#Human Kite/Mitch Conner
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randomsufff · 6 months ago
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I’m cooking so hard- these aren’t even all the doodles I wanted to draw of these little guys lol
First two doodles are inspired by other posts- the sunflower image is from this post by leeyzart - though they did a more wholesome comic with it 💀 and the Umbrella Academy car meme was inspired by this post by saprozoicworm - the doodle on the bottom left reminded me of it, though idk if that was an intentional reference
The Creek comic is inspired by my head canon that Tweek wears, like, combat or just heavy duty snow boots and Craig wears Converse. Probably a widespread fan canon, but as a girlie who has always worn converse, even to her restaurant job which I don’t recommend, I have almost slip or actually slipped so many times, and I wanted to draw Craig going through that lmao
Second comic is a thought I had when playing TFBW cause there’s this one cutscene, after you defeat Professor Chaos on the roof of the U-Store-It, where Stan does his thing where he flies up using his tape measure or whatever, but WE’RE ON THE ROOF??? WHAT ARE YOU HOOKING ONTO?????? And I thought it was a funny visual if Jesus just was picking his up, cause how else would you explain that (I guess it could be like ~imagination~ but that’s not as funny
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anemoisoap · 2 years ago
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the boys
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xyloivan · 2 years ago
fucking uhh south tower (that's a joke name i swear)
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i've only drawn these two in my dumb little au thing. here's the rest of the list Peppino - Tweek Gustavo - Craig Brick - Stripe Mr. Stick - AWESOM-O/Clyde (In Pizza Time! and TCTOP) Pepperman - The Human Kite/Kyle (In TCTOP) The Vigilante - Mysterion/Kenny (In TCTOP) The Noise - Professor Chaos/Butters (In TCTOP) Fake Peppino - Clone Stan/Stan (In TCTOP) Pizzahead - Mitchell "Mitch" Conner Pizzaface - The Coon (aka cartman) under Alien Control (i love to sing-a) Toppins - coffee themed ig Gerome - The Stereotypical Sleepy Mexican
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lemmylemons · 2 years ago
And now, for likeability:
(including Doctor Timothy, I didn't have him in the last list cause I don't have him; possible spoilers)
Lowest fucking rank possible - Mosquito, aka Clyde. I don't like him, he annoys me, he sucks and he's just, blech. Istg if I have to go through another Raisin's mission for him, I'll lose it.
11. The Coon. OH MAN, I WONDER WHY. He was like, eh, ok at the start (it's Cartman, what did I expect?) Then the Mitch Conner fight happened, and OH MY GOD- he's just an ass, but he's funny, so he gets points.
10. Human Kite is literally just Kyle to me, boring, annoying, meh.
9. Doctor Timothy, I haven't seen much of him but I love him :], he's low because I just haven't seen much!
8. Toolshed, same with Human Kite, it's just Stan, except he's had some fun moment with the New Kid :>
7. Some people are gonna hate me, I KNOW it. Mysterion is kinda boring too. LOOK, I KNOW, KENNY'S LIKE THE MOST POPULAR, BUT I just don't find him that fun, he's funny!! And great! But I like fun characters. He's higher up cause he has more depth than Stan and Kyle.
6. Tupperware. ADORABLE, I love his arms sticking out all the time, Tolkien's just nice and cute :]
5. Wonder Tweek. Tweek's great, it's Tweek, I really got nothing to say cndndk.
4. Super Craig! Again, just to pair him with Tweek, the two are adorable and funny.
3. CAPTAIN DIABETES! Guys, can you really blame me for loving Scott sm, he's just so damn cute and silly
Ok so I'm ranking all the characters worst to best, based on likeability and whose most leveled up for me (I'm biased, it's different for everyone)
11. Toolshed. Stan's like, the most boring character to me, he only goes a little higher than Tupperware cause he can actually fucking hit people. But damn he's just ... Boring.
10. Not much higher than Toolshed, Human Kite. Kyle's also a really boring character to me in the game, he only goes higher cause he's more leveled up and I use him more than Stan.
9. Wonder Tweek. I LOVE Wonder Tweek but he's like, mid range for me. I love him as a healer, but his attacks suck. But he's really useful and really cute in game, especially with Super Craig where Super Craig always tells him he believes in him and Tweek should believe in himself.
8. Professor Chaos, I LOVE BUTTERS, FAV CHARACTER. AND CHAOS ALWAYS CALLS MY CHARACTER CUTE WHICH IS LIKE?? But Chaos and Tweek tie for me, but Chaos goes a little higher as he has more attacks (his minion attack is great if you need an extra turn), but he's a little weak for me.
