#Huge shoutout to a person in my tags a couple weeks ago who said my art is 'like cubism x4' I LOVE YOU FOREVER
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asfodeltide · 2 years ago
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The artist
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bijackkellys · 5 years ago
thunderstruck ; part three
safe haven.
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Fandom: Newsies (All Media Types) Relationships: Jack Kelly/David Jacobs/Katherine Plumber Pulitzer Word Count: 4,352 Dedications: a huge huge shoutout to my beta and gf @mistyw273 without whom this fic would not exist! tag list (if you’d like to be added to this list just send me an ask or dm!): @dimenovelcowboy​ @santa-fe-maniac @pulitzers-world @yo-let-me-get-a-milkyway @verified-dumbass @jewishdavidjacobs @agentsnickers @thetruthabouttheboy @the-games-changing Author’s Note: yes i know what i said and i'm aware that it's been WEEKS since i posted and i have absolutely nothing to say for myself. except that i'm the worst. and also that i'm going to stop making promises and tell you guys straight out that i'm probably not going to be any better at updating from this point forward, especially considering i'm working on college apps and sat prep right now. but it's fine! i hope the fact that this chapter is only like 10 words less than all the other chapters so far put together sort of makes up for it? but i kind of hate this part; i have a ton of exposition to get through so i'm really really sorry if it sucks and you've waited this long for like 4.3k of bullshit. i'm also sorry that i still haven't introduced kath—she will get here in the next chapter and she will play no small role in this fic, i promise!! we've just got a lot to get through leading up to that. anyway, thank you to everyone who's read and reviewed so far, and if you're still here despite my questionable reliability (or lack thereof) i love you, personally. tws for this chapter includes a minor panic attack, mentions of vomiting but it's pretty brief, and that's about it.
read it on ao3
MEDDA IS SINGING when they get to her apartment. 
Even through the closed door, Jack can hear her voice lilting down the corridor, a bittersweet melody that he can’t quite remember but loves all the same. It makes him falter, makes his throat close up as warmth and the ache of missing her spread through his chest in time with each other. He doesn’t know what she’ll say when she sees him, and the thought of her viewing him as a killer nearly makes his knees buckle. Distantly he thinks that it doesn’t matter what the world has been told as long as she believes him.
“Is this it?” the older boy says behind him, gesturing to the door that Jack is staring at. He’d mostly been quiet the whole walk here, but now he’s looking at Jack expectantly.
Jack nods and pushes back the tide of emotions swelling in his chest. If he waits any longer he might never be able to do this. He knocks twice on the door, and her singing cuts off abruptly; he hears her voice saying “Coming!” and then the lock clicking as the door swings open.
“Hi, Miss Medda,” Jack says hoarsely. 
She stares at him. For this brief, terrible moment, he thinks she’s going to turn him away, and then she’s crying and oh, she pulls him into a hug. Something he’s been trying to hold back since he found himself running in the streets hours ago spills forth. In her arms he can’t stop the tears; he feels suddenly twelve years old again, scared and small but not alone, not anymore.
“You’re alive,” she’s saying, over and over, like a mantra. “Oh, baby, you’re really here.”
Jack clings to her tightly. “I didn’t do it,” he breathes, desperate for her to know as she runs a hand through his hair. “The fire—that wasn’t me.”
“I didn’t believe them for one second.” Medda pulls him back at arm’s length. “But where have you been?”
He winces, looks away. “The Refuge. I just escaped.” Her mouth opens again but he shakes his head slightly and she nods, understanding immediately. 
“It’s okay, sweetie. We’ll talk later,” she says, and cups his cheek with a gentle hand. He leans into it, starved of positive contact like this for so long. “Jack Kelly,” she says warmly, her eyes shining—he’s gotten so used to hearing his name spit at him like a curse—“I thought I’d never see you again.” She huffs a laugh and smiles at him, wiping at his eyes with her thumb. “Don’t you ever disappear on me like that again, you understand?”
He gives a watery chuckle, maybe his first in months. “I’ll do my best, Miss Medda.”
She pulls him into another hug, squeezing his shoulders tightly, before her eyes come to rest on the two boys still standing awkwardly in the hallway. “And who are your new friends?” she asks.
“Oh, this is—” Jack breaks off, realizing abruptly that they had never gotten to introductions. The younger of the two steps forward and puffs his chest out.  
“I’m Les, and this is my brother, David,” he says brightly. He’s been solemn since Jack met him, no doubt jarred by his experience with the Snatchers, but Medda’s warmth is notoriously infectious. Even the kid’s older brother—Davey—cracks a smile.
“It’s nice to meet you, ma’am,” he says politely, and Medda beams and waves a hand.
“None of that. It’s Miss Medda to you, darling. Come on in,” She steps out of the doorway and gestures inside, placing a gentle hand on the small of Jack’s back as she ushers him in. He’s grateful for it, a grounding presence that reminds him he’s really here in front of her. “Stay as long as you like, boys.”
In the last few hours alone, Jack has felt like he’s been thrust into an entirely different world. Entering Medda’s apartment is a burst of shining familiarity; there’s the elegant wooden piano in the corner, the blooming plants lining the windowsills, the photos of the theater and the paintings Jack has done over the years hanging on the walls. The faint smell of cinnamon in the air. He may never have lived here, but it feels like coming home all the same.
“I’ve still got the clothes you’ve left here, if you want to change,” Medda tells him. “I’ll get something going for us to eat—how does Sancocho sound? I don’t have any plantains, and now I know it’s not quite the same without them—”
“That sounds incredible, Miss Medda,” Jack says, his mouth already watering. For as long as he’s known her, Medda has always made it a point to give him and the other boys a taste of home however she can manage. She’d tested recipes for Sancocho for months until she’d perfected the warm, rich stew that always drew up distant memories of Jack’s mother. 
Medda smiles at him and bustles into the kitchen, pulling vegetables from the fridge. “David, Les, is there anything you two don’t eat?” she calls to them.
“Oh, we keep Kosher, so no pork, shellfish, or meat and dairy together? And Les can’t have peanuts. Sorry,” Davey responds quickly.
“No worries, darling, this recipe doesn’t call for any of that anyway. Dinner will be ready in a couple of hours—Jack, why don’t you go clean up and get some rest? You look exhausted, baby.”
It’s one of those things he doesn’t fully realize until she points out, and then it hits him full-force; he thinks his legs will give with the impact of it. He’s tired and starved and wants absolutely nothing more than to take a hot shower and eat and sleep through the next day—and in truth the only thing holding him back is the still-stinging bite of the cuffs around his wrists. 
“Uh, Miss Medda—you got a screwdriver somewhere around here?” he asks tentatively, rubbing at the skin underneath them.
