#Humphreys & Keen
xoxo-gossipgirlrp · 5 months
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Due to their request, the player has reliqunished their roles, please unfollow:
Jenny Humphrey
Robert Keene
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shebeafancyflapjack · 7 months
My favorite BBC Ghosts dynamics
Pat and Thomas (Sorely underrated, IMO)
Cap and Alison
Cap and Fanny
Chess Husbands
Cap and Kitty
Alison and Kitty (because I think her relationship with Kitty shows a more empathetic side than she tends to show, and when Alison called Kitty her sister after the incident with the imposter lady I almost cried. It was so sweet.)
And of course...Mary and Annie
My favourites are:
Robin & Mary. Chaos gremlins, butch lesbian energy, a dog and his lawyer.
Fanny and Cap
Chess Husbands
Burnt Bread (aka Annie and Mary).
Kitty & Alison (they are SISTERS your honor).
Alison & Robin - this is mostly my headcanon as they don't have a lot of screen time together but the scenes they do have I just love, he is her jumpscare enemy turned Good Boy, I just love her reactions whenever he says anything, she's so disturbed but also keen to hear more.
Speaking of which, fanon Robin & Annie - they were clearly besties.
Kitty & Humphrey - weird cousin or uncle and niece energy, I just love how she's constantly picking him up.
Kitty & Mary - These two had so many cute scenes together, Mary is her fairy godmother, she and Annie and Robin watched her grow up, Mary always fought her corner, their inventory song. <3
Julian and Fanny are so underrated. Both rich, both shady, both absolute perverts!
Cap and Alison
Humphrey & Alison - only one episode but one of the best and we needed more of him being the little devil head on her shoulder.
And my favorite has to be; Alison & Julian. There's nothing I love to see more than a woman with questionable morals find a buddy who is like "stop questioning, just throw those morals away!" Chaos buddies forever.
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raeflora · 1 year
Hi again! I would really love your opinion on something, (since you said that if I ever want you to write meta on something specific I can ask)
Do you think that most D**ir shippers are Dan fans rather than Blair l fans?
I am going forward with the rewatch and I have been reading stuff here andvon other platforms and I have noticed that most D**ir focus on what Dan feels or what Dan does for Blair, ignoring Blair's emotional and mental state at the time
Furthermore they seem to want to rid Blair from all the things that make her Blair (like her ruthlessness and scheming)
Idk... For me Blair wouldn't be Blair without the good and the bad. So it makes me wonder if these people just.... Don't like Blair very much.....
hi!! this is such a good question tysm and this is gonna be long so I hope u don't mind 🫶🏻 I think generally yes d*ir fans do seem to be more fans of dan than they are of blair, and I think there are a few reasons (that I've seen) for this. some of it comes from penn badgley fans as a lot of ppl who discovered him from you on netflix have then watched gg and like dan purely bc it's him. some of it also comes from this rehash of the idea that chuck's "bad" bc of the pilot and ignoring his development, and dan's "good" bc... he's not chuck lol.
ur right in that a lot of them don't want blair to be, well, herself. as I said in my other meta post there's a lot of focus on how blair's "better" when she's with dan. she doesn't scheme, she doesn't do anything, really, except from talk about movies and artists. they think that this watered down version of blair is her true self, even though if u watch the previous 4 and a half seasons it's obvious that's just not true. they want blair to be this girl who's content to spend her days visiting museums and waiting around for dan who she's clearly not. there's nothing wrong with her that dan needs to fix, and chuck didn't corrupt her. she can be interested in art and movies and still scheme and be mean. there's no mutual exclusivity to any of her personality traits, they can all co-exist and are what make her blair. like chuck said in s2 it's stupid to want her to be anything other than what she is.
also, ur so right again in that they ignore blair's mental state. she's obviously not in a good place in s5 and probably shouldn't jump into any relationship after her divorce. but dan pushes her into it. throughout the show she belittles him, insults him, makes fun of serena dating him, and generally just doesn't like him. while they're dating she still doesn't seem that keen on him. there's talk of how she's happier and smiling all the time with dan, but she's not. she effectively throws a tantrum being seen out with him and she can't celebrate his career, she instead undermines and upstages him. her behaviour doesn't seem like someone who's found her perfect match. it seems like someone who's in a confusing transitional period of her life and clings to the nearest man, like she did with carter in s2. if dan was this great perfect man he'd say he couldn't date her right away, let her sort herself out. but no, he forces her to be more than just friends bc, where she's so isolated from everyone else, if she loses him then she loses her only support system (the fact that she becomes so reliant on dan humphrey in the wake of her miscarriage is something for another post) so she kind of has to get into a relationship with him, even though she's not ready mentally.
in terms of liking blair, I think that most d*ir fans like their own version of blair, instead of the canon version. this might be connected to them often preferring dan, and then they just project traits onto blair that aren't hers. I don't know why they don't do this to serena btw, bc her relationship with dan is significantly more important, and she was far more willing to do "ordinary" things with him than blair. ultimately I think they want d*ir, and blair individually, to be something they're not and were never going to be. d*ir isn't sethmer or paceyjoey or whoever else they compare them to. blair isn't someone they can shape into fitting their ideas like dan does, she's her own distinct character and if they don't like her then they should admit it instead of mischaracterising her
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viola-halogen · 2 years
I have a headcanon that once every few weeks the ghosts will all get together and watch Loose Women in honour of Mary.
It was Fanny’s idea. She regrets not valuing Mary’s thoughts and insights more when she was with them and thinks this is the best way to honour her.
Pat thinks it’s a great idea because it allows them to come together and remember her in a positive way, and share their grief with each other.
The Captain is incredibly serious about making sure it always goes ahead smoothly, and prioritises it over everything else when planning the group’s schedule. It’s the one group activity Thomas and Julian never argue over. And the one time no one ever forgets to include Humphrey.
