reikisthan · 1 year
5 Simple Hacks For Radiant Spiritual Entrepreneurs
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5 Simple Hacks for Radiant Spiritual Entrepreneurs: Ready to infuse your business with purpose and spirituality? Join us to explore 5 simple hacks for radiant spiritual entrepreneurs! Learn daily intention-setting, mindfulness, and self-care tips. Cultivate a soulful workspace and nurture your intuition for a fulfilling entrepreneurial journey. Don't miss out on these practical tips for small business owners seeking abundance! 🚨 4 Ways On How To Promote Your Spiritual Business 🚨 3 Traits Every Successful Spiritual Entrepreneurs MUST Have 🚨 Can Social Media Help Your Energy Healing Business? ——————————————————————————— 📚 Read Full Article 👉🏽 Join Our Mailing List ‼️ 5 Mistakes Spiritual Business Make Online 🎵 Music By: ——————————————————————————— 👉🏽 Get To Know Me HI, My name is Binahtiyah (Bee-nah-te-yah), I’m a Certified Reiki Master teacher and a Graphic Designer. I’m the owner of Aware Multimedia and partner of Quantum Upgrade, LLC. My passion is using my creativity as a graphic designer in the energy healing industry. 👉🏽 Let’s Connect Instagram: Website: Pinterest: 👉🏽 Business Info Aware Multimedia focuses on Digital Marketing Content for Spiritual Entrepreneurs. Check us out: #5simplehacksforradiantspiritualentrepreneurs #socialmediamarketing #spiritualentrepreneur #awaremultimedia source Read the full article
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nexlance · 2 years
Procrastination: Practical Guide To Stop Procrastination
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Discover some practical ways to stop procrastination. We've all heard about the procrastination phenomenon. When we procrastinate, we waste our spare time and put off crucial chores that should be completed until it's too late. And when it is too late, we worry and wish we had begun sooner. Many years of a chronic procrastinator's life will be spent in this cycle. Delaying, putting things off, slacking, escaping from work, tackling work only when it's inevitable, and then repeating the cycle. It's a nasty habit that eats away at us and keeps us from obtaining more success in life. It's vital to realize that you're not alone if you procrastinate. Everyone has been there. Overcoming procrastination is a difficult task. But, with the correct tools, mentality, and techniques, I'm convinced you can effect the desired changes you wish for.   First, before reading about how to stop procrastination, you should consider reading my post on "Procrastination: Why Do We Engage In It & Reasons To Avoid It."
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  Steps to stop procrastination.
  1. Break the habit by creating a better habit
Procrastination is a habit, a deeply entrenched behavioral practice. This implies you won't be able to break it overnight. Habits only cease being habits when you stop doing them, so try as many of the tactics listed below as you can to give yourself the best chance of success. Forgive yourself for previous procrastination. According to research, self-forgiveness might help you feel more positive about yourself and minimize the probability of future procrastination. Make a commitment to the job. Concentrate on doing rather than avoiding. Make a list of the chores you need to perform and set a time to finish them. This will enable you to approach your task more aggressively. If you finish a challenging project on time, treat yourself to a slice of cake or a cup of coffee from your favorite coffee shop. Also, take note of how satisfying it is to complete tasks! Peer pressure is also effective! This is the underlying idea of self-help groups. If you don't have somebody to turn to, an internet application like Procraster can assist you with self-monitoring. Rather than putting off tasks until another day, tackle them as soon as they arise. Internal dialogue. The words "need to" and "have to" indicate that you have no option in what you do. This might make you feel powerless and perhaps lead to self-sabotage. Saying, "I choose to," on the other hand, suggests that you own a project and can help you feel more in control of the situation. Every day, try to get those things that you hate done first and fast before anything else. This will give you the remainder of the day to concentrate on more fun work. If you're delaying because you dislike a task, attempt to think about the "long-time goal." According to research, impulsive people are more prone to postpone things, since they are focused on the present. To combat this, consider the long-term rewards of finishing the work. For example, an impact on your yearly performance evaluation or end-of-year bonus? Another technique for making a task more enjoyable is to identify the negative effects of avoiding it. For example, what will happen if you do not finish the work? What impact might it have on your personal life, team, or organizational objectives? It is also vital to recognize that we frequently exaggerate the discomfort of an activity. So give it a go! After all, you might discover that it's not as bad as you thought!  