Her gaze drifts to his hands and she winces in sympathy. “In the office down the hall. There’s a toolkit on the shelf—you need some help, Jack?”
He shakes his head. “No, I’ve got it,” he says as he heads into the room.
It turns out to be harder than he expected. He spends a good ten minutes hacking at the cuffs with a screwdriver, but all he really succeeds in doing is scraping his wrists raw. He’s getting desperate, though—the longer he’s stripped of his powers, the less he feels like himself, and the silver steel is nothing but a jolting reminder of everything that’s happened. He needs to find a way to get these stupid things off. 
“It doesn’t look like you’ve got it.”
Jack’s head snaps up to see Davey standing in the doorway, his hands in his pockets. His expression is hard to read, half-concerned but laced with something else, and he’s sort of tentative as he steps into the room and kneels down beside Jack. “Here, let me.” He holds his hand out for the screwdriver. 
Jack gives it to him and splays his hands out in between them. Davey switches out the head of the tool for a tiny flathead and gets to work on the right cuff, astonishingly careful. His slender, practiced fingers pry open a tiny panel on the side of the cuff, exposing the circuit board underneath.
“You seem to know what you’re doing,” Jack notes.
Davey pauses his movement for a split second and then continues without looking up. “I was captain of my high school robotics team for two years,” he responds. “And I’m an engineering major.”
Jack clings to this small piece of information; it’s the first thing he’s learned about Davey since they met, and he’s already desperate for more. “Where do you go?” he asks. At this, Davey tenses up, and Jack bites back a wince. “I’m not trying to interrogate you,” he says flatly, after a moment. “Guess I just...thought you’d changed your mind about me.”
Davey’s dark eyes latch on to Jack’s for just a moment before darting away. “I don’t know yet,” he answers finally. He prods at the wires of the cuff; there’s this crinkle in his brow that Jack can’t help but think is sort of endearing. “Miss Medda seems like a really good person,” he continues, still barely looking at Jack. “And she clearly loves you a lot. It’s possible you could be lying to her, too, but the way you were when you saw her—no one’s that good of an actor.”
“So what’s your holdup?”
“I’m not sure what to believe.” Davey twists the screwdriver and bites his lip, then meets Jack’s gaze at last. “After you—after the hospital burned down, the whole city was in chaos. No one knew what to think or who to blame—the police revealed that the sprinkler line had been damaged, and that some of the exits had been sealed, and that the fire started because the power box had been tampered with.”
Jack’s stomach twists. “I don’t understand...you—you’re saying it wasn’t an accident?”
“I think if it had been, it would’ve been contained a lot faster,” Davey says darkly. “It hadn’t even been a week before The World published a full story about how it was Strike’s doing. Jack, there were witness statements, sources explaining how your powers could’ve caused this—”
“I was trying to save people,”
“A lot of people thought you had done it by accident. Or that you’d...snapped, or something.”
“I nearly died in that fire.” He isn’t entirely sure he hadn’t, to be honest. Everything since then is blurry and out of place, and he feels like he’s been set right back to grappling desperately for a handhold, like he’s in the center of an inferno all over again—
There’s a click of metal on metal and the cuff on his right hand clatters to the floor. 
“Got it,” Davey says, and suddenly Jack can breathe again. Even with the cuff still circling his left hand, he feels electricity surge through him, that familiar hum of lightning beneath his skin. A part of him he hasn’t felt in so, so long. 
Sparks dance over his fingertips, and the air fills with static. He can see the hairs on Davey’s arms standing on end and despite everything, fights the urge to laugh. Davey looks at him, eyes wide with amazement, and Jack wonders if he can taste the power in the air, too. 
“Thanks,” Jack says, breathless as he runs his hand over the torn skin of his wrist. 
Davey nods and gently takes his left hand, starting the process again and evidently more sure of what he’s doing now. “Jack,” he begins, but whatever he’s going to say next, Jack doesn’t let him finish.
“Someone set me up,” he says fiercely, trying hard not to sound as desperate for Davey to believe him as he really is. “Whatever evidence and witnesses they had—it was fake.”
“Okay, but why?” Davey presses. “Why go through all this trouble to frame a dead man? How did they get The World to publish a bunch of false information? And if someone really is trying to pin this on you,” there’s a click, and the cuff around Jack’s left hand pings against the ground, “who set the fire in the first place?”
Jack can’t remember the last time he’d had a hot shower. Even before the fire—and god, Jack is really about to start categorizing his life events as before and after his death, like that’s not absolutely insane—the lodging house never really had a surplus of hot water, especially with so many of them. Standing under it now, though, everything else melts into the background. There are scars and bruises along his skin that he hadn’t even noted before, but the water is like instant relief; he doesn’t have to think, just lets it wash him clean.
By the time he gets out, the effects of the drugs, which have been weaning away for hours now, seem completely gone. Everything is sharper, like he’s been thrusted into high-definition, his thoughts clearer and his memories—well, his memories becoming more painful by the second.
It’s not easy, trying to push it all back. As he pulls on fresh clothes, Jack stares at himself in the mirror, at the jagged scars raised against his chest and the tiny spots that pockmark his forearms where he remembers needles going in, and tries to reconcile this picture of himself—exhausted and hollowed out and afraid—with the identity he’d spent so long building up from the ground. He doesn’t look like Strike, New York City’s favorite vigilante. He looks like a scared kid.
He doesn’t know what to do. Something bigger than himself is brewing in the city, he knows it, he has to stop it. But he doesn’t know how. People are counting on him and Jack just wants to forget any of this ever happened.
There’s so much noise. Davey’s questions are ringing in his ears and behind them there are voices telling him he’s never, ever going to get out, and he thinks he might be on fire. Everything is too hot and too loud and hurts.
There’s nothing in his stomach to throw up, but he dry heaves over the toilet anyway.
Jack sits back on the cold tile floor and drags his knees up to his chest. He could just go—break out the money he’s been saving and skip town, hop on a bus all the way to Santa Fe. Crutchie could come with him, and he could change his name—again—and start fresh. Never see this place again.
Except there’s an arsonist on the loose in the city. There are Snatchers all over the streets, and maybe Jack wants nothing more than to leave it but New York is still his city, still his place to protect. He can’t just leave.
Jack tilts his head towards the ceiling, biting back the urge to scream. The unsteady silence is broken by a tentative knock at the door, and then Medda’s voice—“Jack, honey,” she says, “Dinner’s ready. You okay in there?”
Slowly, he picks himself off the floor, pulls the loose hoodie hanging on the door on over his clean t-shirt, takes a shuddering breath. “I’ll be right out,” he calls through the door, and glances at his reflection one more time. He can be Strike again. He can do this. 
And even if he can’t, he has to.
