#How to File Bankruptcy in Las Vega
xmalereader · 2 years
Simon Riley X Tall! Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Authors note: I caved into this request even though I wasn’t accepting any but couldn’t help but get it done. I tried to give it batman and catwomen vibes but failed miserably. ( ̄∀ ̄) anyways, enjoy this shot that I didn’t really try my best on but did what I could to get the story going.
Request: Ghost X Tall! Male Reader that can speak Spanish (it's hella sexy) and tries to teach Ghost some too...
Warnings: Fluff, Spanish language, flirting, masked reader, tall reader, missions, hacker, pas memories, learning, ghost falls for reader, mentions of Alejandro’s past, language, semi short shot, code name: rouge.
Word count: 3.2k
Tags: @guardkeywolf
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Laswell had a mission for the a team, fairly simple but also risky. She thought the process would be a lot faster than she thought but instead took notice that the mission she needed to complete was going to be a lot harder than she thought and needed all the help that she could get. She didn’t need strong men but intelligence and the last intelligent person they had was Graves until the betrayal. His skills would’ve come in handy if he didn’t betray them along with Shepard. She instead had to look for an alternate route, one that she felt hesitant to use.
When she arrived in base she was able to get everyone to meet her, standing around a table as the gives everyone a nod of greeting before starting. “Thank you for accepting my offer, I’ve been tracking down Finch for years and had a hard time tracking him until now.” She holds out a folder and sets it in front of everyone, opening and showing them a picture of their target. “Finch operates in Money Laundering. He’s in charge of cleaning the money in order for it to be used and harder to trace.” She explains, setting out the file. “He helps big leaders, gangs, drug dealers, cartels—whoever the hell he can get in contact with, he will work for them. If we can get him then we can get all the intel that we need from people he might know. Target must come back alive.” Her last weird date stern and serious, she couldn’t lose this man nor can she risk getting him killed.
“Very well,” Price is the first to speak up. “How do you want to do this?”
Laswell nods. “Finch will be arriving to a casino in Las Vegas—good place to deal with money when their are so many people around gambling for it. You’ll all need to be undercover, blend in with the crowd and find a way to keep his guards away from him.” She explains, pointing at a few pictures of Finch’s guards that followed him everywhere he went. “Here’s the tricky part, he has total control of surveillance. If he takes notice of anything then it’s over for us.”
“So, how do we get through without getting caught by cameras?” Soap is the one to ask this time, raising a brow at her as she softly grins at the man. “I know someone who can help us.” She digs into her bag and pulls out another folder, showing the boys before sliding it over to Price first, who takes the folder and reads through it.
“He goes by Rouge—slippery bastard but will help us. He’s a hacker, can easily slip in out of anything.” She stands up straight and crossed her arms over her chest as she watched them carefully, passing the folder to each other as they read through the information and background. “He first hacked into the pentagon at the age of twelve, later at the age of fourteen he would hack into many wealthy companies and steal their personal information along with selling it. The kid got 5 companies to file for bankruptcy and nearly a hundred people were arrested for illegal information.”
Ghost takes the file next, eyes scanning the information as they land on a small picture clicked on the corner, his eyes narrowing as he takes in the other man’s features. Before he could hand the folder back to Laswell she speaks up fast. “Ghost, your mission is to keep a close eye on him and to protect him at all costs.” She refers to the hacker.
Ghost grunts, setting the folder down on the table. “Does he know how to use a gun?” He wants to make sure that the kid could at least defend himself or know how to fight. “He can handle a gun.” Laswell smiles back at ghost before she looks at everyone else. “Very well, he will be arriving tomorrow. Be prepared.” She instructed before giving them one last nod and leaving the room, giving them time to get ready for their new mission.
Simon wasn’t too happy that he’d have to sit back and take care of a new recruit. He wasn’t one to babysit rookies but Laswell had pulled him aside after their meeting and told him that their hacker was a slippery one and loved to escape their grip. The kid was smart and could easily steal millions without anyone noticing. Simon questioned himself as to why they haven’t arrested the rookie or perhaps kept a close eye on him? He wasn’t given a reason and he’d rather not ask why. Simon stayed back at base to wait for the hackers arrival while the others got ready, it was until Soap came out to join him when he asked. “Think the new guy knows what he’s doing?”
Simon sighs deeply and shrugs. “Not sure, let’s hope he doesn’t mess up our mission.” He wouldn’t want to deal with the rookies mess if he were to create one for himself. Both him and Soap watched as a plane comes down, landing near them as the two stood back and watched, the door slide open. The first thing the two men took notice of their new teammate was his height, he was around the same height as ghost, perhaps slightly taller by a few inches but he didn’t seem too intimidate. In fact, the new rookie wore all black with a case in hand, grinning at the two as he approached them. “Gentleman.” His voice was soft but also filled with a teasing tone, ghost knew he wasn’t going to like him.
Soap was the first to speak up. “Good to see ya! I’m soap, you’re the one they call rouge?” He questions. While the other nods. “Some call me Rouge others call me Fox.” He suddenly says, giving soaps hand a shake and eyeing Ghost up and down before focusing back to soap. “Fox?”
“You’ll know when you see my work.” Rouge answers, hand on his hip as he looks over his shoulder to see the other team members exiting the building. The first thing rouge does when the rest of the group approaches is pull Alejandro into a hug while the other laughs and slaps his hand against his shoulder. “Look at you! Portándote bien?”
“Como no?”
The two laugh at each other before pulling away. Simon glanced at the two, obviously knowing that the two had some sort of connection to each other but what surprised ghost the most was that the rookie spoke Spanish. He didn’t sound like he was learning, more like he was raised with it as a slight accent is hard in his words.
“It’s been too long, causing trouble again?” Alejandro added while Y/n smiles widely at his old friend. “I’m always causing trouble, because of my trouble I’m here to help you boys. Laswell caught me up on everything and thinks I can help with getting your guy.” He waves his case around, showing them his tools. “Good, we need someone like you.” Alejandro chuckles, giving the other a large smile.
“Good, now.” Price speaks up from the group. “Laswell already gave us the plans, let’s get ready and start heading out. Ghost—you and rouge should head down to the casino first, get in and find a safe place to stay hidden while Rouge does his own magic.”
Rouge smirks. “Si, Señor.”
That gets everyone moving, separating into different vehicles that they plan to take to Vegas. Rouge follows ghost towards their own car, getting up front as he sets his case on his lap, smiling softly to himself as ghost sighs deeply. “Let’s get this done quickly.” He states, starting the car up and driving away from base while Rouge opens his case and pulls out his laptop.
He flips it open and tries away, chewing on his lip as he focused on getting through the building and perhaps a map of the building. Ghost would glance over to him every few seconds before asking. “What are you doing?”
“I’m checking for a blind spot.” He mutters out, tilting his head to the side. “Hm, the bathroom is one but it’ll be too crowded—too many people will come and go. Perhaps the security room?”
“Too dangerous—we can’t get anyone else involved into our mission.”
“Fine.” He continues to check for any other blind spots, scanning the floor and frowning. “We can do the roof.” He points out. “There’s a skylight on the casino, big enough for us to stay hidden and no cameras up there. If their are guards then we simply take them down and I’ll be able to work on peace. No one will get in our way and I have a clear view of the floor below me.” He explains, showing Ghost his laptop and an image of the skylight.
Ghost only gives it a glance before agreeing to the idea. The other man smiles softly and returns back to typing as he checks for any other alternates in case the skylight doesn’t, jumping softly to himself as he mumbled under his breath. “Todavía no.” He sighs to himself before closing his laptop and slipping it back inside the case. Ghost side eyes him before focusing back on the road, his hand gripping the steering wheel and asks.
“How do you and Alejandro know each other?”
Rouge hums. “Oh? Estas curioso?” He raises a brow.
Rouge laughs at his response, throwing his head back and smiling widely. “I helped me with some personal matters, we tend to get in debt with each other.” He doesn’t provide much detail about their relationship, keeping it a secret from him. He didn’t need to tell Ghost further details about his own personal life, it was dangerous and could get him caught if he were to do anything that was considered illegal. He’d rather be safe and not spread too much information about himself which is why his file was so small when Laswell presented it to the boys, only giving his code name along with his skills. The rest was either a mystery to everyone or perhaps a lie in order to keep his identity hidden.
