#How else do you fall asleep if you're not prepared beforehand?
purghapsishmay · 1 year
does anyone else just like... forget you're chronically ill?
Not the symptoms obviously but like, you forget that there are people who just wake up without shit going on in their bodies? Like what do you mean your bones can't tell you the weather forecast? They don't click or make door creaking sounds either? Now that's just weird!
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luvghostie · 2 years
{𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵, + 𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴}
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• Millie is all about cuddling, even bringing the action up beforehand
•She'd love to brush your hair if you felt comfortable with it as she puts your consent above all else
•After brushing your hair she'd whisper sweet things in your ear:: "Doll, remember you're absolutely amazing." and "I don't know what I'd do without you."
•Millie and you would take turns being big spoon and little spoon. Most times though Millie takes the bigger role
•If anyone interrupted your time together Millie would no doubt throw something at their head
•Most times it hits them
•Millie would fall asleep holding you in her arms. She's a very sweet S/O and puts you before the likes of herself. If you cry she's there with tissues, if you don't eat she won't either, and if you feel angry she'll give you the space you need
•When you wake up in the morning breakfast is already prepared and on the nightstand
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•Poor Moxxie wouldn't know what to do if you asked for cuddles
•He'd be more than happy to do so, however, the poor IMP would be shy
•Most times while cuddling you'll be a big spoon since I can't imagine Moxxie being that type
•"Y/N, do you think I'm useless?" he'd ask you while nuzzling into your neck. He constantly thought bad about himself and it made you upset
•"Of course not Mox," you'd say kissing his forehead. "I think you're far more than enough."
•Moxxie would eventually get used to the feeling of cuddling and embracing you. All his life he was constantly put down by others. Millie and you are the only two that cared enough to stand up for him.
•At times you might think he also likes Millie because of the bond they share. Regardless, that's not the case. Moxxie is very verbal about his attraction to you despite how others may see it.
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•More than likely Blitz has had a bad/long day at work. So if you asked him to cuddle 100% of the time the answer is, "I would love to!"
•Blitz would wrap his tail around you subconsciously. He wants you close, his mind finding ways to make sure you won't up and leave
•You like to touch the white spots on him, outlining the various shapes
•Eventually, you get sad, remembering all those white spots are from him getting hurt
•"Y/N, that tickles" he'd say laughing in between the embrace you two shared
•Big spoon, little spoon, no spoon. Fuck Blitz didn't care he just wanted you to be there for him and love him for the way he is. Just as he loved you for you.
•Yes, he can be an ass at times but he has problems just like everyone else
•And you adore them
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•"You want to cuddle... Me?" Loona would have a look of confusion on her face with red on her cheeks
•You may think she lost interest because of the way she acts but that's not the case my friend
•Definitely big spoon
•Loona would hold you against her fur not saying anything for a while. When she finally got the courage to speak she'd say, "ya know, you're the first person to make me feel like this."
•You must remember the remarks and insults she gives you most of the time are a form of love. Loona doesn't like to seem weak, especially in front of you
•More than likely if she catches you upset or down by something she said get ready for apologizes and love when you are alone
•"Hey, you know I didn't mean what I said right?" she whispered into your ear, never moving her position from beside you
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•This man is touch starved so when you bring the idea up there's no turning back
•"Oh, my dear! Why didn't you say so sooner?!"
•Big spoon when he's happy and little spoon when he's sad (Stella more than likely being a bitch)
•Stolas would hold you so close that he could feel your heartbeat. In exchange, you could feel his blush practically spreading.
•"I love you so much Y/N, please never leave me." he would say in a somber voice. "Stolas, I don't want anyone else besides you." you'd remind the owl.
•Some nights you guys would fall asleep while a romance movie played in the background.
•But there are other nights you two get a little freaky if you catch my drift;)
•Honestly, you know many people are against Stolas but to you, there's no one else like him
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•Verosika is painting her nails when you ask for cuddles. When she hears you say the final word, a smirk would form on her lips
•"Aww, does my baby want loves?" she'd tease
•Verosika is the most dominant in the relationship taking the form of big spoon. Although, if she had a bad day or was feeling self-conscious you'd step in
•When cuddling she'd play with your hair, twisting it around her slim fingers
•Verosika would most definitely take photos of you and post them on her social media. The captions would be things like, "better than my ex" and "no one comes close to my beauty as they do."
•Self-confidence is important in your relationship. If you're down because of someone, Verosika wouldn't hesitate to beat a hoe.
•The girl would probably claw the shit out of them ngl
•"You're the cutest thing to walk hell!" she'd tell you, going back to looking through her gallery while you drifted off to sleep.
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•"Fizz, can we cuddle?" you'd ask the male
•He looked at you very confused, you two were basically cuddling already. "Y/N, I'm literally sitting on your lap... How much closer could I get?"
•This bitch is lowkey a little baby but would make sexual remarks while cuddling
•Little spoon for sure and he would never disagree with that
•When you guys do cuddle (him not sitting in your lap) you'd listen to his puns and jokes
•Fizz finds your stomach to be soft and the perfect place to lay his head. When he's not there the next place he'll lay is on you. His legs tossed over you, head resting on a pillow, and his hands holding yours firmly
•There's a good chance he'd force you to fall off the bed when sleeping because of the amount of room he hogs
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hom3land3r · 5 months
Alright, listen.
I like to have a chill and relaxed vibe when writing. I want it to be fun for both myself and those I write with, otherwise what's the point? I'm by no means a strict roleplayer. I give most folk a shot, whether they want to interact with a canon or OC. Hell, I even encourage any and all - roleplayer or not - to interact with Homie. I love it (he will never admit that he loves the attention as well but we all know that's obvious).
I've had this account for over a year now and have been fortunate to get a pleasant experience 98% of the time. I can't complain, in all honesty. But... and there is a but coming (sadly not Homie's this time round)
I just want to clarify a few things for those that are new to writing with me or come across this blog and are interested in writing. These are a mixture of my preferences as well as what I figure is just common sense, but I'll list them anyways.
Reply speeds: I feel this is pretty much self explanatory. I work as well as enjoy doing other things besides writing. This will mean that I'm not always quick to reply. Just as I never hold a grudge against anyone I write with taking their sweet ass time, I kindly ask that you give me the same courtesy. Sometimes I sit down to get replies done and get distracted or fall asleep (those that know me can attest to this). But the way I work is that I prepare replies and queue them to post throughout the week. So if you haven't had a response, chances are that it's in transit and will be with you in 3-5 working days. I got you, alright? Also, there will be times when I'm online reblogging and not replying to things, or answering asks instead. And sometimes I only interact with the same person while online. Please don't take any of it personally. I reply when I want to and have the energy to. I will also prioritize replies for those that I've been writing with for a long time. I appreciate your patience, however if you grow impatient on waiting, I get it. I always say right off the bat that I'm not the quickest in replying. So, you are warned beforehand.
No outside interactions on closed threads: Now, again I feel this is common sense. But, I would like to kindly ask if Homie is part of a thread that is clearly either with one other person or a group, please do not reblog and interact. I'm fine with comments if you're enjoying reading the thread and want to show some love, but don't reblog joining in without asking. I'm perfectly fine with group threads (threads involving 3 or more), but the people who are to interact will be mentioned. If outsiders reblog and attempt interaction who are not part of the thread, it will be ignored. Continuous attempts will get you blocked.