The Sancocho is perfect, warm and spicy and brimming with the taste of home. By the time he’s inhaled maybe three servings and helped clear the dishes, Jack is so exhausted that he doesn’t even make it to the guest room. He just stumbles towards the couch and collapses there with the sunlight still spilling in through the windows, falling hard and fast into a heavy sleep.
It’s dark when he bolts awake. He feels hot and breathless, his heart racing against his ribcage, and whatever awful memory had invaded his dreams left the sharp taste of metal in his mouth. Sparks flicker across his fingers, blinding blue-white in the darkness, and Jack curls his hands into fists to quell the lightning brimming in his veins. His eyes dart to the clock on the wall; it’s just past one in the morning. He doesn’t think he’ll get back to sleep any time soon.
He maneuvers around the coffee table to stumble blindly towards the kitchen instead. A dim glow catches his eye, then; Davey is sitting at the bar stools, hunched over his laptop.
“Couldn’t sleep?” Jack says, and Davey starts and then swears.
“Jeez, you gave me a heart attack,” he huffs as Jack chuckles lightly and fills a glass with water. “I thought you were still asleep. And...no. You?”
Jack shrugs. “I slept okay, got a few good hours. But I don’t think I can go back to bed. What are you doing?” he asks, nodding towards the open laptop.
Davey hesitates. “Miss Medda let me borrow her computer. I’m trying to contact the rest of my family,” he replies, his gaze flitting between the screen and Jack’s eyes. “When Les and I ran off there were already Snatchers at our house. None of them have powers, though. Just Les.” He works his lip between his teeth. “They said not to contact them in case the Snatchers found some way to trace it back to us, but I set up a separate email account and sent them a vague message, hoping they’ll know it’s me. I just need to know if they’re okay.”
Jack’s chest twists in sympathy. Davey’s family is just one more example of all the lives the Snatchers have torn apart—and Jack is the poster boy for their whole agenda. He has to fix this, for Davey, and for the rest of his city. “You’ll see them again soon, Davey,” he says—yet another promise he can’t afford to break—“I’m gonna make this right, okay?”
“How?” Davey scoffs. “You don’t even know where to start.”
Jack slips his hands into the pockets of his clean hoodie and feels the familiar weight of the flash drive he’d placed there. Actually, he might have some idea. “Can I use the computer?” Jack says, barely waiting for Davey’s nod before taking a seat on the barstool beside him and plugging the flash drive in. 
“What is that?” Davey’s brow furrows.
“Honestly? I’m not sure. I took this from a computer in the Refuge’s control room, hoping I’d find something important. Maybe something here could give us a clue of what’s really going on.” There’s only a handful of files on the drive, and they’re labeled with numbers instead of actual names. Jack opens the first one and feels his heart sink. “Shit. It’s encrypted.”
“Let me try,” Davey says, pulling the laptop towards him and typing furiously. The computer makes a few error noises in protest as he works through the code, but Davey is laser-focused, seems to know exactly what he’s doing. He’s some kind of genius. “Got it,” he announces after a few minutes. Sure enough, the screen flickers, and rows of text begin to replace the numbers and symbols from before.
“That was incredible,” Jack tells him.
Davey shrugs and ducks his head, smiling just a little before turning back to the screen. “They look like email exchanges. Between some guy named Snyder—” Jack feels a cold trickle of shock run through him at that name, “—and...Joseph Pulitzer.”
“Wait, Pulitzer?” Jack leans forward to read over Davey’s shoulder. “As in the CEO of The World?”
“He’s running for mayor in next month’s election,” Davey explains. “It looks like he’s trying to get Snyder’s support? He’s promising money to fund the Refuge. But why would—shit.” There’s something dawning on his expression as he looks up at Jack, eyes blown wide. “Jack, a lot of his campaign has relied on anti-super propaganda. And...The World was the one who first published the story about you setting the fire.”
The realization crashes into him, hard and fast. “He’s the one who framed me.” Jack feels a hot rush of anger surge through him. “For what, a political platform? So that he could give the people a common enemy? Holy shit, did he set that fire for this...twisted agenda?” 
“I can’t believe this,” Davey shakes his head, leaning back in his chair and tugging his hands through his dark hair, shell-shocked. “How could he do something like this?”
How could he?
“I’m going to kill him,” Jack says fiercely, and the lights above him flicker. He stands up, feeling wild, brimming with untamed fury—innocent people died for Pulitzer’s insane power grab, and he has to pay for that. He can’t get away with this, he won’t; Jack can’t find it in himself to mitigate his anger right now, he needs to find Pulitzer and fix this.
“Jack—Jack!” Davey’s hand latches around his wrist and a shock like static electricity bursts between them, making him pull back. “Wait. You’re not thinking clearly.”
“What, you just want me to let him walk? He killed people, Davey. Innocent people.”
“You don’t actually know that yet.”
“I know enough,” Jack snaps, pulling back. “This can’t all be a coincidence, it makes too much sense. He has to be behind this, behind everything.”
“I’m not arguing that.” Davey is astonishingly calm; Jack doesn’t know how he can keep his resolve right now, after finding out something this sick. “But what are you going to do, break into his house and murder him? What is that going to solve? Things are only gonna get worse for supers.”
Jack hesitates. Davey is right—a personal attack on one of the most influential people in New York would make him even more of a villain than he already is. And every super in the city would suffer from it. He can’t make this some sort of revenge plot; he has to be smart about it. He takes a shuddering breath. “Then I’ll expose him. These emails—”
“—aren’t enough. All you have from this is a theory. Pulitzer would just find a way to spin it, make you look like the bad guy here. Again.” He shakes his head. “He holds all the cards right now. We have to find hard, indisputable evidence. What we need is a way to get close to him.”
“We?” Out of everything, that’s the word Jack gets hung up on. Davey’s making it sound as though they’re partners. 
Davey looks at him for a second. “I believe you, Jack,” he says finally. “I’m sorry I didn’t before. I don’t think you set that fire, and if we’re right, and Pulitzer did frame you, and we can find proof...we might be able to stop everything. Shut down the Refuge for good.”
“No, no—I’m not dragging you into this any further than I already have,” Jack stops him before he can go any further. His whole time as Strike, he’s been a solo act for a reason—not for lack of Race or Specs or Elmer trying to get him to let them join him—but because he can’t bring himself to pull someone else into this life. Especially not someone like Davey, who’s an engineering student, and a genius, and has a family. He’s got his whole life ahead of him. “I appreciate everything you’ve done to help me so far, I really do, but I can take it from here. You and your brother just lay low and stay out of trouble.”
“You can’t do this by yourself,” Davey argues. There’s something hardening behind his eyes, something bright and sharp and determined. “I’ve already shown you what I can do, so let me help you.”
