#How to care for dental cavities in dogs
petdogs · 10 months
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How do you care for a dog with cavities?
Dogs can experience a lot of the same oral health issues as humans, despite the common misconception that their teeth are not the same. Cavities are one of these; they are tiny holes or flaws in teeth. We go through the facts about dog cavities, including what they are, how they're diagnosed, and how to keep your dog from getting one. Read Here...
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ghostbxne · 8 months
a bit self-indulgent edward nashton headcanons bc im going insane and i have to share my though with the world
- he guessed the joker’s riddle wrong. joker didn’t mean to call himself his „friend”, he literally introduced himself as „ the joker” - the card. the less you have the more one is worth (jokers in a deck of cards) (but maybe im overthinking this lol)
- his teeth are not taken care of. the orphanage did not provide proper dental care for the children, so his teeth are crooked and he has a few cavities. he would like to get braces but still can’t afford it
tw: self harm mention in the next one
- he self harms (honestly thats canon, in the year one comic we see him as a child and his hands with very prominent bite marks). he also punches walls (implied in the batman movie when he slaps a wall in his cell in the asylum)
- he stims (in the year one comic he thinks to himself „stop chewing on your glasses, edward”) and is autistic (literally gets called „rain man” in the year one comic) but undiagnosed due to his financial situation and fear of any doctors (my personal headcanon, but also implied considering how the medical staff at the orphanage treated kids)
- cannot cook to save his life. he buys pre-made food or makes really bad watery soups so he can put them in cups and drink them while working
- usually keeps his nails a little longer. he picks at his skin a lot so it annoys him when his nails are very short
- has ocd (implied in the year one comic (intrusive thoughts) and in the movie (compulsive writing))
- has anxiety (pretty much canon)
- doesn’t really listen to music, he prefers podcasts (canonically listens to a motivational podcast in year one) and audiobooks
- usually wears a few layers of clothing. he’s usually cold and also insecure about his body. (i love his year one cardigan)
- really likes animals, especially dogs. he likes how they don’t leave their owners and are always on their side. would like to have a dog but can’t (obvious reasons)
- has very big trouble managing his emotions (canon) and gets incredibly upset when something doesn’t go his way, even the small things
tw: animal abuse mentioned in the next one
- has a fear of water and drowning (might be from that one time when the guy at the orphanage forced him to drown a rat)
- doesn’t really know how to take care of himself due to childhood neglect
- has nightmares every night. after seeing the batman in real life they stopped for a while (he’d just have no dreams at all and occasionally a very distorted fever dream, but still not a nightmare), but he still kept repeatedly waking up in the middle of the night
alright thats it for now, i might edit the post and add more later or idk😭
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Ava and beatrice foster-fail and adopt a dog, bea’s first concert, idk, one of them goes to the dentist?? Also I know you’re in LA but would love to see them in a Winter Situation haha
'bea,' you say, 'hey, what's wrong?'
she's obviously stressed, sitting very still behind the desk in her home office, clenching her jaw, a little bit of her hair sticking up from, you presume, a nervous tic of running her hands through it.
'is it really bad?'
'the worst,' she says, in such a dramatic way that you know it's all actually fine. the war has been over, now, for a few months — there are leftover battles, loose ends to tie up from time to time, but her pouting seems to be more about — 'it's time for my semiannual dental cleaning. next tuesday, at 2 pm.'
'oh, well, that's chill, right?' the last time you'd been to the dentist, mostly upon bea's insistence, your dentist, dr. pang, had been cool and had even let you look in the toybox usually reserved for kids once you'd finished. maybe because of the halo or just dumb luck, but you hadn't had any cavities. 'you brush your teeth with that fancy toothbrush, like, three times a day, with your little timer. i'm sure your teeth are perfect.'
it doesn't help: beatrice just grimaces. 'i — i just don't like the dentist.'
'that's okay. sometimes we just don't like shit, you know. do you want me to come with? we can get lunch after or something.'
'you would —' she pauses; you'd talked about this recently, in couples counseling, how when you offer to do something for her, it's because you love her, because you want to, and nothing generative comes, for either of you, from her denying what she wants. 'i would actually like that, quite a lot.'
'okay then,' you say. 'next tuesday at 2 pm — you, me, and dr. pang's cool toybox.'
you realize very quickly on tuesday at 1:50 pm that 'i don't like the dentist' is a euphemism for 'i'm absolutely terrified of the dentist,' because beatrice is about to break your hand and also vibrate out of her own skin as soon as she pulls into the parking lot.
'do you want to do some grounding exercises or something?'
'no, ava,' she says, irritated, but then gathers herself. 'sorry. no, i'm fine.’ you raise a brow and she just huffs. 'i just don't like someone being that close to my face.'
'you have no problems with me being that close to your face. just imagine that dr. pang is me.'
it gets her to laugh, reluctantly, but you're sure she is imagining it. 'that's more terrifying, actually.'
'okay, me with a degree in dentistry. important edit if you're unwilling to have any imagination.'
she just rolls her eyes.
'you're gonna be just fine,' you say. 'and i'll be there the entire time, okay?'
'yeah,' she says, dragging a hand through her hair and then smoothing it down carefully, checking her reflection in the visor mirror once, and then setting her shoulders like she's about to go into battle; you stifle a laugh; you love her. 'okay.'
'you have someone to drive you home and take care of you today? you shouldn't have any pain, but you'll be a little out of it.'
bea nods, stiffly, but then points at where you're sitting in the corner of the waiting room. 'my partner, yes.'
'looking forward to the part where she'll be a little out of it, honestly.'
bea rolls her eyes at you while the receptionist laughs, and then, when bea is done with any paperwork, she comes and sits next to you. you lace your fingers together. 'you know, you've had, like, pretty bad injuries and surgeries and stuff, right?'
'yes, ava, obviously i know that.' she pinches the bridge of her nose. 'it doesn't help me, in this situation, to compare. i know it's — it's not logical, to be so afraid of a cavity filling.'
'nah.' you squeeze her hand. 'that's not what i was gonna say.' you smile at her, like you're not at the dentist's office, like you're out by the beach in the morning after she's surfed and you'd brought donuts and coffee and kiss her and shoo the gulls away. 'i just meant that, you know, i've been scared during those, but i got to hold you afterward and help. and i know you're feeling really scared, but i can be brave for you right now, and then i get to spend all day holding you and taking care of you. which, beatrice, i love to do. okay?'
she tucks her head into your neck, just for a second, just like heaven, and then nods. 'i love you. okay.'
bea is ... laughing. at nothing, you're pretty sure, if the blank tv is anything to go off of; she'd fallen asleep in the car on the way home but the second you got her situated on the couch she'd just started, well, giggling, and she hasn't stopped.
'what's so silly?'
she rolls her head toward you, sloppily, and you are so grateful for this time, for this life, for this life: beatrice trusts you — to build a home, and to keep her safe. 'everything,' she says, and then snorts, which makes her laugh even harder.
you smile and kiss her forehead. 'i promised camila i'd record this. keep going, whatever you're vibing with.'
she happily tells a very rambling story about the time you'd tried to make pasta from scratch, interjected with some non-sequitur facts about flamingos, giggling the entire time. she's in her favorite hoodie and joggers and had, very intensely, insisted on taking her socks off. you send the video to camila when she seems to finish on her own, trailing off and then just staring at you with a helpless little smile on her face.
'yes, bea?'
'first, you're so beautiful. i love you so much. can you believe there was ever a time i thought i could spend my entire life not acting on my desires of the flesh?'
you decide to just roll with it. 'honestly? no. you're, like, the gayest person i've ever met.'
'you're jealous when women flirt with me at the bar or the beach.'
you roll your eyes, let yourself trace her freckles and the gentle slope of her nose, scratch your nails gently against the buzzed sides of her hair. 'mostly for fun,' you say. 'i know you're coming home with me at the end of the night.'
'did you have a second?'
'well, you said first, so, i'm not sure where you were going after that.'
'oh,' she says, and then squints into the distance, like she's trying really hard to remember. 'can we please order thai tonight. i'm thinking about it always, in the back of my mind.'
'oh, yes,' she says. 'that green curry fried rice i had last time?' she kisses her fingers and then holds them out. 'life changing.'
you laugh and grab her hand from the air, tuck it against your cheek and kiss her knuckles. 'as long as you let me have the extra spring roll.'
'you know i always let you do that.'
'yeah,' you say, 'you do.'
'yeah, bea?'
'i could tell you that i love you in every language ever spoken and it would never be enough.' she puts your joined hands to her chest. 'there are no words, for how i feel for you.'
you kiss her, even though she tastes kind of weird after her cavity filling. 'i love you too, in all the universes.' i came back for you, you mean, but you don't say it aloud, not now, not when it's sunny and warm and she's open before you, herself. 'now, why don't you nap. i'll turn on something exceedingly dull so you don't get distracted. and i'll order thai.'