2. Don’t let your emotions take over.
We shun tasks that elicit unpleasant feelings. In psychology, avoidance and its close relative, rumination, are known as transdiagnostic factors, which means that they represent indicators of a wide range of prevalent mental health issues. People who use avoidance methods to cope with stress are more sensitive to melancholy, anxiety, ADHD, and eating disorders, creating a vicious cycle. When their mental health deteriorates, so does their avoidance. Even people who only sometimes feel depressed, unsure, or nervous about their jobs—or who can't stand the monotony or tension they cause, still avoid projects or jobs that elicit such feelings. During times of uncertainty, this reaction is amplified. You are more inclined to postpone things when you are overwhelmed. Even basic chores, such as responding to emails, might appear intimidating in this condition. To determine whether your emotions are the major reason you put off work, ask yourself the following questions: What is the state of my mental health? Do the tasks I avoid elicit certain emotions? Are they boring, do they make me angry or worried, or resentful? Then try the following strategies: Disentangle your emotions. Accurately defining your emotions, referred to by psychologists as emotional granularity will assist you in managing them. When it comes to procrastination, it's also helpful to consider how each emotion influences your attitude toward work. For example, you may discover that making a presentation for your boss causes anxiety at a level of let's say 8/10, resentment at a level of 6/10, and boredom at a level of maybe 4/10. Once you've scaled it this way, you can effectively handle the emotions one by one. The rating system will assist you in determining how effective you are at minimizing them. When a task bores you, set a reward for finishing it or accomplishing it in a particular time frame. Find what you actually appreciate about a task when it makes you feel angry or frustrated. Perhaps you are irritated by having to make the adjustments that your boss requests, but you value mastering your art. You may be irritated by a teammate's request for technical assistance, but you value being a supportive colleague. When a task makes you nervous, start with the parts that make you the least nervous and work your way up. This is exposure therapy: progressively exposing yourself to what worries you the most. What seemed unachievable at first, will feel doable once you've completed the simplest tasks. Practice self-compassion. Compassionate self-talk has been shown in several studies to help heal emotional scars. Here's an example of how it may sound: "In the past, I've been dissatisfied with my performance, which makes me reluctant." That is a natural and understandable reaction. "But I was a novice back then, and I'm not today". It is acceptable to learn via experience. Discover and then repeat self-talk that works for you.   Check out my post on “Self-talk guide” here.  
3. Break Your Work into Little Steps
Part of the reason we procrastinate is that we unconsciously believe the task is too difficult for us. Break it down into small pieces, then concentrate on one at a time. If you still procrastinate after breaking the work down, break it down even further. Your work will soon seem so simple that you will think, "hey, this is so simple, I might as well just do it now!" For instance, I'm working on a new book (on How to change bad habits). Book writing is a massive undertaking that may be stressful. However, when it's divided into phases, such as: - extensive Research -  preferred topic - Craft outline - Draft content - Writing Chapters and many more It now appears to be fairly easy. Then I concentrate on the current step and complete it to the best of my abilities, without worrying about the previous phases. I move on to the next task after it is completed. Consider the prolific output of the well-known author Anthony Trollope. He wrote 47 novels, 18 nonfiction books, 12 short tales, 2 plays, and a variety of essays and correspondence. How did he manage it? Rather than assessing his progress in chapters or books, Trollope monitored his development in 15-minute increments. He established a target of 250 words every 15 minutes and stuck to it for three hours a day. This method enabled him to experience sentiments of happiness and achievement every 15 minutes while working on the big job of writing a book. List tasks out. Didn't you know I was going to say that? Lists are useful because they are enjoyable to create and much more enjoyable to discard once completed. If you can't stop procrastinating, lists can help you deal with at least two of the three factors that cause procrastination: risk aversion and rewards. Process: Making a list makes you feel like you're accomplishing something. It feels wonderful to cross something off your to-do list. Making a list minimizes the likelihood that you will forget to do anything, and therefore will mess up and fail.  
Make the Task More Achievable
As previously stated the exact cause of procrastination is generally aimed at starting something.  It's typically easy to continue working once you've started it. This is one solid reason to keep your steps modest and simple to begin; if your steps are small and simple to begin, you will be less likely to postpone things. The 2-Minute Rule, which states that "when you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do," is one of my favorite ways to make things easier. The goal is to make it as simple as possible to begin, and then to trust that momentum will carry you further into the task once you begin. It becomes very easy to continue doing anything once you start. The 2-Minute Rule eliminates procrastination and laziness by making it so simple to get started that you can't say no. Reasons why this is important. Small steps forward help retain momentum on the long run, which means you're more likely to complete enormous jobs easily. The sooner you accomplish a productive activity, the faster your day develops a productive and effective mindset. The rate at which you accomplish your first work of the day has proven to be soo important in overcoming procrastination and sustaining a highly productive output day after day.  