“I’m guessing this personal matter was something illegal.” Ghost decides to speak up again, pulling rouge out of his thoughts as he turns to face the other. He shakes his head in response to ghosts statement. “It wasn’t bad, I was simply helping a friend.” He shrugs his shoulders. “Alejandro did teach me a few things—“ he laughs. “His mother taught me Spanish, she’d force me to speak it when I’m around her and I learned to speak it fluently. She’d also get pissed when Alejandro taught me how to swear around her.” It was a fond memory that he treasured. The sound of an elderly women cussing out her son as she waved a wooden spoon while chasing him around. The women may be old in age but she still had some stamina in her when it came towards disciplining her children.
“I’m trying to learn—been getting dragged around a lot in Mexico and had grown to the language.” Ghost admits.
This gets rouges attention. “Really? Perhaps I can teach you along the way.” He offers, sitting up in his seat and thinks. “You can understand it?”
“A little.”
“Perfect, how about I just speak it every once an awhile before switching back to English. I heard that it helps.”
Ghost thinks about the idea before agreeing with the other man. He’s been around the others for awhile that he’s grown to know a few Spanish words that were repeated around frequently. He understands the language but can’t speak it. In truth, he only asked to learn since he enjoyed the sound of the other man’s voice whenever he spoke the language, soft and seductive and it lured ghost to the man.
“Muy bien—“ Rouge checks the watch on his wrist. “En dos horas llegamos a Las Vegas. Once we get there I’ll make sure that we get inside undetected and onto the roof while the others get ready for tonight.” Rouge had seen the others disguise and how they had to blend in with the other guards or as civilians who were coming in to gamble while both he and ghost remained on the roof.
“You don’t wear a vest.” Ghost suddenly points out since he was wearing all black and some leather gloves sticking out of his pocket.
“Don’t need it, el disfraz que yo tengo puesto es suficiente.” Rouge blended well in the shadows, staying hidden from the publics eyes. He could get the job done and escape without leaving a trace of himself behind. He made sure to make no mistakes when on the job.
When they arrived to the casino they made sure to park in the back, waiting quietly as they watched the others enter the casino. The streets of Vegas were full, everyone either drinking or spending their money while they gamble. Rouge wasn’t one for parties but he didn’t mind gambling for some money or just taking money from the rich.
Looking through his scope he watched as the group got inside, signaling that it was there turn to move. Rouge puts his scope away and turns to ghost. “Listo?” He asks and gets a nod in response. Rouge grins, slipping on his own face mask to cover up the bottom half of his face, holding his case close as the two step out of the car and into the dark alleyways. The streets were dark and everyone was too intoxicated to take notice of the two of them as they climbed onto the roof top.
Rouge is the first to reach the top, hiding in the dark as he checks for any guards. “Esta seguro.” He whispers to ghost who followed after him. The two moving low and quiet as they reach the skylight, below them is the casino and gives them both a good view of the entire place. He smiles under his own mask and turns to ghost, leaning close to the other man as he whispers near his ear.
“Keep an eye out, yo hago lo demás.”
His words cause a shiver to run down ghosts spine as he watched Rouge sit near the skylight and open his case, pulling out his laptop and hacking into security. “Child’s play.” Rouge scoffs, easily getting into the security and getting access to all cameras and security numbers. “Ya entre.” He shows his laptop to ghost, showing him the surveillance footage.
Ghost raised his brows, impressed by his work. “Didn’t think it would be that easy.”
“no siempre es fácil.”
Ghost holds his gun in hand, ready for anything. “Para ti si es.” His Spanish is a little choppy and with a hint of his accent. His sudden words surprise Rouge who's eyes widen as he chuckles, clapping his hands twice. “Mirate! Ya andas aprendiendo, mi fantasma.”
Ghosts face heats up at his last words. He coughs and clears his throat, focusing back on the mission as Rouge worked on the cameras. He sat on the floor, leaning against the wall and focused on the computer in-front of him. “You know—this guy your getting why not get him when he’s alone? He’s been around many places without guards but you pick the casino out of all places.”
“We need to make sure that we catch him in the act when he launders money. Who knows what else he’s doing.”
Rouge frowns deeply under his mask. “Yeah, who knows.” His eyes cast down, staring down at the casino and watched people gamble. He watched the rich gamble away their money that they had no need for. He’s seen the way they’ve handled their money, too much to us that instead of giving it to those in need they become selfish and keep it for themselves. He sighs deeply and turns back to the cameras and takes notice of their target while the boys made a move to get him. Rouge sets his laptop to the side and comes to a stand, getting ghosts attention. “Mi haces un favor?”
“What is it?”
Rouge moves past him, going around the skylight. “Can you stand here and keep an eye from here? I took notice of a few escape routes for our target and in case he takes one I want to make sure that you take notice.”
“Wouldn’t the cameras show you?”
“Their blind spots and I wouldn’t be able to see.” He responds back and watched as ghost walks over to him, standing in a new area while rouge grins under his mask. “Gracias.” He stood close to ghost as he whispered his gratitude to him. Ghost tries to focus on his task while Rouge goes back to his laptop on the other side of the skylight, picking it up and typing away as he listens to the comms.
He looks down below at the casino. “And…lights out.” He pressed a key on his laptop as the lights go dark and the room goes into chaos as everyone panics while the guards grow cautious of the lights going out. Their comms go off while ghost grows confused.
“Soap, do you copy? What’s going on down there!” He shouts into his comm but gets no response, he can hear them but they can’t hear him. “What—?” He looks up to see rouge by the edge of the roof, mask removed as he gives ghost a Cheshire grin. “Adois, mi fantasma.” He gives him a wink and jumps off the building, disappearing into the crowded streets blow a ghost cursed under his breath.
He checks his vest to see that his comm was turned off, he’d thought he had it one this whole time. He’s quick to turn the comms back on and quickly gets in touch with the others.
“Ghost, how copy? Dammit ghost are you there?” He hears Soap call for him.
He turns to his comm and glared, before he can respond back the lights are back on in the casino. He growls in anger. “Copy, rouge escaped.” Laswell had warned him.
“Hijo de puta.” He hears Alejandro sigh out in frustration through the comms. “Did we get finch?” Ghost asks the real important question, wanting to make sure that their target was alive.
“No, he escaped.” Said Soap.
Ghost huffs angrily, making his way towards the edge of the roof and to make his way down. Once he reaches the bottom of the steps he finds the car still in the same place, meaning that rouge had escaped by foot. He walks up to the car and pulls the door open, supposed to see Finch tied up and gagged on the passenger seat. The man is unconscious and with a note stuck to its forehead.
Ghost rounds the car and opens the door, removing the note and reading it to himself.
“Para mi fantasma.” 
Ghost laughs, shaking his head as he comms the others and let’s them know that their target was secure and alive. He ignored their questions of disbelief through the comms and focused back on the note in his gloved hand. “Fucking hell.”
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annaphoenix1994 · 1 year
Ch.123 - Calling Your Bluff
Previous Chapter - Masterlist 1; Masterlist 2 - Next Chapter
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Kiera succeeds in making another jab at Jenkins; Jenkins then tries to compose a plan of his own.
“I only see one legitimate bank on this proposal sheet.” Kiera said, looking at the PDF files she had downloaded onto her laptop while bouncing Evie on her right knee as Natalie sat the glass of iced coffee she had made for them next to her before taking the seat close by.”
“Chase and Mountain Trust won’t go near him,” Natalie snickered, removing her jacket and splaying it across the back of her chair. “He had a bankruptcy in ’05.”
“What a fuckin’ hack,” She scoffed lowly, mentally scolding herself for breaking her own ‘no cursing’ rule. “Who’s Truist Capital?”
“AC firm out of Las Vegas.”
“Ah huh, so that’s how he does it. Dumb money out in Las Vegas, which is an endless supply.”
“Evidently not,” Natalie shook her head. “Look at his credit on the next file.”
“He has two mortagesag on his house?” Kiera arched her brow. “Natalie, this guy has leveraged everything. Every penny is tied up into this development. Moving the river really hurt him.”
“Look at file four.”
“He’s trading on the OTCC? I am not that lucky,” She hummed mischievously. “It’s at three dollars a share. I’m going to be on his board by Friday.”
“Aren’t you glad I brought the work to you?” Natalie chuckled.
“Ecstatic,” Kiera scoffed. “Now I just need to worry about this,” She continued, passing the file she had received from the courthouse towards Natalie. “He’s trying to file a lawsuit against me for moving my own river.”
“I’ll see what I can do about this.” She nodded, glancing over the papers.
“In the meantime, we should get down to the office. I have some things I need to pick up in town anyway,” Kiera explained, standing to her feet. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to go change her diaper.”
