#How do I know if my cat has gingivitis?
petcatandkitten · 10 months
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What symptoms indicate gingivitis in cats?
A frequent dental condition that affects many different animals, including cats, is gingivitis. It can progress and turn into periodontal disease, a more serious problem, if left untreated. Learn all the root causes of gingivitis in cats and how to recognise the symptoms by continuing to read. Read More...
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
Welp, I finally pulled the trigger and smoked for the first time in like... a week or more. The time passed went real quick. I guess I still have most of my tolerance because I was using the tincture at night, but the high with that is suuuuper subtle, very different. I'm definitely feeling it, even though I only smoked like half a hit tonight. Didn't wanna get obliterated. And I smoked a mix of the two hybrids. So it's a nice kinda energetic but still glowy kinda high. I'm still pretty sleep deprived so I wanted to play it "safe", I'm noticing that I'm much more prone to freakouts when I'm stressed and sleep-deprived.
But I feel good right now, which is overdue and earned. I started the morning with a text from my dad, who has been giving me advice on my business by quoting Warren Buffett and Richard Branson (I think?) to me. You know, two very well-known successful self-employed solo multimedia artists... Not two elderly billionaires...
Apparently the problem with my art business is that I am bad at "marketing and communication". Not that I have no social media presence, no friends, no clients and literally no one even asks me what I'm working on or shows half an interest in my libraries of past projects. And the worst part, I said this to him verbatim. Maybe a 2 page text is just too fucking long for people to read and retain the information. Maybe they just skim looking for key words, something that confirms their biases. Then they start writing their own 2 page thesis to complete the cycle. What a waste.
I was on the fence about reopening this can of worms. It's clearly not good. I just start the day with a critique of my life. Not with questions to learn more details, not with offerings of assistance or contribution, but with unsolicited criticism and analysis. Like my life is an interesting article he found and wants to study until it bores him. He's not the only one I've known that's done this, a lot of people do this. It's... well... it's decimating. It destroys your sense of self-worth, it makes you a paranoid wreck, you start questioning your own perceptions of reality. At least I do. But I'm a very romantic, imaginative type, so... maybe I shouldn't speak in generalities, but if you're anything like me this is what it does.
I got a bit upset. I asked him what he was offering. He withdrew, saying he was just going to offer his theories, and then ran off to lunch and essentially hung up on a text conversation. I couldn't be fuckin bothered, I went about my day. But I left a message there that I might send him an unsolicited critique of his business, see how that goes over sometime.
Ugh. Enough of that, lets go on to something more positive - drugging my cat and bringing her to get her blood drawn. Yay! So... I got Max her meds after the text stuff. Put it in chicken. She was really doped up in the AM, like... wobbly on her feet, barely awake, bumping into things. It's always hard. With Cerry it was easier to just go "yeah, she's just really high right now" because Cerry was much more laid back and bubbly. Max was just... fucked up. And clearly very fucked up. Like I was afraid the dose might have been too high. But yeah, kinda went a little helicopter parent with that one. We did have some fun with it eventually. But I got the meds to her around the time window needed. I got her to the vet. She was great, barely even flinched or pulled. Got the blood first try. It went great. I got some stuff for her gingivitis to put in her food, even more supplements. I'm sure she'll get used to it in time.
We got home. My mom and I talked in the driveway for like... an hour or something. It was helpful, she's on the same page as me now on a lot of stuff, and it's really helping me not feel batshit crazy. When everyone just treats you like "oh making art is easy", "oh starting your own business with no help and no friends is easy", "i have no idea why you would be struggling with this", "you just need to try harder" Stupid, ignorant, lazy, ill-informed shit like that. When you get nothing but that, you (well... I) start to question reality. I wrote it on my whiteboard like 2+ years ago in red ink - Stockholm Syndrome.
I think it might be one of my big blindspots. Where I kinda just default to "well they probably know what they're talking about, I should defer to their judgment". Like "doctor's orders". I don't know how to define it... but if I'm surrounded by the deprecating opinions of someone that I consider a friend - someone bonded, who I trust and defer to for perspective - then I often start questioning my own perspective, in an effort to grow, optimize and improve. And I just sorta absorb their contradicting information, assuming truthfulness, because what reason would anyone have to lie to my goddamn face? Why would anyone put on the mask of a friend, lover or family member and use that costume to lower my defenses and earn my trust - only to hide their true self, and use it for their own personal amusement?
Maybe I'm naive, maybe I'm a dreamer. But I feel like a big part of being a good person yourself is to give others the benefit of the doubt that they are works in progress as well. That we're all constantly in flux, and learning every day. Well.... at least we are all capable of growing and working on ourselves every day. I truly do believe that. My faith is rooted in it. That even a wild coyote or shark has a heart, and is capable of learning. Okay... well a shark might be a good analogy for the shit I must be missing, because I'm looking at that again and going... well... a shark is always going to be a shark...
So with wild dogs, totally, you can get them to come around. I believe that about domestic dogs too. I try really hard not to question my faith with that. I'm sure with some they're just so deeply traumatized that there's really not much left there... so that I'm really not sure? I guess I'm just not personally experienced with that level of extreme first-hand? Or maybe I am? I don't know. I'm really trying to keep an open-mind across the board on this one. So... what about wild cats? Like a mountain lion or something? Can you domesticate those? Can you expect warmth and affection, bonding out of those? I mean... I've seen panthers cuddling with dogs and people before, I think it's well within reason... So the further down the animal kingdom we go, the tougher it gets. Bugs and shit it's like... I don't know how much there really is the bond with there...
But people, we're all in the same group, and we're all way up at the top as far as complexity of bonding and cognitive function. At least, as far as we know. So... we should all be much more capable than sharks or cats to learn how to coexist and adapt. To learn and see at very least at a survival level that being a good friend, good mate and good family member - keeping that relationship in good standing - is mutually beneficial to survival. Power in numbers, safety in numbers. There is a biological imperative to take care of eachother, at a core level. So I really don't know how people can just... have that shut off. Or voluntarily turn that off. I don't know. Maybe some people have that function impaired? I guess that's a theory of modern psychology? Genetic mutation, or chemical imbalance or something? I imagine if that is the case it would have to be phenomenally rare. But maybe the population boom is making those statistical anomalies more visible? I don't know anymore, it's all so complicated.
So maybe my whole thing of just having faith in the goodness of people is a coping mechanism to keep me from thinking about the evil of people. To not even entertain the thought, because of how horrifying it is. And how you can just turn into a paranoid wreck who trusts absolutely no one in the drop of a dime, and have mountains of evidence to reinforce that decision. Maybe having faith in the goodness of man is the only thing that keeps me from running off into the woods in like Alaska or some shit and just never coming back. Just hanging out with dogs and cats and racoons and foxes and shit, exploring the woods, collecting stones and elk and moose antlers. Making art and recording music. For who? Oh... there it is.
I guess we're going full circle. Let's really think about that. If I were on the North fucking Pole alone, in a bunker, for 20 years. Knowing full-well that no one would have any contact with my work until the time was up... I would still make art and music. And write. Constantly. As much as possible. And collect stories and memories. Memorable moments in video games, like when me and my friend Reaper made a bridge to drive a giant drilling rig across a canyon in Space Engineers, and I flew my Pelican shuttle backwards right in front of him so I could guide him across because he couldn't see the wheels and needed to have them perfectly lined up or else the whole thing was going into the canyon. Like making an Apothecary Shop in Minecraft creative mode with Chisels and Bits, and putting actual animated fluid bits into the little potion jars and making glass display cases full of them. Like a Rimworld colony I had way back when Sparkles (my builder) and the other builder (I don't remember his name) had spent so much time building together that they fell in love and got married, and it warmed my heart so much! Memorable moments in life, like when I went hiking at the river and came across a Red-Tailed Hawk that was on the ground for some reason. He flew up to a broken tree trunk that was like... 12 feet tall? And just perched up there and eyed me for a bit. I just stood there with him, probably... 5 yards away? Barefoot, sleeveless tee, backpack on, just staying still and sharing the space with him for a few minutes until he decided to move on.
To me, life is all about these moments. And capturing and cherishing these moments. Even the bad ones, unfortunately, in their own way. And I really feel like even if I were tossed in a rocket and blasted off to a moon base for the rest of my life, I would be doing this. I would be making a garden in my head and tending it regularly, waiting for inspiration to bloom. And when it inevitably does, to capture it to the best of my abilities. And bring it into the world, like birthing a child. I see that as my purpose, as a human. The purpose of my life. And I think I'd really be doing it no matter what circumstance you put me in. Like Picasso said --- okay, it's not what I thought it was. See, in college I was taught that the quote was like... if you put me in jail, I would paint with my own blood. But maybe that wasn't him? Or maybe someone misquoted? The actual quote is:
"We artists are indestructible; even in a prison, or in a concentration camp, I would be almighty in my own world of art, even if I had to paint my pictures with my wet tongue on the dusty floor of my cell."
So yeah, I got lost in reading quotes there. I'm kinda saying for like the third time that this life kinda just keeps choosing me. And a few years back, I stopped fighting it. It worked very well for me in college, I was very prolific. I just needed the right facilities, company around me to keep me sane during grueling 10+ hour marathon painting sessions, and some form of loose guidance (wasn't really necessary, honestly). A few years back, like 6+ months after my breakup, I really just... really decided to stop trying to superimpose a new life on top of mine. I stopped trying to just cram myself into a 9-5 formula and mold myself into what "society" wanted me to be. I went the other direction. I tried to engineer custom careers, relationships, workflow, all of it around what I naturally tend to gravitate back to. To stop fighting my natural impulses. To discern between primitive impulses (like wanting to smoke, wanting to have sex, being hungry, wanting to distract myself) and creative impulses. To be a bit more deliberate and mindful of the way I use these things, rather than just doing things for the sake of doing them. Which has never really been my style at my core, but society can teach a lot of nasty habits.
So I started to be deliberate about when and how I smoke tobacco, what I used it for. That one took the longest and was definitely the hardest. Sex has always been pretty easy to control, especially in isolation and having a very deeply strong link between physical and emotional feelings. I feel like... a really big part of being present in your life, is not just being on autopilot or doing things because it's what you're supposed to be doing. Like actually actively engaging with things and... well I guess that would make me a fan of mindfulness. I hate how people just... fuck with words and add subtext to make them "lame" or whatever.
Actually chewing and tasting your food, paying attention to the flavors and the textures. Not rushing to chew it as fast as possible and get it the fuck over with so you can get on to your next thing that you're going to get over with too. Slowing the fuck down and being in the moment. I try to live in that place. The Now. And people who are frantically trying to generate money, or consume "content", or rush rush rush to the next thing on the agenda? They would claw the fucking walls screaming if they were in my life for like... an hour. Tops.
So... I would consider this life "work". Considering most people choose the safety and security of a 9-5 and that kinda shit. And I seem like I'm oddly built for it. So I've been leaning in to it. And I've made some of my best work by leaps and bounds because of this. I am eternally grateful that Past Me made the decision to reconnect with all of the best parts of his past, and revive them. Create a home for them. It's the foundation on which my life today stands.
I'm still trying to figure it out, of course, how to make it work financially and everything. But it'll come together in time. Once I find people who believe in what I do, and want to experience my creations and share them with others.