'you're the best. i can't wait to marry you one day.'
it makes you feel warm; the halo hums. 'that'll be the best day.'
bea stalks out to where you're drinking coffee on the balcony, the sun already at its mid-morning warmth. she means to look intimidating but she has on a pair of little striped sleep shorts and an old crewneck sweater, one sleeve pulled over her hand and the other pushed up to her elbow; her hair is sticking up around the cowlick in the back, like it always does after she's gotten a fresh haircut and sleeps in.
'what did you send to the group chat?'
'oh, you were in excellent form yesterday,' you say, not sorry at all. 'had a lot of opinions on flamingos and margot robbie. gotta say, can't even hold that one against you. she'd be a great choice for a threesome, i agree.'
'i did not say that.'
her blush is bright and goes all the way down her neck, to the tips of her ears. 'nah, you didn't.' she slumps in relief and you laugh. 'but now i know you think it, which is fun.'
'so... these videos of me, medicated, are — innocuous?'
'yeah, i didn't send the one where you went into detail about you riding my face to our friends who are nuns.'
she sits on the chair next to yours and buries her face in her hands. 'was i a pain?'
'not at all,' you say, and smooth a hand down her spine and then rest it on her neck and massage the tension sitting there. 'you were cute. i like taking care of you.'
'well, i feel coherent today.'
'that's good, they said everything should be normal.'
'i'm sorry,' she says, 'for being scared, and then for being so high.'
you wave her off. 'don't ever apologize for being scared. maybe, at some point, you can apologize if you like, willingly eat too much of an edible or something, but don't apologize for needing meds to help you. i love you.'
she smiles softly. 'thank you.'
'i love you, bea,' you say. 'you gotta understand, okay? i love you, i love you, i love you.'
she kisses you, softly, and she tastes like regular toothpaste and home.
'i do want to state, for the record, though, that i have never had a cavity, and now, you have had two.'
she groans. 'don't remind me.'
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sintaphy-custom-pet · 2 years
What are the weirdest pet products you've ever seen?
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People have weird hobbies. Some spend the better part of their day tucking away in a dark corner of the internet, selling bizarre items to predominantly other Custom Pet Portraits. And no matter what your tastes, Custom Pet Canvas will provide you with precisely what you want—a canvas that features your pet's head in one of four styles.
Here are 5 of the weirdest pet products people buy on the internet.
1. Belly-Breather Ducks
The world loves a good taxidermy project. Seemingly every animal has been preserved in some state of 'living' and placed in a realistic setting. However, there are other, more extreme ways to preserve your pet. Liver-breathing is the act of permanently preserving a duck or other animal with the liver removed, leaving the abdominal cavity open to breathe. It's not for everyone, and we're not going to go into who does this or why (if you want it, you can find it online), but it's weird enough for this list.
2. Otter Pups
There are two ways to acquire an otter as a pet. One is to go out and trap one in the wild; the other is to buy one from a breeder. Most otter breeders are hobbyists, but there's still a market for them, and you can buy them online. If you're looking for something cute and cuddly, look elsewhere, otters are neither. They're more likely to rip your face off than snuggle with you. I'm not sure how much they cost, but I imagine it's quite a bit.
3. Sneaker Pets
You'd need to be a die-hard sneakerhead or have a deep pocket to consider getting any sneaker as an animal companion. You see, a shoe (or, in this case, boots) is no more than a big clump of fur. So if you want your sneaker as a pet, you'll have to take it apart and remove the inner lining so it can be cleaned/maintained. It also means you've created a pet from an expensive trash can.
4. Bonsai Trees
Bonsai trees are one of those things that make no sense at all, especially when they're this small. They're like little balls of fur for you; I don't know, cuddle with. Whatever you do with bonsai trees is your business, but if you're one of those people who needs a plant on the desk at work, get yourself a typical plant. And take that thing to the office supply store and get a cheap can of air freshener.
5. Doggie Dental Services
If you've ever wanted to have your dog's teeth cleaned by a professional, you'll have to book an appointment (an appointment is a fancy word for this.) This service can be done at home and would be a great way to maintain the health of your pet's mouth. Keep in mind, though; it won't do much good unless you get a regular dental checkup for your dog. If your dog has a diagnosed health problem that requires regular dental care, this is one more thing you need to check off.
In conclusion, if you're into weird pets, plenty of people are willing to sell them to you. You can also make an excellent little profit buying and selling weird pet products on the internet. Just don't get too weird about it.
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imperialpetco · 4 months
Imperial Canine Dental Spray – The Game Changer
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As the proud owner of Imperial Pet Co, I am thrilled to introduce our latest innovation in pet care: the Imperial Pet Co Canine Dental Spray. This ground-breaking product is not just a dental spray for dogs; it’s a testament to our commitment to enhancing the lives of our beloved furry companions.
100% natural and 100% New Zealand sourced and made – we believe we have the best dental spray for dogs in the word!
Beneficial for use in oral maladies such as:
Tooth extractions
General care
Unleashing the Power of Canine Dental Spray
Imperial Pet Co Canine Oral Spray is more than just another product on the market; it is the game-changing “mouth spray for dogs”. Crafted with precision and care, our unique formula combines efficacy with convenience, offering pet owners a hassle-free solution to maintain their dog’s oral hygiene. With just a few sprays, our oral spray dog product embarks on a mission to promote healthier gums, fresher breath, and overall improved dental wellness for every pup.
Benefits Tailored for Your Best Friend
The benefits of incorporating our Oral Spray into your pet’s daily routine are manifold. Our natural and potent formula serves as a proactive defence against plaque build-up and tartar formation, reducing the risk of periodontal diseases that can affect our furry friends. By targeting bacteria in the oral cavity, our mouth spray for dogs helps combat bad breath, gingivitis and gum disease, leaving behind a refreshing burst of minty goodness with every application.
Moreover, we understand the struggles pet owners face when it comes to administering oral care products to their dogs. That’s why we’ve designed our pet clean oral spray for maximum convenience. With our Canine Dental Spray, the process is streamlined and stress-free. Simply spritz directly into your dog’s mouth, on the upper gums, and let your dog’s mouth do the rest.
By prioritizing your dog’s oral health, you’re investing in their overall well-being and longevity. With Imperial Pet Co Canine Oral Spray, you’re not just ensuring a brighter smile for your furry friend; you’re nurturing a healthier, happier life.
In conclusion, Imperial Pet Co Canine Oral Spray is more than just a product; it’s a testament to our dedication to pet wellness. With its natural and potent formula, ease of use, and array of benefits, this oral spray for dogs is set to become a staple in every pet owner’s arsenal. Join us in revolutionizing canine oral health and embark on a journey towards happier, healthier smiles for our beloved companions.
Check our Dental Care for Dogs page for more info to see just how amazing this product is, and how it will help your dog today!
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marblery · 6 months
Common Dental Issues in Pets and How to Prevent Them
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Dental health is an important aspect of overall health in pets. Just like humans, pets can develop dental problems that can lead to pain, infection, and other health issues if left untreated. By understanding common dental issues in pets and how to prevent them, you can help to keep your furry friend's teeth and gums healthy.
One common dental issue in pets is periodontal disease, which is the inflammation and infection of the tissues surrounding the teeth. Periodontal disease is caused by a buildup of plaque and tartar on the teeth, which can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and tooth loss. Signs of periodontal disease in pets may include bad breath, swollen or bleeding gums, and difficulty eating.
Another common dental issue in pets is dental caries, or cavities. Cavities can develop in pets that consume a diet high in sugar or starch, which can lead to decay and infection in the tooth. Signs of dental caries in pets may include pain tactical dog collar, sensitivity, and difficulty eating.
To prevent dental issues in pets, it's important to provide regular dental care, including brushing your pet's teeth regularly and providing them with dental chews or toys to help clean their teeth. Additionally, feeding your pet a balanced diet and avoiding sugary treats can help to prevent plaque and tartar buildup on their teeth.
Regular dental exams by a veterinarian are also important in detecting and treating dental issues early. Your vet may recommend professional dental cleanings to remove plaque and tartar from your pet's teeth and prevent the development of periodontal disease.
Overall, proper dental care is essential for maintaining the health and well-being of your pet. By providing regular dental care and monitoring your pet's oral health, you can help to prevent dental issues and keep your furry friend's teeth and gums healthy for years to come.