Robin was the least keen to join in, and kept telling the others that he preferred not to dwell on the past and that it was better to move on, and to focus on what they all still had. It was Kitty who persuaded him to take part, by showing him how much it had brought the others together and taught them to cherish each other more. And not wanting to be left out, Robin joined them.
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georgefairbrother · 1 year
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The Challenge was a series III episode of Yes Minister (1982), in which Jim Hacker’s Department of Administrative Affairs assumes general oversight of local authorities. As Ludovic Kennedy (playing himself as BBC interviewer) points out, Hacker is now ‘Mr Townhall as well as Mr Whitehall’.
Echoing the Thatcher government’s zeal to reform the local government sector, Hacker is determined to make councils more efficient and to curb their extravagance. The Cabinet Secretary and Sir Humphrey are not so keen, worried that any reforms, such as direct financial accountability for the success or failure of council projects, could be extended to the civil service as a whole.
To deflect his attention, Jim Hacker is urged to tackle the largely ridiculed and tricky business of civil defence, in particular the provision of public fall-out shelters by local authorities, and is sent to confront the leader of the London Borough of Thames Marsh, Ben Stanley, over their anti-nuclear activism and budget blowouts. Stanley was reportedly based on Ken Livingstone, leader of the ill-fated Greater London Council.
There are a couple of interesting cameos, aside from Ludovic Kennedy, and Moray Watson as a BBC controller. Ian Lavender (Private Pike from Dad’s Army) plays Dr Cartwright, a departmental economics boffin doomed to spend his entire career as a middling undersecretary. “I fear I shall rise no higher,” he explained sadly to Jim Hacker, “Alas, I’m an expert.”
Ben Stanley, the unilateralist leader of Thames Marsh Council is played by Doug Fisher (Man About the House), and is unimpressed by Cartwright’s suggestions on how to save ratepayers' money, which include closing the feminist drama centre, abandoning plans for a leisure centre featuring an artificial ski slope and jacuzzi, closing the gay bereavement centre, selling the Mayor’s second Daimler, and cancelling a councillors’ fact-finding junket to the Caribbean.
The episode lampoons the council’s hypocrisy in taking an anti-nuclear stance while providing fall-out shelter space solely for the leader and some senior councillors. Paul Eddington himself (Jim Hacker) was a Quaker pacifist, and in a later interview recalled that he was very uncomfortable with the way the writers (Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn) had ridiculed the anti-nuclear issue and peace activism, and that they had allowed their own political bias to influence the story. Eddington objected, and some moderating changes were made to the final script.
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Imagine a Librarians / Ghosts crossover.
-Robin announcing that he went through a Magic door like in the impro and played chess with Excalibur the flying sword
-the Lits then appearing at Button House because of the high concentration of Ghosts (maybe due to a broken ley line?) And posing as guests but they all can see the Ghosts and find out that it really isn't that kind of haunted house.
-Flynn and Jake playing chess against Robin and Julian
-Kitty and Cassie being the sweetest , bubbliest together
-Cassie bonding with Fanny because they are both science girls especially maths girls
-Baird and Allison bonding over their mom-friend roles
-Ezekiel getting into arguments about stealing with Pat and talking about the universe and Aliens with Robin
-Coronel Baird and the Captain bonding over their military history and their whole way to approach missions and problems because they were both soldiers
-Jake and Humphrey talking about History and Art and Art History and architecture for hours and tracking down humphrey's body so Humphrey can give Jake a house tour.
-Jake and Thomas fighting about Byron and poetry in general. It gets nasty Thomas goes into the lake before Jake helps him with his own poetry by talking about the true meaning and beauty of poetry
-Jake trying to learn as much as possible from Robin.
-Cassie making an impression on Julian when she uses mathemagics to help him with his online golf
-Mike and Baird just hanging out with each other being the most normal ones, adoring their very special significant others
-Robin being fascinated by Cassie's powers
-Julian getting a talking to from Baird and being super impressed afterwards because she means business
-Pat recruiting Ezekiel to food Club
-Ezekiel and Julian bonding over being tricksters/the Art of spin
-Jenkins showing up and impressing all of the Ghosts and they all swap stories from their times. Like when he remembers that he once was a guest at Button House. Or the Ghosts ask him what he did during their respective lifeteime etc.
-Jenkins bonding with Pat over their caretaker roles
-the Captain and Jenkins bonding over Stories about ancient battles
-Humphrey and Jenkins sharing a similar humour also the years of being alone also Humphrey is keen on Arthurian legend (my HC) and Jenkins is Galahad so.
-Jenkins impressing Fanny because he uses the proper etiquette from her time and is a true gentleman
-Cassie (aka a "Cassandra, a remarkable young woman") bonding with the Captain over the limpet mine project because she hast questions and he tells her about some difficult calculations and she solves them in a few heartbeats and he tells her how they could have used someone with her gifts back then but that his Lieutenant was very bright and he was glad to have him there and because her gaydar pings and she tells him about her Vampire (ex-) girlfriend.
-Ezekiel hanging out with Jemima ,playing dolls, because she reminds him of the time when he was a lost kid and because that's exactly whom he swore to help
-Flynn just being utterly enarmoured by the Plague Ghosts and spending a lot of time with them.