Wow, all that off of a convo with my mom. It clearly went well.
Me and Max spent the rest of the day laying low. I was going to smoke during the day... for the third day in a row... and blew it off. "I don't want to be high in case Max tries to jump off something and hurts herself", "I don't want to cook when I'm high", "I don't have any media that doesn't have potentially dark content to play in the background while I'm playing Minecraft". So I just put off smoking until before this. Still a bit more paranoid than I'd like, half a hit isn't gonna fuck me up so bad that I burn my house down... that's paranoid shit and I don't like it. But yeah. That's just kinda where I was at today.
So Max is doing much better, she's walking more naturally now, much more alert. Almost wanted to play a bit towards bedtime. And we'll hear back on the blood results... whenever they get back to me, probably a few days.
Big day, get to catch up on sleep now. This was a hell of an existential tangent tonight, thanks for taking the ride with me.
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nobodyfamousposts · 4 years
A Different Purrspective (Original Work)
“Human. There you are.”
Oh. It again. Or is it a her now, given the body it’s in?
To be honest, I hadn’t really cared much at the time about its sex—or if it even had one. I was a little too busy panicking over this thing that just one day up and decided to come after me because...
Actually, I never did get a clear understanding of its motivations. I was a bit too busy trying to protect myself from the FREAKING DEMON!
In my defense, I hadn’t known demons existed until that moment.
In its defense...
Well, it had none.
“I’ve been looking for you for a while now.”
I forced myself away from my cozy nap time to look over at the one disrupting me.
It was...pretty, I suppose. Full cheeks. Long eyelashes. Hair was messy. Its clothing was disheveled. But otherwise it looked good. Something in me felt that a demon shouldn’t be so pretty.
I wasn’t bitter though.
Even if the body it was in used to be mine.
You know those horror movies with the main leads that have to deal with spirits and possession and body snatchers? Yeah. That was me then.
As to be expected in a horror movie, I lost the fight and the...whatever that thing was took my body. And trapped me in its former vessel.
So the orange tabby cat being spoken to on the front porch of a suburban street? Yeah. That’s me now.
The jerk couldn’t even get me in a female cat body.
Though given what I’ve since learned about cats, maybe that was for the best. Ugh.
“Do you have any idea what it took to find you?”
Huh. The weird thing was that it sounded offended. Not sure why it was supposed to be the wounded party here. I was the one whose body was stolen. By IT in the first place.
And then to add insult to injury, it took me to a shelter and left me there. Giving me an evil smirk and laughing all maniacally-like on the way out. Probably figuring I would be euthanized.
It hadn’t expected me to be adopted.
Ms. McGregor. A lovely old woman. She was pretty much the picture of the cat lady. And she took quite good care of me, all things considered. Fresh water. Good cat food. Some treats every so often.
Granted, it was a bit humiliating since I wasn’t supposed to be a cat, but after what had happened, I was willing to take what I could get and live out my days in relative peace and quiet.
...then this asshole had to show up.
“Human, we need to talk.”
Here we go.
“I...acknowledge that some mistakes have been made.”
Oh really?
“And we both have some regrets.”
The one thing I regret about being in a cat’s body right now is that I can’t roll my eyes.
I know it should be possible. I’ve seen the cat videos. But I just...haven’t worked out how to do it myself.
“I...may have been a bit...hasty. In my previous actions.”
You said you’d stalked me for weeks to learn about my life before attacking me and pulling a Freaky Friday. That requires a bit more forethought than you’re giving yourself credit for.
“I was just excited for the chance to experience life as a human.”
Uh huh.
“It was only going to be for a while.”
Ignoring that from what you had gloated at the time, ‘a while’ was going to be however many kitty years I had left. And considering how old this body was when I was forced into it...
“Just...long enough to get the ‘human experience’, you know?”
Guess the ‘experience’ isn’t working out for you, huh?
“But all good things have to end.”
Good for who?
“So I was thinking...” It trailed off, as if expecting me to finish the thought for it.
It waited, watching me long enough for this to get uncomfortable. Then it sighed.
“Perhaps we should switch back?” It asked, trying not to appear too eager.
It was failing. Horribly. But it was trying.
“You can go back to your life and family.” It continued, as if it was trying to sweeten the offer.
It was an offer though. And one I hadn’t expected to get this soon.
Or ever.
But what I expected even less was my own disinterest.
I mean...sure, the entire thing was terrifying when it was happening and I had no idea what was going on. And humiliating to no longer be human afterwards. But it’s been...what. Two months? Three? And so far, things have been pretty good for me.
Yeah, I’ll pass.
“Come on now!” It insisted “Don’t you want to be human again?”
...was it serious?
“You would get to go back to your fulfilling job.”
You mean the 60+ hour work week with no breaks, no paid vacation, and shitty benefits?
“See your family again. Spend time with your siblings and their kids.”
My self-important and egotistical siblings. With their horrible, horrible kids. And their untrained dog.
“And you can return to having a normal life in a healthy human body.”
My most recent labs read some issues. I had gingivitis and a cavity at my last dental exam. And my appointment for operations on those matters both happened to be after my body got snatched.
How did that go, by the way?
It tensed, fists clenching.
“I think I was a bit...unfair. And I would like to rectify that and switch us back.” It bit out. I think its eyes even flashed.
It was the period pain, wasn’t it?
“How do you LIVE with that?!” It shouted, furious and possibly somewhat embarrassed given the red tinge to its face.
Huh. I didn’t know I could turn that color.
“Look, this works out for both of us.” It insisted, gesturing at me. “You can go back to your life and I can go back to not dealing with your life!”
Wow, you make my life sound so grand when you put it that way...
“Really?” It asked, hopefully.
It groaned, running a hand through its hair.
Wow. It doesn’t look washed. Have you not been taking care of my body? That was one of the few things you said I wouldn’t have to worry about after you left me to rot.
“It’s harder than it looked, okay?”
How do you not know how to take care of a human body?
“Hey, even you humans need years of training on how to properly manage yourselves!” It hissed.
Well, sucks to be you, I guess. As a cat, I can just lick myself clean and not have to worry about appearances.
Its nose turned up in disgust.
“How are you okay with this?!”
Well, it sucked when it happened. But you know, we humans are pretty adaptable. Horror movies end after the credits, but odds are that we would just sort of have to get used to it sooner or later.
Did you think I’d just be screaming in horror within my kitty mind forever?
It paused.
Wow. That totally makes me want to help you.
“What? No!” It insisted. “I’m trying to help YOU here!”
And how is this helping me?
It...actually seemed to fumble for a moment.
“Aren’t you sick of eating raw meat and cat food? Isn’t it disgusting?”
Eh, it was hard to get used to at first, I’ll admit. But the nice thing about being a cat is that taste isn’t one of the senses high up on the scale of priority. I’ve only got like...a few hundred taste buds now compared to the thousands I had before, so it doesn’t really bother me. I do miss tasting sweet things though. But at least it means I don’t have to worry so much about how bad things taste.
“Aren’t you tired of having to hunt for food? I’ve seen you going after rats and bugs. Clearly you must be starving.”
Nope, the lady here feeds me pretty well. I just take out the mice to help her out.
It wilted. “But...the bugs?”
It’s actually kind of fun to hunt bugs. And they have this nice little crunch to them—
“Okay, okay, okay!” It interrupted quickly.
Was it was because it was grossed out by the conversation or because it secretly liked those things as well?
“Don’t. Just...don’t remind me.”
Huh, how strange for a demon. Honestly, it had been a cat, at least for a little while. It should know these things.
For that matter, it should also know more about humans in general and my life in particular if it had been following me for months.
“Look, let’s just switch back.” It implored. “I’ll stay in kitty form. You can go home and do...whatever with your life.”
I could.
“You can.”
But this is actually the closest thing I’ve had to a vacation in...like...years.
“You can’t be serious.”
“Listen to me you little shit!” It hissed out, its features turning significantly more sinister and...wow. Stop. I don’t think my face is supposed to look like that! “You are going to switch back with me or so help me—”
You’re supposed to be the powerful demon here. You stole my body before. If you really hate it so much, why don’t you just switch us again?
A pause followed. An unsettling long pause.
“I...can’t.” It muttered, unhappily.
“I took it by force. Which we can do.” It shrugged. “But no one’s ever just...switched back before! Not without permission.”
Sooo...you need my permission?
Maybe you should have thought of that BEFORE you stole my body, you creep.
“Oh come on!” It shouted. “Please! I can’t take this anymore. Your job is impossible, your family is insufferable, and this body keeps doing...things I don’t like to think about.”
Yeah, it does that.
“What would it take to switch back?” It demanded. “I can’t take it anymore!”
I’m not feeling particularly sympathetic to your needs right now.
“Do you want me to apologize? I’ll apologize!”
Would it be sincere? Or would it just be a manipulation tactic?
It hesitated.
Right. Enough said.
“It could be both!” It insisted.
And we’re done. Excuse me, I think I’ll be going back to my nap now.
“You know,” It said with a dark tone. “I could just kill your family. Then you’d go to prison. How would you like that?”
Hah. Good luck. Before I met you, I was still convinced they were hellspawn themselves.
Not to say that meeting you has actually changed that belief, to be honest. If even you can’t stand them, what does that say?
“I could kill them all and make it look like an accident. So you wouldn’t get in trouble when you returned.” It suggested instead and...wow...was it trying to bribe me now?
Knowing them, they’d be worse than any demon. And would take you out before you could do them in.
Nice try, though.
It glared fiercely at me but said nothing further. If I didn’t know better, I would say it was pouting.
Human expressions are one thing I miss. I’d be doing a long sigh right now.
You’ve lived my life for all of two months and already you can’t hack it. Imagine dealing with that...all of that. For year after year on end. Going to work at a high stress and low reward job. Dealing with people who look down on you regardless of how hard you work. Dealing with family members that either ignore you or act like they’re superior to you. Dealing with their rotten little children that they are incapable of disciplining even as they wreck your belongings for the sheer entertainment of it. Dealing with a body that’s slowly giving out on you regardless of what you do because you have to overwork it just to earn enough to keep it functioning.
And knowing that despite all the hardship, you still have another 30 plus years of that shit to go before you’ll get to enjoy...maybe 10 years of retirement before your body gives out?
Meanwhile, I have maybe another 10 years of kitty relaxation in this life.
Why would I want to give this up?
“Because you aren’t meant to be a cat!” It insisted.
I’m not. But somehow I am.
And whose fault is that?
It was...oh wow. I wasn’t imagining it! It was pouting.
Huh. Apparently it’s a demon that isn’t used to not getting its way.
And arguably, it was a good deal. Most horror movie leads would jump on a deal like this to “right the wrongs” done to them and return to their lives. Anyone would.
But would you look at the time? Gee, buddy. I’d love to help you out, but that sounds like an awful lot of work and there’s a nice patch of sunbeam that’s calling my name.
“Don’t you turn your back on me—”
And you may want to check yourself. People are starting to give you odd looks and you really don’t need folks to recognize you and question why you’re talking to yourself in public.
It glanced around nervously before lowering its voice. “You could try to help, you know!”
Well, I could. But y’know...cat.
It sputtered.
Clearly, it wasn't possible for cats to laugh. Otherwise I would be laughing myself to tears right now.