“It’s too dangerous.”
He snorts, defensive. “I can handle it.”
“You think so?” Jack stares him down, skin buzzing. “I almost died because of this, and I may not remember everything about the Refuge, but I can tell you that it wasn’t pretty. If we try to take Pulitzer, there’s a good chance we don’t make it out alive.”
Davey doesn’t break his gaze. “But if we do it together, we double our odds,” he says quietly. When Jack snorts and turns away, Davey keeps going. “This is so much bigger than you or me, Jack. If we can pull this off, we could make New York safe for supers again. I promised that I would protect Les, but I can’t do that as long as there are Snatchers roaming the streets and as long as Pulitzer has power. And you can’t protect this city if you’re dead.” 
Jack wishes he didn’t have a point. “You could get hurt,” he counters. “You don’t even have powers.”
“You’ll protect me,” Davey replies swiftly, and something in Jack’s stomach twists.
“You have an awful lot of faith for someone who didn’t trust me an hour ago,” he says grimly, eyes darting away from Davey’s fierce ones.
“You don’t have to do this alone,” Davey presses, unrelenting, and god, the offer is tempting. Davey clearly knows his way around his computers and technology, a skill that could be really helpful here, and more than that, Jack stupidly, selfishly doesn’t want to do this by himself. He wants a partner. He’s tired of being alone, and he hates himself for it. 
“We do this on my terms,” Jack says finally, and in the corner of his eye, he can see Davey smiling. “I say get out, you get out. You’ve got to be smart about this. Got it?”
“Understood,” Davey nods. “I’ll be okay, Jack. I promise. So where do we start?”
“It’s like you said, we have to get close to Pulitzer.” Jack sits back down, racks his brain for anything that could help. Pulitzer is a private person, watching the rest of the city from high off the ground; getting close to him would require someone who already knows him well. He can practically see the lightbulb over his head when it hits him—he knows the perfect candidate. He just hopes she’ll be willing to join them.
“I know someone who might be able to help,” Jack says, already drafting an email—coded words like the two of them used to use when he was just starting out as Strike. “She interned as Pulitzer’s personal assistant for a while when she was in high school, but the last time I saw her she was a journalism student, working for The Sun. She may not work for him anymore, but she knew Pulitzer as well as anyone.” Jack takes a deep breath and pleads silently that she’ll believe him, then sends the message. 
“And you think she’ll know what to do?” Davey asks.
“I’m sure of it.” Jack has always had faith in her; he knows she’ll come through, will fight for what she believes in. “If cards are what we’re playing,” he tells Davey, suddenly brimming with a newfound sense of determination, “then Katherine Plumber is our ace.”
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mobi-on-a-mission · 5 years ago
50 questions you’ve never been asked
This looks like fun :) I was tagged by the lovely @sassmasterblake
What is the color of your hairbrush? Teal
Name a food you never eat? Cow and pig--I’d never buy it but I’ll eat anything if I’m like at someone’s house and that’s what there is
Are you typically too warm or too cold? I wear a blanket all. the. time. So I guess I run cold!
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Doing course evaluations for class credit!
What is your favorite candy bar? I love Reese’s peanut butter cups
Have you ever been to a professional sports event? I’ve been to two baseball games and one soccer/football game
What is the last thing you said out loud? "Hey sweetie pie.” Because my friend’s cat came to sit on my leg :)
What is your favorite ice cream? I really like cookie dough
What was the last thing you had to drink? Water: out of my favorite bottle I use constantly (it’s pink and has my university mascot on it). I’m a huge water drinker
Do you like your wallet? Yeah, it’s really basic. Small and black, easy to throw wherever I need it and it doesn’t make me look rich so that’s a plus
What was the last thing you ate? I had a venison jalapeno cheddar hot stick. It was made out of roadkill (it was fresh when we picked it up no worries) and is surprisingly delicious!
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? No. The last time I bought new clothes was the week after Christmas
The last sporting event you watched? I'll be honest: it’s been a while. I guess there was a volleyball game I kinda watched in December?
What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Whatever it is that Costco sells. It’s so good
Who is the last person you sent a text message to? My family group chat asking for the Netflix password so I could watch PS I Still Love You with my friend (she hadn’t seen it yet and has been wanting to forever!)
Ever go camping? Yes. It’s fun but takes a lot of materials unless you’re going super duper bare bones
Do you take vitamins? I take iron supplements (shoutout to that blood test for revealing my anemia. I used to sleep like 12 hours a day and still be dead tired all the time. I skipped out on so many things in high school because I was too tired) and recently I’ve been taking some gummy vitamins because it’s practically a family activity with the people I’m staying with
Do you go to church every Sunday? No, I’m atheist! My roommates go most of the time though--they’re all Christian
Do you have a tan? Nope!
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? Pizza 
Do you drink your soda with a straw? No
What color socks do you usually wear? White
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? I don’t think I’ve driven since last summer, but yeah when I do drive it’s usually a little over the speed limit
What terrifies you? The thought of my family finding my AO3 account
Look to your left, what do you see? My friend! She’s hugging a pillow and watching PS I Still Love You. We’ve been friends since I was 5 and yeah she’s the best
What chore do you hate? Mowing the lawn. One of the perks of apartment living is I don’t have to do that!
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? Bob Morley and Eliza Taylor
What’s your favorite soda? Coke! Also I love to make kiddie cocktails (with a lot of lemonade in there too) at work
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus? Depends on the situation, really. But I love going in to Culver’s especially. It’s so nostalgic - I had a lot of great times there when I was younger!
Who’s the last person you talked to? You guessed it: my friend I’m sitting right next to
Favorite cut of beef? lol the one where it’s not beef
Last song you listened to? Marina - “About Love”. It’s in the movie!
Last book you read? Something for school probably. I know, I suck. But all the libraries are closed right now anyway
Favorite day of the week? Tuesday :)
Can you say the alphabet backwards? Not after the first couple letters
How do you like your coffee? I don’t drink coffee
Favorite pair of shoes? My black converse. They’re my cute but not dressing up shoes
The time you normally go to sleep? Recently, it’s been between 2 and 3 am
The time you normally get up? Recently, about 9 am
What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets.
How many blankets on your bed? 2
Describe your kitchen plates: Plain white, but we also have some pink ones that don’t match
Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? I love a good red wine. Any kind!  