-ezekiel arguing with Fanny over her views on Australia. When Jake points out that he was indeed a thief he exclaims that that's besides the point
-also I feel like the salt of the earth, worked on an oil rig, cowboy with the 190 iq, love for travel, art , poetry etc., with the gentle smile and warm brown eyes and strong arms because of the martial arts would probably be worth a "Good Lord" upon first sight. (Flynn also looks like he fits the bill but I feel his energy is too manic in comparison. Jake is closer in demeanour to Havers, Adam and the Chap with the arms). Also I just really love Jake)
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albertelaursen · 7 months
gossip girl legacy challenge: the rise and fall of manhattan's elite
Welcome to the Gossip Girl Legacy Challenge, where your Sims will navigate the treacherous social waters of the Upper East Side, striving for fame, fortune, and maybe a little bit of infamy. Over 9 generations, you’ll tell the stories of sims whose lives are filled with drama, romance, and scandal. Remember, in this world, Gossip Girl is always watching <3
General Rules:
Start on an empty lot with your founder; this will be the location of your family's estate throughout the challenge. Your estate should evolve with each generation, reflecting the family's current status and the era's aesthetic.
No money cheats. Your Sims must earn their wealth and status through careers, investments, or other in-game means.
Follow the career and aspiration requirements for each generation. Your Sim cannot move on to fulfilling their next generation’s goals until the current generation’s aspirations and goals are completed.
Keep the family name going as a symbol of their legacy on the Upper East Side.
Each generation has a theme color that should be reflected in their wardrobe, room decorations, and significant events like parties or weddings.
Now, let the drama unfold.
Generation 1: Dan Humphrey - The Outsider
Colors: Grey and Teal
Traits: Ambitious, Loner, Creative
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Description: Like Dan Humphrey, your founder starts on the fringes of high society, armed with wit and a keen observer’s eye. They aspire to infiltrate the Upper East Side through their writing, capturing the hearts and scandals of the elite.
Write and publish 5 books, aiming for at least one to become a bestseller.
Attend social events uninvited or barely welcome, making at least 5 key contacts.
Have a secret romance with someone from the elite.
Get into a public feud with a high-profile figure through your writing.
Earn a reputation as a skillful writer, making at least §20,000 from royalties in a week.
Generation 2: Serena van der Woodsen - The Queen Bee
Colors: Pink and Black
Traits: Self-Assured, Snob, Romantic
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Description: Your sim is the Serena van der Woodsen of their time, captivating everyone with their beauty and charm but struggling with the pressures of their status. They're a trendsetter, a heartbreaker, and always in the spotlight.
Become the leader of the most prestigious club.
Break at least 5 hearts.
Host the most extravagant party of the year, with all of high society in attendance.
Get caught in a scandalous love triangle.
Find true love in an unexpected place after a journey of self-discovery.
Generation 3: Nate Archibald - The Golden Boy
Colors: Blue and Gold
Traits: Good, Athletic, Charismatic
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Description: Charming, well-liked, and seemingly perfect, your Sim is the Nate Archibald of the family. They navigate the complexities of their social world with ease but seek something more meaningful amidst the superficiality.
Reach the top of the Athlete or Business career.
Be friends with everyone in the high society circle.
Help a friend in a significant way without expecting anything in return.
Have a public breakup that shocks the community.
Find and marry your high school sweetheart after years apart.
Generation 4: Blair Waldorf - The Schemer
Colors: Purple and Green
Traits: Genius, Evil, Ambitious
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Description: With the cunning of Blair Waldorf, your sim knows how to play the game better than anyone. They're a master manipulator, always two steps ahead, but their ultimate challenge is facing the consequences of their actions.
Sabotage a competitor or enemy's career or relationship.
Reach the top of their career through cunning and manipulation.
Have a rivalry that is known city-wide.
Organize a successful charity event to improve your image.
Marry for power, then fall in love with your spouse against all odds.
Generation 5: The Black Sheep
Colors: Black and Silver
Traits: Rebel, Art Lover, Gloomy
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Description: Rebelling against the expectations of high society, your sim desires to carve their own path, expressing their inner turmoil through art. They're the family’s black sheep, often misunderstood but undeniably talented.
Master the Painting skill and create a masterpiece.
Have a tumultuous relationship with a family member.
Leave home to live in a less affluent neighborhood to find inspiration.
Make a significant contribution to the art world, gaining fame and respect.
Reconcile with your family, proving your success on your own terms.
Generation 6: Jenny Humphrey - The Fashionista with a Dream
Colors: Black and Yellow
Traits: Ambitious, Creative, Unflirty
Aspiration: Master of the Arts
Description: Starting as an outsider with big dreams, your Sim is determined to make a name for themselves in the fashion industry, proving that talent and hard work can outshine any pedigree.
Start in the Painter career, then switch to the Fashion branch as soon as it becomes available.
Design and create 10 unique outfits representing your ascent in the fashion world.
Throw a successful fashion show party where all attendees are dressed in your designs.
Befriend a high-profile celebrity and convince them to wear your design to a public event.
Experience a significant setback (such as getting fired or having a major project fail) before finally achieving recognition in your field.
Generation 7: Chuck Bass - The Business Mogul
Colors: Purple and Gold
Traits: Self-Assured, Materialistic, Romantic
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Description: Born into privilege but not content to simply coast on family wealth, this generation is all about expanding the family's empire, using their charm, wit, and sometimes underhanded tactics to become a tycoon.
Reach the top of the Business career.
Own the most expensive lot and fully upgrade it to represent the Bass empire.
Earn §1,000,000 in personal wealth.
Have at least three romantic relationships at the same time, without any of them finding out about each other.
Overcome a major scandal that threatens to ruin your reputation and business.
Generation 8: Georgina Sparks - The Master Manipulator
Colors: Red and Black
Traits: Evil, Genius, Mean
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Description: This generation thrives on chaos, using their intelligence and lack of scruples to manipulate those around them for their own gain. But even the master manipulator might find redemption or downfall.
Reach the top of the Criminal career.
Successfully sabotage three other sims' relationships or careers without getting caught.
Amass a collection of blackmail material on other sims.
Have a child who you initially neglect but then strive to form a strong relationship with later in life.
Get caught in a scheme and work your way back into society's good graces.