Godmodding: I cannot stress enough how annoying this is. I don't even godmod with Homie, so I don't expect your character to either. Canon or OC. If you attempt to godmod, your interactions will be ignored. It's no fun for anyone if you aren't playing along. Saying that Homie is unable to cause any harm to your character is just pointless. Like, okay, so what now? You want Homie to sit and have tea with your character? Braid each other's hair? C'mon now.
Silly/Gross asks: Look, there's tons I can put up with and have patience for. I know who I'm writing here. It takes a lot to disgust me. Asks are fun, I really enjoy them. But if your ask is just straight up stupid or clearly some fettish you're trying to push on me/Homie, it's going to just get deleted. Repeatedly sending them won't get you a reply, but more than likely a block. So, proceed with caution.
Fuck, this went on wayyyy too long. I can't think of anything else to add at the moment, but I'll be updating this if that changes. Apologies if this seems like I'm on my high horse with this, but considering I haven't actually physically set out any rules for the entire time this blog has existed, I thought it was well overdue.
Nagging over, you'll all be pleased to read. And if you have read this far, here. Have a treat.
~ Mun 💙🇺🇸
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beomqutie · 2 years
ㅡ how txt would surprise their s/o on their birthday
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genre: fluff!
wc: total of around 800
tw: mentions of food
a/n: happy birthday to you angel! <3 (and happy birthday to anyone else reading this on their birthday)
yeonjun would be so so extra on your birthday! while you're at school/work he would sneak into your apartment and set up a cute surprise for you!
entering your apartment you were confused by the lack of light that came from the shut curtains. unsuspecting you entered further only to be startled by a bunch of colorful lights suddenly going off. in the middle of the living room stood yeonjun, on a small self-built stage he made with your coffee table and a few pillows. you couldn't even say anything before music started playing and your boyfriend began to sing you the happy birthday song, trying to make it sound very extravagant just for you. once he finished his grand performance for you he stepped down and pressed a sweet kiss onto your lips before congratulating you properly.
"happy birthday darling, did you like my song?"
soobin seems like a simple person but he'd love to go all out for your birthday once in a while! he'd google what to do and take you out for a fancy dinner.
wearing an elegant black tuxedo, soobin stood in front of you, ready to take you out for your date. he admired your outfits and the two of you went out to eat. having booked a table at a fancy 5 star restaurant was a very unusual thing to do for him since usually the two of you liked to lounge around at home in your pj's. your birthday however, was a special occasion for him and for once he wanted to treat you to something big. he helped you out of the car, held open the door and pushed the chair for you when you sat down, it couldn't have been more perfect. still, the two of you knew you'd watch netflix on the couch as soon as you got home.
"you look so pretty, bunny! let's go and eat your birthday dinner!"
like yeonjun, beomgyu would want to be very extra too, even more than the older! he'd plan out the whole day to do all your favorite things to make you happy and boast about his knowledge about you too!
right after waking up beomgyu stood at your door with your favorite flowers and breakfast, ready to spend the day with you. he had told you beforehand to not make any plans for the day as he would have a surprise for you. after having eaten the breakfast he let you get ready before the two of you went out to visit all your favorite places, whether that be the park, going bowling, going to a fun fare or anything else! beomgyu remembers all your favorite things, places, activities and restaurants and wants you to spend your day doing all of the said activities with your favorite person (him). after the day your energy was drained and he'd stay over and play your favorite song on his guitar to help you fall asleep.
"rise and shine y/n! i've got a lot planned today for my stunning angel!"
classically went ahead and stood in the kitchen to prepare your favorite meal. he could have just ordered food but to him there is something very romantic about making your lover a home-cooked meal.
coming home from school/work the smell of your favorite meal greeted your nose as you entered the apartment. you took of your shoes and upon looking up again you were met with taehyuns smiling face. he gave you a small hug as a greeting and quickly wished you a happy birthday. he made his way back into the kitchen and told you to sit down at the table. only 5 minutes later he came with a plate of your favorite food. he congratulated you once more, this time properly with a kiss, and the two of you enjoyed the food. afterwards he even went out of his way to make dessert as well, along with it he gave you your present.
"sit down my love, i made your favorite!"
when i tell you kai was so excited for your birthday oh my.. he wanted to go all out and sadly overestimated himself. made a small plan to decorate your whole apartment but sabotaged himself by not giving him enough time to decorate.
hearing a small scream from inside you quickly went into your apartment only to see your boyfriend kai laying on the ground, a popped balloon in his hand. several balloons and other decoration was already placed on the wall, however most things we're still messily spread in boxes on the floor. kai quickly stood up when he noticed your presence, ran towards you and spun your body around, preventing you from looking at the room. he told you to close your eyes and went to get the cake he got for you. after lighting the candles he went back to you and told you he's ready. you blew the candles and he gave you a warm hug and congratulated you before apologizing for the mess he made. of course, you couldn't be mad at angel kai and helped him decorate so the other members could visit too, kai wanted everyone to appreciate you being born!
"no! y/n! why are you here al- turn around! look away!"
© beomqutie, please do not translate, copy and/or repost my work.
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chokiipng · 3 years
Hay fever : Genshin various
a/n : suffering from seasonal allergies isn't fun . so instead of trying to do school work, i'm gonna write hcs to make myself feel better
character(s) : Xiao, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Childe contents : fluff with a bit of crack (my specialty) + : reader has really bad seasonal allergies
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Xiao :
he doesn't really understand tbh
he plays it off as a common cold at first and entrusts you with Verr, much to her annoyance. he didn't realize the true severity of the situation until a week had passed.
he's heard of seasonal allergies before, so it's not like he was entirely clueless, he just didn't know how to go about treating it.
because of this, he turned into a big ball of concern for the entirety of spring
he asked everyone he could for help, even that ginger haired harbinger (to which he had no clue since he basically lives on an iceberg)
this also happened to peek Zhongli's interest, who then took him to Bubu pharmacy to learn more. it took Xiao about 5 different interrogations to actually visit Bubu, he cursed himself internally for not checking there in the first place
of course, Baizhu laughed it off and informed the both of them on how allergies work, how they're triggered, and how to prevent/soothe them
if you sneezed/sniffled, he was immediately by your side with a tissue and some water. itchy eyes, he had a small bottle of eyedrops for you courtesy of Dr. Baizhu and Qiqi
it was amusing to say the least, watching a feared Yaksha running around frantically in order to soothe your allergies
of course, he soon picked up that it was because you went outside every goddamn day to complete commissions and to pick flowers for who knows who (Qiqi, you often found yourself picking herbs with her because who could say no to that face?)