Do you play cards? Only with my grandparents
What color is your car? I don’t have a car
Can you change a tire? I’ll learn when I get a car. Which I never want to do, but I’ll probably have to buy a car eventually
Your favorite province state? I’m gonna say state because I live in the US. Of course I have a soft spot for Wisconsin because that’s where I’ve always lived. But I also really like Minnesota: it’s similar and awesome. If I were to move out of the state, I’d want it to be to Minnesota
Favorite job you’ve ever had? I really like my bar job. I just wish the pay were better
How did you get your biggest scar? When I was 2, I cracked my head open twice in the same spot. The first time I was playing tag at a bookstore with my older sister and hit my forehead on the counter. Then as it was healing I followed a balloon into the fireplace and re-injured it. So in essence, I’ve always been extremely clumsy and dumb lol
What did you do today that made someone else happy? I put avocado in the salads!
This actually took a while to fill out! 50 questions is quite something. So if you’ve gotten this far, I tag you! Go ahead and put my name up there in the ‘tagged by’ section because I would so so love to see what you write!
2 notes · View notes
minnievirizarry · 7 years ago
12 Ways to Boost Brand Awareness on Social Media
Social media doesn’t feel very “social” when you’re just another face in the crowd, does it?
And then we look at the likes of GoPro, Wendy’s or Starbucks with their rabid followers and wonder how we can replicate just a fraction of their performance.
The reality, though? If you’re struggling to stand out as a brand, you’re definitely not alone.
No, seriously.
Based on data from Sprout’s 2018 Social Index, brand awareness represents social marketers’ top priority right now.
But given how competitive the modern social landscape has become, perhaps this isn’t much of a surprise.
With more and more people taking to social media to research and sound off on brands, getting your target audience’s attention is easier said than done.
So what does an effective brand awareness strategy look like, anyway? How do you become a familiar face within your followers’ feeds versus someone they just scroll past?
We’ve highlighted twelve strategies businesses of all sizes can take to boost their brand awareness. From fine-tuning your profile to experimenting with your content, any combination of these tips are fair game.
And with that, let’s dive right in!
1. Give Your Social Presence Some Personality
First thing’s first: your social media presence shouldn’t look like everyone else’s.
And while this may seem obvious, many brands fall into the trap of becoming robotic.
They play it totally safe. They post a picture or link, tack on a few hashtags and call it a day.
Here’s the deal, though: that’s not how you stand out. Not by a long shot.
Moonpie is a shining example of a seemingly “boring” brand that’s exploded in popularity because of their distinct voice and sense of humor.
Tips for a safe and fun Fourth of July   1. Do not eat any fireworks 2. Eat a MoonPie – the American Classic! 3. Respect the heck out of some bald eagles 4. You may also eat hamburgers and a hotdog
— MoonPie (@MoonPie) July 4, 2018
Sure, it’d be easy for them to post generic promos. However, it’s their off-the-wall personality that’s made them so endearing to followers.
And “personal” is the keyword here. Followers want to see more than promos and links: they want personal, human-centric content. That’s why selfies and story-driven posts typically perform so well.
On this Rio history walk, your host Thais will share the long past of the Afro-Brazilians. She's spent years learning about traditional communities like Quilombos. Get ready for an eye-opening experience, photo opportunities at historical sites like the Pedra do Sal and a new dear friend in Thais. For more #AirbnbExperiences created by locals like Thais, click the link in our bio.
A post shared by Airbnb (@airbnb) on Jul 7, 2018 at 9:05am PDT
Instagram pages like that of Humans of New York post almost exclusively story-based content. They’ve amassed nearly 8 million followers solely through tugging at the heartstrings of their fans.
“A couple weeks ago we were coming home from visiting my brother in Long Island and we stopped at a burger place off the highway. He had a Junior Whopper. I had a Whopper. We split the fries. And while we were eating, he said: ‘You know what Daddy? You’re a really great Daddy. I love you Daddy.’ And that got me. I almost choked on my burger. Because it wasn’t bedtime. He wasn’t leaving for school. It was just off the cuff.”
A post shared by Humans of New York (@humansofny) on Jun 17, 2018 at 7:46am PDT
Marketers are told time and time again to create “unique” content. It might sound corny, but the person behind your social presence represents a one-of-a-kind voice.
Before you hit “post,” make a point to ask yourself: “Does this sound like something a bot would say?”
2. Fine-Tune Your Profiles
Recognition is a key element of building brand awareness.
When followers glance at your social profiles, they should be able to understand what you’re all about. Likewise, they should recognize that you are, well, you.
From social bios to profile images, how you set up your profile determines whether or not people recognize you. Check out how ThinkGeek has a clean logo and nerdy Facebook cover photo to match…
  …while boasting the same logo and branded bio copy on Pinterest.
Spoiler alert: people’s attention spans are microscopic. You only have a few seconds to grab someone’s attention and say “Hey, this is who I am.” A clean, well-optimized profile and photo is key to spelling out your brand to someone who might not know you.
3. Make Your Posts Pop
Here’s a common thread between most of our brand awareness tips: a bit of creativity can score you major brownie points with followers.
For example, check out how oVertone makes bold use of color throughout both their Instagram bio and content.
This sort of content does double-duty of highlighting their brands’ voice and making scrollers stop in their Instagram feeds to drop a “like.”
casual. @deathcats in #overtoneextremeyellow
A post shared by oVertone (@overtonecolor) on Jul 1, 2018 at 8:00pm PDT
Not taking eye-popping images featuring your products? No problem. The principle of making your posts pop rings true in content marketing, too.
Notice how Sprout’s blog posts are all coupled with these colorful illustrations instead of generic stock photos?
Pinterest’s users are far-reaching and high spenders. Did you know: 55% of users use the network to shop? Keep this in mind as you plan your next marketing campaign! https://t.co/dW2eAP1YhT
— Sprout Social (@SproutSocial) July 10, 2018
Or how brands like Hubspot couple their Twitter chats with image macros instead of just using text?
Question 4: Do you think in quantity or quality? #HubThoughts pic.twitter.com/a7hPODqB6c
— HubSpot (@HubSpot) July 10, 2018
Anything you can do aesthetically to make your posts stand out is a point in your favor. Even if you’re not a design master, there are plenty of image creation tools to help you whip up some eye-catching imagery.
4. Tag Others to Get Them Talking
Tagging (@ mentioning) is a brilliant brand awareness strategy because it only takes about half a second and instantly amplifies your content.
Think about it. Anyone you tag via Twitter or Instagram instantly receives a notification, meaning you win an extra opportunity for engagement. Not only that, but it’s a surefire way to make positive impressions on others players in your industry.
If you have an opportunity to give someone a shoutout, go for it.
So many metrics, so little time. In this nifty list, I broke down some pretty sweet #social monitoring tools including @simplymeasured @BuzzSumo and @Brandwatch (and of course, @SproutSocial !): https://t.co/Z6bC3L4ULC #smm
— Brent Barnhart (@brentwrites) March 5, 2018
5. Harness the Power of Hashtags
In our guide to how to use hashtags, we note that social posts with hashtags receive more engagement than those without them.