Generation 9: Vanessa Abrams - The Documentarian
Colors: Green and Brown
Traits: Creative, Loves Outdoors, Good
Aspiration: Bestselling Author (focusing on documentaries and exposing truths).
Description: True to their roots and values, this generation uses their creativity and drive for social justice to document the world's truths, aiming to make a difference through their art and activism.
Reach the top of the Writer career, focusing on journalism.
Produce and release a documentary on an important social issue.
Win an award for your work in journalism or documentary filmmaking.
Successfully campaign against a major injustice in the community, leading to a change in policy or awareness.
Experience a betrayal by a close friend or lover, which fuels your next big project.
Your sims will face challenges that test their morals, desires, and family bonds. Will they rise to the top and cement their legacy, or will they become just another tale for Gossip Girl? XOXO
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ailendolin · 2 years
I have been watching ST Prodigy and can't get this idea for a BBC Ghosts Star Trek AU out of my head where the ghosts are holograms on an old, rundown ship Alison and Mike find drifting in space.
More thoughts on that under the cut:
the ship is an old training vessel for cadets that has been damaged in a battle and abandoned a long time ago
the holograms all represent different departments within the Federation: the Captain represents security, Fanny science, Thomas linguistics, Pat diplomacy, Julian command (though everyone secretly agrees that Fanny is more suited for the job), Robin tactics, Humphrey operations, Kitty morale, Annie flight control, Mary medicine and the Plague Ghosts engineering
some of the holograms have glitches, most obvious in Humphrey who's sometimes just a floating head without a body and sometimes just a body without a head (and sometimes both in different places at once) and Mary who panics every time she has to treat phaser burns, insisting she can smell them
none of them can interact with the physical world outside of their respective stations though Julian keeps on trying to
Thomas's programming got messed up when Cadet Francis Button thought it would be fun to put him in a holodeck scenario he couldn't win - his own Kobayashi Maru, so to speak - and see how long it would take him to break. None of the other holograms know how often he died in the duel scenario Francis programmed before the Captain put an end to it but they know it irreversibly changed him and made him unfit for combat situations
the former crew also messed with the original engineering hologram. Someone wasn't happy with it being a woman (Jean), so they duplicated and changed her. Unsatisfied with the attitude of the male counterpart they created (Walter), they made another one and then another one until the engine room was filled with a dozen holograms carrying a piece of the knowledge of the original that couldn't be pieced back together into one single hologram
Robin's speech programming was rough from the beginning on. He was one of the first hologram ever, a prototype, and got damaged during an attempted hostile takeover. The engineers did their best to help him but their own glitchy programming prevented them from accessing his code so Robin has been left struggling to communicate
Alison and Mike aren't too happy about sharing their ship with a bunch of weird holograms at first, especially when they realise the ship doesn't allow them to deactivate them
(finding the hologram of a little girl that isn't listed anywhere in the logs hiding in the vents around the holodeck and singing creepily to herself doesn't really help)
over time the holograms grow on them, though. They help them restore power and get the ship maneuverable again, make sure Alison and Mike know what they're doing and teach them all they know about the Federation and operation of a Starfleet vessel
with Alison and Mike's help, the holograms grow beyond their programming. Robin's speech improves, Humphrey's head and body are seen together more often, the Captain relaxes a little about possible intruders ...
eventually, Alison and Mike build them their own portable transmitters that allow the holograms to go wherever they please, both on and off the ship
Pat, realising they can now touch things, suggests they teach each other their respective tools of the trade. Mary learns how to fly, Robin spends hours in the lab with Fanny learning about the stars, the engineers are keen on learning about history and languages, Humphrey manages to coax Jemima out of the vents and so on
I'm not sure where I'm going with this. I just really, really like the idea of the ghosts as holograms that evolve past their programming and become part of the world around them again because two chaotic humans happened upon their ship in the middle of nowhere and decided to give them a chance.
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mortalfollies · 1 year
ghosts season 5 thoughts!!
overall, i thought it was delightful. someone said cosy and that's the perfect word for it. i'm also fine with the baby plot tbh it was handled really cutely. and mike's characterisation this series was wonderful, i adore him.
highlights (not going by episodes like my rewatch bc there's so much to take in and i wanna rewatch these all again already) so in no particular order; yay humphrey! also of course pat is immune to being pranked. working with children will do that. really liked that thomas gave fanny credit where credit was due, that was cute. why is he scottish Imfao. barclay's development Imfao. sophie…omg. fanny's wild ride (and her HAIR!). julian shagging a plague ghost. the DANCE!!! JULIAN'S SPEECH 🥹😭 holy shit. my heart. and mike's pro being "I love it here"🥹
HOWEVER. kitty’s death. i was keen to find out bc that’s my best friend kitty. spider bite? fine. creative twist, even. also kitty’s reaction was hilarious. BUT the scene with eleanor. That was just…what a cop out. like why was there any need to ‘redeem’ her. Especially when throughout the seasons you’ve portrayed this character as racist bully! and if you needed to have some “good” white people from kitty’s time, polly the maid & father would’ve been enough, christ alive. yeah. just really pissed me off. it’s weak. and i’ve seen the takes interpreting it as kitty was loved but eh. it’s weak. and she’s loved now, which is what’s important. anyway that’s my major disappointment, i’m curious to see what other people think of it. and before anyone bites me - i can love the show & be disappointed by decisions lol.
anyway! i loved this season. so much fun. so happy it ended the way it did, glad we have the podcast again, and so so glad we have a christmas special to look forward to!