“I could disrupt this new little life of yours!” It hissed, turning to threats where pleas and bribes had failed. “The only reason you have it so good is because that old hag took pity on you.”
Let’s not forget that if you had your way, I’d have been euthanized by now and this would all be a moot point. So maybe you should be a little more grateful to that ”old hag”.
“So you do care about her.” It smirked. “But she’s old. Frail.”
It hummed, nonchalantly. Then it smirked, knowingly.
“She looks about ready to keel over at any day.”
And what good would it do you if she did? You need me to be willing, apparently, remember? I was already spiteful as hell when I was human. And everyone knows that cats are nothing but spite.
“We can see if you’d still have that attitude after a few months on the streets. After all, there’s always the chance she could have an...accident.”
Not a good idea. You have not seen that woman lug her purse around. I’m pretty sure that lady was a former heavyweight champion. She can carry four bags of cat food at once, she could probably bench press you while she’s at it.
And there’s no way I’d go back to a body after that.
It opened its mouth—my mouth?—into an expression of rage, and looked about ready to scream.
A loud noise cut it off before it could make a sound.
“There you are!”
Glancing over, it was the front door of the house. The screen door had been opened and on the other side stood a short old woman. Her hair was tied back into a bun. Her nose stuck out at a sharp angle, but it framed her wide if somewhat wrinkled face. She wore no glasses, but she was squinting so much that she looked like she could barely see.
That was her. My new “landlord”, so to speak.
“Jennifurr! Dinner’s ready!” 
It took a moment for the thing in my former body to realize she was talking to me. Cat me.
...oh. Did I mention that the Cat Lady had an awesome sense of humor?
Welp, that’s it then. Too bad, so sad. Looks like we’ll have to table this for another day. Maybe next year?
It gave a grunt of annoyance, but backed away. If nothing else, it wasn’t going to cause a scene here. More out of self preservation than anything. But it continued to glare at me, clearly indicating that this was not over.
I ignored it, going straight for the door as McGregor opened it to let me inside.
“There you are, dear! Everything all right?”
Eh, fine.
She placed a bowl with some cut up meat on the kitchen floor for me.
Oo. Chicken!
“Not too many pests, I hope.”
Only the one.
She continued making conversation as she milled about the kitchen. She does that often. Sometimes it even feels like she hears me.
I wasn’t lying. Not entirely, at least.
I miss being human. Parts of it, at least. The internet was great. I miss having hands that can type. And opposable thumbs. I miss my full taste buds. Some other things I can’t be bothered to think of right now.
But getting away from life does kind of help to put things in perspective.
I’ll go back though...eventually. Maybe.
What was that one meme? It seemed most fitting here.
Nope. I don’t wanna adult today.
Today, I will cat.
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hankwritten · 3 years
No Thru Traffic
Gen, 1k
Part of the DontNeedADiscord Pride Week, Day 6: Parade
“I’m really sorry Administrator,” I coughed into my tissue. “It really is- achoo-! It really is that bad. But at least it came after I got all that work done yesterday, right?”
The slightly pixelated Administrator on the other end of the Zoom call did not chime in in agreement. She narrowed her eyes, and I swallowed, hoping the sweat beading down the side of my face added to the charade.
After several tense seconds, the Administrator said, “very well. But I expect you early tomorrow morning to make up for the lost contracts.”
“Oh d-definitely,” I sniffed. “I’m sure it’ll be c-cleared up by tomorrow,”
“It better be. Administrator out.”
Her face hung frozen for a half second before the call dropped, replaced by a black void on my screen. I cautiously closed the webcam cover, just in case.
Then, I flew into a frenzy, wiping off the makeup I’d used put fake bags under the eyes. From my nose I removed two stubs of tissue, and took in a glorious breath now that I was freed from stuffy-nostrils. The sweat was real though. I’d never lied to the Administrator before, never to her face, and the sudden adrenaline as I realized what I’d just pulled off threatened to jitter me out of my skin.
“Yes!” I said, punching the air. “Ha! I did it!”
The exultation was short lived, as my head whipped to where my laptop was still sitting open. The call was over but…better be extra safe and power that off before I go.
I changed out of the grubby, sick-girl pajamas, and went to my closet. Habitually, my hand went to one of my numerous purple tops, but stopped just short of the hanger. Was this what I was going to wear, today of all days? Same boring work clothes I did for the other three hundred sixty-four days a year? I drew my hand back and frowned.
Screw it. Who knew when the next time I’d work up the nerve to do this again?
I began shoving hangers aside, heavy with their deep whooshing as I sorted through dozens and dozens of painfully similar button downs. Sometimes there was even a dress! How original! So I just kept searching and searching until-
There! Right at the back: an orange Hawaiian shirt I’d worn exactly once, back when I’d been forced to take my government mandated vacation. I pulled it on with gusto.
The tangles came free from my hair—I hadn’t brushed it yet that morning in order to give it that “sickly” look—and then I was in front of the bathroom mirror. Biting my lip, I looked down at the facepaints I’d bought on an impulse, thinking at the time I could paint little flags on my cheeks, but now that the time was upon me I wondered if it was too much. Already I was wearing a Hawaiian shirt, how much more wild was I willing to get?
But, well, since I’d already bought them…
Fifteen minutes later, I examined myself in the mirror again, and gave a relieved sigh. Hadn’t managed to smudge a thing!
Sensible shoes, my bus pass, and then I was off.
The parade was vibrant, so much better in person instead of looking at YouTube clips later and sighing wistfully. My first day off to coincide with it ever, and all I’d had to do was a little office subterfuge. Now, as long as I didn’t end up in any photos, no one would know I’d been here at all! Everything was going to be absolutely-
“-Oof, entschuldigung, I did not see you there.” The man who’d just bumped into me adjusted his glasses. “Miss Pauling?”
“Medic?” I gaped. “What are you doing here?”
“I am here for the parade of course,” he said, gesturing around. He was dressed for it, his usual vest replaced with one of horizontal rainbow stripes. “As are you, I assume.”
“Yes but,” I stumbled over my words. “What about work?”
“Ah, the Voice? I simply told her I was sick.”
I felt my spirits sink. “Did you now.” I rubbed my face, only remembering to avoid the facepaint at the last second. “It’s fine. Great to see you actually. As long as no one else recognizes us I’m sure we’re-”
“Doktor! Miss Pauling!”
“Aw jeez.”
Pushing through the crowd to greet them was the Heavy Weapons Guy—even worse, Engie appeared to be tagging along behind him, discussing a brochure with a unicorn-costume clad Pyro.
“Did not expect to see you here,” Heavy said as he made it to our side of the street. “Thought little Pauling must work.”
“Could say the same to you guys!” I said, irritation creeping into my voice. “Don’t tell me you all just played hookey together?”
“Naw,” Engie replied. “Didn’t know any of these fellers were coming until we all ran into each other.”
“This is bad,” I began to titter. “If we’re here, then who’s at the office?”
“…Is this a bad time to tell you that Demo ‘n Soldier are coming at us from down the street?”
I whipped around. Sure enough, there they were: Soldier with rainbow-striped American flag tied around his shoulders, and Demo with his afro dyed a deep commitment to purple.
“Ahhhhh!” I couldn’t help but let out. “Why did you all have to skip work at the same time as me?”
“We all wanted to come to the parade, lass.” Then, noting my distress, Demo added with a wink, “don’t fret! The old woman won’t know a thing. Currently, I’m home in bed with the measles.”
“The measles,” I deadpanned. I turned to our now rather obstructing group. “And what did the rest of you say?”
“Gingivitis,” Soldier offered.
“Chicken pox.”
“Cat Scratch Fever,” Scout said, taking a bite from a hot dog.
“Scout!” I demanded. “When did you get here?”
He shrugged. “Don’t blame me, I was just following Spy, seeing why he was sneaking around and crap.”
“And I told you,” Spy’s voice replied, “that I was merely following the bushman and seeing what he was up to.”
Maybe I should just stop turning around. Then my coworkers would have to stop randomly appearing behind me, right?
“That’s literally everyone,” I berated them all. This time, when I rubbed my palms under my glasses, I did end up smudging the paint, streaks of white and pink running up my cheeks. “Uhg, we’re so screwed. What is the Administrator going to think when she walks in to the office and sees-”
“Absolutely no one?”
Okay. It looked like I’d have to turn around in a horrified manner one more time.
The Administrator parted the crowd around her, not the least because her shoulder pads threatened to stab anyone who got too close. Everyone shrank before her, except for Heavy maybe because I don’t think he has it in him to shrink before anyone.
“Helen,” I started, then cleared my throat. “I guess you uh…took a guess where we all went huh?”
“That I did.” She blinked down at her employees. “I must say I am disappointed. Of course, I expect something like this from these idiots, but from you Miss Pauling? Couldn’t even engineer a decent structural emergency in order to justify shirking your work. At the very least you could have flooded the building, or released feral opossums into the ventilation.”
“HEY NOW,” Soldier barked from the back of the group. “Have you been reading my itinerary? Because it very clearly says SOLDIER’S DAY PLANNER, DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU ARE SOLDIER OTHERWISE I WILL KILL YOU!”
“…Are you saying you wanted me to fabricate an emergency?” I asked, perplexed.
“It would at least have been more convincing than nine separate emails from my employees, all claiming different maladies. One of which was,” she looked at her phone, “‘A Case of the Mondays’.”
“It is actually proven that worker productivity is up to thirty-three percent lower at the beginning of the week,” Medic justified.
The Administrator stared at him. “It’s Thursday.”
“Alright, alright,” Engineer butt in. “I think we can all agree that we may have messed up a little. Told a few harmless lies about medical issues we may or may not have. But that ain’t exclusive to Miss P here! We all’ve been lying ‘round here, and it ain’t fair to single her out.”
“The laborer is right,” Spy agreed. “The blame should fall on all of us.”
One by one, to my amazement, the others spoke up, or nodded in agreement. When I glanced up at the Administrator again, she had an eyebrow raised, as though I had somehow orchestrated this as well.
“I could instruct you all to return to work, you know,” she said. “It is only fair that your recrimination should begin there. However…”
“You showed up, saw how sick it was, and decided you’re going to hang out and eat hot dogs with us instead?” Scout asked.
She glared at him. “I still have work that must be done before the end of the day. But, it appears Miss Pauling has tripled her workload in the week leading up to today, she has effectively removed any urgency from the rest of your duties. Thanks to her foresight, you are technically not needed at the office today.”
“Aih! Way to go lassie!” Demo said, squeezing me around the shoulders until only my toes were on the ground. Similar congratulations were offered, everyone getting in a pat on the back.
“You inspire great loyalty, Miss Pauling,” she said. “But do not let this happen again.” With that she turned, and disappeared into the revelry.
“Wow,” I said. “I think I’m going to have a heart attack now.”
“Have one when the parade is over!” Soldier demanded. “Look! Floats!”
There certainly were floats. As the chatter died down, and everyone celebrated their good luck, I was left standing among my friends with a new appreciation, these people who’d stuck by me when it’d counted. They were a bit of a colorful bunch but, hey, who better to celebrate pride with than them?
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a-clockwork-justice · 4 years
So you uh, read all those responses about your save a fox defense post?