While each network has its own best practices, hashtags don’t have to be rocket science. Hashtags instantly make your posts searchable and smaller, niche tags help introduce your brand to dedicated communities of potential fans.
Awesome Dr Strange project by #Repost @billybolt ・・・ Some people asked if I was going to make the green time spell from Doctor Strange. I already made those haha . . . . . #cosplay #cosplayer #drstrange #marvel #craft #marvelcomics #drstrange #mcu #magic #comiccon #green #spell #dnd #anime #fullmetalalchemist #fma #manga #otaku #drfate #zatanna #dc #dccomics #batman #cosplayprop #lit
A post shared by SparkFun Electronics (@sparkfun) on Jun 16, 2018 at 5:25pm PDT
Also, consider how creating your own hashtag is a smart move from a brand awareness perspective. Smaller, local brands can use their own branded hashtag like bigger brands: it’s all about reinforcing your identity and encouraging others to engage with you.
This is our Elvis doughnut but a filled version. Chocolate Bavarian Cream filling, with banana icing, chopped peanuts and banana chips 🙂 We also have: Fruity Pebz Cotton Candy Caramel choc chip Strawberry Lemonade Passion Fruit Strawberry Blueberry Sprankle Glazed Churro UFO Apple Fritter Don't forget to tag us in your photos! #valkyriedoughnuts #dairyfree #eggfree #notglutenfree #tonsofgluten #orlandogoods
A post shared by ValkyrieDoughnuts (@valkyriedoughnuts) on Jul 5, 2018 at 4:07am PDT
6. Creative Commenting
Not unlike tagging, people receive notifications in real-time for social comments.
Let’s be honest: most social comments aren’t exactly compelling. This spells good news for brands who are willing to put a bit more thought into comments beyond “Nice! or “Cool!”
Posting creative or thoughtful comments is a great way to break through such noise. It’s also another opportunity to show off your brand’s personality to potential followers.
7. Repurpose Your Content
If you’re like most marketers, you’re probably trying to boost brand awareness across multiple networks, right?
In that case, it’s important to repurpose your content to fit in with the best practices of each platform. After all, what works best on Instagram might not be prime for Facebook or Twitter.
For example, let’s say you publish a killer case study. Rather than post a mere link, taking the time to package it into an infographic is a surefire way to score shares and links alike.
Where are the world's self-employed based? https://t.co/tuJN9xzLUt pic.twitter.com/tPmwOGA3LR
— Forbes Asia (@ForbesAsia) July 10, 2018
As such, one-size-fits-all content and captions aren’t going to win your brand much attention.
Photos. Videos. Blogs. Your stuff. Other people’s stuff.
To keep your feed from growing stale, you should always have new social media ideas on the backburner to keep your feed fresh.
8. Break Your Own News
According to Buzzsumo’s current state of content, the best performing pieces on social media are those that people can reference.
Stats. Case studies. Surveys.
If your brand is conducting any sort of original research, it can be a huge authority booster that does wonders for brand awareness, too.
THE 2018 SPROUT SOCIAL INDEX IS HERE! See it for yourself and find out why @SproutDarryl is doing the data dance. https://t.co/qW8ODNDAPc
P.S. If you're as excited as we are, send us a video of your own data dance! #SproutData pic.twitter.com/GrvkHMCeRD
— Sprout Social (@SproutSocial) June 5, 2018
And if you’re not in a position where such research is possible, don’t panic.
Consider how you can comment on industry trends and happenings from your point-of-view. The takeaway here is that you should be contributing to the ongoing conversation of your industry at large versus just sitting on the sidelines.
9. Experiment with Your Captions
Social captions are yet another opportunity to let your brand’s voice be heard.
Again, no big brand or influencer simply drops a link without some sort of commentary. Captions can pique people’s interest and encourage engagement, giving a sort of taste to readers before they click through.
Seattle, we have a serious, insidious problem. https://t.co/oAmOJJGOxN
— Rand Fishkin (@randfish) July 4, 2018
As evidenced by the wealth of creative Instagram hashtags and captions out there, creativity counts. Whether through emojis or cracking jokes, captions are prime real estate for connecting with followers and letting them know exactly who you are.
Waffle cones are scientifically proven to taste better when eaten with friends.* 👯‍♀️🍦 *we don’t actually have any data to support this claim but trust us.
A post shared by Ben & Jerry's (@benandjerrys) on Jun 29, 2018 at 12:20pm PDT
10. Use Social as a Tool for Teaching
In the marketing world, the brands that tend to stand out are the ones that strive to teach their audiences.
Educational and “how-to” content is widely sought after on just about every social network. Posting such content regularly positions you both as a positive resource and a thought leader.
I've always been a side projects person because it helps me avoid burnout. Do you have a side gig that helps keep you creative? https://t.co/X1nG9RHe96
— Kaleigh Moore (@kaleighf) May 30, 2018
This principle applies to non-marketers, too. The more opportunities to show off your brand’s product or know-how, the better. Just think about how popular tutorials are on Pinterest to see the power of educational content in action.
11. Don’t Be Afraid of Being Opinionated
According to our own data, people want brands to take a stand.
Parroting what everyone is saying might be “safe,” but doesn’t do much in terms of brand awareness. The previously noted Buzzsumo study also highlights that “political and tribal” content performs particularly well these days.
That’s not to say you should go out and alienate your audience, but you should stand by your brands’ principles and beliefs. Wearing them on your sleeve can get people talking and serve as a way to stand out against your competitors.
You almost surely haven’t budgeted time, energy, or dollars for “whatever it takes”. That’s also code for “at all costs,” and when you stop discussing costs, you know they’re going to spiral. #ItDoesntHaveToBeCrazyAtWork
— Jason Fried (@jasonfried) June 25, 2018
Of course, the key here is to tread lightly. The name of the game is being bold for the sake of your brand, not stirring the pot just because you can.
12. Show Up Consistently
Finally, consider that nobody can truly be aware of your brand if you don’t post consistently.
Based on Sprout’s own data on the best times to post on social media, brands are expected to push content out multiple times per day across multiple networks.
And if your brand isn’t, there’s a non-zero chance that someone else in your space is.
To help you save time and to make the process of showing up easier, having a scheduling tool such as a Sprout on deck can be game-changer.
The more ground you and your brand can cover, the better. It all comes down to having a specific strategy which makes the most out of the time you spend on social media.
And with that, we conclude our list!
What Does Your Brand Awareness Strategy Look Like?
Building buzz around your brand might take a bit of experimenting, but having a dedicated awareness strategy remains the number one concern of businesses today.
And by following the principles outlined above, you poise yourself toward becoming a brand that sticks out in the minds of your audience.