Change your mindset and thinking pattern
Some cognitive variables that contribute to procrastination are quite universal—for example, most of us underestimate the complexity of activities with extended deadlines—while others are highly individualized. Here's an example of one of my own troublesome patterns: When people tell me they like a particular piece of my writing, I tend to assume that my other work is bad, which causes me to tangle when it's time to write again—even though I've just received praise for one! To determine whether cognitive blockages are contributing to your procrastination, ask yourself the following questions: Is the work seen to be more difficult than the stages truly are, given my abilities? Do I like a task once I begin it? If you answered yes, it means you have a tendency to think about work in a way that makes it appear more unpleasant than it is. To overcome your mental or mindset blocks, try the following methods: Brainstorm in reverse. Although I have never used reverse brainstorming before, it's one of my favorite strategies. It is imagining what you would do to make your work impossible to do or something you would really like to avoid doing. Once you have those solutions, you then come up with their opposites to feel less blocked. It's pretty simple, think of a problem you can create if you don't want to do something, then think of the solution to that problem you just created. boom you're off For example, a task may appear insurmountable if I anticipate needing to execute it perfectly the first time or in the exact same manner as a colleague whom I admire. The work will appear easier if I accept that mistakes and faults may occur and tackle them in my own unique way, leveraging my own strengths. Another fast reframing strategy is to consider how the work you're putting off is similar to the one you can or have complete easily and successfully. For example, I am completely at ease writing blog articles but definitely not presentations. Both, however, include expressing a few points fast, keeping the language conversational, and providing the listener with a personal feeling. The trick here is to specify the situation precisely, as I have done, making yourself aware that this is the problem and solution or this is the same as this that I always do easily. Accept activity that every project is filled with its own unique issues/problems. Some projects are more likely to be completed effortlessly and hence seem more fulfilling than other projects that are more challenging but potentially more valuable. That's why we frequently prefer to cross little tasks off our to-do lists rather than tackle larger projects at once. Remember that if you show up to perform an essential project and approach it as strategically as possible, you will make progress, even if it doesn't seem like it. The more tolerant you are of a difficult project, the less likely you are to postpone them. Commit to executing the work with the most potential for a period of time each day, even if it results in turbulent sensations and ideas. Limit your working time to small bursts. When a task is critical or we have been putting it off for a long time, we frequently assume that marathon work hours are required to complete it. Most of the time, this thinking is motivated by self-criticism fueled by guilt over lost productivity. However, the prospect of slaving away on a difficult task all day tends to increase procrastination. You should try the two approaches below to solve this: - Set aside 10 minutes today to work on whatever you're avoiding and pick it up again tomorrow. Doing something little today can help you get over the emotional hurdle of starting. - Set a time limit of 90 minutes for yourself today. If you're used to doing serious work, you should be able to get yourself to accomplish practically anything for that period of time. It's a reasonable objective. This idea is also adaptable. For example, you could try increasing the time you spend on the task by 10 minutes each workday until you reach two hours total. It's similar to preparing for an endurance race.  
Eliminate Your distractions.
Determine which browser bookmarks consume the majority of your time and move them to a separate, less accessible folder, LOL. Turn off the automated notification feature in your email client. Remove any distractions from your environment. I'm sure some people will get out of the way by deactivating or deleting their Facebook accounts. I think it's a little drastic and extreme because dealing with procrastination is more about being conscious of our actions than using self-binding methods, but if that's what you need, go for it. Mute your Emails when working Checking emails is one of the worst things you can do when you first start "working." Checking emails early thing in the morning is bad for you. It will put you in a "non-action" frame of mind. Instead, bring out your job list and begin with a large assignment. Later, check your email. Get Rid of Social Media for the moment. Everything — Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, ohh Youtube— To overcome procrastination, turn them entirely off. Concentrate on the work at hand. Always Time yourself. Setting a definite time for oneself to work is a wonderful approach to fighting Procrastination. Let's say I'll get this done in 25 minutes. After the allotted time, take a little break and do anything you like. Then, work for another period of time.   If you think have been able to help you solve procrastination in one way or another through this post, kindly drop a comment bellow I'll love to hear from you. I always reply to every comment. Thank you. Read the full article
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freelancerpalash · 3 years
How To Be Self Disciplined
Self-discipline is the ability to push yourself forward, stay motivated, and take action, regardless of how you're feeling, physically or emotionally. You're showing it when you intentionally choose to pursue something better for yourself, and you do it in spite of factors such as distractions, hard work, or unfavorable odds. Self-discipline is different from self-motivation or willpower. Motivation and willpower contribute to it, as do persistence, the ability to follow through on your intentions, and hard work.