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ao3feed-johnnylawrence · 11 months
Oneshots about my favorite characters
by mattsturniololvr Please write some requests in the comments!!!! Words: 9, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Video Blogging RPF, Stranger Things (TV 2016), Gossip Girl (TV 2007), Heartstopper (TV), Cobra Kai (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Chris Sturniolo, Matt Sturniolo, Nick Sturniolo, Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, Original Male Character(s), Chuck Bass, Blair Waldorf, Nate Archibald, Serena van der Woodsen, Dan Humphrey, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Tara Jones, Darcy Olsson, Elle Argent, Tao Xu, Miguel Diaz (Cobra Kai), Robby Keene, Tory Nichols, Daniel LaRusso, Johnny Lawrence, Samantha LaRusso Relationships: Chris Sturniolo/Matt Sturniolo, Chris Sturniolo/Matt Sturniolo/Nick Sturniolo, Matt Sturniolo/Nick Sturniolo, Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Will Byers/Original Male Character(s), Matt Sturniolo/Original Male Character(s), Chuck Bass/Blair Waldorf, Nate Archibald/Serena van der Woodsen, Dan Humphrey/Serena van der Woodsen, Serena van der Woodsen/Blair Waldorf, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Tara Jones/Darcy Olsson, Elle Argent/Tao Xu, Miguel Diaz/Robby Keene, Robby Keene/Tory Nichols, Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence, Samantha LaRusso/Tory Nichols Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Vaginal Sex, Threesome - M/M/M, Rough Sex, Forced Orgasm, Forced Feminization, Sex Toys, Vibrators, Punishment, Spanking, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Loss of Virginity, Possessive Sex, Bottom Matt, Bottom Will Byers, Flirting, Drugged Sex, Other Additional Tags to Be Added via https://ift.tt/lhbSHIu
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top 10 fictional characters and top 5 gossip girl characters? 💕
Top 10 fictional characters of all time…let me think…
1/2. Emily Fields/Alison Dilaurentis (Nope, not choosing, sorry) - Pretty Little Liars
3. Robby Keene - Cobra Kai
4. Tina Cohen Chang - Glee
5. Jenny Humphrey - Gossip Girl
6. Britta Perry - Community
7. Lily Aldrin - HIMYM
8. Hazel Levesque - (Book) Heroes of Olympus
9. Claire Dunphy - Modern Family
10. Devi Vishwakumar - Never Have I Ever
Top 5 Gossip Girl characters (I’m mid season 4 so this might change but):
1. Jenny
2. Blair
3. Dan
4. Eric
5. Vanessa
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shebeafancyflapjack · 4 months
Run, Little Witch (Epilogue)
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(Ft @idiotwithanipad 's oc Amy)
"And that concludes our tale of how the magnificent Mary Guppy defeated the monster in the mirror." The pink haired girl rounded off her story, finishing with a twirl of her wrists and a bow; "The End."
As she sat back down, the ghosts gave her a half-hearted applause, barely tapping their hands together more so then clapping.
Pat forced his trademark welcoming grin.
"Er...thank you, Silver, pet. For regailing us with a story we're already very familiar with, having...y'know, lived through it. In a sense."
A grim murmur vibrated around the group gathered in Higham Suite for Story Club.
The witch crossed her legs; "Amy didn't."
Their newest dead resident who sat on her right widened her eyes, "Wait...That all actually happened?!" She looked to the others, to Humphrey in particular, for confirmation.
Everyone nodded, guilt-ridden lips downturned.
"Sadly yes, Poppet." Humphrey said, his head and body connected in his seat on this rare occasion.
"Not one of my prouder moments." Captain cleared his throat, looking down at the stick on his lap.
To this day, Silver still flinched whenever he waved it too close to her face. He tried his best to avoid doing so in her presence.
"Quite." Agreed Fanny, fingers of the hand she'd used to strike the young woman's cheek twitching.
"Guys. Come on." Silver addressed to them, feeling a little bad for making them all relive it. But it felt like it was finally time; "It's been years now. We can talk about it. It's good not to bottle things up, remember?"
They all seemed to give a mumble of vague agreement but none of them looked keen to think about that night anymore than she did.
Had they asked her to stop at any time during the story, she'd have done so.
But, just like Mary's trial and execution, she had been the one to suffer the most from the Witchfinders spirit. It was her story to tell.
It had taken hours of sobbing in Mary's arms for her to calm down. She'd let the larger woman lead her to her bedroom and then lay with her until the sun rose, rocking her close and stroking her hair.
She still desperately needed to sleep. But the panic was gone. As the sunlight crept into the cramped room, she'd begun to accept that the danger was behind them now.
"I saw him pass from the Captain's body into the mirror. He won't harms you now, lovey." She'd reassured, her lap functioning as Silver's pillow while Mary petted her head. "And the others all be back to their old selves. You is safe."
She wanted to believe that. She wanted to trust that she could leave this room, leave Mary's side, and she'd have nothing to worry about. That she could approach her friends and everything would be back to normal. But it wasn't that easy.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. They understands. You can stay here as long as you need."
Would forever be okay?
Of course she doesn't need forever. At lunchtime, Alison knocks upon the door, making Silver jump and reach for Mary before her familiar voice announced her.
She let the living woman enter. Despite being partly, mostly even, at fault for the night's events, Alison hadn't directly assaulted her like the others.
The guilt in her eyes shone true all the same.
"I am so, so sorry, hon." Her fellow millennial spoke cautiously, a respectable distance away; "Mary warned me something bad would happen and I ignored her. Please don't be mad at the others. I've spoken to them and, not to downplay what happened to you, but they went through Hell as well. That...monster, Pius, basically violated them. They were aware the whole time and tried hard as they could to fight back but...They weren't in control. They never wanted to say and do those things. But they feel awful, all the same."
Part of her already knew that. She'd witnessed the struggle on Humphrey's face as he'd tried to communicate truly to her. For all that went through this night, she can't imagine how it feels to not have control over your own body.
"I'm not angry with any of them. Please tell them that." She said to Alison, "I'm not even that angry with you though, yeah, you do need to listen to Mary better. She knows her shit."