We want to hear from you, though. What makes a brand stand out to you on social media? If you’ve been struggling to figure out how to increase brand awareness, what’s been tripping you up? Let us know in the comments below!
This post 12 Ways to Boost Brand Awareness on Social Media originally appeared on Sprout Social.
from SM Tips By Minnie https://sproutsocial.com/insights/brand-awareness/
0 notes
jessette20 · 7 years ago
Brand Awareness
Tumblr media
Social media doesn’t feel very “social” when you’re just another face in the crowd, does it?
And then we look at the likes of GoPro, Wendy’s or Starbucks with their rabid followers and wonder how we can replicate just a fraction of their performance.
The reality, though? If you’re struggling to stand out as a brand, you’re definitely not alone.
No, seriously.
Based on data from Sprout’s 2018 Social Index, brand awareness represents social marketers’ top priority right now.
But given how competitive the modern social landscape has become, perhaps this isn’t much of a surprise.
With more and more people taking to social media to research and sound off on brands, getting your target audience’s attention is easier said than done.
So what does an effective brand awareness strategy look like, anyway? How do you become a familiar face within your followers’ feeds versus someone they just scroll past?
We’ve highlighted twelve strategies businesses of all sizes can take to boost their brand awareness. From fine-tuning your profile to experimenting with your content, any combination of these tips are fair game.
And with that, let’s dive right in!
1. Give Your Social Presence Some Personality
First thing’s first: your social media presence shouldn’t look like everyone else’s.
And while this may seem obvious, many brands fall into the trap of becoming robotic.
They play it totally safe. They post a picture or link, tack on a few hashtags and call it a day.
Here’s the deal, though: that’s not how you stand out. Not by a long shot.
Moonpie is a shining example of a seemingly “boring” brand that’s exploded in popularity because of their distinct voice and sense of humor.
Tips for a safe and fun Fourth of July   1. Do not eat any fireworks 2. Eat a MoonPie – the American Classic! 3. Respect the heck out of some bald eagles 4. You may also eat hamburgers and a hotdog
— MoonPie (@MoonPie) July 4, 2018
Sure, it’d be easy for them to post generic promos. However, it’s their off-the-wall personality that’s made them so endearing to followers.
And “personal” is the keyword here. Followers want to see more than promos and links: they want personal, human-centric content. That’s why selfies and story-driven posts typically perform so well.
On this Rio history walk, your host Thais will share the long past of the Afro-Brazilians. She's spent years learning about traditional communities like Quilombos. Get ready for an eye-opening experience, photo opportunities at historical sites like the Pedra do Sal and a new dear friend in Thais. For more #AirbnbExperiences created by locals like Thais, click the link in our bio.
A post shared by Airbnb (@airbnb) on Jul 7, 2018 at 9:05am PDT
Instagram pages like that of Humans of New York post almost exclusively story-based content. They’ve amassed nearly 8 million followers solely through tugging at the heartstrings of their fans.
“A couple weeks ago we were coming home from visiting my brother in Long Island and we stopped at a burger place off the highway. He had a Junior Whopper. I had a Whopper. We split the fries. And while we were eating, he said: ‘You know what Daddy? You’re a really great Daddy. I love you Daddy.’ And that got me. I almost choked on my burger. Because it wasn’t bedtime. He wasn’t leaving for school. It was just off the cuff.”
A post shared by Humans of New York (@humansofny) on Jun 17, 2018 at 7:46am PDT
Marketers are told time and time again to create “unique” content. It might sound corny, but the person behind your social presence represents a one-of-a-kind voice.
Before you hit “post,” make a point to ask yourself: “Does this sound like something a bot would say?”
2. Fine-Tune Your Profiles
Recognition is a key element of building brand awareness.
When followers glance at your social profiles, they should be able to understand what you’re all about. Likewise, they should recognize that you are, well, you.
From social bios to profile images, how you set up your profile determines whether or not people recognize you. Check out how ThinkGeek has a clean logo and nerdy Facebook cover photo to match…
  …while boasting the same logo and branded bio copy on Pinterest.
Spoiler alert: people’s attention spans are microscopic. You only have a few seconds to grab someone’s attention and say “Hey, this is who I am.” A clean, well-optimized profile and photo is key to spelling out your brand to someone who might not know you.
3. Make Your Posts Pop
Here’s a common thread between most of our brand awareness tips: a bit of creativity can score you major brownie points with followers.
For example, check out how oVertone makes bold use of color throughout both their Instagram bio and content.
This sort of content does double-duty of highlighting their brands’ voice and making scrollers stop in their Instagram feeds to drop a “like.”
casual. @deathcats in #overtoneextremeyellow
A post shared by oVertone (@overtonecolor) on Jul 1, 2018 at 8:00pm PDT
Not taking eye-popping images featuring your products? No problem. The principle of making your posts pop rings true in content marketing, too.
Notice how Sprout’s blog posts are all coupled with these colorful illustrations instead of generic stock photos?
Pinterest’s users are far-reaching and high spenders. Did you know: 55% of users use the network to shop? Keep this in mind as you plan your next marketing campaign! https://t.co/dW2eAP1YhT
— Sprout Social (@SproutSocial) July 10, 2018
Or how brands like Hubspot couple their Twitter chats with image macros instead of just using text?
Question 4: Do you think in quantity or quality? #HubThoughts pic.twitter.com/a7hPODqB6c
— HubSpot (@HubSpot) July 10, 2018
Anything you can do aesthetically to make your posts stand out is a point in your favor. Even if you’re not a design master, there are plenty of image creation tools to help you whip up some eye-catching imagery.
4. Tag Others to Get Them Talking
Tagging (@ mentioning) is a brilliant brand awareness strategy because it only takes about half a second and instantly amplifies your content.
Think about it. Anyone you tag via Twitter or Instagram instantly receives a notification, meaning you win an extra opportunity for engagement. Not only that, but it’s a surefire way to make positive impressions on others players in your industry.
If you have an opportunity to give someone a shoutout, go for it.
So many metrics, so little time. In this nifty list, I broke down some pretty sweet #social monitoring tools including @simplymeasured @BuzzSumo and @Brandwatch (and of course, @SproutSocial !): https://t.co/Z6bC3L4ULC #smm
— Brent Barnhart (@brentwrites) March 5, 2018
5. Harness the Power of Hashtags
In our guide to how to use hashtags, we note that social posts with hashtags receive more engagement than those without them.
While each network has its own best practices, hashtags don’t have to be rocket science. Hashtags instantly make your posts searchable and smaller, niche tags help introduce your brand to dedicated communities of potential fans.