7. Fastpass. Jimmy is also one of my all time favs!! I love Fastpass, he's a mid range good all arounder for me in small fights, I love him :]
6. Mosquito, worst character in game fucking for real. On likeability, he goes last place (making a list on that too.) But he's really strong and the gross out effect is great.
5. Kenny isn't my fav South Park character, but holy hell he's useful in this game. Mysterion has the ability to come back after dying as a ghost who can heal his team or just put effects on enemies. Which is great if your team is down and you need to quickly start giving out remedies.
4. The Coon. I hate to say it, but Cartman is a great character (in terms of fighting, he's HELLA op) He's really unlikeable in this game, which isn't too out of the ordinary, but he's a fucking bullshit character that I love to use ... Until he recently got kicked off my team.
3. Super Craig, GOD, he's so great, even tho he has 2 minimal one space attacks and a shield, like his health is hella op and he's super strong. The one down side is he's the target for everything istg, he always has effects on him anytime he's in play.
2. WENDY IS MY ULTIMATE FAV IN THIS GAME, SHE'S SO NICE. The demons got out sorry, she's amazing. But Call-Girk might not have the best attacks in game BUT JESUS SHE'S STRONG, LIKE, THE CARTMAN FIGHT, SHE DID MOST OF THE DAMAGE FR. She has some low health, mainly cause she's one of my newer characters, but she's great.
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shin-holly · 7 years ago
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Oh for fucks sake I love how shook everyone is tho
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row-row-fight-the-powah · 7 years ago
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So how 'bout that endgame? Base by cRoxoverGoddess on DA
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bewitchingkyman · 4 years ago
I’ve been playing a lot of FBW lately, and I’ve been really thinking about Dr. Timothy’s franchise plan. 
Okay so Dr. Timothy, the guy who literally reads minds and big brains his way through fucking everything, not only deemed Cupid Me significant enough to have a web series but also used the little fuck to link the Human Kite and Coon movies together. The Coon also “mentions” Human Kite in his movie too. Probably as a way to introduce the character, but it’s still sus to me that Human Kite gets introduced In The Coon’s movie, as opposed to someone like Toolshed who, going off the relationship chart the game devs drew up, are best friends. 
But also if we look at the first franchise plan, the one Cartman made, Human Kite gets two movies in the first phase alone, the first of which explicitly involves The Coon (and Super Craig).
Cupid Me also does something in between the Freedom Pals 2 movie and the Prof. Chaos movie, then comes up again before the Dr. Timothy movie. There’s also one annotation between the web series and Toolshed’s movie, but, as far as I can tell, it says nothing about Human Kite and as per the relationship chart plus the in game dialogue, Toolshed and Call Girl are dating, so that fact just kinda tied cinderblocks to the Human Kite/Toolshed possibility and sunk it deeper than Randy Newman’s fishy asshole.
These annotations usually explain significant plot points, like “Dr. Tim secretly contacts Mysterion” or “Chaos switches sides”, so it’s fair to say that these annotations (whatever the hell they say, idfk they are but illegible pixels) do actually mean something in the grand scheme of things. 
But speaking of the relationship chart, I also find it hilarious that Cartman is described as being “secretly into yaoi”. When you throw that into the mix (as in, he’s secretly into liking gay relationships, but you can, ofc, like yaoi without being gay yourself) and realise that Cupid Me is basically Cartman’s repressed gay side... there’s only really one conclusion that sticks out. (Also, the whole Mitch Conner From an Alternate Universe thing???? Could they be any more obvious????? jfc)
I can’t be certain of anything without having a legible copy of the franchise plan (dms open if u have one xoxox), but y’all... 
The psychic ships it. Mitch Conner ships it.
Kyman has been confirmed
And Eric got exposed to fuck so that’s why he destroyed the franchise plan
And honestly, Timmy... smart people make backups and psychic people dealing with Eric fucking Cartman should expect him to do that shit
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iuukees-blog · 7 years ago
I was bored so i wrote this essay(/nonsense ramblings)
I acknowledge Kyman is kinda abusive but I DON'T ship them because it's abusive and i DON'T ship them because they look cute together.The reason why i ship them because their relationship is so complex and fucked up.Like what exactly are they to each other?They want to kill each other yet they saved each other's lives.It's so confusing yet interesting.Aside from that,the hints of it being canon too.I mean Cartman is so fucking gay for Kyle.The thing is when you have an in love sociopathic child,BAM,you have Cartman.
