take in what the Feraligatr was telling him. “Then she could see you actively draining her and had to scare you off before you drained her completely...”
“I-is she okay?” Apollo mumbled up at the Feraligatr.
Grail nodded, “She only passed out, King is taking her back to the tower to rest.”
“Wait, both of you are here? W-Why?” Apollo stammered.
“We both found out about one of the High Lord’s theories that you were draining others, but we knew if it were true then anyone here would be in trouble.” Grail watched as Apollo drooped his head a bit, knowing he caused them so much trouble. “Come on, King is worried about ya.” Apollo shyly climbed into his open hand, as the pikachu was small enough to be easily lifted to Grail’s shoulder.
But a thought rang in his head once he was there, “B-but what if I drain too much of your energy!”
Grail gave a short laugh, “You’ll have to spend about 2000 years with me in order to do that. Don’t worry kid, we’ll figure this out.”
[[ The gang is heading back to the clan’s Tower, Hydra is unavailable for asks. Grail, Apollo, and High Lord King are available.]]
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The changing form of Fear
Apollo made it into the darker corner of the forest, the light hadn’t been strung out this far making it a perfect place to be alone. His tears had all but fallen from his face, he wiped away the trail they left with shaking paws. He quietly sobbed into the dark of the forest around him, knowing no one would be able to find him. To see him so weak and useless. As he finished wiping his eyes a glow had appeared from the tree ahead that cast a harsh shadow on him. The long shadows of the trees around moved in sync with it as lurked it’s way out from behind the tree.
An Ampharos, though it didn’t look like a normal one. The tall standing pokemon wore black on it’s front accompanied by a pattern of the same color down it’s back trailing all the way down to one orb that illuminated the end of it’s tail. Another yellow orb sat on it’s mostly white head, shining at the sad pikachu who cuddled next to a tree. It drew closer; inspecting the small pokemon below it by craning it’s neck down. He could see into it’s eye, like it’s white pupil was floating on a sea of black. The other eye closed and didn’t open when it blinked at him. It simply shook it’s head at him, “Rejected... Poor child.” Her voice was calm, her hand reached out to wipe away a tear from his face. “But it’s okay, you see I’m a lot like you. We’re both pretty scary monsters to others...” 
Apollo trembled under her caring hand, “I- I’m not a monster.” His voice was still shaky from crying, but his sadness had now been overtaken by fear of this mysterious Ampharos.
“That ninetales seemed awfully afraid of you though... don’t you remember her face? Those flames spilling out as she bore her teeth at you, she intended to use them on you...” A sickening feeling invaded his stomach as he as she described the events that had just unfolded. “Can’t you see I’m just like you? I’m here to help you, I’m here to-” The Ampharos removed her hand from the small electric type as she stood, a scowl covered her seemingly cheery face as she listened to the forest around them.
Apollo’s eyes welled up with tears, but as he started to clear them away both her orbs went dark and the forest went silent again. Apollo blinked as his teary eyes adjusted to the darker setting; the calm silence let him breath a sigh of relief knowing that lady was gone, but heavy foot steps behind him set his heart racing again. Only for it to be settled as an unexpected guest put his claw against the tree.
“M-Mr. Grail?”
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Star-light Sapping
A yawn escaped Hydra as she stood and stretched her legs, “Apollo I think it’s about time we head for home, or at least your home.”Her body wobbled a bit once she stood on all fours again, her face showing a bit of confusion to it.
Apollo jumped from his sitting position and tilted his head, “Are you sure we should be heading home so late? You look very tired...” His hands reached up to hide his own yawn from her.
“No, no I’m just-” The ninetales was still uneasy on her feet yet she still stood looking away. It was only when she tried to turn the her legs gave out from under her and Apollo rushed to her side.
“Ms. Hydra are you o...kay?” He hesitated on his word as Hydra’s glare shot up at him.
Her eyes were glowing with a flickering blue light rather than her normal purple. Without much provocation her maw bore her teeth and anger washed over her face. “Leave me alone! Get away!” Apollo stumbled backwards away from her, stuttering apologies and promises he did nothing wrong. The Ninetale’s anger grew as flame started drooling from between her teeth. “Get away from me!” Apollo, confused and with tears flowing down his cheeks, turned himself around and escaped on all fours.
Hydra was finally alone, her strength was gone as her chin fell to the grassy ground. She coughed out a few plumes of ash and smoke before passing out below the stars.
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Star Gazing
“Miss Hydra!” Apollo called out to the sitting ninetales who gazed up at the stars. A brow rose at the strangely excited pikachu who ran to her side holding a s’more for her. “I brought you a s’more, I made it myself!” He happily held it out her way before realizing there was no easy way for her to hold it herself, instead placing it just before her on the ground. “Y-you didn’t seem the type to make one yourself, so... I thought I’d bring you one.” Apollo stood nervously twisting his hands waiting for her to try his creation.