Awesome Dr Strange project by #Repost @billybolt ・・・ Some people asked if I was going to make the green time spell from Doctor Strange. I already made those haha . . . . . #cosplay #cosplayer #drstrange #marvel #craft #marvelcomics #drstrange #mcu #magic #comiccon #green #spell #dnd #anime #fullmetalalchemist #fma #manga #otaku #drfate #zatanna #dc #dccomics #batman #cosplayprop #lit
A post shared by SparkFun Electronics (@sparkfun) on Jun 16, 2018 at 5:25pm PDT
Also, consider how creating your own hashtag is a smart move from a brand awareness perspective. Smaller, local brands can use their own branded hashtag like bigger brands: it’s all about reinforcing your identity and encouraging others to engage with you.
This is our Elvis doughnut but a filled version. Chocolate Bavarian Cream filling, with banana icing, chopped peanuts and banana chips 🙂 We also have: Fruity Pebz Cotton Candy Caramel choc chip Strawberry Lemonade Passion Fruit Strawberry Blueberry Sprankle Glazed Churro UFO Apple Fritter Don't forget to tag us in your photos! #valkyriedoughnuts #dairyfree #eggfree #notglutenfree #tonsofgluten #orlandogoods
A post shared by ValkyrieDoughnuts (@valkyriedoughnuts) on Jul 5, 2018 at 4:07am PDT
6. Creative Commenting
Not unlike tagging, people receive notifications in real-time for social comments.
Let’s be honest: most social comments aren’t exactly compelling. This spells good news for brands who are willing to put a bit more thought into comments beyond “Nice! or “Cool!”
Posting creative or thoughtful comments is a great way to break through such noise. It’s also another opportunity to show off your brand’s personality to potential followers.
7. Repurpose Your Content
If you’re like most marketers, you’re probably trying to boost brand awareness across multiple networks, right?
In that case, it’s important to repurpose your content to fit in with the best practices of each platform. After all, what works best on Instagram might not be prime for Facebook or Twitter.
For example, let’s say you publish a killer case study. Rather than post a mere link, taking the time to package it into an infographic is a surefire way to score shares and links alike.
Where are the world's self-employed based? https://t.co/tuJN9xzLUt pic.twitter.com/tPmwOGA3LR
— Forbes Asia (@ForbesAsia) July 10, 2018
As such, one-size-fits-all content and captions aren’t going to win your brand much attention.
Photos. Videos. Blogs. Your stuff. Other people’s stuff.
To keep your feed from growing stale, you should always have new social media ideas on the backburner to keep your feed fresh.
8. Break Your Own News
According to Buzzsumo’s current state of content, the best performing pieces on social media are those that people can reference.
Stats. Case studies. Surveys.
If your brand is conducting any sort of original research, it can be a huge authority booster that does wonders for brand awareness, too.
THE 2018 SPROUT SOCIAL INDEX IS HERE! See it for yourself and find out why @SproutDarryl is doing the data dance. https://t.co/qW8ODNDAPc
P.S. If you're as excited as we are, send us a video of your own data dance! #SproutData pic.twitter.com/GrvkHMCeRD
— Sprout Social (@SproutSocial) June 5, 2018
And if you’re not in a position where such research is possible, don’t panic.
Consider how you can comment on industry trends and happenings from your point-of-view. The takeaway here is that you should be contributing to the ongoing conversation of your industry at large versus just sitting on the sidelines.
9. Experiment with Your Captions
Social captions are yet another opportunity to let your brand’s voice be heard.
Again, no big brand or influencer simply drops a link without some sort of commentary. Captions can pique people’s interest and encourage engagement, giving a sort of taste to readers before they click through.
Seattle, we have a serious, insidious problem. https://t.co/oAmOJJGOxN
— Rand Fishkin (@randfish) July 4, 2018
As evidenced by the wealth of creative Instagram hashtags and captions out there, creativity counts. Whether through emojis or cracking jokes, captions are prime real estate for connecting with followers and letting them know exactly who you are.
Waffle cones are scientifically proven to taste better when eaten with friends.* 👯‍♀️🍦 *we don’t actually have any data to support this claim but trust us.
A post shared by Ben & Jerry's (@benandjerrys) on Jun 29, 2018 at 12:20pm PDT
10. Use Social as a Tool for Teaching
In the marketing world, the brands that tend to stand out are the ones that strive to teach their audiences.
Educational and “how-to” content is widely sought after on just about every social network. Posting such content regularly positions you both as a positive resource and a thought leader.
I've always been a side projects person because it helps me avoid burnout. Do you have a side gig that helps keep you creative? https://t.co/X1nG9RHe96
— Kaleigh Moore (@kaleighf) May 30, 2018
This principle applies to non-marketers, too. The more opportunities to show off your brand’s product or know-how, the better. Just think about how popular tutorials are on Pinterest to see the power of educational content in action.
11. Don’t Be Afraid of Being Opinionated
According to our own data, people want brands to take a stand.
Parroting what everyone is saying might be “safe,” but doesn’t do much in terms of brand awareness. The previously noted Buzzsumo study also highlights that “political and tribal” content performs particularly well these days.
That’s not to say you should go out and alienate your audience, but you should stand by your brands’ principles and beliefs. Wearing them on your sleeve can get people talking and serve as a way to stand out against your competitors.
You almost surely haven’t budgeted time, energy, or dollars for “whatever it takes”. That’s also code for “at all costs,” and when you stop discussing costs, you know they’re going to spiral. #ItDoesntHaveToBeCrazyAtWork
— Jason Fried (@jasonfried) June 25, 2018
Of course, the key here is to tread lightly. The name of the game is being bold for the sake of your brand, not stirring the pot just because you can.
12. Show Up Consistently
Finally, consider that nobody can truly be aware of your brand if you don’t post consistently.
Based on Sprout’s own data on the best times to post on social media, brands are expected to push content out multiple times per day across multiple networks.
And if your brand isn’t, there’s a non-zero chance that someone else in your space is.
To help you save time and to make the process of showing up easier, having a scheduling tool such as a Sprout on deck can be game-changer.
The more ground you and your brand can cover, the better. It all comes down to having a specific strategy which makes the most out of the time you spend on social media.
And with that, we conclude our list!
What Does Your Brand Awareness Strategy Look Like?
Building buzz around your brand might take a bit of experimenting, but having a dedicated awareness strategy remains the number one concern of businesses today.
And by following the principles outlined above, you poise yourself toward becoming a brand that sticks out in the minds of your audience.
We want to hear from you, though. What makes a brand stand out to you on social media? If you’ve been struggling to figure out how to increase brand awareness, what’s been tripping you up? Let us know in the comments below!
This post 12 Ways to Boost Brand Awareness on Social Media originally appeared on Sprout Social.
from http://bit.ly/2NObEfq
0 notes