“I’ll be right here,” She smiled, nearly jumping out of her skin when she felt her phone vibrating against her thigh. “I’m going to step outside real fast. I’m getting a call.”
“Mountain man,” She giggled, answering the phone once she stepped outside onto the porch. “Missing the desert yet?”
“I need your help.”
“Must’ve stirred up quite the fight.”
“When can you be here?”
“I’m working right now—”
“About what we discussed yesterday?”
“Yes. We’ll be in the office later.”
“Find a way to get out of her reach for a while. I have a meeting at four o’clock and need you sitting in on it.”
“Send Harmon to fill in—”
“No, I’ll send Harmon to take over your spot with her. I need you here. Big things need to be discussed and I’m not going to have that man filling in for you. I’m paying for the best of the best and he’s nowhere near on my radar.”
“I understand, so this is a “holy shit, drop everything” request?” She giggled.
“I’m talking the Armageddon rate.”
“Okay, well we’re going to run into town. Have Harmon waiting on me at the office. She’ll believe it.”
“She will, because I’ve been paying him to tend to her hand and foot when she’s there,” He replied sternly. “This is all going to plan. When you can, get me copies of the papers that were served on her. I need every ounce of information I can get.”
“I’ll gladly help you with that. I’m at her house now – need anything while I’m here?”
“Everything I can find.”
“Well, what I can tell you is that her husband served in the British S.A.S, two kids of their own, one adopted—”
“S.A.S? Military?”
“Certified badass if you need it simplified,” She breathed. “I can make him a target of my own if you know what I mean?”
“I can see a cheating scandal in his future,” He chuckled. “It’ll weaken her. That’s what I want. The ranch is in both their names. Weaken them and it’ll make this easier—”
“I have to go. I’ll fill you in later, okay?”
“See you soon.”
“Likewise, Phil.”
What Natalie didn’t know, Kiera had heard the entire conversation from the other side of the door, taking this as not only the perfect opportunity to derail the thundering train, but turn the tables on Jenkins himself by ruining his plan to weaken her family to its roots. With quiet steps, she made her way back towards the nursery to make it look like she had just finished up changing the infant who was growing closer to the toddler stage every day. “We ready to hit the road?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Natalie nodded, her poker face beaming boldly, completely unaware that Kiera saw through her as if she were glass. “We’ll take my car.”
“Aren't company cars just great?” Kiera smiled. I fucking can’t wait to take you and your boss down.
After the quick errand was over, Kiera and Natalie made it to the office in town where she could continue composing a plan with additional resources she would need. Knowing the information she overheard, she had another idea up her sleeve to hit to grab the bull by the horns. “Kiera?” Natalie chimed from Kiera’s office door.
“Come in,” She nodded. “Any luck?”
“Not yet, but I’m working on it,” Natalie replied with yet another fake smile that Kiera could see through. “My chief executive is hosting a meeting at four o’clock.”
“I didn’t have a meeting scheduled for today at four?” She scoffed, purposely sounding unaware of the situation.
“Not your chief executive, Mrs. Riley,” She giggled. “Mine.”
“Hm, didn’t think assistants had a chief executive…” Kiera replied with an arch of her brow. I’m so good at calling your bluff, please keep feeding me bullshit.
She watched as Natalie gulped out of nervousness, “I-I lied, I’m sorry. My dad is in town and wanted to have dinner—”
“You know how important honesty is to me, Natalie,” She arched her brow. “But I understand. You can go ahead and go.”
“Thank you.”
“I’ll have Simon come and pick me up after I’m done working—”
“I have Harmon on standby just in case you need to get somewhere during your shift.”
“Actually, that’ll be perfect,” She smiled. “I might need him. Keep him closeby.”
“Will do,” Natalie nodded. “Thank you. I’ll let you know what I find out.”
“I’m sure you will.”
Kiera watched with a grin before leaning back in her chair to look over at Evie who was in the highchair Kiera had delivered to the office, smiling at her daughter before saying, “Today is going to be so much fun, sweetheart.”
The baby looked at her with her mouth agape, a steady strand of drool leaving the crook of her bottom lip before babbling.
“Ma-Ma,” Kiera encouraged, seeing that Evie was trying to enhance her communication with her mother. “There you go. Say Ma-Ma!”
Kiera gasped with excitement before removing her phone from her purse, aiming the camera towards Evie before repeating the same encouragement, “Evie, say Ma-Ma again! Your daddy is going to hear your first word with me!” She encouraged, seeing a black screen on the top right corner of hers, seeing that Simon was still showing his hate for FaceTime. “Simon, look at me.” She giggled.
“You know I hate FaceTime,” He breathed a chuckle. “I can still see you, though.”
“Fine, I guess I’ll just send you a video of your daughter saying her first word instead of hearing it as it happens—”
“No fucking way!” He replied, instantly adjusting the camera on his desk so that Kiera could see him. “She didn’t just say her first word, did she?”
“See for yourself,” She replied, aiming the camera to where Simon could only see Evie’s adorable and chubby face. “Sweetheart, say exactly what you just said to mommy. Ma-Ma.”
Evie’s eyes widened at the sound of her father’s voice, “Mm-dhgth—”
“There you go, sweetheart!” Kiera encouraged. “Say Ma-Ma!”
“She’s just babbling, love.” Simon teased, delusional at the fact that he knew Evie was about to say Ma-Ma instead of Da-Da like he wished.
“Did you not clean out your ears?” She teased. “Delusional, babe.”
Kiera looked at the screen after hearing Simon’s chair squeak from readjusting himself, propping his forearm on his desk as he peered closer, carefully watching his daughter’s lips form into shapes as she was trying to speak, his gaze sharp as he was determined to hear her first words being Da-Da. Go on, say it, little lass! He encouraged mentally.
“What was that?” Kiera continued to encourage to her daughter.
Kiera nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of Simon’s laugh from the other side of the phone. “I wish I would’ve put money on what word she’d say first!”
“She didn’t say it.” Kiera shook her head.
“I heard it as clear as day, love. Now who’s being delusional?” He poked.
Evie smiled when she continuously heard Simon’s voice, “Da…d-da.”
Simon was so excited, having quickly figuring out how to screen record before Evie said it again, ensuring he backed up his phone to reassure himself that the video would stay in his storage forever. “That made my day!”
He smirked when he saw the look of disappointment on his wife’s face, “I swear she almost said Ma-Ma first.”
“Uh huh, don’t be jealous that our daughter’s first word was addressing me.”
“I’m not.”
“You must think I don’t know my own wife, love. You’re pouting. Need me to come and get her so you can pout in peace?” He teased.
“No, mom is going to come and have lunch with me and she’s been begging me to let her take Evie to her weekly brunch with Suzanne.”
“You mean weekly gossip session?” Simon arched his brow.
“Pretty much. How’s Jacob?”
“The lad is scaring me. He’s been quiet all morning then suddenly had a temper tantrum before I went to lunch. I get him calmed down and offered him a bottle and he took to it like he hadn’t had one since the day he was born.” He chuckled.
“He’ll grow out of that.”
“I hope so. I think he had a bad dream or something. It was just that sudden – he woke up out of a dead sleep and started crying.”
“Sounds like it.”
Their conversation was soon interrupted by the sound of Simon’s radio going off, “Lieutenant Riley?” His Chief announced.
“I need you in the briefing room.”
“Yes, sir.”
“It’s just a meeting, don’t worry.” His Chief snickered, sensing the tone of dread in Simon’s voice.
“Love, I gotta go. I’ll talk to you soon, yeah?”
“Okay, babe.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Harmon? Bring the car around, please.” Kiera hummed with a warm smile from the table she and her mother shared at the café.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“You have a driver now?” Eva arched her brow, resting her cheek lovingly against the top of Evie’s head.
“It’s quite nice. Not having to use my behemoth of a vehicle to get around is easy to get used to. Not using my own money for gas and just snapping my fingers and telling them a location to take me to.”
“Ultimate princess treatment, sweetheart.” She giggled.
“Far from that, momma. I’ve got some big plans and this is just helping me along with the process.”
“I know that look. I’d prefer to not know.”
“That’s a good choice, momma.”
Eva smiled as she shook her head, “Your father definitely raised you to get your hands dirty.”
“That he did. It’s how I’m going to protect our ranch.”
“I don’t doubt it, sweetheart. Although we don’t have a worry about anything, right?”
Kiera forced an assuring smile, “Right. My job is to make sure.”
“I trust you’ll make the right decision. You always do.”
“I will. Well, I better get back to work. I’m aiming to be home before dusk.”