he legit locked you in your room at Wangshuu Inn and did your commissions for you. he didn't want you in any pain, so he stayed with you when he finished all of his tasks
he didn't isolate you though, but if he takes you out he makes sure you take your allergy medicine (given by Qiqi, ty bby) and that you have a mask on
Diluc :
he never really experienced hay fever, but he knows the gist of it
he's heard stories of it from customers of the Angel's Share and was immensely grateful to the Archons for blessing him with immunity to seasonal allergies
but he wasn't prepared to catch you practically sneezing your guts out one morning
Diluc drops everything, much to Adelinde's horror, and orders for a box of tissues and water immediately. he whips out the blankets from under the couch that he knew you hid and props you on some pillows he fluffed in a panicked rush
the maids watch with a nervous chuckle as he runs around the mansion, completely forgetting about his shift at the Angel's Share and his nightly heroic duties
as soon as he calms down from the initial shock of how hard allergies hit you, he asks you how your feeling and if he can do anything
the next day he asks Donna (who stutters at his mere presence), who mind you is an employee at the Floral Whisper, since Flora isn't there herself about hay fever. he figured that people who worked at a flower shop would know about allergies caused by the pollen produced by flowers
he brings back medicine that you've been instructed to take daily as to lessen the affects of your allergies
despite his day duties, he offers to take up your daily commissions during the days you are physically unable to do them or just does them of his own volition
he trusts that the maids will take care of you in his stead
in the mean time, you're allowed to roam the city as you wish, but that's about it. he threatened Lawrence and Swan that they would feel the wrath of retribution if you stepped foot outside the city
Mondstadt was a land of eternal springtime, there was no way in hell he was letting you out of the city without his supervision
while all of this may be a bit much, he makes sure to let you know that this is just him caring for you. he doesn't want to seem overbearing and trusts that you know what's happening to your body and how to treat it
Kaeya :
he laughs at your demise
what did you expect ?
but he really is worrying on the inside
he makes sure to check in with Barbara just to make sure that you're not suffering from a lethal disease
once he knows that they're just seasonal allergies, (almost) all his worries subside and he sighs of relief
he notifies Jean beforehand (but sometimes forgets), he works considerably less during the time of your allergies since he doesn't really trust anyone else to take care of you
he also doesn't drink as much, surprising, he knows
he refrains from bringing you flowers as he usually does and instead spoils you with unnecessary affection
Kaeya doesn't worry as much since he puts faith in you that you know what's going on in your body. since they're seasonal allergies, he realizes that you must've gone through this before and know how to treat it
since you can't really cure it, you just act more cautious in the outdoors
he often accompanies you on your daily commissions and such, just to be sure that your okay. he takes over the moment you pause to sneeze or itch your nose even once
aside from this, he's the other reason why your allergies are unbearable
once they're all done and over, he teases you relentlessly about how reliant you were on him when in reality it was him doing your tasks of his own volition rather than you asking him. you told him several times that you could handle it, but he persisted nonetheless
he's more reasonable during your hay fever, and despite his unnecessary comments, you find it endearing
Albedo :
he is among the few men who are actually calm during the situation, but since when is he not?
he probably already has a remedy for you that greatly lessens the affect of your allergies
but even without it, he trusts that you know how to handle it
the only factor in here that would cause chaos-
is Klee
once Klee hears you sneeze all hell breaks loose in Albedo's workspace
she runs around everywhere looking for tissues and then ends up bringing Mondstadt's entire supply, which you and Albedo laugh nervously at
once Klee calms down, you explain the bare minimum of hay fever, which she manages to understand
while he has faith that you can treat it yourself, Albedo still recommends that you stay inside more rather than going out exploring and looking for chests, to which you sheepishly comply
Jean cannot thank you enough when it comes to Klee's behavior during this season, as Klee tends to spend more time at home with you and Albedo once you finish your commissions so that "you don't feel lonely!"
she even drew you a picture to show how much she cared!
if you can't sleep at night because of your allergies, Albedo (who is probably still up working) will gladly allow you to indulge in his studies or to just simply read with you until you fall asleep
he too is also happy that you managed to tame Klee
Childe :
this man has no idea what the fuck hay fever is
need I remind you that he grew up in the land of perpetual winter, hay fever doesn't even exist to him. unlike everyone else, he hasn't even heard of the concept
so when you hold a finger up during your weekly sparring, he pauses with a curious tilt of his head
he screams in horror as you sneeze out all of your bodily fluids not once, not twice, but three times
Childe calls off the spar and cradles you in your arms as if you're about to die
it's until he rushes you to Baizhu in a panicked frenzy that he realizes that its...a fever?
now Baizhu is a patient man, he had to raise a zombie child who basically loses her memory each time she wakes up and wields a sword/cryo abilities
but he was getting tired of Childe's endless questions quick.
Childe shrieks as the normally passive pharmacist slams his hands down on the counter with a sickeningly sweet smile
he ceases in his questions, apologizes for bothering him, and races back to the Northland Bank in a cold sweat
it takes you explaining it in a calm voice for him to finally understand it
and he takes this very seriously
while he knows that it's seasonal and that you've gone through it before, he can't help but worry for you
he coddles you, and he doesn't relent even if you tell him
he slaps a mask on you, takes away your fighting privileges, and even order his subordinates to keep an eye on you at all times
that is if he's not already
he clings
he's attached to you
he just wants you to feel better, and you appreciate it, but it can get a little too much sometimes
and while you do tell him this, the same situation happens every year when spring comes around and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Baizhu can't catch a break from the rowdy harbinger
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admiringlove · 4 years
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VIII: saudade; you love him too.
— you tell him what it’s like to be in love with his reckless self, and he can’t help but smile.
+pairing: miya atsumu x reader.
+genre: crossover(hq x hp); fluff; angst; frenemies to lovers.
+word count: 2.4k.
+warnings: angst to fluff, because if there isn’t fluff y’all would kill me.
+usual customers(taglist): @babyworld @renee1414 @anotherhydrangea @seita @tobiosnoelle @weebslxt @tsukkiwaifu16 @loveusandoor @kozumebri @sarawrz @crackheadsara @kyuudere @cultsax @supernovaa-a @akaashikeijisan @b3llo-there @sugasloverr @kagebunshiin @tetsurolls @velvetfireworks @kritiiiii @1wai@seijohlogy​ @sweetrosemilktea @bellesowl @ems1des​ @akaashi-todorki @tanaka-ryu​ @irishhbamb​ @sweetsamus​ @cherriechurros @mxshimoo @bluebirdandcomrades @zukuroo @denki-core @sarahvvictoria​ @littlevoxine
+author’s notes: taglist officially closed <3
+navigation: previous, masterlist, next.
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Miya Atsumu was a person who tended to overthink a lot—whether it be his own decisions or his words. Mainly, it was his actions.
What he regretted the most, was this. The walk of shame to his own dorm room in the middle of the night, after doing the same thing he used to do for the past few years to take his mind off of you, made his heartstrings clench in repentance. His eyes were glued to his feet when he finally made his way to the Common Room, his throat as dry as sand, and lumps the size of pudding cups forming in his throat. He sighed, mumbling in the password in a morose tone.
He walked in, fixing his black turtle-neck as his eyes landed on you by the fire. Your back faced towards him, as a small smile made its way onto his lips, immediately disintegrating when he realized what he had just done.
He could hear small sobs coming from your direction, a slight tug of his mind wanting to come and comfort you from them. Whatever your problems might be, he wanted to push them all away. He wanted to make whoever, or whatever, caused your pain to be reminded that he was always protecting you.