"T'is true. Cow, mostly, but also horse." The older woman commented from the side.
That brought the first smile to Silver's lips since the incident.
"I'm just...not ready to face them yet. Is that okay?" She asked, sheepishly, rubbing at her arm. "I really need to sleep it off, you know."
"Of course. They get that. We all do." Alison assured her, "We'll all be here for you when you wake up, and when you're ready."
The only other ghost she agreed to see before her final night was Kitty. Everyone else, she suspected, would understand her need for space, whereas Kitty would be left with the uncertainty of their relationship for a whole month.
Alison left to fetch the young Georgian woman and lead her inside before leaving them to it. Silver sat on Mary's bed, the woman herself giving Kitty a smile and gesturing her to come sit at the foot. Silver had already told her it would be okay. But she struggled to look her friend in the eye just yet.
The accusation of having...forced herself upon Kitty continued to echo in her ears, making her skin crawl.
"I don't expect you to forgive me. Even though I never meant those awful words, not a single one." Kitty explained with surprising maturity in her tone.
It wasn't about forgiveness. But how could she attempt to explain that?
"You and Alison are the sisters I always wanted. I would never say or do anything to hurt you. And I hate that horrible man for making me act that way!" She'd never thought she'd hear Kitty proclaim hating anyone, but Silver felt the bitter sincerity in her words; "Alison said you still needed to sleep it off and I respect that. Just...when you're ready, could you please let me know when...if we can be friends again?"
A tear leaked from Silver's exhausted eyes at such an innocent request.
She edged her fingers towards Kitty's hand on the divan.
"When the world...leaves you feeling blue," She softly sang, "You can count on me....I will be there for you."
Kitty smiled as she sobbed, wiping her face.
"When it seems, all your hopes and dreams, are a million miles away, I will reassure you." She joined in.
"We've got to all stick together. Good friends are there for each other. Never ever forget that,"
"I got you and you got me..."
Their fingers interlocked. Silver tugged her friend across the gap and over to her. Kitty whimpered in relief as they embraced each other, all the awful events of the night before seeming to be crushed and dissolved by the hug, at least between the both of them.
Silver rested her head on the Georgian's shoulder, still cursing her for making her so uncool with her catchy pop songs.
When her last night came to its close, Mary offered to walk her back to her bed in the forest, assuming that she wouldn't want Robin to do his usual duty for the time being.
"Actually..." Silver began, timidly, "C-can I stay here? In your room?"
"For the month entire?"
She rubbed at her own elbow; "Is that okay?"
"Of course, darlin' girl." Mary seemed honoured by the request. She helped Silver lay down comfortably, wishing she could tuck her in as a true mother would for her child, "You have a good long rest and plenty of sweet dreams."
"And you'll be here when I wake up?"
Mary smiled, patting her hand, "As my Lord is my witness." She'd leaned in to kiss her forehead as the first rays of dawn began to appear in the sky; "Goodnights, little'en."
The kiss had tingled on her brow as she finally, at long fucking last, drifted off to sleep.
"Well, I didn't think it was possible for this Mary woman to sound even more awesome. But I was wrong." Amy smiled; "She sounds like the GOAT."
Confused stares were shared around the group, even from Silver.
"No, Stompy, Mary human lady." Robin corrected.
"What? No, guys, I mean..." Amy rolled her eyes, exasperated once again at being surrounded by oldies, "Greatest Of All Time."
"Ah!" They all chorused.
"Oooh, I like that. I'm a bit of a goat myself in some areas, if I do say so." Julian boasted.
"Think you mean 'git'." Humphrey cleared his throat.
"Well there can't be too many GOATS or surely it loses its meaning." Said Fanny.
"How does one refer to a herd of GOATS then?" Pondered Kitty.
Silver sighed, leaning towards Amy; "See, this is why we don't try to teach them new slang."
Her friend giggled, seeing that she'd opened up a whole new can of worms.
"To get back on topic, you're right...Mary was the best." Silver said with an air of love and loss.
Everyone seemed to nod in equal agreement.
"Certainly an unforgettable character, to say the least." Said Fanny.
"Remarkable woman. She'd have put many of the men in my cabinet in their place, that's for certain. Not myself, of course, I've always respected strong, powerful females such as Mary." The disgraced MP spoke.
"Sure you have, Julian." Said Silver.
Robin reached to tap Amy's arm; "Remind me to take you outside tonight. Me show you Mary's star. You meet her, say hello. She very quiet but me think she be happy to see friend of Moonah girl."
"Thanks. I'd like that." Amy looked back at Silver, neither of them mentioning that her friend had already shown her which star belonged to her mother figure.
There was a more pressing and disturbing matter on her mind though.
"Uhmm...this Pius prick?" Amy ventured, tucking her hands inside the sleeves of her hoodie; "Where is he now?"
"Still in the mirror. In an old trunk Alison found in the attic." Julian explained.
"It belong to pirate friend of mine who die here. Built to last." Robin added; "Alison and Mike throw to bottom of lake."
"She arranged something with the hotel guys when they left, asking them to make sure it was securely sealed so it wouldn't be disturbed by divers or treasure hunters." Silver explained, spotting the goosebumps on her friend's neck; "Don't worry. He ain't getting out. Not in a thousand lifetimes, gods willing."
They had been tempted to send the chest away, but there was always that possibility his spirit had to remain within the boundaries of the land, the same as the other ghosts. It wasn't worth the risk to try to carry it past the boarder if it somehow broke the enchantment.
Silver was content to think of him rotting in the murky depths, locked away from hurting anyone again, the misogynistic shitbag.
"And....you're okay?" Amy asked her, lowering her voice; "I mean...that sounds like a fucking shit night. For all of you, I know, but..."