Hydra glanced down at the sweet snack giving it a cautious sniff. She never really enjoyed sweets but she couldn’t just push it away. She nibbled at first, the edge of the gram cracker breaking off but nothing more. Apollo seemed to notice with a disappointed sigh thinking she wasn’t going to try it. In that moment she took one large bite of it, the s’more crumbling into the grass below. Apollo held his question as the ninetales tried to chew as quietly as she could. “That wasn’t too bad... good job.” She complimented him yet she had no plans on eating the rest of the s’more.
Apollo gave a sigh of relief as a smile crossed his face and his tail waved behind him, “That’s good.” He stood awkwardly beside her as she continued to gaze off into the starry sky before Hydra patted against the grass ground with her tail, inviting him to sit. “H-How has the event been for you? I’ve talked to a lot of nice people so far...” He trailed off with a yawn as he planted himself in the grass alongside her.
Hydra groaned a bit, “It’s... been fine.” she looked skyward again. The stars hanging beautifully above them. Apollo looked over at his with a concerned, yet tired look. “I bet you haven’t gotten to see the stars like this before, have you? Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I did either.”
“The few books and charts I’ve looked over just don’t do it justice...” It was quiet again, the crowd’s passing mumbling echoing in the hills around them.
“Shape Shifter... did you know the first person who held that title within our clan was once held higher than the first masters?” Apollo simply shook his head at her question, while many of his own questions waited to burst from his mouth. “So you don’t know anything, it’s better that way.” Her gaze watched the stars slowly turn as Apollo was left trying to form his own question. A sly grin crossed her face as she looked back to the pikachu who was ready to speak his question, “So when are you going to show us your vulpix form?”
This caught him a bit off guard, “I-I don’t think- maybe soon but I mean...” One of Hydra’s tails patted him on the head stopping the rambling little mouse.
She shook her head at his rambling and turn her playful grin back to the stars, “I’m messing with you kid, show us when you’re ready. I will admit that I am a bit curious... but it’s your choice.” Apollo smiled a bit as her tail lifted off of his head.
“It’s my choice?” He mumbled looking back to the stars.
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Bernice @ Hydra: Woah, you're wearing one on your ear!! Aren't you scared your glow ring'll fall off and you'll lose it forever?
Hydra flicked her ear at the mention of it, causing the glow ring to fall to the ground, “Honestly I forgot it was even there.” A tail snaked it’s way under the ring that illuminated the grass below her and lifted it until it was in front of her face, “I’m not terribly attached to this little thing, and I believe they lose their glowing powers after a couple days. Then they are little more than a worthless souvenir...”
Her tail dropped it on back her ear, “Though I do look a bit out of place without one, so I might as well keep it for now.”
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Liszt@Hydra: Hey hey! It's beautiful out here, isn't it? I'm trying to look around for some fun events out here, anything you've seen yet?
Hydra stopped when the Sylveon spoke up to her, sitting down and looking up towards the night sky. “Hmm, I must admit before this event I hardly ever caught the night sky. It is quite something.” Hydra took the time to look around at the shining trees around them as she contemplated the Sylveon’s words, “Unless of course you were talking about the festival itself. All these decorations do make it quite a cheery place...”
Hydra tilted her head a bit, one ear peaked up so the glow stick wouldn’t carelessly fall off, “On the topic of events, they all seem a bit... under me. I’m not a painter nor am I open to making a fool of myself singing. So it’s really just a choice of which you’re better at.”
[[ @askeeveeandco ]]
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Another Lasting Night
Hydra’s eyes shined under the sea of lights that were hung from the trees around her. While Apollo was happily napping on her back. “Hey kid, get up we’re here.” She spoke up as others started to be a more common sight. His tail swayed a bit at her voice but the rest of him didn’t move. Hydra sighed, starting to snake some tails under the sleeping pikachu. Lifting his drooling face from her cape and standing him on the ground. “Hey, wake up...”
Apollo wobbled a bit as her tails uncoiled around him, yet they stayed pushing on his back so he wouldn’t fall over. “Hmm?” After rubbing his eyes of sleepiness he got a good look at where he was. “This is so cool! Why don’t we do things like this in the clan?”
The Ninetales ignored his question as another tail drifted over with a glowing little ring on the end of it. “Here, this is yours.” Apollo didn’t react fast enough as it fell and landed on the ground. He blinked a few times at her, now seeing that she wore a red one at the base of her left ear.
It didn’t take him long to copy her look, placing his blue one on his right ear. “So... now what do we do?” He looked past the big ninetales before him at all the people who gathered in the field.
“Just go have fun, look at some stars, talk to people... Look I’m going to do my own thing so how about we meet up later.” Apollo looked a bit disappointed, but nodded and agreed to it. “Cool... see you later kid.” At that, she walked away towards the open field. Apollo yawned once again looking around the festival area, noticing the bright light of campfires first. Maybe they had some food over there.
[[ Hydra and Apollo are at the event! Apollo will be trying his best to stay awake while making s’mores. Hydra will be exploring the event as a whole. ]]
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