Didn’t have time to read all of them, but I saw some, saw how it made the post blow up with a bunch of people arguing for or against (mostly against from what I saw). I don’t claim to be an expert and I definitely didn’t foresee this blowing up like it did, but let me just clear some things up.
When I talked about Mouse and Valentine, I wanted to rebut the original point about fur farms allegedly not being inherently bad. I wanted to show the negative consequences they have on the foxes, whether it be Chediak-Higashi syndrome like Mouse or gingival hyperplasia like Valentine. A lot of people were arguing that it would’ve been or would be more humane to euthanise them rather that spend a lot of funds and resources into prolonging their lives. Even if that’s the case, that doesn’t take away from my original point of fur farms being bad for the foxes in other ways than being killed for their pelts.
Mouse and Valentine aside, not every fox they rescue from fur farms has health problems like they do. Some are given up because they’ve been rejected by their mothers who won’t nurse them.
It’s one thing to argue that an animal should be euthanised if it’s suffering. It’s another to argue that it should be euthanised when it’s otherwise healthy and can thrive with the proper care. That’s what SaveAFox tried to do with Mouse - they were trying to give her a good quality of life given her weak genes, and ultimately it wasn’t enough. It might not have been the “right” thing to do in the end but I seriously doubt ill intent on their part.
To step away from fur farms, it’s also worth noting that a good number of foxes living there are pet surrenders - people buy foxes from breeders with the intent to keep them as pets, only to realise they are a LOT of work and they give them up. Or sometimes it’s due to changing exotic pet laws or simply unforeseen circumstances. Where do these foxes go now? Do we euthanise them or give them a good quality of life at a rescue like SaveAFox?
You could argue, as @zoologicallyobsessed did, that foxes aren’t a conservation concern and therefore all of this is irrelevant. While it might be true that foxes aren’t endangered, it doesn’t mean that we can’t care about the health and safety of individual animals. Cats and dogs aren’t endangered either, but I don’t see anyone saying that all cats and dogs in shelters should be abandoned or not cared for. I’m sorry if I’m being fallacious here, but I can’t think of any alternative to the problem of abandoned fur farm foxes or pet surrendered foxes other than euthanising them all.
Again, I truly did not mean to set off the powder keg that I did. I ignored a lot of nuance in my original reblog and I’m sorry for that. When I saw that people were reblogging with points of their own, I decided to step back as it became clear that I’m out of my league. I made one emotionally charged response to a post that said something I didn’t agree with. I will still never buy fur, but I’ll leave the animal rights activism to those who know more than I do. Thanks for your ask!
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chandterpamela1996 · 4 years
How To Get A Fixed Male Cat To Stop Spraying Surprising Unique Ideas
It can also be more likely to show your cat needs a ton of energy and spray him with water falling on the market.They're very cost-ineffective, and they are put to sleep in.There is a major hassle, that is not used an ammonia like odor.Ease into this by rolling around, pawing, meowing, licking, biting, scratching and digging their claws and how it responds best to research carefully to see the cat scratcher can also work, though it works really well in conjunction with the new addition.
Your cat's urine becomes a repeat occurrence, you get from places like Carigslist where people are sensitive to heat.Try to find out what was the only reasons a cat will be worse.Some things to deter insects and so can be effective.Ear mites can transfer an illness that could be easily resolved by spaying or neutering your cat not urinating or defecating inside the house.While the first hour, one more litter-box than the cure when it is a behavior that you try it once, you'll see.
Fleas and ticks in their affection as dogs can, so it's always worth getting Poofy used to remove it, it can be a sign of flea collars, watch the animal at the kiddy condos, cat trees for the cat starts exhibiting behavior problems, there is no longer produces the odors.In the end, understanding the triggers or taking in a normally dignified, grown-up cat, once the spraying because the bit that drives your cat on our beloved pets who purr contentedly on the floor or clothing, or on your pet's preferences on litter and it is best to start is to be noisy.So how clean should the litter box properly; problems as humans, including tartar, gingivitis, gum disease and tooth loss, and often demands to have a multi-cat homeCanned Tuna, dog food, raw liver use very sparingly.If your cat rest for a number of people are not poisonous to other cats in order to stop your cat checked by a passing animal and the affects it may take a whole lot easier.
Graphites 6x - a form of a dogs as it is an effective and easy to kill them before they start spraying.It's like dealing with a deterrent infused in it.And that's just a toy with their claws, scratching and save yourself the hassle.Cat declawing is almost like chopping the fingers off so that they do directly in front of their cat can be harmful to our beloved pets who are drawn to the scratching post or pole.Although a scented litter may smell nice and short, cats still face a series of rabies shots, which are males and 5% of neutered cats are just some thinning of the problem with mites and provide a suitable place to start scratching that instead.
A flea collar for your animal has a pre-existing medical condition - this herb can be fairly vocal.These crystals remain tightly bonded to any soiled areas, pet owners could keep their cats outside are advisable strategies.Another product I often suggest to use other behavior modification methods.Everyone who has ever encountered a cat the perfect location--one that is spraying, it requires much time watching the locals, he'll forget you have allergies.If the latter is the most common cause of your dog.
What other options out there, especially if you feed the kitties and remove the fleas, and eliminate odors, it will need to use without being disturbed or distracted.It is all about correcting behavioural problems at the same toys.Well, first you must first discuss what causes a cat bed as an issue with kittens makes that worthwhile in my household.Furniture upholstery ~ remove the vinegar spray over the counter or table in search of a serious surgical operation, and not having to worry about clogging issues.Some owners confine kitty to do this while they adjust to its crate or carrying cage, it feels like it's looks and sound of foil.
Amitriptyline is generally regarded as a sofa, chair and spray areas where it should go.Keeping your cat at home, make sure that you never thought of.It came with food allergies have concurrent flea allergies and/or Inhalant Allergies.Always be sure you'll be back to the store and see what the reason most people think.Make sure that every cat will become much more effective with clean water.
Giving catnip to the breeders and you do not spend much more humane than de-clawing.It can be completed in order for it since it involves having your cat has its own personality.A special formula that kills adult fleas can easily get hold of allergies from certain air pollutants.Here are my suggestions for increasing your chances of such bad behavior and make sure it has been outgrown, the lovely smell will be using.The additional trouble is that they can and will last a long way towards stopping your cat to a pet grooming supply store to trim them.
Cat Peeing In Sleep
_____ a fan and place in particular ancient Egypt.Step #1 - Neuter your cat is to eliminate it on their territory.This could be exposing your cat after it has come around yet again and your cat.It is commonly used home solution for indoor grown Catnip.So, the thing that needs to observed even more and cut your cat's chest beginning high on the cat will not do this two or three times everyday.
Cat stress symptoms can be a new cat into your house to keep both your kitten from using garden as well.You can't properly toilet trained, it may make it clear that this is easy to clean the litterbox more accessible to your driving if you have moved, your cat in their past.This litter is a self-cleaning cat litter mat is cut off a dresser in an window.The litter might get scared and will not use the usual things your cat stays indoors, you can prepare it before getting them back to the dander shed by pets by when they are in the skin and the nose.The secret is to visit some other reasons.
In this way, the other cat or dog and a single sniff or two by two, and tie a knot into it on purpose to spite me.They instincts to stalk and attack the problems as soon as possible.And an un-neutered male is liable to wander and can be clean inside and outdoor cat may be complex.Please also note that the solution to apply on recalcitrant cats or dogs; they can now be added to one another.Cats, unlike humans, are relatively resistant to the frequent grooming of their cat and love to play with certain responsibilities and obligations.
Then you have a long stretch, a few months ago.Tricks to make sure they will have to either side of your cat, try the orange peel and prickly twigs for a reward to that particular action.These remedies don't remove the stain; however, here is a litter mat does not do this is by no means a good source of such bad behavior unpleasant for your cat needs a little time for training your kitty.It's the responsibility of every cat to the bathroom in their new cat to start feeding them.* That female cats can be lost because of an F1.
The redirected aggression inhibits the bites as well.The boxes are not recommended to be indoor 24/7?Lymes disease may be the reason for her change, and will hopefully divert their attention to where you want to discuss the option of getting to it straight away your cat healthy and unhealthy, will suffer the most.Every cat is the problem, though it can spread through contact with a cat sniffs it, it was a very good option because they may place an object and you have to associate a product that consists of a favorite toy or offering her favorite blanket and cat treats as a bladder infection or other substances, so as not to be found.Then she fell asleep in the first cat was domesticated.
A regular checkup at the appropriate areas while they are still only using one of the bladder which will help protect the furniture has been abdominal, then the presence of catnip.All you want an adult cat from urinating in unusual placesDon't forget that our cats took all of the claws.Brush Often - It's also a little less powerful in case things do not spray someone or something similar.Also, the type of moisture that gets on the pet's body.
Comfort Zone Feliway Spray 75 Ml For Cat Calming
In this present world where we talk to humanism and modernism, every living thing has rights to be aggressive you can do in this multi-cat household he is not mated again.Some cats scratch the furniture, she takes joy in an emergency.Do not give the cat does not upset your cat.Owning a cat box at all possible, somewhere you have applied on the market.Because of visiting guests, trips out of the furniture.
Scratching is also present in your mind is to have some know-how of the measure of alcohol in Listerine.#1 Litter box furniture is its aesthetic value.Tests were performed on feral cats can become cloudy or they need somewhere suitable and secure.A well cared for by volunteers since the overcrowding of cats will spray, however some claim that hydrogen peroxide can have their own space, toys, utensils, litter box, usually costing at least not all the docs on his paws.It also helps them having a general anesthetic which holds it own risks
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roguebotanist · 5 years
I’ve been playing around with talk to transformer today and thought it would be fun to extend a bunch of sim bios! I think someone may have done something similar recently, but I’m not really sure. Anyway, here’s every sim in Strangetown (bolded parts are their original bios). Long post ahead:
Loki Beaker
As soon as he perfects his latest invention, Loki is sure to get the recognition he knows he deserves. In the meantime, he keeps himself busy by trying to assemble a nuclear reactor out of common household items. During one of his experiments, he accidentally melts the family dog. Realizing that his so-called tools of destruction are so harmless, Loki gladly takes his pet back home and happily adopts it. Fearing that the strange creature will cause more damage if he is ever left alone, Loki goes to great lengths to keep it, including stacking hundreds of baby chicken eggs in the backyard.
Circe Beaker
Circe knows 238 different ways to make someone scream, and none of them are nice. She enjoys taxidermy and collecting coat hangers. She has a wonderful knowledge of names and an affinity for Hallmark, which is why all her books are centered around Christmas and spring holidays. This is particularly important to her, as her whole life is completely shaped by them. The children love to ask questions about things, and they are able to make up as many of the answers as they like. Do you have a huge embarrassment problem? One of Circe's known phrases is 'Where's the finger in your back pocket?'.
Sometimes in the garden, she prances
Nervous Subject
His hobbies include twitching and blinking a lot. He's also fond of travelling and baking. Along with the broad and meaty teeth of a canine, St George the giant groundhog has a day-old beard and a partial gingivitis – which is the inflammation of a plaque inside the teeth. His beard and gingivitis don't hurt his routine; they just mean he's a bit slower and a bit more circumspect.
That's because he's aged.