“Please do. I’m making dinner tonight and I’d love for you and Simon to join me. The house is getting to be too big for just little old me.” She encouraged, pulling Kiera in for a warm hug before kissing her cheek.
“I’ll see you at dinner, momma.”
“I love you, sweetheart. I’ll be sure to spoil the heck out of her for you.” She giggled, referring to her granddaughter.
“Oh, I don’t doubt it.”
When Kiera watched her mother leave with Evie, she stood on the sidewalk for a few moments before seeing a familiar face: Phillip Jenkins’ wife. “Mrs. Riley, I’m ready.” Harmon announced, twining his fingers nervously in front of him.
“Just a second,” She replied, holding up her index finger. “Hey, stranger!”
The woman gasped, “Kiera! So nice to see you!”
“Nice to see you, too! I love your outfit!”
“Oh, thanks! You were the inspiration!”
Kiera scoffed, “That’s a first.”
“Who’s this striping young man?” She grinned at Harmon, sensing his nervousness to the new conversation.
“My secondary assistant, but I’m willing to rent him out.” She answered, knowing damn well Harmon didn’t sign up for this. Instead, he worked for Jenkins directly as his own personal spy in hopes to tear Kiera and her family down in order for him to take her ranch.
“Well, if that’s the case, let me buy you a drink?”
“I’m not drinking unless I’m looking for trouble, but Harmon here is,” She snickered, playfully – and roughly – grasping his elbow and shaking. “Twenty-nine and has never drank in public. Pretty sure he’s still a virgin.”
“I can definitely solve that problem,” She smiled. “I gotta have a few drinks first.”
“You’ll get plenty of ‘em! I’ll be your designated driver.”
“Great! Let’s get this party started.” She smiled, willingly reaching towards Harmon’s arm and forcing him to walk alongside her, leaving Kiera to walk behind them. Too fucking easy.
Later that evening, the clock was pushing five o’clock by the time she checked her watch, hearing the jazz music’s tone intensify, she knew her plan was working by her terms.
And she couldn’t wait for Phillip to take the bait. Actually worked out better than I expected, she mused.
She originally was planning to get Phillip’s wife drunk enough to tell her what all she knew about Phillip’s plans, but Kiera ended up driving his wife and Harmon to Phillip’s house, continuing the drunken private party within his living room. Refusing to have a drop of alcohol herself, Kiera knew she had to do something to help ease her raging nerves of adrenaline while she waited for Phillip to fall into her trap when he finally decided to come home for the evening.
Instead, she resorted to a pack of herbal cigarettes to help her adrenaline.
Toying on her phone while the cigarette was pressed between her lips, the sound of a car pulling into the driveway caught her attention. About time.
“Why are you at my house?” He snarled. “Why are you here?”
“Some way to thank me for getting your wife home from her drunken stupor,” She replied. “Besides, I wasn’t going to smoke in your living room. As much as you won’t believe it, I do have boundaries.”
“I’m not listening to this nonsense.” He grumbled, storming through the front door and immediately getting a headache at the loud music and prude smell of lingering alcohol. How long has she been drinking?!
He nearly stumbled on his own two feet when he saw his wife straddling a younger man on their couch, a whiskey bottle in her hand while it looked like she was giving him a dance to the beat of the music. Once he got closer, he then saw that it was Harmon himself, instantly realizing that Kiera had gotten wind of his internal spy’s plan, knowing she had figured out a way to turn it on himself.
Instead of reacting, he simply turned around to face the doorway, seeing a smug smirk on Kiera’s face from the outside chair, tapping the air with her foot as that same leg was crossed over the other. He was numb once he realized that going after his own plans were not going to be an easy task.
But he wasn’t about to give up, either.
He was damned if he would surrender to a woman.
“I took you for a cuckold. Guess I was wrong,” She snickered. “Remember what I said, Phil.”
“I’m going to ruin you. I hope you know that. You, and your entire fucked-up family.”
“Awe, is Phillip mad?” She mocked. “Besides, this isn’t hurting you, this is just… fun,” She shrugged, taking another drag from the cigarette. “What will hurt you is when I purchase every share you’ve put up for trade tomorrow morning. I’m only telling you this now because I know there’s nothing you can do to stop it. I recommend begging your friends in Las Vegas for more money. They’d be stupid enough to do so because let’s face it, this has been way too fucking easy.”
“Fuck you.”
“How many times did you practice that?”
“You should practice some more because that didn’t intimidate me one bit,” She breathed a laugh. “Can you tell me the definition of power, Phil?”
“Something I’ve mastered, sweetheart.”
“It’s the ability to direct or influence another’s behavior or course of events,” She explained, boldly tapping on his chest with the backs of her fingers. “That’s what I have. I’ll buy up all of your shares and be on your board by Friday, or I can have Truist Capital suspend their agreement with you to be on the list with Chase and Mountain Trust in not doing business with you – both of these things can and will alter the effect on your life. That’s power and my friend,” She scoffed. “And you don’t have any.”
“You think that’s going to stop me from ruining you?” He huffed, avoiding eye contact with her.
“You’re exactly where I wanted you. It only gets worse from here,” She smirked, tucking the cigarette between her lips and removing the keys for the car Harmon had been driving and twirled them around her finger. “Tell Harmon and Natalie they’re fired.”
“They never worked for you.”
“Yes, they did,” She arched her brow. “This whole fucking time. Every bit of information Natalie has given me has been nothing but a wedge for my mallet. I know they’ve been passing information back and forth to you. Why do you think I told them exactly what they’d want to hear? Because otherwise, it wouldn’t have gotten me right here on your doorstep. Maybe you should try hiring an actual spy and then you’ll realize who you’re up against.”
She smirked as she watched him gulp at second thoughts. Who really is this woman?
“I’ll see you around. Unless you want to wave your white flag now?” She taunted.
“You’ll definitely be seeing me around. You’ll regret you ever met me.”
She couldn’t help but laugh, knowing just how humiliated she made Jenkins feel, “You should keep practicing that line."
"Maybe I will." 
"Keep remembering what I said, Phil. Generations."
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allaboutmarketing4you · 10 months
Why Did Forever 21 File For Bankruptcy? "Forever 21 has been practically synonymous with “fast fashion” and its massive stores have become a common fixture in America’s shopping malls. But the retailer is in trouble, Forever 21 filed for bankruptcy in September 2019. The brand is now closing hundreds of stores, as its clothes become more interchangeable with “cheap” rather than “trendy.”
Video Source: CNBC
More information about Why Did Forever 21 File For Bankruptcy? Well, complement the information and case study presented in the video with the  article, written by The Brand Hopper:
" Forever 21 Bankruptcy : Why And How Did Forever 21 Fail? A few years ago, Forever 21 was ruling the mall as a spectacular success story, but in 2019, it took a tumble into bankruptcy court, signaling what seemed to be an unhappy ending. Back in 1984, South Korean immigrants Jin Sook and Do Wan Chang kicked off the chain with a modest $11,000 they had saved from their low-paying service jobs. Their first store, a tiny 900-square-foot space in Northeast Los Angeles, catered to a young crowd, mainly Korean-Americans, offering them cheap and trendy clothing.
Founders, Forever 21 | The Brand Hopper Founders, Forever 21 The couple had a well-thought-out plan. They adopted a fast-fashion business model, producing quick-turnaround designs that could be mass-produced inexpensively. This approach struck a chord with young customers who desired the latest looks without spending a fortune. By 2015, global sales soared to an impressive $4.4 billion, with a staggering 480 stores occupying vast spaces in malls all over America. Sook and Chang’s wealth skyrocketed, and they amassed a combined net worth of nearly $6 billion. However, the couple couldn’t have predicted the onset of the “retail apocalypse,” which started in 2017 and posed a threat to nearly every retail chain. Thousands of stores across the U.S. shut down this year, with Coresight Research anticipating a total of 12,000 closures by year’s end, surpassing the 5,844 closures in 2018.
The rapidly changing retail landscape placed immense pressure on Forever 21, eventually leading the privately held company to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in late September of 2019. As part of its survival plan, the company revealed it would cease operations in 40 countries, including Canada and Japan, and shut down 350 of its 800 stores, including 178 in the U.S. The story of Forever 21’s dramatic rise and fall echoes across the retail landscape, yet there are specific factors that contributed to the chain’s troubles. Let’s uncover the top three reasons why Forever 21 struggled to maintain its dominance.