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petdelightposts · 1 year
Unleasing the Importance of Dog Dental Cleaning: A Guide to Optimal Oral Health for Your Furry Friend
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I. Introduction A. The significance of dog dental cleaning B. Understanding the common dental problems
Dog Dental Anatomy: Unveiling the Basics A. Teeth structure and numbering B. Permanent and deciduous teeth C. Different types of teeth and their functions
Dental Diseases: Identifying Risks and Symptoms A. Periodontal disease: Causes, symptoms, and stages B. Dental plaque and tartar buildup: Consequences and prevention C. Gum diseases: Gingivitis and periodontitis D. Tooth decay and cavities in dogs E. Oral tumors and cancers: Detecting early signs
Home Dental Care: Building a Solid Routine A. Regular tooth brushing techniques and tools B. Choosing the right dog toothpaste and mouthwash C. Effective dental chews and toys D. Supplementary dental care products
Professional Dental Cleaning: What to Expect A. The importance of veterinary dental check-ups B. Anesthesia in dental cleaning: Risks and benefits C. Dental examination and evaluation D. Scaling and polishing procedures E. Tooth extractions and oral surgeries
Dog-Friendly Dental Diets: Nourishing for Oral Health A. Understand the impact of diet on dental health B. Prescription dog food for dental care C. Natural dental diet alternatives D. Proper feeding practices for oral hygiene
Alternative Dental Care Techniques: Exploring Options A. Water additives and oral rinses for dogs B. Specific dental wipes and gels C. Inhalation anesthesia dentistry: Pros and cons D. Raw diet's effects on dental health
Dental Health Across Different Dog Breeds: Special Considerations A. Small breed dental challenges and care B. Brachycephalic breeds and dental issues C. Toy breeds and dental care precautions D. Large breed dental concerns and preventive measures
Dental Care for Puppies and Senior Dogs: Tailoring the Approach A. Establishing dental habits early in puppies B. Senior dogs' dental challenges and solutions
Benefits of Dog Dental Cleaning: Beyond Oral Health A. Preventing systemic health issues through dental care B. Reducing bad breath and enhancing overall well-being C. Improved relationship and bonding with your dog
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) A. Can I use human toothpaste for my dog's teeth? B. How often should I brush my dog's teeth? C. Are there any natural remedies for dog dental issues? D. Should I be concerned about the cost of professional dental cleaning? E. Are there any breeds predisposed to dental problems?
Conclusion A. Recap the importance of dog dental cleaning B. Encourage regular dental care for a healthier, happier dog C. Highlight the positive impact on both oral and overall heahealth.
1. Introduction
A. Dental hygiene is crucial for dogs' overall well-being Proper dental care helps prevent various health issues Neglecting dental hygiene can lead to serious complications B. Understanding common dental problems in dogs Dental diseases are prevalent among our furry friends Recognizing and addressing these issues is essential
2.Dog Dental Anatomy: Unveiling the Basics
A. Teeth structure and numbering Dogs have four types of teeth: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars Each tooth has a specific function in the chewing process Adult dogs possess 42 permanent teeth, while puppies have 28 deciduous teeth B. Permanent and deciduous teeth Deciduous teeth are temporary and eventually replaced by permanent teeth Understanding this transition is important for dental care at different stages of a dog's life C. Different types of teeth and their functions Incisors are used for nibbling and grooming Canines assist in tearing and grasping objects Premolars help in grinding and chewing Molars aid in efficient chewing and crushing bones
3.Dental Diseases: Identifying Risks and Symptoms
A. Periodontal disease: Causes, symptoms, and stages Bacterial plaque buildup is a major cause Symptoms include bad breath, bleeding gums, and tooth loss Stages progress from mild gingivitis to severe periodontitis B. Dental plaque and tartar buildup: Consequences and prevention
Plaque forms a film on the teeth and promotes bacterial growth
Tartar, hardened plaque, leads to further dental issues
Regular dental cleaning and good oral hygiene prevent these problems
C. Gum diseases: Gingivitis and periodontitis
Gingivitis involves inflammation of the gums
If left untreated, it may progress to periodontitis, causing severe damage
Routine dental care is crucial for preventing and managing gum diseases
D. Tooth decay and cavities in dogs
Tooth decay is caused by acid-producing bacteria
Cavities can form if the decay progresses
Maintaining proper dental hygiene minimizes the risk of tooth decay
E. Oral tumors and cancers: Detecting early signs.
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Regular oral examinations help detect unusual growths
Early detection is crucial for successful treatment
Veterinarians can provide necessary guidance in identifying potential issues.
Get a free premium treat and dental kit when you purchase your dog dental products here at amazing discount
4.Home Dental Care: Building a Solid Routine
A. Regular tooth brushing techniques and tools
Use a toothbrush specifically designed for dogs
Brush gently in circular motions to remove plaque
Brushing should be performed regularly, ideally daily
B. Choosing the right dog toothpaste and mouthwash
Avoid human toothpaste, as it can be harmful to dogs
Opt for enzymatic toothpaste formulated for canines
Dog-friendly mouthwashes can provide additional freshness and aid in oral health
C. Effective dental chews and toys
Certain chews and toys can help reduce plaque and tartar
Look for products approved by veterinary dental associations
Choose items appropriate for your dog's size and chewing preferences
D. Supplementary dental care products
Various products, such as dental wipes and gels, assist in maintaining oral hygiene
Consult your veterinarian for recommendations on suitable supplementary care options
5. Professional Dental Cleaning: What to Expect
A. The importance of veterinary dental check-ups
Regular check-ups ensure early detection of dental issues
Veterinarians provide professional dental cleaning and care
B. Anesthesia in dental cleaning: Risks and benefits
Anesthesia allows for thorough examination and treatment
While there are risks, they are generally outweighed by the benefits
Discuss any concerns with your veterinarian to ensure the safety of the procedure
C. Dental examination and evaluation
Veterinarians assess the overall oral health condition
They check for signs of gum disease, tartar buildup, and oral tumors
X-rays may be taken to evaluate hidden dental problems
D. Scaling and polishing procedures
Scale removal eliminates tartar and plaque
Polishing helps smoothen the tooth surface to reduce future plaque buildup
E. Tooth extractions and oral surgeries
If necessary, tooth extractions or surgeries are performed
These procedures address severe dental issues and alleviate discomfort
6. Dog-Friendly Dental Diets: Nourishing for Oral Health
A. Understand the impact of diet on dental health
Proper nutrition contributes to strong teeth and gums
Certain food textures can help clean teeth during chewing
B. Prescription dog food for dental care
Veterinary-prescribed dental diets can aid in oral health maintenance
These diets often have a specific texture or composition beneficial for dental care
C. Natural dental diet alternatives
Some natural food choices, like raw bones or carrots, promote dental health
Consult with your veterinarian for appropriate natural dental diet options
D. Proper feeding practices for oral hygiene
Regular feeding schedules and portion control contribute to oral health
Avoid overfeeding and feeding unbalanced diets that can impact dental health
7. Alternative Dental Care Techniques: Exploring Options
A. Water additives and oral rinses for dogs
Water additives can help reduce bacteria in a dog's mouth
Oral rinses provide fresh breath and can aid in preventing dental diseases
B. Specific dental wipes and gels
Dental wipes and gels help remove plaque and reduce tartar buildup
Follow product instructions and consult your veterinarian for suitable options
C. Inhalation anesthesia dentistry: Pros and cons
An alternative to general anesthesia for dental procedures
Discuss the advantages and risks with your veterinarian
D. Raw diet's effects on dental health
Supporters claim that raw diets improve dental health
However, potential risks and benefits should be carefully considered.
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8. Dental Health Across Different Dog Breeds: Special Considerations
A. Small breed dental challenges and care
Small breeds are prone to dental overcrowding and misalignment
Regular dental care is crucial for maintaining oral health in small breeds
B. Brachycephalic breeds and dental issues
Brachycephalic breeds may have dental abnormalities due to their facial structure
Special attention should be given to their dental health for optimal well-being
C. Toy breeds and dental care precautions
Toy breeds are susceptible to dental issues like overcrowding and tooth loss
Specific dental care practices tailored to their needs are essential
D. Large breed dental concerns and preventive measures
Large breeds may experience heightened dental challenges
Early intervention and preventive measures help maintain their oral health.