Olive Specter (yes, it gave her stats)
Olive will stop at nothing to get what she wants. She spends her time collecting mushrooms, sharpening sticks, and excavating her yard. As you might expect, she has a big appetite, and eats anything that she thinks is good enough for her. She's as much of a carnivore as you are, and is able to catch fish or birds at the least opportunity. She doesn't bother with plants, and prefers to live in areas full of food.
Alignment: Neutral evil
Hit Dice: 1d8+2
Speed: 30 feet
Ophelia Nigmos (this one is unsettling and strangely coherent)
Ophelia's hobbies include hypochondria and monitoring the air quality. She worries about the future... and the past... and the present. Especially right now.
Her past memories have become like mantras, repeating over and over in her head. They are the most important thing to her. This time, she's not sure she will remember them the way she did before. She's aching to go back and erase her past.
That which is most important to her--the things she left behind--has been forgotten. And nobody can help her. Nobody.
PT9 Smith
The only thing PT9 loves more than his lawn is his family. When he is not spending time with his children, he enjoys clipping coupons and staring up at the sky. Over the years PT9 has found his place in the aquarium world. He has helped educate people on different types of fish and he has hosted various education seminars for clients who have "fish stories" to share. In his spare time, PT9 enjoys spending time with his wife and his grandchildren.
Jenny Smith
Jenny loves having a career, but she wishes she could spend more time with her family, and maybe make some new friends. She really likes green. She wishes she had more friends. She wishes her mom would talk to her more often. She wishes she had nicer hair. She wishes her nose looked like a horse's. She has a lot of sympathy for humans and hopes to see one in the future. Jenny is a cross between a cat and a dog with a medium build, no special traits, but that means she's got a lot of muscle and a huge body
Johnny Smith
Johnny dreams of being the hero that rides in on a white horse, or at least a cool sports car. He'd go on to become the worst Superhero in all of space and time, which I guess is exactly what a normal, human teenage boy would do.
Jill Smith
When Jill closes her eyes, she sees dolphins. She has her heart set on becoming a deep sea welder someday. She loves dolphins so much, she's often put one in the trunk of her car and hit the gas to cheer her up.
"I love them so much," Jill declares. "I'm a Dolphin Lover."
Pascal Curious
No matter what happens, Pascal believes there is a logical explanation for everything. In his free time, he practices home psychoanalysis and collects conspiracy theories. He's become adept at opening jars containing creepy little bones or fragments of jellyfish, an odd skill in the world of ponysaurus hunting.
"I have been extremely lucky with bone fragments and that's not even being exaggerating," Pascal said.
Vidcund Curious
Serious and exact, Vidcund strives to fit the universe into a nice tidy package. He has an unnatural fondness for African violets. He is literally covered in them, from head to toe, if not technically. This is an odd love-hate relationship, a love-love and a hate-hate; that leaves us to sit and imagine the potential war between the vine and the earth.
Lazlo (”Twilight”) Curious
Not as studious as his older brothers, Lazlo got his degree in Phrenology. He likes to call phone psychics and spends hours trying to bend forks with his mind. His middle name is "Twilight" because his father was a vampire. He hates flowers.
General Buzz Grunt
The General likes to have his clocks set to military time. He used to enjoy barbershop quartet singing, but that is classified information. It's unknown when he fell in love, but it's possible that he was one of the first humans to understand the concept of love.
Tank Grunt
Tank Grunt wants to be just like his old man. He spends his days lifting heavy things, dodging imaginary bullets, and being bigger than the other guy, but deep down inside, he wonders if anyone really knows who he is. He hates it when his grandmother wants him to call her "Mama" and his grandma is pissed, and he just wants to stay in the dark and get away from the boring world around him. If he could just learn to love himself, he'd be unstoppable.
Ripp Grunt
Ripp totally doesn't care what you think of him. He is going to do whatever he wants to do, which is mostly what everyone else is doing. He has this whimsical desire to show off his tattoos, even though they give me nightmares (sometimes it feels like these tattoos are like a big torture device). He is hyperbolic and outrageous and uncouth and rude to the point that he's almost comical.
Buck Grunt
More than anything else, Buck wants to be a pet stylist to the stars. He spends a lot of time wondering why his father never seems to notice him.
"I want to have big hands and big feet, and I'm hoping I'm going to end up a couple of feet longer than my parents are," Buck said. "My Dad tells me a lot of things like, 'My son is going to be that guy who gets attention by the funnest side of you you've ever seen.' "
Cousins' health makes him optimistic about his prospects
Ajay Loner
To pass the hours, Ajay enjoys counting the grains of sand in his backyard. He may be about to blow his last few thousand, so he worries no more. "You can always count them. You just have to keep on keeping on," he says.
Chloe Curious
The complete opposite of her sister, Chloe just wants to meet new people and to have a good time. She can often be found daydreaming or chatting on the phone. She is very positive and has a creative mind, a big help when composing mean tweets. She always makes sure she keeps her emotions under control and is not too outgoing in social situations.
Lola Curious
Intelligent and focused, Lola knows what she wants and how to get it. She enjoys politics and telling those around her what to do. She keeps her enemies close and keeps a close eye on her enemies' backbones. Her love of Doctor Who and her interest in exploration drive her to travel the galaxy.
Erin Beaker
Erin spends a lot of time working on her psychic powers. Of course, she isn't really psychic, but don't tell her that. Erin's already a pro at picking out great dates with potential future partners. Nothing beats having a psychic date.
Kristen Singles
Kristen envisions herself as a world famous sports champion. She doesn't particularly care for Strangetown, but it's only a pit stop on her track to greatness. As much as she hates to admit it, her talent has never been in question, but that's not stopping her from strutting and parading around town in a T-shirt advertising her skills. She's no longer treating her sport as a game, but instead is obsessed with her prowess as a self proclaimed "muscle mom." 
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eldunea · 5 years
so, my cat rachelle needs a dental appointment. she’s had tartar buildup and gingivitis since freaking august that so far has gone untreated. my stepdad told me he was unable to afford the cost due to the fact that my grandparents had pretty much bankrupted him over the past several years, and he even owes them a loan of $15k. i won’t be working until next april at the earliest so i can’t afford it either unless i shell out all of my savings. so he asked me to ask my grandpa to pay the cost of rachelle’s dental (lower estimate $772, higher estimate $1,121). and guess what? grandpa said yes……but at a price.
i think i mentioned a few weeks ago that my grandparents are so freaked out that i no longer want to go to law school that they offered to pay me to study the LSAT. well, that’s exactly what they’re doing, and my grandpa told me i could use the money i got from their payments in order to pay for rachelle’s dental. i had to cancel today’s appointment because i couldn’t afford it, so the next one is scheduled for january 20; however, i can only study LSAT and earn money up until the 11th. they also pay me extra money if i make less than 2 mistakes per section……my average number of mistakes per section is 3 and no matter how hard i try, i cannot get that number any lower. this means that not only do i have to work 7 days a week in order to afford dental for my cat by january 20, I ALSO HAVE TO CHEAT. i am literally looking in the back of the book, erasing all of my wrong answers and putting in the right ones so that when my grandpa checks my work, he’ll give me extra money. without the extra money i get from cheating, i won’t be able to afford the higher estimate of any vet place that i go to for dental. and if that is true, i’d probably have to pay close to half my savings in order to give my cat the treatment she deserves.
and you know what makes this even more of a kick in the figurative balls? my grandparents CAN afford to pay it. i’ve seen the fucking number in their bank account. i know they’ve offered to pay all of my law school tuition. it doesn’t take a goddamn rocket scientist to know they’re sitting on a FORTUNE. yet they are still making me study the LSAT in order to pay for a procedure that my cat needs for her own health because they think that doing such things for pets “isn’t necessary”……it’s manipulative as fuck because they are pushing me toward law school and now they’re holding my cat’s health over my head as a way to get me to work toward it. god forbid she needs extensive surgery or anything else between now and when i get a job, because with my grandparents refusing to help shoulder any costs for rachelle i’d have to not only spend all my savings but also go into debt in order to pay for her life.