Most importantly, he wanted to know why your heart was hurting. What made you cry like this?
Your eyes were glistening when you got up from where you were sitting, the invisibility cloak in your hands as you turned around and widened your bloodshot eyes after seeing Atsumu. You brought up a hand to stifle a sob, trying your hardest to not make him hear it, as you almost sprinted towards the stairs towards the girls' dormitory.
"[Y/N], wait—"
He flinched when you slammed the door to your dormitory, sighing too loudly as his gaze downcasted yet again. He shuffles up the stairs to his own room, where he sees Osamu and Suna sitting up and chatting.
"Why the hell are you two still up?" Atsumu groaned, walking to his trunk as he sifted through shirts to wear to bed, then deciding on sleeping without one.
"Oh, we're just casually chitchatting about what a fuckin' knobhead ya are," Osamu grunts, Suna placing a hand on his shoulder, muttering, "Calm down, Moony. Sakusa and Aran'll wake up if you shout."
"For Merlin's sake, 'Samu, I'm not in the mood," Atsumu shrugs his younger twin off, heading to his bed as Suna throws the map at his head.
"Oi, be careful!"
"Where's [Y/N]?" Suna asks, his arms folded across his chest as he leans on the front door, raising an eyebrow at the yellow-haired male in disappointment.
"In her dorm, saw 'er go up when I came in," Atsumu says, completely clueless as to what Suna was hinting towards.
"Swear to fuckin' Salazar," Osamu flops into his bed, pulling the duvet over his head as he murmurs, "Yer so dumb."
"'Samu, shut yer trap for a second," Atsumu brings a hand up to gesture to Osamu to stay quiet, continuing to pay attention to the wolf talking.
"Where's the girl you were snogging?" Suna sighed, ruffling his hair as he sat down on his bed, as Atsumu shrugs to the question—a clear indicator that he does not know.
"Merlin's Beard," Osamu grumbles, earning an annoyed expression from Atsumu who closes his eyes shut in inconvenience. Atsumu raises an eyebrow, not being able to put two-and-two together, as Suna finally says the words Atsumu would probably dread to hear.
"[Y/N] saw you snogging the girl by the Astronomy Tower," Suna says quickly, pulling the duvet over his head finally as Atsumu's eyes widen in shock.
All the mustard-furred fox wants right now is to run to you and apologize a million times—because whatever he has to say right now is probably not enough. Just a few minutes ago, he wanted to make your worries fade away. He wanted to teach whoever made you sad a lesson—but how could he, when the person who hurt you was Atsumu himself?
Osamu turned in his bed when he saw Atsumu sitting there, staring off into space, rather than going to bed. The grey-haired knew that Atsumu probably felt immense guilt, but what could he say? His twin brother had messed up on his own, and now he had to deal with it on his own as well.
And Osamu knew, that in no way possible would it be easy.
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You slammed the door to your dorm, muffling your sobs the best you could as you shut your eyes and slid down the door. Hugging your knees to your chest, and when you finally looked up, you saw that all of your roommates were sitting there, looking at you with pity in their eyes.
You hated this. You hated Miya Atsumu. You hated being pitied.
"[Y/N]—" Alisa started but quickly stopping when Kiyoko gave her a certain look. You opened your mouth to say something, but it seemed as if your own body was in denial, not wanting to listen to your mind. You sighed, your eyes bleeding seawater as you bit your lip until a metallic taste filled your senses. You wanted an out—no matter what it was, you just wanted to get out of here. Everything reminded you of him, you just wanted to go back home to the haunting memories instead of staying here.
"Hold on a minute, darling, why are you crying?" Hana says, walking up to you and handing you a glass of water. You push it away, shaking your head as you mutter out incomprehensible words. Hana's features softened, as she helped you get up and into bed, everyone else giving you your space as the oldest in the room bid you a good night with a ruffle of your hair.
As the lights in the dorm finally went off, you tried your best to fall asleep, but couldn't when all your thoughts were swarmed by a certain blonde.
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When all the other students walked to breakfast for their normal Saturday morning, you made your way to the Black Lake. You remembered to carry a small loaf of bread, throwing in a few crumbles every few minutes so the fishes underneath your dangling feet eat them. You sighed, your mind racing at a million light-years per second.
Were you not good enough?
Was that it? Why couldn't Atsumu even ask if you felt the same? It was true that your love for him was just beginning to bloom—but if you had realized it sooner then maybe it wouldn't have gotten to such a point where every inch of your being wanted to burst into tears or sulk in a lightless room. If he loved you, then why was it that he was with a girl yesterday? Was she more pretty, or more talented? Was she better in Quidditch, or did she make him laugh?
Did he fall in love with her, forgetting about you in the process?
You heard footsteps behind you, causing a small sigh to escape your cerise lips. You didn't want to look at whoever it was, your mind simply longing to shut yourself out of existence.
"[Y/N]," the all-too-familiar voice says. You closed your eyes, your mind screaming a 'no' loudly and repeatedly, dreading whatever the older Miya twin has to say.
"Leave me the hell alone, Miya," you grumble, tossing in another few breadcrumbs into the sheer water. He winced at the tone and the way you said his last name—the former nickname discarded somewhere he couldn't reach. He closed his eyes, sucking in a breath as he said, "'Samu told me you saw."
"Well, I'd like you to leave me alone. Because whatever stupid apology you have prepared, I don't want to hear it," you rasped, your expression turning into a nasty scowl as the boy was taken aback. Your previous banters in these past years were never as serious as the matter at hand, so he couldn't tell how he was supposed to react according to the cold manner.
"I don't deserve you," he mumbles, "I know you just said you didn't want to hear an apology from me. But honestly, there's nothing else I can say to you except the fact that I don't deserve you."
You scoffed, getting up as you threw in the last bits of bread in your palms, as you finally faced him. His gloved hands in his coat as you huffed, "You didn't even care to ask how I felt, did you?"
"You got mad that I 'ignored' you for sometime, so you fucking ignore me back. I'm rude to you for what, a few days to figure out how I feel, and you go ahead and get mad. You're such a petty little shit, Miya," you hissed, gritting your teeth at the last sentence as you continued, "You didn't think once to come and ask me why I ignored you. No, you just went along with it—"
"Hey, I asked!"
"Fine, you asked. But did you understand why I was behaving that way, you knob?" you raised an eyebrow, staring into his eyes as if it's the last banter you get with him, "No. You ignored me after that, which led to this."
"You said you hated me, don't you dare go back on your word, [L/N]," his voice cracks as he takes a step closer to you, grabbing your arm so you don't fall into the water behind you, "You made me think that you hated me, so I backed off. What else was I supposed to do? I didn't expect you to walk into the Shrieking Shack just for me!"
"Because I wanted to tell you that I loved you too! But you were in over your head so you didn't listen!"
"Wait, what?!" Atsumu yelled in surprise, his clutch on you becoming tighter as he continued, "And you didn't think to tell me beforehand?"
"On the first day of school, you lost a certain book. Don't you remember?" you murmur, voice undeniably small as your shy eyes avert their gaze from him. A juxtaposition of anger, fear, and anxiety mixing in your heart. You simply wanted an out more than anything at this moment—an abditory sounding better than to admit stealing his book.