Get Your Dog Dental Products Here With Amazing Bonuses And Discounts
9. Dental Care for Puppies and Senior Dogs: Tailoring the Approach
A. Establishing dental habits early in puppies
Introduce dental care gradually and positively
Puppy-specific toothbrushes and toothpaste make the process easier
B. Senior dogs' dental challenges and solutions
Senior dogs are more prone to dental diseases and may have specific oral health needs
Regular dental check-ups and appropriate care can enhance their quality of life
10. Benefits of Dog Dental Cleaning: Beyond Oral Health
A. Preventing systemic health issues through dental care
Dental health impacts overall well-being in dogs
Good oral hygiene lowers the risk of systemic conditions such as heart and kidney diseases
B. Reducing bad breath and enhancing overall well-being
Proper dental care significantly improves breath odor
Dogs with better oral hygiene generally exhibit higher levels of comfort and happiness
C. Improved relationship and bonding with your dog
Regular dental care strengthens the bond between dog and owner
The process fosters trust, enhancing the overall relationship
11. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
A. Can I use human toothpaste for my dog's teeth?
No, human toothpaste contains ingredients that are harmful to dogs
Always use toothpaste specifically formulated for canines
B. How often should I brush my dog's teeth?
Daily brushing is ideal, but it may be challenging for some owners
Aim for at least three to four times a week for effective dental care
C. Are there any natural remedies for dog dental issues?
While natural options exist, it's important to consult with a veterinarian
They can guide you on appropriate natural remedies for your dog's specific needs
D. Should I be concerned about the cost of professional dental cleaning?
Professional dental cleaning is an investment in your dog's long-term health
Discuss cost concerns with your veterinarian and explore payment options
E. Are there any breeds predisposed to dental problems?
Certain breeds are more prone to dental issues
Consult with your veterinarian for breed-specific dental care recommendations
12. Concussion
A. Recap the importance of dog dental cleaning
Dental care is critical for dogs' overall health and well-being
B. Encourage regular dental care for a healthier, happier dog
Consistent oral hygiene routines ensure optimal dental health
C. Highlight the positive impact on both oral and overall health
Good dental care contributes to improved systemic health and comfort
Remember, investing time and effort in your dog's dental hygiene is a small price to pay for their long-lasting smile and overall happiness!
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canadianvc123 · 2 years
Canine Cavity Prevention: Tooth Care for Dogs and Cats
Dog dental care is a crucial aspect of pet maintenance that is simple to neglect. Dogs are susceptible to dental illness, so it’s crucial to provide your dog with more than one sort of at-home dental treatment in addition to the regular dental checkups at the veterinarian’s office. If you are looking for dog dental care in Abu Dhabi, Canadian Veterinary Clinic is ready to serve you. But before that, read about how to prevent cavities in canines.
Here are some of the best ways to maintain a healthy oral care regime for your dog’s teeth…Read More
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petculiars · 2 years
Why Is Dental Care Important in Cats?
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/why-is-dental-care-important-in-cats/
Why Is Dental Care Important in Cats?
Caring for a new kitten can be interesting, but it is also a huge responsibility. Most people know that they need to take care of the basics, such as food, water, and bed, but there are so many other things to consider. So, before you decide to bring home a kitten, make sure you know what it takes to give them the best chance of having a healthy and happy life.
Routine veterinary visits, vaccinations, parasite detection, and prevention, as well as sterilization and castration, are all vital to the overall health of a pet. But did you know that the dental health of your kitten is equally important? More than half of cats over the age of three suffer from dental diseases.
Cats have some of the same dental problems as dogs, yet feline dental care is probably the most neglected and untreated. This article will focus on cat dental care, including common dental conditions, treatment, and how owners can take care of their cat’s teeth at home.
Cat’s teeth and tooth eruption
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Cats, like humans, have two sets of teeth in their lives. The kitten teeth are called primary or milk teeth, then as they fall they are replaced with permanent or adult teeth. Kittens are born without visible teeth. Around the age of three weeks, the milk teeth will begin to erupt.
By the age of four months, all 26 primary teeth should be visible. By the time a kitten reaches six to seven months, all 30 permanent teeth should have appeared.
Before adult teeth erupt through the gums, they begin to develop from the dental buds located in the upper and lower jaws. As adult teeth develop, they will start pressing on the roots of the milk teeth, and then things get a little complicated. The process usually begins around the age of 11 to 12 weeks.
During this time, cats may have symptoms like salivation, difficulty when eating, and may be easily irritable. Most kittens will have the desire to chew things, and usually things that they shouldn’t! A characteristic smell of breathing can also be noticed. This smell is normal and should disappear with the end of the tooth eruption process.
While your kitten goes through the phase of teeth changing, try to redirect chewing to acceptable objects, such as approved chewing toys. Do not allow them to chew things that could damage their teeth or your house.
Retained milk teeth
By the time a kitten reaches six to seven months old, adult teeth should have appeared. Sometimes, cats’ milk teeth fail to fall out and continue to occupy the space where only adult teeth should be. When milk teeth do not fall out to make room for permanent ones, they are called retained milk teeth. Retained milk teeth should be surgically extracted once they are discovered to avoid dental problems.
When milk teeth and permanent teeth try to occupy the same space, this double row of teeth overcrowd the mouth, so food is trapped between the teeth. Trapped foods can cause periodontal disease, an infection of the tissue that keeps teeth in place.
In addition, double sets of teeth mean that there will be double sets of roots. This will prevent the normal development of the tooth socket and eventually erode the support of the gum around the adult tooth. Remember, once you discover retained milk teeth you should get your cat to the veterinarian to surgically remove them to avoid dental problems.
Dental care and prevention at home
Toothpaste and brushing
If you start brushing your kitten’s teeth at an early age, they may accept this easier when they are older, and their adult teeth have erupted. Do not use human toothpaste.
The toothpaste comes in a variety of cat flavors, including chicken and tuna. Find one that your cat likes, and try to brush her teeth at least three times a week, or more if she allows you!
Wipes, special solutions, and dental pads
When cats age a little, they may not tolerate brushing. Some animals, especially those with tender gums, will not tolerate brushing but are more receptive to disinfectant wipes or tampons.
Dental wipes, special solutions, and tampons will wipe plaque deposits off the tooth surface. They are not helpful in removing food particles between the tooth and the gum, but they are probably the best thing after brushing. These products can be found in pet stores and are best used daily.
Snacks for dentition
Snacks do not replace brushing, however, cats with permanent teeth may benefit from chewing a proper dental snack daily. This can substantially reduce plaque and tartar by up to 69%. To avoid weight gain, be sure to feed only the recommended amount of delights.
Final words!
The purpose to start dental care for your cat immediately is to prevent periodontal diseases when she is older. Professional cleaning by your veterinarian may be necessary sometime in her life, but incorporating a dental care routine both into your daily routine and your cat can reduce the number of cleanings needed in the future.
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lovepetportrait · 2 years
What are the weirdest pet products you've ever seen?
People have weird hobbies. Some spend the better part of their day tucking away in a dark corner of the internet, selling bizarre items to predominantly other Custom Pet Canvas. And no matter what your tastes, Custom Pet Canvas will provide you with precisely what you want—a canvas that features your pet's head in one of four styles.
Here are 5 of the weirdest pet products people buy on the internet.
1. Belly-Breather Ducks
The world loves a good taxidermy project. Seemingly every animal has been preserved in some state of 'living' and placed in a realistic setting. However, there are other, more extreme ways to preserve your pet. Liver-breathing is the act of permanently preserving a duck or other animal with the liver removed, leaving the abdominal cavity open to breathe. It's not for everyone, and we're not going to go into who does this or why (if you want it, you can find it online), but it's weird enough for this list.
2. Otter Pups
There are two ways to acquire an otter as a pet. One is to go out and trap one in the wild; the other is to buy one from a breeder. Most otter breeders are hobbyists, but there's still a market for them, and you can buy them online. If you're looking for something cute and cuddly, look elsewhere, otters are neither. They're more likely to rip your face off than snuggle with you. I'm not sure how much they cost, but I imagine it's quite a bit.
3. Sneaker Pets
You'd need to be a die-hard sneakerhead or have a deep pocket to consider getting any sneaker as an animal companion. You see, a shoe (or, in this case, boots) is no more than a big clump of fur. So if you want your sneaker as a pet, you'll have to take it apart and remove the inner lining so it can be cleaned/maintained. It also means you've created a pet from an expensive trash can. Custom Pet Phone Case
4. Bonsai Trees
Bonsai trees are one of those things that make no sense at all, especially when they're this small. They're like little balls of fur for you; I don't know, cuddle with. Whatever you do with bonsai trees is your business, but if you're one of those people who needs a plant on the desk at work, get yourself a typical plant. And take that thing to the office supply store and get a cheap can of air freshener.
5. Doggie Dental Services
If you've ever wanted to have your dog's teeth cleaned by a professional, you'll have to book an appointment (an appointment is a fancy word for this.) This service can be done at home and would be a great way to maintain the health of your pet's mouth. Keep in mind, though; it won't do much good unless you get a regular dental checkup for your dog. If your dog has a diagnosed health problem that requires regular dental care, this is one more thing you need to check off.
In conclusion, if you're into weird pets, plenty of people are willing to sell them to you. You can also make an excellent little profit buying and selling Custom Pet Mug on the internet. Just don't get too weird about it.