Table of Contents
Excessive Stores and Oversized Spaces
Insufficient Emphasis on Online Retail
The Shift to Sustainable Practices
Excessive Stores and Oversized Spaces
Forever 21 experienced a rapid expansion, going from outlets in seven countries to an impressive 47 in just six years. While many other retail chains were downsizing due to the retail apocalypse, Forever 21 was still opening new stores as late as 2016.
One major issue that contributed to the brand’s struggles was their ambitious approach to physical retail space. Forever 21 stores were not only numerous but also quite large, with an average size of 38,000 square feet, and some locations taking up massive spaces, like the Times Square store in New York City spanning 91,000 square feet and a mall store in Las Vegas reaching 127,000 square feet.
Forever 21 NYC Store | The Brand Hopper
Forever 21 NYC Store The retailer eagerly ventured into costly, large-scale new stores abroad, but without the necessary local expertise. In just a decade, it expanded from having seven international stores in 2005 to a staggering 262. In the filing, Forever 21 revealed that the majority of its international locations were not profitable by 2015. Over the past year, its stores in Canada, Europe, and Asia were collectively facing losses of around $10 million per month. In total, the annual occupancy cost of all Forever 21 stores amounted to $450 million.
This extensive retail space came with a hefty price tag in terms of rent and operational costs. As sales declined by 20% to 25%, the company found it challenging to meet the high demands of premier locations while facing tough competition from fast-fashion giants like Zara and H&M. Moreover, Forever 21’s large store closures had ripple effects on the malls where they were located. These stores were like anchor tenants, and their shutdowns impacted the overall health of the malls they were in.
Interestingly, while many retailers were shifting towards smaller footprints and embracing digital strategies, Forever 21 was going in the opposite direction with its extensive physical stores. This approach was contrary to the evolving trends in the industry, where retailers were looking to cut costs while still providing accessible brand experiences to consumers.
In the face of retail challenges, other brands were exploring innovative strategies, such as opening smaller pop-up shops and flagship stores to enhance the customer experience. This demonstrated a shift in the retail landscape, with businesses repositioning themselves to survive and adapt to changing consumer behaviors.
Insufficient Emphasis on Online Retail One of Forever 21’s significant missteps was their lack of focus on bolstering their e-commerce platform, despite their core customer base being young people who prefer shopping online.
In today’s retail landscape, digital presence has become crucial for survival, and most stores rely on it to thrive. For brands targeting younger consumers, digital is the driving force behind their business. Although Forever 21 claimed that 16% of their sales came from online channels, they seemingly missed the mark on realizing the potential of online retail.
Brands like ASOS or Fashion Nova, with their strong online presence, understood the preference of digitally-savvy customers who prefer to shop online, try on the items, and easily return them if needed.
While outdated retail businesses that ignore current trends are facing closures, completely dismissing the value of physical stores might not be entirely accurate. The key lies in paying attention to customers’ changing preferences and desires in this ever-evolving retail landscape.
The Shift to Sustainable Practices One of the most significant missteps made by Forever 21’s leadership was their failure to recognize a crucial shift in consumer attitudes towards fast fashion. The once successful business model thrived until the world woke up to the urgent realities of climate change.
As awareness of environmental issues grew, the fashion industry faced increasing scrutiny for its significant contribution to global carbon emissions and wastewater. Fast fashion, with its focus on synthetic fabrics and rapid production, shouldered much of the blame for these alarming statistics, as it generated enormous amounts of waste. The younger generation, in particular, took charge of the sustainability movement, demanding that businesses take responsibility for their environmental impact. Many former fast-fashion enthusiasts, once loyal to stores like Forever 21, abandoned them in favor of clothing that was more durable and eco-friendly, eschewing the throwaway culture associated with fast fashion. Young consumers are now much more conscious of sustainability issues and willing to invest in higher quality, longer-lasting clothing. The days of frequenting fast-fashion stores multiple times a year are waning, as Gen Zers prioritize brands that align with their values and demonstrate genuine commitment to sustainability.
To survive in this changing landscape, companies like Forever 21 need to integrate sustainability efforts into all aspects of their business, not just in their product offerings. It’s not enough to create sustainable collections; they must also reflect their values in marketing, messaging, and online engagement with customers.
Zara and H&M were commended for rolling out sustainable collections in response to this growing demand, showcasing the industry’s trend towards upcycling, recycling, and clothing rental as part of their commitment to sustainability. For Forever 21 and others, embracing sustainability is no longer an option but a necessity to stay relevant and appealing to the environmentally-conscious consumer base. "
To read the full article and view images  from the article, visit thebrandhopper. com
  - Source of the article:  thebrandhopper. com
- Video Source: CNBC
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railroadasbestos · 2 years
Money For Railroad Workers in Las Vegas
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Asbestos is a dangerous material that was heavily used in the railroad industry for many years. This material was popular for its durability and low cost to manufacture. The manufacturers of asbestos knew the dangers of this toxic material and kept it a secret from workers for decades. This selfish decision still is impacting the health of railroad workers and their families over 40 years after eliminating asbestos risks from the workplace. Individuals who were employed by a railroad company prior to 1982 are at-risk of developing asbestos-related illnesses as a result of their time working around this harmful material. Asbestos releases tiny, microscopic fibers that can be inhaled or ingested. Once these fibers find their way into the body, they often become stuck, permanently embedding into soft tissue. This can lead to genetic mutations and internal scarring that affects the health of individuals. To date, over $30 billion dollars has been set aside in bankruptcy trusts to compensate injured workers and their families who were exposed to asbestos. The payouts from these trusts are based on a number of factors including historic verdict and settlement values, disease and injury classifications, and the individual workers exposure history. Often these payments represent only a fraction of past verdicts and settlements; however, for workers who qualify, these payments can constitute a significant form of compensation. Unfortunately, many workers do not know that they qualify for payments from these trusts. If you believe you or family members were exposed to asbestos – call or email us for a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION. Our team of experienced attorneys will review the facts in your case and answer any questions you may have.
Does My Spouse Qualify for Asbestos Compensation?
In some cases, spouses of those who were exposed to asbestos while working in the railroad industry may also qualify for financial compensation. Reach out to our law firm today to learn more about the money available to you and your loved ones.
How Long Do Asbestos-Related Diseases Take to Develop?
Asbestos-related diseases can take decades to develop. This is why it is important for individuals who were exposed to this toxic material to have routine health exams with a physician that knows their specific background. Smokers are at higher risk for developing asbestos-related diseases following their exposure.
Free Asbestos Exposure Consultation in Nevada
At Sammons & Berry, P.C. we offer a no-cost, no-obligation consultation, so you can discuss the facts of your case without paying for anything upfront. Asbestos trusts claims do not require a lawsuit, depositions, or courtrooms. The process is simple and easy for the client and should not require any stressful legal confrontations for the client. The law firm handles all of the claims for the client, helping you maximize your compensation. We do not accept any payments from our clients until they receive compensation. We charge on a contingent fee basis, which means you pay a percentage of what you get paid in your claim. If we are unable to collect anything for you, there is no cost to you. Call (800) 519-1440 to speak with a Sammons and Berry, P.C. representative and start your journey towards compensation.  
Wrongful Death Claims For Families of Asbestos Victims
If you have lost someone in your family due to the harmful exposure of asbestos, you may be entitled to compensation. If you can provide the work history and a death certificate for your loved one, our attorneys can help you file an asbestos claim. We understand how difficult this process can be, this is why we work with you every step of the way to help you get the money you deserve. Reach out to our team today to learn more about filing a claim for a family member.   See if you qualify for compensation Sammons & Berry, P.C. 800-519-1440 View our Google Listing View our Facebook Read the full article
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vegasbankrupt3-blog · 4 years
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egcdeath · 3 years
Since you said we can send in request😄 how about a bachelor party for Steve and reader. Full of fun and romance.
bottoms up
summary: steve tells you all about his wild bachelor party. 
word count: 1.2k 
warnings: excessive drinking, terrible decisions, fluff, basically a crack fic, i barely use dialogue tags in this so you’re just gonna have to guess who’s talking
author’s note: this was supposed to be a drabble. 
you can find my drabble masterlist here and my regular masterlist here <3
It had been a long, exhausting weekend of celebration. Of course, it was exhausting in the best way possible, but between the extensive spa days, bar hopping, and seeing more male strippers in one night than you'd seen in the entirety of your life, you were really looking forward to curling up in bed with your fiancée.
It seemed Steve was feeling similarly to you, as he was already pajama clad and sprawled across your bed by the time you arrived home.
You quickly freshened up and joined him on the mattress, slipping under your duvet and cuddling up to Steve.
“How was your weekend?” Steve asked, rubbing circles on your back.