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You probably already know what procrastination does to your life, but do you know what is truly stopping you from doing your work? We uncovered the top 3 MAIN reasons why people procrastinate. Check out the article here https://positivelifejournal.com/top-3-reasons-why-you-are-procrastinating/ PS: it's something deeper in your sub-conscious. #whyamiprocrastinating #stopprocrastinating #stopprocrastination #selfhelp #selflove #selfcriticism #howtostopprocrastinating #whydoiprocrastinate (at Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ahyG7hKIy/?igshid=ew7teza9ipg
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yourvirat · 4 years
Ways to Overcome Procrastination
Procrastination is the great killer to achieve any goal, and most of the people feel guilty of it from time-to-time. Sometimes, procrastination becomes essential to put off the worried task until you feel more energized and prepared for it. But if it becomes a habit, it will begin to hamper your job performance and also personal life. However, a #lifecoachinbangalore, will make you accountable for when you are going to take necessary actions to move your goal along the achievement.
Read more @ http://www.iinlife.in/blog/ways-to-overcome-procrastination/
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"Mini Mindfulness Break" . . If you want your children to be happy, spend more time teaching them joy by embodying it . Martha Beck, How to Stop Procrastinating . Read more at www.mindfulnessbreaks.com/blog/. . #mindfulness #mindfulnessbreaks #minimindfulnessbreaks #meditation #mindfulmeditation #thepresent #peace #quotes #mindfulnessmatters #dailymeditation #thichnhathanh #thay #happy #joy #MarthaBeck #HowtoStopProcrastinating https://www.instagram.com/p/BrdIbKfnoyE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c9d0xw0gvmab
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theoddfoodie-blog · 6 years
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💚**RECIPE BELOW** 💚 Now, I’m not a big fan of savory pumpkin 🎃 recipes but this pumpkin pasta sauce was absolutely delicious 🤤 • 💕FOLLOW @theoddfoodie FOR DAILY RECIPES/FACTS & TIPS 💕 • ———————— INGREDIENTS 🌱 ———————— • 300 g pasta • 2 C Pumpkin Paste 🎃 • 1+ C Non-Dairy milk 🥛* • 1/2-1 tsp Cinnamon • 1-2 Tbsp Applesauce ** 🍏 • 1 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar • 1 tsp Cumin • 1-2 tsp Garlic (add more/less if desired) • 2 tsp Prepared Mustard • 1 Diced Tomato 🍅 • Other chopped veggies of choice (Peppers, Onion, Corn..) • Salt/Pepper to taste • Other spices if desired ———————— METHOD 📝 ———————— • 1️⃣ Cook pasta as per instructions on the box & drain out excess water💧 . • • 2️⃣ In a separate pan, add the rest of the ingredients, slowly pouring in liquids (stop when reached desired consistency) 🥣. • • 3️⃣ Mix on low to Medium high heat 🔥(just to heat the sauce up & blend all the flavors, cause it tastes so much better warm). • • 4️⃣ Adjust seasonings to taste 👅 . (You can get creative here) Add more of whatever you like. (I added some spicy 🌶 flavors to mine & some ginger) • • 5️⃣ Pour onto pasta 🍝 while hot & enjoy! • ————— NOTES: —————- * I used cashew milk for creaminess, I also highly recommend coconut milk 🥛 but any unsweetened type should be fine. • **Applesauce 🍎 is optional, but I recommend some sort of sweetener for a contrast in flavor. • • #veganfood #workoutmotivation #workoutmotivationtips #vegantips #weightlosstricks #weightlosstips #healthtips #workouttips #veganfitness #veganrecipes #easytips #funworkout #naturaltips #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #lowfatrecipes #lowfatvegan #tricksandtips #healthyvegan #heathyveganfood #lowfatvegan #howtostopprocrastinating #newfacts #veganpumpkinrecipes #pastarecipes #highcarbvegan #pumpkinsaucepasta #vegancreamypasta #oilfreepasta #veganoilfree #healthycooking
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phungthaihy · 4 years
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How to be More Productive in Lockdown http://ehelpdesk.tk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/logo-header.png [ad_1] To improve your thinking and lea... #beingproductiveathome #bestproductivitytips #confidence #emotionalintelligence #energyhealing #howtobemoreproductive #howtobeproductive #howtobeproductiveasastudent #howtobeproductiveathome #howtogetmoredone #howtomanageyourtime #howtostopprocrastinating #howtostopwastingtime #increaseproductivity #leadership #learningstrategies #lifecoaching #memory #mindfulness #neuro-linguisticprogramming #neuroscience #parenting #parkinsonslaw #personaldevelopment #personalproductivity #productivityforbusypeople #productivityforstudents #productivitytips #productivitytipsandtricks #publicspeaking #reiki #speedreading #stocktrading #technicalanalysis #timemanagement #timemanagementskills #topproductivitytips
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pandalifehacks · 7 years
3 Powerful Tricks on How To Stop Procrastination (Important)
Read more: https://goo.gl/BbuHP3
#HowToBeMoreProductive, #HowToStopBeingLazy, #HowToStopProcrastination, #MindTricks, #Procrastinating, #Procrastination, #Productive, #Productivity, #SelfHelp, #SelfImprovement, #StopProcrastinating, #Success, #Tips
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mindfulnesscore · 5 years
How to Focus Better and Stop Procrastinate
Regardless of who you are and what you do, do you know that you can do a lot better?