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do you have any general/misc headcanons for harry?
you dare assume my Harry bitch ass would not have headcanons for my darling boy? how dare- (Warning; mention/implied self harm)
Hes half mer, mom is a neverland mermaid
He doesn't sing for that very reason, his voice does things that kinda scare him, one time it almost drowned Gil, yes-while within the barrier-Mer magic is very powerful, especially neverland mer magic
was a classic greasy skinny ass emo teen till about 16-then he hit his growth spurt, and his metabolism properly kicked in, started taking care of his hair and BOOM our extra ass fashion king was born~
lotta scars, most if not all from his dad/self-inflicted, most of them on his back (Hook/whip)
He loves to bake, SUCKS at cooking. Mans burned water (HOW?!)
lowkey fashion designer, cant sew for shit so Gil/Evie turn his ideas into real life
has some damn good hearing, like better than Gils
needs glasses, short sighted
babysits the smee twins regularly
great with kids, you wouldnt expect him to be someone good with kids, but kids fucking LOVE him-Even Uma is mystified why
babies adore him, if theres a baby crying, hand em off to Harry; he'll get em to stop within a mile second (he doesn't know either)
artist, only sketches tho, no painting or anything like that
FUCKS with churros/Cinnamon rolls, best thing in the world(other than Uma)
Helps braid Uma's hair each time she needs to do it and her salon/hair stylist aint available, mans is a pro by now after all his years helping her.
not a night owl, mans has a bed time and is grumpy when he isn't in bed/asleep by midnight (hell make an exception for partys/stupid shit)
don't give him caffeine it does nothing (adhd ass mf)
was really bad at brushing his teeth so now he's got cavities (didn't help the isle didn't have dental care)
root beer is the best thing ever and no one can take it from him, he's going to marry it watch him
can sleep anywhere, Uma found him in a fucking tree in the most uncomfortable position "HOW IN THE HELL-HARRY!"
idiot, pure idiot, one braincell and Uma has it-yet somehow he's so fucking smart-so smart, idk how he is but he is
loves his sisters to death, would die/kill for them
cuddle boi, makes cuddle puddles
he wants a dog really really bad, like a chocolate lab or something, idk he's a dog dude(he's a cat tho, he is such a cat)
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nobodyfamousposts · 4 years
A Different Purrspective (Original Work)
“Human. There you are.”
Oh. It again. Or is it a her now, given the body it’s in?
To be honest, I hadn’t really cared much at the time about its sex—or if it even had one. I was a little too busy panicking over this thing that just one day up and decided to come after me because...
Actually, I never did get a clear understanding of its motivations. I was a bit too busy trying to protect myself from the FREAKING DEMON!
In my defense, I hadn’t known demons existed until that moment.
In its defense...
Well, it had none.
“I’ve been looking for you for a while now.”
I forced myself away from my cozy nap time to look over at the one disrupting me.
It was...pretty, I suppose. Full cheeks. Long eyelashes. Hair was messy. Its clothing was disheveled. But otherwise it looked good. Something in me felt that a demon shouldn’t be so pretty.
I wasn’t bitter though.
Even if the body it was in used to be mine.
You know those horror movies with the main leads that have to deal with spirits and possession and body snatchers? Yeah. That was me then.
As to be expected in a horror movie, I lost the fight and the...whatever that thing was took my body. And trapped me in its former vessel.
So the orange tabby cat being spoken to on the front porch of a suburban street? Yeah. That’s me now.
The jerk couldn’t even get me in a female cat body.
Though given what I’ve since learned about cats, maybe that was for the best. Ugh.
“Do you have any idea what it took to find you?”
Huh. The weird thing was that it sounded offended. Not sure why it was supposed to be the wounded party here. I was the one whose body was stolen. By IT in the first place.
And then to add insult to injury, it took me to a shelter and left me there. Giving me an evil smirk and laughing all maniacally-like on the way out. Probably figuring I would be euthanized.
It hadn’t expected me to be adopted.
Ms. McGregor. A lovely old woman. She was pretty much the picture of the cat lady. And she took quite good care of me, all things considered. Fresh water. Good cat food. Some treats every so often.
Granted, it was a bit humiliating since I wasn’t supposed to be a cat, but after what had happened, I was willing to take what I could get and live out my days in relative peace and quiet.
...then this asshole had to show up.
“Human, we need to talk.”
Here we go.
“I...acknowledge that some mistakes have been made.”
Oh really?
“And we both have some regrets.”
The one thing I regret about being in a cat’s body right now is that I can’t roll my eyes.
I know it should be possible. I’ve seen the cat videos. But I just...haven’t worked out how to do it myself.
“I...may have been a bit...hasty. In my previous actions.”
You said you’d stalked me for weeks to learn about my life before attacking me and pulling a Freaky Friday. That requires a bit more forethought than you’re giving yourself credit for.
“I was just excited for the chance to experience life as a human.”
Uh huh.
“It was only going to be for a while.”
Ignoring that from what you had gloated at the time, ‘a while’ was going to be however many kitty years I had left. And considering how old this body was when I was forced into it...
“Just...long enough to get the ‘human experience’, you know?”
Guess the ‘experience’ isn’t working out for you, huh?
“But all good things have to end.”
Good for who?
“So I was thinking...” It trailed off, as if expecting me to finish the thought for it.
It waited, watching me long enough for this to get uncomfortable. Then it sighed.
“Perhaps we should switch back?” It asked, trying not to appear too eager.
It was failing. Horribly. But it was trying.
“You can go back to your life and family.” It continued, as if it was trying to sweeten the offer.
It was an offer though. And one I hadn’t expected to get this soon.
Or ever.
But what I expected even less was my own disinterest.
I mean...sure, the entire thing was terrifying when it was happening and I had no idea what was going on. And humiliating to no longer be human afterwards. But it’s been...what. Two months? Three? And so far, things have been pretty good for me.
Yeah, I’ll pass.
“Come on now!” It insisted “Don’t you want to be human again?”
...was it serious?
“You would get to go back to your fulfilling job.”
You mean the 60+ hour work week with no breaks, no paid vacation, and shitty benefits?
“See your family again. Spend time with your siblings and their kids.”
My self-important and egotistical siblings. With their horrible, horrible kids. And their untrained dog.
“And you can return to having a normal life in a healthy human body.”
My most recent labs read some issues. I had gingivitis and a cavity at my last dental exam. And my appointment for operations on those matters both happened to be after my body got snatched.
How did that go, by the way?
It tensed, fists clenching.
“I think I was a bit...unfair. And I would like to rectify that and switch us back.” It bit out. I think its eyes even flashed.
It was the period pain, wasn’t it?
“How do you LIVE with that?!” It shouted, furious and possibly somewhat embarrassed given the red tinge to its face.
Huh. I didn’t know I could turn that color.
“Look, this works out for both of us.” It insisted, gesturing at me. “You can go back to your life and I can go back to not dealing with your life!”
Wow, you make my life sound so grand when you put it that way...
“Really?” It asked, hopefully.
It groaned, running a hand through its hair.
Wow. It doesn’t look washed. Have you not been taking care of my body? That was one of the few things you said I wouldn’t have to worry about after you left me to rot.
“It’s harder than it looked, okay?”
How do you not know how to take care of a human body?
“Hey, even you humans need years of training on how to properly manage yourselves!” It hissed.
Well, sucks to be you, I guess. As a cat, I can just lick myself clean and not have to worry about appearances.
Its nose turned up in disgust.
“How are you okay with this?!”
Well, it sucked when it happened. But you know, we humans are pretty adaptable. Horror movies end after the credits, but odds are that we would just sort of have to get used to it sooner or later.
Did you think I’d just be screaming in horror within my kitty mind forever?
It paused.
Wow. That totally makes me want to help you.
“What? No!” It insisted. “I’m trying to help YOU here!”
And how is this helping me?
It...actually seemed to fumble for a moment.
“Aren’t you sick of eating raw meat and cat food? Isn’t it disgusting?”
Eh, it was hard to get used to at first, I’ll admit. But the nice thing about being a cat is that taste isn’t one of the senses high up on the scale of priority. I’ve only got like...a few hundred taste buds now compared to the thousands I had before, so it doesn’t really bother me. I do miss tasting sweet things though. But at least it means I don’t have to worry so much about how bad things taste.
“Aren’t you tired of having to hunt for food? I’ve seen you going after rats and bugs. Clearly you must be starving.”
Nope, the lady here feeds me pretty well. I just take out the mice to help her out.
It wilted. “But...the bugs?”
It’s actually kind of fun to hunt bugs. And they have this nice little crunch to them—
“Okay, okay, okay!” It interrupted quickly.
Was it was because it was grossed out by the conversation or because it secretly liked those things as well?
“Don’t. Just...don’t remind me.”
Huh, how strange for a demon. Honestly, it had been a cat, at least for a little while. It should know these things.
For that matter, it should also know more about humans in general and my life in particular if it had been following me for months.
“Look, let’s just switch back.” It implored. “I’ll stay in kitty form. You can go home and do...whatever with your life.”