The Wiccan nodded; "Not gonna lie, it creeps up on me now and then but...I felt a lot better after I woke up. I won't bore you all with the dreams I had-"
The group all sighed in relief, aside from Kitty who had already heard them.
"Dickheads. Anyway, the dreams helped. And I just wanted everything to be back to normal."
Rather than facing the gang as a whole, she'd asked for each of them to come to her, one on one.
Cap had been the first, which made sense. It had been difficult to resist the urge to recoil as he entered the room, flashbacks hitting her of being punched and flogged at his hand. But then he'd explained to her the significance of his stick, of who had given to him, what it was supposed to symbolise. And now it felt corrupted by the pain it had caused. She'd watched the stern patriarch get brought to tears by his own confession. Not even the others knew the story of how he died and yet he'd shared it with her. His most intimate secret. She'd thown her arms around his neck and, to her surprise, he'd patted her back.
That was the only hug they'd ever shared.
Everyone else's apologies had been less dramatic. Pat, as usual, had done the least wrong but still gave a hundred sorries, along with suggestions for some woodland activities that might appeal to her pagan lifestyle. Fanny was curt and formal as usual, but no less sincere. Julian prepared some waffling speech but then cut himself off and went "sod this, let's cut to the chase. Soz. We cool?" The git somehow made her laugh with that and it was all she needed. Thomas also prepared a three hour long apology sonnet, as he called it, but she made him trim it down to twenty minutes. Humphrey had babbled awkwardly, Mary having passed his head to her. But Silver just hugged him close. He'd tried. She'd seen that.
All that remained now was...
"He's not in the house?" Silver frowned at the revelation.
"He said that traitors in his tribe were dealt with by death or exile. And as he's already dead, well..." Julian shrugged.
"So he exiled himself? Where?"
Where else?
The caveman was sat, cross-legged, on her bed in the forest, among the trees and the flowers in full Summer bloom, when she went out to find him. He looked up at her approach and jumped off immediately.
"Me just look after bed for Moonah girl. Me not try to steal, honest." He said, shakily, hands raised up.
Silver walked towards him.
He shrank back, rubbing at the front of his pelt. Never before had he appeared so much like a scalded puppy.
"Robin hurt Moonah girl. Robin trick. Break trust. Me so sorry. Robin understand if Moonah girl never-."
"Shut up, you great floof." She said, wrapping her arms around him, tight.
"So...you forgive us all then? Just to make things clear." Captain asked her, back in the present day.
"Of course I do, guys. I mean, sure, it might have taken me ten years, but I'm over it." Silver smiled.
Some looked greatly relieved while a few frowned.
"Hang on...It's only been eight years? Hasn't it?" Pat asked.
Fanny and Robin seemed to be working it out in their heads before confirming.
"Ah yeah, that's right. Two more years to go then." The pagan folded her arms, "Hey, Cap? I've got this load of tension aching me between my shoulders. D'you mind?"
"Oh. No! Of course not, my dear." The soldier sprung to his feet and moved around to place himself behind the young woman, massaging her beneath the base of her neck with his surprisingly skilled fingers. "How is that?"
"Mmm. Yes, that's lovely, ta." She moaned, rolling her neck back in pleasure.
Robin quickly got onto his knees before her.
"You want foot rub too?"
"Oh please, Robin, if you wouldn't mind." She accepted with false humility, before winking at Amy to her side; "You know how uncomfy these big boots can get."
The two young friends struggled to contain their laughter.
If Mary had taught her anything, it was how to keep men in their proper place.
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thatgordongirl · 2 years
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I posted 1,686 times in 2022
That's 1,631 more posts than 2021!
492 posts created (29%)
1,194 posts reblogged (71%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 626 of my posts in 2022
#bbc ghosts - 356 posts
#the captain - 135 posts
#julian fawcett - 105 posts
#thomas thorne - 104 posts
#pat butcher - 97 posts
#fanny button - 67 posts
#robin bbc ghosts - 58 posts
#humphrey bone - 52 posts
#kitty bbc ghosts - 48 posts
#mary bbc ghosts - 44 posts
Longest Tag: 102 characters
#i remember a post about someone letting mat baynton spit in their mouth cause they liked him that much
My Top Posts in 2022:
Completely forgot that in the first movie, Venom made himself, while on fire, into a parachute so Eddie wouldn’t die on impact in the water. He could’ve just let go, let Eddie fall and hope for the best, but he loves his host so much he’d rather go up in flames and saving him than losing him. Venom tries to make his last acts helpful to his host and the earth, because that’s how much Eddie changed him
482 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
I love how the ghosts are meant to fit stereotypes but subtlety subvert them at the same time. Robin’s the caveman who likes hunting and can’t speak properly, but we find that he has a great understanding of culture and language, and he has a keen interest in learning. Fanny is the stiff grey lady in the photos,  but she is also a caring and intelligent individual undermined by her time. Captain is the uptight army man of his time, whilst also being a fan of singing and wedding organising. The list goes on
516 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
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When your mum wants a picture with you on your first day of school
607 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
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Family photos be like
613 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Creator: We intended for these characters to never end up in a relationship with each other, it was clear they were both straight
The characters:
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See the full post
1,028 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