• Cartman is a sociopath which means he only cares about himself and lacks of empathy/feelings.Sociopaths love in a different way than people usually do.Their love isn't based on emotions but enjoyment of their crush's company.
• Cartman is a child.Children,when they're in love usually tend to bully/tease their crushes because they crave attention and are too young to understand their feelings.They're still in the confused state of understanding their feelings and misunderstood it.If you think Cartman is out of the line teasing Kyle,goddamit people it's South Park,nothing is normal there.
• Some people said the reason why Cartman hates Kyle so much is because he's a jew.I don't think so.Cartman grew in a stereotypical environment.The way he views life/other people is always based on stereotypes.(ex : jews are greedy,gays are bad,etc) However,he doesn't actually understand anything at all,i mean he's just a child.He's a confused child but has standards about life with all the stereotypes he learnt.Take as an example that he actually thinks jew is an insult instead of a belief.
So in short,Cartman loves Kyle in a wrong way.He doesn't know how to love him and he doesn't actually know what his feeling actually is.
Now let's move on to Kyle.People are convinced that the least posibility is an one-sided love.Well,i don't think Kyle actually likes Cartman but Kyle actually cares about him (as a friend?).Hmm let's see...It's like Kyle hates him but he also wants the best for Cartman (he's kinda like a mom.Face it that Kyle is a better mom for Cartman than Lianne) Also don't fucking dare to say that Kyle is Cartman's victim because he sure ain't.If he were a victim,he would try to get rid of Cartman,which he did sometimes but remember that the fact Kyle can't go on with problems in his life without Cartman.Even though Cartman kinda did some shits to Kyle,Kyle still needs him in some ways and he still wants to spend time with him.Rivalry and bullying are different things get over it.
BONUS;Here are also some things i noticed regarding some of the episodes.
• Fat Butt and Pancake Head - Hand puppet (Mitch Conner) kissed Kyle and making out with Ben Affleck (+giving him a bj).Hm,i feel like something like this has happened before.*cough* Homosexual persona through a hand puppet *cough*
• Smug Alert - Did Cartman seriously stay quiet about him saving Kyle?He can just blackmail him or something (Like in Ginger Cow).And why did he save the whole family?I mean if Cartman only save Kyle just for himself i think it's better to leave the whole family so he can watch Kyle suffers.Or maybe he doesn't have evidence to convince Kyle.Wait,Butters is a witness and you know damn well Butters can't lie.
• Le Petit Tourette - I'm pretty sure when he said "I love you,man." He's still in the condition of can't controlling his speech.
• Imaginationland Trilogy - I thought from the Cartman Sucks episode he learnt that sucking balls is gay even though he's the one receiving it?I know he wants to humiliate Kyle but isn't there any other way?And dude,remember when Cartman crawled over to Kyle before he resurrected him?He sounds so worried even his voice cracked and that was so beautiful.He may just wants Kyle to suck his balls but i sensed worry and pain in that scene.
• Tonsil Trouble - Cartman didn't say anything when those people said he and Kyle are lovers but lost his shit when someone said he and Butters are lovers (at Super Fun Time).
• Eek,a Penis! - You know what i'm talking about.It's so fucking kinky.
• You Have 0 Friends - I'm so confused every single time Cartman helps someone without him gaining anything from it.
• It's a Jersey Thing - The other kids get raped,Kyle gives no shit.Cartman gets raped,Kyle transformed.Also "You're my little monster." is the cutest shit ever.
• You're Getting Old & Ass Burger - This is not really Kyman related but i need to ask this...why Kyle left Stan in such a state?I thought they were super best friends?So when your super best friend is lamer than before you left them?That's kinda fucked up how Kyle didn't do anything to help Stan.
• Cartman Finds Love - Why would Cartman goes so far as selling himself off by admiting he's a gay couple with Kyle just to get two black people together?I mean i know he's racist but i thought he hates being called gay or something like that.He seriously risked it just to matchmake people?For other people's love life?Really?Also Kyle seriously just sat there listening to the whole confession and didn't fight back.That's not very Kahl.
• Majority of Season 20..Jelly Kahl....
• Stick of Truth - "By the moon and stars in the sky,i swear we will destroy you."
• The Fractured But Whole - Is it just me or Cartman sounds jealous when he said fartkour is pretty gay.And the way a fucking kite flies to space next to the moon and the stars in the sky instead of a sunny and windy day.And also Cupid Me connecting the Coon & Human Kite movies in the franchise plan.
Did i miss some?I think i did.
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samtheflamingomain · 7 years ago
the fractured but decent
I just finished the new South Park game, The Fractured But Whole, so naturally, I want to pick apart every detail and review it in disgusting depth.