"My diary, yeah. Wait a minute, I found it under my bed the next day. How do you know 'bout that? Even 'Samu doesn't—" the fox paused, mumbling obscure words under his breath as he put two-and-two together, "You stole it?!"
"I didn't steal it!" you fought back, "I found it. I didn't read anything but the first page, because I started to feel guilty and so I wanted to return it because you would kill me if you noticed I had it. On the night we met here, of all places, I returned it to your room. Merlin's beard, I almost got caught by you too—"
"And then I went to the Black Lake and I was conflicted because I thought you loved someone. That was when I actually realized I was really in love with you, because damn, it hurts when you find out that something you've had all along isn't yours anymore—"
"[Y/N]," Atsumu almost wanted to laugh. You were flailing your hands around as you rambled on about. He was listening to whatever you said, and he was completely entranced. Because now he really understood why he loved you. Simply spending some time with you made his heart bloom like a hibiscus on a hot summer day. And you continued, "But then your stupid arse decided to take me to the Shrieking Shack and show me that you were an animagus. I swear, who does that? The girl, God, I saw her and I felt so bad for just being with you because she nicely asked me to set you up with her."
"Wait, you wanted to set me up with her?" Atsumu asked, his mouth turning into an almost overjoyed smile, "That's—"
"Shut it!" you yelled, "That's why I ignored you. I thought you'd be better off without me, and now I'm starting to think you are."
Dejected, you begin to walk off, but somehow, just somehow, Miya Atsumu gets the smallest sliver of courage to tell you how much he cares for you—how much he wants you to stay, how much he wants to hold you, and how in love he actually is.
He takes a step forward, catching your wrist and tugging slightly, making you look back at him. The winter breeze making you look like an angel as the sky decided that it was time to shower Hogwarts with white specks of joy.
"You have no idea how much I waited to tell you I loved you," he began, "I love you so much, [L/N]."
"Why'd you run off with another girl last night, then?" you choked out a sob, tugging Atsumu's heartstrings forcefully. He opened his mouth to speak when he realized he doesn't exactly have proper reasoning for why he did what he did. You let out a dry chuckle, the atmosphere thickening as you shook off his hand and began walking.
"On the second page of my diary," he begins, "I talk about our nightly trips around Hogwarts."
"Atsumu, don't—"
"Please, just listen to me," he begs, "On the second page of my diary, I talk about how much I want to be with you. I talk about how yer one of the only things that give me happiness, and I talk about the little things you do depending on yer mood."
You chuckle as you let out a sob, but he continues, "I want to see more of it, y'know? The little thing with your hand that you do usually when you're nervous—trust me, I've seen a lot of it when you're around me. I love how yers eyes light up when eating Treacle Tarts, and I adore how you can come back with ten times the insults I throw at ya."
"You're going to make me stay, dummy," you say, with a rueful smile on your face, as he chuckles, "That's the intention, slug."
"I thought you hated me," he says, making your heart swell up, "I avoided you because I thought you hated me. And yesterday, I-I did that 'cause I didn't wanna bother you anymore. I thought," he paused, sucking in a breath, "I thought if I distance myself enough then you won't hate me anymore."
"What am I supposed to say to that, you idiot?" you laugh, to hide what you really wanted to say. You brushed your hair out of your face, walking closer to the boy. And without saying anything, he wraps his arms around your torso, pulling you even closer as he whispers into your ear, "I'm so in love with you, slug."
"I'm so in love with you too, 'Tsumu."
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© all works belong to admiringlove on tumblr. plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
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BTS Princes!au
Note: 1)This is a modern Royal family! au headcanon. (I never saw any fic with the BTS members as brothers of a royal family, so why not post about the concept. 🤷🏽‍♀️)
2)All the members of BTS are brothers.
3) Yoongi and Hoseok are twins, and Jimin and Taehyung are twins, too.
4)This takes place in the present time.
5) I will make a separate headcanon for each member (how they meet their significant others and the weddings details)later, also might turn it into a series if it gets good response.💜
6) last but not least, none of the photos included are mine, only the edits are made by me.
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First things first
Maknae line are so hard to tame, I am telling you.
Yet, the queen loves to pamper them because they're her babies.🥺
Hyung line are so formal and collected, unlike the maknae line.
They are always carrying out royal duties.
They are so concerned for their subjects.
Hate the idea of leading a lavish and luxurious lifestyle while there are people out there who are suffering.
Therefore, you find each prince supporting different causes.
Jin would be supporting organisations that help single mothers.👩‍👧‍👦
Yoongi and Hoseok would focus on mental health.🧠🗣️
Namjoon definitely supporting education.🎓🏫📕
Taehyung promoting environmental causes.♻️
Jimin would probably be interested in organizations that focuses on the issue of plastic pollution.🏭
Jungkook supporting anything related to physical health maybe doing something like The invictus games as Prince Harry did.💪🏼♿
But the nation has never been on edge like this since ages, everyone can't wait to see each Prince's choice of their future spouses.
Plus don't get me started on the idea of 7 different themed, royal weddings .... OMG!!!👀💃🏽
It got to the point that whenever any of them is seen with any woman then it's instantly assumed that she'd become a future Princess. 👸🏻👸🏼👸🏽👸🏾👸🏿
The king's advisors would suggest that he talks to the boys upon the matter since they're becoming of age and should start families of their own.
But he won't force them to do anything tho.
Like he'd discuss it with their mother while they're all out doing a traditional royal activity or something.
The Queen getting excited over the idea but won't pressure her boys just like their father.
The boys won't focus on that matter, they want to focus on helping the people more.
But that doesn't mean that they haven't thought before about meeting their significant others.😉
Especially when their parents, the king and queen, set a great example for love stories.
But they find it hard specially with all the attention being on them which is not giving them the space to focus on their love life.
During one of the rare interviews that the Palace allows them to do, the 7 Princes agreed that they won't mind marrying a foreign girl.
The King and Queen wouldn't mind, too. The most important thing is that their sons are happy.
Each one would meet the love of his life unexpectedly.
Surprisingly, first one to be in a relationship is Jin.
I know everyone said it would be Jungkook, but the poor boy can not imagine to put his future Princess under the spotlight with his lifestyle, so he preferred to wait and see how it would go with his hyungs.
Plus he didn't want to be the first one to settle because the intensified attention on him that will get worst as he's the golden maknae.
The last one to likely get married or settle down is probably Yoongi.
Everyone knew it really, especially the Queen.
When Yoongi was a smol baby,👶🏻 she realised that he cherished spending time by himself.
Don't get me wrong tho, Yoongi was a sweet baby.🖤
He got along so well with Hoseok and Jin.
He even loved playing the part of the big brother when the world welcomed baby Namjoon.
He would hug his siblings if anyone of them was crying and needed comforting.
She could remember that one time Jungkook was crying his heart out because Jimin snatched his favourite toy, and Yoongi would immediately comfort Jungkook and share his favourite blanket with him, but not before reprimanding baby Jimin and making him apologize to his little brother.
Such a sweet baby 🥺💜.
But again...
It's just that the Queen noticed that her second son was not really into being a sociable person like his brothers.