“Exhausting. I could probably sleep for years.”
He chuckled softly at your statement, “well, don’t do that. Wanna talk about it?”
“I’ll tell you over breakfast tomorrow. I don’t think I have the energy to come up with the words right now,” you aimlessly played with the hem of his shirt. “What about you guys? Why don’t you tell me a bachelor party bedtime story?”
“It was… a lot. I almost called you several times. Let’s just say that Sam... stopped me.”
“That bad, eh? Tell me everything,” you gushed.
“Well we were supposed to go camping. I don’t know who decided that was a good idea. Actually I do, it was Thor. It took about half an hour before Tony was starting arguments with everyone. I think he was getting moody about having to be in the outdoors away from all his tech, and something about how bachelor parties aren’t supposed to be like this. We didn’t even get to dinner before he insisted that we find a nice hotel to stay at for the night, and go to a club.”
“You guys don’t really seem like campers anyway. What happened after that?”
“I was getting there before you interrupted me.”
“There was a natural lull in your story.”
“Whatever. So we pack everything up and go back out to town. There was some boujee ass hotel Tony knew about and took us there, but there were no rooms. So he was like ‘make room’ and the staff told him that they would try but they just needed a minute. So Buck suggested that we go to the hotel bar, and we did. The only problem is that alcohol doesn’t have the same effect on some of us that it does with others, so Thor had to break out the Asgardian mead. And he had a lot of it.”
“Oh no, I feel like this is not going in a good direction.”
“You’re absolutely right, because one second I’m sitting in a hotel bar, and the next I was half conscious on a private jet.”
“Steve! You did not black out. That’s not very responsible of you.”
“I was peer pressured! Besides, I don’t think I did anything too bad. Did you not get super drunk for at least one night?”
You pondered the question for a moment, “hmm. Go on.”
“So I wake up on a private jet, not like a Quinjet, but like, a real plane. No idea where I am or where we’re going. Sam is the most sober among us by the time I’m awake, but still pretty drunk. Keep in mind I’m also a little out of it. I ask him where we’re going, and he told me Las Vegas. At this point I’m not surprised, but I want to call you to let you know that I’m no longer in New York, and I start to take my phone out of my pocket to call you, and he flips his shit. He grabs my phone and dunks it in a glass of water, and starts saying that if I use the phone on the flight, our flight will crash.”
“You’re joking.”
“Nope. Now I’m phoneless, but I’m not really mad. Honestly, I thought it was funny in the moment. My memory’s a little blurry, but I feel like we laughed ‘till we landed.”
“Please tell me that the crazy events end here.”
“Oh, Sweetheart,” Steve chuckled.
“Christ, Steve.”
“So we get off the plane and at this point, I realize that Bruce must’ve left before we boarded. I don’t even blame him. This trip probably would’ve made me Hulk-out too. Anyway, we take an Uber to our hotel. Our poor Uber driver, he was so starstruck and excited to have Avengers in his car, but like, everyone was completely out of it. And to make things worse, Bucky threw up in the back.”
“No,” you gasped.
“Yeah. It’s only a matter of time before tabloids get ahold of that. Remind me to call our PR person in the morning.”
“Got it.”
“We finally get to this hotel, and I guess at some point while I was blacked out, Tony had booked us some penthouse suite at one of those really nice hotels. I can’t really remember how we got up there, but I know it was a struggle. I was just glad to be able to go to sleep in a real bed. By the time I wake up, I desperately need an Advil and a call home. Unfortunately, I can’t have either, since everyone starts insisting that the best way to beat a hangover is to drink more. To be fair, I slept in pretty late. So it’s kind of a reasonable time to drink now. If you consider time zone differences. That aside, I’m sipping on a beer when there’s a knock on the door-“
“I feel like I’ve heard enough of this story.”
“That’s fair.”
“But I’d also like to hear more. But this is stressing me out.”
“I made it back in one piece, what more do you want from me?”
“I want you to get a new friend group,” you whined.
“Is it bad that I want the same for myself?”
“I think that’s perfectly reasonable.”
“Okay, so back to the knock on the door. I’m getting a little nervous, because I specifically told the guys no strippers. That was just a can of worms I didn’t want to open. And I think there’s gonna be a stripper at the door, but nope. Who opens the door? Fucking Loki. I don’t know why they came, or how they found us, but they were ready to party. Suffice it to say I do not remember the majority of that day. All I can say is that there was way too much gambling happening, and if I found out that Tony is filing for bankruptcy, I would not be surprised.”
“That is… wow.”
“I’ll give you one more thing before you go to sleep. Someone got married to a stranger. They’re gonna get it annulled but.. I did attend a wedding ceremony where an Elvis impersonator was the officiant,” Steve leaned over to his bedside table and turned off the lamp that was dimly illuminating the room. “Goodnight.”
“You are such an asshole! You don’t get to leave me on a cliffhanger like that.”
“I need you to be excited and engaged for when I finish my story tomorrow!”
“Fair,” you huffed and snuggled closer to your fiancée.
“Was it Sam?” you asked after a moment of silence.
Steve quietly laughed at you instead of responding.
“Nope. It was definitely Bucky. I’m right, right?” you pressed.
More silence from Steve.
“No way. Thor?”
His snickers became louder at this, and you gasped.
“I said I’ll tell you in the morning.”
“I don’t like when you keep secrets from me,” you prompted, trying to guilt trip your partner.
“Fine. It was Thor. But that’s all you’re getting from me for now.”
“Oh my god. Why wasn’t my bachelorette party as exciting as yours?”
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End bankruptcy shopping
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It looks like the Sacklers are going to get away with it. The multigenerational crime family that kickstarted the opioid epidemic by engineering overprescription of Oxycontin have the blood of 800,000 Americans on their hands and more than $10b in their pockets.
The Sacklers offer a masterclass in how to make and keep a blood-soaked fortune. They are masters of corporate secrecy. They are virtuosos at using philanthropy to launder their reputation. They are the kings of hiring vicious attack-lawyers to intimidate their critics.
They engineered medical disinformation; bribed doctors, pharmacists, and distributors; shifted blame to their victims by calling them “criminal addicts.”
They smuggled billions offshort into financial secrecy havens, including rogue states like Switzerland.
And then, when the bill came due, they engineered a bankruptcy that extinguished all civil liability claims against them, walking away from their obligations to states, cities, patients and families, while clinging to the majority of their money.
The only thing worse than a world with the Sacklers in it would be a world where we learned nothing from the defects in the system that they exploited.
Thankfully, many are taking the lessons of the Sacklers to heart.
Thanks to activists like Anand Giridharadas, we’re wising up to the way that “philanthropy” can be an act of profound selfishness, a way to use homeopathic droplets of a vast, corrupt fortune to wash away its dirty origins.
We are rethinking addiction as a public health crisis, not as a moral failing. We’re becoming more critical of billionaires’ use of secrecy to hide their financial crimes, and less willing to tolerate legal bullying from the fixers who enforce that omerta.
There’s one more crack in the system that we musn’t lose track of, one more Sacklerian evil to confront: the bankruptcy system.
When you or I go bankrupt, it ruins our lives. When the ultra-rich go bankrupt, it makes them richer.
That’s all thanks to a handful of elite bankruptcy judges who practice a bizarre form of financial law that favors the wealthy and corrupt over their victims. Judges like Robert Drain of the Southern District of New York.
One thing the Sacklers showed us is how easy it is for the super-rich to ensure that Judge Drain hears their case.
57% of large company bankruptcies are heard by Judge Drain or his chief competitor for elite impunity, Houston’s Judge Marvin Isgur.
Of the remainder, 39% are heard by Houston’s Judge David Jones.
That’s 96% of the nation’s large corporate bankruptcies, presided over by three judges, who all champion the most corrosive form of elite impunity imaginable.
How can it be that nearly every large corporate bankruptcy is heart in either Houston or White Plains, NY? It’s not as though either place is a white-hot center of corporate headquarters. How can the Boston Herald get its bankruptcy heard in Delaware?
Writing for The Hill, Judges Joan Feeney and Steven Rhodes write with Professors Jay Westbrook and Adam Levitin to call for an end to bankruptcy shopping.
They point out that The Boston Herald isn’t based in Delaware — and neither are the Chicago Tribune, LA Dodgers, Nebraska Book Co, Tropicana Las Vegas, or Washington Mutual — but all of them managed to get their bankruptcies heard in Delaware, far from their creditors.