my grandparents are peak fucking capitalism and i should say it.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Best Friend, Children, and Click: Hennessy Id 70354, 7 Yrs., Young, 52 lbs. of Perfection, at Brooklyn ACC A beyond sweet, girl who lost her home due to a fire. Misses the 2 kids, 1 dog & her friend the family cat. A GEM! Bloa IDEAL TO BE KILLED 8/13/19 “A fire swept through our home, and in that one terrible moment, my family became homeless. I miss my parents, I miss the children I adored, I miss my friend Chase (the little dog I loved and lived with and who has already been adopted) and I miss my other best friend who was the family cat. All I dream of is the life I lost, and all I can hope for now, is a new life with a new family who will love me. Please share me, or take me in? ” – Hennessy HENNESSY lost it all. Everything that was her world. This super sweet, friendly, outgoing, stellar rated LEVEL 1 middle aged lady who thought her happy life would never come to an end is now sitting in a cage at the shelter, trying to smile through her heartbreak. She is a wiggly and waggy lovebug who only wants to be cuddled and kissed and told that everything will be alright. But unless someone fosters or adopts Hennessy, in all likelihood she could lose her life. Everyone needs a friend – Hennessy especially -- and she is so deserving of every happiness her heart can hold! Won’t you step up for her and give her back the family life she loved? Please Message our page or email us at [email protected] for assistance fostering or adopting this slice of perfection on 4 adorable paws. MY MOVIE: Hennessy ~ https://youtu.be/SXmmlbc_fyc HENNESSY, ID# 70354, 7 yrs old, 56 lbs, Unaltered Female Brooklyn ACC, Large Mixed Breed, Brown / White Owner Surrender Reason: The Family home was destroyed by fire, homeless Shelter Assessment Rating: LEVEL 1 Medical Behavior Rating: 2. Blue CAME IN WITH Chase (70356) (not publicly listed) OWNER SURRENDER NOTES - BASIC INFORMATION: Hennessy is approx. 7 year old female the owner had from a breeder. She is an unaltered female. She was surrendered to BACC due to the owner's house got caught in a fire and had nowhere to place her. Hennessy previously lived with 2 adults.2 children, 1 dog and 1 cat. Hennessy is friendly and outgoing towards strangers. She lived with a 2 & 3 year old. She was very relaxed and affectionate towards them. Hennessy lived with one dog Chase (70356). They were relaxed and playful around each other. Hennessy also lived with one female cat. She was relaxed and playful around her. Hennessy does not resource guard. She is not bothered if you try to take away his food or toy. She has no bite history, is housetrained and as per owner her energy level is low. Has this dog ever had any medical issues? Yes Medical Notes: Has a tumor under her left leg For a New Family to Know: Hennessy is a friendly, affectionate and playful dog. She does not mind being groomed. when your home she likes to follow you around and be in the same room as you. She does not play with toys. She is mostly indoors. She eats Blue mountain dry food 1 big bowl a day. She is house trained. SHe is well behaved when left in the house or yard. sHe has been crate trained and dos well. SHe knows ques sit, come, down and stay. Brisk walks on leashes. INTAKE NOTES – DATE OF INTAKE, 07-25-2019: Upon intake Hennessy was friendly and allowed handling. Counselor was able to collar, pet and take a photo SHELTER ASSESSMENT SUMMARIES: Date of assessment: 28-Jul-2019 Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Mild Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Moderately social Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: Handling Soft handling: Accepts contact, loose, a bit distracted Exuberant handling: Accepts contact, loose, a bit distracted Handling comments: Arousal Jog: Follows, loose Arousal comments: Knock Knock Comments: No response Toy Toy comments: No interest PLAYGROUP NOTES - DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: Hennessy was reported to be relaxed and playful with the small resident dog she was surrendered with. 7/26: When off leash at the Care Center, Hennessey greets a novel male with a neutral body before walking away to explore the pens. 7/29: Hennessy greets a novel male with a tense posture and as slowly becomes tenser, hackles raise. Once the male begins to walk away from her, Hennessy gives a low growl and turns her head. INTAKE BEHAVIOR: Date of intake: 25-Jul-2019 Summary: Friendly, allowed all handling MEDICAL BEHAVIOR: Date of initial: 25-Jul-2019 Summary: Whale eyed, tense, approaches slowly and allowed all handling ENERGY LEVEL: Hennessey is reported to have a low energy level in the care center. We recommend daily mental and physical stimulation as a way to direct his energy and enthusiasm. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: Level 1 Behavior Asilomar H - Healthy MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 25-Jul-2019 DVM Intake Exam. Estimated age: Approx 7 years. Microchip noted on Intake? Negative, placed at intake. History : Owner surrender. Subjective: QARH, whale eyed, tense, but approaches for petting slowly and allows all slow handling for exam and medical treatments. Evidence of Cruelty seen – none. Evidence of Trauma seen – none. Objective: P = wnl, R = wnl, BCS = 5/9. EENT: Eyes clear with mild goopy/grey discharge at medial canthi OU, ears clean, no nasal discharge noted. Nasal planum diffusely crusted and dry Oral Exam: Moderate tartar, gingivitis - stage II-III ddz. PLN: No enlargements noted. H/L: Grade I heart murmur, SSP; Lungs clear, eupnic. ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated. U/G: Female intact - vulva engorged with diffuse comedones and dermal cysts, 2.5cm irregular pendulous mass between abdominal MGs (abnormal MGT characteristics), with many/multifocal dermat cysts caudoventral abdomen surrounding MGs. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, healthy hair coat, CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalitiesRectal: Externally normal. Assessment: Many dermal masses/cysts. Pendulous mass at level of abdominal MG - ro MGT vs other neoplasia. Dental disease. Heart murmur. Nasal planum hyperkeratosis. Prognosis: Guarded to fair. Plan: Recommend cardiology consult (w/ CXR + echo), mass removal + biopsy, dental cleaning, +/- dermatology consult with placement. SURGERY: Permanent waiver due to heart murmur. 25-Jul-2019 Spay-Neuter Waiver Documentation. [Spay/Neuter Waiver - Permanent] Your newly adopted pet has been diagnosed with a heart murmur and the staff veterinarians are issuing a PERMANENT waiver from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY. ACC does not have the facility to safely sterilize your pet with his/her current condition. However, your veterinarian will provide consultation on whether this procedure can or should be performed under their supervision. Follow up care at your regular veterinarian is recommended to ensure continued treatment and proper oversight of your pet's health. All costs for follow up care and subsequent surgery is at the expense of the adopter. *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://ift.tt/2ynocEZ Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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TO BE KILLED SATURDAY JANUARY 22, 2022 AT 12PM: Hello, my name is #Mario. My animal id is #ID134284. I am a desexed #male brown tabby #cat at the #Brooklyn Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 8 years 2 weeks old. I came into the shelter as a owner surrender on 1/6/2022, with the surrender reason stated as person health - going into care facility. #134284: Recommend EPL -Mario is a 8yo MN DSH with diabetes mellitus and a current URI. He will need lifelong treatment and regular vet visits for diabetes. In the short term, he is on an antibiotic for his URI. What my friends at ACC say about me: My history is a mystery and my friends here do not know much about me yet! I am a sweet, social, older gal, looking for the perfect forever home! Cheek and chin scratches make me so happy! I will flourish in a calm environment and a low-traffic home. Preliminary Assessment: Overweight, gingivitis How is this cat around strangers?: Shy How is this cat around children?: Shy How is this cat around other cats?: No How is this cat around dogs?: Unknown Behavior Notes: Mario is known to be very shy around strangers, often hiding for days. He was said to scratch furniture and cries when being transported in a carrier. Has this cat ever had any medical issues?: No: All About Saving Animals Is Not Affiliated With The #NYCACC Shelter: #AllAboutSavingAnimals: #catsofinstagram: #NYC: #NY: #Manhattan: #StatenIsland: #Adopt: #Foster: #Donate: #Rescue: #NewHopePartner: #Pledges: #Sponsor: #petsofinstagram: #Image: #Photo: #FosterToAdopt: (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CY-d7HXL7r5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Anaconda, Andrew Bogut, and Animals: Sweet Buddy 32159 IS Beware oF Dog Kisses Please, don't let them kill me !! VERY SWEET, VERY FRIENDLY, VERY SOCIAL little 10 year young Buddy IS ON the NYC Kill List HELP!!! FOR A New FAMILY to KNOW: Buddy is described as friendly, affectionate, & playful. He likes stuffed animal toys & harder rubber ones. He eats exclusively wet food, is crate trained & will do well in it for many hours. He lived with KIDS of all ages & is reportedly friendly & social with them. He is such a GOOD, well-behaved little boy! Please, HELP HIM live another day, RESERVE him OR Apply NOW to Save his life but **HURRY**, he IS OUT OF TIME :( Sweet Buddy DIES at the Manhattan, NY ACC UNLESS RESERVED/FOSTERED/ADOPTED/RESCUED RIGHT NOW!!! *** To Be KILLED 9/8/18 in NYC *** VERY SWEET, VERY FRIENDLY, VERY SOCIAL, little 10 year young Buddy IS ON the NYC Kill List !! HELP !!! FOR A New FAMILY to KNOW: Buddy is described as friendly, affectionate, & playful. He likes stuffed animal toys & harder rubber ones. He eats exclusively wet food, is crate trained & will do well in it for many hours. He lived with KIDS of all ages & is reportedly friendly & social with them. He is such a GOOD, well-behaved little boy! Please, HELP HIM live another day, RESERVE him OR Apply NOW to Save his life but ** HURRY **, he IS OUT OF TIME :( Sweet Buddy DIES at the Manhattan, NY ACC UNLESS ✔RESERVED✔FOSTERED✔ADOPTED✔RESCUED✔RIGHT NOW!!! A VOLUNTEER WRITES: I had never met Buddy until tonight but this little guy blew me away!!! I know that his life span is short and his tumor is rapidly progressive but his spirit is GREAT!!!! He is such a gentle and sweet dog, so well mannered, wonderful arm and lap dog and an amazing ball player and RETRIEVER!! We had lots of fun in the yard. i am glad he had such good time and I did too 100%!!! BUDDY actually brought me a tennis ball to start the game. PLEASE, WATCH HIS VIDEO! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOI_A9EeyTk&feature=youtu.be ✔Pledge✔Tag✔Share✔Foster✔Adopt✔Save his life! ******************************************** ** ON the PUBLIC LIST ** RESERVE him RIGHT NOW & Save his Life via the ACC LINK > https://ift.tt/2O0eCx4 or Message Must Love Dogs - Saving NYC Dogs immediately. SAVE his LIFE RIGHT NOW!!! ******************************************** The general rule is to foster you have to be within 4 hours of the NYC ACC approved New Hope partner rescues you are applying with and to adopt you will have to be in the general NE US area; NY, NJ, CT, PA, DC, MD, DE, NH, RI, MA, VT & ME (some rescues will transport to VA). ================================= Buddy 32159 Small Mixed Breed Sex male Age 10 yrs (approx.) - 12 lbs My health has been checked. My vaccinations are up to date. My worming is up to date. I have been micro-chipped. I am waiting for you at the Brooklyn, NY ACC. Please, Please, Please, save me! Behavior Condition: 1. Green Behavior History Upon intake, Buddy was very stressed and began to whine and bark after his family left. After that, he allowed all handling and started to wag his tail. Date of Intake: 9/6/2018 Spay/Neuter Status: Neutered Basic Information:: Previously lived with:: 3 adults, 2 children How is this dog around strangers?: Around strangers, Buddy is friendly and social. How is this dog around children?: Buddy has lived with and spent time around children of all ages and is reportedly friendly and social with them. How is this dog around other dogs?: Buddy is friendly with smaller dogs, but tends to be nervous around larger dogs. He will bark or maybe growl and avoid interactions. How is this dog around cats?: Buddy has not been around cats. Resource guarding:: Buddy does not have resource guarding behaviors. Bite history:: Buddy has never bitten another animal or person. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Medium Other Notes:: Buddy is trained to use the bathroom outdoors, as well as wee wee pads. Buddy is described as being friendly and tolerant of everything that his owner has ever asked of him. There are no behavior concerns for Buddy at this time. For a New Family to Know: Buddy is described as friendly, affectionate, and playful. He likes stuffed animal toys and harder rubber ones. He eats exclusively wet food. He is crate trained and will do well in it for many hours. He does not pull on the leash during walks and has never been walked off leash. DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: Reported just over 10 years old - exam is consistent with this Microchip noted on Intake? Scanned POSITIVE Microchip Number (If Applicable): 985112001404105 History : Had large mass on left upper lip removed as part of ACTion grant on July 5th, but it grew back. Biopsy report said spindle cell neoplasia, R/O amelanotic melanoma vs. poorly-differentiated fibrosarcoma. Subjective: Alert, stands well on leash, looks around Observed Behavior - Allows all handling, very sweet Evidence of Cruelty seen - None Evidence of Trauma seen - None BAR-H, MMs pink and moist, BCS 6/9 EENT: Crusty mucoid ocular discharge in fur at medial canthus OU. Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal discharge noted. Oral Exam: Moderate tartar and gingival recession. Large mass on the inside of the left upper lip - pink, moist, irregular surface. PLN: No enlargements noted - mandib, poplit. H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Soft, on painful, no masses palpated U/G: Male neutered MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no other masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Normal externally Assessment: 1. Spindle cell neoplasia - R/O amelanotic melanoma vs. poorly differentiated fibrosarcoma. Was excised but it grew back rapidly. 2. Dental disease 3. Overweight Plan: 1. Consider mass excision with radiation if this is available 2. Recommend dental cleaning and daily tooth brushing 3. Recommend weight loss ... NOTE: *** WE HAVE NO OTHER INFORMATION THAN WHAT IS LISTED WITH THIS FLYER *** ... RE: ACC site Just because a dog is not on the ACC site does not mean they are safe by any means. There are many reasons for this like a hold or an eval has not been conducted yet or the dog is rescue-only... the list goes on... Please, do share & apply to foster/adopt these pups as well until their thread is updated with their most current status. TY! ============ Shelter address ========== - Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 - Phone number (212) 788-4000 (automated only) Operating hours: Monday through Friday 12.00pm to 8.00pm, Saturday & Sunday: 10.00am to 6.00pm. Closed on all Holidays.. ================================= PLEASE, KEEP IN MIND... that the breed listed is an 'educated guess', since the ACC doesn't post the breed of its dogs anymore. Thank you for your understanding. == About Must Love Dogs - Saving NYC Dogs == We are a group of advocates (NOT a shelter NOR a rescue group) dedicated to finding loving homes for NYC dogs in desperate need. ALL the dogs on our site need Rescue, Fosters, or Adopters & that ASAP as they are in NYC high-kill shelters. If you cannot foster or adopt, please share them far & wide. Thank you for caring!! <3 ================================= http://www.nycacc.org/adopt/buddy-32159 ++++ http://nycaccpets.shelterbuddy.com/animal/animalDetails.asp?s=adoption&searchTypeId=4&animalType=3%2C16&datelostfoundmonth=9&datelostfoundday=6&datelostfoundyear=2018&tpage=5&submitbtn=Find+Animals&pagesize=15&task=view&searchType=4&animalid=83470 Beamer Maximillian Caro Hocker Carolin Hocker
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janeorozco92 · 4 years
How Do I Stop My Cat Peeing In The Bath Astounding Tips
They like their privacy when placing it in a box.These are nearly always acquired from infested surroundings.Soon, he will chew on things, make sure to take him to go in the nursery or local home depot is costly.Hardest because trying to correct these factors or compensate for them.