He can definitely be sociable, it's just he prefers not to be.
And because of that, she knew that her Yoongi won't settle with just anyone, and that it would take time.
The king is such a proud father because all of his 7 sons are hard working and passionate about their duties.
Jin and Namjoon are definitely the ones who lead most of the important royal events.
Jin is mature and knows how to handle himself with the public and the press.
Something that the maknae line still has to learn and perfect, that's their father's opinion.
while Namjoon is really well read in politics as it was his major.
So Jin and Namjoon definitely make a good duo when it comes to the political affairs of the country.
Hoseok,Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook are most likely the ones to be on the first page of the newspapers almost everyday.
As I said the citizens would be very interested in the life of their future rulers.
Therefore, the boys are always under a microscope.
Especially those 4 because they're bold and reckless, but like not in a bad way.
With the world evolving around them, many people do realize the fact that the concept of a monarchy is old news.
And that's why these 4 are working so hard to evolve their monarchy and keep up with the changes taking place.
Therefore, they manage to surprise their subjects by their open minds and their updated thoughts upon almost every matter.
That's why you can find them all over the global news every now and then more than the other monarchies.
The boys would all probably travel abroad to complete their education, then come back to enlist in the army.
Jin enlisting first of course as he's the oldest and finishing before them.
Then Yoongi and Hoseok complete theirs.
Followed by Namjoon
Then Jimin and Taehyung
Finally, ending with Jungkook.
And let me tell you something...
The Queen cried the hardest during Jungkook's ceremony.
I mean she did cry during the other ceremonies of her sons, too.
But Kookie's was the hardest.
Because that's her last baby🥺.
Plus you know how mothers always pamper their last child. ALWAYS.
It's so unfair.
The boys sometimes think that Jungkook is her favourite, but that's not true.
She loves them all equally.
"It just hits differently when you're letting your youngest baby off to face the world because he/she is all grown up now."
That's what she always says.
Now let's move on to the important stuff ...
The Queen has an important event at which she will be bored to death?
Don't worry😊.
Leave it to her youngest twins and Jungkook to accompany her.😈
They always know how to make their mother laugh when things get way too boring.
Of course they would all show up with all their glory 😉.
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The Queen is so proud of her babies.
Like who wouldn't be proud of having 7 perfect handsome boys who are well mannered and such gentlemen.
They are so smart and are always up to learn more.
Here's how they turn her boring night into an eventful one:
Make her laugh over their silly attitude towards eachother.
You know like, Jungkook teasing Jimin for being short.
Or Taehyung squishing Jungkook's chubby cheeks.
Never fail in making their mother laugh.
But now moving onto the serious part.
Once the event starts.
They become focused.
Start firing questions. (Politely of course).
Want to know more about the matter discussed at hand.
Will intimidate the host by the amount of questions being asked.
Which leads other hosts to remind themselves to be prepared beforehand in case the 3 Princes decide to show up ... No one wants to be embarrassed in front of the royal family and the public and be accused of not knowing a certain detail about the matter they're responsible of.
The Queen would have a big proud grin on her face.
Proud of her babies for being so invested in the matters of their country.🤗
Now moving onto the older twins: 😉.
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You know, everyone told the Queen that having twins would be a really unique experience.
And it was true.
She swears having her first twins was the funniest thing in her life.
She was astonished to find her babies becoming the total opposite of eachother.
Like, to her Yoongi's character is the moon 🌒 while Hoseok's the sun 🌞, and the cutest thing about it is that they complete eachother.
How cute is that. 🥺😍
As we said Yoongi is calm and prefers to spend time by himself and that wasn't any different when he was an infant.
But,Hoseok was and still is the total opposite.
Even tho they were similar when they were born.
But you would definitely know how to differentiate between them.
Baby Yoongi is calm while baby Hoseok is bubbly and energetic.
You'd probably find Hoseok fussing in the middle of the night, but YOONGI !!! 😂
Baby Yoongi appreciated his sleep over anything else. 😂😂😂
The Queen would remember toddler Yoongi falling asleep in weird places at weird times.
Like how he fell asleep under the dinning table during a royal family gathering in Christmas. 😂🤦🏽‍♀️
While Hoseok would cause many maids to hand in their resignation to the head staff of the palace due to his over energetic bubbly self.🤣
Definitely was the devil himself.
Pranking the staff and pushing them to their limits.😂
She would remember that one time when they were on a vacation and they were introducing the twins to the concept of a swimming pool....
Hoseok was ecstatic, he felt like he was on top of the world and kept splashing water at his mum by slamming his chubby little hands in the water. 😂
While Yoongi kept looking around like a grumpy cat then falling asleep in his father's arms with his chubby cheeks squished on his dad's bare shoulder.
Pouty lips slightly agape.
With drool falling from his cute little lips 🤤.
The Queen was laughing so hard that day at her husband who was trying to get any reaction from Yoongi but failed miserably. 😂
Getting out of the pool and putting the twins in their push chairs for a nap.
Yoongi grumping in his sleep because the sun was too much for him which led to him waking up feeling grumpier than ever.
Hoseok was too busy consumed in his curiosity by looking down from his high chair wondering why he is being restricted in it now when he was far away from being sleepy.
Now fast forward a few years later, and the twins were still the same in their mother's eyes.
Sometimes, she would look over at them and wonder if her grandchildren would look anything like their fathers and inherit their weirdly cute personalities, or maybe they would grow up to take after their mothers whom she still has no idea who they are or when would her boys meet them.
I mean let's face it, all mums get super excited when thinking about grandchildren.
The Queen actually caught herself imaging how her grandchildren will look like after the boys decide to settle down and start their own families.
Almost had a mini heart attack at the thought of the palace being invaded by her grandchildren.😂
That is if her sons decide to have as many children as she and her husband did.
Would secretly wish for girls because obviously she didn't have the experience of raising a girl.💜
Which will lead her to think of all the royal jewelleries that she will be giving to them.
But would push away the whole thought as she didn't want to pressure the boys.🥺
Now moving onto Namjoon:
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Boy was the king and queen amazed when they discovered his love for reading at an early age.
Like he would spend so much time in the library of the palace, and afterwards would go to bed immediately.
The king promised not to tell anyone this except for Namjoon's future wife.
But one night when he was on his way to his room ...
He found Namjoon sneaking late at night out of his room and into the library in his cute baby blue onsies. 💙🥺
His father won't admit it, but he thought it was one of the cutest things ever.
Just like, how he found his oldest twins the total opposite of eachother. 😍
The king as a father was very involved in his sons' lives.
They made him so excited.
Like everyday they would teach him something new, and as a father he was and still is looking forward to know more about them.
How they think, react, and what do they like and dislike.
Raising them was such an adventure to him.
He remembers when they were first expecting Jin.
Everyone told him that having a son is like having a partner in crime.
And God blessed him with 7.
Too many partners in crime for the poor Queen's heart.😂
Well concerning Jin:
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The king and queen remember how he was the second quietest baby after Yoongi.
Sometimes the Queen thinks that Jin is too mature for his age.
A perfectionist since childhood.
She could remember when he would throw little tantrums when things didn't go his own way.😂
As the eldest, he is doing a great job of looking out for his brothers.