I could.
“You can.”
But this is actually the closest thing I’ve had to a vacation in...like...years.
“You can’t be serious.”
“Listen to me you little shit!” It hissed out, its features turning significantly more sinister and...wow. Stop. I don’t think my face is supposed to look like that! “You are going to switch back with me or so help me—”
You’re supposed to be the powerful demon here. You stole my body before. If you really hate it so much, why don’t you just switch us again?
A pause followed. An unsettling long pause.
“I...can’t.” It muttered, unhappily.
“I took it by force. Which we can do.” It shrugged. “But no one’s ever just...switched back before! Not without permission.”
Sooo...you need my permission?
Maybe you should have thought of that BEFORE you stole my body, you creep.
“Oh come on!” It shouted. “Please! I can’t take this anymore. Your job is impossible, your family is insufferable, and this body keeps doing...things I don’t like to think about.”
Yeah, it does that.
“What would it take to switch back?” It demanded. “I can’t take it anymore!”
I’m not feeling particularly sympathetic to your needs right now.
“Do you want me to apologize? I’ll apologize!”
Would it be sincere? Or would it just be a manipulation tactic?
It hesitated.
Right. Enough said.
“It could be both!” It insisted.
And we’re done. Excuse me, I think I’ll be going back to my nap now.
“You know,” It said with a dark tone. “I could just kill your family. Then you’d go to prison. How would you like that?”
Hah. Good luck. Before I met you, I was still convinced they were hellspawn themselves.
Not to say that meeting you has actually changed that belief, to be honest. If even you can’t stand them, what does that say?
“I could kill them all and make it look like an accident. So you wouldn’t get in trouble when you returned.” It suggested instead and...wow...was it trying to bribe me now?
Knowing them, they’d be worse than any demon. And would take you out before you could do them in.
Nice try, though.
It glared fiercely at me but said nothing further. If I didn’t know better, I would say it was pouting.
Human expressions are one thing I miss. I’d be doing a long sigh right now.
You’ve lived my life for all of two months and already you can’t hack it. Imagine dealing with that...all of that. For year after year on end. Going to work at a high stress and low reward job. Dealing with people who look down on you regardless of how hard you work. Dealing with family members that either ignore you or act like they’re superior to you. Dealing with their rotten little children that they are incapable of disciplining even as they wreck your belongings for the sheer entertainment of it. Dealing with a body that’s slowly giving out on you regardless of what you do because you have to overwork it just to earn enough to keep it functioning.
And knowing that despite all the hardship, you still have another 30 plus years of that shit to go before you’ll get to enjoy...maybe 10 years of retirement before your body gives out?
Meanwhile, I have maybe another 10 years of kitty relaxation in this life.
Why would I want to give this up?
“Because you aren’t meant to be a cat!” It insisted.
I’m not. But somehow I am.
And whose fault is that?
It was...oh wow. I wasn’t imagining it! It was pouting.
Huh. Apparently it’s a demon that isn’t used to not getting its way.
And arguably, it was a good deal. Most horror movie leads would jump on a deal like this to “right the wrongs” done to them and return to their lives. Anyone would.
But would you look at the time? Gee, buddy. I’d love to help you out, but that sounds like an awful lot of work and there’s a nice patch of sunbeam that’s calling my name.
“Don’t you turn your back on me—”
And you may want to check yourself. People are starting to give you odd looks and you really don’t need folks to recognize you and question why you’re talking to yourself in public.
It glanced around nervously before lowering its voice. “You could try to help, you know!”
Well, I could. But y’know...cat.
It sputtered.
Clearly, it wasn't possible for cats to laugh. Otherwise I would be laughing myself to tears right now.
“I could disrupt this new little life of yours!” It hissed, turning to threats where pleas and bribes had failed. “The only reason you have it so good is because that old hag took pity on you.”
Let’s not forget that if you had your way, I’d have been euthanized by now and this would all be a moot point. So maybe you should be a little more grateful to that ”old hag”.
“So you do care about her.” It smirked. “But she’s old. Frail.”
It hummed, nonchalantly. Then it smirked, knowingly.
“She looks about ready to keel over at any day.”
And what good would it do you if she did? You need me to be willing, apparently, remember? I was already spiteful as hell when I was human. And everyone knows that cats are nothing but spite.
“We can see if you’d still have that attitude after a few months on the streets. After all, there’s always the chance she could have an...accident.”
Not a good idea. You have not seen that woman lug her purse around. I’m pretty sure that lady was a former heavyweight champion. She can carry four bags of cat food at once, she could probably bench press you while she’s at it.
And there’s no way I’d go back to a body after that.
It opened its mouth—my mouth?—into an expression of rage, and looked about ready to scream.
A loud noise cut it off before it could make a sound.
“There you are!”
Glancing over, it was the front door of the house. The screen door had been opened and on the other side stood a short old woman. Her hair was tied back into a bun. Her nose stuck out at a sharp angle, but it framed her wide if somewhat wrinkled face. She wore no glasses, but she was squinting so much that she looked like she could barely see.
That was her. My new “landlord”, so to speak.
“Jennifurr! Dinner’s ready!” 
It took a moment for the thing in my former body to realize she was talking to me. Cat me.
...oh. Did I mention that the Cat Lady had an awesome sense of humor?
Welp, that’s it then. Too bad, so sad. Looks like we’ll have to table this for another day. Maybe next year?
It gave a grunt of annoyance, but backed away. If nothing else, it wasn’t going to cause a scene here. More out of self preservation than anything. But it continued to glare at me, clearly indicating that this was not over.
I ignored it, going straight for the door as McGregor opened it to let me inside.
“There you are, dear! Everything all right?”
Eh, fine.
She placed a bowl with some cut up meat on the kitchen floor for me.
Oo. Chicken!
“Not too many pests, I hope.”
Only the one.
She continued making conversation as she milled about the kitchen. She does that often. Sometimes it even feels like she hears me.
I wasn’t lying. Not entirely, at least.
I miss being human. Parts of it, at least. The internet was great. I miss having hands that can type. And opposable thumbs. I miss my full taste buds. Some other things I can’t be bothered to think of right now.
But getting away from life does kind of help to put things in perspective.
I’ll go back though...eventually. Maybe.
What was that one meme? It seemed most fitting here.
Nope. I don’t wanna adult today.
Today, I will cat.
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Supernatural Diseases - Shifters
Note: Please message us if you plan on using these! We just want to coordinate to make sure there’s no doubling up at the same time.
Stuck Shift: For those who can shift at will, a stuck shift is when an individual is stuck between their two forms, which can be very painful and make it hard for the person to function. Generally resolves on its own with time, but there may be some lotions sold on Amity Road that can speed things up.
Chronic hairballs, obviously.
Apotheon: The balam suffers from the feeling that they are something divine that was broken into many pieces, and begins to exhibit deific delusions of grandeur and a sense of creeping loss. There isn’t a known cause to this condition, and it can be difficult for a balam to get out of this mindset. However, they can be shaken from it if something forces them to come to grips with their own mortality.
Toxoplasmosis magicii: A magical parasite much like the normal cat parasite, that is completely harmless to the jaguar form and can cause fever, body aches, swollen lymph nodes while a balam is in human form. This results in an increased desire to stay in the jaguar form for longer and longer periods. Can be treated with selkie slime.
Fear Toxicity: Fear begins to be toxic to the bugbear, usually derived from not feeding enough. Over time, the bugbear will grow gradually sicker as they continue to feed, and eventually they will be completely unable to feed on fear, leading to inevitable starvation. In the short term, this causes their illusion powers to not function properly, and in the long term it is deadly. Fortunately, there’s an easy enough cure -- receiving a nightmare from a mara.
Scare-bies: Caused by small, supernatural mites that burrow under the skin. They’re extremely itchy, and after a time, will even cause patches of hair to fall out in a bugbear’s bear form, giving them a mangey appearance. These mites can impair a bugbear’s ability to cast illusions, making it difficult -- even impossible -- for them to feed properly. Over time this can lead to starvation and even death. Fortunately, scare-bies can be treated by special ointment made from mara blood and grounded up yeth hound tentacles. This smothers the mites until they crawl out of the skin. It’s important that every bit of infected skin is covered by the ointment otherwise the infection will spread once more.
Ursus Mane: More unpleasant and awkward than anything else, Ursus Mane is caused by a virus that affects hair growth. In bear form, afflicted bugbears are completely hairless, leaving their skin vulnerable to the elements and anyone who would do them harm. In human form, these unfortunate bugbears are covered in a thick coat of bear hair, resembling the most extreme cases of hypertrichosis. This can be treated with the use of supernatural steroids that gradually return the hair to its rightful form.