A couple, cheated by a vile businessman, kidnap his wife in retaliation—without knowing that their enemy is delighted they did. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Sam Stone: Danny DeVito Barbara Stone: Bette Midler Ken Kessler: Judge Reinhold Sandy Kessler: Helen Slater Carol Dodsworth: Anita Morris Earl James Mott: Bill Pullman Chief Henry Benton: William G. Schilling Lt. Bender: Art Evans Lt. Walters: Clarence Felder Bedroom Killer: J.E. Freeman Heavy Metal Kid: Gary Riley The Mugger: Frank Sivero Loan Officer: Phyllis Applegate Hooker in Car: Jeannine Bisignano Technician: J.P. Bumstead Stereo Store Customer: Jon Cutler Stereo Store Customer: Susan Marie Snyder Cop at Sam’s House: Jim Doughan Cop at Jail: Christopher J. Keene Coroner: Henry Noguchi Cop with Killer Picture: Arnold F. Turner Sam’s Attorney: Bob Tzudiker Arresting Cop: Charles A. Vanegas Social Worker: Louise Yaffe Secretary to Chief of Police: Janet Rotblatt Judge: Charlotte Zucker Waiter: Art Bonilla Newscaster: Rick DeReyes Newscaster: Mie Hunt Newscaster: Ron Tank Aerobic Instructor: Susan Stadner Aerobic Instructor: Beth R. Johnson Model: Twyla Littleton Elderly Woman: Mary Elizabeth Thompson Newsreader (voice) (uncredited): Phil Hartman Film Crew: Director: Jim Abrahams Director: David Zucker Director: Jerry Zucker Screenplay: Dale Launer Executive Producer: Joanna Lancaster Executive Producer: Walter Yetnikoff Director of Photography: Jan de Bont Editor: Gib Jaffe Producer: Michael Peyser Editor: Arthur Schmidt Casting: Ellen Chenoweth Costume Designer: Rosanna Norton Unit Production Manager: Jeffrey Chernov First Assistant Director: William S. Beasley Second Assistant Director: Bruce Humphrey Art Direction: Donald B. Woodruff Music Supervisor: Tommy Mottola Set Decoration: Anne D. McCulley Supervising Sound Editor: Charles L. Campbell Supervising Sound Editor: Louis L. Edemann Sound Editor: Larry Carow Sound Editor: Samuel C. Crutcher Sound Editor: Mike Dobie Sound Editor: Chuck Neely Makeup Artist: Brad Wilder Key Hair Stylist: Barbara Lorenz Costume Supervisor: Eric H. Sandberg Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Donald O. Mitchell Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Rick Kline Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Kevin O’Connell Executive Producer: Richard Wagner Stunts: Loren Janes Stunts: Faith Minton Stunt Coordinator: Walter Scott Stunts: Charles Croughwell Stunts: Gregory J. Barnett Opening Title Sequence: Sally Cruikshank Stunts: Pat Romano Songs: Billy Joel Songs: Mick Jagger Stunts: Ralph Garrett Stunts: Gene Hartline Stunts: Diamond Farnsworth Stunts: Vince Deadrick Sr. Stunts: Richard Drown Stunts: Brad Bovee Stunts: Ray Bickel Stunts: Danny Costa Stunts: Phil Adams Stunts: Wayne King Sr. Stunts: Sasha Jenson Stunts: Carol Neilson Stunts: Max Kleven Stunts: Kathleen O’Haco Stunts: Tracy Keehn-Dashnaw Stunts: Ben Scott Stunts: John-Clay Scott Stunts: Carol Rees Stunts: Ted White Stunts: Brian Smrz Stunts: Mike Watson Original Music Composer: Michel Colombier Movie Reviews:
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pumpkinbsu · 4 months
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A small artist that inspired me this week
I found this artist Ryan Humphrey on twitter whose 2D work I really love
Despite his work being very erotic in subject matter I think his hand drawn work is beautiful and easy on the eyes. It reminds me a lot of the work in the art books at my school and brings back a keen sense of nostalgia I can’t quite place. I love his use of bold colourful line work and the gentle yet raw atmosphere of his drawings
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LaDonna Humphrey Arkansas – Unsolved Murder of Melissa Witt
LaDonna Humphrey, a fervent champion of justice, has authored two gripping books delving into the enigmatic puzzle surrounding the 1994 homicide of Melissa Witt from Fort Smith, Arkansas. Entitled “The Girl I Never Knew” and “Connected by Fate,” these poignant accounts offer a deep exploration of the tragic incident that has lingered over a community for years.
With nearly a decade devoted to seeking justice for Melissa Witt, LaDonna Humphrey’s books stand as a testament to her steadfast dedication and relentless endeavors to uncover the truth behind the chilling crime. “The Girl I Never Knew” vividly portrays Melissa Witt’s life, depicting a vibrant young woman whose existence was abruptly ended under mysterious circumstances. ​ In “Connected by Fate,” Humphrey skillfully intertwines the intricate threads of the investigation, shedding light on the complexities and obstacles encountered in the pursuit of justice. Leveraging her firsthand experiences and exhaustive research, she offers readers unprecedented insight into the case, compelling them to confront the unsettling truths lurking beneath the surface.
“Melissa’s narrative deserves to be recounted, and her memory warrants justice,” remarked LaDonna Humphrey. “Through these books, I aspire to honor her legacy and reignite public interest in bringing her perpetrator to account.”
Both “The Girl I Never Knew” and “Connected by Fate” present a captivating fusion of true crime, investigative journalism, and heartfelt advocacy, rendering them indispensable reads for those seeking to grasp the enduring repercussions of Melissa Witt’s tragic demise. LaDonna Humphrey’s unwavering commitment to her cause radiates from every page, inspiring readers to unite in the pursuit of justice.
For those keen on delving into these compelling narratives and supporting LaDonna Humphrey Arkansas‘s mission, “The Girl I Never Knew” and “Connected by Fate” are accessible for purchase online via Amazon and other major book retailers.
About LaDonna Humphrey:
LaDonna Humphrey is a devoted advocate for justice and the author of “The Girl I Never Knew” and “Connected by Fate.” With nearly a decade dedicated to investigating the 1994 murder of Melissa Witt from Fort Smith, Arkansas, Humphrey has emerged as a prominent voice in the quest for truth and accountability. Her books offer a compelling examination of the case, shedding light on the complexities and challenges encountered in the pursuit of justice.
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