She of course understands the way Jin is as he's the crown prince.
But still she can't help but worry that he takes the position too seriously that it can wear him out.
She just wants him to enjoy his life a little bit like his younger brothers.
When accompanied by one of the maknae line to carry out a royal duty, you can see him quietly reprimanding them (yet gently) to behave in front of the public and the paparazzi.
This one time the camera caught him giving Jungkook the look because he was fussing around.
Poor Kookie looking at the ground like a reprimanded little child muttering a "sorry hyung." 😂😂😂
Jin has this faint sided smile.
He loves his brothers,truly.
Can't help having a cute little smile whenever one of them would apologize for acting unprofessionally, he just loves to mess with them.
And they know it.
But they respect him so much that they won't argue about it. 💜
Now Jimin and Taehyung are a different story:
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I am telling you. 🙂
They will bring chaos upon the place.
Even though they are not identical twins.
But unlike Yoongi and Hoseok, they have a lot in common.
Would wear matching outfits when doing a royal duty.😊💜
The boys remember when Hosoek once suggested doing the same thing with Yoongi...
But he scoffed at him. 😂
Even though they are trouble, but that doesn't mean that they're unaware of their positions as princes.
Therefore they won't really do something reckless. But still they're crazy.
If one leaves the other to carry out a certain royal duty without his twin.... They immediately feel uncomfortable.
You can definitely feel it that they're close brothers.
But again they're twins so you can't really blame them.
definitely helped Hoseok with his pranks on the staff of the place when they were kids.😂🤭
As for Jungkook, well...:
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Last child, so definitely pampered all the time.
you know how children are curious by nature, well.... He is extra curious.
Definitely the most athletic among his brothers.
Very competitive.
Don't ask me why!! But Prince Jungkook would be interested in fencing 🤺
Like I'd imagine him in that uniform, sword in his gloved hand, messy hair hidden under his helmet...
And oh my God ... I just melted at the concept 🤤
Such a hopeless romantic.🥺💜
Like when the king and queen would share a short loving kiss.
All the boys would act disgusted, but not Kookie.
He found it cute.
Like he would have a hint of a blush on his face.
Smile, face down.
Hoping to find someone like how his dad found his mum.
Like it really amazes him how after all these years, with seven kids, a heavy burden of ruling a country and yet they seem to be falling more and more for eachother everyday.
If the boys learnt one thing from their parents, it would be pure love.(romantically speaking.)
All in all, the boys are doing just fine as princes.
Carrying out their duties as professionally as possible.
Things are quite normal in their lives that is until ...
Each one finds his partner.😏💜
A/N: Please, please, please I am begging you guys for the millionth time to not be silent readers and share your opinions. TELL. ME WHAT. DO. YOU. THINK. Pwetty pwease 🥺👉🏼👈🏼. Also I'll upload the second part of this when it gets a decent amount of likes so....
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world-of-socks · 4 years
Chapter 4: Destabilizing Two Stones With One Axe
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Note: yup I actually felt like writing today. I’m holding off on writing White’s chapters cause 1 they are secondary to the main story 2 because... well I’m bad at writing her character. I’m willing to give it try, just not yet lol. Anyways I hope you enjoy Blue’s chapter. As always I got the idea from @steven-universe-au-prompts . I might need to make a master post for the links for all the chapters thus far. You’ll find that under the tag (frick what should I title this AU): each and every star fell to earth AU master post. (Did I come up with that name just now. Yup. Is it good, nope. Does it sound kinda cool, sure.)
Blue, Chryss, and the rest of the squadron spent the rest of the evening talking about their missions, performing strange human rituals, and laughing.
“Hey, Blue get over here!” Diopside laughed, “Wanna play this game with us?”
“Uhm, I don’t-... I’m not sure.” she stammered.
“Oh c’mon, we’ll teach you!” Citrine smiled.
Blue looked around shyly, her eyes fell on Chryss, she simply patted the spot on the floor next to her. She shuffled over to her and sat down, fiddling awkwardly with her hands.
“Ok so ‘ere’s what you do.” Aquamarine announced, “You take this little stone ‘ere, right? And you throw it into the other gem’s group of stones. The stones that leave this circle ‘ere are the amount of points you will receive. Then you just repeat the process until one gem is entirely out of their stones. And then you count the points!”
“So who do you wanna play against?” Diopside asked with an exuberance in her voice that Blue was not used to.
“I-... uh… I’ll play against the-... I mean-...Citrine.” she fumbled over her words, still deeply unsure of herself in this new culture. Was it even something she wanted?
The group all through teasing remarks at Citrine while she moved to her new spot in the circle of gems. The two set up their stones. Blue copied Citrine.
Citrine cracked her knuckles, “Prepare to be beaten newby.”
The gem looked up for a moment to notice the blue gem’s face, “I’ll go easy on you.”
It was Blue’s move first, she knocked a few stones to the side, none left the circle. Citrine was next, she hit three out of the circle. Blue frowned, she didn’t understand why this was seen as entertainment. Why would one find joy in simply throwing stones? It seemed quite barbaric in nature to her.
Blue obviously lost the game. She was inexperienced. The group laughed and teased Citrine claiming that Blue had simply Held back her true stone throwing powers in order to make you feel better. She was very confused.
“No I didn’t. I failed at the task. I was inefficient, if I had done more research beforehand I would’ve gained more points, but-” Blue was cut off.
“We were just messing with Citrine.” Chryss put a hand on her shoulder, “It’s just a silly game Blue, you don’t have to play anymore if you don’t want to.”
“I-... is that alright?” She asked, she truly didn’t want to play again.
“Of course!” Diopside replied, “You can just watch if that makes you happy.”
Blue nodded.
The squadron stayed up until the sun had risen; everyone laughing or smiling, just enjoying the fact that they were there. Blue didn’t do or say much, but she felt included, like she was a part of something.
“Oh stars!” Chryss noticed the orange-yellow glow that had soaked through the tent with a warm glow, “Peach is gonna kill us!”
“What else is new?” Citrine giggled, not noticing the sun.
Diopside got to her feet, “Citrine look!”
“What-” Citrine still laughed to herself, but when she saw the sun the giggling stopped, “I’m such a clod.”
“If we get in our cots now and pretend like we’ve been asleep this whole time, maybe Peach won’t tell the difference.” Aquamarine scrambled to her caught and closed her eyes, tight.
“What- what’s happening?” Blue felt lost again.
“Future vision, though.” Citirne warned, still in her cot anyway.
“... but sometimes she can’t predict accurately. We might be safe.” Diopside said from the safety of her cot.
“I’ll explain later, Blue. Just lay down on your cot.” Chryss was the only one to answer Blue’s desperate plea for an answer.
She quickly did as she was told, while she marvelled at how suddenly the mood had changed and how quickly her squadron mates had quieted themselves. She heard the birds singing, the winds rustling gently across the folds of the fabric tent. The sun was slowly beginning to warm her form again.
Suddenly, someone pushed back the folds of the entrance to the tent, she heard a sharp involuntary intake of breath from Citrine. She couldn’t see who had just walked into their room.