It might seem unfair to compare it to Stick of Truth, but I have a feeling I'll be doing a lot of that.
Obviously, I'm a huge SP fanboy, and had been following the release of the game months beforehand. I watched an interview with Matt and Trey, and they gave a lot of insight into the game, how it would be different from SoT, and how it would be similar. That too will play into my analysis.
Obviously, spoilers ahead.
Let's divide this up for clarity. I'll go through general gameplay, plot, side quests and collectibles, mechanics/UI, and general thoughts, in that order.
Gameplay is a vague term so let's subdivide that: combat, powers, effects and exploration.
Combat is decent. I prefer the system set up in SoT, but the new system has its pros. I like the grid, moving around, and how your stats effect where you can move on the battleground. For example, Clyde has such a high "movement" stat that he can move almost anywhere on the grid.
But it can also get frustrating and confusing. Sometimes there's so many players on the board that moving becomes impossible. Sometimes you're stuck with combat buddies that can't attack, and sometimes it's unclear as to what the board will look like after your turn. For example, knockbacks and moves that change your location aren't always obvious as to how they’ll play out.
Finally, "inspection mode". It's meant to be used to get details on your friends and foes in battle, like their class, their health, and, most confusingly, their status effects and durations thereof. I never used it, and I think it just served to make combat more confusing.
Powers, I'll admit, kinda suck. Once you reach a point in the game where, for some back-assward reason, you unlock ALL POSSIBLE POWERS, it becomes a game of making a goddamn spreadsheet to weigh the pros and cons of more than 15 powers to decide which 4 you can have active in combat. Now, they give us a bit of help by allowing you to switch powers and buddies before a battle, but taking 20 minutes to pick your best powers beforehand is tedious, but also, unfortunately, necessary.
Also, they aren't very interesting or varied. Most powers involve a punch or hit, but there's like 8 of them that are basically the same. A lot don't make sense for their class, while others are completely useless. Finally, fuck all the healing powers. If you've got Kyle on your team, he's 50% a healer, so you have 2 (very weak) moves to use to deal damage. The healing items are much more effective, at least in my opinion.
Effects. What I mean by that is "Might", stats, and "artifacts". This is a lot of convoluted spreadsheet math again. There's hundreds of items that you can stick in your stats to improve your "Might". This is very hard to explain and even harder to balance.
Say you have six slots. There's more than 100 things that can go in those slots. Some of them improve your health stat, but eliminate your ability to move. Some of them downgrade your buddies' health while increasing your damage dealt. There's a total of (I think) 12 stats that can be affected by these "artifacts". Each one is assigned a number, and adding up all these numbers gives you your "Might" - which I still don't understand what, if anything, this means.
Exploration. Very little has changed since SoT in this department except there's fewer fast-travel locations, a slightly bigger map, and more (and better) puzzles throughout the world. One of my gripes would be the uselessness of many locations - a good 50% of the buildings or locations are only relevant once, and there's no need to revisit them later. (Canada, Mephesto's, the strip club, the Italian restaurant, City Wok, and U-Stor-It just to name a few).
But like I said, the puzzles are quite good, and actually challenging at times. Sometimes it involves spotting something a buddy can knock over, or noticing a little pinwheel that can get you on top of buildings. With the addition of the fart powers (reverse, pause, summon self and shift night/day), these puzzles are more complex and often have multiple steps involved.
Alright, onto the plot. I think it's much better than SoT. It starts out similar, with one faction of kids against the other, then brought together to fight a bigger foe. But they did this in a better, funnier, and ultimately more effective way, in my opinion.
For example, what seems like a silly side-quest leads to Stan (from the other faction) helping your faction, which then leads to both groups joining once they discover something bigger going on.
Now, this "bigger thing" is pretty confusing, especially at first. There's a lot of parts that don't seem to match up. The mayor is apparently failing the city, the cops are working for a racist slime monster (literally), and the sixth-graders are hoarding cats. It eventually comes together: the town is falling apart due to the main foe putting cat urine into the city's drugs and alcohol in order to cause chaos to usurp the mayor's seat. A lot of random groups get involved, like the sixth graders and Butters, to try and capitalize on the situation.
Which brings me to the second half of the game, where, in my opinion, a lot of comedic gold is made without it relying too much on nostalgia and throwbacks to the show. Mitch Conner, the main bad guy, is a joke I've never found particularly funny in the show, but in the game, it was easily one of the smartest moves they made.