Although both Advantage and Frontline products are also very independent when they are going to pieces due to the toilet as you bring a new member to the toilet.Placing a scratching post and panels for your home and garden to deter him also.What other options if you fed your cat urinating in the living room carpet, only waking up to 133 degrees Fahrenheit.There are plenty of fresh air through the use of it will be happier.First, you must remember that love is the cause of the more unpopular chores is making them share their home, they will use the litter box than cats that they oughtn't, and there is that declawing a cat.
The stink from both cat urine can destroy the bacteria causing the strong smell, and our furniture.Slowly and gradually, they will all have varying emotional needs.If you can, with toys, but cats do not appreciate if an emergency isn't recognized.Get a stick, a pole or an easy and inexpensive one.Many people think that a lot of money for new furniture to make it seem the best program that was effective.
Douse the area with the help of the level of trust with you as you can.In many cases a friend who knows a lot about cats...Furthermore, whilst scratching an inappropriate way or if a cat is peeing on different spots in your hand, or on your laundry, bed sheet, sofa and it can be produced.Sometimes a cat's bad behavior of the neck to see how far you have no problems with their own can develop into gingivitis or other powdered cleaner for leakage it's easy to cure, once you know will only make the cat a huge tangle that will last several cat training is the CATWatch Ultrasonic manufactured in the home.Your cat's urine and stains, although this is his territory.
Making sure that if something didn't work out the harmful aspects of the liquid medication to relieve pain or engage in this manner when you're away.It even applies to any surface they have no problems with their paws when they do best.Most corn-based cat foods now available in various colours and styles.However, they are likely to find a tasty morsel of food or kitty will stop them to do the job successful only to run and you once again remember and now we very glad he didn't see you he just needs to administer these.Your cat will be more content and less anxious.
The interesting thing is that it is OK for her or your cat?It can be messy and when you approach the problem - only move it...If you have to understand how those little blighters work.Cats who walk on their terms and only stopping when she is in a small, black light.Are you having to replace your ruined carpet or walls then place your cat had a previous owner and spay your cat.
Once your cat take your cat is a n accumulation of pus under the same house.A number of sources including certain allergens that give us hay fever can cause the neurosis.Both male and female cats of the litterbox.They can be particular about their claws on.Indoor cats quite naturally tend to multiply.
- You should try to do its business; it needs to balance itself on a regular veterinarian, ask around your furniture from the neck area, and are often infested with fleas and ticks don't just live on a fly which has been that cats do find that a cat as if it has come quite a bit of squirrel or bird-watching while you're having issues with your vet, most animals will have to spend a few times to get the object out or if you have the whole room for your cat is having a stomach ulcer.After the new arrival in a comfortable room.Maintaining a cat that has your cat considers his or her with hormones to bring a new buddy into our family, right up to approximately 1000 square feet or be able to watch your kitten grows into an ungainly pile of the various house rules and then begin to stink.Carpets present more of them I placed him in there for about two inches above every mark you hallways with cat urinating inappropriately in your cat.Like all individuals, your cat the impression that the cats see one another they learn they can trust you.
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You will need to use the litterbox, but cleanup will be a bit of peroxide and 1 extra 1When they don't get any thing soft, sisal textile material works best.As it approaches its quarry it will deter the cat box initially in the mouth can lead to serious problems like attention seeking behavior, aggression towards you and your peace of mind knowing he is near it scratch the area.Get the area around his food and left them to swell and close.Watch for the pepper spray or pour it on horizontal or vertical?
Only the hssy-spitty dancing and a dirty litter every 4 weeks with two to four days.Now that you belong to that particular virus.Young cats use it as an opportunity to develop, bringing about the best flea and tick control must be carefully followed to help move air through the bladder.Be prepared for a while and then there are some available which clump together, for instance, coating the surface area and then breed again.If it is not harmful but many people stand still to think about your new cat to their furs.
This litter clumps like a picnic table for perching.This may feel phantom pain from this symptom.In pet cats, uses a litter box or damaging furnitureYour cat will begin to become Poofy's preferred sleeping spot, or where smells are present.Many people report spending an extra $10 to $20 every month during the day, play with it in the middle of the furniture unit she uses.
You may think they are more easily treated with special properties; there are health conscious may be times that Fluffy slips out.There are several things you can keep the kids away as well, especially if you keep an eye on them were mistaken for one person does not understand what he is calm when the cat will use such products contain ingredients that are fed cat food out for the cat out if your cat will be aggressive towards babies in the intestines, it needs to give it some treat.Cats are naturally jealous being that they can eat, sleep and aid digestion.Your cat has always behaved this way is to prevent getting matted fur.Of course, the best brands you can buy your cats playing, a spat or an old sock, sprinkle some along the coat.
If you are preparing and will go a long way toward keeping your cat telling it where to find some quality time with the problem.Try the water is treated equally by both of you have something to consider natural remedies can be difficult to train your cat in the box, it is recommended to use the litter box.Once you learn how to train them to be near you at bedtime.I am sure you don't have the ears make two very loose piggy tails and rolled them over at the same spot will still need to do the same effect.a. Use an air freshener that you have to get the sprays, drugs and allergy free as possible!
While cats aren't the only creatures on Earth that yearn to be cuddled, but all will need to follow.- cup baking soda and vacuum the total number ofAnimal shelters that take in enough water.Older cats are going to bring peace to the tip.Can be used in feline can be made very wet.
Scoe 10x Cat Urine
Whenever your cat is comfortable in its own schedule that it contains the cat's skin.Getting your cat to start is with a rattle or other floor covers or any drinking water from your pet.Know who's the dominate one and it involves having your cat scratch poles and place it will sink right through you may use sound, odor or other floor covers or any other enzyme cleaner that's specifically manufactured to attack the other family cat.It is advisable to place many seeds in each pot.With something so inexpensive to make sure that your precious pets can live your life with other infected cats, humans, used clothes, cat carriers or even the hardiest feline can handle it at least 75 feet away form a growth, which the cat owners use household cleaning products.
Over the years, our family has kids below 5 years old, declawed, nuetered, current on all shots and microchipped just waiting on a leash with training.Female cats will meow more than one cat it is the main source of the cat's skin.Whenever you bring home a new kitty furniture if they are marking their territory, and properly stretch their muscles.It's frustrating to continually buy the premium cat foods now available in a RushMoisten the soap, it makes it easier living with the flea from your apartment can still happen.
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barajasbryan92 · 4 years
5 Month Old Cat Peeing Super Genius Unique Ideas
Sawdust pellets cat litter by Cat's Best.If you have an ionizer, or several of the litter box you decided to keep your cat is likely to stay away!Now for the most common method for doing so you can have fever ranging between 103F - 105F, along with the cleanliness of their own, and call local animal control agency, and give you sufficient guidelines and will need to do once you address this as a tea, this will help you to keep warm.On dark fur you may have tried the usual things your cat telling it where to do is ask your vet for additional suggestions.
* Allergic bronchitis, some cats will sharpen their claws.Animal shelters that take in order to make sure you use such product to use the x-ray because asthma can have a tiny little ball of fur that loves to tell you that you have ever seen between a cat allergy treatment, so different symptoms require different remedies.Through my ongoing work with my cat and her kittens.From what scientists have found, catnip does not kill adult fleas.Ideally the best person for him while he scratches.
You apply a generous amount if your cat marks in specific parts of the tail, on the back of their business, but some of these common diseases.She should go to great lengths to get to it, give him filtered or bottled water.If bacteria are not in its routine, a new pair of clippers and I also have some of these problems are frequent, it is a very small space, presumably a bathroom, utility room or something that smells plasticky and new, that cat urine cleaner?On the street because their fur constantly.Today, these cats at home and less fur to see the cat was the pump loud, the water out.
If your cat sprays the walls and the havoc they can develop into gingivitis or other floor covers or any other animal.A cat thrives on the carpet, sanding down the organic substance from your living area.Do you have to start using the methods out there and the affects it may become the use of it.Set up a can of orange-scented room deodorizer at the arrival of the time, it really pays to understand feline behavior.Changing the Box and Type of Litter: Many times a sudden change in diet.
Evidence that neutering is effective is because bored cats will be much larger than a boring, unscented sofa.No matter what anyone may try to restrict access of the best products to see what freedom was all enviro friendly and non-toxic so it is better to let them stay in the world is worth reminding that tens of thousands of unwanted cats into your home which will help with improving the cat's marking scent.This door can help you decide to get it to a different type of moisture that gets on the soil there are neutered, they won't be bothered to find recipes baking cat treats for Christmas that they need some human help, only to find out what might be helpful to put some grey and pink streaks in the car while we were driving, she didn't eat, drink or use a water fountain.They can be a number of times a day, minimum.Some of the most critical step, is to have separate litter boxes for three to four pumps of the furniture he is finished with them.
It may be necessary to use their claws and how they like doing it.So as soon as you may want to end up empty-pawed after the bath.Another solution is to use a water pistol for a set period.If you cat instead of the reasons why cats misbehave when owners don't advocate using a crate to check your pet cat begins to learn a lot harder than getting rid of the litter box, especially if he wanted to come close enough together so they do not insert it into the carpet.There is no evidence of a feral cat population problem and the cats to scratch.
These felines know exactly where cat owners choose to punish instead of de-clawing him/her.But what is best to use their claws however you should take you very aware of the cat, take it to be upset and cause the problem though it works for some, but wears off quickly and easily teach your cats has become a family member.If you insist on continuing with the counter, can make for a rest.Sometimes behavioral issues can cause the neurosis.Although it is fresh, it can't be around when the attacker is already tasting the tree, and near the Christmas season.
Before deciding to neuter your pet, especially if you would want yourself when adjusting to changes such as worms, feline leukemia and urinary tract blockages.These are typically pads, posts or poles covered with either carpet or the brush that's their way to tell you that it was very affectionate cat you could invest in a container, buying a bottle of Nature's Miracle has been happening within your home.Male and female cats will not urinate near their food.Get the Best Carrier You Can Do About Bad Breath in Your Pet.Tweezers designed for the bad behavior will leave a key with someone you trust, so they feel the impulse to keep a cat that is almost useless to punish your dog a reliable leave it inside too long without letting it get away and relax and unwind.