Elemental Shifting: The kitsune will shift elements uncontrollably and without warning. This is particularly problematic not only to the kitsune but to others. i.e. A river kitsune suddenly with thunder powers would not know how to use their powers. The exact cause of the condition is not known, but it’s likely highly magical, and will typically resolve itself over time -- hopefully before something disastrously wrong happens.
Kitsunebi: Part of the mythological association between kitsune and will-o-wisps may stem from this relatively harmless ailment, wherein a kitsune who uses their powers very liberally may have will-o-wisps gravitate to their location. The wisps do not harm the kitsune, but it makes it hard to move inconspicuously. Refraining from using their magic for an extended period will cause the will-o-wisps to drift away over time. 
Inari’s Void: The kitsune’s fox-shaped shadow takes on a “mind of its own” and begins attacking people in range, possibly even leading to peoples’ deaths. On some level, the shadow may be acting out the kitsune’s worst impulses. This seems to be brought on randomly in places with large amounts of spiritual or magical energy, especially if the energy is corrupted in some way. The effects linger even once the kitsune leaves the location, but they will dissipate on their own over time. 
Medusa Trichoptilosis: The lamia begins to grow snakes on their head. They don't harm the lamia but could prove a nuisance, such as trying to bite a passerby. This condition may cause some sensory overload to the lamia as they’re now able to see, hear, and smell from multiple locations on their head, which can be disorienting. The snake heads must be painfully chopped off, and after the lamia’s next shed, all will be well.
Dysecdysis/Stuck Shed: If a lamia is not well-fed or exposes themselves to poor environmental conditions, they may have a hard time shedding their skin. This can cause the old skin to painfully adhere to the new one underneath, which looks pretty awful and is very uncomfortable for the lamia. Over time this corrects itself, but sometimes the new skin becomes somewhat damaged in the process.
Clogged Venom Glands: If a lamia doesn’t use their venom for too long, it may harden and clog inside of the gland. This is painful, and causes swelling in the face and neck. While the glands are swollen they can’t use their venom, and they may need some magical assistance to gradually free the glands. 
Sensory Inversus: Caused by a parasite, Sensory Inversus makes the senses of the selkie become acute above ground, and dulled underwater. This results in increased light sensitivity, whiskers growing in human form, and overly sensitive hearing in human form. Additionally, this makes it dangerous for the selkie to be in seal form, because those senses are needed underwater. Specific potions made of mermaid fins can treat it.
The Skin Crawls: Selkies start experiencing an intense desire to wear someone else’s skin, usually not another selkie’s. It starts as a subconscious off-hand thought, then slowly grows over time until it's all encompassing. The feeling will go as soon as the selkie puts on someone else’s skin (...After carefully peeling it off their victim who will likely die). The other treatment would be using the skin from a well-formed mermaid.
“Donkeyskin”: Caused by a fungal infection that can get into the pelt if not cared for properly, making it fit weird, and causing the limbs to not all transform properly. This can feel strange in the water, and makes the selkie look a little like a mutant seal monster. While not necessarily painful, it is irritating and a little itchy when interacting with the selkie goo. The infection can be treated by soaking the skin in a bath made from warm water and selkie mucus for 15-24 hours. Should it be left untreated, the damage to the skin will be left irreversible. 
Witherwings: Sirens must be particularly careful about selecting their prey, otherwise they may face consequences. Many normal humans and other supernatural individuals can be carriers for Witherwings, which has no presenting symptoms in non-siren individuals. However, once a siren has consumed an individual with the virus, they will experience fever, itching, and discover that their feathers will begin to fall out. If not treated soon enough, a siren can permanently lose their feathers. Treatment for Witherwings include topical oils with bits of crushed phoenix feather.
Omnitone: A strange phenomena can occur where sirens lose the ability to control their mesmerizing musical abilities. Instead of being able to actively turn on their powers, sirens will find they are enthralling people with their speaking voice and those under their power are prone to dangerous levels of obsession. Drinking lemon tea mixed with eintykára honey is the common practice of getting rid of this affliction.
Mushmouth: (Teeth horror tw) Particularly messy eaters in the siren community should be aware of Mushmouth, a very annoying but minor disease of the mouth. Similar to cavities, too much accumulated iron will cause siren teeth to begin to rot and even fall out. A diet of only fae (as they don’t have iron blood) can allow them to avoid this condition. Mushmouth is easily avoided by regular flossing, brushing of teeth, and general dental hygiene. Once afflicted, sirens must refrain from eating flesh and rinse nightly with a brine made with mermaid scales.
WereFleas: While werewolves may not be prone to dog fleas (the jury is out on that one) they do have their own flea species to worry about. If this mutant kind of flea bites a werewolf, an uncontrollable itch occurs. The fleas will live in the fur (or hair) of an individual and reproduce there, worsening the problem. If left untreated, this causes numbness in the areas of the bites. Strangely enough, this can be treated with regular dog/flea removal.
Úlfhéðnar: A rare disease stemming from wolfsbane consumption, the werewolf begins to feel the wolf within overshadowing their humanity, often getting the feeling that their human shape is ‘false’ or some fake skin they are ‘wearing.’ Their senses sharpen beyond the werewolf norm but animalistic behaviors, sometimes violent ones, begin to increasingly creep into their human life, and the onset can be quite rapid. This can go all the way to losing the capacity to understand human language, and walking on all fours. One of the better treatments for this is to proactively re-engage with human life, almost pushing away the wolf side as much as possible. This can be dangerous if the violent behaviors are already an issue, and may result in the werewolf losing touch with their wolf side around the full moon.
Osteolupinus: (Chronic illness tw) Wolves get afflicted with a joint and bone disorder which makes turning more painful than usual, and can result in imperfect transformations -- for example, the skin and musculature changing but not the bones, or vice versa. Not only is this painful, but it can inhibit movement, and can be an issue in either direction of the transformation. Can be treated by eating the bones of a bonedoggle, zombie, or banaspati.
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How to Take Care of your Pet’s Dental Health?
Pet’s dental hygiene is often overlooked by the owners. In fact, not many people feel that there is any need for pet dental hygiene in the first place. 
Well, similar to how dental issues can impact the overall health of humans, an unhealthy oral cavity can cause systemic infections in animals, too. 
So, here are some proactive ways of improving the oral hygiene of your four-legged babies.
1- Start a brushing regimen
Yes, brushing the pet’s teeth can be challenging. But with patience and plenty of treats, you can train your pets to enjoy or at least tolerate having their teeth brushed. 
Also, ensure to invest in pet-specific toothpaste because standard toothpaste contains ingredients that can prove toxic to dogs and cats. 
2- Invest in tartar-fighting chew toys and treats
Chewing is beneficial for pets because it creates friction along the gum line and helps to scrape the plaque off. So, invest in chew toys available at various Veterinary clinics in Calgary and pet stores.
Dental treats can also help in improving oral health by reducing plaque and tartar. 
3- Monitor the diet
Even though there is no perfect diet to follow, but what you give your pet to eat may have a huge role in overall dental health. For instance, if your pet suffers from plaque build-up, opt for formulated dry food. 
Work with your vet to create the right diet. 
Signing off
Besides following the above-mentioned tips, ensure to visit a veterinary clinic in Calgary for regular oral exams and annual professional cleaning.
To know more about Dog Behavioural Counseling in Calgary please visit our website: southpointepethospital.ca
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puppyexpressions · 4 years
The Dangers Lurking in Your Halloween Candy
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We all know that candy isn’t good for us – added sugar has become public enemy #1 from a health perspective in recent years. Even knowing this, however, there are few of us who can resist sneaking a piece of two from our kids’ loot or the supply that we’ve bought to give out to neighborhood kids. Our pets often have similar thoughts, but for them candy can present dangers well above concerns with cavities or too much sugar.
Here are the most dangerous treats in your bowl, pillowcase, or pumpkin this holiday:
Chocolate – Understandably, dogs (and occasionally cats) love chocolate! How dangerous chocolate is depends on the type, size of pet, and how much is eaten. A large dog can eat a few of the typical “Fun Size” candy bars that contain milk chocolate along with nuts, nougat, caramel, etc. and may be fine other than some minor GI upset. However, even small amounts of dark chocolate can be dangerous, particularly for a small pet. Besides the high fat level, chocolate also contains compounds called methylxanthines that can cause gastrointestinal upset, hyperactivity, tremors, rapid breathing and dangerously increased heart rates in animals. You can use this calculator to estimate how likely it is that a toxic dose has been eaten. Keep all chocolate away from your pets and if they do accidentally eat an amount that could be toxic, contact your veterinarian right away.
Raisins – Some people may give out plain raisins, chocolate covered raisins (double whammy!), or trail mix instead of candy. Unlike chocolate where we can estimate the danger based on the amount eaten, researchers still don’t have a good idea of how many raisins are needed to be toxic in dogs. While some dogs seem to suffer no ill effects, others can get deathly ill after eating only a couple. Raisin (and grape) toxicity can cause life-threatening kidney failure in dogs – you should immediately take your dog to a veterinary hospital if you know or suspect that they have eaten raisins or grapes.