The wandering nature of the human mind and the consequent procrastination is your only hurdle in unlocking your true potential and making yourself the overachiever that has always been your goal.
Has the lack of focus started to get under your skin lately?
Are you sick of procrastinating even the most important of your tasks?
The good news is that you don’t have to spend the rest of your life with a frustratingly small attention span.
If you are willing to work hard we have the solution for you that’ll improve your attention span, make your focus laser sharp, and make procrastination an ancient memory.
If it is something that you might be interested in, then we humbly invite you to follow the link and let us walk you through the simple tips that you can implement today to be the pilot of your mind again.
Be amazed by how simple the solution for your recurring problem is.
You’ve got to try it to believe it.
Give it a go and your experience itself will be the rest of the persuasion.
#Howtostopprocrastinate #Howtofocusbetter #Procrastination #Focus
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ntfitness-blog · 6 years
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#Repost @theoddfoodie • • • Looking to get some more vitamins into your diet? Well here are 5 ways to absorb more nutrients from your food 🥘 . • • • 1️⃣Eat freshly picked locally grown food or Frozen ❄️. When things are freshly local/ frozen, they are chosen at their peak state & When aliments are at their peak state, they tend to contain much more nutrition. • • • 2️⃣Soak🚿, chop 🔪crush🔨, blend. Breaking down certain inhibitors in food that prevents full nutrient 🌱 bioavailability can be done by soaking your grains/beans/nuts 🥜 2+ hours, chopping 🔪 your veggies/fruit 🍎 crushing or blending your ingredients. • • • 3️⃣Know the best method to cook a certain food 🥦 . Boiling often loses the most nutrition out of certain ailments, while steaming can make some nutrients more bioavailable in other plants 🌱. Some veggies are best eaten raw though. So know the preferred method when it comes down to increasing it’s nutrition. • • • 4️⃣Chew 👄 food properly. Chewing not only makes food easier to digest but it also helps increase the nutrients received💪🏻. This is due to enzymes in your saliva 🤤that break down food into smaller particles. Therefore making the entire process involving macros/micros easier on your intestines. • • • 5️⃣Pair food correctly. For example: Iron with vitamin C. Adding healthy fats 🥑 to each meal allows your body to absorb fat soluble nutrients (vitamin A, D, K, E..) more efficiently. So add a little nuts 🥜 to that dish! • • • #veganfood #vegan #healthyfood #deliciousfood #wafflesunday #bananawaffles #berrywaffles #chocolatewaffles #veganlife #weightloss #healthtips #weighttips #deliciousness #peanutbutterbanana #fatloss #simplerecipe #veganfood #workoutmotivation #workoutmotivationtips #vegantips #advice #tips #weightlosstricks #weightlosstips #healthtips #workouttips #veganfitness #veganrecipes #beautyadvice #workoutadvice #easytips #funworkout #bored #naturaltips #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #highcarbvegan #lowfatrecipes #lowfatvegan #workout #tricksandtips #healthyvegan #heathyveganfood #lowfatvegan #howtodrinkmorewater #howtostopprocrastinating #newfacts #intuitiveeating #fitnessfacts #weightlosshacks #nutrientsmatter #vega
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propertyinvestory · 4 years
How to Effectively Stop Procrastination Habit with Jill McIntyre https://propertyinvestory.com/how-to-stop-procrastination/
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pxiU89O1wE)
how to stop procrastinating
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propertyinvestory · 4 years
How to Effectively Stop Procrastination Habit with Jill McIntyre https://propertyinvestory.com/how-to-stop-procrastination/
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