"Mitch" (Cartman's hand puppet) kidnaps your parents in order to get you to help him win the mayoral race. As soon as this is revealed, all the characters react as they should: by blaming Cartman. No matter how much he insists "Mitch" is acting on his own, independent of himself, everyone turns on Cartman and he goes into hiding.
This, to me, is a much better way of bringing the plot together than in SoT, where the main villain's (Clyde’s) motivation is not very clear or believable. When we see "Mitch's" motivation for becoming mayor (to make every day Christmas), it's so absurd and Cartman-like that it works incredibly well.
And probably the funniest part of the game, right at the end, is when suddenly Mitch Conner takes over Kyle's hand. It makes no sense, but after the entire problem being blamed on Cartman, it takes a hilarious turn, suggesting that maybe Cartman really wasn't really behind everything after all.
And finally, the last battle. There's a bit of bullshit about going forward and back in time, but it ultimately leads to a hilarious battle where the characters fight themselves from the past - when they were still "playing" Stick of Truth. SuperCraig fights Thief Craig, Human Kite Kyle fights High Jew Elf Kyle and et cetera. There was also a great throwaway line from Wendy: "Hey, now I finally get to play Stick of Truth!"
Onto side quests and collectibles. I've stuck these together because they're pretty much the same. There's only maybe 8 side quests, and almost all of them are just "collect X and return to character Y". There's a lot to be desired in that department, in my opinion, but there is some good stuff in the "filling out your character sheet" plotline. Like the farting-flying-unicorn minigame where you help Kanye West's mother reach heaven so you can meet Jesus and choose your religion. Or when you have to learn about microagressions from PC Principal to choose your race.
As for the collectibles themselves, they're a bit much. Collect Yaoi, toilets, artifacts, costumes, Memberberries, Coonstagram followers, character sheets, cats. But that's up to you to care which achievements you pursue.
Now, mechanics and UI. This is the one category I will unapologetically shit on till the cows come home, with the exception of the phone menu, which is actually a very smart way to organize the massive amount of UI in place.
The artifact menu is a mess. It's confusing and frustrating. Same with the powers menu. Very hard to navigate intelligently. Props to the crafting menu, which is rather straightforward. But outside of the phone, the simple act of pulling up the map, seeing your quests and seeing your progress on those quests is very much lacking.
It gets even worse when we get into combat UI. When it's your turn, you get to choose between your three powers and healing items. It's actually somewhat trial-and-error when you go for an attack. Which power is most effective, and from which position on the board? It's a good thing it's turn-based and not timed, because I often found myself spending a good minute or two testing out every possible move.
And I'd be amiss if I didn't talk buddies. There's waaaay too many, and it's pretty easy to see the best ones and never change them: Wendy, Tweek, Cartman and Clyde were my team for the entire game, because nearly all the others have massive, gaping flaws in their combat abilities. For example, Stan only has two good moves, and they're very situation-dependent. They only help if he's in a specific spot and the enemies are lined up perfectly. He, along with Kyle, Kenny and Jimmy, are pretty useless.
Finally, general thoughts. Obviously, no matter my gripes, it's a great game. It's got enough from the last game and enough from the show to make it work. I found it much funnier than the last game, but, and here's one of my biggest problems with it: it was very short.
This brings me back to when I watched Matt and Trey talk about the game pre-release. They specifically said that this game would be longer. It only took me 20 hours to finish the main plotline AND all the side quests and collectibles. The last game took me nearly 30 hours just to finish the main quest. 
Also, they said the combat would be harder. It’s definitely more confusing and convoluted, but overall, it was pretty damn easy, (and I played on the hardest setting), and I only died maybe three times.
Two of the three fart powers (summon self and switch night/day) are pretty useless; I would've liked more interesting uses for these powers, or, even better, different ones. Reverse time and pause time have great applications in nearly every aspect of gameplay, whereas the other two only get used once or twice in very specific circumstances.
Again, I only gripe because I love the show and the games; I wouldn't put this much thought into it if I didn't. There was a lot that I feel like they missed out on, but there was definitely a lot that they got right. Every building has something to offer, unlike SoT, and there's a lot more in the way of puzzles, characters and overall comedy.
I do hope there'll be another game, but I don't know how that would really happen. If they're going to stick to the RPG genre, well, the kids have only ever played Game of Thrones and superheroes in the show. I don't know that there's another way to do this sort of game.
But hey, as we all know, Matt and Trey are full of surprises.
Stay Greater.
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shin-holly · 7 years ago
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So we can all agree this battle is fucking dumb
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shin-holly · 7 years ago
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Guys please I just wanna go home
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shin-holly · 7 years ago
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