“Sit up, you clods. I’ve had a rough morning and I’m not in the mood for you to fool around with me. I didn’t need future vision to see that you all would disobey my strong suggestion and sleep tonight.” The voice was annoyed, but more tired than truly angry, Blue recognized the tone, “Well… it's your loss. We have a long day today, and you would have benefitted from sleep.”
The group quickly hopped out of bed and lined up at the front of the tent, saluting the general on their way out.
Each soldier said something along the lines of, “Yes, General Peach.” or “Sorry Miss sapphire.” on their way out of the tent.
Blue was stopped before she could follow her usual trail behind Chryss.
The sapphire summoned a clipboard from her gem and looked at it for a moment, “Blue Kyanite, correct?”
“Yes.” she nodded, she felt strangely frightened.
“Mmhm. Chryss recruited you, yes?” the general didn’t look up at her.
“Yes.” she replied again.
“Ok, so here’s the deal newby. Each morning I expect you all to be rested so that you can well-accomplish what I ask of you. Then I will instruct you in your training drills. You will train with your squadron and live with your squadron. You might have noticed that your squad is smaller than what you're used to. We are a small army, which means that I expect you to train hard and work hard for our cause. Both your squad and I will give you further instruction throughout the day, am I clear?” It seemed as though she had recited this speech many, many times.
“Yes.” she swallowed.
Peach held open the flap of fabric so that Blue could leave with the rest of her group. She was quite relieved to be out of Peach’s intense presence.
As the group trailed behind the other squadrons that were under Peach Sapphire’s command, they began to loosen up a bit again.
“What had her so annoyed?” Citrine pondered aloud.
“Maybe she got punched in the eye.” Aquamarine joked.
The group laughed a little.
“Seriously though guys,” Chryss attempted to reign the group back in, “She said that she had a ‘rough morning’, I wonder what happened…”
“Yeah…” Citrine trailed off.
Blue looked to Diopside who’s face had changed from startled, to pondering, to something more dangerous: plotting and mischievous. Blue had a feeling of what was coming next and gently shook her head, but Diopside didn’t see.
“Imma’ go ask her.” Diopside grinned with a glint in her eye.
“Uh, no. You aren’t.” Citrine grabbed her arm, but she wriggled away and was already dashing to where Peach was leading the group.
Citrine slapped her palm to her face; Chryss groaned. There was no stopping that gem.
“I mean… at least we might figure out what happened…” Aquamarine pointed out.
“Yeah, if she doesn’t end up in a bubble first.” Citrine replied.
Blue couldn’t tell if they were being serious or not. Would Diopside really be shattered for asking? That’s what would have happened in a normal court of gems, right? She had always gotten the impression that Rose’s army wasn’t normal.
As the group approached their destination, Diopside rejoined them. She had her usual grin on her face.
“Ah, there she is! You weren’t shattered!” Citrine was obviously joking now, Blue noted.
“So what’d you learn?” Chryss asked.
“Well, I learned that I’m supposed to mind my own business and to get back with my squad.” She smiled, a small amount of pride in her face.
“Stars, she is in a bad mood.” Aquamarine shook her head.
“Is it not normally like this?” Blue piped up. Was this not how a general would command respect?
“Not really.” Citrine replied, “She’s pretty strict, but usually we can joke around with her. I guess she’s just having a bad day.”
“Hm.” Blue replied, turning her gaze to the one eyed general.
“You all know the drill!” Peach called to her soldiers, “And if you don’t have the more experienced gems in your squadron explain. Get your weapons, and get in position!”
“Wha-... what do I do?” Blue scrambled to run along with Chryss the best she could, she hated feeling this lost.
“Just summon your preferred weapon and follow my lead.” she replied.
“I-... I don’t have a weapon.” as the words escaped Blue’s lips, she felt herself growing more panicked.
“You don’t?!” Chryss hissed under her breath.
Chryss cursed quietly in ancient gem, “Follow me, we’re gonna have to go see Bismuth.”
Chryss took Blue’s hand and they wove in and out of soldiers until they made their way to Peach, in front of everyone.
“What now?” Peach groaned, “Why must your squadron pick the worst days to fall apart on me?! Go on now, lay it one me.”
“I’m really sorry but Blue doesn’t have a weapon…”
Blue looked down at the floor sheepishly, she had no wish to displease the commander anymore than she already had, no less in front of that many soldiers.
“She doesn’t?” there was a surprise in her voice, “Hm. Were you more of a diplomat, Blue?”
“I guess that explains it.” Peach looked away from her, “Chryss, take her to the forge and have Bis get her a weapon. Get right back here when you’re done!”
Blue breathed a sigh.
As they walked down the hill, Chryss turned to Blue, “Well that went slightly better than I thought.”
Blue smiled, “Yes, I guess so.”
“You got me out of morning drills!” She laughed and aimed a playful punch into Blue’s shoulder, “Nice going!”
Neither Chryss or Blue said much more than that on the way to the forge, they both just looked around at the scene in front of them. Gems were still waking up and running drills with their generals. A Jasper was running laps around the camp with her soldiers, others were talking around fires, and still others ran maintenance missions to keep the camp running smoothly. As they approached the forge, a light smoke blew into their faces. Chryss coughed, Blue didn’t.
“Hey Chryssie, what can we do for ya?” Bis greeted her as they walked into the forge.
“My friend here needs to be fitted for a weapon.” Chryss replied, bouncing on her feet a little.
“I see! What weapon would you like… erm… what’s yer’ name?” Bis addressed Blue kindly.
“Blue. What weapon would you like and we can get you fitted for size and weight and such.” Bis leaned over the large table that the others used to hold tools and other miscellaneous objects, and gave a friendly smile.
“She’s actually not sure of a weapon. Are you, Blue?” Chryss looked up at her.
“No, I’m not sure.”
“Ah ok, that’s alright.” Bis left her post to walk with them, “Here, come with me, you can try out some things to see what you’d like.”
She led them around to a room with solid walls and a few test dummies with fake gems on their forms. The room was poorly decorated and was quite bland to look at, but it accomplished its purpose.
The next few hours was spent with Bis demonstrating different weapons, Blue trying them out, and Chryss patiently watching the entire scene. And though Blue spent what felt like an eternity trying out weapon after weapon, she refused to settle on a weapon that didn’t feel right to her. None of the weapons had felt right to her… Until…
“What about this one?” Bis held a large double sided axe in her hands, stars were engraved into each side.
She demonstrated the basics of how she could wield it and then handed the weapon to her. As soon as she felt its weight in her hands, she knew that this could be the one. She swung it into the air, a grin on her face.
“This is the one.”
“The axe, huh? Hm. Unusual for a Kyanite to be wielding an axe, but then again, Rose quartz’s don't usually wield a sword now do they?”
“Hm.” She replied, still enamoured with the weapon.
“I’ll get on making you your axe right away, Blue. You probably already know this, but just another reminder to only aim to destabilize.”
Blue nodded slowly.
As the two sat and waited for Bis to finish Blue’s axe, Blue turned to her friend and asked,
“Why don’t you aim to shatter your opponents? Wouldn’t that be more efficient?”
Chryss took in a sharp, long intake of breath, “We’d be just as bad as them, Blue. We aren’t just fighting for this planet; we’re fighting for our beliefs.”
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