Not all creditors are created equal — if a company owes money to Citibank, moving to Delaware isn’t going to outrun Citi’s lawyers. But when it comes to the workers whose pensions are on the line, or customers who’ve been hurt or ripped off by the company…
“Runaway” bankruptcies shield companies from their hometown press, and require creditors to seek local counsel, not the lawyers they’ve used to pursue the company in its hometown.
In addition to Houston and SDNY, Delaware is a leading enabler of runaways, actively participating in the scam that lets debtors pick their judges.
The authors endorse Rep Zoe Lofgren’s Bankruptcy Venue Reform Act of 2021 (HR 4193), which has bipartisan cosponsorship from Rep Ken Buck, and will require companies to “file bankruptcy where their headquarters or principal assets are located.”
Elite impunity is incompatible with a just society. When rule the law applies differently depending on how powerful you are, it’s not the rule of law any more. Passing HR 4193 won’t cost the US a penny, and will save billions for the victims of corporate crime.
Image: Cryptocurrency360.com (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/bitcoin-crypto/36551103484
CC BY: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
Todd McDougal (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Henderson_County,_NC_1905_Courthouse.jpg
CC BY-SA: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
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desertpups · 4 years
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San Jose Sharks forward Evander Kane has filed for bankruptcy with $26.8 million worth of debt, according to The Athletic's Daniel Kaplan.
Kane reportedly has assets of only $10.2 million, largely from his three homes. The filing also said Kane may not play this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and birth of his first child.
"Debtor may terminate his contract and he may opt out of the season, as allowed under current rules, because of health concerns given the recent birth of his first child," the bankruptcy petition said. "Should he terminate his contract or opt out at a point in the season, Debtor will not receive his salary."
The NHL opt-out deadline for the 2020-21 season was Dec. 24, however, and the bankruptcy petition is dated Jan. 9. It hasn't been clarified how Kane could still opt out at this point.
Centennial Bank filed a lawsuit last week against Kane and the Sharks seeking $8.3 million. It's one of six active lawsuits, court actions, and administrative proceedings with lenders listed in the complaint.
Kane inked a seven-year, $49-million pact with the Sharks in 2018 and has earned $52 million over 11 NHL seasons.
The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas settled a lawsuit against Kane for unpaid gambling bills last year.
it always comes back to bite you doesn't it lol.
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vintagelasvegas · 5 years
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Tropicana, March 1957 – “Opening soon” on the board. Behind the resort is Robert 'Doby Doc' Caudill’s 17-acre property on today’s Reno Rd.
Timeline of the Tropicana
• ’55: Tropicana plans approved by Clark County, construction begins. • ’57: Opened 4/4/1957. Ben Jaffe (Bond Estates), founder and land owner. Built and operated by Hotel Conquistador Inc (Phil Kastel). M. Tony Sherman, architect. Taylor Construction, contractor. The original hotel wings were occasionally identified as the 4000, or Jaffe wing (northeast), and the 5000 wing (southwest). Monte Proser is producer of Tropicana Revue.
• ’59: J.K. Housells acquires majority of Hotel Conquistador Inc, becomes Tropicana manager. Two 75-room wing additions - H. Rissman, architect (RJ 3/1/59). Housells and entertainment director Lou Walters open Folies Bergere on 12/24/59.
• ’60: curved “Tropicana” sign over the fountain. • ’61: B. Jaffe opens Tropicana Country Club. Tropicana coined “Tiffany of the Strip” in Peter Wyden’s “How Wicked is Vegas?” Saturday Evening Post, 11/1/61. • ’64: 132-room Garden room, aka 3000 wing, completed 2/64 - H. Rissman, architect (RJ 4/19/63, 2/21/64). Tropicana Theatre Lounge addition to the left/north of the main entrance opens in Dec. • ’68: Housells sells Hotel Conquistador Inc to Trans-Texas Airways and remains manager. Hotel begins advertising with the “Tiffany of the Strip” motto. • ’69: Curved Tropicana sign off fountain, now mounted on double pylon.
• ’72: D. Gustafson acquires Hotel Conquistador Inc. • ’73: Sammy Davis Jr. approved as 8% owner of Hotel Conquistador. Superstar theater opened in Oct.; Tropicana Racquet Club (Trinidad Pavilion) opened in Dec. • ’74: E & F Doumani become co-owners of Hotel Conquistador, as well as 50% owners of the landlord Bond Estates. • ’75: Folies Bergere sold to the mob, leased back to the hotel; Headliner policy dropped; Superstar renamed the Tiffany Theater; M.S. Briggs becomes principal shareholder of Hotel Conquistador Inc. • ’77: Nevada Gaming Control seeks to have J Agosto, entertainment director, licensed; Groundbreaking of Tiffany tower in Jun.; Fountain and 1969 sign removed during tower construction in Nov. (RJ 11/29/77) • ’79, Jan: Tiffany/Paradise tower opened; installation of the casino’s leaded stained glass ceiling early in the year; May: FBI affidavit reveals Agosto-mob link and skimming operation; Dec: Ramada Inns Inc. acquires Tropicana
• ’86: Island/Club tower. • ’89: Ramada Inns spins off its gaming operations as Aztar Corp. • ’90: 35-ft. concrete Moai statues added to the corner of the hotel, and removed in ’96 (RJ 9/19/90, 4/10/96); Tropicana Country Club sold to MGM Grand. • ‘93: Caribbean village facade (RJ 10/17/93) • ’02: Aztar acquires remaining 50% ownership of Tropicana’s former landlord Bond Estates. • ’07: Columbia Sussex acquires Aztar; files for bankruptcy in 2008. • ’09: Tropicana bought out of bankruptcy; A. Yemenidjian as CEO. “5000” wing closed. Renovation of the hotel 2010-2011. Logotype & signs changed in 2010. • ’15: Tropicana bought by Penn National Gaming; Penn sold the land to its spin-off, Gaming & Leisure Properties, Inc in 2020. • ’22: Tropicana lease bought by Bally’s, and closed 4/2/2024.
Tropicana building map
Sources include: 2 More Strip Hotels Get Okeh of Planners. Review-Journal, 2/15/55; J. Wanniski. Reporter's Notebook: Jaffe Builds for 'Fun'. Review-Journal, 10/4/63 p10; Tropicana Opened in ’57. Review-Journal, 10/26/75; J.A. Morrison. Agosto carried on rivalry with Doumanis. Review-Journal, 6/22/79; E. Moehring. Resort city in the sunbelt: Las Vegas, 1930-2000. University of Nevada Press, 2000; D. Schwartz. The Tiffany of the Strip. Vegas Seven, 3/30/2017; D. Schwartz. Tropicana Opened Under Mob's Hidden Control. Mob Museum, 4/4/2017.
Photos: (1) by Las Vegas News Bureau, (2) from Nevada State Museum.
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How To Choose The Best Bankruptcy Attorney?
The most important thing to think about during this decision is experience. Nothing will put you at more ease in knowing that everything goes consistent with plan than the experience of the attorney that you simply have chosen. You’ll always find the best bankruptcy lawyers in las vegas Nevada which will file your bankruptcy for peanuts; on the other hand you're often within the situation you'd be in if you filed the case yourself. during this scenario both you and your inexperienced lawyer are learning the law as you go and you're feeling an equivalent butterflies and consternation because the lawyer that's being chastised for mistakes that were made within the case.
Believe me, I understand that since you're filing a bankruptcy you do not have much money, but if there's any way you'll come up with the additional few hundred dollars approximately it might fancy get you an experienced attorney that knows what they're doing, believe me you'll get far more sleep during the method and you cannot put a price on the convenience you'll feel during the method.
It is important to stay in mind that it's not just experience in years or age, but experience in expertise. You’ll find an old, wise attorney, that files bankruptcy cases alongside handling divorce, wills, criminal cases, and private injury cases, but it's the attorney specializing in bankruptcy law which will offer you the overwhelming experience that your piece of mind will enjoy and enjoy.
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Compatibility is another key component to finding the right bankruptcy attorney henderson nv to represent you during this often-overwhelming experience. Ask the attorney and confirm this is often somebody that you simply are going to be ready to work with. If you meet with someone and that they try to urge you out the door, immediately sign the contract, or maybe worse belittle you for incurring the debt within the first place, then you would like to go away. You would like someone that does understand that you simply were allowed to incur this debt and likewise you're allowed to file bankruptcy. You would like someone that has the power to concentrate because if your attorney isn't taking note of you properly then things will get missed in your case.