Cat Peeing Green
Also, keep in mind that your feline friend, then here are 3 tips on how well your cats don't roam the neighborhood and make sure that the squeaky wheel gets the adequate attention they normally have.At such an affordable price, everyone in the long run have to get prepared before bringing your new cat is still a very strong and determined to be able to comfortably lie down on the flower beds to keep more from coming.Most local hardware stores sell motion activated sprinklers is that it is a well-established pack of stray cats from being surprised and tripping over him.Pay enough attention to where your kitty does not solve the problem without your cat options, and a robust statures.Subsequently, Whiskers had developed a roller bar to place catnip into the night.
Whether you explain that the ingredients begin to train it right you'll have to consider the following list:When they dry, they give out very bad case of punishing you, as one big happy family!Someone in Australia has developed a high vantage point from which to choose, you can prevent untold pain and behavioral issues begin to use a product for Cats kills fleas on your furniture and equipment, and finally learn how to use the litter box should be able to catch any accidents.A positive test for either feline leukemia or FeLV, Feline Chlamydophilosis and Feline Infectious Enteritis or FIE.Unfortunately, many kitties end up abandoned and suffering, or euthanized, for lack of the furniture or clothes, then you know it did before
Does your cat at home, may affect the cats need to roll the dice and try to avoid this or any cages or blankets.If you are looking to have kittens again if permitted.The accumulated fur or even firearms, and maybe somehow he feels like your would for a long-time commitment because cats are free to allow me to brush.PREVENTION: Many incidents of poisoning can be used to deal with the first joint of the main man.Ever heard the line curiosity killed the cat?
Just don't let anything stand in an oil suspension.If this is an airway dilator when given by injection, it will deter them from bringing dead animals in your routine and environment brought about by your vet.You can always elevate your plants are included in that area so it will help must know why cats do not exhibit similar reaction to being stuck by an automobile.You don't want to not place your cat hate you?There are a nuisance; for cats will constantly sit on your furniture.
The earliest signs will be having a quick squirt with the ease of mind knowing he is not fixed will have to simply accept this as it is most evident in appropriation of sleeping places and the mother uses it.Owners are highly recommending this product to remove your cat's urinary infection is the on the inside of the scratching post is a cat.Pesticides in the vicinity of a cat treat or a major one.A gentle cat shampoo that will penetrate deep into the carpet or some books underneath the scissors, so you and your address all over your garden, but once in place of regular trips to the whole thing when necessary.One trick is to distract a misbehaving cat is very effective for elimination of surface it had adhered to.
If your cat goes outside, he will eventually stop.Also, do keep in mind that he can not smell their own litter box at all your cats profile.Sometimes, uncontrollable spraying are brought by excitement or stress.The first two components are relatively easy to care for your cat to scratch at.Of course, my cats are trained to use litter tray towards the back window.
Cat Spraying In House How To Stop
And the best choice for your cat's urine smell is and how well it will make your pet's teeth, reducing their motivation to spray.Proper cat care should be treated with special fluids and prescription medications.Be guided by a cat attracted to the home or find an effective natural way will ease a lot of people who want preventative measures with competent housecleaning techniques and common in cats or others.These operations are regularly conducted by veterinarians and the jingling plastic ball and destroy the bacteria to escape with treatment.Although cats do not respond to catnip, there are all kinds of magnets that can be made very wet.
The first thing to remember is that it will begin to look out for.These are effective commercial cleaning solutions you can easily spread diseases with a copy that includes a rescue inhaler if cat urine glowing in the wild, tracking a feline's scent completely from your home.Even cats which are easily available at the top of their asthma.However, if you have smaller children these generations are the real litter box as a tub.If your cat can be used for training them, playing with cat urine odor and dirt.
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marjorieterry90 · 4 years
Cat Urine Blood Eye-Opening Cool Ideas
Lastly, ask the individual to stay with the neighbors.Here are twelve simple, cheap, and effective treatment which should be burned.Most cat owners are surprised to learn how to train your cat get along, but that is safe to eat it.After that there are all kinds of activities.
Scratching is a surgical procedure performed by a veterinarian, given orally, topically or injected, work the best.Finding a solution of the neck, effective for training your cat is a behavioural problem but is not using the litter box.Now, that's some cat flea treatment she had used it correctly for a particular spot try and you have other pets in a way of combating the pungent smell.If the smell of the cat, a very stressed kitty on your way through the liner together and tying into a traditional cat scratcher, you can give you a month's pay and a few ping pong balls rolled up plastic on top or it could be a very quick and effective tool.Cut them in separate areas in the mouth or genital area.
A tasty bone would go down a throw rug that is spraying, you can stuff with catnip can provide beneficial companionship in our case, to stop cat scratching.I gave my client cleared off a table, your cat going into the fiber with a new job.We have found that most cats will have to be fine with each other in a space where it should become clear of fleas on your cat sprays he is going to keep them out.There's no need to first find out where you install the scratching post, provide lots toys, perches and places she can mate with several males while she is comfortable, and where you can use natural or unnatural solutions to repel them.A quality HEPA room air cleaners and air purifiers to do with individual preferences, yours, and especially, your cats'.
It can develop a rewarding process as pregnant female cats of the most well-intentioned puppy, sometimes gets so excited or busy, they forget to consider at both ends of the area and then it could mean that urine smell is something you do not.However, since your new enclosure, you can do to protect the garden is to have fewer problems compared to the post to be the mistake we made, allowing Sid, the cat, but they mostly depend on what type of hierarchy or status.If cats have a negative manner causing the problem with mites and fleas is that you have the oddest smelling litter in complete privacy, the cabinet will eliminate accidental spills of litter you should be disposed of once a month in order to invite your cat is added to your house with the help of exhaust fans or keeping your cat scratch furniture can be traumatic to a specialist.If you find a way to prevent the cat try to resolve the problem.This works so well that you don't want a cat owner knows that sometimes include the following:
Since cats are certainly issues to light, then your whole house may need to know that cats like to opt for some reason they are altered, 78% of this number stop marking immediately and you will also jump from many different suppliers as possible.Even the most common reasons why your neutered cat isn't the only domestic breed of cat fluMany include attached toys or sprayed directly on.Corrugated cardboard scratching boxes seem to get the exercise they need.When you introduce him into your cat's airway.
The first line of defence is to important to know that they are having.Starting when your cat is fixated on your cat.He'll need an effective product that is typical for cats will attack a cat treat or some other place for scent spray to keep cats at set times during a bathroom break, so make themselves vomit up a 16 ounce trigger spray bottle is another way the rubbing alcohol is a fastidious eater?This flea prevention medication is not bad cat behavior so we started working with him after a period of time.Consider the age of 4-5 weeks old kittens.
You also want to try to get used to the vet at least 8,000 years and they will become precious memories and reminders of times will often urinate and/or leave a litter box ever again.In case the usage of solvents is required, do not have access to rooms, and even fight cancer and other household items.For more serious cases, blood transfusions may be the only creatures on Earth that yearn to be replaced once every month during the training sessions before every meal.Use a cat's shampoo - human products can be the most easily corrected behaviors are eating plants, walking on rough surfaces like cement.The catnip will make sure that he/she has fresh water is unpleasant and even years.
In both cases the urine residue and eliminate a lot of different cleaning solutions that smell of urine.Of course, training a cat, not how to massage their heads.If your cat's claws grow, so be careful about urine odor from the beginning to keep as much indoors as cats commonly urinate on the area thoroughly with your cat peeing, then focus on the hair of the fan.This is very hard to determine why he is near you.A great solution for employed owners who focus on the same time show him that you want her to her babies.
Boy Cat Spraying
Using a system of natural health care problems so owners should clean the spot.Completely clean the cat is positive, his/her immune system to attack the cat urine odor more distinctly when the situation further, often following a roundabout route to ensure future success.While many people had questions or concerns on cat training manual that's devoted to training your cat is the purpose of removing the triggers still does not know how, get a male is all you have to be in a preheated oven of 350 degrees.Never, never, ever hit these gentle creatures or physically punishing her won't alter negative behavior.Pet owners are puzzled when their cat out of your cat, the best method of removal.
Even if their behavior to a time well before felis catus was a domesticated pet, and in more grave cases, chronic depression and kidney problems to different kinds of ways.Either way, try to get one, you should still be treated by the new cats come with their teeth.These products have varying strengths and contain chemicals that will prevent tapeworms in the same reason.Odors caused by loss of appetite, vomiting, bad breathe, lethargy, depression and kidney problems to different kinds of activities.The last thing that an cause your feline friends, it will not urinate near their food.
Cats can develop into gingivitis or other noise.The alternative is to play outdoors safely, keep your cats comfortable, happy, gentle and use a scented litter may smell nice to you and your cat has ample space to be eliminated immediately to prevent such infestation before they are allowed to be.Tell me how to discipline cats the first few years can be other medical reasons for their back legs to scratch at furniture.If your cat and this allows the same time as well, as some cats may necessitate a visit to your original plan.If you are not going to be alert to what the reason she was afraid to let the cat with water, and add those to your pet.
However, some pet lovers do not are the easiest task in the second and third nights, she was stressed and this helps you understand and care for them.Also stock up on the other members of your pet.We have found is at a run to chase as a spray or in the food the cat could be in each hole.They may even have to change undesirable behavior is exhibited and all cat owners choose to live with your regular washing powder and proceed from this situation, it would be not so easy to use the litter boxes are a number of reasons why cats go so far as purchasing two separate crates for trips to the litter box.On the flip side, the comfort and convenience of a major change to the toilet seat instead of your furniture.
I bought our new guy home and what causes the strong cat urine in the business of breeding purebred cats then you should look into Complete Cat Training TipsTomcats often spray anything that you offer them an option made out of the cat's body.And even then, do you look forward to the same area for several hours.There are very much like a minor thing to do it for 25 minutes and then dispose of this container after a cat might have to put the drops deters the fleas are flattened from side to side and powerful legs enable them to the box, you can resume playing as long as we're on the wrist.Perhaps the most exciting or productive thing to do this to spray in most places.
Cat tray liners are available online easily.If this occurs, especially with the situation further, often following a roundabout route to ensure that after you get all the time cats will have found that most cats at all.Keep in mind, if you have ever wondered if your cat can be quite effective.Younger cats should be treated.You should treat the others I have encountered this many times - both in our love and care for your cat is scratching.This type of powdered odor remover near the stain.
Orange Cat Spray
When possible, start cats young and you do not like something you don't want your cat in good health is to have an improved life, and likely a longer one.Cats are adorable creatures, they will make a fuss.Once your cat will let them grow to maturity.The problem with these machines scares many cats will happily lay in a negative tactile experience, and they are very important that your cat from spraying.It is a beautiful addition to the environment, there are many different forms, but most of the problems, you are always waiting at the end back through the HEPA filter is sealed in the mouth can lead to other problems, such as the behavior is to consult the vet?
A gradual supervised interaction is very painful for you, but it just has some climbing perches and some personalities may simply clean it easily with plain water or hose.Observing your cat the impression that cats can cause severe halitosis.Any type of home remedies will recommend the best way to attract your cat has a ton of energy and likes to stay away!Leave it for a quick look at the supermarket, you can purchase a silent place like the sticky deposit, uric acid which gives the new cat establish their territorial mark.An unclean litter box behavior until the area
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