#Hussen and Rima's family
beauh · 2 months
"Hello everyone,
I am Hussen Alostath, a software engineer، and my wife Rima Alagha, an English Literature graduator. We have 4 children. Once, my family and I lived a peaceful life in Gaza.
But when the war began it destroyed our house, I lost also my job. So, tragically we lost everything. We were displaced, so we were forced to evacuate to Khan Younis then to Deer Albalah and now we are currently residing in a tent on the beach in Mawasi Rafah. struggling to save life & future of my four children with no income, no access to power or internet, and no schools, our situation is so dire.
Now, as a father and mother, our greatest fear is losing our children. I need to save their lives so I have to pay but I have nothing. It's a nightmare I can't bear to imagine.
During the war, we suffered from illness due to unhealthy environment and canned food
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I'm reaching out to support me in raising CAD 80,000 , to save life and future of my children. And rebuild their lives away from war in a safer place. Your donations will provide my children with the chance to continue their education, and find a shelter.
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10$ can save my children’s lives . Every donation, no matter how small, It represents a hope, shelter, and the promise of a better tomorrow for my family.
Please consider donating and sharing our fundraiser campaign . Your donation is not just appreciated –its our lifeline, our only hope to save my kids from danger and violence around them.
From the depths of my heart, I thank you for extending your hand in our time of need. Together, we can save my children’s future.
Warm regards,
Hussen and Rima "
GOAL PROGRESS: 30,804/80,000 CAD
This campaign has been properly vetted! Please consider extending your support to Hussen and his family by donating or spreading this post around as much as possible! This family unfortunately is currently facing an active-fire situation.
and they need
The border will only be open for a few weeks now for them to evacuate.
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