Also consider the staff of the attorney you're getting to be working with. In many law offices, the staff will become your main point of contact throughout much of the method. Maybe the attorney is good, but what if the staff is sort of the other and you discover yourself unable to speak with them, a minimum of during a way that satisfies your wants and needs? This is often where it's important to stay an ear and eye open throughout your visit to make sure that you simply feel comfortable working through this process.
Finally, ask the Supreme Court to ascertain if the attorney has had any complaints filed against them. You’ll contact the Supreme Court to make sure the attorney you're considering working with remains licensed and whether any complaints are filed against them. It is your dollar, it is your life, and it's really important that you simply enter the method feeling good about it from start to end. Take some time and confirm you've got chosen an attorney that you simply would recommend to your friends. If you would not recommend the attorney to a lover you certainly wouldn't hire the attorney for yourself.
For more info :- las vegas bankruptcy attorney reviews
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jaxonharvey19-blog · 6 years
Attorney Robert Atkinson: A Perfectionist
For any legal purposes, one needs an attorney who is an expert solution provider along with deep knowledge in the field. A lawyer handling tough and challenging cases every day needs to be an expert in the field who can work well under pressure. This is why if you are having legal issues and facing hindrances in your financial life, you need to get in touch with attorney Robert Atkinson.
He is a well-reputed lawyer for his undying attitude who never leaves the side of his client.  He understands the need, demand, and expectations of his clients and tries to release the pressure and stress they go through. He is known to be extremely understanding of the situation and he prefers to keep an immense, systematic method of his cases where his clients are benefitted the most. In today's world, not all lawyers are this compassionate for their clients.
However, Attorney Robert Atkinson understands what people under such stress go through and does his best to produce the best results. He is an acclaimed attorney who has handled a number of cases including hundreds of claims and over 500 bankruptcy cases. One never knows when bankruptcy hits the unfortunate. This is why one should consult a good and knowledgeable lawyer like Robert Atkinson who is guaranteed to give you the best of advice before it gets too late.
His immense and unfathomable knowledge in section 7, 11, 13 of bankruptcy laws has helped him to win multiple cases for his clients, no matter how hard and twisted the challenges were. His helping and humane attitude have pushed him to go further so as to help people who are in need. This positive attitude has helped him to be one of the best lawyers Las Vegas has ever seen.
Apart from being a competent and skilled legal advisor, it is widely believed by one and all that Robert Atkinson, an attorney in Las Vegas has an incredible grip over bankruptcy cases. If you are one who is in a struggling position of his business life, Robert Atkinson asks you to follow chapter 11 of bankruptcy laws.
If you are facing problems with the arrangement of your debts, Robert Atkinson advises one to follow chapter 13. However, if the case is complicated with little hopes left, attorney Robert Atkinson advises his clients to follow the chapter 7 filings of bankruptcy cases. This filling deals with termination of the bankrupt business or businesses.
Mr. Atkinson makes sure to see to the point that his customers are benefitted the most even if there is a termination of their respective businesses. He looks after their personal property gains and tries his best to increase the exemptions. He is known to have good, jolly behavior with his clients and maintains a healthy and professional relationship until the case gets over. After the case is over, the clients are free to get his advice for a new start. Mr. Atkinson today is also a dedicated author who aims to inspire young aspirants worldwide.
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locationscloudusa · 3 years
How Location Analysis Is Used To Find Top Pizza Chains In The US In 2021?
The pizza industry in the United States is valued at $45.73 billion, and the North American pizza market is predicted to grow by 10.2 percent over the next five years.
Domino’s Pizza, Pizza Hut, Little Caesars, Papa John’s, Papa Murphy’s, Marcos, MOD Pizza, Round Table Pizza, Cicis, and Sbarro are just a few of the major pizza businesses in the United States.
Brief Insights
Pizza Hut, with 6,660 locations, is the largest pizza chain in the United States.
The state with the most pizza shops in Texas (2,763).
Domino’s (6,363) has fewer locations than Pizza Hut but has been more profitable in recent years.
Only Pizza Hut, Domino’s, Little Caesars, and Papa John’s have more than 3,000 locations in the United States.
The top three states with the most pizza chains are Texas, California, and Florida.
The top three cities with the most pizza chains are Houston (TX), San Antonio (TX), and Las Vegas (CA).
How Many Stores Does Each Pizza Chain Have In The United States?
With 6,660 outlets, Pizza Hut is the largest pizza business in the United States.
Pizza Hut Locations US
Pizza Hut has 6,660 outlets in the United States. Texas (870), California (577), and Florida are the top three states with the most locations (459).
In early May 2020, Pizza Hut reported a record-breaking week of off-premise sales and employed 30K staff to fulfill the increasing demand. However, due to the pandemic, it had to temporarily close over 1,000 Pizza Hut locations. The most devastating blow came when NPC International, Pizza Hut’s largest U.S. franchisee with over 1.2K locations, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
Domino’s Locations In The United States
In the United States, there are 6,363 Domino’s locations. Texas (669), California (555), and Florida are the top three states with the most locations (425).
Little Caesars Locations The United States
Little Caesars has 4,205 locations across the United States. California (535), Texas (500), and Michigan are the top three states with the most locations (319).
Papa John’s Locations In The United States
In the United States, there are 3,020 Papa John’s restaurants. Texas (289), Florida (272), and California are the top three states with the most locations (182).
Papa Murphy’s Locations In The United States
There are 1,283 Papa Murphy’s locations in the United States. Washington (149), California (144), and Oregon are the three states with the most locations (104).
Papa Murphy’s has locations in 37 states, with no plans to expand in the northeast.
Marcos Locations In The United States
Marcos has 1,009 sites in the United States. Ohio (141), Texas (122), and Georgia (122) are the top three states with the most locations (118).
MOD Pizza Locations In The United States
MOD Pizza has 496 locations throughout the United States. Texas (87), California (63), Washington (63), and Oregon (63), are the states with the most locations (28).
MOD Pizza is a mission-driven corporation with the speediest restaurant chain in the United States. MOD Pizza’s inclusive recruiting policy promotes inclusion, giving jobs for people who have struggled with disabilities, substance abuse, or jail.
Round Table Pizza Locations In The United States
In the United States, Round Table Pizza has 413 locations. California (346), Washington (27), and Nevada are the three states with the most locations (16).
Only 8 states in the United States are served by this leading west coast regional pizza brand.
Cicis Locations In The United States
Cicis has 330 locations in the United States. Texas (145), Florida (31) and Tennessee (31) are the top three states with the most locations (18).
Only 26 states have Cicis sites, with the majority of them in the southeast.
Sbarro Locations In The United States
Sbarro has 310 locations throughout the United States. California (32), Illinois (29), and Florida (28), are the top three states with the most locations (27).
Which Are The Top 10 States With Most Pizza Chains?
With 2,763 hotels, Texas is the state with the most. California (2.4K) and Florida (2.4K) come in second and third, respectively (1.5K).
The traditional suspects were the top performers among the chains in 2020. With more than $7 billion in total pizza sales, Domino’s stayed at the top of the heap, followed by Pizza Hut ($5.58 billion), Little Caesars ($3.77 billion), Papa John’s ($2.63 billion), and Papa Murphy’s Pizza ($748.35 million).
Domino’s did so well in 2020 that it went on a recruiting binge, hiring tens of thousands of people just after the crisis began and another twenty thousand in the late summer.
In addition, while launching a comeback for the ages, Papa John’s hired 30K new employees in 2020.
Pizza Trends In 2021
Adoption rates vary depending on several factors, as they do with any technology.
Many restaurants are preparing their business models to include a healthy mix of on- and off-premise elements, especially as third-party platforms make it simpler to get food into the hands of more people.
In 2021, customers will still choose contactless delivery, and demand for touch-free at-the-table ordering will be higher than ever. Customers value touch-free technology, and it may be here to stay.
With an increasing number of people adopting plant-based meals and avoiding animal-derived goods, the demand for vegan options is higher than ever, particularly in America’s favorite cuisine category, pizza. Fast-food chains have also been penetrated by major meat-substitute firms like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods.
Major pizza delivery firms such as Domino’s and Pizza Hut have also been researching driverless cars, but the technology is still in its early stages. If it works well, adding robots to cook, clean, serve, and approve debit card transactions could be the best gift operators could receive.
The Locationscloud Data Store keeps track of store closings and openings in supermarkets, discount stores, department stores, and healthcare through location analysis. You can access datasets with data points like store openings, store closures, parking availability, in-store pickup option, services, subsidiaries, nearby competitor stores, and much more by subscribing to our store data plans.
Want to find top Pizza chains in the United States? Contact Locationscloud and Request a quote.
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