Xylitol – This popular low-calorie sweetener is widely found in sugar-free gum and other sugar-free candies and baked goods (as well as drink mixes, human dental products, and a variety of other foods and household products). Consumption of foods that contain xylitol can cause dangerous drops in blood sugar in dogs and in the most serious cases can cause liver failure. All pets that consume xylitol should be hospitalized for monitoring and supportive care.
Keep in mind that even if your pet doesn’t eat any candy with toxic ingredients, they may still be at risk from the wrappers, sticks, etc. getting stuck or causing irritation in their gastrointestinal tract.
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xfangheartx · 5 years
For those of you looking to get your InuKag Family Fluff fix, look no further!
I just had this in the works today and I figured I might as well put it up for all to enjoy. Hope you like it!
Tagging: @keichanz​ @cstorm86​ @hnnwnchstr​ @shinidamachu​ @digital-art-monster​ @clearwillow​ @lavendertwilight89​ @mozart-the-meerkitten​ @meggz0rz​ @noviceotakus-blog​ @sailorbabydoll92​ @juliatheanimelover7​ @zelink-inukag​ and whoever else! Enjoy!
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 "Kids! Time to get ready for bed!"
 This call came from Kagome, who stood on the back porch of the house. It was just about twilight time when she came outside to bring in her younger son and daughter, who were outside playing in the backyard. Naturally, Yamako and Sanka groaned in disdain, as all young children do when they didn't want to go to bed.
 "It's not fair, Mom!" Yamako whined. "We're not even tired!"
 "Yeah, can't we stay up a little more, like Ichi gets to?" asked Sanka. "Pretty please?"
 "You kids heard your mother," Inuyasha spoke up while holding little Izayoi in his arms, the toddler blinking sleepily as she lied against her daddy's shoulder. "Bed. Besides, you have school tomorrow."
 With a huff, Yamako and Sanka both headed inside while Inuyasha sighed and shook his head.
 "I have no idea where they get this attitude from," he muttered, causing Kagome to glance at him, incredulously, which he noticed from his peripheral eye. "What?"
 "Nothing," Kagome replied with a roll of her eyes as she headed inside, as well.
 They say that bath time was supposed to be a time to relax and reflect on the day's events...not with Inuyasha and Kagome's kids, it wasn't.
 As soon as Ichiro was done with his shower and got out of the bathroom, things went crazy right away. Yamako and Sanka were splashing each other in the tub and they even splashed Kagome, a little bit. In spite of herself, however, she couldn't help laughing at how much fun they were having. Of course, she eventually had to put an end to it because for one thing, it was getting late, and for another, she didn't want another incident where someone accidentally splashed bubbles into somebody's eyes, again.
 After that, it was the twins' turn. Izayoi pretty much sat still in the tub while Inuyasha washed her. It was Usagi who always had trouble sitting still and not splash about in the tub. It actually came to a point where Kagome had to come in and wash the younger of the twins in a separate tub of her own.
 Once bath time was over, the water was mopped up from the floor, and the kids were all dressed up in their PJs, it was time to brush their teeth.
 "How come we all have to brush our teeth, anyway?" asked Yamako as he wore his favorite Iron Man PJs and held his green toothbrush.
 "Because if you don't, your grownup teeth aren't gonna be strong enough to stay in your mouth," Kagome answered as she got Izayoi all dressed up in her purple onesie. "You don't wanna get a cavity like your brother did, last week."
 "Which cost a fortune, by the way," Inuyasha spoke up while brushing Izayoi's hair.
 "Since when was my dental hygiene part of the conversation?" Ichiro asked as he walked in, wearing just a plain white T-shirt and dark blue boxers, a scowl of irritation on his face.
 "Oh, Ichi, hush," Kagome chided while Sanka, who was wearing her Hello Kitty PJs, giggled teasingly at her oldest brother.
 "Watch it, missy," Ichiro glared, even though he had this grin on his face that showed that he was just teasing, too, which caused the family to laugh a bit.
 Soon, with teeth brushed, hair brushed, pajamas and other manner of bed clothing on, and any other bathroom business is taken care of (Inuyasha expressly that even if they no needed to go, they had to go anyway to avoid accidents in bed), Yamako and Sanka were soon in their room, climbing into their beds. Yamako laughed as he bounced up and down on his mattress while making airplane noises, which made his sisters giggle as they watched him.
 "Hey, come on, now," said Inuyasha as he walked in. "It's bedtime, not airplane time."
 "Aww, come on, Dad!" Yamako complained. "We're not tired, yet!"
 "Daddy, can we have a story?" Sanka asked.
 "Okay, let's see," Inuyasha replied as he went over to the bookshelf, trying to see what story he should read. "Hmm...no, read that one last night...uh...oh!" He then pulled out a storybook from the shelf. "Here we go! I don't think I read this one to you guys, yet."
 Soon, he was sitting in between Yamako and Sanka as he read them the story of a demon who fell in love with a princess and how he protected her from evil demons who wanted to eat her.
 "This kinda sounds like you and Mommy, Daddy," Sanka pointed out.
 "It kinda does, huh?" Inuyasha inquired as he looked down at the book and continued to read. With every page and every detail he narrated, he made the story sound as if he had lived through it, causing his kids to watch him, hooked on every word he said. Even Ichiro was listening in, leaning against the doorframe while Riki sat behind him, wagging his tail with pricked ears alert and pointed toward Inuyasha. Kagome smiled as she held the twins in her arms.
 Soon, the story ended with the demon and the princess living happily ever after in their castle after they both defeated the evil warlord.
 "I like this story," said Sanka.
 "Oh, yeah?" Inuyasha asked. "Why's that?"
 "Because the demon and the princess got married," Sanka replied. "Just like you and Mommy."
 "Didn't you save Mom from some crazy guy, a long time ago?" asked Yamako. "What was his name, again?"
 "It doesn't matter," Inuyasha replied. "All you kids need to know is that your mother and I earned our happily ever after."
 Kagome smiled at her husband, who glanced over at her and winked, which caused her to giggle in that warm, bubbly way that he loved so much.
 Once the story was over, the kids were in bed, all tucked under the covers...and just as a precautionary measure, Kagome turned on the nightlight next to Yamako's bed, then planted a gentle kiss on his forehead.
 "Goodnight, honey," Kagome whispered.
 "Goodnight, Mom," Yamako replied as he nestled under the covers, just as his mother went over to give Sanka a little hug and a kiss, then gave the girl her plush kitty.
 "Goodnight, Mommy," Sanka said with a tired little yawn.
 "Nighty-night, bug," Kagome whispered as she soon turned off the light and walked out of the room, leaving the door open just a crack. After that, she went to take a quick peek into Ichiro's room. Somewhere among the piles of dirty clothes on the floor and the discarded cups of instant ramen on his desk, she could see her teenage son lying strewn on his bed, already fast asleep with his stomach exposed. A pool of drool formed on his pillow from his gaping mouth, from which emerged a loud snore. Riki was lying beside him, legs twitching in his slumber as the dog dreamed of chasing the cat that belonged to the neighbors next door.
 Kagome could only chuckle in amusement before whispering "Goodnight, Ichi", then closing his bedroom door.
 As she entered the hallway, she found Inuyasha walking out of the twins' room, having just finished tucking them in, himself.
 "Izzy and Usa are asleep," he whispered.
 "I'm surprised Usagi even got to sleep," Kagome said. "You know how restless she can be."
 "Tell me about it," Inuyasha replied before he gave her a fang-showing grin. "So...downstairs? On the couch? Maybe a movie?"
 Kagome chuckled before she soon turned and headed down the stairs, and Inuyasha followed after her.
 After a while, they were sitting in the living room, Inuyasha sitting on the right side of the couch while Kagome sat in his lap, her head resting on his chest, which gave off a low rumble that caused her to exhale softly through her nose. They were watching Beauty and the Beast: Diamond Edition on Blu-Ray and had just gotten to the part where Belle and the Beast were about to dance together.
 As the movie went on, Kagome turned her gaze up to Inuyasha, who glanced down at her with those smoldering golden yellow eyes of his and he couldn't help but smirk as he looked at her.
 "What's up?" he asked.
 "...Nothing," Kagome answered. "Just thinking about how much I love the kids...and you."
 Inuyasha's eyes softened before he cupped his beautiful wife's chin and tilted it up at just the perfect angle...then he captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Kagome moaned softly as she found herself pinned against the couch, her body grinding up against her husband's...
 And as for the rest...well...let's just say that their bed was going to be empty that night.
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Bet you weren’t expecting that, now were ya? 😉
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